Bill Amendment: FL S0828 | 2014 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Court System

Status: 2014-06-20 - Chapter No. 2014-182 [S0828 Detail]

Download: Florida-2014-S0828-Senate_Floor_Amendment_254464.html
       Florida Senate - 2014                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS/SB 828, 1st Eng.
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                Floor: 1/RS/3R         .                                
             04/25/2014 02:00 PM       .                                

       Senator Bradley moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 244 and 245
    4  insert:
    5         Section 17. Subsections (1) and (5), paragraph (b) of
    6  subsection (6), and subsection (9) of section 56.29, Florida
    7  Statutes, are amended to read:
    8         56.29 Proceedings supplementary.—
    9         (1) When any person or entity holds an unsatisfied judgment
   10  or judgment lien obtained under chapter 55, the judgment holder
   11  or judgment lienholder may file a motion and an affidavit so
   12  stating, identifying, if applicable, the issuing court, the case
   13  number, and the unsatisfied amount of the judgment or judgment
   14  lien, including accrued costs and interest, and stating that the
   15  execution is valid and outstanding, and thereupon the judgment
   16  holder or judgment lienholder is entitled to these proceedings
   17  supplementary to execution.
   18         (5) The court judge may order any property of the judgment
   19  debtor, not exempt from execution, in the hands of any person,
   20  or any property, debt, or other obligation due to the judgment
   21  debtor, to be applied toward the satisfaction of the judgment
   22  debt. The court may entertain claims concerning the judgment
   23  debtor’s assets brought under chapter 726 and enter any order or
   24  judgment, including a money judgment against any initial or
   25  subsequent transferee, in connection therewith, irrespective of
   26  whether the transferee has retained the property. Claims under
   27  chapter 726 are subject to the provisions of chapter 726 and
   28  applicable rules of civil procedure.
   29         (6)
   30         (b) When any gift, transfer, assignment or other conveyance
   31  of personal property has been made or contrived by the judgment
   32  debtor defendant to delay, hinder or defraud creditors, the
   33  court shall order the gift, transfer, assignment or other
   34  conveyance to be void and direct the sheriff to take the
   35  property to satisfy the execution. This does not authorize
   36  seizure of property exempted from levy and sale under execution
   37  or property which has passed to a bona fide purchaser for value
   38  and without notice. Any person aggrieved by the levy may proceed
   39  under ss. 56.16-56.20.
   40         (9) The court may enter any orders, judgments, or writs
   41  required to carry out the purpose of this section, including
   42  those orders necessary or proper to subject property or property
   43  rights of any judgment debtor defendant to execution, and
   44  including entry of money judgments against any impleaded
   45  defendant irrespective of whether such defendant has retained
   46  the property, subject to ss. 56.18 and 56.19 and applicable
   47  principles of equity, and in accordance with chapters 76 and 77
   48  and applicable rules of civil procedure.
   49         Section 18. The amendments made by this act to s. 56.29,
   50  Florida Statutes, are remedial in nature, are intended to
   51  clarify existing law, and shall be applied retroactively to the
   52  full extent permitted by law.
   53         Section 19. Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section
   54  726.109, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
   55         726.109 Defenses, liability, and protection of transferee.—
   56  (7)(a) The transfer of a charitable contribution that is
   57  received in good faith by a qualified religious or charitable
   58  entity or organization is not a fraudulent transfer under s.
   59  726.105(1)(b) or s. 726.106(1).
   61  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   62  And the title is amended as follows:
   63         Delete line 41
   64  and insert:
   65         of the State Constitution; amending s. 56.29, F.S.;
   66         authorizing the court to order any property, debt, or
   67         other obligation due the judgment debtor to be applied
   68         toward the satisfaction of the judgment debt;
   69         authorizing the court to entertain specified claims
   70         concerning the judgment debtor’s assets and enter any
   71         order or judgment, including a money judgment;
   72         authorizing the court to enter a money judgment
   73         against an impleaded defendant under certain
   74         circumstances; providing applicability of specified
   75         laws and procedures; providing for retroactivity;
   76         amending s. 726.109, F.S.; providing that certain
   77         transfers of charitable contributions to charitable or
   78         religious organizations are exempt from s. 726.106(1),
   79         F.S.; repealing s. 57.101, F.S.,
