Bill Amendment: FL H7055 | 2018 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Education
Status: 2018-03-12 - Chapter No. 2018-6 [H7055 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-H7055-Senate_Floor_Amendment_163430_to_Amendment_734058_.html
Bill Title: Education
Status: 2018-03-12 - Chapter No. 2018-6 [H7055 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-H7055-Senate_Floor_Amendment_163430_to_Amendment_734058_.html
Florida Senate - 2018 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for HB 7055 Ì163430qÎ163430 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Garcia moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (734058) (with directory and 2 title amendments) 3 4 Delete lines 3306 - 3319 5 and insert: 6 (9). Each school district shall administer the ACT or SAT to 7 each student in this state in grade 11. 8 (b) End-of-course (EOC) assessments.—EOC assessments must 9 be statewide, standardized, and developed or approved by the 10 Department of Education as follows: 11 1. EOC assessments for Algebra I, Geometry, Biology I, 12 United States History, and Civics shall be administered to 13 students enrolled in such courses as specified in the course 14 code directory. Each EOC assessment shall constitute 10 percent 15 of a student’s final course grade. 16 2. Students enrolled in a course, as specified in the 17 course code directory, with an associated statewide, 18 standardized EOC assessment must take the EOC assessment for 19 such course and may not take the corresponding subject or grade 20 level statewide, standardized assessment pursuant to paragraph 21 (a). Sections 1003.4156 and 1003.4282 govern the use of 22 statewide, standardized EOC assessment results for students. 23 3. The commissioner may select one or more nationally 24 developed comprehensive examinations, which may include 25 examinations for a College Board Advanced Placement course, 26 International Baccalaureate course, or Advanced International 27 Certificate of Education course, or industry-approved 28 examinations to earn national industry certifications identified 29 in the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List, for use as EOC 30 assessments under this paragraph if the commissioner determines 31 that the content knowledge and skills assessed by the 32 examinations meet or exceed the grade-level expectations for the 33 core curricular content established for the course in the Next 34 Generation Sunshine State Standards. Use of any such examination 35 as an EOC assessment must be approved by the state board in 36 rule. 37 4. Contingent upon funding provided in the General 38 Appropriations Act, including the appropriation of funds 39 received through federal grants, the commissioner may establish 40 an implementation schedule for the development and 41 administration of additional statewide, standardized EOC 42 assessments that must be approved by the state board in rule. If 43 approved by the state board, student performance on such 44 assessments constitutes 1030percent of a student’s final 45 course grade. 46 5. All statewide, standardized EOC assessments must be 47 administered online except as otherwise provided in paragraph 48 (c). 49 6. A student enrolled in an Advanced Placement, 50 International Baccalaureate, or Advanced International 51 Certification of Education course who takes the respective 52 assessment for such course and earns the minimum score necessary 53 to earn college credit, as identified in s. 1007.27(2), meets 54 the requirements of this paragraph and does not have to take the 55 EOC assessment for the course. 56 (8) PUBLICATION OF ASSESSMENTS.—To promote transparency in 57 the statewide assessment program, in any procurement for the ELA 58 assessment in grades 3 through 10 and the mathematics assessment 59 in grades 3 through 8, the Department of Education shall solicit 60 cost proposals for publication of the state assessments on its 61 website in accordance with this subsection. 62 (a) The department shall publish each assessment 63 administered under paragraph (3)(a) and subparagraph (3)(b)1., 64 excluding assessment retakes, at least once on a triennial basis 65 pursuant to a schedule determined by the Commissioner of 66 Education. Each assessment, when published, must have been 67 administered during the most recent school year and be in a 68 format that facilitates the sharing of assessment items. 69 Section 28. Subsection (1) of section 1003.4156, Florida 70 Statutes, is amended to read: 71 1003.4156 General requirements for middle grades 72 promotion.— 73 (1) In order for a student to be promoted to high school 74 from a school that includes middle grades 6, 7, and 8, the 75 student must successfully complete the following courses: 76 (a) Three middle grades or higher courses in English 77 Language Arts (ELA). 78 (b) Three middle grades or higher courses in mathematics. 79 Each school that includes middle grades must offer at least one 80 high school level mathematics course for which students may earn 81 high school credit. Successful completion of a high school level 82 Algebra I or Geometry course is not contingent upon the 83 student’s performance on the statewide, standardized end-of 84 course (EOC) assessment. To earn high school credit for Algebra 85 I, a middle grades student must take the statewide, standardized 86 Algebra I EOC assessment and pass the course, and in addition, 87 beginning with the 2018-20192013-2014school year and 88 thereafter, a student’s performance on the Algebra I EOC 89 assessment constitutes 1030percent of the student’s final 90 course grade. To earn high school credit for a Geometry course, 91 a middle grades student must take the statewide, standardized 92 Geometry EOC assessment, which constitutes 1030percent of the 93 student’s final course grade, and earn a passing grade in the 94 course. 