Bill Text: FL S0832 | 2021 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Town of Lake Clarke Shores, Palm Beach County
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2021-04-30 - Died in Community Affairs [S0832 Detail]
Download: Florida-2021-S0832-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2021 (NP) SB 832 By Senator Berman 31-00875-21 2021832__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Town of Lake Clarke Shores, 3 Palm Beach County; amending chapter 57-1478, Laws of 4 Florida, as amended; extending the corporate limits of 5 the town to include portions of Edgewater Park and 6 adjoining canals; providing an effective date. 7 8 WHEREAS, s. 2(c), Article VIII of the State Constitution 9 provides that municipal annexation of unincorporated territory 10 shall be as provided by general or special law, and 11 WHEREAS, in s. 171.046, Florida Statutes, the Legislature 12 recognized that enclaves of unincorporated territory can create 13 significant problems in planning, growth management, and service 14 delivery, and therefore declared that it is the policy of the 15 state to eliminate enclaves, and 16 WHEREAS, s. 171.031(13), Florida Statutes, defines an 17 “enclave” to mean any unincorporated improved or developed area 18 that is enclosed within and bounded on all sides by a single 19 municipality or any unincorporated improved or developed area 20 that is enclosed within and bounded by a single municipality and 21 a natural or manmade obstacle that allows the passage of 22 vehicular traffic to that unincorporated area only through the 23 municipality, and 24 WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that a certain portion of 25 Edgewater Park and adjoining canals, lying contiguous and 26 adjacent to the present boundaries of the Town of Lake Clarke 27 Shores, and comprising approximately 32.768 acres in land area, 28 is a near-enclave, posing many of the inefficiencies and 29 problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery 30 that motivate the elimination of enclaves, and 31 WHEREAS, the Legislature further finds that there is no 32 available statutory procedure to expedite the annexation of 33 near-enclaves into the most appropriate incorporated 34 jurisdiction, and that it is in the best interest of residents 35 and visitors to this state that a special law be enacted for 36 that purpose with respect to the Edgewater Park near-enclave, 37 NOW, THEREFORE, 38 39 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 40 41 Section 1. Section 1 of article II of chapter 57-1478, Laws 42 of Florida, as amended by chapter 59-1465, Laws of Florida, is 43 amended to read: 44 45 ARTICLE II 46 BOUNDARIES 47“Section 1. (1) Territorial Limits. The territorial limits 48 of said municipality are hereby redefined and re-established as 49 follows: 50 51 The following described area situate and being in the 52 county of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and bounded as 53 follows: 54 55 From the one-quarter corner in the north line of 56 Section 8, Township 44 South, Range 43 East, Palm 57 Beach County, Florida; thence southerly, along the 58 North-South one-quarter line of said Section 8, a 59 distance of 1110.22 feet to the point of beginning, 60 said point being the intersection of the center line 61 of Carambola Road and Florida MangoFla-MangoRoad, as 62 shown on the plat of Florida MangoFla-MangoGrovelets 63 as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 88, according to the 64 records in and for Palm Beach County, Florida; thence 65 easterly, along the center line of Carambola Road, as 66 shown on said plat and the extension thereof, to the 67 westerly right of way line of Seaboard Air Line 68 Railroad Company; thence Southerly, along the said 69 westerly right of way line of the Seaboard Air Line 70 Railroad Company, to the intersection thereof with the 71 center line of Lake Worth Drainage District’s Canal 72 No. E-4; thence southwesterly and southerly, along the 73 said center line of Lake Worth Drainage District’s 74 Canal No. E-4, to the intersection thereof with the 75 south line of Section 17, Township 44 South, Range 43 76 East; thence west, along the south line of said 77 Section 17, to the southwest corner of Government Lot 78 4 of said Section 17; thence northerly, along the west 79 line of Government Lots 4 and 3 of said Section 17, to 80 the northwest corner of said Government Lot 3 of 81 Section 17, Township 44 South, Range 43 East; thence 82 westerly, along the east and west quarter section line 83 of said Section 17, it being also the center line of 84 Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal