Bill Text: FL S0762 | 2012 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Reducing and Streamlining Regulations
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-03-08 - Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 517 -SJ 982 [S0762 Detail]
Download: Florida-2012-S0762-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2012 CS for CS for SB 762 By the Committees on Budget Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations; and Criminal Justice; and Senator Hays 601-04280-12 2012762c2 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to reducing and streamlining 3 regulations; amending s. 373.461, F.S.; requiring 4 certain appraisers to follow specific standards of 5 professional practice in appraisals involving the 6 restoration of the Lake Apopka Basin; amending s. 7 455.213, F.S.; waiving initial licensing, application, 8 and unlicensed activity fees for certain military 9 veterans; amending ss. 455.271, 468.4338, 468.8317, 10 468.8417, 475.615, 475.617, 475.6175, 477.0212, 11 481.209, 481.211, 481.213, 481.217, 481.315, 489.116, 12 and 489.519, F.S.; revising certain licensure 13 requirements and continuing education requirements for 14 reactivating a license, certificate, or registration 15 to practice certain professions and occupations 16 regulated by the Department of Business and 17 Professional Regulation or a board or council within 18 the department, including community association 19 management, employee leasing, home inspection, mold 20 related services, real estate appraisal, cosmetology, 21 architecture and interior design, landscape 22 architecture, construction contracting, and electrical 23 and alarm system contracting; creating s. 468.439, 24 F.S.; providing that a claim of lien may be filed on 25 behalf of a community association to secure the 26 expenses incurred in collecting a delinquent account 27 rendered by a community association manager or 28 management firm on behalf of a community association; 29 requiring that the expenses for the collection 30 services be reasonably related to the collection 31 activities; amending s. 469.002, F.S.; providing an 32 exemption from licensure as an asbestos consultant or 33 contractor for activities involving pipe or conduit 34 used for gas service; amending s. 474.202, F.S.; 35 revising the definition of the term “limited-service 36 veterinary medical practice”; repealing s. 37 475.42(1)(e), F.S., relating to violations and 38 penalties applicable to real estate brokers and sales 39 associates; amending ss. 468.391, 475.25, 475.624, and 40 475.6245, F.S., relating to auctioneering and to real 41 estate brokering and appraisal; revising provisions 42 with respect to certain penalties; revising grounds 43 for discipline to which penalties apply; repealing s. 44 475.626(1)(b) and (c), F.S., relating to violations 45 and penalties applicable to real property appraisers; 46 amending s. 475.628, F.S.; requiring the Florida Real 47 Estate Appraisal Board to adopt rules establishing 48 professional practice standards; amending s. 468.841, 49 F.S.; exempting landscape architects from complying 50 with provisions related to mold assessment; amending 51 s. 475.611, F.S.; revising the definitions of the 52 terms “appraisal management company” and “appraisal 53 management services”; defining the term “subsidiary”; 54 amending s. 475.6171, F.S.; revising requirements for 55 the issuance of registration or certification upon 56 receipt of proper documentation; amending s. 475.6235, 57 F.S.; prohibiting a person from offering to engage in 58 appraisal management services under certain 59 circumstances; revising provisions relating to the 60 application for registration of an appraisal 61 management company; providing exemptions from 62 registration requirements; repealing s. 476.194(1)(b), 63 F.S., relating to prohibited acts by persons engaged 64 in the practice of barbering; repealing s. 65 477.0265(1)(c), F.S., relating to prohibited acts by 66 persons engaged in the practice of cosmetology; 67 amending s. 475.451, F.S.; authorizing distance 68 learning courses as an acceptable alternative to 69 classroom instruction for renewal of a real estate 70 instructor permit; providing that distance learning 71 courses are under the discretion of the school 72 offering the real estate course; requiring distance 73 learning courses to adhere to certain requirements; 74 amending s. 499.003, F.S.; revising the definitions of 75 the terms “distribute” or “distribution,” “drug,” 76 “establishment,” and “prescription drug”; amending s. 77 499.01, F.S.; deleting provisions relating to an 78 exemption from nonresident prescription drug 79 manufacturer permit requirements; deleting provisions 80 relating to an exemption from out-of-state 81 prescription drug wholesale distributor permit 82 requirements for intracompany sale or transfer of 83 prescription drugs; providing an exemption from permit 84 requirements for the distribution into this state of 85 prescription drug active pharmaceutical ingredients 86 for incorporation into prescription drugs in finished 87 dosage form; requiring a distributor claiming such 88 exemption to maintain a valid license, permit, or 89 registration in the state from which the prescription 90 drug was distributed; requiring compliance with 91 certain recordkeeping requirements; exempting 92 compliance with pedigree paper requirements; providing 93 an exemption from permit requirements for distribution 94 into this state of limited quantities of a 95 prescription drug that has not been repackaged, for 96 research and development or to a holder of a letter of 97 exemption issued by the Department of Business and 98 Professional Regulation for research, teaching, or 99 testing; granting the department authority to define 100 “limited quantities” by rule and limit therein the 101 number of transactions and amount of prescription 102 drugs distributed into the state; requiring a 103 distributor claiming such exemption to maintain a 104 valid license, permit, or registration in the state 105 from which the prescription drug was distributed; 106 requiring all purchasers and recipients of such 107 prescription drugs to ensure the products are not 108 resold or used on humans except in lawful clinical 109 trials and biostudies; requiring compliance with 110 certain recordkeeping requirements; exempting 111 compliance from pedigree paper requirements; providing 112 labeling requirements for active pharmaceutical 113 ingredients distributed within the state for teaching, 114 testing, research, and development; exempting from 115 out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor 116 permit requirements intracompany transactions or the 117 sale of prescription drugs from an out-of-state 118 distributor to a distributor in this state if both 119 distributors conduct wholesale distributions under the 120 same business name; requiring compliance with 121 recordkeeping and pedigree paper requirements; 122 allowing distributors and recipients of prescription 123 drugs claiming exemption from certain permitting 124 requirements to maintain on file their FDA 125 registration number, resident state distributor 126 license or permit number, and most recent resident 127 state or FDA inspection report; providing that persons 128 claiming such exemptions are subject to part I of ch. 129 499, F.S., the Florida Drug and Cosmetic Act; 130 requiring persons claiming such exemptions to make all 131 records regarding prescription drug distribution 132 available to the department, upon request, within 48 133 hours; requiring submission of a report of mishandled 134 or adulterated prescription drugs within 14 days after 135 receipt of such drugs; authorizing the department to 136 adopt rules; providing that failure to comply with 137 requirements or rules governing such exemptions 138 constitutes unlawful purchase or receipt of a 139 prescription drug from a person not authorized to 140 distribute prescription drugs to that purchaser or 141 recipient; providing that knowing failure to comply 142 with such requirements constitutes unlawful sale, 143 distribution, purchase, trade, holding, or offering of 144 a drug; providing penalties; providing construction 145 with respect to federal and state laws relating to 146 controlled substances; providing an effective date. 147 148 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 149 150 Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (5) of section 151 373.461, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 152 373.461 Lake Apopka improvement and management.