95 (c) Three middle grades or higher courses in social 96 studies. Beginning with students entering grade 6 in the 2012 97 2013 school year, one of these courses must be at least a one 98 semester civics education course that includes the roles and 99 responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments; the 100 structures and functions of the legislative, executive, and 101 judicial branches of government; and the meaning and 102 significance of historic documents, such as the Articles of 103 Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the 104 Constitution of the United States. Beginning with the 2018-2019 1052013-2014school year, each student’s performance on the 106 statewide, standardized EOC assessment in civics education 107 required under s. 1008.22 constitutes 1030percent of the 108 student’s final course grade. A middle grades student who 109 transfers into the state’s public school system from out of 110 country, out of state, a private school, or a home education 111 program after the beginning of the second term of grade 8 is not 112 required to meet the civics education requirement for promotion 113 from the middle grades if the student’s transcript documents 114 passage of three courses in social studies or two year-long 115 courses in social studies that include coverage of civics 116 education. 117 (d) Three middle grades or higher courses in science. 118 Successful completion of a high school level Biology I course is 119 not contingent upon the student’s performance on the statewide, 120 standardized EOC assessment required under s. 1008.22. However, 121 beginning with the 2018-20192012-2013school year, to earn high 122 school credit for a Biology I course, a middle grades student 123 must take the statewide, standardized Biology I EOC assessment, 124 which constitutes 1030percent of the student’s final course 125 grade, and earn a passing grade in the course. 126 Section 29. Paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of subsection (3), 127 subsection (7), and paragraph (e) of subsection (9) of section 128 1003.4282, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 129 1003.4282 Requirements for a standard high school diploma.— 130 (3) STANDARD HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA; COURSE AND ASSESSMENT 131 REQUIREMENTS.— 132 (b) Four credits in mathematics.—A student must earn one 133 credit in Algebra I and one credit in Geometry. A student’s 134 performance on the statewide, standardized Algebra I end-of 135 course (EOC) assessment constitutes 1030percent of the 136 student’s final course grade. A student must pass the statewide, 137 standardized Algebra I EOC assessment, or earn a comparative 138 score, in order to earn a standard high school diploma. A 139 student’s performance on the statewide, standardized Geometry 140 EOC assessment constitutes 1030percent of the student’s final 141 course grade. A student who earns an industry certification for 142 which there is a statewide college credit articulation agreement 143 approved by the State Board of Education may substitute the 144 certification for one mathematics credit. Substitution may occur 145 for up to two mathematics credits, except for Algebra I and 146 Geometry. 147 (c) Three credits in science.—Two of the three required 148 credits must have a laboratory component. A student must earn 149 one credit in Biology I and two credits in equally rigorous 150 courses. The statewide, standardized Biology I EOC assessment 151 constitutes 1030percent of the student’s final course grade. A 152 student who earns an industry certification for which there is a 153 statewide college credit articulation agreement approved by the 154 State Board of Education may substitute the certification for 155 one science credit, except for Biology I. 156 (d) Three credits in social studies.—A student must earn 157 one credit in United States History; one credit in World 158 History; one-half credit in economics, which must include 159 financial literacy; and one-half credit in United States 160 Government. The United States History EOC assessment constitutes 161 1030percent of the student’s final course grade. 162 (7) UNIFORM TRANSFER OF HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS.—Beginning with163the 2012-2013 school year,If a student transfers to a Florida 164 public high school from out of country, out of state, a private 165 school, or a home education program and the student’s transcript 166 shows a credit in Algebra I, the student must pass the 167 statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC assessment in order to 168 earn a standard high school diploma unless the student earned a 169 comparative score, passed a statewide assessment in Algebra I 170 administered by the transferring entity, or passed the statewide 171 mathematics assessment the transferring entity uses to satisfy 172 the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 173 20 U.S.C. s. 6301. If a student’s transcript shows a credit in 174 high school reading or English Language Arts II or III, in order 175 to earn a standard high school diploma, the student must take 176 and pass the statewide, standardized grade 10 Reading assessment 177 or, when implemented, the grade 10 ELA assessment, or earn a 178 concordant score. If a transfer student’s transcript shows a 179 final course grade and course credit in Algebra I, Geometry, 180 Biology I, or United States History, the transferring course 181 final grade and credit shall be honored without the student 182 taking the requisite statewide, standardized EOC assessment and 183 without the assessment results constituting 1030percent of the 184 student’s final course grade. 185 (9) COHORT TRANSITION TO NEW GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS.—The 186 requirements of this section, in addition to applying to 187 students entering grade 9 in the 2013-2014 school year and 188 thereafter, shall also apply to students entering grade 9 before 189 the 2013-2014 school year, except as otherwise provided in this 190 subsection. 191 (e) Policy adopted in rule by the district school board may 192 require for any cohort of students that performance on a 193 statewide, standardized EOC assessment constitute 1030percent 194 of a student’s final course grade. 195 196 ====== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ====== 197 And the directory clause is amended as follows: 198 Delete line 3259 199 and insert: 200 Section 27. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (3) and 201 paragraph 202 203 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 204 And the title is amended as follows: 205 Delete lines 4862 - 4864 206 and insert: 207 certain statewide assessments; requiring each school 208 district to administer the ACT or SAT to each grade 11 209 student; revising end-of-course assessment 210 requirements; requiring published assessment items to 211 be in a format that meets certain criteria; amending 212 ss. 1003.4156 and 1003.4282, F.S.; conforming 213 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 214 1011.62, F.S.; renaming the