Bill Text: FL S0506 | 2017 | Regular Session | Enrolled
Bill Title: Florida Statutes
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Passed) 2017-04-05 - Chapter No. 2017-5 [S0506 Detail]
Download: Florida-2017-S0506-Enrolled.html
ENROLLED 2017 Legislature SB 506 2017506er 1 2 An act relating to the Florida Statutes; amending ss. 3 73.073, 110.2037, 250.116, 250.40, 257.12, 258.015, 4 258.15, 261.06, 265.703, 267.075, 267.173, 267.1735, 5 288.1082, 288.774, 288.776, 311.07, 375.065, and 6 379.2402, F.S., and repealing s. 217.14, F.S., to 7 conform to the directive of the Legislature in section 8 9 of chapter 2012-116, Laws of Florida, codified as 9 section 11.242(5)(j), Florida Statutes, to prepare a 10 reviser’s bill to omit all statutes and laws, or parts 11 thereof, which grant duplicative, redundant, or unused 12 rulemaking authority; providing an effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 73.073, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended to read: 18 73.073 Eminent domain procedure with respect to condominium 19 common elements.— 20 (2) With respect to the exercise of eminent domain or a 21 negotiated sale for the purchase or taking of a portion of the 22 common elements of a condominium, the condemning authority shall 23 have the responsibility of contacting the condominium 24 association and acquiring the most recent rolls indicating the 25 names of the unit owners or contacting the appropriate taxing 26 authority to obtain the names of the owners of record on the tax 27 rolls. Notification shall be sent by certified mail, return 28 receipt requested, to the unit owners of record of the 29 condominium units by the condemning authority indicating the 30 intent to purchase or take the required property and requesting 31 a response from the unit owner. The condemning authority shall 32 be responsible for the expense of sending notification pursuant 33 to this section. Such notice shall, at a minimum, include: 34 (a) The name and address of the condemning authority. 35 (b) A written or visual description of the property. 36 (c) The public purpose for which the property is needed. 37 (d) The appraisal value of the property. 38 (e) A clear, concise statement relating to the unit owner’s 39 right to object to the taking or appraisal value and the 40 procedures and effects of exercising that right. 41 (f) A clear, concise statement relating to the power of the 42 association to convey the property on behalf of the unit owners 43 if no objection to the taking or appraisal value is raised, and 44 the effects of this alternative on the unit owner. 45 46The Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile47Homes of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation48may adopt, by rule, a standard form for such notice and may49require the notice to include any additional relevant50information.51 Section 2. Subsection (5) of section 110.2037, Florida 52 Statutes, is amended to read: 53 110.2037 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered annual leave 54 and sick leave payments and special compensation payments.— 55(5) The department shall determine by rule the design of56the plans and the eligibility of participants.57 Section 3. Section 217.14, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 58 Section 4. Subsection (7) of section 250.116, Florida 59 Statutes, is amended to read: 60 250.116 Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Program.— 61(7) RULES.—The Department of Military Affairs may adopt62rules to administer this section.63 Section 5. Paragraphs (c) and (f) of subsection (5) of 64 section 250.40, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 65 250.40 Armory Board; creation; membership, terms, and 66 compensation; duties and responsibilities.— 67 (5) The Armory Board must: 68 (c) Receive from counties, municipalities, and other 69 sources donations of land, services, or money to aid in 70 providing, operating, improving, and maintaining armories and 71 other facilities used for military purposes. The national 72 military policy recognizes the Florida National Guard as an 73 important component of the United States Army and Air Force, and 74 a member of the total force, sharing in the defense of the 75 country. The Florida National Guard is available to assist the 76 state and local governments in the event of an emergency. 77 Therefore, it is reasonable and equitable that the expense of 78 maintaining the Florida National Guard be shared by the federal, 79 state, and local governments. As the Federal Government is 80 providing liberally for the equipment and training of the 81 Florida National Guard and the state for its administration, 82 management, and maintenance, local governments are encouraged to 83 provide services at no cost to Florida National Guard armories. 84 1. Any contributions of money, any moneys derived from the 85 rental of armories and other facilities, the armory-operations 86 allowances provided in s. 250.20, and all money collected 87 through fines imposed by a court-martial or nonjudicial 88 proceeding of the Florida National Guard, as provided in s. 89 250.36(5), shall be received on behalf of the Armory Board by 90 the post commander of such facility and must be deposited into a 91 federal depository, approved by the Department of Military 92 Affairs, in an account in a banking institution in the county in 93 which such facility is located. 