Bill Text: FL S1046 | 2011 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Florida Forest Service/DOACS
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2011-05-07 - Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration [S1046 Detail]
Download: Florida-2011-S1046-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2011 SB 1046 By Senator Montford 6-01371-11 20111046__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Department of Agriculture and 3 Consumer Services; amending ss. 121.0515, 125.27, 4 253.036, 258.501, 259.035, 259.036, 259.037, 259.101, 5 259.105, 259.10521, 260.0142, 261.03, 261.04, 261.06, 6 261.12, 317.0010, 317.0016, 373.591, 379.226, 7 403.7071, 479.16, 570.548, 570.549, 570.903, 581.1843, 8 589.01, 589.011, 589.012, 589.04, 589.06, 589.07, 9 589.071, 589.08, 589.081, 589.09, 589.10, 589.101, 10 589.11, 589.12, 589.13, 589.14, 589.18, 589.19, 11 589.20, 589.21, 589.26, 589.27, 589.275, 589.277, 12 589.28, 589.29, 589.30, 589.31, 589.32, 589.33, 13 589.34, 590.015, 590.02, 590.42, 591.17, 591.18, 14 591.19, 591.20, 591.24, 591.25, 633.115, 633.821, and 15 790.15, F.S.; renaming the Division of Forestry within 16 the department as the “Florida Forest Service”; 17 replacing the term “Division of Forestry” with the 18 term “Florida Forest Service” and replacing the term 19 “division” with the term “agency”; making conforming 20 changes; providing an effective date. 21 22 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 23 24 Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 121.0515, Florida 25 Statutes, is amended to read: 26 121.0515 Special risk membership.— 27 (2) CRITERIA.—A member, to be designated as a special risk 28 member, must meet any of the following criteria: 29 (a) The member must be employed as a law enforcement 30 officer and be certified, or required to be certified, in 31 compliance with s. 943.1395; however, sheriffs and elected 32 police chiefs shall be excluded from meeting the certification 33 requirements of this paragraph. In addition, the member’s duties 34 and responsibilities must include the pursuit, apprehension, and 35 arrest of law violators or suspected law violators; or the 36 member must be an active member of a bomb disposal unit whose 37 primary responsibility is the location, handling, and disposal 38 of explosive devices; or the member must be the supervisor or 39 command officer of a member or members who have such 40 responsibilities; provided, however, administrative support 41 personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary 42 duties and responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, 43 legal, and personnel, shall not be included.;44 (b) The member must be employed as a firefighter and be 45 certified, or required to be certified, in compliance with s. 46 633.35 and be employed solely within the fire department of a 47 local government employer or an agency of state government with 48 firefighting responsibilities. In addition, the member’s duties 49 and responsibilities must include on-the-scene fighting of 50 fires, fire prevention, or firefighter training; direct 51 supervision of firefighting units, fire prevention, or 52 firefighter training; or aerial firefighting surveillance 53 performed by fixed-wing aircraft pilots employed by the Florida 54 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 55 Agriculture and Consumer Services; or the member must be the 56 supervisor or command officer of a member or members who have 57 such responsibilities; provided, however, administrative support 58 personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary 59 duties and responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, 60 legal, and personnel, shall not be included and further provided 61 that all periods of creditable service in fire prevention or 62 firefighter training, or as the supervisor or command officer of 63 a member or members who have such responsibilities, and for 64 which the employer paid the special risk contribution rate, 65 shall be included.;66 (c) The member must be employed as a correctional officer 67 and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance 68 with s. 943.1395. In addition, the member’s primary duties and 69 responsibilities must be the custody, and physical restraint 70 when necessary, of prisoners or inmates within a prison, jail, 71 or other criminal detention facility, or while on work detail 72 outside the facility, or while being transported; or the member 73 must be the supervisor or command officer of a member or members 74 who have such responsibilities; provided, however, 75 administrative support personnel, including, but not limited to, 76 those whose primary duties and responsibilities are in 77 accounting, purchasing, legal, and personnel, shall not be 78 included; however, wardens and assistant wardens, as defined by 79 rule, shall participate in the Special Risk Class.;80 (d) The member must be employed by a licensed Advance Life 81 Support (ALS) or Basic Life Support (BLS) employer as an 82 emergency medical technician or a paramedic and be certified in 83 compliance with s. 401.27. In addition, the member’s primary 84 duties and responsibilities must include on-the-scene emergency 85 medical care or direct supervision of emergency medical 86 technicians or paramedics, or the member must be the supervisor 87 or command officer of one or more members who have such 88 responsibility. However, administrative support personnel, 89 including, but not limited to, those whose primary 90 responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal, and 91 personnel, shall not be included.;92 (e) The member must be employed as a community-based 93 correctional probation officer and be certified, or required to 94 be certified, in compliance with s. 943.1395. In addition, the 95 member’s primary duties and responsibilities must be the 96 supervised custody, surveillance, control, investigation, and 97 counseling of assigned inmates, probationers, parolees, or 98 community controllees within the community; or the member must 99 be the supervisor of a member or members who have such 100 responsibilities. Administrative support personnel, including, 101 but not limited to, those whose primary duties and 102 responsibilities are in accounting, purchasing, legal services, 103 and personnel management, shall not be included; however, 104 probation and parole circuit and deputy circuit administrators 105 shall participate in the Special Risk Class.;106 (f) The member must be employed in one of the following 107 classes and must spend at least 75 percent of his or her time 108 performing duties which involve contact with patients or inmates 109 in a correctional or forensic facility or institution: 110 1. Dietitian (class codes 5203 and 5204); 111 2. Public health nutrition consultant (class code 5224); 112 3. Psychological specialist (class codes 5230 and 5231); 113 4. Psychologist (class code 5234); 114 5. Senior psychologist (class codes 5237 and 5238); 115 6. Regional mental health consultant (class code 5240); 116 7. Psychological Services Director—DCF (class code 5242); 117 8. Pharmacist (class codes 5245 and 5246); 118 9. Senior pharmacist (class codes 5248 and 5249); 119 10. Dentist (class code 5266); 120 11. Senior dentist (class code 5269); 121 12. Registered nurse (class codes 5290 and 5291); 122 13. Senior registered nurse (class codes 5292 and 5293); 123 14. Registered nurse specialist (class codes 5294 and 124 5295); 125 15. Clinical associate (class codes 5298 and 5299); 126 16. Advanced registered nurse practitioner (class codes 127 5297 and 5300); 128 17. Advanced registered nurse practitioner specialist 129 (class codes 5304 and 5305); 130 18. Registered nurse supervisor (class codes 5306 and 131 5307); 132 19. Senior registered nurse supervisor (class codes 5308 133 and 5309); 134 20. Registered nursing consultant (class codes 5312 and 135 5313); 136 21. Quality management program supervisor (class code 137 5314); 138 22. Executive nursing director (class codes 5320 and 5321); 139 23. Speech and hearing therapist (class code 5406); or 140 24. Pharmacy manager (class code 5251).;141 (g) The member must be employed as a youth custody officer 142 and be certified, or required to be certified, in compliance 143 with s. 943.1395. In addition, the member’s primary duties and 144 responsibilities must be the supervised custody, surveillance, 145 control, investigation, apprehension, arrest, and counseling of 146 assigned juveniles within the community.;147 (h) Effective October 1, 2005, through June 30, 2008, the 148 member must be employed by a law enforcement agency or medical 149 examiner’s office in a forensic discipline recognized by the 150 International Association for Identification and must qualify 151 for active membership in the International Association for 152 Identification. The member’s primary duties and responsibilities 153 must include the collection, examination, preservation, 154 documentation, preparation, or analysis of physical evidence or 155 testimony, or both, or the member must be the direct supervisor, 156 quality management supervisor, or command officer of one or more 157 individuals with such responsibility. Administrative support 158 personnel, including, but not limited to, those whose primary 159 responsibilities are clerical or in accounting, purchasing, 160 legal, and personnel, shall not be included.;161 (i) Effective July 1, 2008, The member must be employed by 162 the Department of Law Enforcement in the crime laboratory or by 163 the Division of State Fire Marshal in the forensic laboratory in 164 one of the following classes: 165 1. Forensic technologist (class code 8459); 166 2. Crime laboratory technician (class code 8461); 167 3. Crime laboratory analyst (class code 8463); 168 4. Senior crime laboratory analyst (class code 8464); 169 5. Crime laboratory analyst supervisor (class code 8466); 170 6. Forensic chief (class code 9602); or 171 7. Forensic services quality manager (class code 9603).;172 (j) Effective July 1, 2008, the member must be employed by 173 a local government law enforcement agency or medical examiner’s 174 office and must spend at least 65 percent of his or her time 175 performing duties that involve the collection, examination, 176 preservation, documentation, preparation, or analysis of human 177 tissues or fluids or physical evidence having potential 178 biological, chemical, or radiological hazard or contamination, 179 or use chemicals, processes, or materials that may have 180 carcinogenic or health-damaging properties in the analysis of 181 such evidence, or the member must be the direct supervisor of 182 one or more individuals having such responsibility. If a special 183 risk member changes to another position within the same agency, 184 he or she must submit a complete application as provided in 185 paragraph (3)(a).; or186 (k) The member must have already qualified for and be 187 actively participating in special risk membership under 188 paragraph (a), paragraph (b), or paragraph (c), must have 189 suffered a qualifying injury as defined in this paragraph, must 190 not be receiving disability retirement benefits as provided in 191 s. 121.091(4), and must satisfy the requirements of this 192 paragraph. 193 1. The ability to qualify for the class of membership 194 defined in s. 121.021(15)(f) shall occur when two licensed 195 medical physicians, one of whom is a primary treating physician 196 of the member, certify the existence of the physical injury and 197 medical condition that constitute a qualifying injury as defined 198 in this paragraph and that the member has reached maximum 199 medical improvement after August 1, 2008. The certifications 200 from the licensed medical physicians must include, at a minimum, 201 that the injury to the special risk member has resulted in a 202 physical loss, or loss of use, of at least two of the following: 203 left arm, right arm, left leg, or right leg; and: 204 a. That this physical loss or loss of use is total and 205 permanent, except in the event that the loss of use is due to a 206 physical injury to the member’s brain, in which event the loss 207 of use is permanent with at least 75-percent loss of motor 208 function with respect to each arm or leg affected. 209 b. That this physical loss or loss of use renders the 210 member physically unable to perform the essential job functions 211 of his or her special risk position. 212 c. That, notwithstanding this physical loss or loss of use, 213 the individual is able to perform the essential job functions 214 required by the member’s new position, as provided in 215 subparagraph 3. 