— 153 (5) PURCHASE OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS.— 154 (c) The district shall explore the availability of funding 155 from all sources, including any federal, state, regional, and 156 local land acquisition funding programs, to purchase the 157 agricultural lands described in paragraph (a). It is the 158 Legislature’s intent that, if such funding sources can be 159 identified, acquisition of the lands described in paragraph (a) 160 may be undertaken by the district to purchase these properties 161 from willing sellers. However, the purchase price paid for 162 acquisition of such lands that were in active cultivation during 163 1996 mayshallnot exceed the highest appraisal obtained by the 164 district for these lands from a state-certified general 165 appraiser following the standards of professional practice 166 established by rule of the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, 167 including standards for the development or communication of a 168 real estate appraisalUniform Standards of Professional169Appraisal Practice. This maximum purchase price limitation may 170shallnot include, nor be applicable to, that portion of the 171 purchase price attributable to consideration of income described 172 in paragraph (b), or that portion attributable to related 173 facilities, or closing costs. 174 Section 2. Subsection (12) is added to section 455.213, 175 Florida Statutes, to read: 176 455.213 General licensing provisions.— 177 (12) The department shall waive the initial licensing fee, 178 the initial application fee, and the initial unlicensed activity 179 fee for a military veteran who applies to the department for a 180 license, in a format prescribed by the department, within 24 181 months after discharge from any branch of the United States 182 Armed Forces. To qualify for this waiver, the veteran must have 183 been honorably discharged. 184 Section 3. Subsection (10) of section 455.271, Florida 185 Statutes, is amended to read: 186 455.271 Inactive and delinquent status.— 187 (10) The board, or the department if there is no board, may 188 not requireBefore reactivation,an inactive or delinquent 189 licensee, except for a licensee under chapter 473 or chapter 190 475, to complete more than one renewal cycle ofshall meet the191samecontinuing education to reactivate a licenserequirements,192if any, imposed on an active status licensee for all biennial193licensure periods in which the licensee was inactive or194delinquent.This subsection does not apply to persons regulated195under chapter 473.196 Section 4. Section 468.391, Florida Statutes, is amended to 197 read: 198 468.391 Penalty.—Any auctioneer, apprentice, or auction 199 business or any owner or manager thereof, or, in the case of 200 corporate ownership, any substantial stockholder of the 201 corporation owning the auction business, who operates without an 202 active license or violates paragraphany provision of the203prohibited acts listed unders. 468.389(1)(c), (e), (f), (h), or 204 (i) commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided 205 in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 206 Section 5. Section 468.4338, Florida Statutes, is amended 207 to read: 208 468.4338 Reactivation; continuing education.—The council 209 shall prescribe by rule continuing education requirements for 210 reactivating a license. The continuing education requirements 211 for reactivating a license may not exceed one renewal cycle of 212 continuing education10 classroom hours for each year the213license was inactive. 214 Section 6. Section 468.439, Florida Statutes, is created to 215 read: 216 468.439 Collection services.—Collection services expenses 217 that are reasonably related to the collection of a delinquent 218 account rendered by a community association manager or 219 management firm on behalf of a community association governed by 220 chapters 718, 719 and 720 may be secured by the filing of a 221 claim of lien on behalf of the community association, if the 222 collection services expense is specified by amount in a written 223 agreement with such community association manager or management 224 firm and payable to the community association manager or 225 management firm as a liquidated sum. 226 Section 7. Subsection (2) of section 468.8317, Florida 227 Statutes, is amended to read: 228 468.8317 Inactive license.— 229 (2) A license that becomeshas becomeinactive may be 230 reactivated upon application to the department. The department 231 may prescribe by rule continuing education requirements as a 232 condition of reactivating a license. The rules may not require 233 more than one renewal cycle of continuing education to 234 reactivaterequirements for reactivatinga licensemay not235exceed 14 hours for each year the license was inactive. 236 Section 8. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 237 468.841, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 238 468.841 Exemptions.— 239 (1) The following persons are not required to comply with 240 any provisions of this part relating to mold assessment: 241 (d) Persons or business organizations acting within the 242 scope of the respective licenses required under part XV of this 243 chapter, chapter 471, part I or part II of chapter 481, chapter 244 482, or chapter 489 are acting on behalf of an insurer under 245 part VI of chapter 626, or are persons in the manufactured 246 housing industry who are licensed under chapter 320, except when 247 any such persons or business organizations hold themselves out 248 for hire to the public as a “certified mold assessor,” 249 “registered mold assessor,” “licensed mold assessor,” “mold 250 assessor,” “professional mold assessor,” or any combination 251 thereof stating or implying licensure under this part. 252 Section 9. Subsection (2) of section 468.8417, Florida 253 Statutes, is amended to read: 254 468.8417 Inactive license.— 255 (2) A license that becomeshas becomeinactive may be 256 reactivated upon application to the department. The department 257 may prescribe by rule continuing education requirements as a 258 condition of reactivating a license. The rules may not require 259 more than one renewal cycle of continuing education to 260 reactivaterequirements for reactivatinga licensemay not261exceed 14 hours for each year the license was inactive. 262 Section 10. Subsection (4) of section 469.002, Florida 263 Statutes, is amended to read: 264 469.002 Exemptions.— 265 (4) Licensure as an asbestos consultant or contractor is 266 not required for the repair, maintenance, removal, or disposal 267 of asbestos-containing pipe or conduit, if: 268 (a) The pipe or conduit is used for electrical, electronic, 269 communications, gas, sewer, or water service; 270 (b) The pipe or conduit is not located in a building; 271 (c) The pipe or conduit is made of Category I or Category 272 II nonfriable material as defined in NESHAP; and 273 (d) All such activities are performed according to all 274 applicable regulations, including work practices and training, 275 of the United States Occupational Safety and Health 276 Administration under 29 C.F.R. part 1926. 277 Section 11. Subsection (6) of section 474.202, Florida 278 Statutes, is amended to read: 279 474.202 Definitions.—As used in this chapter: 280 (6) “Limited-service veterinary medical practice” means 281 offering or providing veterinary services at any location that 282 has a primary purpose other than that of providing veterinary 283 medical service at a permanent or mobile establishment permitted 284 by the board; provides veterinary medical services for privately 285 owned animals that do not reside at that location; operates 286 under rules set by the Board of Veterinary Medicinefor a287limited time; and provides limited types of veterinary medical 288 services. 