Bill Amendment: FL S1618 | 2019 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Tobacco and Nicotine Products
Status: 2019-05-03 - Died in Messages [S1618 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S1618-Senate_Floor_Amendment_123848.html
Bill Title: Tobacco and Nicotine Products
Status: 2019-05-03 - Died in Messages [S1618 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S1618-Senate_Floor_Amendment_123848.html
Florida Senate - 2019 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1618 Ì123848GÎ123848 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . Floor: 1/AD/2R . 04/29/2019 01:58 PM . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Simmons moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 59 - 548 4 and insert: 5 Section 2. Section 163.085, Florida Statutes, is created to 6 read: 7 163.085 Preemption of the establishment of the minimum age 8 for tobacco products, nicotine products, or nicotine dispensing 9 devices, and the regulation of marketing of such products.— 10 (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 11 (a) “Local government” means a county, municipality, or 12 special district. 13 (b) “Minimum age” means the lawful age to purchase or 14 knowingly possess tobacco products, nicotine products, or 15 nicotine dispensing devices. 16 (c) “Nicotine dispensing device” has the same meaning as in 17 s. 877.112. 18 (d) “Nicotine product” has the same meaning as in s. 19 877.112. 20 (e) “Retail licensure” means any certification, 21 registration, or license that is required for a person, firm, 22 association, or corporation to deal, at retail, with or 23 regarding any tobacco products. 24 (f) “Tobacco products” has the same meaning as in s. 25 569.002. 26 (2) PREEMPTION.—The establishment of the minimum age for 27 the sale and delivery of tobacco products, nicotine products, or 28 nicotine dispensing devices, and the regulation of the marketing 29 of such products, is preempted to the state. Nothing in this 30 section shall be construed to affect a local government’s 31 ability to require retail licensure for the sale of tobacco 32 products. 33 Section 3. Present paragraphs (b) through (f) of subsection 34 (1) of section 210.095, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as 35 paragraphs (a) through (e), respectively, a new paragraph (f) is 36 added to that section, and present paragraph (a) of subsection 37 (1), paragraph (c) of subsection (2), paragraph (a) of 38 subsection (3), paragraph (a) of subsection (4), subsection (5), 39 and paragraphs (a), (b), (e), and (g) of subsection (8) of that 40 section are amended, to read: 41 210.095 Mail order, Internet, and remote sales of tobacco 42 products; age verification.— 43 (1) For purposes of this section, the term: 44(a)“Adult” means an individual who is at least of the45legal minimum purchase age for tobacco products.46 (f) “The minimum age for purchase” means 21 years of age. 47 (2) 48 (c) A person may not make a delivery sale of tobacco 49 products to any individual who is not the minimum age for 50 purchasean adult. 51 (3) A person may not mail, ship, or otherwise deliver 52 tobacco products in connection with an order for a delivery sale 53 unless, before the first delivery to the consumer, the person 54 accepting the order for the delivery sale: 55 (a) Obtains from the individual submitting the order a 56 certification that includes: 57 1. Reliable confirmation that the individual is the minimum 58 age for purchasean adult; and 59 2. A statement signed by the individual in writing and 60 under penalty of perjury which: 61 a. Certifies the address and date of birth of the 62 individual; and 63 b. Confirms that the individual wants to receive delivery 64 sales from a tobacco company and understands that, under the 65 laws of this state, the following actions are illegal: 66 (I) Signing another individual’s name to the certification; 67 (II) Selling tobacco products to individuals under the 68 legal minimum purchase age; and 69 (III) Purchasing tobacco products, if the person making the 70 purchase is under the legal minimum purchase age. 71 72 In addition to the requirements of this subsection, a person 73 accepting an order for a delivery sale may request that a 74 consumer provide an electronic mail address. 75 (4) The notice described in paragraph (3)(c) must include 76 prominent and clearly legible statements that sales of tobacco 77 products are: 78 (a) Illegal if made to individuals who are not the minimum 79 age for purchaseadults. 80 81 The notice must include an explanation of how each tax has been, 82 or is to be, paid with respect to the delivery sale. 83 (5) Each person who mails, ships, or otherwise delivers 84 tobacco products in connection with an order for a delivery sale 85 must: 86 (a) Include as part of the shipping documents, in a clear 87 and conspicuous manner, the following statement: “Tobacco 88 Products: Florida law prohibits shipping to individuals under 21 8918years of age and requires the payment of all applicable 90 taxes.” 