Bill Amendment: FL S1084 | 2017 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Firefighters
Status: 2017-04-28 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 465 (Ch. 2017-106) [S1084 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S1084-Senate_Committee_Amendment_863310.html
Bill Title: Firefighters
Status: 2017-04-28 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 465 (Ch. 2017-106) [S1084 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S1084-Senate_Committee_Amendment_863310.html
Florida Senate - 2017 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1084 Ì863310jÎ863310 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Committee on Banking and Insurance (Stargel) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete everything after the enacting clause 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Section 633.415, Florida Statutes, is created to 6 read: 7 633.415 Lifetime Firefighter designation.— 8 (1) A firefighter or volunteer firefighter may apply for a 9 Lifetime Firefighter designation if he or she: 10 (a) Has at least 20 years of service; 11 (b) Has been employed by a fire service provider, as 12 defined in s. 633.102(13), and is in good standing with his or 13 her most recent fire service provider; 14 (c) Has not been convicted of a felony under s. 633.412(2), 15 and so attests; and 16 (d)1. Is recorded on a fire service provider roster in the 17 division’s online electronic database; or 18 2. Was previously certified as a firefighter or volunteer 19 firefighter in this state. 20 (2) A firefighter may have his or her Firefighter 21 Certificate of Compliance or a Volunteer Firefighter Certificate 22 of Completion placed into a Lifetime Firefighter designation by 23 applying to the division at the time required to renew the 24 certificate. The application shall be made on a form prescribed 25 by the division. 26 (3) A Lifetime Firefighter may not engage in firefighting 27 activities with a fire department unless he or she holds a 28 current and valid Firefighter Certificate of Compliance or 29 Special Certificate of Compliance issued by the division under 30 s. 633.408. 31 (4) After the division approves a currently employed 32 firefighter’s Lifetime Firefighter designation, the division 33 shall, after the firefighter’s 4-year period pursuant to s. 34 633.414, issue in its online electronic database the Lifetime 35 Firefighter designation upon the end of such period. 36 (5) If a firefighter’s Firefighter Certificate of 37 Compliance or Volunteer Firefighter Certificate of Completion is 38 current upon the approval of a Lifetime Firefighter designation 39 and he or she applies to renew such certification within the 40 first 4 years after the date of such approval, he or she must 41 successfully complete the Minimum Standards Course Examination 42 for a firefighter or a volunteer firefighter task book for a 43 volunteer firefighter, and meet all requirements in s. 633.412. 44 (6) If a firefighter’s Firefighter Certificate of 45 Compliance or Volunteer Firefighter Certificate of Completion 46 has expired upon receiving the Lifetime Firefighter designation 47 and he or she desires to perform firefighting services within 48 the first 4 years after the date of approval of the Lifetime 49 Firefighter designation, the firefighter must successfully 50 complete the Minimum Standards Course Examination for a 51 firefighter or a volunteer firefighter task book for a volunteer 52 firefighter, and meet all requirements in s. 633.412. 53 (7) The division may investigate any report, complaint, or 54 felony conviction concerning a Lifetime Firefighter pursuant to 55 s. 633.412 or s. 633.426. 56 (8) The division may adopt rules pursuant to its authority 57 under s. 633.104(1) to implement this section. 58 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2017. 59 60 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 61 And the title is amended as follows: 62 Delete everything before the enacting clause 63 and insert: 64 A bill to be entitled 65 An act relating to firefighters; creating s. 633.415, 66 F.S.; providing for the designation as a Lifetime 67 Firefighter; providing requirements for such 68 designation; providing responsibilities of the 69 Division of State Fire Marshal within the Department 70 of Financial Services; authorizing the division to 71 investigate reports, complaints, or felony convictions 72 concerning Lifetime Firefighters; authorizing the 73 division to adopt rules; providing an effective date.