Bill Text: FL S1184 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Residual Market Insurers
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-25 - Filed [S1184 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S1184-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1184 By Senator DiCeglie 18-01542-25 20251184__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to residual market insurers; amending 3 s. 626.913, F.S.; conforming a provision to changes 4 made by the act; amending s. 626.914, F.S.; removing 5 the definition of the term “diligent effort”; amending 6 s. 626.916, F.S.; removing the diligent effort and 7 other requirements for insurance coverage to be 8 eligible for export; providing a presumption that an 9 insured is presumed to have been informed of the 10 availability of other coverage under certain 11 circumstances; amending ss. 627.4085, 627.701, 12 627.70131, 627.70132, 627.70152, and 627.952, F.S.; 13 removing applicability and nonapplicability to surplus 14 lines insurance of provisions relating to applications 15 for insurance policies and annuity contracts; 16 liability of insureds, coinsurance, and deductibles; 17 insurers’ duty to acknowledge communications regarding 18 claims and investigations; notice of property 19 insurance claim; suits arising under a property 20 insurance policy; and risk retention and purchasing 21 group agents, respectively; creating ss. 626.9261, 22 626.9262, 626.9263, and 626.9264, F.S.; transferring 23 to surplus lines insurance those provisions relating 24 to liability of insureds and deductibles; insurers’ 25 duty to acknowledge communications regarding 26 residential property insurance claims and 27 investigations; notice of property insurance claim; 28 suits arising under a property insurance policy; 29 creating s. 626.9265, F.S.; prohibiting policyholders 30 from assigning post-loss insurance benefits under 31 property insurance policies; creating s. 626.9266, 32 F.S.; requiring settlements or verdicts against 33 insureds as a condition precedent to the accrual or 34 maintenance of causes of actions against liability 35 insurers by persons who are not insureds; providing 36 that insurers are parties for the purpose of 37 recovering taxable costs and attorney fees under 38 certain circumstances; authorizing insurers to insert 39 specified contractual provisions in liability 40 insurance policies; authorizing liability insurers to 41 be joined as party defendants under certain 42 circumstances; prohibiting insurers’ presence from 43 being disclosed under certain circumstances; amending 44 s. 626.931, F.S.; removing the requirement that 45 certain surplus lines agents file a specified 46 affidavit; amending s. 626.932, F.S.; conforming 47 cross-references; revising the timeline of the surplus 48 lines tax remittance by surplus lines agents to the 49 Florida Surplus Lines Service Office; amending s. 50 627.351, F.S.; revising the requirements for licensed 51 agents appointed by Citizens Property Insurance 52 Corporation to write and renew certain insurance 53 coverage; amending ss. 626.918, 626.9325, and 54 626.9541, F.S.; conforming cross-references; amending 55 ss. 626.935 and 627.715, F.S.; conforming provisions 56 to changes made by the act; providing an effective 57 date. 58 59 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 60 61 Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 626.913, Florida 62 Statutes, is amended to read: 63 626.913 Surplus Lines Law; short title; purposes.— 64 (4)Except as may be specifically stated to apply to65surplus lines insurers, the provisions ofChapter 627 doesdo66 not apply to surplus lines insurance authorized under ss. 67 626.913-626.937, the Surplus Lines Law. 68 Section 2. Subsection (4) of section 626.914, Florida 69 Statutes, is amended to read: 70 626.914 Definitions.—As used in this Surplus Lines Law, the 71 term: 72(4)“Diligent effort” means seeking coverage from and73having been rejected by at least three authorized insurers74currently writing this type of coverage and documenting these75rejections. However, if the residential structure has a dwelling76replacement cost of $700,000 or more, the term means seeking77coverage from and having been rejected by at least one78authorized insurer currently writing this type of coverage and79documenting this rejection.80 Section 3. Section 626.916, Florida Statutes, is amended to 81 read: 82 626.916 Eligibility for export.— 83 (1) No insurance coverage shall be eligible for export 84 unlessit meets all of the following conditions:85(a)The full amount of insurance required must not be86procurable, after a diligent effort has been made by the87producing agent to do so, from among the insurers authorized to88transact and actually writing that kind and class of insurance89in this state, and the amount of insurance exported shall be90only the excess over the amount so procurable from authorized91insurers. Surplus lines agents must verify that a diligent92effort has been made by requiring a properly documented93statement of diligent effort from the retail or producing agent.94However, to be in compliance with the diligent effort95requirement, the surplus lines agent’s reliance must be96reasonable under the particular circumstances surrounding the97export of that particular risk. Reasonableness shall be assessed98by taking into account factors which include, but are not99limited to, a regularly conducted program of verification of the100information provided by the retail or producing agent.101Declinations must be documented on a risk-by-risk basis. If it102is not possible to obtain the full amount of insurance required103by layering the risk, it is permissible to export the full104amount.105(b)The premium rate at which the coverage is exported106shall not be lower than that rate applicable, if any, in actual107and current use by a majority of the authorized insurers for the108same coverage on a similar risk.109(c)The policy or contract form under which the insurance110is exported shall not be more favorable to the insured as to the111coverage or rate than under similar contracts on file and in112actual current use in this state by the majority of authorized113insurers actually writing similar coverages on similar risks;114except that a coverage may be exported under a unique form of115policy designed for use with respect to a particular subject of116insurance if a copy of such form is filed with the office by the117surplus lines agent desiring to use the same and is subject to118the disapproval of the office within 10 days of filing such form119exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays if it finds120that the use of such special form is not reasonably necessary121for the principal purposes of the coverage or that its use would122be contrary to the purposes of this Surplus Lines Law with123respect to the reasonable protection of authorized insurers from124unwarranted competition by unauthorized insurers.125(d)Except as to extended coverage in connection with fire126insurance policies and except as to windstorm insurance, the127policy or contract under which the insurance is exported shall128not provide for deductible amounts, in determining the existence129or extent of the insurer’s liability, other than those available130under similar policies or contracts in actual and current use by131one or more authorized insurers.132(e)the insured has signed or otherwise provided documented 133 acknowledgment of a disclosure in substantially the following 134 form: “You are agreeing to place coverage in the surplus lines 135 market. Coverage may be available in the admitted market. 136 Persons insured by surplus lines carriers are not protected 137 under the Florida Insurance Guaranty Act with respect to any 138 right of recovery for the obligation of an insolvent unlicensed 139 insurer.” If the acknowledgment of the disclosure is signed by 140 the insured, the insured is presumed to have been informed and 141 to know that other coverage may be available. 142(2)The commission may by rule declare eligible for export143generally, and notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a),144(b), (c), and (d) of subsection (1), any class or classes of145insurance coverage or risk for which it finds, after a hearing,146that there is no reasonable or adequate market among authorized147insurers. Any such rules shall continue in effect during the148existence of the conditions upon which predicated, but subject149to termination by the commission.150(3)(a)Subsection (1) does not apply to wet marine and151transportation or aviation risks that are subject to s. 626.917.152(b)Subsection (1) does not apply to classes of insurance153which are related to indemnity of deductibles for property154insurance or are subject to s. 627.062(3)(d)1. These classes may155be exportable under the following conditions:1561.The insurance must be placed only by or through a157surplus lines agent licensed in this state;1582.The insurer must be made eligible under s. 626.918; and1593.The insured has complied with paragraph (1)(e). If the160disclosure is signed by the insured, the insured is presumed to161have been informed and to know that other coverage may be162available, and, with respect to the diligent-effort requirement163under subsection (1), there is no liability on the part of, and164no cause of action arises against, the retail agent presenting165the form.166 (2)(4)A reasonable per-policy fee may be charged by the 167 filing surplus lines agent for each policy certified for export. 168 This per-policy fee must be itemized separately to the customer 169 before purchase and enumerated in the policy. 170 (3)(5)A retail agent may charge a reasonable per-policy 171 fee for placement of a surplus lines policy under this section. 172 This per-policy fee must be itemized separately to the customer 173 before purchase. 