91 (b) Use a method of mailing, shipping, or delivery which 92 obligates the delivery service to require: 93 1. The individual submitting the order for the delivery 94 sale or another individual who is the minimum age for purchase 95adultwho resides at the individual’s address to sign his or her 96 name to accept delivery of the shipping container. Proof of the 97 legal minimum purchase age of the individual accepting delivery 98 is required only if the individual appears to be under 27 years 99 of age. 100 2. Proof that the individual is either the addressee or the 101 individual who is the minimum age for purchaseadultdesignated 102 by the addressee, in the form of a valid, government-issued 103 identification card bearing a photograph of the individual who 104 signs to accept delivery of the shipping container. 105 (c) Provide to the delivery service, if such service is 106 used, evidence of full compliance with subsection (7). 107 108 If the person accepting a purchase order for a delivery sale 109 delivers the tobacco products without using a delivery service, 110 the person must comply with all of the requirements of this 111 section which apply to a delivery service. Any failure to comply 112 with a requirement of this section constitutes a violation 113 thereof. 114 (8)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a 115 violation of this section by a person other than an individual 116 who is not the minimum age for purchasean adultis a 117 misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 118 775.082 or s. 775.083, and: 119 1. For a first violation of this section, the person shall 120 be fined $1,000 or five times the retail value of the tobacco 121 products involved in the violation, whichever is greater. 122 2. For a second or subsequent violation of this section, 123 the person shall be fined $5,000 or five times the retail value 124 of the tobacco products involved in the violation, whichever is 125 greater. 126 (b) A person who is the minimum age for purchasean adult127 and knowingly submits a false certification under subsection (3) 128 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 129 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. For each offense, the 130 person shall be fined $10,000 or five times the retail value of 131 the tobacco products involved in the violation, whichever is 132 greater. 133 (e) A person who, in connection with a delivery sale, 134 delivers tobacco products on behalf of a delivery service to an 135 individual who is not the minimum age for purchasean adult136 commits a misdemeanor of the third degree, punishable as 137 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 138 (g) An individual who is not the minimum age for purchase 139an adultand who knowingly violates any provision of this 140 section commits a misdemeanor of the third degree, punishable as 141 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 142 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 386.212, Florida 143 Statutes, is amended to read: 144 386.212 Smoking prohibited near school property; penalty.— 145 (1) It is unlawful for any person under 2118years of age 146 to smoke tobacco in, on, or within 1,000 feet of the real 147 property comprising a public or private elementary, middle, or 148 secondary school between the hours of 6 a.m. and midnight. This 149 section does not apply to any person occupying a moving vehicle 150 or within a private residence. 151 Section 5. Present subsections (3) through (7) of section 152 569.002, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (4) 153 through (8), respectively, a new subsection (3) is added to that 154 section, and present subsection (7) is amended, to read: 155 569.002 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: 156 (3) “The minimum age for purchase” means 21 years of age. 157 (8)(7)“Any person under the minimum age of purchase18” 158 does not include any person under the minimum age of purchase18159 who: 160(a)Has had his or her disability of nonage removed under161chapter 743;162 (a)(b)Is in the military reserve or on active duty in the 163 Armed Forces of the United States; or 164(c)Is otherwise emancipated by a court of competent165jurisdiction and released from parental care and responsibility;166or167 (b)(d)Is acting in his or her scope of lawful employment 168 with an entity licensed under the provisions of chapter 210 or 169 this chapter. 170 Section 6. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 569.007, 171 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 172 569.007 Sale or delivery of tobacco products; 173 restrictions.— 174 (1) In order to prevent persons under the minimum age of 175 purchase18 years of agefrom purchasing or receiving tobacco 176 products, the sale or delivery of tobacco products is 177 prohibited, except: 178 (a) When under the direct control or line of sight of the 179 dealer or the dealer’s agent or employee; or 180 (b) Sales from a vending machine are prohibited under the 181 provisions of paragraph (1)(a) and are only permissible from a 182 machine that is equipped with an operational lockout device 183 which is under the control of the dealer or the dealer’s agent 184 or employee who directly regulates the sale of items through the 185 machine by triggering the lockout device to allow the dispensing 186 of one tobacco product. The lockout device must include a 187 mechanism to prevent the machine from functioning if the power 188 source for the lockout device fails or if the lockout device is 189 disabled, and a mechanism to ensure that only one tobacco 190 product is dispensed at a time. 191 (2) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply to an 192 establishment that prohibits persons under 2118years of age on 193 the licensed premises. 