289 Section 12. Paragraph (t) of subsection (1) of section 290 475.25, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 291 475.25 Discipline.— 292 (1) The commission may deny an application for licensure, 293 registration, or permit, or renewal thereof; may place a 294 licensee, registrant, or permittee on probation; may suspend a 295 license, registration, or permit for a period not exceeding 10 296 years; may revoke a license, registration, or permit; may impose 297 an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 for each count or 298 separate offense; and may issue a reprimand, and any or all of 299 the foregoing, if it finds that the licensee, registrant, 300 permittee, or applicant: 301 (t) Has violated any standard of professional practice 302 adopted by rule of the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, 303 including standards for the development or communication of a 304 real estate appraisalor other provision of the Uniform305Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, as defined in s.306475.611, as approved and adopted by the Appraisal Standards 307 Board of the Appraisal Foundation, as defined in s. 475.611. 308 This paragraph does not apply to a real estate broker or sales 309 associate who, in the ordinary course of business, performs a 310 comparative market analysis, gives a broker price opinion, or 311 gives an opinion of value of real estate. However, in no event 312 may this comparative market analysis, broker price opinion, or 313 opinion of value of real estate be referred to as an appraisal, 314 as defined in s. 475.611. 315 Section 13. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 316 475.42, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 317 Section 14. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 318 475.451, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (9) is 319 added to that section, to read: 320 475.451 Schools teaching real estate practice.— 321 (2) An applicant for a permit to operate a proprietary real 322 estate school, to be a chief administrator of a proprietary real 323 estate school or a state institution, or to be an instructor for 324 a proprietary real estate school or a state institution must 325 meet the qualifications for practice set forth in s. 475.17(1) 326 and the following minimal requirements: 327 (c) “School instructor” means an individual who instructs 328 persons in the classroom in noncredit college courses in a 329 college, university, or community college or courses in a career 330 center or proprietary real estate school. 331 1. Before commencing to provide such instruction, the 332 applicant must certify the applicant’s competency and obtain an 333 instructor permit by meeting one of the following requirements: 334 a. Hold a bachelor’s degree in a business-related subject, 335 such as real estate, finance, accounting, business 336 administration, or its equivalent and hold a valid broker’s 337 license in this state. 338 b. Hold a bachelor’s degree, have extensive real estate 339 experience, as defined by rule, and hold a valid broker’s 340 license in this state. 341 c. Pass an instructor’s examination approved by the 342 commission. 343 2. Any requirement by the commission for a teaching 344 demonstration or practical examination must apply to all school 345 instructor applicants. 346 3. The department shall renew an instructor permit upon 347 receipt of a renewal application and fee. The renewal 348 application shall include proof that the permitholder has, since 349 the issuance or renewal of the current permit, successfully 350 completed a minimum of 7 classroom or distance learning hours of 351 instruction in real estate subjects or instructional techniques, 352 as prescribed by the commission. The commission shall adopt 353 rules providing for the renewal of instructor permits at least 354 every 2 years. AAnypermit thatwhichis not renewed at the end 355 of the permit period established by the departmentshall356 automatically revertsrevertto involuntarily inactive status. 357 358 The department may require an applicant to submit names of 359 persons having knowledge concerning the applicant and the 360 enterprise; may propound interrogatories to such persons and to 361 the applicant concerning the character of the applicant, 362 including the taking of fingerprints for processing through the 363 Federal Bureau of Investigation; and shall make such 364 investigation of the applicant or the school or institution as 365 it may deem necessary to the granting of the permit. If an 366 objection is filed, it shall be considered in the same manner as 367 objections or administrative complaints against other applicants 368 for licensure by the department. 369 (9) A real estate school may offer any course through 370 distance learning if the course complies with s. 475.17. 371 Section 15. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1) of 372 section 475.611, Florida Statutes, are amended, present 373 paragraphs (t) through (x) of subsection (1) are redesignated as 374 paragraphs (u) through (y), respectively, and a new paragraph 375 (t) is added to that subsection, to read: 376 475.611 Definitions.— 377 (1) As used in this part, the term: 378 (c) “Appraisal management company” means a person who 379 performs appraisal management services regardless of the use of 380 the term “appraisal management company,” “appraiser 381 cooperative,” “appraiser portal,” “mortgage technology company,” 382 or other term. 383 (d) “Appraisal management services” means the coordination 384 or management of appraisal services for compensation by: 385 1. Employing, contracting with, or otherwise retaining one 386 or more licensed or certified appraisers to perform appraisal 387 services for a client; or 388 2. Acting as a broker or intermediary between a client and 389 one or more licensed or certified appraisers to facilitate the 390 client’s employing, contracting with, or otherwise retaining the 391 appraisers. 392 (t) “Subsidiary” means an organization that is owned and 393 controlled by a financial institution that is regulated by a 394 federal financial institution regulatory agency. 395 Section 16. Subsection (5) of section 475.615, Florida 396 Statutes, is amended to read: 397 475.615 Qualifications for registration or certification.— 398 (5) At the time of filing an application for registration 399 or certification, the applicant must sign a pledge indicating 400 that upon becoming registered or certified, she or he will 401 comply with the standards of professional practice established 402 by rule of the board, including standards for the development or 403 communication of a real estate appraisal,to comply with the404Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice upon405registration or certificationand must indicate in writing that 406 she or he understands the types of misconduct for which 407 disciplinary proceedings may be initiated. The application 408 expiresshall expire1 year after the date received by the 409 department. 410 Section 17. Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section 411 475.617, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 412 475.617 Education and experience requirements.— 413 (1) To be registered as a trainee appraiser, an applicant 414 must present evidence satisfactory to the board that she or he 415 has successfully completed at least 100 hours of approved 416 academic courses in subjects related to real estate appraisal, 417 which mustshallinclude coverage of the Uniform Standards of 418 Professional Appraisal Practice, or its equivalent, as 419 established by rule of the board, from a nationally recognized 420 or state-recognized appraisal organization, career center, 421 accredited community college, college, or university, state or 422 federal agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school 423 that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. The board may 424 increase the required number of hours to not more than 125 425 hours. A classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60 426 minute segment. Past courses may be approved on an hour-for-hour 427 basis. 