174 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 627.4085, Florida 175 Statutes, is amended to read: 176 627.4085 Insurer name, agent name, and license 177 identification number required on application.— 178(2)This section does not apply to surplus lines business179under the provisions of ss. 626.913-626.937.180 Section 5. Paragraph (d) of subsection (6) of section 181 627.701, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 182 627.701 Liability of insureds; coinsurance; deductibles.— 183 (6) 184 (d) The office shall draft and formally propose as a rule 185 the form for the certificate of security. The certificate of 186 security may be issued in any of the following circumstances: 187 1. A mortgage lender or other financial institution may 188 issue a certificate of security after granting the applicant a 189 line of credit, secured by equity in real property or other 190 reasonable security, which line of credit may be drawn on only 191 to pay for the deductible portion of insured construction or 192 reconstruction after a hurricane loss. In the sole discretion of 193 the mortgage lender or other financial institution, the line of 194 credit may be issued to an applicant on an unsecured basis. 195 2. A licensed insurance agent may issue a certificate of 196 security after obtaining for an applicant a line of credit, 197 secured by equity in real property or other reasonable security, 198 which line of credit may be drawn on only to pay for the 199 deductible portion of insured construction or reconstruction 200 after a hurricane loss. The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund 201 shall negotiate agreements creating a financing consortium to 202 serve as an additional source of lines of credit to secure 203 deductibles. Any licensed insurance agent may act as the agent 204 of such consortium. 205 3. Any person qualified to act as a trustee for any purpose 206 may issue a certificate of security secured by a pledge of 207 assets, with the restriction that the assets may be drawn on 208 only to pay for the deductible portion of insured construction 209 or reconstruction after a hurricane loss. 210 4. Any insurer, including any admitted insurer or any211surplus lines insurer,may issue a certificate of security after 212 issuing the applicant a policy of supplemental insurance that 213 will pay for 100 percent of the deductible portion of insured 214 construction or reconstruction after a hurricane loss. 215 5. Any other method approved by the office upon finding 216 that such other method provides a similar level of security as 217 the methods specified in this paragraph and that such other 218 method has no negative impact on residential property insurance 219 catastrophic capacity. The legislative intent of this 220 subparagraph is to provide the flexibility needed to achieve the 221 public policy of expanding property insurance capacity while 222 improving the affordability of property insurance. 223 Section 6. Section 626.9261, Florida Statutes, is created 224 to read: 225 626.9261 Liability of insureds; deductibles.—A surplus 226 lines insurer may issue a certificate of security after issuing 227 the applicant a policy of supplemental insurance which will pay 228 for 100 percent of the deductible portion of insured 229 construction or reconstruction after a hurricane loss. 230 Section 7. Subsection (9) of section 627.70131, Florida 231 Statutes, is amended to read: 232 627.70131 Insurer’s duty to acknowledge communications 233 regarding claims; investigation.— 234(9)This section also applies to surplus lines insurers and235surplus lines insurance authorized under ss. 626.913-626.937236providing residential coverage.237 Section 8. Section 626.9262, Florida Statutes, is created 238 to read: 239 626.9262 Insurer’s duty to acknowledge communications 240 regarding residential property insurance claims; investigation.— 241 (1)(a) Upon an insurer’s receipt of a communication with 242 respect to a residential property insurance claim, the insurer 243 shall, within 7 calendar days, review and acknowledge receipt of 244 such communication unless payment is made within that period of 245 time or unless the failure to acknowledge is caused by factors 246 beyond the control of the insurer. If the acknowledgment is not 247 in writing, a notification indicating acknowledgment must be 248 made in the insurer’s claim file and dated. A communication made 249 to or by a representative of an insurer with respect to a claim 250 constitutes communication to or by the insurer. 251 (b) As used in this subsection, the term “representative” 252 means any person to whom an insurer has granted authority or 253 responsibility to receive or make such communications with 254 respect to claims on behalf of the insurer. 255 (c) This subsection does not apply to claimants represented 256 by counsel beyond those communications necessary to provide 257 forms and instructions. 258 (2) Such acknowledgment must be responsive to the 259 communication. If the communication constitutes a notification 260 of a residential property insurance claim, unless the 261 acknowledgment reasonably advises the claimant that the claim 262 appears not to be covered by the insurer, the acknowledgment 263 must provide necessary claim forms, and instructions, including 264 an appropriate telephone number. 265 (3)(a) Unless otherwise provided by the policy of insurance 266 or by law, within 7 days after an insurer receives proof-of-loss 267 statements, the insurer shall begin such investigation as is 268 reasonably necessary unless the failure to begin such 269 investigation is caused by factors beyond the control of the 270 insurer. 271 (b) If such investigation involves a physical inspection of 272 the property, the licensed adjuster assigned by the insurer must 273 provide the policyholder with a printed or electronic document 274 containing his or her name and state adjuster license number. An 275 insurer must conduct any such physical inspection within 30 days 276 after its receipt of the proof-of-loss statements. 277 (c) Any subsequent communication with the policyholder 278 regarding the residential property insurance claim must also 279 include the name and license number of the adjuster 280 communicating about the claim. Communication of the adjuster’s 281 name and license number may be included with other information 282 provided to the policyholder. 283 (d) An insurer may use electronic methods to investigate 284 the loss. Such electronic methods may include any method that 285 provides the insurer with clear, color pictures or video 286 documenting the loss, including, but not limited to, electronic 287 photographs or video recordings of the loss; video conferencing 288 between the adjuster and the policyholder which includes video 289 recording of the loss; and video recordings or photographs of 290 the loss using a drone, driverless vehicle, or other machine 291 that can move independently or through remote control. The 292 insurer also may allow the policyholder to use such methods to 293 assist in the investigation of the loss. An insurer may void the 294 insurance policy if the policyholder or any other person at the 295 direction of the policyholder, with intent to injure, defraud, 296 or deceive any insurer, commits insurance fraud by providing 297 false, incomplete, or misleading information concerning any fact 298 or thing material to a claim using electronic methods. The use 299 of electronic methods to investigate the loss does not prohibit 300 an insurer from assigning a licensed adjuster to physically 301 inspect the property. 302 (e) The insurer shall send the policyholder a copy of any 303 detailed estimate of the amount of the loss within 7 days after 304 the estimate is generated by an insurer’s adjuster. This 305 paragraph does not require that an insurer create a detailed 306 estimate of the amount of the loss if such estimate is not 307 reasonably necessary as part of the claim investigation. 308 (4) An insurer shall maintain: 309 (a) A record or log of each adjuster who communicates with 310 the policyholder as provided in paragraphs (3)(b) and (c) and 311 provide a list of such adjusters to the insured, office, or 312 department upon request. 313 (b) Claim records, including dates, of all of the 314 following: 315 1. Any claim-related communication made between the insurer 316 and the policyholder or the policyholder’s representative. 317 2. The insurer’s receipt of the policyholder’s proof-of 318 loss statement. 319 3. Any claim-related request for information made by the 320 insurer to the policyholder or the policyholder’s 321 representative. 322 4. Any claim-related inspections of the property made by 323 the insurer, including physical inspections and inspections made 324 by electronic means. 325 5. Any detailed estimate of the amount of the loss 326 generated by the insurer’s adjuster. 327 6. The beginning and end of any tolling period provided for 328 in subsection (8). 329 7. The insurer’s payment or denial of the claim. 330 (5) For purposes of this section, the term: 331 (a) “Factors beyond the control of the insurer” means: 332 1. Any of the following events which is the basis for the 333 office issuing an order finding that such event renders all or 334 specified residential property insurers reasonably unable to 335 meet the requirements of this section in specified locations and 336 ordering that such insurer or insurers may have additional time 337 as specified by the office to comply with the requirements of 338 this section: a state of emergency declared by the Governor 339 under s. 252.36, a breach of security that must be reported 340 under s. 501.171(3), or an information technology issue. The 341 office may not extend the period for payment or denial of a 342 claim for more than 30 additional days. 343 2. Actions by the policyholder or the policyholder’s 344 representative which constitute fraud, lack of cooperation, or 345 intentional misrepresentation regarding the claim for which 346 benefits are owed when such actions reasonably prevent the 347 insurer from complying with any requirement of this section. 