216 d. That use of artificial limbs is either not possible or 217 does not alter the member’s ability to perform the essential job 218 functions of the member’s position. 219 e. That the physical loss or loss of use is a direct result 220 of a physical injury and not a result of any mental, 221 psychological, or emotional injury. 222 2. For the purposes of this paragraph, “qualifying injury” 223 means an injury sustained in the line of duty, as certified by 224 the member’s employing agency, by a special risk member that 225 does not result in total and permanent disability as defined in 226 s. 121.091(4)(b). An injury is a qualifying injury when the 227 injury is a physical injury to the member’s physical body 228 resulting in a physical loss, or loss of use, of at least two of 229 the following: left arm, right arm, left leg, or right leg. 230 Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, an 231 injury that would otherwise qualify as a qualifying injury shall 232 not be considered a qualifying injury if and when the member 233 ceases employment with the employer for whom he or she was 234 providing special risk services on the date the injury occurred. 235 3. The new position, as described in sub-subparagraph 1.c., 236 that is required for qualification as a special risk member 237 under this paragraph is not required to be a position with 238 essential job functions that entitle an individual to special 239 risk membership. Whether a new position as described in sub 240 subparagraph 1.c. exists and is available to the special risk 241 member is a decision to be made solely by the employer in 242 accordance with its hiring practices and applicable law. 243 4. This paragraph does not grant or create additional 244 rights for any individual to continued employment or to be hired 245 or rehired by his or her employer that are not already provided 246 within the Florida Statutes, the State Constitution, the 247 Americans with Disabilities Act, if applicable, or any other 248 applicable state or federal law. 249 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) and subsection 250 (2) of section 125.27, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 251 125.27 Countywide forest fire protection; authority of the 252 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry; state funding; 253 county fire control assessments; disposition; equipment 254 donations.— 255 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 256 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the board of 257 county commissioners of each county in this state shall enter 258 into agreements for the establishment and maintenance of 259 countywide fire protection of all forest and wild lands within 260 said county, with the total cost of such fire protection being 261 funded by state and federal funds. Each county shall, under the 262 terms of such agreements, be assessed each fiscal year, as its 263 share of the cost of providing such fire protection, a sum in 264 dollars equal to the total forest and wild land acreage of the 265 county, as determined by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of266Forestry, multiplied by 7 cents. The forest and wild lands 267 acreage included in such agreements shall be reviewed each year 268 by the contracting parties and the number of forest and wild 269 land acres and the annual fire control assessment adjusted so as 270 to reflect the current forest acreage of the county. In the 271 event the agencydivisionand the county commissioners do not 272 agree, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust 273 Fund shall make such acreage determination. All fire control 274 assessments received by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of275Forestryfrom the several counties under agreements made 276 pursuant to this section shall be deposited as follows: 277 (a) An amount equal to the total forest land and wild land 278 acreage of the counties, multiplied by 4 cents, shall be 279 distributed to the Incidental Trust Fund of the Florida Forest 280 ServiceDivision of Forestry; and 281 (2) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay 282 include provisions in the agreements authorized in this section, 283 or execute separate or supplemental agreements with the several 284 counties, county agencies, or municipalities, to provide 285 communication services and other services directly related to 286 fire protection within the county, other than forest fire 287 control, on a cost reimbursable basis only, provided the 288 rendering of such services does not hinder or impede in any way 289 the agency’sdivision’sability to accomplish its primary 290 function with respect to forest fire control. 291 Section 3. Section 253.036, Florida Statutes, is amended to 292 read: 293 253.036 Forest management.—All land management plans 294 described in s. 253.034(5) which are prepared for parcels larger 295 than 1,000 acres shall contain an analysis of the multiple-use 296 potential of the parcel, which analysis shall include the 297 potential of the parcel to generate revenues to enhance the 298 management of the parcel. The lead agency shall prepare the 299 analysis, which shall contain a component or section prepared by 300 a qualified professional forester which assesses the feasibility 301 of managing timber resources on the parcel for resource 302 conservation and revenue generation purposes through a 303 stewardship ethic that embraces sustainable forest management 304 practices if the lead management agency determines that the 305 timber resource management is not in conflict with the primary 306 management objectives of the parcel. For purposes of this 307 section, practicing sustainable forest management means meeting 308 the needs of the present without compromising the ability of 309 future generations to meet their own needs by practicing a land 310 stewardship ethic which integrates the reforestation, managing, 311 growing, nurturing, and harvesting of trees for useful products 312 with the conservation of soil, air and water quality, wildlife 313 and fish habitat, and aesthetics. The Legislature intends that 314 each lead management agency, whenever practicable and cost 315 effective, use the services of the Florida Forest Service 316Division of Forestryof the Florida Department of Agriculture 317 and Consumer Services or other qualified private sector 318 professional forester in completing such feasibility assessments 319 and implementing timber resource management. The Legislature 320 further intends that the lead management agency develop a 321 memorandum of agreement with the Florida Forest ServiceDivision322of Forestryto provide for full reimbursement for any services 323 provided for the feasibility assessments or timber resource 324 management. All additional revenues generated through multiple 325 use management or compatible secondary use management shall be 326 returned to the lead agency responsible for such management and 327 shall be used to pay for management activities on all 328 conservation, preservation, and recreation lands under the 329 agency’s jurisdiction. In addition, such revenue shall be 330 segregated in an agency trust fund and shall remain available to 331 the agency in subsequent fiscal years to support land management 332 appropriations. 333 Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section 334 258.501, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 335 258.501 Myakka River; wild and scenic segment.— 336 (7) MANAGEMENT COORDINATING COUNCIL.— 337 (a) Upon designation, the department shall create a 338 permanent council to provide interagency and intergovernmental 339 coordination in the management of the river. The coordinating 340 council shall be composed of one representative appointed from 341 each of the following: the department, the Department of 342 Transportation, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 343 the Department of Community Affairs, the Florida Forest Service 344Division of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and 345 Consumer Services, the Division of Historical Resources of the 346 Department of State, the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, 347 the Southwest Florida Water Management District, the Southwest 348 Florida Regional Planning Council, Manatee County, Sarasota 349 County, Charlotte County, the City of Sarasota, the City of 350 North Port, agricultural interests, environmental organizations, 351 and any others deemed advisable by the department. 352 Section 5. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 353 259.035, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 354 259.035 Acquisition and Restoration Council.— 355 (1) There is created the Acquisition and Restoration 356 Council. 357 (b) The five remaining appointees shall be composed of the 358 Secretary of Environmental Protection, the director of the 359 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 360 Agriculture and Consumer Services, the executive director of the 361 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the director of the 362 Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State, and 363 the secretary of the Department of Community Affairs, or their 364 respective designees. 365 Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 366 259.036, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 367 259.036 Management review teams.— 368 (1) To determine whether conservation, preservation, and 369 recreation lands titled in the name of the Board of Trustees of 370 the Internal Improvement Trust Fund are being managed for the 371 purposes for which they were acquired and in accordance with a 372 land management plan adopted pursuant to s. 259.032, the board 373 of trustees, acting through the Department of Environmental 374 Protection, shall cause periodic management reviews to be 375 conducted as follows: 376 (a) The department shall establish a regional land 377 management review team composed of the following members: 378 1. One individual who is from the county or local community 379 in which the parcel or project is located and who is selected by 380 the county commission in the county which is most impacted by 381 the acquisition. 382 2. One individual from the Division of Recreation and Parks 383 of the department. 384 3. One individual from the Florida Forest ServiceDivision385of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 386 Services. 387 4. One individual from the Fish and Wildlife Conservation 388 Commission. 389 5. One individual from the department’s district office in 390 which the parcel is located. 391 6. A private land manager mutually agreeable to the state 392 agency representatives. 393 7. A member of the local soil and water conservation 394 district board of supervisors. 395 8. A member of a conservation organization. 396 Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 259.037, Florida 397 Statutes, is amended to read: 398 259.037 Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.— 399 (1) The Land Management Uniform Accounting Council is 400 created within the Department of Environmental Protection and 401 shall consist of the director of the Division of State Lands, 402 the director of the Division of Recreation and Parks, the 403 director of the Office of Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas, and 404 the director of the Office of Greenways and Trails of the 405 Department of Environmental Protection; the director of the 406 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 407 Agriculture and Consumer Services; the executive director of the 408 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; and the director of 409 the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State, 410 or their respective designees. Each state agency represented on 411 the council shall have one vote. The chair of the council shall 412 rotate annually in the foregoing order of state agencies. The 413 agency of the representative serving as chair of the council 414 shall provide staff support for the council. The Division of 415 State Lands shall serve as the recipient of and repository for 416 the council’s documents. The council shall meet at the request 417 of the chair. 418 Section 8. Paragraph (e) of subsection (3) and subsection 419 (5) of section 259.101, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 420 259.101 Florida Preservation 2000 Act.— 421 (3) LAND ACQUISITION PROGRAMS SUPPLEMENTED.