428 (2) To be certified as a residential appraiser, an 429 applicant must present satisfactory evidence to the board that 430 she or he has met the minimum education and experience 431 requirements prescribed by rule of the board. The board shall 432 prescribe by rule education and experience requirements that 433 meet or exceed the following real property appraiser 434 qualification criteria adopted on February 20, 2004, by the 435 Appraisal Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation: 436 (a) Has at least 2,500 hours of experience obtained over a 437 24-month period in real property appraisal as defined by rule. 438 (b) Has successfully completed at least 200 classroom 439 hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses in 440 subjects related to real estate appraisal, which mustshall441 include a 15-hour National Uniform Standards of Professional 442 Appraisal Practice course, or its equivalent, as established by 443 rule of the board, from a nationally recognized or state 444 recognized appraisal organization, career center, accredited 445 community college, college, or university, state or federal 446 agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school that 447 holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A classroom hour is 448 defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute segment. Past 449 courses may be approved by the board and substituted on an hour 450 for-hour basis. 451 (3) To be certified as a general appraiser, an applicant 452 must present evidence satisfactory to the board that she or he 453 has met the minimum education and experience requirements 454 prescribed by rule of the board. The board shall prescribe 455 education and experience requirements that meet or exceed the 456 following real property appraiser qualification criteria adopted 457 on February 20, 2004, by the Appraisal Qualifications Board of 458 the Appraisal Foundation: 459 (a) Has at least 3,000 hours of experience obtained over a 460 30-month period in real property appraisal as defined by rule. 461 (b) Has successfully completed at least 300 classroom 462 hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses in 463 subjects related to real estate appraisal, which mustshall464 include a 15-hour National Uniform Standards of Professional 465 Appraisal Practice course, or its equivalent, as established by 466 rule of the board, from a nationally recognized or state 467 recognized appraisal organization, career center, accredited 468 community college, college, or university, state or federal 469 agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school that 470 holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. A classroom hour is 471 defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute segment. Past 472 courses may be approved by the board and substituted on an hour 473 for-hour basis. 474 Section 18. Subsection (4) of section 475.6171, Florida 475 Statutes, is amended to read: 476 475.6171 Issuance of registration or certification.—The 477 registration or certification of an applicant may be issued upon 478 receipt by the board of the following: 479 (4) If required, proof of passing a written examination as 480 specified in s. 475.616.No certification shall be issued based481upon any examination results obtained more than 24 months after482the date of examination.483 Section 19. Subsection (1) of section 475.6175, Florida 484 Statutes, is amended to read: 485 475.6175 Registered trainee appraiser; postlicensure 486 education required.— 487 (1) The board shall prescribe postlicensure educational 488 requirements in order for a person to maintain a valid 489 registration as a registered trainee appraiser. If prescribed, 490 the postlicensure educational requirements consist of one or 491 more courses which total no more than the total educational 492 hours required to qualify as a state certified residential 493 appraiser. Such courses must be in subjects related to real 494 estate appraisal and mustshallinclude coverage of the Uniform 495 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, or its equivalent, 496 as established by rule of the board. Such courses are provided 497 by a nationally or state-recognized appraisal organization, 498 career center, accredited community college, college, or 499 university, state or federal agency or commission, or 500 proprietary real estate school that holds a permit pursuant to 501 s. 475.451. 502 Section 20. Section 475.6235, Florida Statutes, is amended 503 to read: 504 475.6235 Registration of appraisal management companies 505 required; exemptions.— 506 (1) A person may not engage, or offer to engage, in 507 appraisal management services for compensation in this state, 508 advertise or represent herself or himself as an appraisal 509 management company,or use the titles “appraisal management510company,” “appraiser cooperative,” “appraiser portal,” or511“mortgage technology company,” or any abbreviation or words to512that effect,unless the person is registered with the department 513 as an appraisal management company under this section. However, 514 an employee of an appraisal management company is not required 515 to obtain a separate registration. 516 (2) An application for registration must be submitted to 517 the department in the format prescribed by the department and 518 must include, at a minimum, the following: 519 (a) The firm or business name under which the appraisal 520 management company conducts business in this state. The 521 appraisal management company must notify the department of any 522 change in the firm or business name, on a form provided by the 523 department, within 10 days after such change. 524 (b) The mailing address, street address, and telephone 525 number of the appraisal management company’s principal business 526 location. The appraisal management company must notify the 527 department of any change in the mailing or street address, on a 528 form provided by the department, within 10 days after such 529 change. 530 (c) The appraisal management company’s federal employer 531 identification number. 532 (d) The appraisal management company’s type of business 533 organization, such as a corporation, partnership, limited 534 liability company, or sole proprietorship. 535 (e) A statement as to whether the appraisal management 536 company, if incorporated, is a domestic or foreign corporation, 537 the company’s date of incorporation, the state in which the 538 company was incorporated, its charter number, and, if it is a 539 foreign corporation, the date that the company first registered 540 with the Department of State to conduct business in this state. 541 (f) The full name, street address, telephone number, 542 corporate title, and social security number or federal employer 543 identification number of any person who possesses the authority, 544 directly or indirectly, to direct the management or policies of 545 the appraisal management company, whether through ownership, by 546 contract, or otherwise, including, but not limited to: 547 1. Each officer and director if the appraisal management 548 company is a corporation. 549 2. Each general partner if the appraisal management company 550 is a partnership. 551 3. Each manager or managing member if the appraisal 552 management company is a limited liability company. 553 4. The owner if the appraisal management company is a sole 554 proprietorship. 555 5. Each other person who, directly or indirectly, owns or 556 controls 10 percent or more of an ownership interest in the 557 appraisal management company. 558 (g) The firm or business name under which any person listed 559 in paragraph (f) conducted business as an appraisal management 560 company within the 5 years preceding the date of the 561 application. 