Bill Amendment: FL H0077 | 2021 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Status: 2021-06-09 - Chapter No. 2021-61 [H0077 Detail]

Download: Florida-2021-H0077-Senate_Floor_Amendment_Delete_All_719790.html
       Florida Senate - 2021                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for HB 77
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/AE/2R         .                                
             04/26/2021 02:04 PM       .                                

       Senator Albritton moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Section 330.401, Florida Statutes, is created to
    6  read:
    7         330.401Diesel exhaust fluid safety mitigation and
    8  exclusion plan.—
    9         (1)(a)Each public airport as defined in s. 330.27 at
   10  which:
   11         1.Aviation fuels receive onsite treatment with fuel system
   12  icing inhibitors;
   13         2.Aviation fuel is delivered by a publicly or privately
   14  owned fixed-base operator; and
   15         3.Any aircraft fuel delivery vehicle or ground service
   16  equipment that uses diesel exhaust fluid is operated within 150
   17  feet of any aircraft,
   19  shall require a diesel exhaust fluid safety mitigation and
   20  exclusion plan for each fixed-base operator that performs onsite
   21  treatment of aviation fuel with a fuel system icing inhibitor.
   22         (b)The plan must include, at a minimum:
   23         1.A full inventory of all the fixed-base operator’s diesel
   24  exhaust fluid on the premises of the airport.
   25         2.Designation of specific areas where the fixed-base
   26  operator’s diesel exhaust fluid may be stored on the premises of
   27  the airport. To the extent practicable, such areas may not be
   28  located within or on a vehicle operated for the fueling or
   29  servicing of aircraft or at any aviation fuel transfer facility
   30  or bulk aviation fuel storage facility.
   31         3.Designation of specific areas where diesel exhaust fluid
   32  may be added to vehicles. Such areas may not be located in
   33  aircraft operating areas.
   34         4.Incorporation of best practices for ensuring the proper
   35  labeling and storage of diesel exhaust fluid.
   36         5.Incorporation of training in the proper use and storage
   37  of diesel exhaust fluid for all employees of the fixed-base
   38  operator who may come in contact with such fluid in the ordinary
   39  course of their duties.
   40         6.Designation of specific areas where the fixed-base
   41  operator’s fuel system icing inhibitor may be stored on the
   42  premises of the airport.
   43         7.Incorporation of best practices for ensuring the proper
   44  labeling and storage of the fixed-base operator’s fuel system
   45  icing inhibitor.
   46         8.Incorporation of training in the proper use and storage
   47  of fuel system icing inhibitors for all employees of the fixed
   48  base operator who may come in contact with fuel system icing
   49  inhibitors in the ordinary course of their duties.
   50         9. Specification of physical security features for locking
   51  fuel system icing inhibitor fill points on the fixed-base
   52  operator’s aircraft fuel delivery vehicles. Such features must
   53  prevent the addition of any fluid other than icing inhibitors
   54  and the specification must require that only properly trained
   55  and authorized individuals may access such features.
   56         (2)Each public airport must, by January 1, 2022, make the
   57  diesel exhaust fluid safety mitigation and exclusion plan for
   58  each fixed-based operator available for review during
   59  inspections by the Department of Transportation.
   60         (3)The Department of Transportation shall, by November 1,
   61  2021, convene a workgroup of public airport representatives to
   62  develop uniform industry standards based upon the requirements
   63  of paragraph (1)(b) and NATA Operational Best Practice No. 36,
   64  DEF Handling and Contamination, to ensure consistency of
   65  industry standards.
   66         (4)The Department of Transportation may adopt rules to
   67  develop a uniform industry standards form for the diesel exhaust
   68  fluid safety mitigation and exclusion plan based upon the
   69  recommendations provided by the workgroup pursuant to subsection
   70  (3).
   71         Section 2. This act shall take effect October 1, 2021.
   73  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   74  And the title is amended as follows:
   75         Delete everything before the enacting clause
   76  and insert:
   77                        A bill to be entitled                      
   78         An act relating to diesel exhaust fluid; creating s.
   79         330.401, F.S.; requiring specified public airports to
   80         require a diesel exhaust fluid safety mitigation and
   81         exclusion plan for certain fixed-base operators;
   82         specifying plan requirements; requiring public
   83         airports to make such plans available for review
   84         during inspections by the Department of Transportation
   85         after a specified date; requiring the department to
   86         convene a workgroup of public airport representatives
   87         by a specified date to develop specified uniform
   88         industry standards; authorizing the department to
   89         adopt rules; providing an effective date.
