Bill Amendment: FL H7055 | 2018 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Education
Status: 2018-03-12 - Chapter No. 2018-6 [H7055 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-H7055-Senate_Committee_Amendment_515880_to_Amendment_240726_.html
Bill Title: Education
Status: 2018-03-12 - Chapter No. 2018-6 [H7055 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-H7055-Senate_Committee_Amendment_515880_to_Amendment_240726_.html
Florida Senate - 2018 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for HB 7055 Ì5158803Î515880 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: WD . 02/27/2018 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Appropriations (Baxley) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (240726) (with title 2 amendment) 3 4 Delete lines 757 - 861 5 and insert: 6 Section 13. Section 1002.39, Florida Statutes, is amended 7 to read: 8 1002.39 The John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with 9 Disabilities Program.—There is established a program that is10separate and distinct from the Opportunity Scholarship Program11and is named the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with12Disabilities Program.13 (1) THE JOHN M. MCKAY SCHOLARSHIPS FOR STUDENTS WITH 14 DISABILITIES PROGRAM.—The John M. McKay Scholarships for 15 Students with Disabilities Program is established to provide the 16 option to attend a public school other than the one to which 17 assigned, or to provide a scholarship to a private school of 18 choice, for students with disabilities for whom: 19 (a) An individual educational plan has been written in 20 accordance with rules of the State Board of Education;or21 (b) A 504 accommodation plan has been issued under s. 504 22 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or 23 (c) A written diagnosis of a disability, as defined in this 24 section, has been received from a physician licensed under 25 chapter 458 or chapter 459 or a psychologist licensed under 26 chapter 490. 27 28 Students with disabilities include K-12 students who are 29 documented as having an intellectual disability; a speech 30 impairment; a language impairment; a hearing impairment, 31 including deafness; a visual impairment, including blindness; a 32 dual sensory impairment; an orthopedic impairment; an other 33 health impairment; an emotional or behavioral disability; a 34 specific learning disability, including, but not limited to, 35 dyslexia, dyscalculia, or developmental aphasia; a traumatic 36 brain injury; a developmental delay; or autism spectrum 37 disorder. 38 (2) JOHN M. MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY.—The parent of a 39 student with a disability may request and receive from the state 40 a John M. McKay Scholarship for the child to enroll in and 41 attend a private school in accordance with this section if: 42 (a) The studenthas: 43 1. Has received specialized instructional services under 44 the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program pursuant to s. 45 1002.66 during the previous school year and the student has a 46 current individual educational plan developed by the local 47 school board in accordance with rules of the State Board of 48 Education for the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with 49 Disabilities Program or a 504 accommodation plan has been issued 50 under s. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; or 51 2.Spent the prior school year in attendance at a Florida52public school or the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.53For purposes of this subparagraph, prior school year in54attendance means that the studentWas enrolled and reported for 55 funding in the October or February Florida Education Finance 56 Program survey immediately preceding the request to participate 57 in the program pursuant to paragraph (b) by: 58 a. A school district,for funding during the preceding59October and February Florida Education Finance Program surveys60 in kindergarten through grade 12, which includes time spent in a 61 Department of Juvenile Justice commitment program if funded 62 under the Florida Education Finance Program; 63 b. The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind,during64the preceding October and February student membership surveysin 65 kindergarten through grade 12; or 66 c. A school districtfor funding during the preceding67October and February Florida Education Finance Program surveys, 68 was at least 4 years of age when so enrolled and reported, and 69 was eligible for services under s. 1003.21(1)(e). 70 71 However, a dependent child of a member of the United States 72 Armed Forces who transfers to a school in this state from out of 73 state or from a foreign country due to a parent’s permanent 74 change of station orders or a foster child is exempt from this 75 paragraph but must meet all other eligibility requirements to 76 participate in the program. 77 (b) The parent has obtained acceptance for admission of the 78 student to a private school that is eligible for the program 79 under subsection (8) and has requested from the department a 80 scholarship at least 60 days before the date of the first 81 scholarship payment. The request must be communicated directly 82 to the department in a manner that creates a written or 83 electronic record of the request and the date of receipt of the 84 request. The department must notify the district of the parent’s 85 intent upon receipt of the parent’s request. 