—Less the costs 422 of issuance, the costs of funding reserve accounts, and other 423 costs with respect to the bonds, the proceeds of bonds issued 424 pursuant to this act shall be deposited into the Florida 425 Preservation 2000 Trust Fund created by s. 375.045. In fiscal 426 year 2000-2001, for each Florida Preservation 2000 program 427 described in paragraphs (a)-(g), that portion of each program’s 428 total remaining cash balance which, as of June 30, 2000, is in 429 excess of that program’s total remaining appropriation balances 430 shall be redistributed by the department and deposited into the 431 Save Our Everglades Trust Fund for land acquisition. For 432 purposes of calculating the total remaining cash balances for 433 this redistribution, the Florida Preservation 2000 Series 2000 434 bond proceeds, including interest thereon, and the fiscal year 435 1999-2000 General Appropriations Act amounts shall be deducted 436 from the remaining cash and appropriation balances, 437 respectively. The remaining proceeds shall be distributed by the 438 Department of Environmental Protection in the following manner: 439 (e) Two and nine-tenths percent to the Florida Forest 440 ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture 441 and Consumer Services to fund the acquisition of state forest 442 inholdings and additions pursuant to s. 589.07. 443 444 Local governments may use federal grants or loans, private 445 donations, or environmental mitigation funds, including 446 environmental mitigation funds required pursuant to s. 338.250, 447 for any part or all of any local match required for the purposes 448 described in this subsection. Bond proceeds allocated pursuant 449 to paragraph (c) may be used to purchase lands on the priority 450 lists developed pursuant to s. 259.035. Title to lands purchased 451 pursuant to paragraphs (a), (d), (e), (f), and (g) shall be 452 vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement 453 Trust Fund. Title to lands purchased pursuant to paragraph (c) 454 may be vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal 455 Improvement Trust Fund. The board of trustees shall hold title 456 to land protection agreements and conservation easements that 457 were or will be acquired pursuant to s. 380.0677, and the 458 Southwest Florida Water Management District and the St. Johns 459 River Water Management District shall monitor such agreements 460 and easements within their respective districts until the state 461 assumes this responsibility. 462 (5) Any funds received by the Florida Forest Service 463Division of Forestryfrom the Preservation 2000 Trust Fund 464 pursuant to paragraph (3)(e) shall be used only to pay the cost 465 of the acquisition of lands in furtherance of outdoor recreation 466 and natural resources conservation in this state. The 467 administration and use of any funds received by the Florida 468 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryfrom the Preservation 2000 469 Trust Fund will be subject to such terms and conditions imposed 470 thereon by the agency of the state responsible for the issuance 471 of the revenue bonds, the proceeds of which are deposited in the 472 Preservation 2000 Trust Fund, including restrictions imposed to 473 ensure that the interest on any such revenue bonds issued by the 474 state as tax-exempt revenue bonds will not be included in the 475 gross income of the holders of such bonds for federal income tax 476 purposes. All deeds or leases with respect to any real property 477 acquired with funds received by the Florida Forest Service 478Division of Forestryfrom the Preservation 2000 Trust Fund shall 479 contain such covenants and restrictions as are sufficient to 480 ensure that the use of such real property at all times complies 481 with s. 375.051 and s. 9, Art. XII of the 1968 Constitution of 482 Florida; and shall contain reverter clauses providing for the 483 reversion of title to such property to the Board of Trustees of 484 the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or, in the case of a lease 485 of such property, providing for termination of the lease upon a 486 failure to use the property conveyed thereby for such purposes. 487 Section 9. Paragraph (f) of subsection (3) of section 488 259.105, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 489 259.105 The Florida Forever Act.— 490 (3) Less the costs of issuing and the costs of funding 491 reserve accounts and other costs associated with bonds, the 492 proceeds of cash payments or bonds issued pursuant to this 493 section shall be deposited into the Florida Forever Trust Fund 494 created by s. 259.1051. The proceeds shall be distributed by the 495 Department of Environmental Protection in the following manner: 496 (f) One and five-tenths percent to the Florida Forest 497 ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture 498 and Consumer Services to fund the acquisition of state forest 499 inholdings and additions pursuant to s. 589.07, the 500 implementation of reforestation plans or sustainable forestry 501 management practices, and for capital project expenditures as 502 described in this section. At a minimum, 1 percent, and no more 503 than 10 percent, of the funds allocated for the acquisition of 504 inholdings and additions pursuant to this paragraph shall be 505 spent on capital project expenditures identified during the time 506 of acquisition which meet land management planning activities 507 necessary for public access. 508 Section 10. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection (1), 509 subsection (2), and paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 510 259.10521, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 511 259.10521 Citizen support organization; use of property.— 512 (1) DEFINITIONS.—For the purpose of this section, the 513 “citizen support organization” means an organization that is: 514 (c) Determined by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation 515 Commission and the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry516 within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to be 517 consistent with the goals of the state in acquiring the ranch 518 and in the best interests of the state; and 519 (d) Approved in writing by the Fish and Wildlife 520 Conservation Commission and the Florida Forest ServiceDivision521of Forestryto operate for the direct or indirect benefit of the 522 ranch and in the best interest of the state. Such approval shall 523 be given in a letter of agreement from the Fish and Wildlife 524 Conservation Commission and the Division of Forestry. Only one 525 citizen support organization may be created to operate for the 526 direct or indirect benefit of the Babcock Crescent B Ranch. 527 (2) USE OF PROPERTY.— 528 (a) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the 529 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay permit, without 530 charge, appropriate use of fixed property and facilities of the 531 Babcock Crescent B Ranch by a citizen support organization, 532 subject to the provisions of this section. Such use must be 533 directly in keeping with the approved purposes of the citizen 534 support organization and may not be made at times or places that 535 would unreasonably interfere with recreational opportunities for 536 the general public. 537 (b) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the 538 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay prescribe by 539 rule any condition with which the citizen support organization 540 shall comply in order to use fixed property or facilities of the 541 ranch. 542 (c) The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the 543 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall not permit the 544 use of any fixed property or facilities of the ranch by a 545 citizen support organization that does not provide equal 546 membership and employment opportunities to all persons 547 regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national 548 origin. 549 (3) PARTNERSHIPS.— 550 (b) The Legislature may annually appropriate funds from the 551 Land Acquisition Trust Fund for use only as state matching 552 funds, in conjunction with private donations in aggregates of at 553 least $60,000, matched by $40,000 of state funds, for a total 554 minimum project amount of $100,000 for capital improvement 555 facility development at the ranch at either individually 556 designated locations or for priority projects within the overall 557 ranch system. The citizen support organization may acquire 558 private donations pursuant to this section, and matching state 559 funds for approved projects may be provided in accordance with 560 this subsection. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 561 and the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryare 562 authorized to properly recognize and honor a private donor by 563 placing a plaque or other appropriate designation noting the 564 contribution on project facilities or by naming project 565 facilities after the person or organization that provided 566 matching funds. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 567 and the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryare 568 authorized to adopt necessary administrative rules to carry out 569 the purposes of this subsection. 570 Section 11. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 571 260.0142, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 572 260.0142 Florida Greenways and Trails Council; composition; 573 powers and duties.— 574 (1) There is created within the department the Florida 575 Greenways and Trails Council which shall advise the department 576 in the execution of the department’s powers and duties under 577 this chapter. The council shall be composed of 21 members, 578 consisting of: 579 (d) The 10 remaining members shall include: 580 1. The Secretary of Environmental Protection or a designee. 581 2. The executive director of the Fish and Wildlife 582 Conservation Commission or a designee. 583 3. The Secretary of Community Affairs or a designee. 584 4. The Secretary of Transportation or a designee. 585 5. The director of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of586Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services 587 or a designee. 588 6. The director of the Division of Historical Resources of 589 the Department of State or a designee. 590 7. A representative of the water management districts. 591 Membership on the council shall rotate among the five districts. 592 The districts shall determine the order of rotation. 593 8. A representative of a federal land management agency. 594 The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall identify the 595 appropriate federal agency and request designation of a 596 representative from the agency to serve on the council. 597 9. A representative of the regional planning councils to be 598 appointed by the Secretary of Environmental Protection in 599 consultation with the Secretary of Community Affairs. Membership 600 on the council shall rotate among the seven regional planning 601 councils. The regional planning councils shall determine the 602 order of rotation. 603 10. A representative of local governments to be appointed 604 by the Secretary of Environmental Protection in consultation 605 with the Secretary of Community Affairs. Membership shall 606 alternate between a county representative and a municipal 607 representative. 608 Section 12. Subsections (4) and (11) of section 261.03, 609 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 610 261.03 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: 611 (4) “Agency”“Division”means the Florida Forest Service 612Division of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and 613 Consumer Services. 614 (11) “Trust fund” means the Incidental Trust Fund of the 615 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 616 Agriculture and Consumer Services. 617 Section 13. Subsection (1) of section 261.04, Florida 618 Statutes, is amended to read: 619 261.04 Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Advisory Committee; 620 members; appointment.— 621 (1) Effective July 1, 2003, the Off-Highway Vehicle 622 Recreation Advisory Committee is created within the Florida 623 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryand consists of nine 624 members, all of whom are appointed by the Commissioner of 625 Agriculture. The appointees shall include one representative of 626 the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, one 627 representative of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 628 Vehicles, one representative of the Department of Environmental 629 Protection’s Office of Greenways and Trails, one representative 630 of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, one citizen 631 with scientific expertise in disciplines relating to ecology, 632 wildlife biology, or other environmental sciences, one 633 representative of a licensed off-highway vehicle dealer, and 634 three representatives of off-highway vehicle recreation groups. 