Bill Amendment: FL S0252 | 2022 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Health Care Cost Savings
Status: 2022-03-14 - Died in Appropriations [S0252 Detail]
Download: Florida-2022-S0252-Senate_Committee_Amendment_799080.html
Bill Title: Health Care Cost Savings
Status: 2022-03-14 - Died in Appropriations [S0252 Detail]
Download: Florida-2022-S0252-Senate_Committee_Amendment_799080.html
Florida Senate - 2022 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 252 Ì7990801Î799080 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: RCS . 01/12/2022 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government (Brodeur) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with directory and title amendments) 2 3 Between lines 35 and 36 4 insert: 5 (3) A health insurer shallmayoffer a shared savings 6 incentive program to provide incentives to an insured when the 7 insured obtains a shoppable health care service from the health 8 insurer’s shared savings list. An insured may not be required to 9 participate in a shared savings incentive program. A health 10 insurer that offers a shared savings incentive program must: 11 (a) Establish the program as a component part of the policy 12 or certificate of insurance provided by the health insurer and 13 notify the insureds and the office at least 30 days before 14 program termination. 15 (b) File a description of the program on a form prescribed 16 by commission rule. The office must review the filing and 17 determine whether the shared savings incentive program complies 18 with this section. 19 (c) Notify an insured annually and at the time of renewal, 20 and an applicant for insurance at the time of enrollment, of the 21 availability of the shared savings incentive program and the 22 procedure to participate in the program. 23 (d) Publish on a web page easily accessible to insureds and 24 to applicants for insurance a list of shoppable health care 25 services and health care providers and the shared savings 26 incentive amount applicable for each service. A shared savings 27 incentive may not be less than 25 percent of the savings 28 generated by the insured’s participation in any shared savings 29 incentive offered by the health insurer. The baseline for the 30 savings calculation is the average in-network amount paid for 31 that service in the most recent 12-month period or some other 32 methodology established by the health insurer and approved by 33 the office. 34 (e) At least quarterly, credit or deposit the shared 35 savings incentive amount to the insured’s account as a return or 36 reduction in premium, or credit the shared savings incentive 37 amount to the insured’s flexible spending account, health 38 savings account, or health reimbursement account, or reward the 39 insured directly with cash or a cash equivalent. 40 (f) Submit an annual report to the office within 90 41 business days after the close of each plan year. At a minimum, 42 the report must include the following information: 43 1. The number of insureds who participated in the program 44 during the plan year and the number of instances of 45 participation. 46 2. The total cost of services provided as a part of the 47 program. 48 3. The total value of the shared savings incentive payments 49 made to insureds participating in the program and the values 50 distributed as premium reductions, credits to flexible spending 51 accounts, credits to health savings accounts, or credits to 52 health reimbursement accounts. 53 4. An inventory of the shoppable health care services 54 offered by the health insurer. 55 Section 2. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and subsection 56 (3) of section 627.6648, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 57 627.6648 Shared savings incentive program.— 58 (2) As used in this section, the term: 59 (e) “Shoppable health care service” means a lower-cost, 60 high-quality nonemergency health care service for which a shared 61 savings incentive is available for insureds under a health 62 insurer’s shared savings incentive program. Shoppable health 63 care services may be provided within or outside this state and 64 include, but are not limited to: 65 1. Clinical laboratory services. 66 2. Infusion therapy. 67 3. Inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures. 68 4. Obstetrical and gynecological services. 69 5. Inpatient and outpatient nonsurgical diagnostic tests 70 and procedures. 71 6. Physical and occupational therapy services. 72 7. Radiology and imaging services. 73 8. Prescription drugs. 74 9. Services provided through telehealth. 75 10. Any additional services published by the Agency for 76 Health Care Administration that have the most significant price 77 variation pursuant to s. 408.05(3)(m). 78 11. The items and services listed in Table 1—500 Items and 79 Services List as published in Volume 85, No. 219 of the Federal 80 Register, pages 72182-72190 (2020). 81 (3) A health insurer shallmayoffer a shared savings 82 incentive program to provide incentives to an insured when the 83 insured obtains a shoppable health care service from the health 84 insurer’s shared savings list. An insured may not be required to 85 participate in a shared savings incentive program. A health 86 insurer that offers a shared savings incentive program must: 87 (a) Establish the program as a component part of the policy 88 or certificate of insurance provided by the health insurer and 89 notify the insureds and the office at least 30 days before 90 program termination. 91 (b) File a description of the program on a form prescribed 92 by commission rule. The office must review the filing and 93 determine whether the shared savings incentive program complies 94 with this section. 95 (c) Notify an insured annually and at the time of renewal, 96 and an applicant for insurance at the time of enrollment, of the 97 availability of the shared savings incentive program and the 98 procedure to participate in the program. 99 (d) Publish on a web page easily accessible to insureds and 100 to applicants for insurance a list of shoppable health care 101 services and health care providers and the shared savings 102 incentive amount applicable for each service. A shared savings 103 incentive may not be less than 25 percent of the savings 104 generated by the insured’s participation in any shared savings 105 incentive offered by the health insurer. The baseline for the 106 savings calculation is the average in-network amount paid for 107 that service in the most recent 12-month period or some other 108 methodology established by the health insurer and approved by 109 the office. 