348 (b) “Insurer” means an eligible surplus lines insurer that 349 issues residential property policies. 350 (6)(a) When providing a preliminary or partial estimate of 351 damage regarding a residential property insurance claim, an 352 insurer shall include with the estimate the following statement 353 printed in at least 12-point bold, uppercase type: THIS ESTIMATE 354 REPRESENTS OUR CURRENT EVALUATION OF THE COVERED DAMAGES TO YOUR 355 INSURED PROPERTY AND MAY BE REVISED AS WE CONTINUE TO EVALUATE 356 YOUR CLAIM. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, OR ADDITIONAL 357 INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR CLAIM, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTACT 358 US. 359 (b) When providing a payment on a claim which is not the 360 full and final payment for the claim, an insurer shall include 361 with the payment the following statement printed in at least 12 362 point bold, uppercase type: WE ARE CONTINUING TO EVALUATE YOUR 363 CLAIM INVOLVING YOUR INSURED PROPERTY AND MAY ISSUE ADDITIONAL 364 PAYMENTS. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, OR ADDITIONAL 365 INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR CLAIM, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO CONTACT 366 US. 367 (7)(a) Within 60 days after an insurer receives notice of 368 an initial, reopened, or supplemental property insurance claim 369 from a policyholder, the insurer shall pay or deny such claim or 370 a portion of the claim unless the failure to pay is caused by 371 factors beyond the control of the insurer. The insurer shall 372 provide a reasonable explanation in writing to the policyholder 373 of the basis in the insurance policy, in relation to the facts 374 or applicable law, for the payment, denial, or partial denial of 375 a claim. If the insurer’s claim payment is less than specified 376 in any insurer’s detailed estimate of the amount of the loss, 377 the insurer must provide a reasonable explanation in writing of 378 the difference to the policyholder. Any payment of an initial or 379 supplemental claim or portion of such claim made 60 days after 380 the insurer receives notice of the claim, or made after the 381 expiration of any additional timeframe provided to pay or deny a 382 claim or a portion of a claim made pursuant to an order of the 383 office finding factors beyond the control of the insurer, 384 whichever is later, bears interest at the rate set forth in s. 385 55.03. Interest begins to accrue from the date the insurer 386 receives notice of the claim. The provisions of this subsection 387 may not be waived, voided, or nullified by the terms of the 388 insurance policy. If there is a right to prejudgment interest, 389 the insured must select whether to receive prejudgment interest 390 or interest under this subsection. Interest is payable when the 391 claim or portion of the claim is paid. Failure to comply with 392 this subsection constitutes a violation of this code. However, 393 failure to comply with this subsection does not form the sole 394 basis for a private cause of action. 395 (b) Notwithstanding subsection (5), for purposes of this 396 subsection, the term “claim” means a claim under an insurance 397 policy providing residential coverage as defined in s. 398 627.4025(1). 399 (c) This subsection does not apply to claims under an 400 insurance policy covering structures or contents in more than 401 one state. 402 (8) The requirements of this section are tolled: 403 (a) During the pendency of any mediation proceeding under 404 s. 627.7015 or any alternative dispute resolution proceeding 405 provided for in the insurance contract. The tolling period ends 406 upon the end of the mediation or alternative dispute resolution 407 proceeding. 408 (b) Upon the failure of a policyholder or a representative 409 of the policyholder to provide material claims information 410 requested by the insurer within 10 days after the request was 411 received. The tolling period ends upon the insurer’s receipt of 412 the requested information. Tolling under this paragraph applies 413 only to requests sent by the insurer to the policyholder or a 414 representative of the policyholder at least 15 days before the 415 insurer is required to pay or deny the claim or a portion of the 416 claim under subsection (7). 417 Section 9. Subsection (2) of section 627.70132, Florida 418 Statutes, is amended to read: 419 627.70132 Notice of property insurance claim.— 420 (2) A claim or reopened claim, but not a supplemental 421 claim, under an insurance policy that provides property 422 insurance, as defined in s. 624.604,including a property423insurance policy issued by an eligible surplus lines insurer,424 for loss or damage caused by any peril is barred unless notice 425 of the claim was given to the insurer in accordance with the 426 terms of the policy within 1 year after the date of loss. A 427 supplemental claim is barred unless notice of the supplemental 428 claim was given to the insurer in accordance with the terms of 429 the policy within 18 months after the date of loss. The time 430 limitations of this subsection are tolled during any term of 431 deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting which 432 materially affects the ability of a named insured who is a 433 servicemember as defined in s. 250.01 to file a claim, 434 supplemental claim, or reopened claim. 435 Section 10. Section 626.9263, Florida Statutes, is created 436 to read: 437 626.9263 Notice of property insurance claim.— 438 (1) As used in this section, the term: 439 (a) “Reopened claim” means a claim that an insurer has 440 previously closed, but that has been reopened upon an insured’s 441 request for additional costs for loss or damage previously 442 disclosed to the insurer. 443 (b) “Supplemental claim” means a claim for additional loss 444 or damage from the same peril which the insurer has previously 445 adjusted or for which costs have been incurred while completing 446 repairs or replacement pursuant to an open claim for which 447 timely notice was previously provided to the insurer. 448 (2) A claim or reopened claim, but not a supplemental 449 claim, under an insurance policy that provides property 450 insurance, as defined in s. 624.604, for loss or damage caused 451 by any peril is barred unless notice of the claim was given to 452 the insurer in accordance with the terms of the policy within 1 453 year after the date of loss. A supplemental claim is barred 454 unless notice of the supplemental claim was given to the insurer 455 in accordance with the terms of the policy within 18 months 456 after the date of loss. The time limitations of this subsection 457 are tolled during any term of deployment to a combat zone or 458 combat support posting which materially affects the ability of a 459 named insured who is a servicemember as defined in s. 250.01 to 460 file a claim, supplemental claim, or reopened claim. 461 (3) For claims resulting from hurricanes, tornadoes, 462 windstorms, severe rain, or other weather-related events, the 463 date of loss is the date that the hurricane made landfall or the 464 tornado, windstorm, severe rain, or other weather-related event 465 is verified by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric 466 Administration. 467 (4) This section does not affect any applicable limitation 468 on civil actions provided in s. 95.11 for claims, supplemental 469 claims, or reopened claims timely filed under this section. 470 Section 11. Subsection (1) of section 627.70152, Florida 471 Statutes, is amended to read: 472 627.70152 Suits arising under a property insurance policy.— 473 (1) APPLICATION.—This section applies exclusively to all 474 suits arising under a residential or commercial property 475 insurance policy, including a residential or commercial property476insurance policy issued by an eligible surplus lines insurer. 477 Section 12. Section 626.9264, Florida Statutes, is created 478 to read: 479 626.9264 Suits arising under a property insurance policy.— 480 (1) APPLICATION.—This section applies exclusively to all 481 suits arising under a residential or commercial property 482 insurance policy. 483 (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term: 484 (a) “Claimant” means an insured who is filing suit under a 485 residential or commercial property insurance policy. 486 (b) “Disputed amount” means the difference between the 487 claimant’s presuit settlement demand, not including attorney 488 fees and costs listed in the demand, and the insurer’s presuit 489 settlement offer, not including attorney fees and costs, if part 490 of the offer. 491 (c) “Presuit settlement demand” means the demand made by 492 the claimant in the written notice of intent to initiate 493 litigation as required by paragraph (3)(a). The demand must 494 include the amount of reasonable and necessary attorney fees and 495 costs incurred by the claimant, to be calculated by multiplying 496 the number of hours actually worked on the claim by the 497 claimant’s attorney as of the date of the notice by a reasonable 498 hourly rate. 499 (d) “Presuit settlement offer” means the offer made by the 500 insurer in its written response to the notice required under 501 subsection (3). 502 (3) NOTICE.— 503 (a) As a condition precedent to filing a suit under a 504 property insurance policy, a claimant must provide the 505 department with written notice of intent to initiate litigation 506 on a form provided by the department. Such notice must be given 507 at least 10 business days before filing suit under the policy, 508 but may not be given before the insurer has made a determination 509 of coverage under s. 627.70131. Notice to the insurer must be 510 provided by the department to the e-mail address designated by 511 the insurer under s. 624.422. The notice must state with 512 specificity all of the following information: 513 1. That the notice is provided pursuant to this section. 