Bill Amendment: FL S1468 | 2015 | Regular Session

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources

Status: 2015-04-28 - Laid on Table [S1468 Detail]

Download: Florida-2015-S1468-Senate_Committee_Amendment_335094.html
       Florida Senate - 2015                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1468
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government (Dean)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 358 and 359
    4  insert:
    5         Section 7. Section 377.2436, Florida Statutes, is created
    6  to read:
    7         377.2436 Study on high pressure well stimulations.—
    8         (1)The department shall conduct a study on high pressure
    9  well stimulations. The study shall:
   10         (a) Evaluate the underlying geologic features present in
   11  the counties where oil wells have been permitted and analyze the
   12  potential impact that high pressure well stimulation and
   13  wellbore construction may have on the underlying geologic
   14  features.
   15         (b) Evaluate the potential hazards and risks that high
   16  pressure well stimulation poses to surface water and groundwater
   17  resources. The study shall assess the potential impacts of high
   18  pressure well stimulation on drinking water resources and
   19  identify the main factors affecting the severity and frequency
   20  of impacts and shall analyze the potential for the use or reuse
   21  of recycled water in high pressure well stimulation fluids while
   22  meeting appropriate water quality standards.
   23         (c) Review and evaluate the potential for groundwater
   24  contamination from conducting high pressure well stimulation
   25  under or near wells that have been previously abandoned and
   26  plugged and identify a setback radius from previously plugged
   27  and abandoned wells that could be impacted by high pressure well
   28  stimulation.
   29         (d) Review and evaluate the ultimate disposition of high
   30  pressure well stimulation after use in high pressure well
   31  stimulation processes.
   32         (e) Analyze the risks associated with the handling,
   33  treatment, and disposal of flowback fluids and other materials,
   34  if any, generated by the treatment.
   35         (f) Review and evaluate all known and potential
   36  environmental impacts resulting from high pressure well
   37  stimulation treatments, including harmful atmospheric emissions,
   38  greenhouse gas emissions, the degradation of air quality,
   39  impacts to wildlife, native plants, and habitat, habitat
   40  fragmentation, groundwater and surface water contamination,
   41  noise pollution, fire and explosions, and induced seismicity.
   42         (2) The study is subject to independent scientific peer
   43  review, and the findings of the study shall be submitted to the
   44  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
   45  House of Representatives by March 1, 2016, and shall be
   46  prominently posted on the department website.
   47         (3)The department shall adopt rules to implement the
   48  findings of the study if such rules are warranted by the study
   49  and the department determines that additional legislation is not
   50  needed. If the department determines legislation is needed to
   51  protect surface water and groundwater resources, the department
   52  shall provide recommendations for such legislation to the
   53  Legislature.
   54         (4) The department may not approve any permit to authorize
   55  high pressure well stimulations until the study required under
   56  this section is submitted to the Governor, the President of the
   57  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and all
   58  rulemaking is complete, or additional legislation is enacted to
   59  protect human health, safety, and the environment.
   61  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   62  And the title is amended as follows:
   63         Delete line 24
   64  and insert:
   65         and environmentally compatible manner; creating s.
   66         377.2436, F.S.; requiring a study on high pressure
   67         well stimulations; requiring the study to be submitted
   68         to the Governor and the Legislature by a specified
   69         date; requiring the findings of the study to be posted
   70         on the department website; requiring the department to
   71         adopt rules under certain circumstances; requiring the
   72         department to provide recommendations for legislation
   73         under certain circumstances; prohibiting the approval
   74         of permits for high pressure well stimulations until
   75         the study has been submitted and all necessary
   76         rulemaking is complete or additional legislation is
   77         enacted; amending s.
