Bill Text: FL S0822 | 2012 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Mobile Home Parks
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 2-0)
Status: (Failed) 2012-03-09 - Died in Regulated Industries [S0822 Detail]
Download: Florida-2012-S0822-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2012 SB 822 By Senator Fasano 11-00796-12 2012822__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to mobile home parks; amending s. 3 723.003, F.S.; defining the term “amenity”; amending 4 s. 723.006, F.S.; providing preconditions for the 5 amendment of a prospectus or offering circular; 6 amending s. 723.011, F.S.; providing additional 7 disclosure requirements before the rental of a mobile 8 home lot; requiring the Division of Florida 9 Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes to create a 10 mobile home disclosure document for certain purposes; 11 providing intent and purpose of disclosure; amending 12 s. 723.012, F.S.; providing additional required 13 prospectus or offering circular information relating 14 to change of land use; amending s. 723.037, F.S.; 15 providing notice requirements for a reduction in 16 services, utilities, or amenities by a park owner; 17 providing what constitutes the market area or the 18 competitive area for comparable mobile home parks; 19 amending s. 723.06116, F.S.; increasing fees for 20 mobile home park owner applications for payment of 21 moving expenses; amending s. 723.0612, F.S.; revising 22 the payment amounts mobile home owners are entitled 23 from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation 24 under certain conditions involving a change in land 25 use; amending s. 723.075, F.S.; deleting a provision 26 authorizing homeowners of certain concrete block homes 27 to be part of the homeowners’ association and to serve 28 on the board of directors of the association under 29 certain circumstances; amending s. 553.382, F.S.; 30 correcting a reference; providing an effective date. 31 32 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 33 34 Section 1. Subsection (16) is added to section 723.003, 35 Florida Statutes, to read: 36 723.003 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the following 37 words and terms have the following meanings unless clearly 38 indicated otherwise: 39 (16) The term “amenity” means any tangible or intangible 40 benefit offered to a tenant at no fee, typically onsite 41 recreational facilities or planned programs, services, and 42 activities, as established by the National Council of Affordable 43 Housing Market Analysts. 44 Section 2. Subsection (8) of section 723.006, Florida 45 Statutes, is amended to read: 46 723.006 Powers and duties of division.—In performing its 47 duties, the division has the following powers and duties: 48 (8) The division has the authority by rule to authorize 49 amendments permitted by this chapter to an approved prospectus 50 or offering circular. At least 60 days before submitting any 51 amendment to the division, the mobile home park owner must meet 52 with the homeowners’ association or, if a homeowners’ 53 association has not been established, a committee, not to exceed 54 five members, designated by a majority of the affected 55 homeowners, to provide the association or committee with the 56 amendments to the prospectus or offering circular. Before 57 approving any amendments to a prospectus or offering circular, 58 the division shall provide notice of the amendments to the 59 homeowners’ association or, if a homeowners’ association has not 60 been established, to a committee, not to exceed five members, 61 designated by a majority of the affected homeowners. The 62 division may not approve an amendment unless the requirements of 63 this subsection are met. 64 Section 3. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 723.011, 65 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 66 723.011 Disclosure prior to rental of a mobile home lot; 67 prospectus, filing, approval.— 68 (2) The park owner shall furnish to each prospective lessee 69 a copy of the prospectus or offering circular together with all 70 of the exhibits thereto and a mobile home expense disclosure 71 document containing all the information required by s. 72 723.012(7), (8), (9), and (10)to each prospective lessee. The 73 mobile home expense disclosure document shall include past, 74 present, and estimated future lease-year amounts and any other 75 factors that may affect rent variations, such as lot location or 76 size. The division shall create the mobile home disclosure 77 document through its rulemaking authority. Delivery shall be 78 made prior to execution of the lot rental agreement or at the 79 time of occupancy, whichever occurs first. Upon delivery of a 80 prospectus to a prospective lessee, the lot rental agreement is 81 voidable by the lessee for a period of 15 days. However, the 82 park owner is not required to furnish a copy of the prospectus 83 or offering circular if the tenancy is a renewal of a tenancy 84 and the mobile home owner has previously received the prospectus 85 or offering circular. 