Bill Text: FL S1036 | 2016 | Regular Session | Comm Sub
Bill Title: Automobile Insurance
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 3-1)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2016-03-09 - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 659 (Ch. 2016-133) [S1036 Detail]
Download: Florida-2016-S1036-Comm_Sub.html
Florida Senate - 2016 CS for CS for CS for SB 1036 By the Committees on Rules; Commerce and Tourism; and Banking and Insurance; and Senator Brandes 595-04428-16 20161036c3 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to automobile insurance; amending s. 3 627.311, F.S.; authorizing the Florida Automobile 4 Joint Underwriting Association and a joint 5 underwriting plan approved by the Office of Insurance 6 Regulation to cancel personal lines or commercial 7 policies within a specified time for nonpayment of 8 premium due to certain reasons; prohibiting an insured 9 from cancelling a policy or binder within a specified 10 time except under certain conditions; amending s. 11 627.7283, F.S.; authorizing an insured who cancels a 12 policy to apply the unearned portion of any premium 13 paid to unpaid balances of other policies with the 14 same insurer or insurer group; amending s. 627.7295, 15 F.S.; updating applicability language to include a 16 reference to recurring credit card or debit card 17 payments; authorizing an additional form of payment 18 for certain motor vehicle insurance contract premiums; 19 authorizing an insurer to impose a specified 20 insufficient funds fee under certain circumstances; 21 amending s. 627.736, F.S.; requiring that a certain 22 standard form be approved by the office and adopted by 23 the Financial Services Commission, rather than 24 approved by the office or adopted by the commission; 25 revising standards for compliance for specified 26 billings for medical services; adding a specified 27 entity to a list of entities that are not required to 28 be licensed as a clinic to receive reimbursement under 29 the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law; providing an 30 effective date. 31 32 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 33 34 Section 1. Paragraph (m) is added to subsection (3) of 35 section 627.311, Florida Statutes, to read: 36 627.311 Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers; public 37 records and public meetings exemptions.— 38 (3) The office may, after consultation with insurers 39 licensed to write automobile insurance in this state, approve a 40 joint underwriting plan for purposes of equitable apportionment 41 or sharing among insurers of automobile liability insurance and 42 other motor vehicle insurance, as an alternate to the plan 43 required in s. 627.351(1). All insurers authorized to write 44 automobile insurance in this state shall subscribe to the plan 45 and participate therein. The plan shall be subject to continuous 46 review by the office which may at any time disapprove the entire 47 plan or any part thereof if it determines that conditions have 48 changed since prior approval and that in view of the purposes of 49 the plan changes are warranted. Any disapproval by the office 50 shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 120. The Florida 51 Automobile Joint Underwriting Association is created under the 52 plan. The plan and the association: 53 (m) May cancel personal lines or commercial policies issued 54 by the plan within the first 60 days after the effective date of 55 the policy or binder for nonpayment of premium if the check 56 issued for payment of the premium is dishonored for any reason 57 or if any other form of payment is rejected or deemed invalid. 58 An insured may not cancel a policy or binder within the first 90 59 days after its effective date, or within a lesser period as 60 required by the plan, except: 61 1. Upon total destruction of the insured motor vehicle; 62 2. Upon transfer of ownership of the insured motor vehicle; 63 or 64 3. After purchase of another policy or binder covering the 65 motor vehicle that was covered under the policy being canceled. 66 Section 2. Section 627.7283, Florida Statutes, is amended 67 to read: 68 627.7283 Cancellation; return of unearned premium.— 69 (1) If the insured cancels a policy of motor vehicle 70 insurance, the insurer must mail or electronically transfer the 71 unearned portion of any premium paid within 30 days after the 72 effective date of the policy cancellation or receipt of notice 73 or request for cancellation, whichever is later. This 74 requirement applies to a cancellation initiated by an insured 75 for any reason. However, the insured may apply the unearned 76 portion of any premium paid to unpaid balances of other policies 77 with the same insurer or insurer group. 78 (2) If an insurer cancels a policy of motor vehicle 79 insurance, the insurer must mail or electronically transfer the 80 unearned premium portion of any premium within 15 days after the 81 effective date of the policy cancellation. However, the insured 82 may apply the unearned portion of any premium paid to unpaid 83 balances of other policies with the same insurer or insurer 84 group. 