Bill Text: FL S0538 | 2013 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Special Districts
Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in Ethics and Elections [S0538 Detail]
Download: Florida-2013-S0538-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2013 CS for SB 538 By the Committee on Community Affairs; and Senators Ring and Negron 578-02028-13 2013538c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to special districts; creating s. 3 189.4052, F.S.; providing definitions; requiring 4 certain single-county independent special districts to 5 administratively consolidate with the municipality or 6 county in which they are located if such consolidation 7 will result in increased efficiencies; providing for 8 the dissolution of the district for failure to comply; 9 providing that the municipality or county appoint all 10 future district board members; limiting the insurance 11 benefits of district officers and employees to the 12 benefits provided by the local governing authority to 13 its officers and employees; requiring the district to 14 make an annual presentation to the municipality or 15 county; amending s. 189.4035, F.S.; requiring the 16 official list of districts to include the names and 17 contact information of governing board members; 18 amending s. 189.404, F.S.; providing limitations on 19 reimbursement for travel and per diem for district 20 officers and employees; amending s. 189.412, F.S.; 21 requiring the Special District Information Program to 22 provide a link to each special district website; 23 amending s. 189.416, F.S.; requiring each district to 24 provide the names of and contact information for its 25 board members for posting on the local governing 26 authority’s website or the Department of Economic 27 Opportunity’s master list of districts; amending s. 28 190.008, F.S.; revising the information that must be 29 presented by a community development district to the 30 local governing authority and requiring the 31 information to be provided at a publicly noticed 32 meeting; requiring a district’s proposed budget, 33 adopted amendments, and final adopted budget to be 34 posted on its website or the website of the local 35 general-purpose government; providing an effective 36 date. 37 38 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 39 40 Section 1. Section 189.4052, Florida Statutes, is created 41 to read: 42 189.4052 Administrative consolidation of independent 43 districts.— 44 (1) As used in this section, the term: 45 (a) “Administrative functions” includes, but is not limited 46 to: 47 1. Staffing and personnel. 48 2. Contracting or purchasing responsibilities and 49 practices. 50 3. Facilities management. 51 4. Information systems. 52 5. Fleet management. 53 6. Risk management. 54 7. Leasehold interests. 55 (b) “Single-county district” or “district” means an 56 independent special district that is geographically located 57 within a single county. The term does not include districts for 58 airport and aviation facilities established pursuant to chapter 59 332, children’s services districts established pursuant to part 60 V of chapter 125, community development districts established 61 pursuant to chapter 190, emergency medical services districts 62 created by general law or special act, independent special fire 63 control districts established pursuant to chapter 191, hospital 64 districts created by general law or special act, port districts 65 established pursuant to chapter 315, and the Reedy Creek 66 Improvement District. 67 (2) By September 1, 2013, the department’s Special District 68 Information Program shall notify each county or municipality and 69 each single-county district of the municipality or county with 70 which it is required to commence administrative consolidation 71 under this section. 72 (a) A district that serves an area wholly within the 73 boundaries of a single municipality shall commence consolidation 74 with the municipality. 75 (b) A district that serves an area that extends beyond the 76 boundaries of a single municipality or that serves an 77 exclusively unincorporated area shall commence consolidation 78 with the county. 79 (3) Notwithstanding any general law, special act, 80 ordinance, or charter provision, and except as provided in 81 paragraph (a), each district shall commence consolidation of 82 administrative functions with its respective municipality or 83 county on or before October 1, 2013. The administrative 84 consolidation shall be managed and directed by the respective 85 municipality or county and must result in increased efficiencies 86 and cost savings in the provision of special district services. 87 (a) If the municipality or county determines that it is 88 demonstrably unable to increase efficiencies or generate cost 89 savings through administrative consolidation, this subsection 90 does not apply. The county or municipality shall send a letter 91 to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President 92 of the Senate demonstrating this determination by March 1, 2014. 93 (b) Except for consolidations determined not to result in 94 increased efficiencies or cost savings under paragraph (a), all 95 consolidations must be completed by October 1, 2014. 96 (4) If a single-county district created by special act of 97 the Legislature fails to comply with subsection (3), the 98 applicable county or municipality shall send notice of that 99 failure to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the 100 President of the Senate. The notice is sufficient, under s. 10, 101 Art. III of the State Constitution, to authorize the Legislature 102 to repeal the district’s enabling special act. If a district 103 created by a county or municipality fails to comply with this 104 section, the applicable county or municipality may dissolve the 105 district. 106 (5) Notwithstanding any general law, special act, 107 ordinance, or charter provision, upon expiration of the term of 108 a district governing board member, the applicable municipality 109 or county shall appoint the member’s replacement. 110 (6) Notwithstanding any general law, special act, 111 ordinance, or charter provision, the district’s provision for 112 life, health, accident, hospitalization, or annuity or 113 retirement benefits for its officers and employees and their 114 dependents, if provided, may not exceed the value of comparable 115 insurance and benefits provided by the district’s county or 116 municipality consolidation partner. 117 (7) Effective with the fiscal year beginning on October 1, 118 2013, each single-county district shall annually present, at a 119 duly noticed public meeting, the district’s proposed budget, 120 financial audit report, and any tax levy, fee, or special 121 assessment to the appropriate county or municipality for review. 122 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 189.4035, Florida 123 Statutes, is amended to read: 124 189.4035 Preparation of official list of special 125 districts.