Bill Amendment: FL H1121 | 2017 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Child Welfare

Status: 2017-06-26 - Chapter No. 2017-151 [H1121 Detail]

Download: Florida-2017-H1121-Senate_Floor_Amendment_487050_to_Amendment_226564_.html
       Florida Senate - 2017                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for CS for HB 1121
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       Senator Bean moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment to Amendment (226564) (with title
    2  amendment)
    4         Before line 5
    5  insert:
    6         Section 1. Present subsection (9) of section 395.1055,
    7  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (10), and a new
    8  subsection (9) is added to that section, to read:
    9         395.1055 Rules and enforcement.—
   10         (9) The agency shall establish a technical advisory panel
   11  to develop procedures and standards for measuring outcomes of
   12  pediatric cardiac catheterization programs and pediatric open
   13  heart surgery programs.
   14         (a) The panel must be composed of 3 at-large members,
   15  including 1 cardiologist who is board certified in caring for
   16  adults with congenital heart disease and 2 board-certified
   17  pediatric cardiologists, neither of whom may be employed by any
   18  of the hospitals specified in subparagraphs 1.-10. or their
   19  affiliates, each of whom is appointed by the Secretary of Health
   20  Care Administration, and 10 members, each of whom is a pediatric
   21  cardiologist or a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon, each
   22  appointed by the chief executive officer of one of the following
   23  hospitals:
   24         1. Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg.
   25         2. Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando.
   26         3. Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in Hollywood.
   27         4. Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami.
   28         5. St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital in Tampa.
   29         6. University of Florida Health Shands Hospital in
   30  Gainesville.
   31         7. University of Miami Holtz Children’s Hospital in Miami.
   32         8. Wolfson Children’s Hospital in Jacksonville.
   33         9. Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando.
   34         10. Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando.
   35         (b) Based on the recommendations of the panel, the agency
   36  shall develop and adopt rules for pediatric cardiac
   37  catheterization programs and pediatric open-heart surgery
   38  programs which include at least the following:
   39         1. A risk adjustment procedure that accounts for the
   40  variations in severity and case mix found in hospitals in this
   41  state;
   42         2. Outcome standards specifying expected levels of
   43  performance in pediatric cardiac programs. Such standards may
   44  include, but are not limited to, in-hospital mortality,
   45  infection rates, nonfatal myocardial infarctions, length of
   46  postoperative bleeds, and returns to surgery; and
   47         3. Specific steps to be taken by the agency and licensed
   48  facilities that do not meet the outcome standards within a
   49  specified time, including time required for detailed case
   50  reviews and development and implementation of corrective action
   51  plans.
   53  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   54  And the title is amended as follows:
   55         Delete lines 2160 - 2161
   56  and insert:
   57         An act relating to child welfare; amending s.
   58         395.1055, F.S.; requiring the Agency for Health Care
   59         Administration to establish a technical advisory panel
   60         to develop procedures and standards for measuring
   61         outcomes of pediatric cardiac catheterization programs
   62         and pediatric open-heart surgery programs; providing
   63         for the membership of the technical advisory panel;
   64         requiring the agency to develop and adopt rules for
   65         pediatric cardiac catheterization programs and
   66         pediatric open-heart surgery programs based on
   67         recommendations of the technical advisory panel;
   68         amending s. 39.01, F.S.;
