Bill Text: FL S0732 | 2019 | Regular Session | Enrolled
Bill Title: Office Surgery
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Passed) 2019-06-26 - Chapter No. 2019-130 [S0732 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S0732-Enrolled.html
ENROLLED 2019 Legislature CS for CS for SB 732, 2nd Engrossed 2019732er 1 2 An act relating to office surgery; amending s. 3 456.074, F.S.; requiring the Department of Health to 4 issue an emergency order suspending or restricting the 5 registration of certain facilities upon specified 6 findings; amending s. 458.309, F.S.; deleting a 7 provision relating to registration and inspection of 8 an office in which a physician performs certain 9 procedures or office surgeries; creating s. 458.328, 10 F.S.; requiring an office in which a physician 11 performs certain procedures or office surgeries to 12 register with the department; requiring an office to 13 designate a physician to be responsible for certain 14 compliance requirements as part of registration by a 15 specified date; requiring an office and physicians 16 practicing at the office to meet certain financial 17 responsibility requirements; authorizing the 18 department to deny or revoke the registration of or 19 impose certain penalties against a facility in which 20 certain procedures or office surgeries are performed 21 under certain circumstances; requiring the department 22 to conduct certain inspections; providing exceptions; 23 requiring the Board of Medicine to adopt rules 24 governing the standards of practice for physicians 25 practicing in such offices and to impose a specified 26 fine on physicians who perform certain procedures or 27 office surgeries in an unregistered office; 28 authorizing the board to adopt rules to administer the 29 registration, inspection, and safety of offices in 30 which certain procedures or office surgeries are 31 performed; amending s. 458.331, F.S.; providing that a 32 physician performing certain procedures or office 33 surgeries in an unregistered office constitutes 34 grounds for denial of a license or disciplinary 35 action; amending s. 459.005, F.S.; deleting a 36 provision relating to registration and inspection of 37 an office in which a physician performs certain 38 procedures or office surgeries; creating s. 459.0138, 39 F.S.; requiring an office in which a physician 40 performs certain procedures or office surgeries to 41 register with the department; requiring an office to 42 designate a physician to be responsible for certain 43 compliance requirements as part of registration by a 44 specified date; requiring an office and physicians 45 practicing at the office to meet certain financial 46 responsibility requirements; authorizing the 47 department to deny or revoke the registration of or 48 impose certain penalties against a facility in which 49 certain procedures or office surgeries are performed 50 under certain circumstances; requiring the department 51 to conduct certain inspections; providing exceptions; 52 requiring the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to adopt 53 rules governing the standards of practice for 54 physicians practicing in such offices and to impose a 55 specified fine on physicians who perform certain 56 procedures or office surgeries in an unregistered 57 office; authorizing the board to adopt rules to 58 administer the registration, inspection, and safety of 59 offices in which certain procedures or office 60 surgeries are performed; amending s. 459.015, F.S.; 61 providing that the performance of certain procedures 62 or office surgeries by a physician in an unregistered 63 office constitutes grounds for denial of a license or 64 disciplinary action; providing an effective date. 65 66 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 67 68 Section 1. Subsection (6) is added to section 456.074, 69 Florida Statutes, to read: 70 456.074 Certain health care practitioners; immediate 71 suspension of license.— 72 (6) The department must issue an emergency order suspending 73 or restricting the registration of an office registered under s. 74 458.328 or s. 459.0139 upon a finding of probable cause that the 75 office or a physician practicing in the office is not in 76 compliance with the standards of practice for office surgery 77 adopted by the boards pursuant to s. 458.328 or s. 459.0138, as 78 applicable, or is in violation of s. 458.331(1)(v) or s. 79 459.015(1)(z), and that such noncompliance or violation 80 constitutes an immediate danger to the public. 81 Section 2. Subsection (3) of section 458.309, Florida 82 Statutes, is amended to read: 83 458.309 Rulemaking authority.— 84(3)A physician who performs liposuction procedures in85which more than 1,000 cubic centimeters of supernatant fat is86removed, level 2 procedures lasting more than 5 minutes, and all87level 3 surgical procedures in an office setting must register88the office with the department unless that office is licensed as89a facility under chapter 395. The department shall inspect the90physician’s office annually unless the office is accredited by a91nationally recognized accrediting agency or an accrediting92organization subsequently approved by the Board of Medicine. The93actual costs for registration and inspection or accreditation94shall be paid by the person seeking to register and operate the95office setting in which office surgery is performed.96 Section 3. Section 458.328, Florida Statutes, is created to 97 read: 98 458.328 Office surgeries.— 99 (1) REGISTRATION.