562 (h) The appraisal management company’s registered agent for 563 service of process in this state. 564 (3) Appropriate fees, as set forth in the rules of the 565 board pursuant to s. 475.6147, and a complete set of 566 fingerprints for each person listed in paragraph (2)(f) must 567 accompany all applications for registration. The fingerprints 568 shall be forwarded to the Division of Criminal Justice 569 Information Systems within the Department of Law Enforcement for 570 purposes of processing the fingerprints to determine whether the 571 person has a criminal history record. The fingerprints shall 572 also be forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 573 purposes of processing the fingerprints to determine whether the 574 person has a criminal history record. The information obtained 575 by the processing of fingerprints by the Department of Law 576 Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall be 577 sent to the department for the purpose of determining whether 578 the appraisal management company is statutorily qualified for 579 registration. 580 (4) At the time of filing an application for registration 581 of an appraisal management company, each person listed in 582 paragraph (2)(f) must sign a pledge to comply with applicable 583 standards of professional practice established by rule of the 584 board, including standards for the development or communication 585 of a real estate appraisal,the Uniform Standards of586Professional Appraisal Practice upon registrationand must 587 indicate in writing that she or he understands the types of 588 misconduct for which disciplinary proceedings may be initiated. 589 The application expiresshall expire1 year after the date 590 received. 591 (5) Each person listed in paragraph (2)(f) must be 592 competent and qualified to engage in appraisal management 593 services with safety to the general public and those with whom 594 the person may undertake a relationship of trust and confidence. 595 If any person listed in paragraph (2)(f) has been denied 596 registration, licensure, or certification as an appraiser or has 597 been disbarred, or if the person’s registration, license, or 598 certificate to practice or conduct any regulated profession, 599 business, or vocation has been revoked or suspended by this or 600 any other state, any nation, any possession or district of the 601 United States, or any court or lawful agency thereof because of 602 any conduct or practices that would have warranted a like result 603 under this part, or if the person has been guilty of conduct or 604 practices in this state or elsewhere that would have been 605 grounds for disciplining her or his registration, license, or 606 certification under this part had the person then been a 607 registered trainee appraiser or a licensed or certified 608 appraiser, the person shall be deemed not to be qualified 609 unless, because of lapse of time and subsequent good conduct and 610 reputation, or other reason deemed sufficient, it appears to the 611 board that the interest of the public is not likely to be 612 endangered by the granting of registration. 613 (6) An applicant seeking to become registered under this 614 part as an appraisal management company may not be rejected 615 solely by virtue of membership or lack of membership of any 616 person listed in paragraph (2)(f) or any employee of the company 617 in any particular appraisal organization. 618 (7) An applicant for registration who is not a resident of 619 the state shall file an irrevocable consent that suits and 620 actions may be commenced against the appraisal management 621 company in any county of the state in which a plaintiff having a 622 cause of action or suit against the company resides and that 623 service of any process or pleading in suits or actions against 624 the company may be made by delivering the process or pleading to 625 the director of the Division of Real Estate by certified mail, 626 return receipt requested, and also to the appraisal management 627 company by registered mail addressed to the company’s designated 628 principal business location or, if its principal business 629 location is located in this state, to the company’s registered 630 agent. Service, when so made, must be taken and held in all 631 courts to be as valid and binding upon the appraisal management 632 company as if made upon the company in this state within the 633 jurisdiction of the court in which the suit or action is filed. 634 The irrevocable consent must be in a form prescribed by the 635 department and be acknowledged before a notary public. 636 (8) The department shall renew the registration of an 637 appraisal management company upon receipt of the renewal 638 application and the proper fee. The department shall adopt rules 639 establishing a procedure for renewal of the registration of an 640 appraisal management company at least every 4 years. 641 (9) This section does not apply to: 642 (a) A financial institution, as defined in s. 655.005, 643 which owns and operates an internal appraisal office, business 644 unit, or department; or 645 (b) An appraisal management company that is a subsidiary 646 owned and controlled by a financial institution, as defined in 647 s. 655.005, regulated by a federal financial institution 648 regulatory agency. 649 Section 21. Subsection (14) of section 475.624, Florida 650 Statutes, is amended to read: 651 475.624 Discipline of appraisers.—The board may deny an 652 application for registration or certification of an appraiser; 653 may investigate the actions of any appraiser registered, 654 licensed, or certified under this part; may reprimand or impose 655 an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 for each count or 656 separate offense against any such appraiser; and may revoke or 657 suspend, for a period not to exceed 10 years, the registration, 658 license, or certification of any such appraiser, or place any 659 such appraiser on probation, if the board finds that the 660 registered trainee, licensee, or certificateholder: 661 (14) Has violated any standard of professional practice 662 established by rule of the board, including standards for the 663 development or communication of a real estate appraisalor other664provision of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal665Practice. 666 Section 22. Paragraph (n) of subsection (1) of section 667 475.6245, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 668 475.6245 Discipline of appraisal management companies.— 669 (1) The board may deny an application for registration of 670 an appraisal management company; may investigate the actions of 671 any appraisal management company registered under this part; may 672 reprimand or impose an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 673 for each count or separate offense against any such appraisal 674 management company; and may revoke or suspend, for a period not 675 to exceed 10 years, the registration of any such appraisal 676 management company, or place any such appraisal management 677 company on probation, if the board finds that the appraisal 678 management company or any person listed in s. 475.6235(2)(f): 679 (n) Has instructed an appraiser to violate any standard of 680 professional practice established by rule of the board, 681 including standards for the development or communication of a 682 real estate appraisal or other provision of the Uniform 683 Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 684 Section 23. Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (1) of 685 section 475.626, Florida Statutes, are repealed. 686 Section 24. Section 475.628, Florida Statutes, is amended 687 to read: 688 475.628 Professional standards for appraisers registered, 689 licensed, or certified under this part.