194 Section 7. Section 569.0075, Florida Statutes, is amended 195 to read: 196 569.0075 Gift of sample tobacco products prohibited.—The 197 gift of sample tobacco products to any person under the minimum 198 age for purchaseage of 18by an entity licensed or permitted 199 under the provisions of chapter 210 or this chapter, or by an 200 employee of such entity, is prohibited and is punishable as 201 provided in s. 569.101. 202 Section 8. Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 203 569.008, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 204 569.008 Responsible retail tobacco products dealers; 205 qualifications; mitigation of disciplinary penalties; diligent 206 management and supervision; presumption.— 207 (1) The Legislature intends to prevent the sale of tobacco 208 products to persons under the minimum age for purchase18 years209of ageand to encourage retail tobacco products dealers to 210 comply with responsible practices in accordance with this 211 section. 212 (2) To qualify as a responsible retail tobacco products 213 dealer, the dealer must establish and implement procedures 214 designed to ensure that the dealer’s employees comply with the 215 provisions of this chapter. The dealer must provide a training 216 program for the dealer’s employees which addresses the use and 217 sale of tobacco products and which includes at least the 218 following topics: 219 (a) Laws covering the sale of tobacco products. 220 (b) Methods of recognizing and handling customers under the 221 minimum age for purchase18 years of age. 222 (c) Procedures for proper examination of identification 223 cards in order to verify that customers are not under the 224 minimum age for purchase18 years of age. 225 (d) The use of the age audit identification function on 226 electronic point-of-sale equipment, where available. 227 (3) In determining penalties under s. 569.006, the division 228 may mitigate penalties imposed against a dealer because of an 229 employee’s illegal sale of a tobacco product to a person under 230 the minimum age for purchase18 years of ageif the following 231 conditions are met: 232 (a) The dealer is qualified as a responsible dealer under 233 this section. 234 (b) The dealer provided the training program required under 235 subsection (2) to that employee before the illegal sale 236 occurred. 237 (c) The dealer had no knowledge of that employee’s 238 violation at the time of the violation and did not direct, 239 approve, or participate in the violation. 240 (d) If the sale was made through a vending machine, the 241 machine was equipped with an operational lock-out device. 242 Section 9. Section 569.101, Florida Statutes, is amended to 243 read: 244 569.101 Selling, delivering, bartering, furnishing, or 245 giving tobacco products to persons under the minimum age for 246 purchase18 years of age; criminal penalties; defense.— 247 (1) It is unlawful to sell, deliver, barter, furnish, or 248 give, directly or indirectly, to any person who is under the 249 minimum age for purchase18 years of age, any tobacco product. 250 (2) Any person who violates subsection (1) commits a 251 misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 252 775.082 or s. 775.083. However, any person who violates 253 subsection (1) for a second or subsequent time within 1 year of 254 the first violation, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, 255 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 256 (3) A person charged with a violation of subsection (1) has 257 a complete defense if, at the time the tobacco product was sold, 258 delivered, bartered, furnished, or given: 259 (a) The buyer or recipient falsely evidenced that she or he 260 was the minimum age for purchase18 years of ageor older; 261 (b) The appearance of the buyer or recipient was such that 262 a prudent person would believe the buyer or recipient to be the 263 minimum age for purchase18 years of ageor older; and 264 (c) Such person carefully checked a driver license or an 265 identification card issued by this state or another state of the 266 United States, a passport, or a United States armed services 267 identification card presented by the buyer or recipient and 268 acted in good faith and in reliance upon the representation and 269 appearance of the buyer or recipient in the belief that the 270 buyer or recipient was the minimum age for purchase18 years of271ageor older. 272 Section 10. Section 569.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to 273 read: 274 569.11 Possession, Misrepresenting age or military service 275 to purchase, and purchase of tobacco products by persons under 276 the minimum age for purchase18 years of ageprohibited; 277 penalties; jurisdiction; disposition of fines.