635 In making these appointments, the commissioner shall consider 636 the places of residence of the members to ensure statewide 637 representation. 638 Section 14. Section 261.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to 639 read: 640 261.06 Functions, duties, and responsibilities of the 641 department.—The following are functions, duties, and 642 responsibilities of the department through the agencydivision: 643 (1) Coordination of the planning, development, 644 conservation, and rehabilitation of state lands in and for the 645 system. 646 (2) Coordination of the management, maintenance, 647 administration, and operation of state lands in the system and 648 the provision of law enforcement and appropriate public safety 649 activities. 650 (3) Management of the trust fund and approval of the 651 advisory committee’s budget recommendations. 652 (4) Implementation of the program, including the ultimate 653 approval of grant applications submitted by governmental 654 agencies or entities or nongovernmental entities. 655 (5) Coordination to help ensure compliance with 656 environmental laws and regulations of the program and lands in 657 the system. 658 (6) Implementation of the policies established by the 659 advisory committee. 660 (7) Provision of staff assistance to the advisory 661 committee. 662 (8) Preparation of plans for lands in, or proposed to be 663 included in, the system. 664 (9) Conducting surveys and the preparation of studies as 665 are necessary or desirable for implementing the program. 666 (10) Recruitment and utilization of volunteers to further 667 the program. 668 (11) Rulemaking authority to implement the provisions of 669 ss. 261.01-261.10. 670 Section 15. Section 261.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to 671 read: 672 261.12 Designated off-highway vehicle funds within the 673 Incidental Trust Fund of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of674Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 675 Services.— 676 (1) The designated off-highway vehicle funds of the trust 677 fund shall consist of deposits from the following sources: 678 (a) Fees paid to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 679 Vehicles for the titling of off-highway vehicles. 680 (b) Revenues and income from any other sources required by 681 law or as appropriated by the Legislature to be deposited into 682 the trust fund as designated off-highway vehicle funds. 683 (c) Donations from private sources that are designated as 684 off-highway vehicle funds. 685 (d) Interest earned on designated off-highway vehicle funds 686 on deposit in the trust fund. 687 (2) Designated off-highway vehicle funds in the trust fund 688 shall be available for recommended allocation by the Off-Highway 689 Vehicle Recreation Advisory Committee and the Department of 690 Agriculture and Consumer Services and upon annual appropriation 691 by the Legislature, exclusively for the following: 692 (a) Implementation of the Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation 693 Program by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 694 which includes personnel and other related expenses; 695 administrative and operating expenses; expenses related to 696 safety, training, rider education programs, management, 697 maintenance, and rehabilitation of lands in the Off-Highway 698 Vehicle Recreation Program’s system of lands and trails; and, if 699 funds are available, acquisition of lands to be included in the 700 system and the management, maintenance, and rehabilitation of 701 such lands. 702 (b) Approved grants to governmental agencies or entities or 703 nongovernmental entities that wish to provide or improve off 704 highway vehicle recreation areas or trails for public use on 705 public lands, provide environmental protection and restoration 706 to affected natural areas in the system, provide enforcement of 707 applicable regulations related to the system and off-highway 708 vehicle activities, or provide education in the operation of 709 off-highway vehicles. 710 (c) Matching funds to be used to match grant funds 711 available from other sources. 712 (3) Notwithstanding s. 216.301 and pursuant to s. 216.351, 713 any balance of designated off-highway vehicle funds in the trust 714 fund at the end of any fiscal year shall remain therein and 715 shall be available for the purposes set out in this section and 716 as otherwise provided by law. 717 Section 16. Section 317.0010, Florida Statutes, is amended 718 to read: 719 317.0010 Disposition of fees.—The department shall deposit 720 all funds received under this chapter, less administrative costs 721 of $2 per title transaction, into the Incidental Trust Fund of 722 the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 723 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 724 Section 17. Section 317.0016, Florida Statutes, is amended 725 to read: 726 317.0016 Expedited service; applications; fees.—The 727 department shall provide, through its agents and for use by the 728 public, expedited service on title transfers, title issuances, 729 duplicate titles, recordation of liens, and certificates of 730 repossession. A fee of $7 shall be charged for this service, 731 which is in addition to the fees imposed by ss. 317.0007 and 732 317.0008, and $3.50 of this fee shall be retained by the 733 processing agency. All remaining fees shall be deposited in the 734 Incidental Trust Fund of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of735Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 736 Application for expedited service may be made by mail or in 737 person. The department shall issue each title applied for 738 pursuant to this section within 5 working days after receipt of 739 the application except for an application for a duplicate title 740 certificate covered by s. 317.0008(3), in which case the title 741 must be issued within 5 working days after compliance with the 742 department’s verification requirements. 743 Section 18. Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section 744 373.591, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 745 373.591 Management review teams.— 746 (1) To determine whether conservation, preservation, and 747 recreation lands titled in the names of the water management 748 districts are being managed for the purposes for which they were 749 acquired and in accordance with land management objectives, the 750 water management districts shall establish land management 751 review teams to conduct periodic management reviews. The land 752 management review teams shall be composed of the following 753 members: 754 (h) One individual from the Department of Agriculture and 755 Consumer Services’ Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry. 756 Section 19. Subsection (10) of section 379.226, Florida 757 Statutes, is amended to read: 758 379.226 Florida Territorial Waters Act; alien-owned 759 commercial fishing vessels; prohibited acts; enforcement.— 760 (10) Harbormasters and law enforcement agencies are 761 authorized to request assistance from the Civil Air Patrol in 762 the surveillance of suspect vessels. Aircraft of the Florida 763 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 764 Agriculture and Consumer Services or other state or county 765 agencies which are conveniently located and not otherwise 766 occupied may be similarly utilized. 767 Section 20. Subsection (6) of section 403.7071, Florida 768 Statutes, is amended to read: 769 403.7071 Management of storm-generated debris.—Solid waste 770 generated as a result of a storm event that is the subject of an 771 emergency order issued by the department may be managed as 772 follows: 773 (6) Local governments or their agents may conduct the 774 burning of storm-generated yard trash, other storm-generated 775 vegetative debris, or untreated wood from construction and 776 demolition debris in air-curtain incinerators without prior 777 notice to the department. Within 10 days after commencing such 778 burning, the local government shall notify the department in 779 writing describing the general nature of the materials burned; 780 the location and method of burning; and the name, address, and 781 telephone number of the representative of the local government 782 to contact concerning the work. The operator of the air-curtain 783 incinerator is subject to any requirement of the Florida Forest 784 ServiceDivision of Forestryor of any other agency concerning 785 authorization to conduct open burning. Any person conducting 786 open burning of vegetative debris is also subject to such 787 requirements. 788 Section 21. Subsection (5) of section 479.16, Florida 789 Statutes, is amended to read: 790 479.16 Signs for which permits are not required.—The 791 following signs are exempt from the requirement that a permit 792 for a sign be obtained under the provisions of this chapter but 793 are required to comply with the provisions of s. 479.11(4)-(8): 794 (5) Danger or precautionary signs relating to the premises 795 on which they are located; forest fire warning signs erected 796 under the authority of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of797Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; 798 and signs, notices, or symbols erected by the United States 799 Government under the direction of the United States Forestry 800 Service. 801 Section 22. Section 570.548, Florida Statutes, is amended 802 to read: 803 570.548 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry; powers 804 and duties.—The duties of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of805Forestryinclude, but are not limited to, administering and 806 enforcing those powers and responsibilities of the agency 807divisionprescribed in chapters 589, 590, and 591 and the rules 808 adopted pursuant thereto and in other forest fire, forest 809 protection, and forest management laws of this state. 810 Section 23. Section 570.549, Florida Statutes, is amended 811 to read: 812 570.549 Director; duties.— 813 (1) The director of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of814Forestryshall be appointed by the commissioner and shall serve 815 at the commissioner’s pleasure. 816 (2) It shall be the duty of the director of this agency 817divisionto direct and supervise the overall operation of the 818 agencydivisionand to exercise such other powers and duties as 819 authorized by the department. 820 Section 24. Subsection (1) of section 570.903, Florida 821 Statutes, is amended to read: 822 570.903 Direct-support organization.— 823 (1) When the Legislature authorizes the establishment of a 824 direct-support organization to provide assistance for the 825 museums, the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom Program, the 826 Florida State Collection of Arthropods, the Friends of the 827 Florida State Forests Program of the Florida Forest Service 828Division of Forestry, and the Forestry Arson Alert Program, and 829 other programs of the department, the following provisions shall 830 govern the creation, use, powers, and duties of the direct 831 support organization. 832 (a) The department shall enter into a memorandum or letter 833 of agreement with the direct-support organization, which shall 834 specify the approval of the department, the powers and duties of 835 the direct-support organization, and rules with which the 836 direct-support organization shall comply. 837 (b) The department may permit, without charge, appropriate 838 use of property, facilities, and personnel of the department by 839 a direct-support organization, subject to the provisions of ss. 840 570.902 and 570.903. The use shall be directly in keeping with 841 the approved purposes of the direct-support organization and 842 shall not be made at times or places that would unreasonably 843 interfere with opportunities for the general public to use 844 department facilities for established purposes. 845 (c) The department shall prescribe by contract or by rule 846 conditions with which a direct-support organization shall comply 847 in order to use property, facilities, or personnel of the 848 department or museum. Such rules shall provide for budget and 849 audit review and oversight by the department. 