Bill Text: FL S0594 | 2025 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Anchoring or Mooring at Seaports
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Introduced) 2025-03-05 - Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute) [S0594 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S0594-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2025 CS for SB 594 By the Committee on Transportation; and Senator Rodriguez 596-02132-25 2025594c1 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to anchoring or mooring at seaports; 3 creating s. 311.104, F.S.; authorizing the governing 4 bodies of certain seaports to apply to the Fish and 5 Wildlife Conservation Commission to prohibit anchoring 6 or mooring within specified boundary limits for 7 specified purposes; requiring the governing body of a 8 seaport to hold a specified number of public hearings; 9 authorizing the commission to consult with certain 10 entities when considering an application for seaports 11 where anchoring and mooring will be prohibited and the 12 boundaries of such prohibited areas; authorizing the 13 commission to modify zones where anchoring or mooring 14 is prohibited; requiring the commission to provide 15 reasons for any such modification; providing for 16 review by the commission within a certain time frame; 17 requiring the commission to review and act upon an 18 application within a specified timeframe after receipt 19 of the application; requiring the commission to advise 20 the governing body of a seaport if the commission 21 finds an application to be incomplete; providing that 22 the commission’s actions are subject to review; 23 requiring certain seaports annually to review the 24 boundaries of approved prohibitions and notify the 25 commission of such review and proposed modifications 26 if necessary; requiring that certain information be 27 included in seaport security plans and seaport 28 strategic plans; providing rulemaking authority; 29 reenacting and amending s. 327.4109, F.S.; conforming 30 penalties; reenacting s. 327.73(1)(bb), F.S., relating 31 to noncriminal infractions, to incorporate the 32 amendment made to s. 327.4109, F.S., in a reference 33 thereto; providing an effective date. 34 35 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 36 37 Section 1. Section 311.104, Florida Statutes, is created to 38 read: 39 311.104 Request for a prohibition of anchoring or mooring 40 by a seaport.— 41 (1) The governing body of a seaport listed in s. 311.09(1) 42 may apply to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to 43 prohibit anchoring or mooring in an area, not to exceed 5,000 44 feet from a seaport entrance or pier or wharf adjacent to a 45 seaport channel or turning basin, for any of the following 46 purposes: 47 (a) Implementing port security measures; 48 (b) Ensuring freight and passenger commerce is not impeded; 49 (c) Promoting the safety and security of residents and 50 visitors of this state; or 51 (d) Maintaining and protecting the flow of legitimate trade 52 and travel at all times. 53 (2) Before applying to the commission, the governing body 54 of a seaport shall hold at least two public hearings displaying 55 the boundaries of and hearing public comments regarding the area 56 in which the seaport proposes to prohibit anchoring or mooring. 57 (3) After the public hearings required in subsection (2), a 58 seaport may apply, pursuant to chapter 327, to the commission to 59 establish areas around the seaport where anchoring or mooring is 60 prohibited. 61 (4) The commission may consult with the United States Coast 62 Guard, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the 63 Department of Transportation when considering an application 64 for, and the boundaries of, areas around seaports where 65 anchoring or mooring will be prohibited. 66 (5) When considering an application to prohibit anchoring 67 or mooring around a seaport, the commission may modify the 68 proposed boundaries of such prohibition and provide the reasons 69 for such modification. 70 (6) A prohibition of anchoring or mooring near a seaport 71 established pursuant to this section may not take effect until 72 the commission has reviewed the proposed prohibition and 73 determined by substantial competent evidence that the 74 prohibition is necessary for any of the reasons listed in 75 subsection (1). An application for a prohibition must be 76 reviewed and acted upon within 90 days after receipt of the 77 completed application. If, within 30 days after the governing 78 body of the seaport submits an application, the commission finds 79 such application is incomplete, the commission must notify and 80 advise the governing body of the seaport as to what information 81 is needed to deem the application complete. An application is 82 considered complete upon receipt of all requested information 83 and correction of any error or omission for which the applicant 84 was timely notified. An application is deemed complete if the 85 commission fails to notify and advise the governing body of the 86 seaport within 30 days after receiving the application. The 87 commission’s action on the application is subject to review 88 under chapter 120. 89 (7) After commission approval of a prohibition on anchoring 90 and mooring and the boundaries of such prohibition, the 91 governing body of the seaport shall review such prohibition 92 annually at a public meeting. After the review, the governing 93 body of the seaport shall notify the commission of the results 94 of its review, and, if applicable, submit an application to the 95 commission with any proposed modifications to such boundaries. 96 (8) The governing body of each seaport shall include in its 97 seaport security plan and its seaport strategic plan, as 98 required under ss. 311.12 and 311.14, respectively, any approved 99 limitations on anchoring and mooring established by the 100 commission. 101 (9) The commission may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 102 120.136(1) and 120.54 to implement this section. 103 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 104 327.4109, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (5) of 105 that section is reenacted, to read: 106 327.4109 Anchoring or mooring prohibited; exceptions; 107 penalties.— 108 (1)(a) The owner or operator of a vessel or floating 109 structure may not anchor or moor such that the nearest approach 110 of the anchored or moored vessel or floating structure is: 111 1. Within 150 feet of any public or private marina, boat 112 ramp, boatyard, or other public vessel launching or loading 113 facility; 114 2. Within 500 feet of a superyacht repair facility. For 115 purposes of this subparagraph, the term “superyacht repair 116 facility” means a facility that services or repairs a yacht with 117 a water line of 120 feet or more in length; or 118 3. Within 100 feet outward from the marked boundary of a 119 public mooring field or a lesser distance if approved by the 120 commission upon request of a local government within which the 121 mooring field is located. The commission may adopt rules to 122 implement this subparagraph. 123 4. Within a zone established by the commission at the 124 request of a seaport pursuant to s. 311.104. 125 (5) A violation of this section is a noncriminal 126 infraction, punishable as provided in s. 327.73(1)(bb). 127 Section 3. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 128 made by this act to section 327.4109, Florida Statutes, in a 129 reference thereto, paragraph (bb) of subsection (1) of section 130 327.73, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 131 327.73 Noncriminal infractions.— 132 (1) Violations of the following provisions of the vessel 133 laws of this state are noncriminal infractions: 134 (bb) Section 327.4109, relating to anchoring or mooring in 135 a prohibited area, for which the penalty is: 136 1. For a first offense, up to a maximum of $100. 137 2. For a second offense, up to a maximum of $250. 138 3. For a third or subsequent offense, up to a maximum of 139 $500. 140 141 Any person cited for a violation of this subsection shall be 142 deemed to be charged with a noncriminal infraction, shall be 143 cited for such an infraction, and shall be cited to appear 144 before the county court. The civil penalty for any such 145 infraction is $100, except as otherwise provided in this 146 section. Any person who fails to appear or otherwise properly 147 respond to a uniform boating citation, in addition to the charge 148 relating to the violation of the boating laws of this state, 149 must be charged with the offense of failing to respond to such 150 citation and, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the 151 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 152 775.083. A written warning to this effect shall be provided at 153 the time such uniform boating citation is issued. 154 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.