Bill Text: FL S0074 | 2011 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Relief/Brian Pitts/State of Florida
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2010-08-05 - Withdrawn prior to introduction -SJ 18 [S0074 Detail]
Download: Florida-2011-S0074-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2011 (NP) SB 74 By Senator Wise 5-00043B-11 201174__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act for the relief of Brian Pitts; directing the 3 Division of Administrative Hearings to appoint an 4 administrative law judge to determine whether a basis 5 for equitable relief exists for the purpose of 6 compensating Brian Pitts for any wrongful act or 7 omission by the State of Florida or officials thereof; 8 requiring a report to the Legislature; authorizing 9 such compensation upon a determination by the 10 administrative law judge; providing an appropriation 11 to compensate Brian Pitts for injuries and damages 12 sustained; providing a limitation on the payment of 13 fees and costs; directing that certain court orders 14 and judgments to be declared null and void; 15 prohibiting certain specified clerks of court from 16 restricting access to court papers pertaining to Mr. 17 Pitts; authorizing Brian Pitts to practice law under 18 certain circumstances; directing the Department of Law 19 Enforcement to investigate certain illegal acts 20 committed by certain designated persons; providing an 21 effective date. 22 23 WHEREAS, this state has clearly recognized the practice of 24 law by lay persons since at least 1980, the Legislature and 25 judiciary having concurrent jurisdiction to regulate such, and 26 WHEREAS, Brian Pitts has exercised this privilege since 27 2001 in Pinellas County, and his practice was later confirmed by 28 the Florida Supreme Court in case number SC 02-247, in a final 29 order dated November 6, 2003, and 30 WHEREAS, since the inception of Mr. Pitts’ practice, the 31 Second District Court of Appeal, the Sixth Judicial Circuit of 32 Florida serving Pasco and Pinellas Counties, the state attorney 33 for the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida, and The Florida Bar 34 have, without cause, deprived Mr. Pitts of the privilege of 35 practicing law as prescribed by the Legislature and Florida 36 Supreme Court, subjecting him to civil and criminal proceedings 37 and penalties on an ongoing basis, and 38 WHEREAS, the Florida Supreme Court has, by virtue of the 39 broad, general, and ambiguous language of its 2003 final order 40 in the case, subjected Mr. Pitts to entrapment, and has 41 needlessly and unjustly avoided and failed upon many requests by 42 Mr. Pitts to clarify or amend the final order or to promulgate 43 other rules following original proceedings brought by Mr. Pitts 44 to correct the matter, and 45 WHEREAS, this course of misconduct has been ongoing from 46 2001 to 2010, such that the courts, The Florida Bar, and the 47 state attorney’s office for Pinellas County have been in 48 continual collusion against Mr. Pitts and such behavior has 49 resulted in wrongful and unlawful incarcerations of Brian Pitts 50 in the Pinellas County jail, and 51 WHEREAS, this misconduct was intended to retaliate against 52 Mr. Pitts and to thwart other pending actions for relief from 53 collusion by civil, appellate, or petitions of writs and 54 proceedings directed to or from criminal cases, with his 55 incarceration resulting in his inability to appear pro se and 56 maintain said actions in state or federal courts, and 57 WHEREAS, appearing pro se in many of his cases, Mr. Pitts 58 was complimented by several judges of the Sixth Judicial Circuit 59 for an exceptional degree of technical and performance 60 competence such as would be expected of any trained and 61 experienced member of The Florida Bar, but was informed 62 expressly or by implication that he would not receive the relief 63 requested in any given proceeding unless he was represented by a 64 member of The Florida Bar, as a matter of camaraderie, and 65 WHEREAS, though appearing pro se in said cases and other 66 actions seeking relief from the collusion, Mr. Pitts was, at 67 times, represented by appointed counsel, however such 68 appearances proved to be futile as the proceedings were staged 69 by the courts and state attorney to be illusory and failed to 70 abide by binding precedent and stare decisis, where applicable, 71 and the Florida Rules of Court, as evidenced by the series of 72 filings in each case by Mr. Pitts and, then, his counsel, when 73 counsel was appointed, hence resulting in deprivation of 74 procedural and substantive due process, equal protection of the 75 law, self representation, and representation by counsel under 76 the United States Constitution, and 77 WHEREAS, the sheriff of Pinellas County further 78 participated in the concerted effort of the courts, The Florida 79 Bar, and state attorneys to illegally incarcerate Mr. Pitts in 80 the Pinellas County jail by denying him, without cause, 81 administrative alternative sentencing, subjecting him to living 82 conditions and circumstances in violation of multiple Florida 83 model jail standards, and extending his sentence an additional 84 10 to 30 days over the ordered sentences, hence subjecting him 85 to cruel and