86 (3) The prospectus or offering circular together with its 87 exhibits and the mobile home expense disclosure document areis88adisclosure documentsdocumentintended to afford protection to 89 homeowners and prospective homeowners in the mobile home park. 90 The purpose of the documentsdocumentis to disclose the 91 representations of the mobile home park owner concerning the 92 operations of the mobile home park. 93 Section 4. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 94 723.012, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 95 723.012 Prospectus or offering circular.—The prospectus or 96 offering circular, which is required to be provided by s. 97 723.011, must contain the following information: 98 (1) The front cover or the first page must contain only: 99 (b) The following statements in conspicuous type: 100 1. THIS PROSPECTUS CONTAINS VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION 101 REGARDING YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOUR FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS IN 102 LEASING A MOBILE HOME LOT. MAKE SURE THAT YOU READ THE ENTIRE 103 DOCUMENT AND SEEK LEGAL ADVICE IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 104 REGARDING THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THIS DOCUMENT. 105 2. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE ONLY SUMMARY IN 106 NATURE. A PROSPECTIVE LESSEE SHOULD REFER TO ALL REFERENCES, ALL 107 EXHIBITS HERETO, THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, AND SALES MATERIALS. 108 3. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS 109 CORRECTLY STATING THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PARK OWNER OR 110 OPERATOR. REFER TO THIS PROSPECTUS (OFFERING CIRCULAR) AND ITS 111 EXHIBITS FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS. 112 4. UPON DELIVERY OF THE PROSPECTUS TO A PROSPECTIVE LESSEE, 113 THE RENTAL AGREEMENT IS VOIDABLE BY THE LESSEE FOR A PERIOD OF 114 15 DAYS. 115 5. UPON A CHANGE OF LAND USE, YOU MAY BE EVICTED AND 116 ORDERED TO MOVE YOUR MOBILE HOME WITHIN SIX MONTHS, OR FORFEIT 117 YOUR MOBILE HOME IF THE HOME CANNOT BE RELOCATED, PURSUANT TO 118 SECTION 723.061, FLORIDA STATUTES. 119 Section 5. Subsections (1) and (2) and paragraphs (a) and 120 (b) of subsection (4) of section 723.037, Florida Statutes, are 121 amended, paragraph (e) of subsection (4) is redesignated as 122 paragraph (f), and a new paragraph (e) is added to subsection 123 (4) of that section, to read: 124 723.037 Lot rental increases; reduction in services,or125 utilities, or amenities; change in rules and regulations; 126 mediation.— 127 (1) A park owner shall give written notice to each affected 128 mobile home owner and the board of directors of the homeowners’ 129 association, if one has been formed, at least 90 days prior to 130 any increase in lot rental amount or reduction in services,or131 utilities, or amenities provided by the park owner or change in 132 rules and regulations. The notice shall identify all other 133 affected homeowners, which may be by lot number, name, group, or 134 phase. If the affected homeowners are not identified by name, 135 the park owner shall make the names and addresses available upon 136 request. Rules adopted as a result of restrictions imposed by 137 governmental entities and required to protect the public health, 138 safety, and welfare may be enforced prior to the expiration of 139 the 90-day period but are not otherwise exempt from the 140 requirements of this chapter. Pass-through charges must be 141 separately listed as to the amount of the charge, the name of 142 the governmental entity mandating the capital improvement, and 143 the nature or type of the pass-through charge being levied. 144 Notices of increase in the lot rental amount due to a pass 145 through charge shall state the additional payment and starting 146 and ending dates of each pass-through charge. The homeowners’ 147 association shall have no standing to challenge the increase in 148 lot rental amount, reduction in services,orutilities, or 149 amenities, or change of rules and regulations unless a majority 150 of the affected homeowners agree, in writing, to such 151 representation. 152 (2) Notice as required by this section shall, in addition 153 to the information required in subsection (1), only be required 154 to include the dollar amount of the relevant portions of the 155 present lot rental amount that are being increased and the 156 dollar amount of the proposed increases in lot rental amount if 157 there is an increase in the lot rental amount, the reduction in 158 services,orutilities, or amenities, or the change in rules and 159 regulations and the effective date thereof. 