Bill Text: FL S0330 | 2021 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Sale and Delivery of Firearms
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2021-04-30 - Died in Judiciary [S0330 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S0330-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2021 SB 330 By Senator Farmer 34-00610-21 2021330__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the sale and delivery of firearms; 3 amending s. 790.065, F.S.; requiring the parties, if 4 neither party to a sale, lease, or other transfer of a 5 firearm is a licensed dealer, to complete the sale, 6 lease, or other transfer through a licensed dealer; 7 specifying procedures and requirements for a licensed 8 dealer, seller, lessor, or transferor, and a buyer or 9 transferee; authorizing a licensed dealer to charge a 10 buyer or transferee specified fees; providing 11 applicability; deleting provisions authorizing a 12 licensee to complete the sale or transfer of a firearm 13 to a person without receiving certain notification 14 from the Department of Law Enforcement informing the 15 licensee that such person is prohibited from receipt 16 or possession of a firearm or providing a unique 17 approval number under certain circumstances; deleting 18 provisions exempting a licensed importer, licensed 19 manufacturer, or licensed dealer from such sale and 20 delivery requirements under certain circumstances; 21 amending s. 790.335, F.S.; conforming a cross 22 reference; providing an effective date. 23 24 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 25 26 Section 1. Subsections (1), (3), and (10) of section 27 790.065, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 28 790.065 Sale and delivery of firearms.— 29 (1)(a) A licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or 30 licensed dealer may not sell or deliver from her or his 31 inventory at her or his licensed premises any firearm to another 32 person, other than a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, 33 licensed dealer, or licensed collector, until she or he has: 34 1. Obtained a completed form from the potential buyer or 35 transferee, which form shall have been promulgated by the 36 Department of Law Enforcement and provided by the licensed 37 importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer, which shall 38 include the name, date of birth, gender, race, and social 39 security number or other identification number of such potential 40 buyer or transferee and has inspected proper identification 41 including an identification containing a photograph of the 42 potential buyer or transferee. 43 2. Collected a fee from the potential buyer for processing 44 the criminal history check of the potential buyer. The fee shall 45 be established by the Department of Law Enforcement and may not 46 exceed $8 per transaction. The Department of Law Enforcement may 47 reduce, or suspend collection of, the fee to reflect payment 48 received from the Federal Government applied to the cost of 49 maintaining the criminal history check system established by 50 this section as a means of facilitating or supplementing the 51 National Instant Criminal Background Check System. The 52 Department of Law Enforcement shall, by rule, establish 53 procedures for the fees to be transmitted by the licensee to the 54 Department of Law Enforcement. Such procedures must provide that 55 fees may be paid or transmitted by electronic means, including, 56 but not limited to, debit cards, credit cards, or electronic 57 funds transfers. All such fees shall be deposited into the 58 Department of Law Enforcement Operating Trust Fund, but shall be 59 segregated from all other funds deposited into such trust fund 60 and must be accounted for separately. Such segregated funds must 61 not be used for any purpose other than the operation of the 62 criminal history checks required by this section. The Department 63 of Law Enforcement, each year before February 1, shall make a 64 full accounting of all receipts and expenditures of such funds 65 to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of 66 Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of each house 67 of the Legislature, and the chairs of the appropriations 68 committees of each house of the Legislature. In the event that 69 the cumulative amount of funds collected exceeds the cumulative 70 amount of expenditures by more than $2.5 million, excess funds 71 may be used for the purpose of purchasing soft body armor for 72 law enforcement officers. 73 3. Requested, by means of a toll-free telephone call or 74 other electronic means, the Department of Law Enforcement to 75 conduct a check of the information as reported and reflected in 76 the Florida Crime Information Center and National Crime 77 Information Center systems as of the date of the request. 78 4. Received a unique approval number for that inquiry from 79 the Department of Law Enforcement, and recorded the date and 80 such number on the consent form. 81 (b) However, if the person purchasing, or receiving 82 delivery of, the firearm is a holder of a valid concealed 83 weapons or firearms license pursuant tothe provisions ofs. 84 790.06 or holds an active certification from the Criminal 85 Justice Standards and Training Commission as a “law enforcement 86 officer,” a “correctional officer,” or a “correctional probation 87 officer” as defined in s. 943.10(1), (2), (3), (6), (7), (8), or 88 (9), this subsection does not apply. 89 (c) This subsection does not apply to the purchase, trade, 90 or transfer of a rifle or shotgun by a resident of this state 91 when the resident makes such purchase, trade, or transfer from a 92 licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer in 93 another state. 