850 (d) The department shall not permit the use of property, 851 facilities, or personnel of the museum, department, or 852 designated program by a direct-support organization which does 853 not provide equal employment opportunities to all persons 854 regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national 855 origin. 856 Section 25. Subsection (7) of section 581.1843, Florida 857 Statutes, is amended to read: 858 581.1843 Citrus nursery stock propagation and production 859 and the establishment of regulated areas around citrus 860 nurseries.— 861 (7) The department shall relocate foundation source trees 862 maintained by the Division of Plant Industry from various 863 locations, including those in Dundee and Winter Haven, to 864 protective structures at the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of865Forestrynursery in Chiefland or to other protective sites 866 located a minimum of 10 miles from any commercial citrus grove. 867 Section 26. Section 589.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to 868 read: 869 589.01 Florida Forestry Council.—The Florida Forestry 870 Council, hereinafter called the “council,” is hereby created in 871 the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 872 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The council 873 shall be composed of five members appointed by the Department of 874 Agriculture and Consumer Services for terms of 4 years. 875 (1) There shall be one member of the council from each of 876 the following areas of forestry: 877 (a) The pulp and paper manufacturing industry. 878 (b) A forest products industry other than that described in 879 paragraph (a). 880 (c) A timber or timber products dealer. 881 (d) An individual forest landowner. 882 (e) An active member of a statewide conservation 883 organization having as one of its principal objectives the 884 conservation and development of the forest resource. 885 (2) Not fewer than two or more than three nominations shall 886 be made for each membership on the council, and any statewide 887 organization representing an area of forestry represented on the 888 council may make nominations. 889 (3) The council shall meet at the call of its chair, at the 890 request of a majority of its membership or of the Department of 891 Agriculture and Consumer Services, or at such times as may be 892 prescribed by its rules. 893 (4) A majority of the members of the council shall 894 constitute a quorum for all purposes, and an act by a majority 895 of such quorum at any meeting shall constitute an official act 896 of the council. 897 (5) The powers and duties of the council shall be as 898 follows: 899 (a) To consider and study the entire field of forestry; 900 (b) To advise, counsel, and consult with the Department of 901 Agriculture and Consumer Services and the director of the 902 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryupon request in 903 connection with the promulgation, administration, and 904 enforcement of all laws and rules relating to forestry; 905 (c) To consider all matters submitted to it by the 906 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or the director 907 of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry; 908 (d) To offer suggestions and recommendations to the 909 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the director 910 of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryon its own 911 initiative in regard to changes in the laws and rules relating 912 to forestry as may be deemed advisable to secure the effective 913 administration and enforcement of such laws and rules relating 914 to the work of the division; and 915 (e) To keep a complete record of all its proceedings, 916 showing the names of the members present at each meeting and any 917 action taken by the council, and to file and maintain such 918 records in the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryas a 919 public record. 920 Section 27. Section 589.011, Florida Statutes, is amended 921 to read: 922 589.011 Use of state forest lands; fees; rules.— 923 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 924 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services may grant 925 privileges, permits, leases, and concessions for the use of 926 state forest lands, timber, and forest products for purposes not 927 inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. 928 (2) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryis 929 authorized to grant easements for rights-of-way, over, across, 930 and upon state forest lands for the construction and maintenance 931 of poles and lines for the transmission and distribution of 932 electrical power, pipelines for the distribution and 933 transportation of oils and gases, and for telephone and 934 telegraphic purposes and for public roads, under such conditions 935 and limitations as the agencydivisionmay impose. 936 (3) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 937 have the power to set and charge reasonable fees or rent for the 938 use or operation of facilities on state forests or any lands 939 leased by or otherwise assigned to the agencydivisionfor 940 management purposes. Moneys collected from such fees and rent 941 shall be deposited into the Incidental Trust Fund of the agency 942division. 943 (4) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay 944 adopt and enforce rules necessary for the protection, 945 utilization, occupancy, and development of state forest lands or 946 any lands leased by or otherwise assigned to the agencydivision947 for management purposes. Any person violating or otherwise 948 failing to comply with any provision of this subsection or rule 949 adopted under this subsection commits a noncriminal violation as 950 defined in s. 775.08(3), punishable only by fine, not to exceed 951 $500 per violation. Jurisdiction shall be with the appropriate 952 county court. 953 (5) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay 954 prohibit on state forest lands, or any lands leased by or 955 otherwise assigned to the agencydivisionfor management 956 purposes, activities that interfere with management objectives, 957 create a nuisance, or pose a threat to public safety. Such 958 prohibited activities must be posted with signs not more than 959 500 feet apart along, and at each corner of, the boundaries of 960 the land. The signs must be placed along the boundary line of 961 posted land in a manner and in such position as to be clearly 962 noticeable from outside the boundary line. A person who violates 963 the provisions of this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the 964 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 965 775.083. 966 (6) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestrymay 967 enter into contracts or agreements, with or without competitive 968 bidding or procurement, to make available, on a fair, 969 reasonable, and nondiscriminatory basis, property and other 970 structures under agencydivisioncontrol for the placement of 971 new facilities by any wireless provider of mobile service as 972 defined in 47 U.S.C. s. 153(27) or 47 U.S.C. s. 332(d) or any 973 telecommunications company as defined in s. 364.02 when it is 974 determined to be practical and feasible to make such property or 975 other structures available. The agencydivisionmay, without 976 adopting a rule, charge a just, reasonable, and 977 nondiscriminatory fee for the placement of the facilities, 978 payable annually, based on the fair market value of space used 979 by comparable communications facilities in the state. The agency 980divisionand a wireless provider or telecommunications company 981 may negotiate the reduction or elimination of a fee in 982 consideration of services provided to the agencydivisionby the 983 wireless provider or telecommunications company. All such fees 984 collected by the agencydivisionshall be deposited in the 985 Incidental Trust Fund. 986 Section 28. Section 589.012, Florida Statutes, is amended 987 to read: 988 589.012 Friends of Florida State Forests Program.—The 989 Friends of Florida State Forests Program is established within 990 the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Its purpose 991 is to provide support and assistance for existing and future 992 programs of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry. 993 These programs must be consistent with the agency’sdivision’s994 mission statement which is incorporated by reference. The 995 purpose of the program is to: 996 (1) Conduct programs and activities related to 997 environmental education, fire prevention, recreation, and forest 998 management. 999 (2) Identify and pursue methods to provide resources and 1000 materials for these programs. 1001 (3) Establish a statewide method to integrate these 1002 resources and materials. 1003 Section 29. Subsections (1), (3), and (4) of section 1004 589.04, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1005 589.04 Duties of agencydivision.— 1006 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 1007 cooperate with federal, state, and local governmental agencies, 1008 nonprofit organizations, and other persons to: 1009 (a) Promote and encourage forest fire protection, forest 1010 environmental education, forest land stewardship, good forest 1011 management, tree planting and care, forest recreation, and the 1012 proper management of public lands. 1013 (b) Apply for, solicit, and receive grants, funds, 1014 services, equipment, and supplies from those agencies, 1015 organizations, firms, and individuals. 1016 (3) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 1017 provide direction for the multiple-use management of forest 1018 lands owned by the state; serve as the lead management agency 1019 for state-owned land primarily suited for forest resource 1020 management; and provide to other state agencies having land 1021 management responsibilities technical guidance and management 1022 plan development for managing the forest resources on state 1023 owned lands managed for other objectives. Multiple-purpose use 1024 shall include, but is not limited to, water-resource protection, 1025 forest-ecosystems protection, natural-resource-based low-impact 1026 recreation, and sustainable timber management for forest 1027 products. 1028 (4) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 1029 begin immediately an aggressive program to reforest and 1030 afforest, with appropriate tree species, lands over which the 1031 agencydivisionhas forest resource management responsibility. 1032 Section 30. Section 589.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1033 read: 1034 589.06 Warrants for payment of accounts.—Upon the 1035 presentation to the Chief Financial Officer of any accounts duly 1036 approved by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry, 1037 accompanied by such itemized vouchers or accounts as shall be 1038 required by her or him, the Chief Financial Officer shall audit 1039 the same and draw a warrant for the amount for which the account 1040 is audited, payable out of funds to the credit of the agency 1041division. 1042 Section 31. Section 589.07, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1043 read: 1044 589.07 AgencyDivisionmay acquire lands for forest 1045 purposes.—The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry, on 1046 behalf of the state and subject to the restrictions mentioned in 1047 s. 589.08, may acquire lands, suitable for state forest 1048 purposes, by gift, donation, contribution, purchase, or 1049 otherwise and may enter into agreements with the Federal 1050 Government, or other agency, for acquiring by gift, purchase, or 1051 otherwise, such lands as are, in the judgment of the agency 1052division, suitable and desirable for state forests. The 1053 acquisition procedures for state lands provided in s. 259.041 do 1054 not apply to acquisition of land by the Florida Forest Service 1055Division of Forestry. 1056 Section 32. Section 589.071, Florida Statutes, is amended 1057 to read: 1058 589.071 Traffic control within state forest or division 1059 assigned lands.—The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry1060 on behalf of the state may adopt rules to control ingress, 1061 egress, and all other movement of motor vehicles, bicycles, 1062 horses, and pedestrians, as well as all other types of traffic, 1063 within a state forest or any lands leased by or otherwise 1064 assigned to the agencydivisionfor management purposes, outside 1065 of the designated right-of-way of state or county-maintained 1066 roads, and may designate special areas off the roadways for the 1067 operation of recreational type vehicles which need not be 1068 licensed or operated by licensed drivers. Any person violating 1069 or otherwise failing to comply with any of the provisions of 1070 this section or rules adopted pursuant hereto commitsis guilty1071ofa noncriminal violation as defined in s. 775.08(3), 1072 punishable only by fine not to exceed $500. Jurisdiction shall 1073 be with the appropriate county court. 