Bill Amendment: FL S1260 | 2024 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Verification of Reemployment Assistance Benefit Eligibility
Status: 2024-03-08 - Died in Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development [S1260 Detail]
Download: Florida-2024-S1260-Senate_Committee_Amendment_121838.html
Bill Title: Verification of Reemployment Assistance Benefit Eligibility
Status: 2024-03-08 - Died in Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development [S1260 Detail]
Download: Florida-2024-S1260-Senate_Committee_Amendment_121838.html
Florida Senate - 2024 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 1260 Ì121838<Î121838 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— The Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development (Trumbull) recommended the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete everything after the enacting clause 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. This act may be cited as the “Promoting Work, 6 Deterring Fraud Act of 2024.” 7 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 443.101, Florida 8 Statutes, is amended to read: 9 443.101 Disqualification for benefits.—An individual shall 10 be disqualified for benefits: 11 (2) If the Department of CommerceEconomic Opportunity12 finds that the individual has failed without good cause to apply 13 for available suitable work, including contacting the required 14 number of prospective employers per week for any week of 15 unemployment claimed in the benefit year in accordance with s. 16 443.091, accept suitable work when offered to him or her, or 17 return to the individual’s customary self-employment when 18 directed by the department or return to employment when recalled 19 to work by the individual’s employer after a temporary layoff, 20 the disqualification continues for the full period of 21 unemployment next ensuing after he or she failed without good 22 cause to apply for available suitable work, accept suitable 23 work, or return to his or her customary self-employment, and 24 until the individual has earned income of at least 17 times his 25 or her weekly benefit amount. The department shall by rule adopt 26 criteria to implement this subsection, includingfordetermining 27 the “suitability of work,” as used in this section. In 28 developing these rules, the department shall consider the 29 duration of a claimant’s unemployment in determining the 30 suitability of work and the suitability of proposed rates of 31 compensation for available work. Further, after an individual 32 has received 25 weeks of benefits in a single year, suitable 33 work is a job that pays the minimum wage and is 120 percent or 34 more of the weekly benefit amount the individual is drawing. 35 (a) In determining whether or not any work is suitable for 36 an individual, the department shall consider the degree of risk 37 to the individual’s health, safety, and morals; the individual’s 38 physical fitness, prior training, experience, prior earnings, 39 length of unemployment, and prospects for securing local work in 40 his or her customary occupation; and the distance of the 41 available work from his or her residence. 42 (b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, 43 work is not deemed suitable and benefits may not be denied to 44 any otherwise eligible individual for refusing to accept new 45 work under any of the following conditions: 46 1. The position offered is vacant due directly to a strike, 47 lockout, or other labor dispute. 48 2. The wages, hours, or other conditions of the work 49 offered are substantially less favorable to the individual than 50 those prevailing for similar work in the locality. 51 3. As a condition of being employed, the individual is 52 required to join a company union or to resign from or refrain 53 from joining any bona fide labor organization. 54 (c) If the department finds that an individual was rejected 55 for offered employment as the direct result of a positive, 56 confirmed drug test required as a condition of employment, the 57 individual is disqualified for refusing to accept an offer of 58 suitable work. 59 Section 3. Section 443.1112, Florida Statutes, is created 60 to read: 61 443.1112 Verification of reemployment assistance benefit 62 eligibility.— 63 (1) The Department of Commerce shall verify the identity of 64 each claimant who applies for reemployment assistance benefits 65 before paying any benefits to that individual. 66 (2) For each week which a claimant makes a claim for 67 benefits, the department shall cross-check the information 68 contained in the claim with all of the following sources or 69 similar sources of information: 70 (a) The National Association of State Workforce Agencies 71 Integrity Data Hub. 72 (b) The United States Department of Health and Human 73 Services National Directory of New Hires. 74 (c) The State Directory of New Hires created in s. 75 409.2576. 76 (d) The Department of Corrections inmate database. 77 (e) The Social Security Administration Prisoner Update 78 Processing System. 79 (f) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National 80 Vital Statistics System death records database. 81 (g) The Department of Health Bureau of Vital Statistics 82 death records database. 83 (h) The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services 84 SAVE database. 85 (3) The department may not pay any week claimed by a 86 claimant that has not been cross-checked against all the sources 87 specified in subsection (2) or similar sources of information. 