— 278 (1) It is unlawful for any person under the minimum age for 279 purchase18 years of ageto knowingly possess any tobacco 280 product. Any person under the minimum age for purchase18 years281of agewho violates the provisions of this subsection commits a 282 noncriminal violation as provided in s. 775.08(3), punishable 283 by: 284 (a) For a first violation, 16 hours of community service 285 or, instead of community service, a $25 fine. In addition, the 286 person must attend a school-approved anti-tobacco program, if 287 locally available; 288 (b) For a second violation within 12 weeks of the first 289 violation, a $25 fine; or 290 (c) For a third or subsequent violation within 12 weeks of 291 the first violation, the court must direct the Department of 292 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold issuance of or 293 suspend or revoke the person’s driver license or driving 294 privilege, as provided in s. 322.056. 295 296 Any second or subsequent violation not within the 12-week time 297 period after the first violation is punishable as provided for a 298 first violation. 299 (2) It is unlawful for any person under the minimum age for 300 purchase18 years of ageto misrepresent his or her age or 301 military service for the purpose of inducing a dealer or an 302 agent or employee of the dealer to sell, give, barter, furnish, 303 or deliver any tobacco product, or to purchase, or attempt to 304 purchase, any tobacco product from a person or a vending 305 machine. Any person under the minimum age for purchase18 years306of agewho violates a provision of this subsection commits a 307 noncriminal violation as provided in s. 775.08(3), punishable 308 by: 309 (a) For a first violation, 16 hours of community service 310 or, instead of community service, a $25 fine and, in addition, 311 the person must attend a school-approved anti-tobacco program, 312 if available; 313 (b) For a second violation within 12 weeks of the first 314 violation, a $25 fine; or 315 (c) For a third or subsequent violation within 12 weeks of 316 the first violation, the court must direct the Department of 317 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold issuance of or 318 suspend or revoke the person’s driver license or driving 319 privilege, as provided in s. 322.056. 320 321 Any second or subsequent violation not within the 12-week time 322 period after the first violation is punishable as provided for a 323 first violation. 324 (3) Any person under the minimum age for purchase18 years325of agecited for committing a noncriminal violation under this 326 section must sign and accept a civil citation indicating a 327 promise to appear before the county court or comply with the 328 requirement for paying the fine and must attend a school 329 approved anti-tobacco program, if locally available. If a fine 330 is assessed for a violation of this section, the fine must be 331 paid within 30 days after the date of the citation or, if a 332 court appearance is mandatory, within 30 days after the date of 333 the hearing. 334 (4) A person charged with a noncriminal violation under 335 this section must appear before the county court or comply with 336 the requirement for paying the fine. The court, after a hearing, 337 shall make a determination as to whether the noncriminal 338 violation was committed. If the court finds the violation was 339 committed, it shall impose an appropriate penalty as specified 340 in subsection (1) or subsection (2). A person who participates 341 in community service shall be considered an employee of the 342 state for the purpose of chapter 440, for the duration of such 343 service. 344 (5)(a) If a person under the minimum age for purchase18345years of ageis found by the court to have committed a 346 noncriminal violation under this section and that person has 347 failed to complete community service, pay the fine as required 348 by paragraph (1)(a) or paragraph (2)(a), or attend a school 349 approved anti-tobacco program, if locally available, the court 350 must direct the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 351 to withhold issuance of or suspend the driver license or driving 352 privilege of that person for a period of 30 consecutive days. 353 (b) If a person under the minimum age for purchase18 years354of ageis found by the court to have committed a noncriminal 355 violation under this section and that person has failed to pay 356 the applicable fine as required by paragraph (1)(b) or paragraph 357 (2)(b), the court must direct the Department of Highway Safety 358 and Motor Vehicles to withhold issuance of or suspend the driver 359 license or driving privilege of that person for a period of 45 360 consecutive days. 361 (6) Eighty percent of all civil penalties received by a 362 county court pursuant to this section shall be remitted by the 363 clerk of the court to the Department of Revenue for transfer to 364 the Department of Education to provide for teacher training and 365 for research and evaluation to reduce and prevent the use of 366 tobacco products by children. The remaining 20 percent of civil 367 penalties received by a county court pursuant to this section 368 shall remain with the clerk of the county court to cover 369 administrative costs. 