160 (4)(a) A committee, not to exceed five membersin number, 161 designated by a majority of the affected mobile home owners or 162 by the board of directors of the homeowners’ association, if 163 applicable, and the park owner shall meet, at a mutually 164 convenient time and place within 30 days after receipt by the 165 homeowners of the notice of change, to discuss the reasons for 166 the increase in lot rental amount, reduction in services,or167 utilities, or amenities, or change in rules and regulations. 168 (b)1. At the meeting, the park owner or subdivision 169 developer shall in good faith disclose and explain all material 170 factors resulting in the decision to increase the lot rental 171 amount, reduce services,orutilities, or amenities, or change 172 rules and regulations, including how those factors justify the 173 specific change proposed. The park owner or subdivision 174 developer may not limit the discussion of the reasons for the 175 change to generalities only, such as, but not limited to, 176 increases in operational costs, changes in economic conditions, 177 or rents charged by comparable mobile home parks. For example, 178 if the reason for an increase in lot rental amount is an 179 increase in operational costs, the park owner must disclose the 180 item or items which have increased, the amount of the increase, 181 any similar item or items which have decreased, and the amount 182 of the decrease. If an increase is based upon the lot rental 183 amount charged by comparable mobile home parks, the park owner 184 shall disclose, and provide in writing to the committee at or 185 before the meeting, the name, address, lot rental amount, and 186 any other relevant factors relied upon by the park owner, such 187 as facilities, services, and amenities, concerning the 188 comparable mobile home parks. The information concerning 189 comparable mobile home parks to be exchanged by the parties is 190 to encourage a dialogue concerning the reasons used by the park 191 owner for the increase in lot rental amount and to encourage the 192 home owners to evaluate and discuss the reasons for those 193 changes with the park owner. The park owner shall prepare a 194 written summary of the material factors and retain a copy for 3 195 years. The park owner shall provide the committee a copy of the 196 summary at or before the meeting. 197 2. The park owner mayshallnot limit the comparable mobile 198 home park disclosure to those mobile home parks that are owned 199 or operated by the same owner or operator as the subject park, 200 except in certain circumstances, which include, but are not 201 limited to: 202 a. That the market area for comparable mobile home parks 203 includes mobile home parks owned or operated by the same entity 204 that have similar facilities, services, and amenities; 205 b. That the subject mobile home park has unique attributes 206 that are shared with similar mobile home parks; 207 c. That the mobile home park is located in a geographic or 208 market area that contains few comparable mobile home parks; or 209 d. That there are similar considerations or factors that 210 would be considered in such a market analysis by a competent 211 professional and would be considered in determining the 212 valuation of the market rent. 213 (e) For purpose of this subsection, the market area or the 214 competitive area for comparable mobile home parks is the county 215 in which the subject park is located along with any contiguous 216 counties. 217 218 This subsection is not intended to be enforced by civil or 219 administrative action. Rather, the meetings and discussions are 220 intended to be in the nature of settlement discussions prior to 221 the parties proceeding to mediation of any dispute. 222 Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 723.06116, Florida 223 Statutes, is amended to read: 224 723.06116 Payments to the Florida Mobile Home Relocation 225 Corporation.— 226 (1) If a mobile home owner is required to move due to a 227 change in use of the land comprising a mobile home park as set 228 forth in s. 723.061(1)(d), the mobile home park owner shall, 229 upon such change in use, pay to the Florida Mobile Home 230 Relocation Corporation for deposit in the Florida Mobile Home 231 Relocation Trust Fund $4,000$2,750for each single-section 232 mobile home and $5,500$3,750for each multisection mobile home 233 for which a mobile home owner has made application for payment 234 of moving expenses. The mobile home park owner shall make the 235 payments required by this section and by s. 723.0612(7) to the 236 corporation within 30 days after receipt from the corporation of 237 the invoice for payment. Failure to make such payment within the 238 required time period shall result in a late fee being imposed. 