94 (d)1. If neither party to a prospective firearms sale, 95 lease, or other transfer is a licensed dealer, the parties to 96 such transaction must complete the sale, lease, or other 97 transfer through a licensed dealer as follows: 98 a. The seller, lessor, or transferor must deliver the 99 firearm to a licensed dealer who shall process the sale, lease, 100 or transfer as if she or he were the seller, lessor, or 101 transferor, except that the seller, lessor, or transferor who is 102 not a licensed dealer may remove the firearm from the business 103 premises of the licensed dealer while the background check is 104 being conducted and while the waiting period requirement set 105 forth in s. 790.0655 is being met. Other than allowing the 106 unlicensed seller, lessor, or transferor to remove the firearm 107 from the licensed dealer’s business premises, the licensed 108 dealer shall comply with all requirements of federal and state 109 law which would apply if she or he were the seller, lessor, or 110 transferor of the firearm; 111 b. The licensed dealer shall conduct a background check on 112 the buyer or other transferee in accordance with this section 113 and, unless the transaction is prohibited and after all other 114 legal requirements are met, including those set forth in s. 115 790.0655, the dealer shall either: 116 (I) Deliver the firearm to the seller, lessor, or 117 transferor, who shall complete the transaction and deliver the 118 firearm to the buyer or other transferee; or 119 (II) If the seller, lessor, or transferor has removed the 120 firearm from the licensed dealer’s business premises, contact 121 the seller, lessor, or transferor to let her or him know that 122 she or he may complete the transaction and deliver the firearm 123 to the buyer or other transferee; 124 c. If the licensed dealer cannot legally complete the 125 transaction, the dealer must: 126 (I) Return the firearm to the seller, lessor, or 127 transferor; or 128 (II) If the seller, lessor, or transferor has removed the 129 firearm from the licensed dealer’s business premises, contact 130 the seller, lessor, or transferor to let her or him know that 131 the transaction is prohibited and the seller, lessor, or 132 transferor may not deliver the firearm to the buyer; and 133 d. The licensed dealer may require the buyer or other 134 transferee to pay a fee covering the administrative costs 135 incurred by the licensed dealer for facilitating the transfer of 136 the firearm, plus applicable fees pursuant to federal and state 137 law. 138 2. This paragraph does not apply to: 139 a. The activities of the United States Marshals Service, 140 members of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard, 141 or federal officials required to carry firearms while engaged in 142 performing their official duties; or 143 b. The following activities, unless the lawful owner knows 144 or has reasonable cause to believe that federal, state, or local 145 laws prohibit the transferee from purchasing or possessing 146 firearms, or that the transferee is likely to use the firearm 147 for unlawful purposes: 148 (I) The delivery of a firearm to a gunsmith for service or 149 repair, or the return of the firearm to its owner by the 150 gunsmith; 151 (II) The transfer of a firearm to a carrier, warehouseman, 152 or other person engaged in the business of transportation or 153 storage, to the extent that the receipt, possession, or having 154 on or about the person of any firearm is in the ordinary course 155 of business and in conformity with federal, state, and local 156 laws, and not for the personal use of any such person; 157 (III) The loan of a firearm solely for the purpose of 158 shooting at targets, if the loan occurs on the premises of a 159 properly licensed target facility and if the firearm is at all 160 times kept within the premises of the target facility; 161 (IV) The loan of a firearm to a person who is under 18 162 years of age for lawful hunting, sporting, or educational 163 purposes while under the direct supervision and control of a 164 responsible adult; 165 (V) The loan of a firearm to a person who is 18 years of 166 age or older if the firearm remains in the person’s possession 167 only while the person is accompanying the lawful owner and using 168 the firearm for lawful hunting, sporting, or recreational 169 purposes; or 170 (VI) The loan of a firearm to an adult family member of the 171 lawful owner of the firearm if the lawful owner resides with the 172 family member but is not present in the residence, provided that 173 the family member does not maintain control over the firearm for 174 more than 10 consecutive days. 175(3) In the event of scheduled computer downtime, electronic176failure, or similar emergency beyond the control of the177Department of Law Enforcement, the department shall immediately178notify the licensee of the reason for, and estimated length of,179such delay. After such notification, the department shall180forthwith, and in no event later than the end of the next181business day of the licensee, either inform the requesting182licensee if its records demonstrate that the buyer or transferee183is prohibited from receipt or possession of a firearm pursuant184to Florida and Federal law or provide the licensee with a unique185approval number. Unless notified by the end of said next186business day that the buyer or transferee is so prohibited, and187without regard to whether she or he has received a unique188approval number, the licensee may complete the sale or transfer189and shall not be deemed in violation of this section with190respect to such sale or transfer.191(10) A licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or192licensed dealer is not required to comply with the requirements193of this section in the event of:194(a) Unavailability of telephone service at the licensed195premises due to the failure of the entity which provides196telephone service in the state, region, or other geographical197area in which the licensee is located to provide telephone198service to the premises of the licensee due to the location of199said premises; or the interruption of telephone service by200reason of hurricane, tornado, flood, natural disaster, or other201act of God, war, invasion, insurrection, riot, or other bona202fide emergency, or other reason beyond the control of the203licensee; or204(b) Failure of the Department of Law Enforcement to comply205with the requirements of subsections (2) and (3).206 Section 2. Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) of section 207 790.335, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 208 790.335 Prohibition of registration of firearms; electronic 209 records.— 210 (3) EXCEPTIONS.—The provisions of this section shall not 211 apply to: 212 (e)1. Records kept pursuant to the recordkeeping provisions 213 of s. 790.065; however, nothing in this section shall be 214 construed to authorize the public release or inspection of 215 records that are made confidential and exempt from the 216 provisions of s. 119.07(1) by s. 790.065(3)(a)s. 790.065(4)(a). 217 2. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to allow 218 the maintaining of records containing the names of purchasers or 219 transferees who receive unique approval numbers or the 220 maintaining of records of firearm transactions. 221 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.