514 2. The alleged acts or omissions of the insurer giving rise 515 to the suit, which may include a denial of coverage. 516 3. If provided by an attorney or other representative, that 517 a copy of the notice was provided to the claimant. 518 4. If the notice is provided following a denial of 519 coverage, an estimate of damages, if known. 520 5. If the notice is provided following acts or omissions by 521 the insurer other than denial of coverage, both of the 522 following: 523 a. The presuit settlement demand, which must itemize the 524 damages, attorney fees, and costs. 525 b. The disputed amount. 526 527 Documentation to support the information provided in this 528 paragraph may be provided along with the notice to the insurer. 529 (b) A claimant must serve a notice of intent to initiate 530 litigation within the time limits provided in s. 95.11. However, 531 the notice is not required if the suit is a counterclaim. 532 Service of a notice tolls the time limits provided in s. 95.11 533 for 10 business days if such time limits will expire before the 534 end of the 10-day notice period. 535 (4) INSURER DUTIES.—An insurer must have a procedure for 536 the prompt investigation, review, and evaluation of the dispute 537 stated in the notice and must investigate each claim contained 538 in the notice in accordance with the Florida Insurance Code. An 539 insurer must respond in writing within 10 business days after 540 receiving the notice specified in subsection (3). The insurer 541 must provide the response to the claimant by e-mail if the 542 insured has designated an e-mail address in the notice. 543 (a) If an insurer is responding to a notice served on the 544 insurer following a denial of coverage by the insurer, the 545 insurer must respond by: 546 1. Accepting coverage; 547 2. Continuing to deny coverage; or 548 3. Asserting the right to reinspect the damaged property. 549 If the insurer responds by asserting the right to reinspect the 550 damaged property, it has 14 business days after the response 551 asserting that right to reinspect the property to accept or 552 continue to deny coverage. The time limits provided in s. 95.11 553 are tolled during the reinspection period if such time limits 554 expire before the end of the reinspection period. If the insurer 555 continues to deny coverage, the claimant may file suit without 556 providing additional notice to the insurer. 557 (b) If an insurer is responding to a notice provided to the 558 insurer alleging an act or omission by the insurer other than a 559 denial of coverage, the insurer must respond by making a 560 settlement offer or requiring the claimant to participate in 561 appraisal or another method of alternative dispute resolution. 562 The time limits provided in s. 95.11 are tolled as long as 563 appraisal or other alternative dispute resolution is ongoing if 564 such time limits expire during the appraisal process or dispute 565 resolution process. If the appraisal or alternative dispute 566 resolution has not been concluded within 90 days after the 567 expiration of the 10-day notice of intent to initiate litigation 568 specified in subsection (3), the claimant or claimant’s attorney 569 may immediately file suit without providing the insurer 570 additional notice. 571 (5) DISMISSAL OF SUIT.—A court must dismiss without 572 prejudice any claimant’s suit relating to a claim for which a 573 notice of intent to initiate litigation was not given as 574 required by this section or if such suit is commenced before the 575 expiration of any time period provided under subsection (4), as 576 applicable. 577 (6) ADMISSIBILITY OF NOTICE AND RESPONSE.—The notice 578 provided pursuant to subsection (3) and, if applicable, the 579 documentation to support the information provided in the notice: 580 (a) Are not admissible as evidence in any proceeding. 581 (b) Do not relieve any obligation that an insured or 582 assignee has to give notice under any other provision of law. 583 (7) TOLLING.—If a claim is not resolved during the presuit 584 notice process and if the time limits provided in s. 95.11 585 expire in the 30 days following the conclusion of the presuit 586 notice process, such time limits are tolled for 30 days. 587 Section 13. Section 626.9265, Florida Statutes, is created 588 to read: 589 626.9265 Assignment agreements.—A policyholder may not 590 assign, in whole or in part, any post-loss insurance benefit 591 under any residential property insurance policy or under any 592 commercial property insurance policy, as defined in s. 593 627.0625(1)(a). An attempt to assign post-loss property 594 insurance benefits under such a policy is void, invalid, and 595 unenforceable. 596 Section 14. Section 626.9266, Florida Statutes, is created 597 to read: 598 626.9266 Nonjoinder of insurers.— 599 (1) It shall be a condition precedent to the accrual or 600 maintenance of a cause of action against a liability insurer by 601 a person who is not an insured under the terms of the liability 602 insurance contract that such person must first obtain a 603 settlement or verdict against a person who is an insured under 604 the terms of such policy for a cause of action which is covered 605 by such policy. 606 (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), any insurer that pays 607 any taxable costs or attorney fees that would be recoverable by 608 the insured but for the fact that such costs or fees were paid 609 by the insurer is considered a party for the purpose of 610 recovering such fees or costs. A person who is not an insured 611 under the terms of a liability insurance policy may not have any 612 interest in such policy, either as a third-party beneficiary or 613 otherwise, before first obtaining a settlement or verdict 614 against a person who is an insured under the terms of such 615 policy for a cause of action which is covered by such policy. 616 (3) Insurers are affirmatively granted the substantive 617 right to insert in liability insurance policies contractual 618 provisions that preclude persons who are not designated as 619 insureds in such policies from joining a liability insurer as a 620 party defendant with its insured before the rendition of a 621 verdict. The contractual provisions authorized in this 622 subsection are fully enforceable. 623 (4) When a judgment is entered or a settlement is reached 624 during the pendency of litigation, a liability insurer may be 625 joined as a party defendant for the purposes of entering final 626 judgment or enforcing the settlement by the motion of any party, 627 unless the insurer denied coverage under s. 627.426(2) or 628 defended under a reservation of rights pursuant to s. 629 627.426(2). A copy of the motion to join the insurer must be 630 served on the insurer by certified mail. If a judgment is 631 reversed or remanded on appeal, the insurer’s presence may not 632 be disclosed to the jury in a subsequent trial. 633 Section 15. Subsection (1) of section 627.952, Florida 634 Statutes, is amended to read: 635 627.952 Risk retention and purchasing group agents.— 636 (1) Any person offering, soliciting, selling, purchasing, 637 administering, or otherwise servicing insurance contracts, 638 certificates, or agreements for any purchasing group or risk 639 retention group to any resident of this state, either directly 640 or indirectly, by the use of mail, advertising, or other means 641 of communication, shall obtain a license and appointment to act 642 as a resident general lines agent, if a resident of this state, 643 or a nonresident general lines agent if not a resident. Any such 644 person shall be subject to all requirements of the Florida 645 Insurance Code. 646(a)All books, records, statements, and accounts required 647 to be established and maintained with respect to activities 648 described in this subsection shall be established and maintained 649 on a segregated basis, separate and apart from all other books, 650 records, statements, and accounts regarding the agent’s other 651 transactions. 652(b) Any person required to be licensed and appointed under653this subsection, in order to place business through Florida654eligible surplus lines carriers, must, if a resident of this655state, be licensed and appointed as a surplus lines agent. If656not a resident of this state, such person must be licensed and657appointed as a surplus lines agent in her or his state of658residence and be licensed and appointed as a nonresident surplus659lines agent in this state.660 Section 16. Section 626.931, Florida Statutes, is amended 661 to read: 662 626.931Agent affidavit andInsurer reporting 663 requirements.— 664(1)Each surplus lines agent that has transacted business665during a calendar quarter shall on or before the 45th day666following the calendar quarter file with the Florida Surplus667Lines Service Office an affidavit, on forms as prescribed and668furnished by the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office, stating669that all surplus lines insurance transacted by him or her during670such calendar quarter has been submitted to the Florida Surplus671Lines Service Office as required.672(2)The affidavit of the surplus lines agent shall include673efforts made to place coverages with authorized insurers and the674results thereof.675 (1)(3)Each foreign insurer accepting premiums shall, on or 676 before the end of the month following each calendar quarter, 677 file with the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office a verified 678 report of all surplus lines insurance transacted by such insurer 679 for insurance risks located in this state during such calendar 680 quarter. 