1074 Section 33. Section 589.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1075 read: 1076 589.08 Land acquisition restrictions.— 1077 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 1078 enter into no agreement for the acquisition, lease, or purchase 1079 of any land or for any other purpose whatsoever which shall 1080 pledge the credit of, or obligate in any manner whatsoever, the 1081 state to pay any sum of money or other thing of value for such 1082 purpose, and the said agencydivisionshall not in any manner or 1083 for any purpose pledge the credit of or obligate the state to 1084 pay any sum of money. 1085 (2) The agencydivisionmay receive, hold the custody of, 1086 and exercise the control of any lands, and set aside into a 1087 separate, distinct and inviolable fund, any proceeds derived 1088 from the sales of the products of such lands, the use thereof in 1089 any manner, or the sale of such lands save the 25 percent of the 1090 proceeds to be paid into the State School Fund as provided by 1091 law. The agencydivisionmay use and apply such funds for the 1092 acquisition, use, custody, management, development, or 1093 improvement of any lands vested in or subject to the control of 1094 the agencydivision. After full payment has been made for the 1095 purchase of a state forest to the Federal Government or other 1096 grantor, 15 percent of the gross receipts from a state forest 1097 shall be paid to the fiscally constrained county or counties, as 1098 described in s. 218.67(1), in which it is located in proportion 1099 to the acreage located in each county for use by the county or 1100 counties for school purposes. 1101 Section 34. Section 589.081, Florida Statutes, is amended 1102 to read: 1103 589.081 Withlacoochee State Forest and Goethe State Forest; 1104 payment of portion of gross receipts.—The Florida Forest Service 1105Division of Forestryshall pay 15 percent of the gross receipts 1106 from Withlacoochee State Forest and the Goethe State Forest to 1107 each fiscally constrained county, as described in s. 218.67(1), 1108 in which a portion of the respective forest is located in 1109 proportion to the forest acreage located in such county. The 1110 funds must be equally divided between the board of county 1111 commissioners and the school board of each fiscally constrained 1112 county. 1113 Section 35. Section 589.09, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1114 read: 1115 589.09 Use of lands acquired.—All lands acquired by the 1116 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryon behalf of the 1117 state shall be in the custody of and subject to the 1118 jurisdiction, management, and control of the said agency 1119division, and, for such purposes and the utilization and 1120 development of such land, the said agencydivisionmay use the 1121 proceeds of the sale of any products therefrom, the proceeds of 1122 the sale of any such lands, save the 25 percent of such proceeds 1123 which shall be paid into the State School Fund as required by s. 1124 1010.71(1), and such other funds as may be appropriated for use 1125 by the agencydivision, and in the opinion of such agency 1126division, available for such uses and purposes. 1127 Section 36. Section 589.10, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1128 read: 1129 589.10 Disposition of lands.—The Florida Forest Service 1130Division of Forestry, with the concurrence of the Board of 1131 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund and the 1132 Governor, may sell, exchange, lease, or otherwise dispose of any 1133 lands under its jurisdiction by the provisions of this chapter 1134 when in its judgment it is advantageous to the state to do so in 1135 the interest of the highest orderly development, improvement, 1136 and management of the state forests and state parks. All such 1137 sales, exchanges, leases, or dispositions of such lands, shall 1138 be at least upon a 30-day public notice, to be given in the 1139 manner deemed reasonable by the agencydivision. 1140 Section 37. Section 589.101, Florida Statutes, is amended 1141 to read: 1142 589.101 Blackwater River State Forest; lease of board’s 1143 interest in gas, oil, and other minerals.—Notwithstanding the 1144 provisions of ss. 253.51-253.61, the Florida Forest Service 1145Division of Forestryis hereby expressly granted the authority 1146 to lease its 25-percent interest in oil, gas, and other minerals 1147 within the boundaries of the Blackwater River State Forest; 1148 provided, however, that grants shall be made only to the lessee 1149 or lessees holding the 75 percent75-percentinterest in said 1150 minerals retained by the United States in its conveyance to this 1151 state. The concurrence of the Board of Trustees of the Internal 1152 Improvement Trust Fund required by s. 589.10 shall not be 1153 necessary under the provisions of this section. 1154 Section 38. Section 589.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1155 read: 1156 589.11 Duties of agencydivisionas to Clarke-McNary Law.— 1157 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryis 1158 designated and authorized as the agent of the state to cooperate 1159 with the United States Secretary of Agriculture under the 1160 provisions of “ss. 4 and 5, Chapter 348, 43 Statutes 654, Acts 1161 of Congress, June 7, 1924, known as the Clarke-McNary Law,” to 1162 assist owners of farms in establishing, improving, and renewing 1163 woodlots, shelterbelts, windbreaks, and other valuable forest 1164 growth; in growing and renewing useful timber crops; and to 1165 cooperate with the wood-using industries or other agencies, 1166 governmental or otherwise, interested in proper land use, forest 1167 management, and conservative forest utilization. 1168 (2) As a means of providing seedling trees for the purposes 1169 of this section, the agencydivisionis authorized to operate a 1170 seedling tree nursery program and to set reasonable prices for 1171 the sale to the public of seedling trees. Receipts from the sale 1172 of seedling trees shall be deposited into the Incidental Trust 1173 Fund of the agencydivision. 1174 Section 39. Section 589.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1175 read: 1176 589.12 Rulesand regulations.—The Florida Forest Service 1177Division of Forestrymay adoptmakerulesand regulationsand do 1178 such actsand thingsas shall be reasonable and necessary to 1179 accomplish the purposes of ss. 589.07-589.11. 1180 Section 40. Section 589.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1181 read: 1182 589.13 Lien of agencydivisionand other parties, for 1183 forestry work, etc.—Liens prior in dignity to all others 1184 accruing thereafter shall exist in favor of the following 1185 persons, boards, firms, or corporations upon the following 1186 described real estate, under the circumstances hereinafter 1187 mentioned: 1188 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry, the 1189 United States Government, or other governmental authority, upon 1190 all lands covered in any cooperative or other agreement entered 1191 into between the landowner and the agencydivision(which term 1192 shall embrace and include agreements with the Florida Forest 1193 ServiceDivision of Forestry); 1194 (2) The United States Government or other governmental 1195 authority, for the prevention and control of woods fires and 1196 other forestry work to the extent of the amounts expended by 1197 such agencydivision, service, or other governmental authority 1198 for and on behalf of the landowner and not paid by the landowner 1199 under the terms of said agreement. 1200 Section 41. Section 589.14, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1201 read: 1202 589.14 Enforcement of lien; notice.—The Florida Forest 1203 ServiceDivision of Forestry, United States Government, or other 1204 governmental authority shall be entitled to subject said real 1205 estate in equity for the value of such expenditures made by it 1206 in pursuance of any such agreement, and may, at any time after 1207 the expenditure thereof and after default in payment thereof by 1208 the landowner in accordance with the terms of such agreement, 1209 file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the 1210 county in which the property is located, and have recorded in 1211 the record of liens kept by such clerk, a notice of the 1212 expenditures made in pursuance of such agreement and of default 1213 of the landowner in the payment of same in accordance with the 1214 terms thereof (the form of notice being provided in s. 589.15), 1215 and from the date of the filing of such notice the rights of 1216 purchasers or creditors of such landowner shall be subject and 1217 subordinate to the claim set out in the notice. 1218 Section 42. Section 589.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1219 read: 1220 589.18 AgencyDivisionto make certain investigations.—The 1221 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall conduct 1222 investigations and make surveys to determine the areas of land 1223 in the state which are available and suitable for reforestation 1224 projects and state forests, and may recommend to the Board of 1225 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, any state 1226 agency, or any agency created by state law which is authorized 1227 to accept lands in the name of the state, concerning their 1228 acquisition. The agencydivisionshall be considered as a state 1229 agency under this law. 1230 Section 43. Section 589.19, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1231 read: 1232 589.19 Creation of certain state forests; naming of certain 1233 state forests.— 1234 (1) When the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement 1235 Trust Fund, any state agency, or any agency created by state 1236 law, authorized to accept reforestation lands in the name of the 1237 state, approves the recommendations of the Florida Forest 1238 ServiceDivision of Forestryin reference to the acquisition of 1239 land and acquire such land, the said board, state agency, or 1240 agency created by state law, may formally designate and dedicate 1241 any area as a reforestation project, or state forest, and where 1242 so designated and dedicated such area shall be under the 1243 administration of the agencydivisionwhich shall be authorized 1244 to manage and administer said area according to the purpose for 1245 which it was designated and dedicated. 1246 (2) The first state forest acquired by the Board of 1247 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund in Baker County 1248 is to be named the John M. Bethea State Forest. This is to honor 1249 Mr. John M. Bethea who was Florida’s fourth state forester and 1250 whose distinguished career in state government spanned 46 years 1251 and who is a native of Baker County. 1252 (3) The state forest managed by the Florida Forest Service 1253Division of Forestryin Seminole County is to be named the 1254 Charles H. Bronson State Forest to honor Charles H. Bronson, the 1255 tenth Commissioner of Agriculture, for his distinguished 1256 contribution to this state’s agriculture and natural resources. 1257 Section 44. Section 589.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1258 read: 1259 589.20 Cooperation by agencydivision.—The Florida Forest 1260 ServiceDivision of Forestrymay cooperate with other state 1261 agencies, who are custodians of lands which are suitable for 1262 forestry purposes, in the designation and dedication of such 1263 lands for forestry purposes when in the opinion of the state 1264 agencies concerned such lands are suitable for these purposes 1265 and can be so administered. Upon the designation and dedication 1266 of said lands for these purposes by the agencies concerned, said 1267 lands shall be administered by the agencydivision. 1268 Section 45. Section 589.21, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1269 read: 1270 589.21 Management to be for public interest.