Bill Text: FL S0278 | 2014 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Pharmacy
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-05-02 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 323 (Ch. 2014-113) [S0278 Detail]
Download: Florida-2014-S0278-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2014 CS for CS for CS for SB 278 By the Committees on Rules; Regulated Industries; and Health Policy; and Senator Grimsley 595-03706-14 2014278c3 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to pharmacy; amending s. 465.014, 3 F.S.; increasing the number of registered pharmacy 4 technicians which a licensed pharmacist may supervise; 5 amending s. 465.004, F.S.; revising the composition of 6 the Board of Pharmacy; amending s. 465.189, F.S.; 7 authorizing pharmacists to administer meningococcal 8 and shingles vaccines under certain circumstances; 9 amending ss. 456.42 and 893.04, F.S.; requiring 10 written prescriptions for specified controlled 11 substances to be legibly dated in a specified format; 12 providing an effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 465.014, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended to read: 18 465.014 Pharmacy technician.— 19 (1) A person other than a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy 20 intern may not engage in the practice of the profession of 21 pharmacy, except that a licensed pharmacist may delegate to 22 pharmacy technicians who are registered pursuant to this section 23 those duties, tasks, and functions that do not fall within the 24 purview of s. 465.003(13). All such delegated acts mustshallbe 25 performed under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist 26 who isshall beresponsible for all such acts performed by 27 persons under his or her supervision. Apharmacyregistered 28 pharmacy technician, under the supervision of a pharmacist, may 29 initiate or receive communications with a practitioner or his or 30 her agent, on behalf of a patient, regarding refill 31 authorization requests. A licensed pharmacist may not supervise 32 more than one registered pharmacy technician unless otherwise 33 permitted by the guidelines adopted by the board. The board 34 shall establish guidelines to be followed by licensees or 35 permittees in determining the circumstances under which a 36 licensed pharmacist may supervise more than onebut not more37than threepharmacy techniciantechnicians. 38 Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 465.004, Florida 39 Statutes, is amended to read: 40 465.004 Board of Pharmacy.— 41 (2) Seven members of the board must be licensed pharmacists 42 who are residents of this state and who have been engaged in the 43 practice of the profession of pharmacy in this state for at 44 least 4 years and, to the extent practicable, represent the 45 various pharmacy practice settings. Of the pharmacist members, 46 twoonemust be currently engaged in the practice of pharmacy in 47 a community pharmacy, twoonemust be currently engaged in the 48 practice of pharmacy in a Class II institutional pharmacy or a 49 Modified Class II institutional pharmacy, and three mustfive50shallbe pharmacists licensed in this state irrespective of 51 practice setting. The remaining two members must be residents of 52 the state who have never been licensed as pharmacists and who 53 are in no way connected with the practice of the profession of 54 pharmacy. No person may be appointed as a consumer member who is 55 in any way connected with a drug manufacturer or wholesaler. At 56 least one member of the board must be 60 years of age or older. 57 The Governor shall appoint members to the board in accordance 58 with this subsection as members’ terms expire or as a vacancy 59 occurs until the composition of the board complies with the 60 requirements of this subsection. 61 Section 3. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 465.189, 62 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 63 465.189 Administration of vaccines and epinephrine 64 autoinjection.— 65 (1) In accordance with guidelines of the Centers for 66 Disease Control and Prevention for each recommended immunization 67 or vaccine, a pharmacist may administer the following vaccines 68 to an adult within the framework of an established protocol 69 under a supervising physician licensed under chapter 458 or 70 chapter 459: 71 (a) Influenza vaccine. 72 (b) Pneumococcal vaccine. 73 (c) Meningococcal vaccine. 74 (d) Shingles vaccine. 75(2) In accordance with guidelines of the Centers for76Disease Control and Prevention, a pharmacist may administer the77shingles vaccine within the framework of an established protocol78and pursuant to a written or electronic prescription issued to79the patient by a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter80459.81 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 456.42, Florida 82 Statutes, is amended to read: 83 456.42 Written prescriptions for medicinal drugs.— 84 (2) A written prescription for a controlled substance 85 listed in chapter 893 must have the quantity of the drug 86 prescribed in both textual and numerical formats, must be dated 87 in numerical, month/day/year format, or with the abbreviated 88 month written out, or the month written out in wholeon the face89of the prescription, and must be either written on a 90 standardized counterfeit-proof prescription pad produced by a 91 vendor approved by the department or electronically prescribed 92 as that term is used in s. 408.0611. As a condition of being an 93 approved vendor, a prescription pad vendor must submit a monthly 94 report to the department thatwhich, at a minimum, documents the 95 number of prescription pads sold and identifies the purchasers. 96 The department may, by rule, require the reporting of additional 97 information. 98 Section 5. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section 99 893.04, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 100 893.04 Pharmacist and practitioner.— 101 (2) 102 (d) Each written prescription prescribed by a practitioner 103 in this state for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II, 104 Schedule III, or Schedule IV must include both a written and a 105 numerical notation of the quantity of the controlled substance 106 prescribedon the face of the prescriptionand a legible 107 notation of the date in numerical, month/day/year format, or,108 with the abbreviated month written out, or the month written out 109 in wholeon the face of the prescription. A pharmacist may, upon 110 verification by the prescriber, document any information 111 required by this paragraph. If the prescriber is not available 112 to verify a prescription, the pharmacist may dispense the 113 controlled substance but may insist that the person to whom the 114 controlled substance is dispensed provide valid photographic 115 identification. If a prescription includes a numerical notation 116 of the quantity of the controlled substance or date, but does 117 not include the quantity or date written out in textual format, 118 the pharmacist may dispense the controlled substance without 119 verification by the prescriber of the quantity or date if the 120 pharmacy previously dispensed another prescription for the 121 person to whom the prescription was written. 122 Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2014.