94 2. The funds received shall be disbursed for the purposes 95 enumerated in this subsection at the discretion of the post 96 commanderaccording to rules established by the Armory Board. 97 3. Any real property donated shall be held as other 98 property for use by the state, and counties and municipalities 99 may make donations of lands by deed or long-term lease and 100 contributions of moneys for the purposes set forth in this 101 section, and may issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness to 102 provide funds for such purposes. Boards of county commissioners 103 may levy taxes, not to exceed 1 mill, to provide funds for the 104 construction of armories or for the retirement of bonds or 105 certificates of indebtedness issued to provide funds for the 106 construction of armories. Counties and municipalities may 107 construct armories upon state-owned land, which may be made 108 available for such purpose by action of the Armory Board. 109 Counties and municipalities may also grant to the Armory Board, 110 by deed or long-term leases, property that is acquired or 111 buildings that are constructed for military purposes. Each local 112 government is encouraged to provide economic incentives to 113 reduce the cost of locating Florida National Guard facilities in 114 its jurisdiction. A local government may appropriate funds to 115 pay expenses of the Florida National Guard unit in its 116 jurisdiction. Such funds will be received, accounted for, and 117 dispersed as other funds received by the unit. 118 (f)Adopt rules for managing armories and other facilities119under the control of the Department of Military Affairs. The120rules must ensure that federal and state military property is121secure.Each unit commander shall provide for the safekeeping, 122 accountability, and proper care of such property and for its 123 protection against misappropriation or loss. An armory, while it 124 is occupied and in use by troops, is a military post and must be 125 under the control and jurisdiction of the post commander. A 126 building that is not under the control and supervision of the 127 post commander or other properly constituted military authority 128 may not be used to house or train troops or to store military 129 property. 130 Section 6. Subsection (3) of section 257.12, Florida 131 Statutes, is amended to read: 132 257.12 Division of Library and Information Services 133 authorized to accept and expend federal funds.— 134 (3) All public libraries are encouraged to adopt an 135 Internet safety education program, including the implementation 136 of a computer-based educational program, which has been endorsed 137 by a government-sanctioned law enforcement agency or other 138 reputable public safety advocacy organization and is designed 139 for children and adults. The purpose of the Internet safety 140 education program is to promote the use of prudent online 141 deportment and broaden awareness of online predators. The 142 program must be interactive and age-appropriate. Each library 143 shall annually report to the division the annual number of 144 program participants who complete the Internet safety education 145 program. By April 1, 2010, the division shall rewardadopt rules146for rewardingthose libraries in the program grant application 147 process which have had 1 percent or more of their annual number 148 of program participants, based on the total number of registered 149 borrowers from the preceding year, complete the Internet safety 150 education program adopted by the library. Program participants 151 completing the program as a result of strategic partnerships or 152 collaboration between the library and other entities shall be 153 integrated into the library’s annual report. The division shall 154adopt rules toallocate 10 percent of the total points available 155 in the library services and technology grant application 156 evaluation process to public libraries that are in compliance 157 with this section, beginning with the grant application cycle 158 for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. 159 Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 160 258.015, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 161 258.015 Citizen support organizations; use of property; 162 audit.— 163 (3) PARTNERSHIPS IN PARKS.