—All state 1271 forests and reforestation projects mentioned in this chapter 1272 shall be managed and administered by the Florida Forest Service 1273Division of Forestryin the interests of the public. If the 1274 public interests are not already safeguarded and clearly defined 1275 by law or by regulations adopted by the state agencies 1276 authorized by law to administer such lands, or in the papers 1277 formally transferring said projects to the agencydivisionfor 1278 administration, then, and in that event, the agencydivisionmay 1279 define the purpose of said project. Such definition of purposes 1280 shall be construed to have the authority of law. 1281 Section 46. Section 589.26, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1282 read: 1283 589.26 Dedication of state park lands for public use.—The 1284 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryis authorized and 1285 empowered, from time to time, to dedicate and reserve for the 1286 use of the public all or any part of the lands heretofore or 1287 hereafter acquired by the said Florida Forest ServiceDivision1288of Forestryfor park purposes; provided, however, that said 1289 dedication and reservation shall be subject to such rulesand1290regulations, as to reasonable use by the public, as may be 1291 adopted by the Division of Recreation and Parks of the 1292 Department of Environmental Protection. 1293 Section 47. Section 589.27, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1294 read: 1295 589.27 Power of eminent domain; procedure.—Whenever the 1296 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall find it 1297 necessary to acquire private property for state forests or 1298 rights-of-way for state forest roads, or for exercising any of 1299 the powers and duties authorized and prescribed by law to be 1300 exercised and performed by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision1301of Forestry, the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryis 1302 hereby empowered and authorized to exercise the right of eminent 1303 domain and to proceed to condemn said property in the same 1304 manner as provided by law for the condemnation of private 1305 property by counties. 1306 Section 48. Section 589.275, Florida Statutes, is amended 1307 to read: 1308 589.275 Planting of indigenous trees on state lands.—It is 1309 the intent of the Legislature to partially restore the character 1310 of the original domain of Florida by planting native trees on 1311 state lands, and to this end all state lands shall have a 1312 portion of such lands designated for indigenous trees, to be 1313 established and maintained by the using agency with the 1314 assistance of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof 1315 the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. If the 1316 agencydivision, or primary managing agency, determines that any 1317 state lands are unsuitable for this purpose, such lands shall be 1318 exempt from this requirement. 1319 Section 49. Subsections (1), (3), and (5) of section 1320 589.277, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1321 589.277 Tree planting programs.— 1322 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 1323FloridaDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall 1324 administer federal, state, and privately sponsored tree planting 1325 programs designed to assist private rural landowners and urban 1326 communities. 1327 (3) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryis 1328 authorized and directed to develop and implement guidelines and 1329 procedures under which the financial resources of the fund 1330 allocated for tree planting programs may be utilized for urban 1331 and rural reforestation. 1332 (5) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryshall 1333 assist the Department of Education in developing programs that 1334 teach the importance of trees in the urban, rural, and global 1335 environment. 1336 Section 50. Section 589.28, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1337 read: 1338 589.28 County commissions or municipalities authorized to 1339 cooperate with Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry. 1340 County commissions or municipalities are authorized to cooperate 1341 with the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 1342 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in providing 1343 assistance in forestry and forest-related knowledge and skills 1344 to stimulate the production of timber wealth through the proper 1345 use of forest land and to protect and improve the beauty of 1346 urban and suburban areas by helping to create in them an 1347 attractive and healthy environment through the proper use of 1348 trees and related plant associations. County commissions or 1349 municipalities are hereby authorized to appropriate funds and 1350 enter into cooperative agreements with the Florida Forest 1351 ServiceDivision of Forestryunder the terms and conditions set 1352 forth in ss. 589.28-589.34. 1353 Section 51. Section 589.29, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1354 read: 1355 589.29 Quality of assistance.—Any advice and assistance 1356 provided under ss. 589.28-589.34 shall be the responsibility of 1357 the State Forester and the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1358Forestryand shall be conducted under the supervision of a 1359 professional forester in an efficient and competent manner by 1360 personnel who have the required education, training and 1361 experience to accomplish the objectives of these sections. 1362 Section 52. Section 589.30, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1363 read: 1364 589.30 Duty of district forester.—It shall be the duty of 1365 the district forester to direct all work in accordance with the 1366 law and rulesregulationsof the Florida Forest ServiceDivision1367of Forestry; gather and disseminate information in the 1368 management of commercial timber, including establishment, 1369 protection and utilization; and assist in the development and 1370 use of forest lands for outdoor recreation, watershed 1371 protection, and wildlife habitat. The district forester or his 1372 or her representative shall provide encouragement and technical 1373 assistance to individuals and urban and county officials in the 1374 planning, establishment, and management of trees and plant 1375 associations to enhance the beauty of the urban and suburban 1376 environment and meet outdoor recreational needs. 1377 Section 53. Section 589.31, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1378 read: 1379 589.31 Cooperative agreement.—Before any assistance is 1380 provided under this law, the county or municipality and the 1381 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry, through their duly 1382 constituted representatives, shall enter into a mutually 1383 satisfactory cooperative agreement covering the specific duties, 1384 and set up a budget for any fiscal period beginning July 1 and 1385 ending June 30, and the county’s or municipality’s share of the 1386 budget provided shall be turned over to the Florida Forest 1387 ServiceDivision of Forestry, one-half on or before July 1, and 1388 the remainder on or before January 1, and placed in the 1389 Incidental Trust Fund of the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1390Forestry. 1391 Section 54. Section 589.32, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1392 read: 1393 589.32 Cost of providing county forestry assistance.—The 1394 cost of county forestry assistance provided under the provisions 1395 of ss. 589.28-589.34 shall be jointly determined and paid by the 1396 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryand the county 1397 commission or municipality and shall be not less than 40 percent 1398 of the cost of the equivalent of 1 person-year of assistance. 1399 However, the county or municipality share shall not exceed the 1400 sum of $3,000 per annum for each person-year of assistance 1401 provided. 1402 Section 55. Section 589.33, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1403 read: 1404 589.33 Expenditure of budgeted funds.—Any money budgeted 1405 for a fiscal period shall be expended by the Florida Forest 1406 ServiceDivision of Forestryduring the period for which it was 1407 budgeted and amounts not expended or specifically obligated by 1408 contract or other legal procedure during that period shall be 1409 available for the next fiscal period or shall be returned to the 1410 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryand the county or 1411 municipality in the same proportions as appropriated. However, 1412 when 40 percent of the cost of 1 person-year of assistance 1413 equals or exceeds $3,000, then in that event all budget balance 1414 will revert to the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry. 1415 Section 56. Section 589.34, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1416 read: 1417 589.34 Revocation of agreement.—Any agreement or revision 1418 thereof entered into by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1419Forestryand a county or municipality under the provisions of 1420 this law shall continue from year to year, unless written notice 1421 is given to the other party 30 days prior to July 1 of any year 1422 of the intention to discontinue the work and cancel the 1423 agreement. 1424 Section 57. Subsection (1) of section 590.015, Florida 1425 Statutes, is amended to read: 1426 590.015 Definitions.—As used in this chapter, the term: 1427 (1) “Agency”“Division”means the Florida Forest Service 1428Division of Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and 1429 Consumer Services. 1430 Section 58. Subsections (1), (2), (3), (5), (6), and (7) of 1431 section 590.02, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1432 590.02 AgencyDivisionpowers, authority, and duties; 1433 liability; building structures; Florida Center for Wildfire and 1434 Forest Resources Management Training.— 1435 (1) The agencydivisionhas the following powers, 1436 authority, and duties: 1437 (a) To enforce the provisions of this chapter; 1438 (b) To prevent, detect, suppress, and extinguish wildfires 1439 wherever they may occur on public or private land in this state 1440 and to do all things necessary in the exercise of such powers, 1441 authority, and duties; 1442 (c) To provide firefighting crews, who shall be under the 1443 control and direction of the agencydivisionand its designated 1444 agents; 1445 (d) To appoint center managers, forest area supervisors, 1446 forestry program administrators, a forest protection bureau 1447 chief, a forest protection assistant bureau chief, a field 1448 operations bureau chief, deputy chiefs of field operations, 1449 district managers, senior forest rangers, investigators, forest 1450 rangers, firefighter rotorcraft pilots, and other employees who 1451 may, at the agency’sdivision’sdiscretion, be certified as 1452 forestry firefighters pursuant to s. 633.35(4). Other provisions 1453 of law notwithstanding, center managers, district managers, 1454 forest protection assistant bureau chief, and deputy chiefs of 1455 field operations shall have Selected Exempt Service status in 1456 the state personnel designation; 1457 (e) To develop a training curriculum for forestry 1458 firefighters which must contain the basic volunteer structural 1459 fire training course approved by the Florida State Fire College 1460 of the Division of State Fire Marshal and a minimum of 250 hours 1461 of wildfire training; 1462 (f) To make rules to accomplish the purposes of this 1463 chapter; 1464 (g) To provide fire management services and emergency 1465 response assistance and to set and charge reasonable fees for 1466 performance of those services. Moneys collected from such fees 1467 shall be deposited into the Incidental Trust Fund of the agency 1468division; and 1469 (h) To require all state, regional, and local government 1470 agencies operating aircraft in the vicinity of an ongoing 1471 wildfire to operate in compliance with the applicable state 1472 Wildfire Aviation Plan. 1473 (2) AgencyDivisionemployees, and the firefighting crews 1474 under their control and direction, may enter upon any lands for 1475 the purpose of preventing and suppressing wildfires and 1476 investigating smoke complaints or open burning not in compliance 1477 with authorization and to enforce the provisions of this 1478 chapter. 1479 (3) Employees of the agencydivisionand of federal, state, 1480 and local agencies, and all other persons and entities that are 1481 under contract or agreement with the agencydivisionto assist 1482 in firefighting operations as well as those entities, called 1483 upon by the agencydivisionto assist in firefighting may, in 1484 the performance of their duties, set counterfires, remove fences 1485 and other obstacles, dig trenches, cut firelines, use water from 1486 public and private sources, and carry on all other customary 1487 activities in the fighting of wildfires without incurring 1488 liability to any person or entity. 