86 (3) JOHN M. MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP PROHIBITIONS.—A student is 87 not eligible for a John M. McKay Scholarship: 88 (a) While he or she is enrolled in a school operating for 89 the purpose of providing educational services to youth in 90 Department of Juvenile Justice commitment programs; 91 (b) While he or she is receiving a Florida tax credit 92 scholarship under s. 1002.395; 93 (c) While he or she is receiving an educational scholarship 94 pursuant to this chapter; 95 (d) While he or she is participating in a home education 96 program as defined in s. 1002.01(1); 97(e)While he or she is participating in a private tutoring98program pursuant to s. 1002.43;99 (e)(f)While he or she is participating in a virtual 100 school, correspondence school, or distance learning program that 101 receives state funding pursuant to the student’s participation 102 unless the participation is limited to no more than two courses 103 per school year; 104 (f)(g)While he or she is enrolled in the Florida School 105 for the Deaf and the Blind; 106 (g)(h)While he or she is not having regular and direct 107 contact with his or her private school teachers at the school’s 108 physical location unless he or she is enrolled in the private 109 school’s transition-to-work program pursuant to subsection (10); 110 or 111 (h)(i)If he or she has been issued a temporary 504 112 accommodation plan under s. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 113 1973 which is valid for 6 months or less. 114 (4) TERM OF JOHN M. MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP.— 115 (a) For purposes of continuity of educational choice, a 116 John M. McKay Scholarship shall remain in force until the 117 student returns to a public school, graduates from high school, 118 or reaches the age of 22, whichever occurs first. A scholarship 119 student who enrolls in a public school or public school program 120 is considered to have returned to a public school for the 121 purpose of determining the end of the scholarship’s term. 122 However, if a student enters a Department of Juvenile Justice 123 detention center for a period of no more than 21 days, the 124 student is not considered to have returned to a public school 125 for that purpose. 126 (b) Upon reasonable notice to the department and the school 127 district, the student’s parent may remove the student from the 128 private school and place the student in a public school in 129 accordance with this section. 130 (c) Upon reasonable notice to the department, the student’s 131 parent may move the student from one participating private 132 school to another participating private school. 133 (5) SCHOOL DISTRICT OBLIGATIONS; PARENTAL OPTIONS.— 134 (a)1. By April 1 of each year and within 10 days after an 135 individual education plan meeting or a 504 accommodation plan is 136 issued under s. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a school 137 district shall notify the parent of the student of all options 138 available pursuant to this section, inform the parent of the 139 availability of the department’s telephone hotline and Internet 140 website for additional information on John M. McKay 141 Scholarships, and offer that student’s parent an opportunity to 142 enroll the student in another public school in the district. 143 2. The parent is not required to accept the offer of 144 enrolling in another public school in lieu of requesting a John 145 M. McKay Scholarship to a private school. However, if the parent 146 chooses the public school option, the student may continue 147 attending a public school chosen by the parent until the student 148 graduates from high school. 149 3. If the parent chooses a public school consistent with 150 the district school board’s choice plan under s. 1002.31, the 151 school district shall provide transportation to the public 152 school selected by the parent. The parent is responsible to 153 provide transportation to a public school chosen that is not 154 consistent with the district school board’s choice plan under s. 155 1002.31. 156 (b)1. For a student with disabilities who does not have a 157 matrix of services under s. 1011.62(1)(e), the school district 158 must complete a matrix that assigns the student to one of the 159 levels of service as they existed prior to the 2000-2001 school 160 year. 161 2.a. Within 10 school days after it receives notification 162 of a parent’s request for a John M. McKay Scholarship, a school 163 district must notify the student’s parent if the matrix of 164 services has not been completed and inform the parent that the 165 district is required to complete the matrix within 30 days after 166 receiving notice of the parent’s request for a John M. McKay 167 Scholarship. This notice should include the required completion 168 date for the matrix. 169 b. The school district must complete the matrix of services 170 for any student who is participating in the John M. McKay 171 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program and must 172 notify the department of the student’s matrix level within 30 173 days after receiving notification of a request to participate in 174 the scholarship program. The school district must provide the 175 student’s parent with the student’s matrix level within 10 176 school days after its completion. 