unusual punishment, denying him due process and 86 equal protection under the law, and violating prohibitions 87 against false imprisonment, and 88 WHEREAS, the conditions and circumstances of his 89 incarceration in the Pinellas County jail are reflected in 90 articles published by The St. Petersburg Times and The Orlando 91 Sentinel, and 92 WHEREAS, such behavior is a clear abuse of judicial, 93 executive, and administrative authority as to the state court 94 system and local government as to the state attorney and the 95 sheriff of Pinellas County and resulted in a public 96 embarrassment to this state, and 97 WHEREAS, Mr. Pitts’ good name and reputation have been 98 damaged and he has been deprived of due process, the ability to 99 conduct a lawful business, freedom of speech, property, liberty, 100 and equal protection under the law, and has not benefited from 101 constitutional protections against unlawful trusts and double 102 jeopardy, and, further, has suffered mental anguish and 103 emotional distress as the result of the intentional misconduct 104 and gross negligence of the courts, the state attorney’s office, 105 and The Florida Bar related to his practice of law as a 106 nonlawyer in this state, and 107 WHEREAS, Mr. Pitts has suffered, and continues to suffer, 108 significant monetary damage in the form of time, expenses, fees, 109 fines, costs, and restitution associated with the civil and 110 criminal proceedings pertaining to his defense against charges 111 of unauthorized or unlicensed practice of law, and 112 WHEREAS, Brian Pitts has, on many occasions, appeared 113 before the Legislature to instruct, advise, inform, and advocate 114 for or against proposed legislation covering a large spectrum of 115 topics and subject matter, and 116 WHEREAS, the Legislature recognizes that no system of 117 justice is impervious to human error, and 118 WHEREAS, the Legislature acknowledges that the state’s 119 system of justice sometimes yields imperfect results that may 120 have tragic consequences, and 121 WHEREAS, this claim is based on a moral and legal 122 obligation of the Legislature to acknowledge its own acts and 123 inherent authority to correct a wrong whereby normal or other 124 state authority, remedy, or resolution has been intentionally 125 avoided or denied on an arbitrary and capricious basis, 126 resulting in a manifest injustice or disregard of the law, and 127 WHEREAS, the Legislature intends that any compensation made 128 pursuant to this act be the sole compensation to be provided by 129 the state for any and all present and future claims arising out 130 of the facts presented in this act, NOW, THEREFORE, 131 132 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 133 134 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this act are 135 found and declared to be true. 136 Section 2. The Division of Administrative Hearings shall 137 appoint an administrative law judge to conduct a hearing and 138 determine a basis for equitable and proportional relief for the 139 purpose of compensating Brian Pitts for any wrongful act or 140 omission of the State of Florida, the state attorney of Pinellas 141 County, or the sheriff of Pinellas County which occurred in the 142 investigations and civil or criminal proceedings pertaining to 143 or alleging the unlicensed or unauthorized practice of law and 144 the incarceration of Mr. Pitts. 145 Section 3. (1) The administrative law judge shall determine 146 by a preponderance of the evidence whether the State of Florida, 147 the state attorney, or the sheriff of Pinellas County committed 148 a wrongful act or omission and whether a basis for equitable 149 relief exists. If it so finds, the administrative law judge 150 shall award Brian Pitts an amount of $500,000 unless it is 151 determined that a lesser award is in order, which shall be no 152 less than $100,000 in proportionate shares to be paid in lump 153 sum or payments over a period of not more than 10 years. 154 (2) The administrative law judge shall report his or her 155 determination to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of 156 the House of Representatives by July 1, 2011. The Chief 157 Financial Officer is directed to draw a warrant in satisfaction 158 of the relief awarded by the administrative law judge, as 159 provided in this act, and to pay the warrant out of the State 160 Courts Trust Fund and the State Attorneys Trust Fund in the 161 State Treasury to be payable to Brian Pitts. As to its 162 proportional share, Pinellas County is directed to and shall 163 draw a warrant payable to Brian Pitts out of its general revenue 164 fund or such other funding source it has provided to pay valid 165 claims against the local government as it pertains to the 166 sheriff of Pinellas County. 