110 (e) At least quarterly, credit or deposit the shared 111 savings incentive amount to the insured’s account as a return or 112 reduction in premium, or credit the shared savings incentive 113 amount to the insured’s flexible spending account, health 114 savings account, or health reimbursement account, or reward the 115 insured directly with cash or a cash equivalent. 116 (f) Submit an annual report to the office within 90 117 business days after the close of each plan year. At a minimum, 118 the report must include the following information: 119 1. The number of insureds who participated in the program 120 during the plan year and the number of instances of 121 participation. 122 2. The total cost of services provided as a part of the 123 program. 124 3. The total value of the shared savings incentive payments 125 made to insureds participating in the program and the values 126 distributed as premium reductions, credits to flexible spending 127 accounts, credits to health savings accounts, or credits to 128 health reimbursement accounts. 129 4. An inventory of the shoppable health care services 130 offered by the health insurer. 131 Section 3. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and subsection 132 (3) of section 641.31076, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 133 641.31076 Shared savings incentive program.— 134 (2) As used in this section, the term: 135 (e) “Shoppable health care service” means a lower-cost, 136 high-quality nonemergency health care service for which a shared 137 savings incentive is available for subscribers under a health 138 maintenance organization’s shared savings incentive program. 139 Shoppable health care services may be provided within or outside 140 this state and include, but are not limited to: 141 1. Clinical laboratory services. 142 2. Infusion therapy. 143 3. Inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures. 144 4. Obstetrical and gynecological services. 145 5. Inpatient and outpatient nonsurgical diagnostic tests 146 and procedures. 147 6. Physical and occupational therapy services. 148 7. Radiology and imaging services. 149 8. Prescription drugs. 150 9. Services provided through telehealth. 151 10. Any additional services published by the Agency for 152 Health Care Administration that have the most significant price 153 variation pursuant to s. 408.05(3)(m). 154 11. The items and services listed in Table 1—500 Items and 155 Services List as published in Volume 85, No. 219 of the Federal 156 Register, pages 72182-72190 (2020). 157 (3) A health maintenance organization shallmayoffer a 158 shared savings incentive program to provide incentives to a 159 subscriber when the subscriber obtains a shoppable health care 160 service from the health maintenance organization’s shared 161 savings list. A subscriber may not be required to participate in 162 a shared savings incentive program. A health maintenance 163 organization that offers a shared savings incentive program 164 must: 165 (a) Establish the program as a component part of the 166 contract of coverage provided by the health maintenance 167 organization and notify the subscribers and the office at least 168 30 days before program termination. 169 (b) File a description of the program on a form prescribed 170 by commission rule. The office must review the filing and 171 determine whether the shared savings incentive program complies 172 with this section. 173 (c) Notify a subscriber annually and at the time of 174 renewal, and an applicant for coverage at the time of 175 enrollment, of the availability of the shared savings incentive 176 program and the procedure to participate in the program. 177 (d) Publish on a web page easily accessible to subscribers 178 and to applicants for coverage a list of shoppable health care 179 services and health care providers and the shared savings 180 incentive amount applicable for each service. A shared savings 181 incentive may not be less than 25 percent of the savings 182 generated by the subscriber’s participation in any shared 183 savings incentive offered by the health maintenance 184 organization. The baseline for the savings calculation is the 185 average in-network amount paid for that service in the most 186 recent 12-month period or some other methodology established by 187 the health maintenance organization and approved by the office. 188 (e) At least quarterly, credit or deposit the shared 189 savings incentive amount to the subscriber’s account as a return 190 or reduction in premium, or credit the shared savings incentive 191 amount to the subscriber’s flexible spending account, health 192 savings account, or health reimbursement account, or reward the 193 subscriber directly with cash or a cash equivalent. 194 (f) Submit an annual report to the office within 90 195 business days after the close of each plan year. At a minimum, 196 the report must include the following information: 197 1. The number of subscribers who participated in the 198 program during the plan year and the number of instances of 199 participation. 200 2. The total cost of services provided as a part of the 201 program. 202 3. The total value of the shared savings incentive payments 203 made to subscribers participating in the program and the values 204 distributed as premium reductions, credits to flexible spending 205 accounts, credits to health savings accounts, or credits to 206 health reimbursement accounts. 207 4. An inventory of the shoppable health care services 208 offered by the health maintenance organization. 209 210 ====== D I R E C T O R Y C L A U S E A M E N D M E N T ====== 211 And the directory clause is amended as follows: 212 Delete lines 10 - 11 213 and insert: 214 Section 1. Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) and subsection 215 (3) of section 627.6387, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 216 217 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 218 And the title is amended as follows: 219 Delete lines 3 - 5 220 and insert: 221 ss. 627.6387, 627.6648, and 641.31076, F.S.; revising 222 the definition of the term “shoppable health care 223 service” to include certain items and services 224 specified in federal regulation; requiring, rather 225 than authorizing, health insurers and health 226 maintenance organizations, respectively, to offer 227 shared savings incentive programs;