No. 9, to a 85 point 1276.2 feet east of the center of said Section 86 17; thence North 20° East (For this description, the 87 said east and west quarter section line is assumed to 88 bear east and west, and all other bearings used herein 89 are relative thereto) a distance of 237.34 feet; 90 thence North 35° 57’ East 264.12 feet; thence North 91 16° 30’ West 123.65 feet; thence North 5° O’ West 92 278.91 feet; thence North 22° 48’ West 588.27 feet; 93 thence North 3° 56’ West 105.74 feet; thence North 0° 94 04’ East 152.45 feet; thence North 7° 28’ East 281.94 95 feet; thence North 6° 32’ West 795.08 feet, more or 96 less, to a point in the north line of Section 17, 97 Township 44 South, Range 43 East; thence westerly a 98 distance of 1188 feet, more or less, along the north 99 line of said Section 17, it being also the center line 100 of Lake Worth Drainage District Lateral Canal No. 8, 101 to the intersection thereof with the center line of 102 Florida MangoFla-MangoRoad, said center line being 103 also the North-South quarter section line of Section 104 8, Township 44 South, Range 43 East; thence northerly, 105 along the said North-South quarter section line, to 106 the intersection thereof with the center line of 107 carambola Road, and the point of beginning.”108 109 (2) The present corporate limits of the Town of Lake Clarke 110 Shores, Palm Beach County, are extended and enlarged effective 111 July 1, 2021, so as to include, in addition to the territory 112 presently within its corporate limits, those portions of 113 Edgewater Park and adjoining canals particularly described as 114 follows: 115 116 THAT PORTION OF THE PLAT OF EDGEWATER PARK AS RECORDED 117 IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 236, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF 118 PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA LYING EASTERLY OF FLORIDA 119 MANGO ROAD TOGETHER WITH A PORTION OF THE L.W.D.D. 120 CANAL NO. L-9, AND A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 75.00 121 FOOT WIDE CANAL RIGHT-OF-WAY LYING EASTERLY OF AND 122 ADJACENT TO SAID PLAT OF EDGEWATER PARK, BEING MORE 123 PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. 124 125 COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 17, 126 TOWNSHIP 44 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST; THENCE N 00°31’00” W 127 (ALL BEARINGS HEREIN ARE RELATIVE TO THE BEARING BASE 128 OF THE PLAT OF EDGEWATER PARK) ALONG THE NORTH/SOUTH 129 QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 17, ALSO BEING 130 THE CENTERLINE OF FLORIDA MANGO ROAD (80.00 FEET 131 WIDE); A DISTANCE OF 2705.55 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID 132 CENTERLINE OF FLORIDA MANGO ROAD, DUE EAST, A DISTANCE 133 OF 40.00 FEET TO AN INTERSECTING POINT ON THE EASTERLY 134 RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID FLORIDA MANGO ROAD AND THE 135 CENTERLINE OF SAID L.W.D.D. CANAL L-9, AND THE POINT 136 OF BEGINNING. 137 138 THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 139 FLORIDA MANGO ROAD, CONTINUING DUE EAST ALONG THE 140 CENTERLINE OF SAID L.W.D.D. L-9 CANAL, A DISTANCE OF 141 1236.20 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE OF 142 L.W.D.D. L-9 CANAL N 20°00’00” E, A DISTANCE OF 237.33 143 FEET; THENCE N 35°57’05” E, A DISTANCE OF 264.12 FEET; 144 THENCE N 16°29’54” W, A DISTANCE OF 123.65 FEET; 145 THENCE N 04°59’54” W, A DISTANCE OF 278.90 FEET; 146 THENCE N 22°47’39” W A DISTANCE OF 561.62 FEET TO A 147 POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF GOVT. LOT 2 OF SAID SECTION 148 17; THENCE N 89°55’15” W ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 149 GOVT. LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 603.65 FEET, THENCE S 150 00°31’00” E PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH/SOUTH QUARTER 151 SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND THE CENTERLINE OF 152 SAID FLORIDA MANGO ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 676.50 FEET; 153 THENCE N 89°55’15” W PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF 154 SAID GOVT. LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 603.99 FEET TO A POINT 155 ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID FLORIDA 156 MANGO ROAD, (80 FEET WIDE); THENCE S 00°31’00” E ALONG 157 SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 676.21 158 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. 159 160 SAID LANDS SITUATE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND 161 CONTAINING 32.768 ACRES MORE OR LESS. 162 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2021.