370 Section 11. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) and subsection 371 (3) of section 569.12, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 372 569.12 Jurisdiction; tobacco product enforcement officers 373 or agents; enforcement.— 374 (2) 375 (b) A tobacco product enforcement officer is authorized to 376 issue a citation to a person under the minimum age for purchase 377of 18when, based upon personal investigation, the officer has 378 reasonable cause to believe that the person has committed a 379 civil infraction in violation of s. 386.212 or s. 569.11. 380 (3) A correctional probation officer as defined in s. 381 943.10(3) is authorized to issue a citation to a person under 382 the minimum age for purchaseof 18when, based upon personal 383 investigation, the officer has reasonable cause to believe that 384 the person has committed a civil infraction in violation of s. 385 569.11. 386 Section 12. Section 569.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to 387 read: 388 569.14 Posting of a sign stating that the sale of tobacco 389 products to persons under the minimum age for purchase18 years390of ageis unlawful; enforcement; penalty.— 391 (1) A dealer that sells tobacco products shall post a clear 392 and conspicuous sign in each place of business where such 393 products are sold which substantially states the following: 394 395 THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE 396 OF 2118IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS 397 REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. 398 399 (2) A dealer that sells tobacco products and nicotine 400 products or nicotine dispensing devices, as defined in s. 401 877.112, may use a sign that substantially states the following: 402 403 THE SALE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS, NICOTINE PRODUCTS, OR 404 NICOTINE DISPENSING DEVICES TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE 405 OF 2118IS AGAINST FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS 406 REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. 407 408 A dealer that uses a sign as described in this subsection meets 409 the signage requirements of subsection (1) and s. 877.112. 410 (3) The division shall make available to dealers of tobacco 411 products signs that meet the requirements of subsection (1) or 412 subsection (2). 413 (4) Any dealer that sells tobacco products shall provide at 414 the checkout counter in a location clearly visible to the dealer 415 or the dealer’s agent or employee instructional material in a 416 calendar format or similar format to assist in determining 417 whether a person is of legal age to purchase tobacco products. 418 This point of sale material must contain substantially the 419 following language: 420 421 IF YOU WERE NOT BORN BEFORE THIS DATE 422 (insert date and applicable year) 423 YOU CANNOT BE SOLDBUYTOBACCO PRODUCTS. 424 425 Upon approval by the division, in lieu of a calendar a dealer 426 may use card readers, scanners, or other electronic or automated 427 systems that can verify whether a person is of legal age to 428 purchase tobacco products. Failure to comply with the provisions 429 contained in this subsection shall result in imposition of 430 administrative penalties as provided in s. 569.006. 431 (5) The division, through its agents and inspectors, shall 432 enforce this section. 433 (6) Any person who fails to comply with subsection (1) is 434 guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as 435 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 436 Section 13. Subsections (3) and (4) of section 569.19, 437 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 438 569.19 Annual report.—The division shall report annually 439 with written findings to the Legislature and the Governor by 440 December 31, on the progress of implementing the enforcement 441 provisions of this chapter. This must include, but is not 442 limited to: 443 (3) The number of violations for selling tobacco products 444 to persons under the minimum age for purchase18, and the 445 results of administrative hearings on the above and related 446 issues. 447 (4) The number of persons under the minimum age for 448 purchase18cited for violations of s. 569.11 and sanctions 449 imposed as a result of citation. 450 Section 14. Section 877.112, Florida Statutes, is amended 451 to read: 452 877.112 Nicotine products and nicotine dispensing devices; 453 prohibitions for persons under 21 years of ageminors; 454 penalties; civil fines; signage requirements; preemption.— 455 (1) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 456 (a) “Any person under 21 years of age” does not include any 457 person under the age of 21 who: 458 1. Is in the military reserve or on active duty in the 459 Armed Forces of the United States; or 460 2. Is acting in his or her scope of lawful employment with 461 an entity that sells, manufactures, or distributes nicotine 462 products or nicotine dispensing devices. 