— 100 (a) An office in which a physician performs a liposuction 101 procedure in which more than 1,000 cubic centimeters of 102 supernatant fat is removed, a Level II office surgery, or a 103 Level III office surgery must register with the department 104 unless the office is licensed as a facility under chapter 390 or 105 chapter 395. 106 (b) By January 1, 2020, each office registered under this 107 section or s. 459.0138 must designate a physician who is 108 responsible for the office’s compliance with the office health 109 and safety requirements of this section and rules adopted 110 hereunder. A designated physician must have a full, active, and 111 unencumbered license under this chapter or chapter 459 and shall 112 practice at the office for which he or she has assumed 113 responsibility. Within 10 calendar days after the termination of 114 a designated physician relationship, the office must notify the 115 department of the designation of another physician to serve as 116 the designated physician. The department may suspend the 117 registration of an office if the office fails to comply with the 118 requirements of this paragraph. 119 (c) As a condition of registration, each office must 120 establish financial responsibility by demonstrating that it has 121 met and continues to maintain, at a minimum, the same 122 requirements applicable to physicians in ss. 458.320 and 123 459.0085. Each physician practicing at an office registered 124 under this section or s. 459.0138 must meet the financial 125 responsibility requirements under s. 458.320 or s. 459.0085, as 126 applicable. 127 (d) Each physician practicing at an office registered under 128 this section or s. 459.0138 shall advise the board, in writing, 129 within 10 calendar days after beginning or ending his or her 130 practice at a registered office. 131 (e) The department shall inspect a registered office at 132 least annually, including a review of patient records, to ensure 133 that the office is in compliance with this section and rules 134 adopted hereunder unless the office is accredited by a 135 nationally recognized accrediting agency approved by the board. 136 The inspection may be unannounced, except for the inspection of 137 an office that meets the description of a clinic specified in s. 138 458.3265(1)(a)3.h., and those wholly owned and operated 139 physician offices described in s. 458.3265(1)(a)3.g. which 140 perform procedures referenced in s. 458.3265(1)(a)3.h., which 141 must be announced. 142 (f) The department may suspend or revoke the registration 143 of an office in which a procedure or surgery identified in 144 paragraph (a) is performed for failure of any of its physicians, 145 owners, or operators to comply with this section and rules 146 adopted hereunder or s. 459.0138 and rules adopted thereunder. 147 If an office’s registration is revoked for any reason, the 148 department may deny any person named in the registration 149 documents of the office, including the persons who own or 150 operate the office, individually or as part of a group, from 151 registering an office to perform procedures or office surgeries 152 pursuant to this section or s. 459.0138 for 5 years after the 153 revocation date. 154 (g) The department may impose any penalty set forth in s. 155 456.072(2) against the designated physician for failure of the 156 office to operate in compliance with the office health and 157 safety requirements of this section and rules adopted hereunder 158 or s. 459.0138 and rules adopted thereunder. 159 (h) A physician may only perform a procedure or surgery 160 identified in paragraph (a) in an office that is registered with 161 the department. The board shall impose a fine of $5,000 per day 162 on a physician who performs a procedure or surgery in an office 163 that is not registered with the department. 164 (i) The actual costs of registration and inspection or 165 accreditation shall be paid by the person seeking to register 166 and operate the office in which a procedure or surgery 167 identified in paragraph (a) will be performed. 168 (2) RULEMAKING.— 169 (a) The board shall adopt by rule standards of practice for 170 physicians who perform procedures or office surgeries pursuant 171 to this section. 172 (b) The board may adopt rules to administer the 173 registration, inspection, and safety of offices in which a 174 physician performs procedures or office surgeries pursuant to 175 this section. 176 Section 4. Paragraph (vv) is added to subsection (1) of 177 section 458.331, Florida Statutes, to read: 178 458.331 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the 179 board and department.— 180 (1) The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a 181 license or disciplinary action, as specified in s. 456.072(2): 182 (vv) Performing a liposuction procedure in which more than 183 1,000 cubic centimeters of supernatant fat is removed, a Level 184 II office surgery, or a Level III office surgery in an office 185 that is not registered with the department pursuant to s. 186 458.328 or s. 459.0138. 187 Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 459.005, Florida 188 Statutes, is amended to read: 189 459.005 Rulemaking authority.— 190(2)A physician who performs liposuction procedures in191which more than 1,000 cubic centimeters of supernatant fat is192removed, level 2 procedures lasting more than 5 minutes, and all193level 3 surgical procedures in an office setting must register194the office with the department unless that office is licensed as195a facility under chapter 395. The department shall inspect the196physician’s office annually unless the office is accredited by a197nationally recognized accrediting agency or an accrediting198organization subsequently approved by the Board of Osteopathic199Medicine. The actual costs for registration and inspection or200accreditation shall be paid by the person seeking to register201and operate the office setting in which office surgery is202performed.203 Section 6. Section 459.0138, Florida Statutes, is created 204 to read: 205 459.0138 Office surgeries.