Bill Amendment: FL S0674 | 2015 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Public Records/Servicemember Identification and Location Information

Status: 2015-04-22 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 185 (Ch. 2015-86) [S0674 Detail]

Download: Florida-2015-S0674-Senate_Committee_Amendment_169718.html
       Florida Senate - 2015                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 674
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space, and
       Domestic Security (Evers) recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (5) of
    6  section 119.071, Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         119.071 General exemptions from inspection or copying of
    8  public records.—
   10         (k)1. For purposes of this paragraph, the term
   11  “identification and location information” means the:
   12         a. Home address, telephone number, and photograph of a
   13  current or former servicemember of a United States military
   14  special operations unit.
   15         b. Home address, telephone number, photograph, and place of
   16  employment of the spouse or child of such servicemember.
   17         c. Name and location of the school or day care facility
   18  attended by the child of such servicemember.
   19         2. Identification and location information held by an
   20  agency is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the
   21  State Constitution if such servicemember submits to an agency
   22  that has custody of the identification and location information:
   23         a. A written request to exempt such information from public
   24  disclosure; and
   25         b. A written statement that he or she has made reasonable
   26  efforts to protect the identification and location information
   27  from being accessible through other means available to the
   28  public.
   29         3. This paragraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset
   30  Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed
   31  on October 2, 2020, unless reviewed and saved from repeal
   32  through reenactment by the Legislature.
   33         Section 2. The Legislature finds that it is a public
   34  necessity that the identification and location information held
   35  by an agency of a current or former servicemember of a United
   36  States military special operations unit; the spouse and children
   37  of such servicemember; and the schools and day care facilities
   38  attended by the children of such servicemember be made exempt
   39  from s. 119.07(1), Florida Statutes, and s. 24(a), Article I of
   40  the State Constitution. United States military special
   41  operations units perform among the most critical, most
   42  effective, and most dangerous operations in defense of our
   43  nation’s freedom. The unique missions undertaken by special
   44  operations units render these servicemembers and their families
   45  among the most critical assets worthy of protection in our state
   46  and country. The Legislature finds that allowing public access
   47  to the name, addresses, and identifying information of a current
   48  or former servicemember of a United States military special
   49  operations unit and his or her family may jeopardize the safety
   50  of the servicemember, his or her spouse, and their children. The
   51  Legislature finds that protecting a current or former
   52  servicemember of a United States military special operations
   53  unit, his or her spouse, and their children outweighs any public
   54  benefit that may be derived from the disclosure of the
   55  identifying information protected herein.
   56         Section 3. This act shall take effect October 1, 2015.
   58  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   59  And the title is amended as follows:
   60         Delete everything before the enacting clause
   61  and insert:
   62                        A bill to be entitled                      
   63         An act relating to public records; amending s.
   64         119.071, F.S.; providing an exemption from public
   65         records requirements for certain personal identifying
   66         information of current or former servicemembers of a
   67         military special operations unit and the spouses and
   68         children of such servicemembers; providing for future
   69         legislative review and repeal of the exemption;
   70         providing a statement of public necessity; providing
   71         an effective date.