— The board shall adopt 690 rules establishing standards of professional practice which meet 691 or exceed nationally recognized standards of appraisal practice, 692 including standards adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board of 693 the Appraisal Foundation. Each appraiser registered, licensed, 694 or certified under this part mustshallcomply with the rules 695Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Statements 696 on appraisal standards which may be issued for the purpose of 697 clarification, interpretation, explanation, or elaboration 698 through the Appraisal Foundation areshall also bebinding on 699 any appraiser registered, licensed, or certified under this 700 part, upon adoption by rule of the board. 701 Section 25. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 702 476.194, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 703 Section 26. Subsection (2) of section 477.0212, Florida 704 Statutes, is amended to read: 705 477.0212 Inactive status.— 706 (2) The board shall adoptpromulgaterules relating to 707 licenses thatwhich havebecome inactive and for the renewal of 708 inactive licenses. The rules may not require more than one 709 renewal cycle of continuing education to reactivate a license. 710 The board shall prescribe by rule a fee not to exceed $50 for 711 the reactivation of an inactive license and a fee not to exceed 712 $50 for the renewal of an inactive license. 713 Section 27. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 714 477.0265, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 715 Section 28. Subsection (1) of section 481.209, Florida 716 Statutes, is amended to read: 717 481.209 Examinations.— 718 (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a registered 719 architect by initial examination shall apply to the department, 720 completeto take the licensure examination. The department shall721administer the licensure examination for architects to each722applicant who the board certifies:723(a) Has completedthe application form, and remitremitted724 a nonrefundable application fee. The department shall license 725 any applicant who the board certifies:and an examination fee726which is refundable if the applicant is found to be ineligible727to take the examination;728 (a) Has passed the licensure examination prescribed by 729 board rule; and 730 (b)1.Is a graduate of a school or college of architecture 731 with a program accredited by the National Architectural 732 Accreditation Board.; or7332. Is a graduate of an approved architectural curriculum,734evidenced by a degree from an unaccredited school or college of735architecture approved by the board. The board shall adopt rules736providing for the review and approval of unaccredited schools737and colleges of architecture and courses of architectural study738based on a review and inspection by the board of the curriculum739of accredited schools and colleges of architecture in the United740States; and741(c) Has completed, prior to examination, 1 year of the742internship experience required by s.481.211(1).743 Section 29. Section 481.211, Florida Statutes, is amended 744 to read: 745 481.211 Architecture internship required.— 746(1)An applicant for licensure as a registered architect 747 shall complete, beforeprior tolicensure, an internship of 748 diversified architectural experience approved by the board, 749 which meets the requirements set forth by rulein the design and750construction of structures which have as their principal purpose751human habitation or use.The internship shall be for a period752of:753(a) Three years for an applicant holding the degree of754Bachelor of Architecture; or755(b) Two years for an applicant holding the professional756degree of Master of Architecture.757(2) Each applicant for licensure shall complete 1 year of758the internship experience required by this section subsequent to759graduation from a school or college of architecture as defined760in s.481.209(1).761 Section 30. Subsection (3) of section 481.213, Florida 762 Statutes, is amended to read: 763 481.213 Licensure.— 764 (3) The board shall certify as qualified for a license by 765 endorsement as an architect or as an interior designer an 766 applicant who: 767 (a) Qualifies to take the prescribed licensure examination, 768 and has passed the prescribed licensure examination or a 769 substantially equivalent examination in another jurisdiction, as 770 set forth in s. 481.209 for architects or interior designers, as 771 applicable, and has satisfied the internship requirements set 772 forth in s. 481.211 for architects; 773 (b) Holds a valid license to practice architecture or 774 interior design issued by another jurisdiction of the United 775 States, if the criteria for issuance of such license were 776 substantially equivalent to the licensure criteria that existed 777 in this state at the time the license was issued; provided, 778 however, that an applicant who has been licensed for use of the 779 title “interior design” rather than licensed to practice 780 interior design shall not qualify hereunder; or 781 (c) Has passed the prescribed licensure examination and 782 holds a valid certificate issued by the National Council of 783 Architectural Registration Boards, and holds a valid license to 784 practice architecture issued by another state or jurisdiction of 785 the United States.For the purposes of this paragraph, any786applicant licensed in another state or jurisdiction after June78730, 1984, must also hold a degree in architecture and such788degree must be equivalent to that required in s.481.209(1)(b).789Also for the purposes of this paragraph, any applicant licensed790in another state or jurisdiction after June 30, 1985, must have791completed an internship equivalent to that required by s.792481.211and any rules adopted with respect thereto.793 Section 31. Section 481.217, Florida Statutes, is amended 794 to read: 795 481.217 Inactive status.— 796 (1) The board may prescribe by rule continuing education 797 requirements as a condition of reactivating a license. The rules 798 may not require more than one renewal cycle of continuing 799 education to reactivaterequirements for reactivatinga license 800 for a registered architect or interior designermay not exceed80112 contact hours for each year the license was inactive. For 802 interior design,The minimum continuing education requirement803for reactivating a license for a registered interior designer804shall be those of the most recent biennium plus one-half of the805requirements in s.481.215for each year or part thereof during806which the license was inactive.the board mayshall onlyapprove 807 only continuing education that builds upon the basic knowledge 808 of interior design. 809 (2) The board shall adopt rules relating to application 810 procedures for inactive status and for the reactivation of 811 inactive licenses. 812 Section 32. Section 481.315, Florida Statutes, is amended 813 to read: 814 481.315 Inactive status.— 815 (1) A license that has become inactive or delinquent may be 816 reactivated under this section upon application to the 817 department and payment of any applicable biennial renewal or 818 delinquency fee, or both, and a reactivation fee. The board may 819 not require a licensee to complete more than one renewal cycle 820 of continuing education requirements.The board may prescribe by821rule continuing education requirements as a condition of822reactivating the license. The continuing education requirements823for reactivating a license may not exceed 12 classroom hours for824each year the license was inactive.825 (2) The board shall adopt rules relating to application 826 procedures for inactive status and for the reactivation of 827 inactive licenses. 828 Section 33. Subsections (3) and (6) of section 489.116, 829 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 830 489.116 Inactive and delinquent status; renewal and 831 cancellation notices.— 832 (3) An inactive status certificateholder or registrant may 833 change to active status at any time, ifprovidedthe 834 certificateholder or registrant meets all requirements for 835 active status, pays any additional licensure fees necessary to 836 equal those imposed on an active status certificateholder or 837 registrant,andpays any applicable late fees, and meets all 838 continuing education requirements prescribed by the board. 