463 (b)(a)“Nicotine dispensing device” means any product that 464 employs an electronic, chemical, or mechanical means to produce 465 vapor from a nicotine product, including, but not limited to, an 466 electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, 467 electronic pipe, or other similar device or product, any 468 replacement cartridge for such device, and any other container 469 of nicotine in a solution or other form intended to be used with 470 or within an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic 471 cigarillo, electronic pipe, or other similar device or product. 472 (c)(b)“Nicotine product” means any product that contains 473 nicotine, including liquid nicotine, that is intended for human 474 consumption, whether inhaled, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or 475 ingested by any means, but does not include a: 476 1. Tobacco product, as defined in s. 569.002; 477 2. Product regulated as a drug or device by the United 478 States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the 479 federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; or 480 3. Product that contains incidental nicotine. 481 (d)(c)“Self-service merchandising” means the open display 482 of nicotine products or nicotine dispensing devices, whether 483 packaged or otherwise, for direct retail customer access and 484 handling before purchase without the intervention or assistance 485 of the retailer or the retailer’s owner, employee, or agent. An 486 open display of such products and devices includes the use of an 487 open display unit. 488 (2) PROHIBITIONS ON SALE TO PERSONS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE 489MINORS.—It is unlawful to sell, deliver, barter, furnish, or 490 give, directly or indirectly, to any person who is under 2118491 years of age, any nicotine product or a nicotine dispensing 492 device. 493 (3) PROHIBITIONS ON GIFTING SAMPLES TO PERSONS UNDER 21 494 YEARS OF AGEMINORS.—The gift of a sample nicotine product or 495 nicotine dispensing device to any person under the age of 2118496 by a retailer of nicotine products or nicotine dispensing 497 devices, or by an employee of such retailer, is prohibited. 498 (4) PENALTIES.—Any person who violates subsection (2) or 499 subsection (3) commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, 500 punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. However, any 501 person who violates subsection (2) or subsection (3) for a 502 second or subsequent time within 1 year of the first violation 503 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as 504 provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 505 (5) AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES.—A person charged with a violation 506 of subsection (2) or subsection (3) has a complete defense if, 507 at the time the nicotine product or nicotine dispensing device 508 was sold, delivered, bartered, furnished, or given: 509 (a) The buyer or recipient falsely evidenced that she or he 510 was 2118years of age or older; 511 (b) The appearance of the buyer or recipient was such that 512 a prudent person would believe the buyer or recipient to be 21 51318years of age or older; and 514 (c) Such person carefully checked a driver license or an 515 identification card issued by this state or another state of the 516 United States, a passport, or a United States Armed Services 517 identification card presented by the buyer or recipient and 518 acted in good faith and in reliance upon the representation and 519 appearance of the buyer or recipient in the belief that the 520 buyer or recipient was 2118years of age or older. 521 (6) PROHIBITIONS ON POSSESSION OF NICOTINE PRODUCTS OR 522 NICOTINE DISPENSING DEVICES BY PERSONS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE 523MINORS.—It is unlawful for any person under 2118years of age 524 to knowingly possess any nicotine product or a nicotine 525 dispensing device. Any person under 2118years of age who 526 violates this subsection commits a noncriminal violation as 527 defined in s. 775.08(3), punishable by: 528 (a) For a first violation, 16 hours of community service 529 or, instead of community service, a $25 fine. In addition, the 530 person must attend a school-approved anti-tobacco and nicotine 531 program, if locally available; 532 (b) For a second violation within 12 weeks of the first 533 violation, a $25 fine; or 534 (c) For a third or subsequent violation within 12 weeks of 535 the first violation, the court must direct the Department of 536 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold issuance of or 537 suspend or revoke the person’s driver license or driving 538 privilege, as provided in s. 322.056. 539 540 Any second or subsequent violation not within the 12-week time 541 period after the first violation is punishable as provided for a 542 first violation. 543 (7) PROHIBITION ON MISREPRESENTING AGE.—It is unlawful for 544 any person under 2118years of age to misrepresent his or her 545 age or military service for the purpose of inducing a retailer 546 of nicotine products or nicotine dispensing devices or an agent 547 or employee of such retailer to sell, give, barter, furnish, or 548 deliver any nicotine product or nicotine dispensing device, or 549 to purchase, or attempt to purchase, any nicotine product or 550 nicotine dispensing device from a person or a vending machine. 