Bill Amendment: FL S0276 | 2018 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Voter Registration List Maintenance
Status: 2018-02-08 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 85 [S0276 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-S0276-Senate_Committee_Amendment_928742.html
Bill Title: Voter Registration List Maintenance
Status: 2018-02-08 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 85 [S0276 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-S0276-Senate_Committee_Amendment_928742.html
Florida Senate - 2018 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 276 Ì9287426Î928742 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Appropriations (Braynon) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete everything after the enacting clause 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 98.075, Florida 6 Statutes, is amended to read: 7 98.075 Registration records maintenance activities; 8 ineligibility determinations.— 9 (2) DUPLICATE REGISTRATION.— 10 (a) The department shall identify those voters who are 11 registered more than once within the state or those applicants 12 whose registration applications within the state would result in 13 duplicate registrations. The most recent application shall be 14 deemed an update to the voter registration record. 15 (b)1. The department may become a member of a 16 nongovernmental entity whose membership is composed solely of 17 election officials of state governments and the District of 18 Columbia if the sole purpose of the membership is to share and 19 exchange information in order to verify voter registration 20 information. If the department intends to become a member of 21 such a nongovernmental entity, the agreement to join the entity 22 must require that the Secretary of State, or his or her 23 designee, serve as a full member with voting rights on the 24 nongovernmental entity’s board of directors within 12 months 25 after joining the entity. 26 2. The department may share confidential and exempt 27 information after becoming a member of a nongovernmental entity 28 as provided in subparagraph 1. if: 29 a. Each member of the nongovernmental entity agrees to 30 maintain the confidentiality of such information as required by 31 the laws of the jurisdiction providing the information; or 32 b. The bylaws of the nongovernmental entity require member 33 jurisdictions and the entity to maintain the confidentiality of 34 information as required by the laws of the jurisdiction 35 providing the information. 36 3. The department may only become a member of a 37 nongovernmental entity as provided in subparagraph 1. if the 38 entity is controlled and operated by the participating 39 jurisdictions. The entity may not be operated or controlled by 40 the Federal Government or any other entity acting on behalf of 41 the Federal Government. The department must be able to withdraw 42 at any time from any such membership entered into. 43 4. If the department becomes a member of a nongovernmental 44 entity as provided in subparagraph 1., the Department of Highway 45 Safety and Motor Vehicles must, pursuant to a written agreement 46 with the department, provide driver license or identification 47 card information to the department for the purpose of sharing 48 and exchanging voter registration information with the 49 nongovernmental entity. 50 5. If the department becomes a member of a nongovernmental 51 entity as provided in subparagraph 1., the department must 52 submit a report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 53 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 1 of 54 each year. The report must describe the terms of the 55 nongovernmental entity membership and provide information on the 56 total number of voters removed from the voter registration 57 system as a result of the membership and the reasons for their 58 removal. 59 Section 2. This act shall take effect January 1, 2019. 60 61 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 62 And the title is amended as follows: 63 Delete everything before the enacting clause 64 and insert: 65 A bill to be entitled 66 An act relating to voter registration list 67 maintenance; amending s. 98.075, F.S.; authorizing the 68 Department of State to become a member of a 69 nongovernmental entity to verify voter registration 70 information; establishing requirements for such 71 memberships; requiring the Department of Highway 72 Safety and Motor Vehicles to provide specified 73 information to the Department of State; establishing 74 reporting requirements; providing an effective date.