177 c. The department shall notify the private school of the 178 amount of the scholarship within 10 days after receiving the 179 school district’s notification of the student’s matrix level. 180 d. A school district may change a matrix of services only 181 if the change is to correct a technical, typographical, or 182 calculation error. 183 (c) If a school district receives a physician’s written 184 diagnosis pursuant to paragraph (1)(c) from the parent, the 185 school district must notify the department of its receipt of 186 such documentation immediately after receiving notice of the 187 parent’s request for a John M. McKay Scholarship. 188 (d)(c)A school district shall provide notification to 189 parents of the availability of a reevaluation at least every 3 190 years of each student who receives a John M. McKay Scholarship. 191 (e)(d)If the parent chooses the private school option and 192 the student is accepted by the private school pending the 193 availability of a space for the student, the parent of the 194 student must notify the department 60 days prior to the first 195 scholarship payment and before entering the private school in 196 order to be eligible for the scholarship when a space becomes 197 available for the student in the private school. 198 (f)(e)The parent of a student may choose, as an 199 alternative, to enroll the student in and transport the student 200 to a public school in an adjacent school district which has 201 available space and has a program with the services agreed to in 202 the student’s individual education plan or 504 accommodation 203 plan already in place, and that school district shall accept the 204 student and report the student for purposes of the district’s 205 funding pursuant to the Florida Education Finance Program. 206 (g)(f)For a student who participates in the John M. McKay 207 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program whose parent 208 requests that the student take the statewide assessments under 209 s. 1008.22, the district in which the student attends private 210 school shall provide locations and times to take all statewide 211 assessments. 212 (6) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OBLIGATIONS.—The department 213 shall: 214 (a) Establish a toll-free hotline that provides parents and 215 private schools with information on participation in the John M. 216 McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program. 217 (b) Annually verify the eligibility of private schools that 218 meet the requirements of subsection (8). 219 (c) Establish a process by which individuals may notify the 220 department of any violation by a parent, private school, or 221 school district of state laws relating to program participation. 222 The department shall conduct an inquiry of any written complaint 223 of a violation of this section, or make a referral to the 224 appropriate agency for an investigation, if the complaint is 225 signed by the complainant and is legally sufficient. A complaint 226 is legally sufficient if it contains ultimate facts that show 227 that a violation of this section or any rule adopted by the 228 State Board of Education has occurred. In order to determine 229 legal sufficiency, the department may require supporting 230 information or documentation from the complainant. A department 231 inquiry is not subject to the requirements of chapter 120. 232 (d) Require an annual, notarized, sworn compliance 233 statement by participating private schools certifying compliance 234 with state laws and shall retain such records. 235 (e) Cross-check the list of participating scholarship 236 students with the public school enrollment lists prior to each 237 scholarship payment to avoid duplication. 238 (f)1. Conductrandomsite visits to private schools 239 participating in the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students 240 with Disabilities Program as authorized under s. 1002.421(7). 241 The purposespurposeof the site visits areissolely to verify 242 compliance with the provisions of subsection (7) aimed at 243 protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and to 244 verify the information reported by the schools concerning the 245 enrollment and attendance of students, the credentials of 246 teachers, background screening of teachers, and teachers’ 247 fingerprinting results, which information is required by rules 248 of the State Board of Education, subsection (8), and s. 249 1002.421. The Department of Education maynotmake followupmore250than three randomsite visits at any time to any school that has 251 received a notice of noncompliance or a notice of proposed 252 action within the previous 2 years pursuant to subsection (7) 253each year and may not make more than one random site visit each254year to the same private school. 255 2. Annually, by December 15, report to the Governor, the 256 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 257 Representatives the Department of Education’s actions with 258 respect to implementing accountability in the scholarship 259 program under this section and s. 1002.421, any substantiated 260 allegations or violations of law or rule by an eligible private 261 school under this program concerning the enrollment and 262 attendance of students, the credentials of teachers, background 263 screening of teachers, and teachers’ fingerprinting results and 264 the corrective action taken by the Department of Education. 