551 Any person under 2118years of age who violates this subsection 552 commits a noncriminal violation as defined in s. 775.08(3), 553 punishable by: 554 (a) For a first violation, 16 hours of community service 555 or, instead of community service, a $25 fine and, in addition, 556 the person must attend a school-approved anti-tobacco and 557 nicotine program, if available; 558 (b) For a second violation within 12 weeks of the first 559 violation, a $25 fine; or 560 (c) For a third or subsequent violation within 12 weeks of 561 the first violation, the court must direct the Department of 562 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold issuance of or 563 suspend or revoke the person’s driver license or driving 564 privilege, as provided in s. 322.056. 565 566 Any second or subsequent violation not within the 12-week time 567 period after the first violation is punishable as provided for a 568 first violation. 569 (8) PENALTIES FOR PERSONS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGEMINORS.— 570 (a) A person under 2118years of age cited for committing 571 a noncriminal violation under this section must sign and accept 572 a civil citation indicating a promise to appear before the 573 county court or comply with the requirement for paying the fine 574 and must attend a school-approved anti-tobacco and nicotine 575 program, if locally available. If a fine is assessed for a 576 violation of this section, the fine must be paid within 30 days 577 after the date of the citation or, if a court appearance is 578 mandatory, within 30 days after the date of the hearing. 579 (b) A person charged with a noncriminal violation under 580 this section must appear before the county court or comply with 581 the requirement for paying the fine. The court, after a hearing, 582 shall make a determination as to whether the noncriminal 583 violation was committed. If the court finds the violation was 584 committed, it shall impose an appropriate penalty as specified 585 in subsection (6) or subsection (7). A person who participates 586 in community service shall be considered an employee of the 587 state for the purpose of chapter 440, for the duration of such 588 service. 589 (c) If a person under 2118years of age is found by the 590 court to have committed a noncriminal violation under this 591 section and that person has failed to complete community 592 service, pay the fine as required by paragraph (6)(a) or 593 paragraph (7)(a), or attend a school-approved anti-tobacco and 594 nicotine program, if locally available, the court must direct 595 the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold 596 issuance of or suspend the driver license or driving privilege 597 of that person for 30 consecutive days. 598 (d) If a person under 2118years of age is found by the 599 court to have committed a noncriminal violation under this 600 section and that person has failed to pay the applicable fine as 601 required by paragraph (6)(b) or paragraph (7)(b), the court must 602 direct the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to 603 withhold issuance of or suspend the driver license or driving 604 privilege of that person for 45 consecutive days. 605 (9) DISTRIBUTION OF CIVIL FINES.—Eighty percent of all 606 civil penalties received by a county court pursuant to 607 subsections (6) and (7) shall be remitted by the clerk of the 608 court to the Department of Revenue for transfer to the 609 Department of Education to provide for teacher training and for 610 research and evaluation to reduce and prevent the use of tobacco 611 products, nicotine products, or nicotine dispensing devices by 612 children. The remaining 20 percent of civil penalties received 613 by a county court pursuant to this section shall remain with the 614 clerk of the county court to cover administrative costs. 615 (10) SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR RETAILERS OF NICOTINE 616 PRODUCTS AND NICOTINE DISPENSING DEVICES.— 617 (a) Any retailer that sells nicotine products or nicotine 618 dispensing devices shall post a clear and conspicuous sign in 619 each place of business where such products are sold which 620 substantially states the following: 621 622 THE SALE OF NICOTINE PRODUCTS OR NICOTINE DISPENSING 623 DEVICES TO PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 2118IS AGAINST 624 FLORIDA LAW. PROOF OF AGE IS REQUIRED FOR PURCHASE. 625 626 (b) A retailer that sells nicotine products or nicotine 627 dispensing devices shall provide at the checkout counter in a 628 location clearly visible to the retailer or the retailer’s agent 629 or employee instructional material in a calendar format or 630 similar format to assist in determining whether a person is of 631 legal age to purchase nicotine products or nicotine dispensing 632 devices. This point of sale material must contain substantially 633 the following language: 634 635 IF YOU WERE NOT BORN BEFORE THIS DATE 636 (insert date and applicable year) 637 YOU CANNOT BUY NICOTINE PRODUCTS OR 638 NICOTINE DISPENSING DEVICES. 