Bill Amendment: FL H0879 | 2019 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Genetic Information Used for Insurance Purposes
Status: 2019-05-03 - Died on Calendar [H0879 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-H0879-Senate_Floor_Amendment_344368.html
Bill Title: Genetic Information Used for Insurance Purposes
Status: 2019-05-03 - Died on Calendar [H0879 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-H0879-Senate_Floor_Amendment_344368.html
Florida Senate - 2019 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for HB 879 Ì344368FÎ344368 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Bean moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 17 - 63 4 and insert: 5 627.4301 Use of genetic informationfor insurance6purposes.— 7 (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 8 (a) “Genetic information” means information derived from 9 genetic testing to determine the presence or absence of 10 variations or mutations, including carrier status, in an 11 individual’s genetic material or genes that are scientifically 12 or medically believed to cause a disease, disorder, or syndrome, 13 or are associated with a statistically increased risk of 14 developing a disease, disorder, or syndrome, which is 15 asymptomatic at the time of testing. Such testing does not 16 include routine physical examinations or chemical, blood, or 17 urine analysis, unless conducted purposefully to obtain genetic 18 information, or questions regarding family history. 19 (b) “Genetic test results” includes, but is not limited to, 20 results of direct-to-consumer commercial genetic testing. 21 (c) “Health insurer” means an authorized insurer offering 22 health insurance as defined in s. 624.603, a self-insured plan 23 as defined in s. 624.031, a multiple-employer welfare 24 arrangement as defined in s. 624.437, a prepaid limited health 25 service organization as defined in s. 636.003, a health 26 maintenance organization as defined in s. 641.19, a prepaid 27 health clinic as defined in s. 641.402, a fraternal benefit 28 society as defined in s. 632.601, or any health care arrangement 29 whereby risk is assumed. 30 (d) “Life insurer” has the same meaning as provided in s. 31 624.602 and includes an insurer issuing life insurance contracts 32 that grant additional benefits in the event of the insured’s 33 disability. 34 (e) “Long-term care insurer” means an insurer that issues 35 long-term care insurance policies as described in s. 627.9404. 36 (2) USE OF GENETIC INFORMATION BY CERTAIN INSURERS.— 37 (a) In the absence of a diagnosis of a condition related to 38 genetic information, no health insurer, life insurer, or long 39 term care insurer authorized to transact insurance in this state 40 may cancel, limit, or deny coverage, or establish differentials 41 in premium rates, based on such information. 42 (b) Health insurers, life insurers, long-term care 43 insurers, and disability income insurers may not require or 44 solicit genetic information, use genetic test results,or 45 consider a person’s decisions or actions relating to genetic 46 testing in any manner for any insurance purpose. 47 (c) Health insurers, life insurers, long-term care 48 insurers, and disability income insurers may use genetic test 49 results when a diagnosis related to the genetic information is 50 present. 51 (d) This subsectionsectiondoes not apply to the 52 underwriting or issuance of ana life insurance policy,53disability income policy, long-term care policy,accident-only 54 policy, hospital indemnity or fixed indemnity policy, dental 55 policy, or vision policy or any other actions of an insurer 56 directly related to ana life insurance policy, disability57income policy, long-term care policy,accident-only policy, 58 hospital indemnity or fixed indemnity policy, dental policy, or 59 vision policy. 60 (3) DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER COMMERCIAL GENETIC TESTING ENTITIES; 61 RELEASE.—A direct-to-consumer commercial genetic testing entity 62 may release genetic test results or genetic information, DNA 63 analysis, or other personally identifiable health information 64 only by providing the following release in a standalone document 65 to the consumer and obtaining the consumer’s signature on such 66 document prior to release: 67 68 NOTICE REGARDING VOLUNTARY RELEASE OF GENETIC INFORMATION 69 70 By signing this release, I hereby acknowledge that 71 ...(Company name)... is authorized to release my genetic test 72 results and information to ...(Person or entity to receive 73 information).... I understand that signing this document is 74 VOLUNTARY and I AM NOT REQUIRED to sign this document in order 75 to use this product. 76 77 I, ...(Name)..., hereby authorize ...(Company name)... to 78 release my confidential genetic test results and information to 79 ...(Person or entity to receive information).... 80 81 ...(Signature)... 82 83 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 84 And the title is amended as follows: 85 Delete lines 2 - 10 86 and insert: 87 An act relating to the use of genetic information; 88 amending s. 627.4301, F.S.; defining terms; 89 prohibiting life insurers and long-term care insurers 90 from canceling, limiting, or denying coverage, or 91 establishing differentials in premium rates, based on 92 genetic information; prohibiting certain insurers from 93 certain actions relating to genetic information and 94 genetic testing; deleting a prohibition against the 95 use of genetic test results by health insurers; 96 specifying when certain insurers may use genetic test 97 results; providing that a direct-to-consumer 98 commercial genetic testing entity may release genetic 99 test results or certain information only by providing 100 a specified release to the consumer and obtaining the 101 consumer’s signature before release; providing 102 applicability; providing an