265 (7) COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION AUTHORITY AND OBLIGATIONS.— 266 (a) The Commissioner of Education: 267 1. Shall deny, suspend, or revoke a private school’s 268 participation in the scholarship program if it is determined 269 that the private school has failed to comply with the provisions 270 of this section. However, if the noncompliance is correctable 271 within a reasonable amount of time and if the health, safety, or 272 welfare of the students is not threatened, the commissioner may 273 issue a notice of noncompliance which provides the private 274 school with a timeframe within which to provide evidence of 275 compliance before taking action to suspend or revoke the private 276 school’s participation in the scholarship program. 277 2. May deny, suspend, or revoke a private school’s 278 participation in the scholarship program if the commissioner 279 determines that an owner or operator of the private school is 280 operating or has operated an educational institution in this 281 state or in another state or jurisdiction in a manner contrary 282 to the health, safety, or welfare of the public. 283 a. In making such a determination, the commissioner may 284 consider factors that include, but are not limited to, acts or 285 omissions by an owner or operator which led to a previous denial 286 or revocation of participation in an education scholarship 287 program; an owner’s or operator’s failure to reimburse the 288 Department of Education for scholarship funds improperly 289 received or retained by a school; imposition of a prior criminal 290 sanction related to an owner’s or operator’s management or 291 operation of an educational institution; imposition of a civil 292 fine or administrative fine, license revocation or suspension, 293 or program eligibility suspension, termination, or revocation 294 related to an owner’s or operator’s management or operation of 295 an educational institution; or other types of criminal 296 proceedings in which an owner or operator was found guilty of, 297 regardless of adjudication, or entered a plea of nolo contendere 298 or guilty to, any offense involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty, 299 or moral turpitude. 300 b. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “owner or 301 operator” includes an owner, operator, superintendent, or 302 principal of, or a person who has equivalent decisionmaking 303 authority over, a private school participating in the 304 scholarship program. 305 (b) The commissioner’s determination is subject to the 306 following: 307 1. If the commissioner intends to deny, suspend, or revoke 308 a private school’s participation in the scholarship program, the 309 department shall notify the private school of such proposed 310 action in writing by certified mail and regular mail to the 311 private school’s address of record with the department. The 312 notification shall include the reasons for the proposed action 313 and notice of the timelines and procedures set forth in this 314 paragraph. 315 2. The private school that is adversely affected by the 316 proposed action shall have 15 days from receipt of the notice of 317 proposed action to file with the department’s agency clerk a 318 request for a proceeding pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57. If 319 the private school is entitled to a hearing under s. 120.57(1), 320 the department shall forward the request to the Division of 321 Administrative Hearings. 322 3. Upon receipt of a request referred pursuant to this 323 paragraph, the director of the Division of Administrative 324 Hearings shall expedite the hearing and assign an administrative 325 law judge who shall commence a hearing within 30 days after the 326 receipt of the formal written request by the division and enter 327 a recommended order within 30 days after the hearing or within 328 30 days after receipt of the hearing transcript, whichever is 329 later. Each party shall be allowed 10 days in which to submit 330 written exceptions to the recommended order. A final order shall 331 be entered by the agency within 30 days after the entry of a 332 recommended order. The provisions of this subparagraph may be 333 waived upon stipulation by all parties. 334 (c) The commissioner may immediately suspend payment of 335 scholarship funds if it is determined that there is probable 336 cause to believe that there is: 337 1. An imminent threat to the health, safety, or welfare of 338 the students; or 339 2. Fraudulent activity on the part of the private school. 340 Notwithstanding s. 1002.22, in incidents of alleged fraudulent 341 activity pursuant to this section, the Department of Education’s 342 Office of Inspector General is authorized to release personally 343 identifiable records or reports of students to the following 344 persons or organizations: 345 a. A court of competent jurisdiction in compliance with an 346 order of that court or the attorney of record in accordance with 347 a lawfully issued subpoena, consistent with the Family 348 Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. s. 1232g. 349 b. A person or entity authorized by a court of competent 350 jurisdiction in compliance with an order of that court or the 351 attorney of record pursuant to a lawfully issued subpoena, 352 consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 353 20 U.S.C. s. 1232g. 354 c. Any person, entity, or authority issuing a subpoena for 355 law enforcement purposes when the court or other issuing agency 356 has ordered that the existence or the contents of the subpoena 357 or the information furnished in response to the subpoena not be 358 disclosed, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and 359 Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. s. 1232g, and 34 C.F.R. s. 99.31. 