639 640 In lieu of a calendar a retailer may use card readers, scanners, 641 or other electronic or automated systems that can verify whether 642 a person is of legal age to purchase nicotine products or 643 nicotine dispensing devices. 644 (11) SELF-SERVICE MERCHANDISING PROHIBITED.— 645 (a) A retailer that sells nicotine products or nicotine 646 dispensing devices may not sell, permit to be sold, offer for 647 sale, or display for sale such products or devices by means of 648 self-service merchandising. 649 (b) A retailer that sells nicotine products or nicotine 650 dispensing devices may not place such products or devices in an 651 open display unit unless the unit is located in an area that is 652 inaccessible to customers. 653 (c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to an establishment 654 that prohibits persons under 2118years of age on the premises. 655 (12) RESTRICTIONS ON SALE OR DELIVERY OF NICOTINE PRODUCTS 656 OR NICOTINE DISPENSING DEVICES.— 657 (a) In order to prevent persons under 2118years of age 658 from purchasing or receiving nicotine products or nicotine 659 dispensing devices, the sale or delivery of such products or 660 devices is prohibited, except: 661 1. When under the direct control, or line of sight where 662 effective control may be reasonably maintained, of the retailer 663 of nicotine products or nicotine dispensing devices or such 664 retailer’s agent or employee; or 665 2. Sales from a vending machine are prohibited under 666 subparagraph 1. and are only permissible from a machine that is 667 equipped with an operational lockout device which is under the 668 control of the retailer of nicotine products or nicotine 669 dispensing devices or such retailer’s agent or employee who 670 directly regulates the sale of items through the machine by 671 triggering the lockout device to allow the dispensing of one 672 nicotine product or nicotine dispensing device. The lockout 673 device must include a mechanism to prevent the machine from 674 functioning, if the power source for the lockout device fails or 675 if the lockout device is disabled, and a mechanism to ensure 676 that only one nicotine product or nicotine dispensing device is 677 dispensed at a time. 678 (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to an establishment that 679 prohibits persons under 2118years of age on the premises. 680 (c) A retailer of nicotine products or nicotine dispensing 681 devices or such retailer’s agent or employee may require proof 682 of age of a purchaser of such products or devices before selling 683 the product or device to that person. 684 685 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 686 And the title is amended as follows: 687 Delete lines 2 - 53 688 and insert: 689 An act relating to tobacco and nicotine products; 690 providing a short title; creating s. 163.085, F.S.; 691 defining terms; preempting the establishment of the 692 minimum age for the sale or delivery of tobacco 693 products, nicotine products, or nicotine dispensing 694 devices to the state; providing exceptions; amending 695 s. 210.095, F.S.; deleting the definition of the term 696 “adult”; defining the term “the minimum age for 697 purchase”; conforming provisions to changes made by 698 the act; amending s. 386.212, F.S.; revising the age 699 under which it is unlawful to smoke in, on, or near 700 school property; amending s. 569.002, F.S.; defining 701 the terms “the minimum age for purchase” and “any 702 person under the minimum age for purchase”; replacing 703 the term “any person under the age of 18” with “any 704 person under the minimum age for purchase”; amending 705 s. 569.007, F.S.; providing that it is unlawful to 706 sell or deliver tobacco products to persons under the 707 minimum age for purchase; providing an exception; 708 amending s. 569.0075, F.S.; revising the age under 709 which the gift of tobacco products to a person by 710 certain entities is prohibited; amending s. 569.008, 711 F.S.; revising legislative intent to reflect that the 712 Legislature intends to prevent the sale of tobacco 713 products to persons under a specified age; conforming 714 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 715 569.101, F.S.; revising the age limitation that 716 applies to the sale, delivery, bartering, furnishing, 717 or giving of tobacco products; conforming provisions 718 to changes made by the act; amending s. 569.11, F.S.; 719 revising the age limitation that applies to possessing 720 tobacco products; revising the age limitation that 721 applies to unlawful misrepresentation of age or 722 military service for certain purposes; conforming 723 provisions to changes made by the act; amending ss. 724 569.12, 569.14, and 569.19, F.S.; conforming 725 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 726 877.112, F.S.; defining the term “any person under 21 727 years of age”; revising the age limitations relating 728 to nicotine products and nicotine dispensing devices; 729 conforming provisions to changes made by the act; 730 providing an