85 (3) If the unearned premium is not mailed,or86 electronically transferred, or applied to the unpaid balance of 87 other policies within the applicable period, the insurer must 88 pay to the insured 8 percent interest on the amount due. If the 89 unearned premium is not mailed or electronically transferred 90 within 45 days after the applicable period, the insured may 91 bring an action against the insurer pursuant to s. 624.155. 92 (4) If the insured cancels, the insurer may retain up to 10 93 percent of the unearned premium and must refund at least 90 94 percent of the unearned premium. If the insurer cancels, the 95 insurer must refund 100 percent of the unearned premium. 96 Cancellation is without prejudice to any claim originating prior 97 to the effective date of the cancellation. For purposes of this 98 section, unearned premiums must be computed on a pro rata basis. 99 (5) The insurer must refund 100 percent of the unearned 100 premium if the insured is a servicemember, as defined in s. 101 250.01, who cancels because he or she is called to active duty 102 or transferred by the United States Armed Forces to a location 103 where the insurance is not required. The insurer may require a 104 servicemember to submit either a copy of the official military 105 orders or a written verification signed by the servicemember’s 106 commanding officer to support the refund authorized under this 107 subsection. If the insurer cancels, the insurer must refund 100 108 percent of the unearned premium. Cancellation is without 109 prejudice to any claim originating prior to the effective date 110 of the cancellation. For purposes of this section, unearned 111 premiums must be computed on a pro rata basis. 112 Section 3. Subsection (7) of section 627.7295, Florida 113 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (9) is added to that 114 section, to read: 115 627.7295 Motor vehicle insurance contracts.— 116 (7) A policy of private passenger motor vehicle insurance 117 or a binder for such a policy may be initially issued in this 118 state only if, before the effective date of such binder or 119 policy, the insurer or agent has collected from the insured an 120 amount equal to 2 months’ premium. An insurer, agent, or premium 121 finance company may not, directly or indirectly, take any action 122 resulting in the insured having paid from the insured’s own 123 funds an amount less than the 2 months’ premium required by this 124 subsection. This subsection applies without regard to whether 125 the premium is financed by a premium finance company or is paid 126 pursuant to a periodic payment plan of an insurer or an 127 insurance agent. This subsection does not apply if an insured or 128 member of the insured’s family is renewing or replacing a policy 129 or a binder for such policy written by the same insurer or a 130 member of the same insurer group. This subsection does not apply 131 to an insurer that issues private passenger motor vehicle 132 coverage primarily to active duty or former military personnel 133 or their dependents. This subsection does not apply if all 134 policy payments are paid pursuant to a payroll deduction plan, 135oran automatic electronic funds transfer payment plan from the 136 policyholder, or a recurring credit card or debit card agreement 137 with the insurer. This subsection and subsection (4) do not 138 apply if all policy payments to an insurer are paid pursuant to 139 an automatic electronic funds transfer payment plan from an 140 agent, a managing general agent, or a premium finance company 141 and if the policy includes, at a minimum, personal injury 142 protection pursuant to ss. 627.730-627.7405; motor vehicle 143 property damage liability pursuant to s. 627.7275; and bodily 144 injury liability in at least the amount of $10,000 because of 145 bodily injury to, or death of, one person in any one accident 146 and in the amount of $20,000 because of bodily injury to, or 147 death of, two or more persons in any one accident. This 148 subsection and subsection (4) do not apply if an insured has had 149 a policy in effect for at least 6 months, the insured’s agent is 150 terminated by the insurer that issued the policy, and the 151 insured obtains coverage on the policy’s renewal date with a new 152 company through the terminated agent. 153 (9)(a) In addition to the methods provided in s. 154 627.4035(1), the premiums for motor vehicle insurance contracts 155 issued in this state or covering risk located in this state may 156 be paid in cash in the form of a draft or drafts. 157 (b) If, due to insufficient funds, a payment of premium 158 under this subsection by debit card, credit card, electronic 159 funds transfer, or electronic check is returned or declined or 160 cannot be processed, the insurer may impose an insufficient 161 funds fee of up to $15 per occurrence pursuant to the policy 162 terms. 