360 361 The c ommissioner’s order suspending payment pursuant to this 362 paragraph may be appealed pursuant to the same procedures and 363 timelines as the notice of proposed action set forth in 364 paragraph (b). 365 (8) PRIVATE SCHOOL ELIGIBILITY AND OBLIGATIONS.—To be 366 eligible to participate in the John M. McKay Scholarships for 367 Students with Disabilities Program, a private school may be 368 sectarian or nonsectarian and must: 369 (a) Comply with all requirements for private schools 370 participating in state school choice scholarship programs 371 pursuant to s. 1002.421. 372 (b) Provide to the department all documentation required 373 for a student’s participation, including the private school’s 374 and student’s fee schedules, at least 30 days before any 375 quarterly scholarship payment is made for the student pursuant 376 to paragraph (11)(e). A student is not eligible to receive a 377 quarterly scholarship payment if the private school fails to 378 meet this deadline. 379 (c) Be academically accountable to the parent for meeting 380 the educational needs of the student by: 381 1. At a minimum, annually providing to the parent a written 382 explanation of the student’s progress. 383 2. Cooperating with the scholarship student whose parent 384 chooses to participate in the statewide assessments pursuant to 385 s. 1008.22. 386 (d) Maintain in this state a physical location where a 387 scholarship student regularly attends classes. 388 (e) If the private school that participates in a state 389 scholarship program under this chapter receives more than 390 $250,000 in funds from scholarships awarded under this chapter 391 in a state fiscal year, provide an annual report from an 392 independent certified public accountant who performs the agreed 393 upon procedures developed under s. 1002.395(6)(o). Such a 394 private school must annually submit the required report by 395 September 15 to the organization that awarded the majority of 396 the school’s scholarship funds. The agreed-upon procedures must 397 be conducted in accordance with attestation standards 398 established by the American Institute of Certified Public 399 Accountants. 400 401 The failure or refusalinabilityof a private school to meet the 402 requirements of this subsection shall constitute a basis for the 403 ineligibility of the private school to participate in the 404 scholarship program as determined by the department. 405 (9) PARENT AND STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROGRAM 406 PARTICIPATION.—A parent who applies for a John M. McKay 407 Scholarship is exercising his or her parental option to place 408 his or her child in a private school. 409 (a) The parent must select the private school and apply for 410 the admission of his or her child. 411 (b) The parent must have requested the scholarship at least 412 60 days prior to the date of the first scholarship payment. 413 (c) For a student eligible pursuant to paragraph (1)(c), 414 the parent must provide documentation of the physician’s 415 diagnosis of a disability, as defined in this section, to the 416 school district. 417 (d)(c)Any student participating in the John M. McKay 418 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program must remain 419 in attendance throughout the school year unless excused by the 420 school for illness or other good cause. 421 (e)(d)Each parent and each student has an obligation to 422 the private school to comply with the private school’s published 423 policies. 424 (f)(e)If the parent requests that the student 425 participating in the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students 426 with Disabilities Program take all statewide assessments 427 required pursuant to s. 1008.22, the parent is responsible for 428 transporting the student to the assessment site designated by 429 the school district. 430 (g)(f)Upon receipt of a scholarship warrant, the parent to 431 whom the warrant is made must restrictively endorse the warrant 432 to the private school for deposit into the account of the 433 private school. The parent may not designate any entity or 434 individual associated with the participating private school as 435 the parent’s attorney in fact to endorse a scholarship warrant. 436 A participant who fails to comply with this paragraph forfeits 437 the scholarship. 438 (10) TRANSITION-TO-WORK PROGRAM.—A student participating in 439 the John M. McKay Scholarships for Students with Disabilities 440 Program who is at least 17 years, but not older than 22 years, 441 of age and who has not received a high school diploma or 442 certificate of completion is eligible for enrollment in his or 443 her private school’s transition-to-work program. A transition 444 to-work program shall consist of academic instruction, work 445 skills training, and a volunteer or paid work experience. 