Bill Text: FL S0262 | 2017 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Health Insurance
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2017-05-05 - Died in Judiciary [S0262 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S0262-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2017 SB 262 By Senator Steube 23-00399B-17 2017262__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to health insurance; amending s. 3 641.19, F.S.; revising definitions; amending s. 4 641.51, F.S.; deleting a provision that provides that 5 health maintenance organizations are not vicariously 6 liable for certain medical negligence except under 7 certain circumstances; amending s. 641.3917, F.S.; 8 authorizing specified persons to bring a civil action 9 against a health maintenance organization for certain 10 violations; providing for construction; specifying a 11 health maintenance organization’s liability for such 12 violations; repealing s. 768.0981, F.S., relating to a 13 limitation on actions against insurers, prepaid 14 limited health service organizations, health 15 maintenance organizations, or prepaid health clinics; 16 providing applicability; providing an effective date. 17 18 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 19 20 Section 1. Subsections (11), (12), and (18) of section 21 641.19, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 22 641.19 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term: 23 (11) “Health maintenance contract” means any contract 24 entered into by a health maintenance organization with a 25 subscriber or group of subscribers to providecoverage for26 comprehensive health care services in exchange for a prepaid per 27 capita or prepaid aggregate fixed sum. 28 (12) “Health maintenance organization” means any 29 organization authorized under this part which: 30 (a) Provides, through arrangements with other persons,31 emergency care;,inpatient hospital services;,physician care, 32 including care provided by physicians licensed under chapters 33 458, 459, 460, and 461;,ambulatory diagnostic treatment;,and 34 preventive health care services. 35 (b) Provides, either directly or through arrangements with 36 other persons, health care services to persons enrolled with 37 such organization, on a prepaid per capita or prepaid aggregate 38 fixed-sum basis. 39 (c) Provides, either directly or through arrangements with 40 other persons, comprehensive health care services which 41 subscribers are entitled to receive pursuant to a contract. 42 (d) Provides physician services, by physicians licensed 43 under chapters 458, 459, 460, and 461, directly through 44 physicians who are either employees or partners of such 45 organization or under arrangements with a physician or any group 46 of physicians. 47 (e) If offering services through a managed care system, has 48 a system in which a primary physician licensed under chapter 49 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or chapter 461 is designated for 50 each subscriber upon request of a subscriber requesting service 51 by a physician licensed under any of those chapters, and is 52 responsible for coordinating the health care of the subscriber 53 of the respectively requested service and for referring the 54 subscriber to other providers of the same discipline when 55 necessary. Each female subscriber may select as her primary 56 physician an obstetrician/gynecologist who has agreed to serve 57 as a primary physician and is in the health maintenance 58 organization’s provider network. 59 60Except in cases in which the health care provider is an employee61of the health maintenance organization, the fact that the health62maintenance organization arranges for the provision of health63care services under this chapter does not create an actual64agency, apparent agency, or employer-employee relationship65between the health care provider and the health maintenance66organization for purposes of vicarious liability for the medical67negligence of the health care provider.68 (18) “Subscriber” means an entity or individual who has 69 contracted, or on whose behalf a contract has been entered into, 70 with a health maintenance organization for health care services 71coverageor other persons who also receive health care services 72coverageas a result of the contract. 73 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 641.51, Florida 74 Statutes, is amended to read: 75 641.51 Quality assurance program; second medical opinion 76 requirement.— 77 (3) The health maintenance organization shall not have the 78 right to control the professional judgment of a physician 79 licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or chapter 80 461 concerning the proper course of treatment of a subscriber. 81 However, this subsection shall not be considered to restrict a 82 utilization management program established by an organization or 83 to affect an organization’s decision as to payment for covered 84 services.Except in cases in which the health care provider is85an employee of the health maintenance organization, the health86maintenance organization shall not be vicariously liable for the87medical negligence of the health care provider, whether such88claim is alleged under a theory of actual agency, apparent89agency, or employer-employee relationship.90 Section 3. Section 641.3917, Florida Statutes, is amended 91 to read: 92 641.3917 Civil liability.— 93 (1) The provisions of this part are cumulative to rights 94 under the general civil and common law, and no action of the 95 department or office shall abrogate such rights to damage or 96 other relief in any court. 97 (2) Any person to whom a duty is owed may bring a civil 98 action against a health maintenance organization when such 99 person suffers damages as a result of the health maintenance 100 organization’s: 101 (a) Violation of s. 641.3155, s. 641.3903(5), (10), (12), 102 (13), or (14), or s. 641.51; or 103 (b) Failure to provide a covered service, when the health 104 maintenance organization in good faith should have provided such 105 service had it acted fairly and reasonably toward the subscriber 106 or enrollee and with due regard for his or her interests, and 107 such service is medically reasonable or necessary in the 108 independent medical judgment of a treating physician under 109 contract with, or another physician authorized by, the health 110 maintenance organization. 111 112 A person bringing an action under this subsection need not prove 113 that such act was committed or performed with such frequency as 114 to indicate a general business practice. 115 (3) The health maintenance organization is liable for all 116 of the claimant’s damages or $500 per violation, whichever is 117 greater. The court may also award compensatory damages, 118 including, but not limited to, damages for mental anguish, loss 119 of dignity, and any other intangible injuries, and punitive 120 damages. In an action or proceeding brought under this 121 subsection, the court shall award a prevailing plaintiff 122 reasonable attorney fees as part of the costs. 123 Section 4. Section 768.0981, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 124 Section 5. The amendments to ss. 641.19, 641.51, and 125 641.3917, Florida Statutes, made by this act and the repeal of 126 s. 768.0981, Florida Statutes, by this act apply to causes of 127 action accruing on or after the effective date of this act. 128 Section 6. This act shall take effect October 1, 2017.