Bill Text: FL S0468 | 2016 | Regular Session | Engrossed

Bill Title: Computer Coding Instruction


Status: (Failed) 2016-03-11 - Died in Messages [S0468 Detail]

Download: Florida-2016-S0468-Engrossed.html
       CS for CS for SB 468                             First Engrossed
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to computer coding instruction;
    3         amending s. 1007.2616, F.S.; authorizing high schools
    4         to offer student opportunities to take specified
    5         computer coding courses by a specified school year;
    6         providing that high schools will not be required to
    7         offer such courses; requiring the Commissioner of
    8         Education to identify the computer coding courses that
    9         satisfy two credits of foreign language instruction
   10         under certain circumstances; requiring Florida College
   11         System institutions and state universities to
   12         recognize the credits as foreign language credits;
   13         requiring each student and his or her parent to sign a
   14         statement acknowledging and accepting that taking a
   15         computer coding course as a foreign language may not
   16         meet certain out-of-state requirements; requiring the
   17         inclusion of certain computer coding courses in the
   18         Course Code Directory; authorizing the Florida Virtual
   19         School to offer computer coding courses identified in
   20         the Course Code Directory; authorizing school
   21         districts to provide students access to such courses
   22         under certain circumstances; requiring the Department
   23         of Education to annually report certain information to
   24         the Board of Governors and the Legislature; providing
   25         an effective date.
   27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   29         Section 1. Present subsection (4) of section 1007.2616,
   30  Florida Statutes, is redesignated as subsection (5), and a new
   31  subsection (4) is added to that section, to read:
   32         1007.2616 Computer science and technology instruction.—
   33         (4) Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, high schools
   34  may, but will not be required to, provide students opportunities
   35  to take computer coding courses of sufficient rigor, as
   36  identified by the commissioner, such that two credits in such
   37  courses and the earning of a related industry certification
   38  satisfies two credits of sequential foreign language
   39  instruction. Florida College System institutions and state
   40  universities must recognize the credits as foreign language
   41  credits; however, each student and his or her parent must sign a
   42  statement acknowledging and accepting that taking a computer
   43  coding course as a foreign language may not meet out-of-state
   44  college and university foreign language requirements. Computer
   45  coding courses created and identified by the commissioner and
   46  computer coding courses taken to earn the related industry
   47  certification shall be included in the Course Code Directory.
   48         (a) The Florida Virtual School may offer computer coding
   49  courses identified in the Course Code Directory. If a school
   50  district does not offer an identified course, it may provide
   51  students access to the course through the Florida Virtual School
   52  or through other means.
   53         (b) The Department of Education shall annually report to
   54  the Board of Governors and the Legislature:
   55         1. The courses identified in the Course Code Directory
   56  which meet the academic standards for computer coding.
   57         2. The number of students, by district, including students
   58  enrolled in the Florida Virtual School, who are enrolled in a
   59  course identified in the Course Code Directory which meets the
   60  academic standards for computer coding.
   61         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2016.