681 (2)(4)Each alien insurer accepting premiums shall, on or 682 before June 30 of each year, file with the Florida Surplus Lines 683 Service Office a verified report of all surplus lines insurance 684 transacted by such insurer for insurance risks located in this 685 state during the preceding calendar year. 686 (3)(5)The department may waive the filing requirements 687 described in subsections (1)(3)and (2)(4). 688 (4)(6)Each insurer’s report and supporting information 689 shall be in a computer-readable format as determined by the 690 Florida Surplus Lines Service Office or shall be submitted on 691 forms prescribed by the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office and 692 shall show for each applicable agent: 693 (a) A listing of all policies, certificates, cover notes, 694 or other forms of confirmation of insurance coverage or any 695 substitutions thereof or endorsements thereto and the 696 identifying number; and 697 (b) Any additional information required by the department 698 or Florida Surplus Lines Service Office. 699 Section 17. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and subsection 700 (6) of section 626.932, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 701 626.932 Surplus lines tax.— 702 (2)(a) The surplus lines agent shall make payable to the 703 department the tax related to each calendar quarter’s business 704 as reported to the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office, and 705 remit the tax to the Florida Surplus Lines Service Office at the 706 same time as the fee requiredprovided for the filing of the707quarterly affidavit,under s. 626.9325s. 626.931. The Florida 708 Surplus Lines Service Office shall forward to the department the 709 taxes and any interest collected pursuant to paragraph (b),710 within 10 days afterofreceipt. 711 (6) For the purposes of this section, the term “premium” 712 means the consideration for insurance by whatever name called 713 and includes any assessment, or any membership, policy, survey, 714 inspection, service, or similar fee or charge in consideration 715 for an insurance contract, which items are deemed to be a part 716 of the premium. The per-policy fee authorized by s. 626.916(2) 717s. 626.916(4)is specifically included within the meaning of the 718 term “premium.” However, the service fee imposed pursuant to s. 719 626.9325 is excluded from the meaning of the term “premium.” 720 Section 18. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 721 627.351, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 722 627.351 Insurance risk apportionment plans.— 723 (6) CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CORPORATION.— 724 (c) The corporation’s plan of operation: 725 1. Must provide for adoption of residential property and 726 casualty insurance policy forms and commercial residential and 727 nonresidential property insurance forms, which must be approved 728 by the office before use. The corporation shall adopt the 729 following policy forms: 730 a. Standard personal lines policy forms that are 731 comprehensive multiperil policies providing full coverage of a 732 residential property equivalent to the coverage provided in the 733 private insurance market under an HO-3, HO-4, or HO-6 policy. 734 b. Basic personal lines policy forms that are policies 735 similar to an HO-8 policy or a dwelling fire policy that provide 736 coverage meeting the requirements of the secondary mortgage 737 market, but which is more limited than the coverage under a 738 standard policy. 739 c. Commercial lines residential and nonresidential policy 740 forms that are generally similar to the basic perils of full 741 coverage obtainable for commercial residential structures and 742 commercial nonresidential structures in the admitted voluntary 743 market. 744 d. Personal lines and commercial lines residential property 745 insurance forms that cover the peril of wind only. The forms are 746 applicable only to residential properties located in areas 747 eligible for coverage by the Florida Windstorm Underwriting 748 Association, as those areas were defined on January 1, 2002. 749 e. Commercial lines nonresidential property insurance forms 750 that cover the peril of wind only. The forms are applicable only 751 to nonresidential properties located in areas eligible for 752 coverage by the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association, as 753 those areas were defined on January 1, 2002. 754 f. The corporation may adopt variations of the policy forms 755 listed in sub-subparagraphs a.-e. which contain more restrictive 756 coverage. 757 g. The corporation shall offer a basic personal lines 758 policy similar to an HO-8 policy with dwelling repair based on 759 common construction materials and methods. 760 2. Must provide that the corporation adopt a program in 761 which the corporation and authorized insurers enter into quota 762 share primary insurance agreements for hurricane coverage, as 763 defined in s. 627.4025(2)(a), for eligible risks, and adopt 764 property insurance forms for eligible risks which cover the 765 peril of wind only. 766 a. As used in this subsection, the term: 767 (I) “Approved surplus lines insurer” means an eligible 768 surplus lines insurer that: 769 (A) Has a financial strength rating of “A-” or higher from 770 A.M. Best Company; 771 (B) Has a personal lines residential risk program that is 772 managed by a Florida resident surplus lines broker; 773 (C) Applies to the office to participate in the take-out 774 process to offer coverage to applicants for new coverage from 775 the corporation or current policyholders of the corporation 776 through a take-out plan approved by the office; 777 (D) Does not, as part of any take-out plan approved by the 778 office, offer coverage on any personal lines residential risk 779 that is a primary residence or has a homestead exemption under 780 chapter 196; 781 (E) Files rates for review as part of a take-out plan with 782 the office. The office shall review whether the premium is more 783 than 20 percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage 784 from the corporation; and 785 (F) Provides data to the office related to coverage and 786 rates in a format promulgated by the commission. 787 (II) “Eligible risks” means personal lines residential and 788 commercial lines residential risks that meet the underwriting 789 criteria of the corporation and are located in areas that were 790 eligible for coverage by the Florida Windstorm Underwriting 791 Association on January 1, 2002. 792 (III) “Primary residence” means the dwelling that is the 793 policyholder’s primary home or is a rental property that is the 794 primary home of the tenant, and which the policyholder or tenant 795 occupies for more than 9 months of each year. 796 (IV) “Quota share primary insurance” means an arrangement 797 in which the primary hurricane coverage of an eligible risk is 798 provided in specified percentages by the corporation and an 799 authorized insurer. The corporation and authorized insurer are 800 each solely responsible for a specified percentage of hurricane 801 coverage of an eligible risk as set forth in a quota share 802 primary insurance agreement between the corporation and an 803 authorized insurer and the insurance contract. The 804 responsibility of the corporation or authorized insurer to pay 805 its specified percentage of hurricane losses of an eligible 806 risk, as set forth in the agreement, may not be altered by the 807 inability of the other party to pay its specified percentage of 808 losses. Eligible risks that are provided hurricane coverage 809 through a quota share primary insurance arrangement must be 810 provided policy forms that set forth the obligations of the 811 corporation and authorized insurer under the arrangement, 812 clearly specify the percentages of quota share primary insurance 813 provided by the corporation and authorized insurer, and 814 conspicuously and clearly state that the authorized insurer and 815 the corporation may not be held responsible beyond their 816 specified percentage of coverage of hurricane losses. 817 b. The corporation may enter into quota share primary 818 insurance agreements with authorized insurers at corporation 819 coverage levels of 90 percent and 50 percent. 820 c. If the corporation determines that additional coverage 821 levels are necessary to maximize participation in quota share 822 primary insurance agreements by authorized insurers, the 823 corporation may establish additional coverage levels. However, 824 the corporation’s quota share primary insurance coverage level 825 may not exceed 90 percent. 826 d. Any quota share primary insurance agreement entered into 827 between an authorized insurer and the corporation must provide 828 for a uniform specified percentage of coverage of hurricane 829 losses, by county or territory as set forth by the corporation 830 board, for all eligible risks of the authorized insurer covered 831 under the agreement. 832 e. Any quota share primary insurance agreement entered into 833 between an authorized insurer and the corporation is subject to 834 review and approval by the office. However, such agreement shall 835 be authorized only as to insurance contracts entered into 836 between an authorized insurer and an insured who is already 837 insured by the corporation for wind coverage. 838 f. For all eligible risks covered under quota share primary 839 insurance agreements, the exposure and coverage levels for both 840 the corporation and authorized insurers shall be reported by the 841 corporation to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund. For all 842 policies of eligible risks covered under such agreements, the 843 corporation and the authorized insurer must maintain complete 844 and accurate records for the purpose of exposure and loss 845 reimbursement audits as required by fund rules. The corporation 846 and the authorized insurer shall each maintain duplicate copies 847 of policy declaration pages and supporting claims documents. 