239 (a) If payment is not submitted within 30 days after 240 receipt of the invoice, a 10-percent late fee shall be assessed. 241 (b) If payment is not submitted within 60 days after 242 receipt of the invoice, a 15-percent late fee shall be assessed. 243 (c) If payment is not submitted within 90 days after 244 receipt of the invoice, a 20-percent late fee shall be assessed. 245 (d) Any payment received 120 days or more after receipt of 246 the invoice shall include a 25-percent late fee. 247 Section 7. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsection 248 (7) of section 723.0612, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 249 723.0612 Change in use; relocation expenses; payments by 250 park owner.— 251 (1) If a mobile home owner is required to move due to a 252 change in use of the land comprising the mobile home park as set 253 forth in s. 723.061(1)(d) and complies with the requirements of 254 this section, the mobile home owner is entitled to payment from 255 the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation of: 256 (b) The amount of $5,000$3,000for a single-section mobile 257 home or $7,500$6,000for a multisection mobile home, whichever 258 is less. Moving expenses include the cost of taking down, 259 moving, and setting up the mobile home in a new location. 260 (7) In lieu of collecting payment from the Florida Mobile 261 Home Relocation Corporation as set forth in subsection (1), a 262 mobile home owner may abandon the mobile home in the mobile home 263 park and collect$1,375 for a single section and $2,750 for a264multisectionfrom the corporation an amount equal to the then 265 current market value as reported by the NADA Manufactured Home 266 List, not to exceed $3,000 for a single section mobile home and 267 $6,000 for a multisection mobile home, as long as the mobile 268 home owner delivers to the park owner the current title to the 269 mobile home duly endorsed by the owner of record and valid 270 releases of all liens shown on the title. If a mobile home owner 271 chooses this option, the park owner shall make payment to the 272 corporation in an amount equal to the amount the mobile home 273 owner is entitled to under this subsection. The mobile home 274 owner’s application for funds under this subsection shall 275 require the submission of a document signed by the park owner 276 stating that the home has been abandoned under this subsection 277 and that the park owner agrees to make payment to the 278 corporation in the amount provided to the home owner under this 279 subsection. However, in the event that the required documents 280 are not submitted with the application, the corporation may 281 consider the facts and circumstances surrounding the abandonment 282 of the home to determine whether the mobile home owner is 283 entitled to payment pursuant to this subsection. The mobile home 284 owner is not entitled to any compensation under this subsection 285 if there is a pending eviction action for nonpayment of lot 286 rental amount pursuant to s. 723.061(1)(a) which was filed 287 against him or her prior to the mailing date of the notice of 288 change in the use of the mobile home park given pursuant to s. 289 723.061(1)(d). 290 Section 8. Subsection (3) of section 723.075, Florida 291 Statutes, is amended to read: 292 723.075 Homeowners’ associations.— 293(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if a portion of the294park contains concrete block homes occupying lots under 99-year295leases, those homeowners may be part of the association and may296serve on the board of directors of the association based on the297percentage of lots containing concrete block homes to the total298number of mobile home lots in the park.299 Section 9. Section 553.382, Florida Statutes, is amended to 300 read: 301 553.382 Placement of certain housing.—Notwithstanding any 302 other law or ordinance to the contrary, in order to expand the 303 availability of affordable housing in this state, any 304 residential manufactured building that is certified under this 305 chapter by the department may be placed on a mobile home lot in 306 a mobile home park, recreational vehicle park, or mobile home 307 condominium, cooperative, or subdivision. Any such housing unit 308 placed on a mobile home lot is a mobile home for purposes of 309 chapter 723 and, therefore, all rights, obligations, and duties 310 under chapter 723 apply, including the specifics of the 311 prospectus. However, a housing unit subject to this section may 312 not be placed on a mobile home lot without the prior written 313 approval of the park owner. Each housing unit subject to this 314 section shall be taxed as a mobile home under s. 320.08(11) and 315 is subject to payments to the Florida Mobile Home Relocation 316 Trust Fund under s. 723.06116. 317 Section 10. This act shall take effect July 1, 2012.