Bill Amendment: FL S7078 | 2015 | Regular Session
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Status: 2015-05-22 - Chapter No. 2015-79 [S7078 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S7078-Senate_Floor_Amendment_165228.html
Bill Title: Child Welfare
Status: 2015-05-22 - Chapter No. 2015-79 [S7078 Detail]
Download: Florida-2015-S7078-Senate_Floor_Amendment_165228.html
Florida Senate - 2015 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 7078 Ì1652283Î165228 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . Floor: 3/AD/2R . 04/23/2015 10:57 AM . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Garcia moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Between lines 505 and 506 4 insert: 5 Section 2. Section 1006.061, Florida Statutes, is amended 6 to read: 7 1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.—Each 8 district school board, charter school, and private school that 9 accepts scholarship students under s. 1002.39 or s. 1002.395 10 shall: 11 (1) Post in a prominent place in each school a notice that, 12 pursuant to chapter 39, all employees and agents of the district 13 school board, charter school, or private school have an 14 affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of 15 child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; have immunity from 16 liability if they report such cases in good faith; and have a 17 duty to comply with child protective investigations and all 18 other provisions of law relating to child abuse, abandonment, 19 and neglect. The notice shall also include the statewide toll 20 free telephone number of the central abuse hotline. 21 (2) Post in a prominent place at each school site and on 22 each school’s Internet website, if available, the policies and 23 procedures for reporting alleged misconduct by instructional 24 personnel or school administrators which affects the health, 25 safety, or welfare of a student; the contact person to whom the 26 report is made; and the penalties imposed on instructional 27 personnel or school administrators who fail to report suspected 28 or actual child abuse or alleged misconduct by other 29 instructional personnel or school administrators. 30 (3) Require the principal of the charter school or private 31 school, or the district school superintendent, or the 32 superintendent’s designee, at the request of the Department of 33 Children and Families, to act as a liaison to the Department of 34 Children and Families and the child protection team, as defined 35 in s. 39.01, when in a case of suspected child abuse, 36 abandonment, or neglect or an unlawful sexual offense involving 37 a child the case is referred to such a team; except that this 38 does not relieve or restrict the Department of Children and 39 Families from discharging its duty and responsibility under the 40 law to investigate and report every suspected or actual case of 41 child abuse, abandonment, or neglect or unlawful sexual offense 42 involving a child. 43 (4)(a) Post in a prominent place in a clearly visible 44 location and public area of the school which is readily 45 accessible to and widely used by students a sign in English and 46 Spanish that contains: 47 1. The statewide toll-free telephone number of the central 48 abuse hotline as provided in chapter 39; 49 2. Instructions to call 911 for emergencies; and 50 3. Directions for accessing the Department of Children and 51 Families Internet website for more information on reporting 52 abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 53 (b) The information in paragraph (a) must be put on at 54 least one poster in each school, on a sheet that measures at 55 least 11 inches by 17 inches, produced in large print, and 56 placed at student eye level for easy viewing. 57 58 The Department of Education shall develop, and publish on the 59 department’s Internet website, sample notices suitable for 60 posting in accordance with subsections (1),and(2), and (4). 61 62 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 63 And the title is amended as follows: 64 Delete line 38 65 and insert: 66 F.S.; redefining a term; amending s. 1006.061, F.S.; 67 requiring each district school board, charter school, 68 and certain private schools to post in each school a 69 poster with specified information; providing criteria 70 for the poster; requiring the Department of Education 71 to develop and publish a sample notice on its Internet 72 website; providing an effective date.