Bill Amendment: FL S0742 | 2014 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Racing Animals
Status: 2014-05-02 - Died in Messages [S0742 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S0742-Senate_Committee_Amendment_904392_to_Amendment_576668_.html
Bill Title: Racing Animals
Status: 2014-05-02 - Died in Messages [S0742 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S0742-Senate_Committee_Amendment_904392_to_Amendment_576668_.html
Florida Senate - 2014 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 742 Ì904392/Î904392 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House Comm: WD . 04/08/2014 . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Senate Amendment to Amendment (576668) (with title 2 amendment) 3 4 Delete lines 576 - 720 5 and insert: 6 intertrack wagering signal is made available to such 7 permitholder. 8 Section 14. Paragraph (g) of subsection (9) of section 9 550.6305, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 10 550.6305 Intertrack wagering; guest track payments; 11 accounting rules.— 12 (9) A host track that has contracted with an out-of-state 13 horse track to broadcast live races conducted at such out-of 14 state horse track pursuant to s. 550.3551(5) may broadcast such 15 out-of-state races to any guest track and accept wagers thereon 16 in the same manner as is provided in s. 550.3551. 17 (g)1. Any thoroughbred permitholder which accepts wagers on 18 a simulcast signal must make the signal available to any 19 permitholder that is eligible to conduct intertrack wagering 20 under the provisions of ss. 550.615-550.6345. 21 2. Any thoroughbred permitholder which accepts wagers on a 22 simulcast signal received after 6 p.m. must make such signal 23 available to any permitholder that is eligible to conduct 24 intertrack wagering under the provisions of ss. 550.615 25 550.6345, including any permitholder located as specified in s. 26 550.615(6). Such guest permitholders are authorized to accept 27 wagers on such simulcast signal, notwithstanding any other 28 provision of this chapter to the contrary. 29 3. Any thoroughbred permitholder which accepts wagers on a 30 simulcast signal received after 6 p.m. must make such signal 31 available to any permitholder that is eligible to conduct 32 intertrack wagering under the provisions of ss. 550.615 33 550.6345, including any permitholder located as specified in s.34550.615(9). Such guest permitholders are authorized to accept 35 wagers on such simulcast signals for a number of performances 36 not to exceed that which constitutes a full schedule of live 37 races for a quarter horse permitholder pursuant to s. 38 550.002(11), notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter 39 to the contrary, except that the restrictions provided in s.40550.615(9)(a) apply to wagers on such simulcast signals. 41 42 No thoroughbred permitholder shall be required to continue to 43 rebroadcast a simulcast signal to any in-state permitholder if 44 the average per performance gross receipts returned to the host 45 permitholder over the preceding 30-day period were less than 46 $100. Subject to the provisions of s. 550.615(4), as a condition 47 of receiving rebroadcasts of thoroughbred simulcast signals 48 under this paragraph, a guest permitholder must accept 49 intertrack wagers on all live races conducted by all then 50 operating thoroughbred permitholders. 51 Section 15. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 52 551.104, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 53 551.104 License to conduct slot machine gaming.— 54 (4) As a condition of licensure and to maintain continued 55 authority for the conduct of slot machine gaming, the slot 56 machine licensee shall: 57 (c) Conduct no fewer than a full schedule of live racing or 58 games as defined in s. 550.002(11), except for greyhound 59 permitholders, which do not have a live racing requirement for 60 the purpose of maintaining licensure under this chapter. A 61 permitholder’s responsibility to conduct such number of live 62 races or games shall be reduced by the number of races or games 63 that could not be conducted due to the direct result of fire, 64 war, hurricane, or other disaster or event beyond the control of 65 the permitholder. 66 Section 16. Subsections (2) and (4) of section 551.114, 67 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 68 551.114 Slot machine gaming areas.— 69 (2) The slot machine licensee shall display pari-mutuel 70 races or games within the designated slot machine gaming areas 71 and offer patrons within the designated slot machine gaming 72 areas the ability to engage in pari-mutuel wagering on any live, 73 intertrack, and simulcast races conducted or offered to patrons 74 of the licensed facility. 75 (4) Designated slot machine gaming areas may be located 76 within the current live gaming facility or in an existing 77 building that must be contiguous and connected to the live 78 gaming facility or, for greyhound permitholders, the location 79 where live races were authorized to be conducted during the 80 2013-2014 state fiscal year. If a designated slot machine gaming 81 area is to be located in a building that is to be constructed, 82 that new building must be contiguous and connected to the live 83 gaming facility. 84 Section 17. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (5) and 85 paragraph (d) of subsection (13) of section 849.086, Florida 86 Statutes, are amended to read: 87 849.086 Cardrooms authorized.— 88 (5) LICENSE REQUIRED; APPLICATION; FEES.—No person may 89 operate a cardroom in this state unless such person holds a 90 valid cardroom license issued pursuant to this section. 91 (a) Only those persons holding a valid cardroom license 92 issued by the division may operate a cardroom. A cardroom 93 license may only be issued to a licensed pari-mutuel 94 permitholder.andAn authorized cardroom may only be operated at 95 the same facility at which the permitholder is authorized under 96 its valid pari-mutuel wagering permit to conduct pari-mutuel 97 wagering activities. An initial cardroom license shall be issued 98 to a pari-mutuel permitholder only after its facilities are in 99 place and after it conducts its first day of live racing or 100 games or, for a greyhound permitholder, only after it has 101 conducted a full schedule of live racing in each of the 102 preceding 10 years or after it was converted pursuant to s. 103 550.054(14). 104 (b) After the initial cardroom license is granted, the 105 application for the annual license renewal shall be made in 106 conjunction with the applicant’s annual application for its 107 pari-mutuel license. If a permitholder has operated a cardroom 108 during any of the 3 previous fiscal years and fails to include a 109 renewal request for the operation of the cardroom in its annual 110 application for license renewal, the permitholder may amend its 111 annual application to include operation of the cardroom. In 112 order for a cardroom license to be renewed the applicant must 113 have requested, as part of its pari-mutuel annual license 114 application, to conduct at least 90 percent of the total number 115 of live performances conducted by such permitholder during 116 either the state fiscal year in which its initial cardroom 117 license was issued or the state fiscal year immediately prior 118 thereto if the permitholder ran at least a full schedule of live 119 racing or games in the prior year. If the application is for a 120 harness permitholder cardroom, the applicant must have requested 121 authorization to conduct a minimum of 140 live performances 122 during the state fiscal year immediately prior thereto. If more 123 than one permitholder is operating at a facility, each 124 permitholder must have applied for a license to conduct a full 125 schedule of live racing. Notwithstanding any law to the 126 contrary, a greyhound permitholder is not required to conduct a 127 minimum number of requested or conducted live performances in 128 order to maintain or renew a cardroom license. 129 130 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 131 And the title is amended as follows: 132 Delete lines 813 - 823 133 and insert: 134 amending s. 551.104, F.S.; specifying that a greyhound 135 permitholder is not required to conduct a full 136 schedule of live racing to maintain a license to 137 conduct slot machine gaming; amending s. 551.114, 138 F.S.; authorizing a greyhound permitholder to locate 139 its slot machine gaming area in certain locations; 140 amending s. 849.086, F.S.; specifying conditions under 141 which a greyhound permitholder may receive an initial 142 cardroom license; specifying that a greyhound 143 permitholder is not required to conduct a minimum 144 number of live races in order to maintain or renew a 145 cardroom