848 g. The corporation board shall establish in its plan of 849 operation standards for quota share agreements which ensure that 850 there is no discriminatory application among insurers as to the 851 terms of the agreements, pricing of the agreements, incentive 852 provisions if any, and consideration paid for servicing policies 853 or adjusting claims. 854 h. The quota share primary insurance agreement between the 855 corporation and an authorized insurer must set forth the 856 specific terms under which coverage is provided, including, but 857 not limited to, the sale and servicing of policies issued under 858 the agreement by the insurance agent of the authorized insurer 859 producing the business, the reporting of information concerning 860 eligible risks, the payment of premium to the corporation, and 861 arrangements for the adjustment and payment of hurricane claims 862 incurred on eligible risks by the claims adjuster and personnel 863 of the authorized insurer. Entering into a quota sharing 864 insurance agreement between the corporation and an authorized 865 insurer is voluntary and at the discretion of the authorized 866 insurer. 867 3. May provide that the corporation may employ or otherwise 868 contract with individuals or other entities to provide 869 administrative or professional services that may be appropriate 870 to effectuate the plan. The corporation may borrow funds by 871 issuing bonds or by incurring other indebtedness, and shall have 872 other powers reasonably necessary to effectuate the requirements 873 of this subsection, including, without limitation, the power to 874 issue bonds and incur other indebtedness in order to refinance 875 outstanding bonds or other indebtedness. The corporation may 876 seek judicial validation of its bonds or other indebtedness 877 under chapter 75. The corporation may issue bonds or incur other 878 indebtedness, or have bonds issued on its behalf by a unit of 879 local government pursuant to subparagraph (q)2. in the absence 880 of a hurricane or other weather-related event, upon a 881 determination by the corporation, subject to approval by the 882 office, that such action would enable it to efficiently meet the 883 financial obligations of the corporation and that such 884 financings are reasonably necessary to effectuate the 885 requirements of this subsection. The corporation may take all 886 actions needed to facilitate tax-free status for such bonds or 887 indebtedness, including formation of trusts or other affiliated 888 entities. The corporation may pledge assessments, projected 889 recoveries from the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, other 890 reinsurance recoverables, policyholder surcharges and other 891 surcharges, and other funds available to the corporation as 892 security for bonds or other indebtedness. In recognition of s. 893 10, Art. I of the State Constitution, prohibiting the impairment 894 of obligations of contracts, it is the intent of the Legislature 895 that no action be taken whose purpose is to impair any bond 896 indenture or financing agreement or any revenue source committed 897 by contract to such bond or other indebtedness. 898 4. Must require that the corporation operate subject to the 899 supervision and approval of a board of governors consisting of 900 nine individuals who are residents of this state and who are 901 from different geographical areas of the state, one of whom is 902 appointed by the Governor and serves solely to advocate on 903 behalf of the consumer. The appointment of a consumer 904 representative by the Governor is deemed to be within the scope 905 of the exemption provided in s. 112.313(7)(b) and is in addition 906 to the appointments authorized under sub-subparagraph a. 907 a. The Governor, the Chief Financial Officer, the President 908 of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives 909 shall each appoint two members of the board. At least one of the 910 two members appointed by each appointing officer must have 911 demonstrated expertise in insurance and be deemed to be within 912 the scope of the exemption provided in s. 112.313(7)(b). The 913 Chief Financial Officer shall designate one of the appointees as 914 chair. All board members serve at the pleasure of the appointing 915 officer. All members of the board are subject to removal at will 916 by the officers who appointed them. All board members, including 917 the chair, must be appointed to serve for 3-year terms beginning 918 annually on a date designated by the plan. However, for the 919 first term beginning on or after July 1, 2009, each appointing 920 officer shall appoint one member of the board for a 2-year term 921 and one member for a 3-year term. A board vacancy shall be 922 filled for the unexpired term by the appointing officer. The 923 Chief Financial Officer shall appoint a technical advisory group 924 to provide information and advice to the board in connection 925 with the board’s duties under this subsection. The executive 926 director and senior managers of the corporation shall be engaged 927 by the board and serve at the pleasure of the board. Any 928 executive director appointed on or after July 1, 2006, is 929 subject to confirmation by the Senate. The executive director is 930 responsible for employing other staff as the corporation may 931 require, subject to review and concurrence by the board. 932 b. The board shall create a Market Accountability Advisory 933 Committee to assist the corporation in developing awareness of 934 its rates and its customer and agent service levels in 935 relationship to the voluntary market insurers writing similar 936 coverage. 937 (I) The members of the advisory committee consist of the 938 following 11 persons, one of whom must be elected chair by the 939 members of the committee: four representatives, one appointed by 940 the Florida Association of Insurance Agents, one by the Florida 941 Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, one by the 942 Professional Insurance Agents of Florida, and one by the Latin 943 American Association of Insurance Agencies; three 944 representatives appointed by the insurers with the three highest 945 voluntary market share of residential property insurance 946 business in the state; one representative from the Office of 947 Insurance Regulation; one consumer appointed by the board who is 948 insured by the corporation at the time of appointment to the 949 committee; one representative appointed by the Florida 950 Association of Realtors; and one representative appointed by the 951 Florida Bankers Association. All members shall be appointed to 952 3-year terms and may serve for consecutive terms. 953 (II) The committee shall report to the corporation at each 954 board meeting on insurance market issues which may include rates 955 and rate competition with the voluntary market; service, 956 including policy issuance, claims processing, and general 957 responsiveness to policyholders, applicants, and agents; and 958 matters relating to depopulation. 959 5. Must provide a procedure for determining the eligibility 960 of a risk for coverage, as follows: 961 a. Subject to s. 627.3517, with respect to personal lines 962 residential risks that are primary residences, if the risk is 963 offered coverage from an authorized insurer at the insurer’s 964 approved rate under a standard policy including wind coverage 965 or, if consistent with the insurer’s underwriting rules as filed 966 with the office, a basic policy including wind coverage, for a 967 new application to the corporation for coverage, the risk is not 968 eligible for any policy issued by the corporation unless the 969 premium for coverage from the authorized insurer is more than 20 970 percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage from 971 the corporation. Whenever an offer of coverage for a personal 972 lines residential risk that is a primary residence is received 973 for a policyholder of the corporation at renewal from an 974 authorized insurer, if the offer is equal to or less than the 975 corporation’s renewal premium for comparable coverage, the risk 976 is not eligible for coverage with the corporation for policies 977 that renew before April 1, 2023; for policies that renew on or 978 after that date, the risk is not eligible for coverage with the 979 corporation unless the premium for coverage from the authorized 980 insurer is more than 20 percent greater than the corporation’s 981 renewal premium for comparable coverage. If the risk is not able 982 to obtain such offer, the risk is eligible for a standard policy 983 including wind coverage or a basic policy including wind 984 coverage issued by the corporation; however, if the risk could 985 not be insured under a standard policy including wind coverage 986 regardless of market conditions, the risk is eligible for a 987 basic policy including wind coverage unless rejected under 988 subparagraph 8. The corporation shall determine the type of 989 policy to be provided on the basis of objective standards 990 specified in the underwriting manual and based on generally 991 accepted underwriting practices. A policyholder removed from the 992 corporation through an assumption agreement does not remain 993 eligible for coverage from the corporation after the end of the 994 policy term. However, any policy removed from the corporation 995 through an assumption agreement remains on the corporation’s 996 policy forms through the end of the policy term. This sub 997 subparagraph applies only to risks that are primary residences. 