— 206 (1) REGISTRATION.— 207 (a) An office in which a physician performs a liposuction 208 procedure in which more than 1,000 cubic centimeters of 209 supernatant fat is removed, a Level II office surgery, or a 210 Level III office surgery must register with the department 211 unless the office is licensed as a facility under chapter 390 or 212 chapter 395. 213 (b) By January 1, 2020, each office registered under this 214 section or s. 458.328 must designate a physician who is 215 responsible for the office’s compliance with the office health 216 and safety requirements of this section and rules adopted 217 hereunder. A designated physician must have a full, active, and 218 unencumbered license under this chapter or chapter 458 and shall 219 practice at the office for which he or she has assumed 220 responsibility. Within 10 calendar days after the termination of 221 a designated physician relationship, the office must notify the 222 department of the designation of another physician to serve as 223 the designated physician. The department may suspend a 224 registration for an office if the office fails to comply with 225 the requirements of this paragraph. 226 (c) As a condition of registration, each office must 227 establish financial responsibility by demonstrating that it has 228 met and continues to maintain, at a minimum, the same 229 requirements applicable to physicians in ss. 458.320 and 230 459.0085. Each physician practicing at an office registered 231 under this section or s. 458.328 must meet the financial 232 responsibility requirements under s. 458.320 or s. 459.0085, as 233 applicable. 234 (d) Each physician practicing at an office registered under 235 this section or s. 458.328 shall advise the board, in writing, 236 within 10 calendar days after beginning or ending his or her 237 practice at the registered office. 238 (e) The department shall inspect a registered office at 239 least annually, including a review of patient records, to ensure 240 that the office is in compliance with this section and rules 241 adopted hereunder unless the office is accredited by a 242 nationally recognized accrediting agency approved by the board. 243 The inspection may be unannounced, except for the inspection of 244 an office that meets the description of clinic specified in s. 245 459.0137(1)(a)3.h., and those wholly owned and operated 246 physician offices described in s. 459.0137(1)(a)3.g. which 247 perform procedures referenced in s. 459.0137(1)(a)3.h., which 248 must be announced. 249 (f) The department may suspend or revoke the registration 250 of an office in which a procedure or surgery identified in 251 paragraph (a) is performed for failure of any of its physicians, 252 owners, or operators to comply with this section and rules 253 adopted hereunder or s. 458.328 and rules adopted thereunder. If 254 an office’s registration is revoked for any reason, the 255 department may deny any person named in the registration 256 documents of the office, including the persons who own or 257 operate the office, individually or as part of a group, from 258 registering an office to perform procedures or office surgeries 259 pursuant to this section or s. 458.328 for 5 years after the 260 revocation date. 261 (g) The department may impose any penalty set forth in s. 262 456.072(2) against the designated physician for failure of the 263 office to operate in compliance with the office health and 264 safety requirements of this section and rules adopted hereunder 265 or s. 458.328 and rules adopted thereunder. 266 (h) A physician may only perform a procedure or surgery 267 identified in paragraph (a) in an office that is registered with 268 the department. The board shall impose a fine of $5,000 per day 269 on a physician who performs a procedure or surgery in an office 270 that is not registered with the department. 271 (i) The actual costs of registration and inspection or 272 accreditation shall be paid by the person seeking to register 273 and operate the office in which a procedure or surgery 274 identified in paragraph (a) will be performed. 275 (2) RULEMAKING.— 276 (a) The board shall adopt by rule standards of practice for 277 physicians who perform procedures or office surgeries pursuant 278 to this section. 279 (b) The board may adopt rules to administer the 280 registration, inspection, and safety of offices in which a 281 physician performs procedures or office surgeries pursuant to 282 this section. 283 Section 7. Paragraph (xx) is added to subsection (1) of 284 section 459.015, Florida Statutes, to read: 285 459.015 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the 286 board and department.— 287 (1) The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a 288 license or disciplinary action, as specified in s. 456.072(2): 289 (xx) Performing a liposuction procedure in which more than 290 1,000 cubic centimeters of supernatant fat is removed, a Level 291 II office surgery, or a Level III office surgery in an office 292 that is not registered with the department pursuant to s. 293 458.328 or s. 459.0138. 294 Section 8. This act shall take effect January 1, 2020.