167 (3) This award is intended to provide the sole compensation 168 for all present and future claims arising out of the factual 169 situation described in this act which resulted in unlawful or 170 unconstitutional acts committed against Brian Pitts in 171 connection with allegations, judgments, and convictions of the 172 unlicensed or unauthorized practice of law and his 173 incarcerations from 2001 through 2010. The total amount paid for 174 attorney’s fees, lobbying fees, costs, and other similar 175 expenses relating to this claim may not exceed 25 percent of the 176 amount awarded under this act. 177 (4) All final orders, judgments, decrees, and convictions, 178 and orders or liens as to fees, fines, costs, and restitution 179 rendered in cases SC06-1279, SC02-247, CRCAB-90407CFANO, CRCAB 180 65835CFANO, CRC07-12964CFANO, CTC07-03965MMANO, CTC03 181 09855MMANO, CTC03-01885MMANO, and CTC03-01887MMANO pertaining to 182 Brian Pitts as respondent or defendant are hereby declared to be 183 null and void and are annulled by this act by virtue of the 184 doctrine of separation of powers, the Legislature’s lawful and 185 valid enactments authorizing lay representation, and checks and 186 balances exercised by this Legislature. 187 (5) The clerk of the court for the Florida Supreme Court, 188 as to cases SC06-1279 and SC02-247, and the clerk of the court 189 for the Sixth Judicial Circuit, as to cases CRCAB-90407CFANO, 190 CRCAB-65835CFANO, CRC07-12964CFANO, CTC07-03965MMANO, CTC03 191 09855MMANO, CTC03-01885MMANO, and CTC03-01887MMANO, pertaining 192 to Brian Pitts shall remove from public and private access all 193 dockets, records, documents, and recorded orders or liens on the 194 cases and hand the records or documents over to the Department 195 of Law Enforcement to fulfill its duties. The Department of Law 196 Enforcement shall remove from public and private access all 197 record history and information of a criminal nature concerning 198 Brian Pitts, including, but not limited to, fingerprints, felon 199 registration, and all other matters contained in the case 200 numbers cited in this subsection. The records, information, or 201 documents may not be used by or accessed for any purpose by 202 anyone unless inquired of by federal authorities or for 203 investigations under section 6 of this act. 204 (6) The Department of Law Enforcement shall ensure the 205 compliance, execution, and enforcement of subsections (4) and 206 (5) and provide protective services to Brian Pitts ensuring his 207 rights, privileges, and safety under sections 4, 5, and 6 of 208 this act. 209 Section 4. In accordance with the final order of the 210 Florida Supreme Court in Case Number SC 02-247, which authorized 211 Brian Pitts to practice law in this state, the Legislature 212 authorizes Brian Pitts to practice law in this state under the 213 following designations, titles, rules, decisions, or acts in the 214 capacity as a lay counselor or lay representative: 215 (1) Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, concerning a qualified 216 representative. 217 (2) Chapter 44, Florida Statutes, concerning a designated 218 representative. 219 (3) Section 709.08, Florida Statutes, concerning an 220 attorney in fact. 221 (4) Decisions or rules of the Florida Supreme Court 222 concerning representation by a realty property manager. 223 (5) Decisions or rules of the Florida Supreme Court 224 concerning a nonlawyer using approved forms. 225 (6) Decisions or rules of the Florida Supreme Court 226 concerning representation in county or small claims civil 227 proceedings. 228 (7) Rule 5-15, Rules Relating to Admission to the Florida 229 Bar. 230 (8) Judicial discretion under the inherent authority 231 doctrine. 232 (9) Federal law, or any other clearly expressed rule, 233 statute, or court or administrative decision or order under 234 other federal or state law and authority. 235 Section 5. Any appearance or public testimony given by 236 Brian Pitts on bills or matters before the Legislature, wherever 237 held or convened throughout this state, does not constitute the 238 practice of law. In all circumstances Brian Pitts retains the 239 right where having valid standing supported by law or, if he is 240 the subject of civil or criminal proceeding, to represent 241 himself without a lawyer. 242 Section 6. Due to the period of ongoing misconduct against 243 Mr. Pitts cited in this act, the Department of Law Enforcement 244 assisted by Mr. Pitts shall investigate the acts commissioned 245 by: the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court; the judges of the 246 Second District Court of Appeal assigned to Mr. Pitts’ cases on 247 motions, reviews, and petitions for writs; Sixth Judicial 248 Circuit judges Robert E. Beach, Chris Helinger, and Paul Levine; 249 and Sixth Judicial Circuit state attorneys Holly Grissinger and 250 William A. Lowery, and any related violations of the law on the 251 part of The Florida Bar and the sheriff of Pinellas County. The 252 Department of Law Enforcement shall exercise all authority 253 granted it under general law to pursue criminal violations under 254 this act and to refer the evidence of such crimes to the 255 officials authorized to conduct the prosecution, which shall be 256 placed before a grand jury to be impaneled in Leon County to 257 make presentment within 1 year as to the criminal matters under 258 this section. 259 Section 7. The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 260 House of Representatives, or the Governor may sever in whole or 261 in part any section of this act, and the remaining sections 262 shall be in full force and effect upon this act becoming law. 263 Section 8. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.