— 164 (b) The Legislature may annually appropriate funds from the 165 Land Acquisition Trust Fund for use only as state matching 166 funds, in conjunction with private donations in aggregates of at 167 least $60,000 matched by $40,000 of state funds for a total 168 minimum project amount of $100,000 for capital improvement 169 facility development at state parks, at either individually 170 designated parks or for priority projects within the overall 171 state park system. Not more than 30 percent of the Land 172 Acquisition Trust Fund unencumbered fund balance or $3 million, 173 whichever is less, shall be reserved, available annually for 174 matching private donations. The amount held in reserve for the 175 state match will be no greater than $6 million for any fiscal 176 year. State funds from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund or other 177 appropriate funding sources shall be used for matching private 178 donations for 40 percent of the projects’ costs. Funds held in 179 reserve for the purposes of this subsection shall be available 180 only after the requirements of s. 375.041(4) are met. Citizen 181 support organizations organized and operating for the benefit of 182 state parks may acquire private donations pursuant to this 183 section, and matching state funds for approved projects may be 184 provided in accordance with this subsection. The department is 185 authorized to properly recognize and honor a private donor by 186 placing a plaque or other appropriate designation noting the 187 contribution on project facilities or by naming project 188 facilities after the person or organization that provided 189 matching funds.The department is authorized to adopt necessary190administrative rules to carry out the purposes of this191subsection.192 Section 8. Subsection (2) of section 258.15, Florida 193 Statutes, is amended to read: 194 258.15 St. Michael’s Cemetery designated a state park.— 195 (2) The Division of Recreation and Parks of the Department 196 of Environmental Protection shall manage and operate the said 197 cemeteryand shall be authorized to make such reasonable rules198and regulations with respect to the said cemetery as the said199division shall deem necessary for the orderly operation,200protection, and preservation of said cemetery. However, this 201 section shall not be construed to prevent, and no rule and 202 regulation shall be made which will prevent, the continued 203 interment of bodies in the cemetery lots which are privately 204 owned. 205 Section 9. Subsection (11) of section 261.06, Florida 206 Statutes, is amended to read: 207 261.06 Functions, duties, and responsibilities of the 208 department.—The following are functions, duties, and 209 responsibilities of the department through the Florida Forest 210 Service: 211(11) Rulemaking authority to implement the provisions of212ss. 261.01-261.10.213 Section 10. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 214 265.703, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 215 265.703 Citizen support organizations; use of state 216 administrative services and property; audit.— 217 (2) USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AND PROPERTY.— 218 (b) The division may prescribeby ruleany condition with 219 which a citizen support organization shall comply in order to 220 use division administrative services, property, or facilities. 221 Section 11. Paragraph (d) of subsection (4) of section 222 267.075, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 223 267.075 The Grove Advisory Council; creation; membership; 224 purposes.— 225 (4) 226(d) The Division of Historical Resources shall adopt rules227governing the maintenance and use of The Grove; the selection,228acquisition, and disposition of furnishings and decorations for229the premises; and the acceptance of gifts, contributions,230bequests, or loans of property.231 Section 12. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 232 267.173, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 233 267.173 Historic preservation in West Florida; goals; 234 contracts for historic preservation; powers and duties.— 235 (4) 236 (c) The university or its direct-support organization, if 237 permitted in the contract with the university, shall have the 238 authority to: 239 1. Enter into agreements to accept credit card payments as 240 compensation, and establish accounts in credit card banks for 241 the deposit of credit card sales invoices. 242 2. Fix and collect charges for admission to any of the 243 state-owned facilities governed by this section. 244 3. Permit the acceptance of tour vouchers issued by tour 245 organizations or travel agents for payment of admissions. 246 4. Adopt and enforce reasonablerules, regulations,or247 policies to govern the conduct of the visiting public. 248 Section 13. Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section 249 267.1735, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 250 267.1735 Historic preservation in St. Augustine; goals; 251 contracts for historic preservation; powers and duties.— 252 (4) 253 (c) The university or its direct-support organization, if 254 permitted in its contract with the university, shall have the 255 authority to: 256 1. Enter into agreements to accept credit card payments as 257 compensation and establish accounts in credit card banks for the 258 deposit of credit card sales invoices. 259 2. Fix and collect charges for admission to any of the 260 state-owned facilities under contract with the Board of Trustees 261 of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. 262 3. Permit the acceptance of tour vouchers issued by tour 263 organizations or travel agents for payment of admissions. 2644. Adopt and enforce reasonable rules to govern the conduct265of the visiting public.266 Section 14. Subsection (9) of section 288.1082, Florida 267 Statutes, is amended to read: 268 288.1082 Economic Gardening Technical Assistance Pilot 269 Program.