839 (6) The board may not require an inactive certificateholder 840 or registrant to complete more than one renewal cycle ofshall841comply with the samecontinuing education for reactivating a 842 certificate or registrationrequirements, if any, that are843imposed on an active status certificateholder or registrant. 844 Section 34. Subsection (1) of section 489.519, Florida 845 Statutes, is amended to read: 846 489.519 Inactive status.— 847 (1) A certificate or registration that becomeshas become848 inactive may be reactivated under s. 489.517 upon application to 849 the department. The board may not require a licensee to complete 850 more than one renewal cycle ofprescribe, by rule,continuing 851 education to reactivaterequirements as a condition of852reactivatinga certificate or registration.The continuing853education requirements for reactivating a certificate or854registration may not exceed 12 classroom hours for each year the855certificate or registration was inactive.856 Section 35. Subsections (17), (19), (20), and (43) of 857 section 499.003, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 858 499.003 Definitions of terms used in this part.—As used in 859 this part, the term: 860 (17) “Distribute” or “distribution” means to sell; offer to 861 sell; give away; transfer, whether by passage of title, physical 862 movement, or both; deliver; or offer to deliver. The term does 863 not mean to administer or dispense and does not include the 864 billing and invoicing activities that commonly follow a 865 wholesale distribution transaction. 866 (19) “Drug” means an article that is: 867 (a) Recognized in the current edition of the United States 868 Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary, official Homeopathic 869 Pharmacopoeia of the United States, or any supplement to any of 870 those publications; 871 (b) Intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, 872 treatment, therapy, or prevention of disease in humans or other 873 animals; 874 (c) Intended to affect the structure or any function of the 875 body of humans or other animals; or 876 (d) Intended for use as a component of any article 877 specified in paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c), and 878 includes active pharmaceutical ingredients, but does not include 879 devices or their components, parts, or accessories. For purposes 880 of this paragraph, an “active pharmaceutical ingredient” 881 includes any substance or mixture of substances intended, 882 represented, or labeled for use in drug manufacturing that 883 furnishes or is intended to furnish, in a finished dosage form, 884 any pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the 885 diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, therapy, or prevention 886 of disease in humans or other animals, or to affect the 887 structure or any function of the body of humans or other 888 animals. 889 (20) “Establishment” means a place of business which is at 890 one general physical location and may extend to one or more 891 contiguous suites, units, floors, or buildings operated and 892 controlled exclusively by entities under common operation and 893 control. Where multiple buildings are under common exclusive 894 ownership, operation, and control, an intervening thoroughfare 895 does not affect the contiguous nature of the buildings. For 896 purposes of permitting, each suite, unit, floor, or building 897 must be identified in the most recent permit application. 898 (43) “Prescription drug” means a prescription, medicinal, 899 or legend drug, including, but not limited to, finished dosage 900 forms or active pharmaceutical ingredients subject to, defined 901 by, or described by s. 503(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and 902 Cosmetic Act or s. 465.003(8), s. 499.007(13), or subsection 903 (11), subsection (46), or subsection (53), except that an active 904 pharmaceutical ingredient is a prescription drug only if 905 substantially all finished dosage forms in which it may be 906 lawfully dispensed or administered in this state are also 907 prescription drugs. 908 Section 36. Paragraphs (c) and (e) of subsection (2) of 909 section 499.01, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection 910 (3) is added to that section, to read: 911 499.01 Permits.— 912 (2) The following permits are established: 913 (c) Nonresident prescription drug manufacturer permit.—A 914 nonresident prescription drug manufacturer permit is required 915 for any person that is a manufacturer of prescription drugs, 916 unless permitted as a third party logistics provider, located 917 outside of this state or outside the United States and that 918 engages in the wholesale distribution in this state of such 919 prescription drugs. Each such manufacturer must be permitted by 920 the department and comply with all of the provisions required of 921 a wholesale distributor under this part, except s. 499.01212. 922 1. A person that distributes prescription drugs for which 923 the person is not the manufacturer must also obtain an out-of 924 state prescription drug wholesale distributor permit or third 925 party logistics provider permit pursuant to this section to 926 engage in the wholesale distribution of such prescription drugs. 927 This subparagraph does not apply to a manufacturer as defined in 928 s. 499.003(31)(e). 929 2. Any such person must comply with the licensing or 930 permitting requirements of the jurisdiction in which the 931 establishment is located and the federal act, and any product 932 wholesaled into this state must comply with this part. If a 933 person intends to import prescription drugs from a foreign 934 country into this state, the nonresident prescription drug 935 manufacturer must provide to the department a list identifying 936 each prescription drug it intends to import and document 937 approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration for 938 such importation. 9393. A nonresident prescription drug manufacturer permit is940not required for a manufacturer to distribute a prescription941drug active pharmaceutical ingredient that it manufactures to a942prescription drug manufacturer permitted in this state in943limited quantities intended for research and development and not944for resale, or human use other than lawful clinical trials and945biostudies authorized and regulated by federal law. A946manufacturer claiming to be exempt from the permit requirements947of this subparagraph and the prescription drug manufacturer948purchasing and receiving the active pharmaceutical ingredient949shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of s.950499.0121(6), but not the requirements of s.499.01212. The951prescription drug manufacturer purchasing and receiving the952active pharmaceutical ingredient shall maintain on file a record953of the FDA registration number; the out-of-state license,954permit, or registration number; and, if available, a copy of the955most current FDA inspection report, for all manufacturers from956whom they purchase active pharmaceutical ingredients under this957section. The department shall specify by rule the allowable958number of transactions within a given period of time and the959amount of active pharmaceutical ingredients that qualify as960limited quantities for purposes of this exemption. The failure961to comply with the requirements of this subparagraph, or rules962adopted by the department to administer this subparagraph, for963the purchase of prescription drug active pharmaceutical964ingredients is a violation of s.499.005(14).965 (e) Out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor 966 permit.