163 Section 4. Paragraphs (d) and (h) of subsection (5) of 164 section 627.736, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 165 627.736 Required personal injury protection benefits; 166 exclusions; priority; claims.— 167 (5) CHARGES FOR TREATMENT OF INJURED PERSONS.— 168 (d) All statements and bills for medical services rendered 169 by a physician, hospital, clinic, or other person or institution 170 shall be submitted to the insurer on a properly completed 171 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 1500 form, UB 172 92 forms, or any other standard form approved by the office and 173oradopted by the commission for purposes of this paragraph. All 174 billings for such services rendered by providers must, to the 175 extent applicable, comply with the CMS 1500 form instructions, 176 the American Medical Association CPT Editorial Panel, and the 177 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS); and must 178 follow the Physicians’ Current Procedural Terminology (CPT), the 179 HCPCS in effect for the year in which services are rendered, and 180 the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) adopted by 181 the United States Department of Health and Human Services for 182 the service year in which the services, supplies, or care is 183 rendered as described in subparagraph (a)2.follow the184Physicians’ Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) or Healthcare185Correct Procedural Coding System (HCPCS), or ICD-9 in effect for186the year in which services are rendered and comply with the CMS1871500 form instructions, the American Medical Association CPT188Editorial Panel, and the HCPCS.All providers, other than 189 hospitals, must include on the applicable claim form the 190 professional license number of the provider in the line or space 191 provided for “Signature of Physician or Supplier, Including 192 Degrees or Credentials.” In determining compliance with 193 applicable CPT and HCPCS coding, guidance shall be provided by 194 thePhysicians’ Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)or the 195Healthcare Correct Procedural Coding System (HCPCS)in effect 196 for the year in which services were rendered, the Office of the 197 Inspector General, Physicians Compliance Guidelines, and other 198 authoritative treatises designated by rule by the Agency for 199 Health Care Administration. A statement of medical services may 200 not include charges for medical services of a person or entity 201 that performed such services without possessing the valid 202 licenses required to perform such services. For purposes of 203 paragraph (4)(b), an insurer is not considered to have been 204 furnished with notice of the amount of covered loss or medical 205 bills due unless the statements or bills comply with this 206 paragraph and are properly completed in their entirety as to all 207 material provisions, with all relevant information being 208 provided therein. 209 (h) As provided in s. 400.9905, an entity excluded from the 210 definition of a clinic shall be deemed a clinic and must be 211 licensed under part X of chapter 400 in order to receive 212 reimbursement under ss. 627.730-627.7405. However, this 213 licensing requirement does not apply to: 214 1. An entity wholly owned by a physician licensed under 215 chapter 458 or chapter 459, or by the physician and the spouse, 216 parent, child, or sibling of the physician; 217 2. An entity wholly owned by a dentist licensed under 218 chapter 466, or by the dentist and the spouse, parent, child, or 219 sibling of the dentist; 220 3. An entity wholly owned by a chiropractic physician 221 licensed under chapter 460, or by the chiropractic physician and 222 the spouse, parent, child, or sibling of the chiropractic 223 physician; 224 4. A hospital or ambulatory surgical center licensed under 225 chapter 395; 226 5. An entity that wholly owns or is wholly owned, directly 227 or indirectly, by a hospital or hospitals licensed under chapter 228 395; 229 6. An entity that is a clinical facility affiliated with an 230 accredited medical school at which training is provided for 231 medical students, residents, or fellows;or232 7. An entity that is certified under 42 C.F.R. part 485, 233 subpart H; or 234 8. An entity that is owned by a publicly traded 235 corporation, either directly or indirectly through its 236 subsidiaries, that has $250 million or more in total annual 237 sales of health care services provided by licensed health care 238 practitioners, if one or more of the persons responsible for the 239 operations of the entity are health care practitioners who are 240 licensed in this state and are responsible for supervising the 241 business activities of the entity and the entity’s compliance 242 with state law for purposes of this section. 243 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2016.