88 However, in any week in which any of the sources specified in 89 subsection (2) are unavailable, the claim may be paid provided 90 the department cross-checks the claimant’s information against 91 the unavailable source upon its availability. 92 (4) The department shall do all of the following: 93 (a) Investigate any claim in this state associated with a 94 mailing address, a bank account, an e-mail address, a telephone 95 number, or an Internet protocol address that is also associated 96 with another existing claim for reemployment assistance benefits 97 in this state or another state and verify that the claim in this 98 state is legitimate and not fraudulent before paying any 99 benefits for the claim. 100 (b) Scrutinize any claim in this state filed from a foreign 101 Internet protocol address before paying any benefits for the 102 claim. 103 (c) Work with the United States Department of Labor, the 104 United States Department of Justice, other state workforce 105 agencies, the Department of Law Enforcement, the state 106 attorneys, or the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor to share 107 information related to fraudulent claims or attempted fraudulent 108 claims to the extent feasible for further investigation and 109 proceedings brought under this chapter. 110 (d) Maintain a web page and an e-mail address through which 111 an individual or an employer may report known or suspected 112 violations of this chapter, including identity theft or fraud. 113 Each year the department shall notify employers in the state of 114 this web page and e-mail address for reporting violations. 115 (e) Each year make available on its website a report 116 identifying the number of fraudulent reemployment assistance 117 claims identified for the prior year, the number of claims not 118 paid due to successful detection of fraudulent intentions, the 119 number of claims and the amount of reemployment assistance 120 benefits paid against claims subsequently identified as 121 fraudulent, the amount of fraudulent overpayments recovered, and 122 the number of fraudulent claims referred for investigation and 123 possible prosecution. The report must also list the sources of 124 information that were used to cross-check claims during the 125 reporting period. 126 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 127 445.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 128 445.011 Consumer-first workforce system.— 129 (1) The department, in consultation with the state board, 130 the Department of Education, and the Department of Children and 131 Families, shall implement, subject to legislative appropriation, 132 an automated consumer-first workforce system that improves 133 coordination among required one-stop partners and is necessary 134 for the efficient and effective operation and management of the 135 workforce development system. This system shall include, but 136 need not be limited to, the following: 137 (b)1. An automated job-matching information system that is 138 accessible to employers, job seekers, and other users via the 139 Internet, which is in alignment with the implementation of 20 140 C.F.R. s. 652.3, and that includes, at a minimum: 141 a.1.Skill match information, including skill gap analysis; 142 resume creation; job order creation; skill tests; job search by 143 area, employer type, and employer name; and training provider 144 linkage; 145 b.2.Job market information based on surveys, including 146 local, state, regional, national, and international occupational 147 and job availability information; and 148 c.3.Service provider information, including education and 149 training providers, child care facilities and related 150 information, health and social service agencies, and other 151 providers of services that would be useful to job seekers. 152 2. The job-matching information system shall use artificial 153 intelligence generation for the purpose of matching participants 154 to jobs and training opportunities and include a knowledge, 155 skills, and interests assessment for the purpose of guiding 156 participants to jobs and training opportunities. 157 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024. 158 159 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 160 And the title is amended as follows: 161 Delete everything before the enacting clause 162 and insert: 163 A bill to be entitled 164 An act relating to verification of reemployment 165 assistance benefit eligibility; providing a short 166 title; amending s. 443.101, F.S.; making a technical 167 change; revising circumstances under which the 168 department disqualifies claimants from benefits; 169 creating s. 443.1112, F.S.; requiring the department 170 to verify claimants’ identities before paying 171 benefits; requiring the department to cross-check 172 certain information; providing sources against which 173 such information is cross-checked; prohibiting 174 benefits from being paid for claims that have not been 175 cross-checked; providing an exception; providing 176 duties of the department; requiring the department to 177 maintain a web page and an e-mail address for a 178 specified purpose and to notify employers each year of 179 the web page and e-mail address; providing annual 180 reporting requirements; amending s. 445.011, F.S.; 181 requiring the department’s job-matching information 182 system to contain certain elements; providing an 183 effective date.