— 126 (1) The departmentof Economic Opportunityshall compile 127 the official list of special districts. Theofficiallist must 128of special districts shallinclude all special districts in this 129 state,and shallindicate the independent or dependent status of 130 each district, and include the names and contact information of 131 current special district governing board members. All special 132 districts in the list mustshallbe sorted by county. The 133 definitions in s. 189.403 shall be the criteria for determining 134determination ofthe independent or dependent status of each 135 special district on the official list.The status ofCommunity 136 development districts shall be listed as independent districts 137 on the official list of special districts. 138 Section 3. Subsection (6) is added to section 189.404, 139 Florida Statutes, to read: 140 189.404 Legislative intent for the creation of independent 141 special districts; special act prohibitions; model elements and 142 other requirements; general-purpose local government/Governor 143 and Cabinet creation authorizations.— 144 (6) TRAVEL AND PER DIEM.—Reimbursement for the travel and 145 per diem expenses of officers and employees must be consistent 146 with s. 112.061(6) and (7). 147 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 189.412, Florida 148 Statutes, is amended to read: 149 189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and 150 responsibilities.—The Special District Information Program of 151 the Department of Economic Opportunity is created and has the 152 following special duties: 153 (2) The maintenance of a master list of independent and 154 dependent special districts, which mustshallbe available on 155 the department’s website and provide a link to each special 156 district’s website. 157 Section 5. Section 189.416, Florida Statutes, is amended to 158 read: 159 189.416 Designation of registered office and agent; 160 identification of board members.— 161 (1) Within 30 days after the first meeting of its governing 162 board, each special district in the state shall designate a 163 registered office and a registered agent and file such 164 information with the local governing authority or authorities 165 and with the department. 166 (a) The registered agent is theshall be anagent of the 167 district upon whom any process, notice, or demand required or 168 permitted by law to be served upon the district may be served. 169 TheAregistered agent mustshallbe an individual resident of 170 this state whose business address is identical with the 171 registered office of the district. The registered office may be, 172 but need not be, the same as the place of business of the 173 special district. 174 (b)(2)The district may change its registered office or 175 change its registered agent, or both, upon filing such 176 information with the local governing authority or authorities 177 and with the department. 178 (2) Each district in existence on July 1, 2013, shall 179 submit the names and contact information of its board members to 180 the department for inclusion on the department’s official list 181 of special districts and post the names and information on the 182 district’s respective local governing authority’s website by 183 August 1, 2013. Upon creation of a new district, or if a board 184 member of a current district is replaced, the district shall 185 forward the new board member names and contact information to 186 the department and respective local governing authority within 187 30 days of appointment. 188 Section 6. Subsection (2) of section 190.008, Florida 189 Statutes, is amended to read: 190 190.008 Budget; reports and reviews.— 191 (2)(a)On or before each June 15, the district manager 192 shall prepare a proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year to 193 be submitted to the board for board approval. The proposed 194 budget mustshallinclude, at the direction of the board, an 195 estimate of all necessary expenditures of the district for the 196 ensuing fiscal year and an estimate of income to the district 197 from the taxes, assessments, and other revenues provided under 198 this chapterin this act. The proposed budget must be posted on 199 the district’s official website at least 2 days before it is 200 scheduled to be considered at a budget hearing held pursuant to 201 s. 200.065 or other law. 202 (a) The board shall consider the proposed budget item by 203 item and mayeitherapprove the budget as proposed by the 204 district manager or modify the same in part or in whole. If the 205 board amends the budget, the adopted amendment must be posted on 206 the official website of the district within 5 days after 207 adoption. The board shall indicate its approval of the budget by 208 resolution, which mustresolution shallprovide for a hearing on 209 the budget as approved. Notice of the hearing on the budget must 210shallbe published in a newspaper of general circulation in the 211 area of the district once a week for 2 consecutive weeks, except 212 that the first publication must be at leastshall be not fewer213than15 days beforeprior tothe date of the hearing. The notice 214 must alsoshall furthercontain a designation of the day, time, 215 and place of the public hearing. At the time and place 216 designated in the notice, the board shall hear all objections to 217 the budget as proposed and may make such changes as the board 218 deems necessary. At the conclusion of the budget hearing, the 219 board shall, by resolution, adopt the budget as finally approved 220 by the board. The budget mustshallbe adopted beforeprior to221 October 1 of each year. 222 (b) At least 2 weeks before60 days priortoadoption, the 223 district board shall, at a duly noticed public meeting, present 224submitto the local governing authorities having jurisdiction 225 over the area included in the district:, for purposes of226disclosureand information only,227 1. The proposed annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year; 228 2.andAny proposed long-term financial plan or program of 229 the district for future operations; 230 3. Any financial audit report; and 231 4. Any tax levy, fee, or special assessment. 232 (c) The local governing authorities may reviewthe proposed233annual budget and any long-term financial plan or programand 234maysubmit written comments relating to any of the items 235 presented pursuant to paragraph (b) to the board for its 236 assistance and informationin adopting its annual budget and237long-term financial plan or program. 238 (d) The final adopted budget must be posted on the 239 district’s official website within 30 days after adoption. 240 (e) If the district does not operate an official website, 241 the district shall, within a reasonable period of time as 242 established by the local general-purpose government or 243 governments in which the district is located, transmit the 244 proposed budget, adopted amendments, or final adopted budget to 245 the manager or administrator of the local general-purpose 246 government. The manager or administrator shall post the proposed 247 budget, adopted amendments, or final adopted budget on the 248 website of the local general-purpose government. 249 Section 7. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013.