Bill Amendment: FL S0742 | 2014 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Racing Animals
Status: 2014-05-02 - Died in Messages [S0742 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S0742-Senate_Committee_Amendment_780164_to_Amendment_607554_.html
Bill Title: Racing Animals
Status: 2014-05-02 - Died in Messages [S0742 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S0742-Senate_Committee_Amendment_780164_to_Amendment_607554_.html
Florida Senate - 2014 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 742 Ì780164&Î780164 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: WD . 04/08/2014 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (607554) (with title 2 amendment) 3 4 Between lines 25 and 26 5 insert: 6 Section 2. Section 550.6308, Florida Statutes, is amended 7 to read: 8 550.6308 Limited intertrack wagering license.—In9recognition of the economic importance of the thoroughbred10breeding industry to this state, its positive impact on tourism,11and of the importance of a permanent thoroughbred sales facility12as a key focal point for the activities of the industry, a13limited license to conduct intertrack wagering is established to14ensure the continued viability and public interest in15thoroughbred breeding in Florida.16 (1)(a) Upon application to the division on or before 17 January 31 of each year, aanyperson whothatis licensed to 18 conduct public sales of thoroughbred horses underpursuant tos. 19 535.01 and who, thathas conductedat least 15 days of20 thoroughbred horse sales for at least 8 days at a permanent 21 sales facility in this state for at least 3 consecutive years,22and that has conducted at least 1 day of nonwagering23thoroughbred racing in this state, with a purse structure of at24least $250,000 per year for 2 consecutive years before such25application,shall be issued a license under this section,26subject to the conditions set forth in this section,to conduct 27 intertrack wagering at sucha permanent salesfacility.during28the following periods:29(a) Up to 21 days in connection with thoroughbred sales;30 (b) Only one license may be issued under this subsection 31Between November 1 and May 8;32(c) Between May 9 and October 31 at such times and on such33days as any thoroughbred, jai alai, or a greyhound permitholder34in the same county is not conducting live performances; provided35that any such permitholder may waive this requirement, in whole36or in part, and allow the licensee under this section to conduct37intertrack wagering during one or more of the permitholder’s38live performances; and39(d) During the weekend of the Kentucky Derby, the40Preakness, the Belmont, and a Breeders’ Cup Meet that is41conducted before November 1 and after May 8. 42 43No more than one such license may be issued, and no such license44may be issued for a facility located within 50 miles of any45thoroughbred permitholder’s track.46 (2) If more than one application is submitted for such 47 license, the division shall issuedetermine which applicant48shall be granted the license. In making its determination, the49division shall grantthe license to the applicant demonstrating 50 superior capabilities, as measured by the length of time the 51 applicant has been conducting thoroughbred horse sales within 52 this state or elsewhere, the applicant’s total volume of 53 thoroughbred horse sales,within this state or elsewhere, the 54 length of time the applicant has maintained a permanent 55 thoroughbred sales facility in this state, and the quality of 56 the facility. 57 (3) AnTheapplicant must comply withthe provisions ofss. 58 550.125 and 550.1815. 59 (4)Intertrack wagering under this section may be conducted60only on thoroughbred horse racing, except that intertrack61wagering may be conducted on any class of pari-mutuel race or62game conducted by any class of permitholders licensed under this63chapter if all thoroughbred, jai alai, and greyhound64permitholders in the same county as the licensee under this65section give their consent.66(5)The applicant that receives a licenselicenseeshall be 67 considered a guest track under this chapter.The licensee shall68pay 2.5 percent of the total contributions to the daily pari69mutuel pool on wagers accepted at the licensee’s facility on70greyhound races or jai alai games to the thoroughbred71permitholder that is conducting live races for purses to be paid72during its current racing meet. If more than one thoroughbred73permitholder is conducting live races on a day during which the74licensee is conducting intertrack wagering on greyhound races or75jai alai games, the licensee shall allocate these funds between76the operating thoroughbred permitholders on a pro rata basis77based on the total live handle at the operating permitholders’78facilities.79 80 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 81 And the title is amended as follows: 82 Delete line 37 83 and insert: 84 meet under both permits or one permit; amending s. 85 550.6308, F.S.; revising requirements for licensure to 86 conduct intertrack wagering under a limited 87 circumstance; amending