998 (I) If the risk accepts an offer of coverage through the 999 market assistance plan or through a mechanism established by the 1000 corporation other than a plan established by s. 627.3518, before 1001 a policy is issued to the risk by the corporation or during the 1002 first 30 days of coverage by the corporation, and the producing 1003 agent who submitted the application to the plan or to the 1004 corporation is not currently appointed by the insurer, the 1005 insurer shall: 1006 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record of the policy for 1007 the first year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s 1008 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written or 1009 a fee equal to the usual and customary commission of the 1010 corporation; or 1011 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the 1012 policy to continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and 1013 offer to pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the 1014 corporation’s usual and customary commission for the type of 1015 policy written. 1016 1017 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1018 appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance 1019 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1020 (II) If the corporation enters into a contractual agreement 1021 for a take-out plan, the producing agent of record of the 1022 corporation policy is entitled to retain any unearned commission 1023 on the policy, and the insurer shall: 1024 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record, for the first 1025 year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s usual and 1026 customary commission for the type of policy written or a fee 1027 equal to the usual and customary commission of the corporation; 1028 or 1029 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record to 1030 continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and offer to 1031 pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the corporation’s 1032 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written. 1033 1034 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1035 appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance 1036 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1037 b. Subject to s. 627.3517, with respect to personal lines 1038 residential risks that are not primary residences, if the risk 1039 is offered coverage from an authorized insurer at the insurer’s 1040 approved rate or from an approved surplus lines insurer at the 1041 rate approved by the office as part of such surplus lines 1042 insurer’s take-out plan for a new application to the corporation 1043 for coverage, the risk is not eligible for any policy issued by 1044 the corporation unless the premium for coverage from the 1045 authorized insurer or approved surplus lines insurer is more 1046 than 20 percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage 1047 from the corporation. Whenever an offer of coverage for a 1048 personal lines residential risk that is not a primary residence 1049 is received for a policyholder of the corporation at renewal 1050 from an authorized insurer at the insurer’s approved rate or an 1051 approved surplus lines insurer at the rate approved by the 1052 office as part of such insurer’s take-out plan, the risk is not 1053 eligible for coverage with the corporation unless the premium 1054 for coverage from the authorized insurer or approved surplus 1055 lines insurer is more than 20 percent greater than the 1056 corporation’s renewal premium for comparable coverage for 1057 policies that renew on or after July 1, 2024. If the risk is not 1058 able to obtain such offer, the risk is eligible for a standard 1059 policy including wind coverage or a basic policy including wind 1060 coverage issued by the corporation. If the risk could not be 1061 insured under a standard policy including wind coverage 1062 regardless of market conditions, the risk is eligible for a 1063 basic policy including wind coverage unless rejected under 1064 subparagraph 8. The corporation shall determine the type of 1065 policy to be provided on the basis of objective standards 1066 specified in the underwriting manual and based on generally 1067 accepted underwriting practices. A policyholder removed from the 1068 corporation through an assumption agreement does not remain 1069 eligible for coverage from the corporation after the end of the 1070 policy term. However, any policy removed from the corporation 1071 through an assumption agreement remains on the corporation’s 1072 policy forms through the end of the policy term. 1073 (I) If the risk accepts an offer of coverage through the 1074 market assistance plan or through a mechanism established by the 1075 corporation other than a plan established by s. 627.3518, before 1076 a policy is issued to the risk by the corporation or during the 1077 first 30 days of coverage by the corporation, and the producing 1078 agent who submitted the application to the plan or to the 1079 corporation is not currently appointed by the insurer, the 1080 insurer must: 1081 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record of the policy, for 1082 the first year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s 1083 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written or 1084 a fee equal to the usual and customary commission of the 1085 corporation; or 1086 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the 1087 policy to continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and 1088 offer to pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the 1089 corporation’s usual and customary commission for the type of 1090 policy written. 1091 1092 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1093 appointment, the new insurer must pay the agent in accordance 1094 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1095 (II) If the corporation enters into a contractual agreement 1096 for a take-out plan, the producing agent of record of the 1097 corporation policy is entitled to retain any unearned commission 1098 on the policy, and the insurer must: 1099 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record, for the first 1100 year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s usual and 1101 customary commission for the type of policy written or a fee 1102 equal to the usual and customary commission of the corporation; 1103 or 1104 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record to 1105 continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and offer to 1106 pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the corporation’s 1107 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written. 1108 1109 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1110 appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance 1111 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1112 c. With respect to commercial lines residential risks, for 1113 a new application to the corporation for coverage, if the risk 1114 is offered coverage under a policy including wind coverage from 1115 an authorized insurer at its approved rate, the risk is not 1116 eligible for a policy issued by the corporation unless the 1117 premium for coverage from the authorized insurer is more than 20 1118 percent greater than the premium for comparable coverage from 1119 the corporation. Whenever an offer of coverage for a commercial 1120 lines residential risk is received for a policyholder of the 1121 corporation at renewal from an authorized insurer, the risk is 1122 not eligible for coverage with the corporation unless the 1123 premium for coverage from the authorized insurer is more than 20 1124 percent greater than the corporation’s renewal premium for 1125 comparable coverage. If the risk is not able to obtain any such 1126 offer, the risk is eligible for a policy including wind coverage 1127 issued by the corporation. A policyholder removed from the 1128 corporation through an assumption agreement remains eligible for 1129 coverage from the corporation until the end of the policy term. 1130 However, any policy removed from the corporation through an 1131 assumption agreement remains on the corporation’s policy forms 1132 through the end of the policy term. 1133 (I) If the risk accepts an offer of coverage through the 1134 market assistance plan or through a mechanism established by the 1135 corporation other than a plan established by s. 627.3518, before 1136 a policy is issued to the risk by the corporation or during the 1137 first 30 days of coverage by the corporation, and the producing 1138 agent who submitted the application to the plan or the 1139 corporation is not currently appointed by the insurer, the 1140 insurer shall: 1141 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record of the policy, for 1142 the first year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s 1143 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written or 1144 a fee equal to the usual and customary commission of the 1145 corporation; or 1146 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record of the 1147 policy to continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and 1148 offer to pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the 1149 corporation’s usual and customary commission for the type of 1150 policy written. 1151 1152 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1153 appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance 1154 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1155 (II) If the corporation enters into a contractual agreement 1156 for a take-out plan, the producing agent of record of the 1157 corporation policy is entitled to retain any unearned commission 1158 on the policy, and the insurer shall: 1159 (A) Pay to the producing agent of record, for the first 1160 year, an amount that is the greater of the insurer’s usual and 1161 customary commission for the type of policy written or a fee 1162 equal to the usual and customary commission of the corporation; 1163 or 1164 (B) Offer to allow the producing agent of record to 1165 continue servicing the policy for at least 1 year and offer to 1166 pay the agent the greater of the insurer’s or the corporation’s 1167 usual and customary commission for the type of policy written. 