446 (a) To offer a transition-to-work program, a participating 447 private school must: 448 1. Develop a transition-to-work program plan, which must 449 include a written description of the academic instruction and 450 work skills training students will receive and the goals for 451 students in the program. 452 2. Submit the transition-to-work program plan to the Office 453 of Independent Education and Parental Choice. 454 3. Develop a personalized transition-to-work program plan 455 for each student enrolled in the program. The student’s parent, 456 the student, and the school principal must sign the personalized 457 plan. The personalized plan must be submitted to the Office of 458 Independent Education and Parental Choice upon request by the 459 office. 460 4. Provide a release of liability form that must be signed 461 by the student’s parent, the student, and a representative of 462 the business offering the volunteer or paid work experience. 463 5. Assign a case manager or job coach to visit the 464 student’s job site on a weekly basis to observe the student and, 465 if necessary, provide support and guidance to the student. 466 6. Provide to the parent and student a quarterly report 467 that documents and explains the student’s progress and 468 performance in the program. 469 7. Maintain accurate attendance and performance records for 470 the student. 471 (b) A student enrolled in a transition-to-work program 472 must, at a minimum: 473 1. Receive 15 instructional hours at the private school’s 474 physical facility, which must include academic instruction and 475 work skills training. 476 2. Participate in 10 hours of work at the student’s 477 volunteer or paid work experience. 478 (c) To participate in a transition-to-work program, a 479 business must: 480 1. Maintain an accurate record of the student’s performance 481 and hours worked and provide the information to the private 482 school. 483 2. Comply with all state and federal child labor laws. 484 (11) JOHN M. MCKAY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING AND PAYMENT.— 485 (a)1. The maximum scholarship granted for an eligible 486 student with disabilities shall be equivalent to the base 487 student allocation in the Florida Education Finance Program 488 multiplied by the appropriate cost factor for the educational 489 program that would have been provided for the student in the 490 district school to which he or she was assigned, multiplied by 491 the district cost differential. 492 2. In addition, a share of the guaranteed allocation for 493 exceptional students shall be determined and added to the amount 494 in subparagraph 1. The calculation shall be based on the 495 methodology and the data used to calculate the guaranteed 496 allocation for exceptional students for each district in chapter 497 2000-166, Laws of Florida. Except as provided in subparagraphs 498 3. and 4., the calculation shall be based on the student’s 499 grade, matrix level of services, and the difference between the 500 2000-2001 basic program and the appropriate level of services 501 cost factor, multiplied by the 2000-2001 base student allocation 502 and the 2000-2001 district cost differential for the sending 503 district. The calculated amount shall include the per-student 504 share of supplemental academic instruction funds, instructional 505 materials funds, technology funds, and other categorical funds 506 as provided in the General Appropriations Act. 507 3. The scholarship amount for a student who is eligible 508 under sub-subparagraph (2)(a)2.b. shall be calculated as 509 provided in subparagraphs 1. and 2. However, the calculation 510 shall be based on the school district in which the parent 511 resides at the time of the scholarship request. 512 4. Until the school district completes the matrix required 513 by paragraph (5)(b), the calculation shall be based on the 514 matrix that assigns the student to support Level I of service as 515 it existed prior to the 2000-2001 school year. When the school 516 district completes the matrix, the amount of the payment shall 517 be adjusted as needed. 518 5. The scholarship amount for a student eligible under s. 519 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or paragraph (1)(c) shall 520 be based on the program cost factor the student currently 521 generates through the Florida Education Finance Program. 522 6. The scholarship amount granted for an eligible student 523 with disabilities is not subject to the maximum value for 524 funding a student under s. 1011.61(4). 525 (b) The amount of the John M. McKay Scholarship shall be 526 the calculated amount or the amount of the private school’s 527 tuition and fees, whichever is less. The amount of any 528 assessment fee required by the participating private school may 529 be paid from the total amount of the scholarship. 530 (c)1. The school district shall report all students who are 531 attending a private school under this program. The students with 532 disabilities attending private schools on John M. McKay 533 Scholarships shall be reported separately from other students 534 reported for purposes of the Florida Education Finance Program. 535 2. For program participants who are eligible under sub 536 subparagraph (2)(a)2.b., the school district that is used as the 537 basis for the calculation of the scholarship amount as provided 538 in subparagraph (a)3. shall: 539 a. Report to the department all such students who are 540 attending a private school under this program. 