—An out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor 967 is a wholesale distributor located outside this state which 968 engages in the wholesale distribution of prescription drugs into 969 this state and which must be permitted by the department and 970 comply with all the provisions required of a wholesale 971 distributor under this part. An out-of-state prescription drug 972 wholesale distributor that applies to the department for a new 973 permit or the renewal of a permit must submit a bond of 974 $100,000, or other equivalent means of security acceptable to 975 the department, such as an irrevocable letter of credit or a 976 deposit in a trust account or financial institution, payable to 977 the Florida Drug, Device, and Cosmetic Trust Fund. The purpose 978 of the bond is to secure payment of any administrative penalties 979 imposed by the department and any fees and costs incurred by the 980 department regarding that permit which are authorized under 981 state law and which the permittee fails to pay 30 days after the 982 fine or costs become final. The department may make a claim 983 against such bond or security until 1 year after the permittee’s 984 license ceases to be valid or until 60 days after any 985 administrative or legal proceeding authorized in this part which 986 involves the permittee is concluded, including any appeal, 987 whichever occurs later. 9881.The out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor 989 must maintain at all times a license or permit to engage in the 990 wholesale distribution of prescription drugs in compliance with 991 laws of the state in which it is a resident. 9922. An out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor993permit is not required for an intracompany sale or transfer of a994prescription drug from an out-of-state establishment that is995duly licensed as a prescription drug wholesale distributor, in996its state of residence, to a licensed prescription drug997wholesale distributor in this state, if both wholesale998distributors conduct wholesale distributions of prescription999drugs under the same business name. The recordkeeping1000requirements of ss.499.0121(6) and499.01212must be followed1001for this transaction.1002 (3)(a) A permit issued under this part is not required to 1003 distribute a prescription drug active pharmaceutical ingredient 1004 from an establishment located in the United States to an 1005 establishment located in this state permitted as a prescription 1006 drug manufacturer under this part for use by the recipient in 1007 preparing, deriving, processing, producing, or fabricating a 1008 prescription drug finished dosage form at the establishment in 1009 this state where the product is received under an approved and 1010 otherwise valid New Drug Approval Application, Abbreviated New 1011 Drug Application, New Animal Drug Application, or Therapeutic 1012 Biologic Application, provided that the application, active 1013 pharmaceutical ingredient, or finished dosage form has not been 1014 withdrawn or removed from the market in this country for public 1015 health reasons. 1016 1. Any distributor claiming exemption from permitting 1017 requirements pursuant to this paragraph shall maintain a 1018 license, permit, or registration to engage in the wholesale 1019 distribution of prescription drugs under the laws of the state 1020 from which the product is distributed. 1021 2. Any distributor claiming exemption from permitting 1022 requirements pursuant to this paragraph and the prescription 1023 drug manufacturer purchasing and receiving the active 1024 pharmaceutical ingredient shall comply with the recordkeeping 1025 requirements of s. 499.0121(6), but not the requirements of s. 1026 499.01212. 1027 (b) A permit issued under this part is not required to 1028 distribute limited quantities of a prescription drug that has 1029 not been repackaged from an establishment located in the United 1030 States to an establishment located in this state permitted as a 1031 prescription drug manufacturer under this part for research and 1032 development or to a holder of a letter of exemption issued by 1033 the department under s. 499.03(4) for research, teaching, or 1034 testing. The department shall define “limited quantities” by 1035 rule and may include the allowable number of transactions within 1036 a given period of time and the amounts of prescription drugs 1037 distributed into the state for purposes of this exemption. 1038 1. Any distributor claiming exemption from permitting 1039 requirements pursuant to this paragraph shall maintain a 1040 license, permit, or registration to engage in the wholesale 1041 distribution of prescription drugs under the laws of the state 1042 from which the product is distributed. 1043 2. All purchasers and recipients of any prescription drugs 1044 distributed pursuant to this paragraph shall ensure that the 1045 products are not resold or used, directly or indirectly, on 1046 humans except in lawful clinical trials and biostudies 1047 authorized and regulated by federal law. 1048 3. Any distributor claiming exemption from permitting 1049 requirements pursuant to this paragraph, and the purchaser and 1050 recipient of the prescription drug, shall comply with the 1051 recordkeeping requirements of s. 499.0121(6), but not the 1052 requirements of s. 499.01212. 1053 4. The immediate package or container of any active 1054 pharmaceutical ingredient distributed into the state that is 1055 intended for teaching, testing, research, and development shall 1056 bear a label prominently displaying the statement: “Caution: 1057 Research, Teaching, or Testing Only – Not for Manufacturing, 1058 Compounding, or Resale.” 1059 (c) An out-of-state prescription drug wholesale distributor 1060 permit is not required for an intracompany sale or transfer of a 1061 prescription drug from an out-of-state establishment that is 1062 duly licensed as a prescription drug wholesale distributor in 1063 its state of residence to a licensed prescription drug wholesale 1064 distributor in this state, if both wholesale distributors 1065 conduct wholesale distributions of prescription drugs under the 1066 same business name. The recordkeeping requirements of ss. 1067 499.0121(6) and 499.01212 must be followed for such 1068 transactions. 1069 (d) Persons receiving prescription drugs from a source 1070 claimed to be exempt from permitting requirements under this 1071 subsection shall maintain on file: 1072 1. A record of the FDA establishment registration number, 1073 if any; 1074 2. The resident state prescription drug wholesale 1075 distribution license, permit, or registration number; and 1076 3. A copy of the most recent resident state or FDA 1077 inspection report, for all distributors and establishments whom 1078 they purchase or receive prescription drugs under this 1079 subsection. 1080 (e) All persons claiming exemption from permitting 1081 requirements pursuant to this subsection who engage in the 1082 distribution of prescription drugs within or into the state are 1083 subject to this part, including ss. 499.005 and 499.0051, and 1084 shall make available, within 48 hours, to the department on 1085 request all records related to any prescription drugs 1086 distributed under this subsection, including those records 1087 described in s. 499.051(4), regardless of the location where the 1088 records are stored. 1089 (f) A person purchasing and receiving a prescription drug 1090 from a person claimed to be exempt from licensing requirements 1091 pursuant to this subsection shall report to the department in 1092 writing within 14 days after receiving any product that is 1093 misbranded or adulterated or that fails to meet minimum 1094 standards set forth in the official compendium or state or 1095 federal good manufacturing practices for identity, purity, 1096 potency, or sterility, regardless of whether the product is 1097 thereafter rehabilitated, quarantined, returned, or destroyed. 1098 (g) The department may adopt rules to administer this 1099 subsection which are necessary for the protection of the public 1100 health, safety, and welfare. Failure to comply with the 1101 requirements of this subsection, or rules adopted by the 1102 department to administer this subsection, is a violation of s. 1103 499.005(14), and a knowing failure is a violation of s. 1104 499.0051(4). 1105 (h) This subsection does not relieve any person from any 1106 requirement prescribed by law with respect to controlled 1107 substances as defined in the applicable federal and state laws. 1108 Section 37. This act shall take effect July 1, 2012.