— 270(9) The department may adopt rules under ss. 120.536(1) and271120.54 to administer this section.272 Section 15. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) and subsection 273 (4) of section 288.774, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 274 288.774 Powers and limitations.— 275 (3)(a) The board shall adoptrules on theterms and limits 276 for loans, guarantees, and direct loan originations, but a loan 277 guarantee or a direct loan origination shall not exceed 90 278 percent of the transaction contract. 279 (4) The board shalladopt rules toensure that program 280 participants graduate from the program to private financing and 281 that no applicant receives more than $500,000 of assistance over 282 any 5-year period. On a case-by-case basis, the board may exempt 283 applicants from this limitation if the applicant demonstrates 284 that he or she cannot secure financing from traditional lending 285 sources. The term “applicant,” as used in this subsection, means 286 any individual corporate officer or business owner regardless of 287 whether the business name changes from application to 288 application. 289 Section 16. Paragraphs (a) and (d) of subsection (3) of 290 section 288.776, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 291 288.776 Board of directors; powers and duties.— 292 (3) The board shall: 293 (a) Prior to the expenditure of funds from the export 294 finance account, adopt bylaws, rules,and policies which are 295 necessary to carry out the responsibilities under this part, 296 particularly with respect to the implementation of the 297 corporation’s programs to insure, coinsure, lend, provide loan 298 guarantees, and make direct, guaranteed, or collateralized loans 299 by the corporation to support export transactions. The 300 corporation’s bylaws, rules,and policies shall be reviewed and 301 approved by Enterprise Florida, Inc., prior to final adoption by 302 the board. 303 (d) Adopt policies, including criteria, establishing which 304 exporters and export transactions shall be eligible for 305 insurance, coinsurance, loan guarantees, and direct, guaranteed, 306 or collateralized loans which may be extended by the 307 corporation. Pursuant to this subsection, the board shalladopt308rules toinclude the following criteria: 309 1. Any individual signing any corporation loan application 310 and loan or guarantee agreement shall have an equity in the 311 business applying for financial assistance. 312 2. Each program shall exclusively support the export of 313 goods and services by small and medium-sized businesses which 314 are domiciled in this state. Priority shall be given to goods 315 which have value added in this state. 316 3. Financial assistance shall only be extended when at 317 least one of the following circumstances exists: 318 a. The assistance is required to secure the participation 319 of small and medium-sized export businesses in federal, state, 320 or private financing programs. 321 b. No conventional source of lender support is available 322 for the business from public or private financing sources. 323 324 Personal financial records, trade secrets, or proprietary 325 information of applicants shall be confidential and exempt from 326 the provisions of s. 119.07(1). 327 Section 17. Subsection (5) of section 311.07, Florida 328 Statutes, is amended to read: 329 311.07 Florida seaport transportation and economic 330 development funding.— 331 (5) The Department of Transportation may subject any 332 project that receives funds pursuant to this section and s. 333 320.20 to a final audit. The department mayadopt rules and334 perform such other acts as are necessary or convenient to ensure 335 that the final audits are conducted and that any deficiency or 336 questioned costs noted by the audit are resolved. 337 Section 18. Subsection (3) of section 375.065, Florida 338 Statutes, is amended to read: 339 375.065 Public beaches; financial and other assistance by 340 Department of Environmental Protection to local governments.— 341(3) The department is authorized to promulgate such rules342and forms as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this343section and to ensure that all projects to which assistance is344rendered hereunder are for the purpose of providing public345beaches for recreation purposes.346 Section 19. Section 379.2402, Florida Statutes, is amended 347 to read: 348 379.2402 Marine information system.—The Fish and Wildlife 349 Conservation Commission shall establishby rulea marine 350 information system in conjunction with the licensing program to 351 gather marine fisheries data. 352 Reviser’s note.—Amends or repeals provisions of the Florida 353 Statutes pursuant to the directive of the Legislature in s. 354 9, ch. 2012-116, Laws of Florida, codified as s. 355 11.242(5)(j), Florida Statutes, to prepare a reviser’s bill 356 to omit all statutes and laws, or parts thereof, which 357 grant duplicative, redundant, or unused rulemaking 358 authority. 359 Section 20. This act shall take effect on the 60th day 360 after adjournment sine die of the session of the Legislature in 361 which enacted.