541 b. Be held harmless for such students from the weighted 542 enrollment ceiling for group 2 programs in s. 1011.62(1)(d)3.b. 543 during the first school year in which the students are reported. 544 (d) Following notification on July 1, September 1, December 545 1, or February 1 of the number of program participants, the 546 department shall transfer, from General Revenue funds only, the 547 amount calculated under paragraph (b) from the school district’s 548 total funding entitlement under the Florida Education Finance 549 Program and from authorized categorical accounts to a separate 550 account for the scholarship program for quarterly disbursement 551 to the parents of participating students. Funds may not be 552 transferred from any funding provided to the Florida School for 553 the Deaf and the Blind for program participants who are eligible 554 under sub-subparagraph (2)(a)2.b. For a student exiting a 555 Department of Juvenile Justice commitment program who chooses to 556 participate in the scholarship program, the amount of the John 557 M. McKay Scholarship calculated pursuant to paragraph (b) shall 558 be transferred from the school district in which the student 559 last attended a public school before commitment to the 560 Department of Juvenile Justice. When a student enters the 561 scholarship program, the department must receive all 562 documentation required for the student’s participation, 563 including the private school’s and the student’s fee schedules, 564 at least 30 days before the first quarterly scholarship payment 565 is made for the student. 566 (e) Upon notification by the department that it has 567 received the documentation required under paragraph (d), the 568 Chief Financial Officer shall make scholarship payments in four 569 equal amounts no later than September 1, November 1, February 1, 570 and April 1 of each academic year in which the scholarship is in 571 force. The initial payment shall be made after department 572 verification of admission acceptance, and subsequent payments 573 shall be made upon verification of continued enrollment and 574 attendance at the private school. Payment must be by individual 575 warrant made payable to the student’s parent and mailed by the 576 department to the private school of the parent’s choice, and the 577 parent shall restrictively endorse the warrant to the private 578 school for deposit into the account of the private school. 579 (f) Subsequent to each scholarship payment, the department 580 shall request from the Department of Financial Services a sample 581 of endorsed warrants to review and confirm compliance with 582 endorsement requirements. 583 (12) LIABILITY.—No liability shall arise on the part of the 584 state based on the award or use of a John M. McKay Scholarship. 585 (13) SCOPE OF AUTHORITY.—The inclusion of eligible private 586 schools within options available to Florida public school 587 students does not expand the regulatory authority of the state, 588 its officers, or any school district to impose any additional 589 regulation of private schools beyond those reasonably necessary 590 to enforce requirements expressly set forth in this section. 591 (14) RULES.—The State Board of Education shall adopt rules 592 pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer this 593 section, including rules that school districts must use to 594 expedite the development of a matrix of services based on an 595 active individual education plan from another state or a foreign 596 country for a transferring student with a disability who is a 597 dependent child of a member of the United States Armed Forces. 598 The rules must identify the appropriate school district 599 personnel who must complete the matrix of services. For purposes 600 of these rules, a transferring student with a disability is one 601 who was previously enrolled as a student with a disability in an 602 out-of-state or an out-of-country public or private school or 603 agency program and who is transferring from out of state or from 604 a foreign country pursuant to a parent’s permanent change of 605 station orders. 606 607 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 608 And the title is amended as follows: 609 Delete lines 3392 - 3404 610 and insert: 611 s. 1002.39, F.S.; revising student eligibility and 612 ineligibility criteria for the John M. McKay 613 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; 614 revising school district obligations; revising the 615 purposes of department site visits at private schools 616 participating in the program; authorizing the 617 department to make followup site visits at any time to 618 certain private schools; requiring certain 619 participating private schools to annually provide a 620 specified report from an independent certified public 621 accountant by a specified date; specifying that the 622 failure or refusal, rather than the inability of, a 623 private school to meet certain requirements 624 constitutes a basis for program ineligibility; 625 revising parent and student obligations; removing 626 obsolete language; making technical changes; 627 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 628 amending s. 1002.395, F.S.; revising