1489 (5) The agencydivisionshall organize its operational 1490 units to most effectively prevent, detect, and suppress 1491 wildfires, and to that end, may employ the necessary personnel 1492 to manage its activities in each unit. The agencydivisionmay 1493 construct lookout towers, roads, bridges, firelines, and other 1494 facilities and may purchase or fabricate tools, supplies, and 1495 equipment for firefighting. The agencydivisionmay reimburse 1496 the public and private entities that it engages to assist in the 1497 suppression of wildfires for their personnel and equipment, 1498 including aircraft. 1499 (6) The agencydivisionshall undertake privatization 1500 alternatives for fire prevention activities including 1501 constructing fire lines and conducting prescribed burns and, 1502 where appropriate, entering into agreements or contracts with 1503 the private sector to perform such activities. 1504 (7) The agencydivisionmay organize, staff, equip, and 1505 operate the Florida Center for Wildfire and Forest Resources 1506 Management Training. The center shall serve as a site where fire 1507 and forest resource managers can obtain current knowledge, 1508 techniques, skills, and theory as they relate to their 1509 respective disciplines. 1510 (a) The center may establish cooperative efforts involving 1511 federal, state, and local entities; hire appropriate personnel; 1512 and engage others by contract or agreement with or without 1513 compensation to assist in carrying out the training and 1514 operations of the center. 1515 (b) The center shall provide wildfire suppression training 1516 opportunities for rural fire departments, volunteer fire 1517 departments, and other local fire response units. 1518 (c) The center will focus on curriculum related to, but not 1519 limited to, fuel reduction, an incident management system, 1520 prescribed burning certification, multiple-use land management, 1521 water quality, forest health, environmental education, and 1522 wildfire suppression training for structural firefighters. 1523 (d) The center may assess appropriate fees for food, 1524 lodging, travel, course materials, and supplies in order to meet 1525 its operational costs and may grant free meals, room, and 1526 scholarships to persons and other entities in exchange for 1527 instructional assistance. 1528 (e) An advisory committee consisting of the following 1529 individuals or their designees must review program curriculum, 1530 course content, and scheduling: the Director of the Florida 1531 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry; the Assistant Director of 1532 the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry; the Director of 1533 the School of Forest Resources and Conservation of the 1534 University of Florida; the Director of the Division of 1535 Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental 1536 Protection; the Director of the Division of the State Fire 1537 Marshal; the Director of the Florida Chapter of The Nature 1538 Conservancy; the Executive Vice President of the Florida 1539 Forestry Association; the President of the Florida Farm Bureau 1540 Federation; the Executive Director of the Fish and Wildlife 1541 Conservation Commission; the Executive Director of a Water 1542 Management District as appointed by the Commissioner of 1543 Agriculture; the Supervisor of the National Forests in Florida; 1544 the President of the Florida Fire Chief’s Association; and the 1545 Executive Director of the Tall Timbers Research Station. 1546 Section 59. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 590.42, 1547 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1548 590.42 Federally funded fire protection assistance 1549 programs.— 1550 (1) The Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 1551 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services may enter into 1552 agreements with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United 1553 States in order to participate in the Federal Rural Community 1554 Fire Protection Program authorized by Pub. L. No. 92-419, 1555 whereby the Federal Government provides financial assistance to 1556 the states on a matching basis of up to 50 percent of 1557 expenditures for such purposes. 1558 (2) With respect to the formulation of projects relating to 1559 fire protection of livestock, wildlife, crops, pastures, 1560 orchards, rangeland, woodland, farmsteads, or other 1561 improvements, and other values in rural areas, for which such 1562 federal matching funds are available, any participating county 1563 or fire department may contribute to the nonfederal matching 1564 share and may also contribute such other nonfederal cooperation 1565 as may be deemed necessary by the agencydivision. 1566 Section 60. Subsection (6) of section 591.17, Florida 1567 Statutes, is amended to read: 1568 591.17 Community forests; definitions.—The terms 1569 hereinafter used, unless the text clearly indicates a different 1570 meaning, shall be as follows: 1571 (6) The term “agency”“division”shall mean the Florida 1572 Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 1573 Agriculture and Consumer Services. 1574 Section 61. Section 591.18, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1575 read: 1576 591.18 Community forests; purchase or establishment.—All 1577 counties, cities, towns, or school districts, through their 1578 governing boards, are hereby empowered to establish, from lands 1579 owned by such county, city, town, or school district in fee 1580 simple, or to acquire by purchase or gift, lands at present 1581 covered with forest or tree growth, or suitable for the growth 1582 of trees, and to administer the same under the direction of the 1583 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry, in accordance with 1584 the practice and principles of scientific forestry, for the 1585 benefit of the said counties, cities, towns, or school 1586 districts. Such tracts may be of any size suitable for the 1587 purpose but must be located within the county embracing the 1588 county, city, town, or school district, provided that it shall 1589 be requisite for the governing board availing itself of the 1590 provisions of this law to submit to the Florida Forest Service 1591Division of Forestry, and secure its approval of the area and 1592 location of any lands proposed to be acquired or used for the 1593 purposes of county, city, town, or school district forests. 1594 Section 62. Section 591.19, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1595 read: 1596 591.19 Community forests; tax delinquent lands.—The 1597 Department of Revenue, the Board of Trustees of the Internal 1598 Improvement Trust Fund, counties, cities, towns, school 1599 districts, or any other public agency holding fee simple or tax 1600 certificate lands are hereby empowered to, and may, upon 1601 application to them, transfer title of fee simple lands not in 1602 other public use to any county, city, town, or school district 1603 for forest purposes as described under this law, provided such 1604 lands are approved by the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1605Forestryfor this purpose. 1606 Section 63. Section 591.20, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1607 read: 1608 591.20 Community forests; forestry committee.—The governing 1609 board of any county, city, town, or school district desiring to 1610 establish community forests after enactment of this law shall 1611 appoint a forestry committee, consisting of three members, as 1612 follows: one member of governing board, one member from the 1613 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryto be designated by 1614 the agencydivision, and one taxpayer of the county, city, town, 1615 or school district not a member of the governing board. The 1616 first two members of such committee shall hold office until 1617 replaced in their respective official positions. The third 1618 member shall hold office for 3 years. Any vacancy shall be 1619 filled at the first regular session of the governing board after 1620 the vacancy occurs. The president of the committee shall be 1621 selected by the three members for a 1-year term at their first 1622 regular meeting. The representative of the Florida Forest 1623 ServiceDivision of Forestryshall not serve as an officer of 1624 the committee nor be responsible for making reports. All members 1625 shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for 1626 travel expenses as provided in s. 112.061. 1627 Section 64. Section 591.24, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1628 read: 1629 591.24 Community forests; fiscal reports.—A fiscal year 1630 report of expenditures, income, sales, development and 1631 management shall be made by the forestry committee to the 1632 governing board of the county, city, town, or school district, 1633 and a copy sent to the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1634Forestry. All reports shall be audited by the regular auditor of 1635 the county, city, town, or school district. 1636 Section 65. Section 591.25, Florida Statutes, is amended to 1637 read: 1638 591.25 Community forests; fire protection, etc.—All lands 1639 entered or acquired under the provisions of this law shall be 1640 protected at all times from wildfire and shall be kept and 1641 maintained as a permanent public forest except as hereinafter 1642 provided. The timber growing thereon shall be cut in accordance 1643 with forestry methods approved by the Florida Forest Service 1644Division of Forestryand in such a manner as to perpetuate 1645 succeeding stands of trees. All such forest lands shall be open 1646 to the use of the public for recreational purposes so far as 1647 such recreational purposes do not interfere with, or prevent the 1648 use of, such lands to the best advantage as a public forest as 1649 determined by the forestry committee. 1650 Section 66. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and paragraph 1651 (b) of subsection (2) of section 633.115, Florida Statutes, are 1652 amended to read: 1653 633.115 Fire and Emergency Incident Information Reporting 1654 Program; duties; fire reports.— 1655 (1) 1656 (b) The Division of State Fire Marshal shall consult with 1657 the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the 1658 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Bureau 1659 of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health to 1660 coordinate data, ensure accuracy of the data, and limit 1661 duplication of efforts in data collection, analysis, and 1662 reporting. 1663 (2) The Fire and Emergency Incident Information System 1664 Technical Advisory Panel is created within the Division of State 1665 Fire Marshal. The panel shall advise, review, and recommend to 1666 the State Fire Marshal with respect to the requirements of this 1667 section. The membership of the panel shall consist of the 1668 following 15 members: 1669 (b) One member from the Florida Forest ServiceDivision of1670Forestryof the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 1671 appointed by the agencydivisiondirector. 1672 Section 67. Paragraph (e) of subsection (6) of section 1673 633.821, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1674 633.821 Workplace safety.— 1675 (6) 1676 (e) This subsection does not apply to wildland or 1677 prescribed live fire training exercises sanctioned by the 1678 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestryof the Department of 1679 Agriculture and Consumer Services or the National Wildfire 1680 Coordinating Group. 1681 Section 68. Subsection (1) of section 790.15, Florida 1682 Statutes, is amended to read: 1683 790.15 Discharging firearm in public.— 1684 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) or subsection (3), 1685 any person who knowingly discharges a firearm in any public 1686 place or on the right-of-way of any paved public road, highway, 1687 or street or whosoever knowingly discharges any firearm over the 1688 right-of-way of any paved public road, highway, or street or 1689 over any occupied premises is guilty of a misdemeanor of the 1690 first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 1691 775.083. This section does not apply to a person lawfully 1692 defending life or property or performing official duties 1693 requiring the discharge of a firearm or to a person discharging 1694 a firearm on public roads or properties expressly approved for 1695 hunting by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or 1696 Florida Forest ServiceDivision of Forestry. 1697 Section 69. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011.