Bill Amendment: FL S0800 | 2017 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Medication Synchronization
Status: 2017-06-15 - Chapter No. 2017-94 [S0800 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S0800-Senate_Committee_Amendment_445314.html
Bill Title: Medication Synchronization
Status: 2017-06-15 - Chapter No. 2017-94 [S0800 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S0800-Senate_Committee_Amendment_445314.html
Florida Senate - 2017 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 800 Ì445314ÄÎ445314 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Banking and Insurance (Broxson) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete everything after the enacting clause 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Section 627.64196, Florida Statutes, is created 6 to read: 7 627.64196 Medication synchronization.—A health insurer 8 issuing or delivering in this state an individual or a group 9 health insurance policy that provides prescription drug coverage 10 shall offer medication synchronization to allow an insured to 11 align at least once in a plan year the refill dates for 12 prescription drugs covered by the policy. The insurer shall 13 implement a process for dispensing prescription drugs to an 14 insured for the purpose of aligning the refill dates of such 15 drugs, and such medication synchronization may be available only 16 through a network pharmacy. A controlled substance, a 17 prescription drug dispensed in an unbreakable package, or a 18 multidose unit of a prescription drug may not be partially 19 filled for the purpose of aligning refill dates. The insurer 20 shall pay a full dispensing fee to the network pharmacy for each 21 partial refill of a covered prescription drug dispensed to align 22 refill dates, unless otherwise agreed to by the plan and the 23 network pharmacy at the time an insured requests medication 24 synchronization. The insurer shall prorate the cost-sharing 25 obligations of the insured for each partial refill of a covered 26 prescription drug dispensed to align refill dates. This section 27 applies to policies renewed or entered into on or after January 28 1, 2018. 29 Section 2. Subsection (44) is added to section 641.31, 30 Florida Statutes, to read: 31 641.31 Health maintenance contracts.— 32 (44) A health maintenance organization issuing or 33 delivering in this state a health maintenance contract that 34 provides prescription drug coverage shall offer medication 35 synchronization to allow a subscriber to align at least once in 36 a plan year the refill dates for prescription drugs covered by 37 the health maintenance contract. The health maintenance 38 organization shall implement a process for dispensing 39 prescription drugs to a subscriber for the purpose of aligning 40 the refill dates of such drugs, and such medication 41 synchronization may be available only through a network 42 pharmacy. A controlled substance, a prescription drug dispensed 43 in an unbreakable package, or a multidose unit of a prescription 44 drug may not be partially filled for the purpose of aligning 45 refill dates. The health maintenance organization shall pay a 46 full dispensing fee to the network pharmacy for each partial 47 refill of a covered prescription drug dispensed to align refill 48 dates, unless otherwise agreed to by the plan and the network 49 pharmacy at the time a subscriber requests medication 50 synchronization. The health maintenance organization shall 51 prorate the cost-sharing obligations of the subscriber for each 52 partial refill of a covered prescription drug dispensed to align 53 refill dates. This subsection applies to policies renewed or 54 entered into on or after January 1, 2018. 55 Section 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2018. 56 57 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 58 And the title is amended as follows: 59 Delete everything before the enacting clause 60 and insert: 61 A bill to be entitled 62 An act relating to medication synchronization; 63 creating s. 627.64196, F.S., and amending s. 641.31, 64 F.S.; requiring health insurers and health maintenance 65 organizations, respectively, which issue or deliver 66 certain policies or contracts to offer medication 67 synchronization to allow insureds and subscribers to 68 align refill dates for certain drugs at least once in 69 a plan year; requiring such insurers and health 70 maintenance organizations to implement a process for 71 aligning such dates; authorizing medical 72 synchronization only through a network pharmacy; 73 providing exceptions from partial filling for the 74 purpose of aligning refill dates; requiring such 75 insurers and health maintenance organizations to pay, 76 except under certain circumstances, the full 77 dispensing fee for a partial refill to align refill 78 dates; requiring such insurers and health maintenance 79 organizations to prorate certain cost-sharing 80 obligations; providing applicability; providing an 81 effective date.