1168 1169 If the producing agent is unwilling or unable to accept 1170 appointment, the new insurer shall pay the agent in accordance 1171 with sub-sub-sub-subparagraph (A). 1172 d. For purposes of determining comparable coverage under 1173 sub-subparagraphs a., b., and c., the comparison must be based 1174 on those forms and coverages that are reasonably comparable. The 1175 corporation may rely on a determination of comparable coverage 1176 and premium made by the producing agent who submits the 1177 application to the corporation, made in the agent’s capacity as 1178 the corporation’s agent. For purposes of comparing the premium 1179 for comparable coverage under sub-subparagraphs a., b., and c., 1180 premium includes any surcharge or assessment that is actually 1181 applied to such policy. A comparison may be made solely of the 1182 premium with respect to the main building or structure only on 1183 the following basis: the same Coverage A or other building 1184 limits; the same percentage hurricane deductible that applies on 1185 an annual basis or that applies to each hurricane for commercial 1186 residential property; the same percentage of ordinance and law 1187 coverage, if the same limit is offered by both the corporation 1188 and the authorized insurer or the approved surplus lines 1189 insurer; the same mitigation credits, to the extent the same 1190 types of credits are offered both by the corporation and the 1191 authorized insurer or the approved surplus lines insurer; the 1192 same method for loss payment, such as replacement cost or actual 1193 cash value, if the same method is offered both by the 1194 corporation and the authorized insurer in accordance with 1195 underwriting rules; and any other form or coverage that is 1196 reasonably comparable as determined by the board. If an 1197 application is submitted to the corporation for wind-only 1198 coverage on a risk that is located in an area eligible for 1199 coverage by the Florida Windstorm Underwriting Association, as 1200 that area was defined on January 1, 2002, the premium for the 1201 corporation’s wind-only policy plus the premium for the ex-wind 1202 policy that is offered by an authorized insurer to the applicant 1203 must be compared to the premium for multiperil coverage offered 1204 by an authorized insurer, subject to the standards for 1205 comparison specified in this subparagraph. If the corporation or 1206 the applicant requests from the authorized insurer or the 1207 approved surplus lines insurer a breakdown of the premium of the 1208 offer by types of coverage so that a comparison may be made by 1209 the corporation or its agent and the authorized insurer or the 1210 approved surplus lines insurer refuses or is unable to provide 1211 such information, the corporation may treat the offer as not 1212 being an offer of coverage from an authorized insurer at the 1213 insurer’s approved rate. 1214 6. Must include rules for classifications of risks and 1215 rates. 1216 7. Must provide that if premium and investment income for 1217 the Citizens account, which are attributable to a particular 1218 calendar year, are in excess of projected losses and expenses 1219 for the Citizens account attributable to that year, such excess 1220 shall be held in surplus in the Citizens account. Such surplus 1221 must be available to defray deficits in the Citizens account as 1222 to future years and used for that purpose before assessing 1223 assessable insurers and assessable insureds as to any calendar 1224 year. 1225 8. Must provide objective criteria and procedures to be 1226 uniformly applied to all applicants in determining whether an 1227 individual risk is so hazardous as to be uninsurable. In making 1228 this determination and in establishing the criteria and 1229 procedures, the following must be considered: 1230 a. Whether the likelihood of a loss for the individual risk 1231 is substantially higher than for other risks of the same class; 1232 and 1233 b. Whether the uncertainty associated with the individual 1234 risk is such that an appropriate premium cannot be determined. 1235 1236 The acceptance or rejection of a risk by the corporation shall 1237 be construed as the private placement of insurance, and the 1238 provisions of chapter 120 do not apply. 1239 9. Must provide that the corporation make its best efforts 1240 to procure catastrophe reinsurance at reasonable rates, to cover 1241 its projected 100-year probable maximum loss as determined by 1242 the board of governors. If catastrophe reinsurance is not 1243 available at reasonable rates, the corporation need not purchase 1244 it, but the corporation shall include the costs of reinsurance 1245 to cover its projected 100-year probable maximum loss in its 1246 rate calculations even if it does not purchase catastrophe 1247 reinsurance. 1248 10.The policies issued by the corporationMust provide in 1249 the corporation policies that if the corporation or the market 1250 assistance plan obtains an offer from an authorized insurer to 1251 cover the risk at its approved rates, the risk is no longer 1252 eligible for renewal through the corporation, except as 1253 otherwise provided in this subsection. 1254 11.Corporation policies and applicationsMust include in 1255 the corporation policies and applications a notice that the 1256 corporation policy could, under this section, be replaced with a 1257 policy issued by an authorized insurer which does not provide 1258 coverage identical to the coverage provided by the corporation. 1259 The notice must also specify that acceptance of corporation 1260 coverage creates a conclusive presumption that the applicant or 1261 policyholder is aware of this potential. 1262 12. May establish, subject to approval by the office, 1263 different eligibility requirements and operational procedures 1264 for any line or type of coverage for any specified county or 1265 area if the board determines that such changes are justified due 1266 to the voluntary market being sufficiently stable and 1267 competitive in such area or for such line or type of coverage 1268 and that consumers who, in good faith, are unable to obtain 1269 insurance through the voluntary market through ordinary methods 1270 continue to have access to coverage from the corporation. If 1271 coverage is sought in connection with a real property transfer, 1272 the requirements and procedures may not provide an effective 1273 date of coverage later than the date of the closing of the 1274 transfer as established by the transferor, the transferee, and, 1275 if applicable, the lender. 1276 13. Must provide that the corporation appoint as its 1277 licensed agents only those agents who throughout such 1278 appointments also hold an appointment as defined in s. 626.015 1279 by at least three insurers who are authorized to write and are 1280 actually writing or renewing personal lines residential property 1281 coverage, commercial residential property coverage, or 1282 commercial nonresidential property coverage within the state. 1283 For purposes of agents writing or renewing commercial 1284 residential property coverage or commercial nonresidential 1285 property coverage, an agent may satisfy the requirement for any 1286 one or more of the three direct appointments by providing to the 1287 corporation a signed attestation confirming that he or she has 1288 access through a broker to an authorized insurer or eligible 1289 surplus lines insurer authorized to write and actually writing 1290 or renewing commercial residential property coverage or 1291 commercial nonresidential property coverage. 1292 14. Must provide a premium payment plan option to its 1293 policyholders which, at a minimum, allows for quarterly and 1294 semiannual payment of premiums. A monthly payment plan may, but 1295 is not required to, be offered. 1296 15. Must limit coverage on mobile homes or manufactured 1297 homes built before 1994 to actual cash value of the dwelling 1298 rather than replacement costs of the dwelling. 1299 16. Must provide coverage for manufactured or mobile home 1300 dwellings. Such coverage must also include the following 1301 attached structures: 1302 a. Screened enclosures that are aluminum framed or screened 1303 enclosures that are not covered by the same or substantially the 1304 same materials as those of the primary dwelling; 1305 b. Carports that are aluminum or carports that are not 1306 covered by the same or substantially the same materials as those 1307 of the primary dwelling; and 1308 c. Patios that have a roof covering that is constructed of 1309 materials that are not the same or substantially the same 1310 materials as those of the primary dwelling. 1311 1312 The corporation shall make available a policy for mobile homes 1313 or manufactured homes for a minimum insured value of at least 1314 $3,000. 1315 17. May provide such limits of coverage as the board 1316 determines, consistent with the requirements of this subsection. 1317 18. May require commercial property to meet specified 1318 hurricane mitigation construction features as a condition of 1319 eligibility for coverage. 1320 19. Must provide that new or renewal policies issued by the 1321 corporation on or after January 1, 2012, which cover sinkhole 1322 loss do not include coverage for any loss to appurtenant 1323 structures, driveways, sidewalks, decks, or patios that are 1324 directly or indirectly caused by sinkhole activity. The 1325 corporation shall exclude such coverage using a notice of 1326 coverage change, which may be included with the policy renewal, 1327 and not by issuance of a notice of nonrenewal of the excluded 1328 coverage upon renewal of the current policy. 1329 20.a. Must require that the agent obtain from an applicant 1330 for coverage from the corporation an acknowledgment signed by 1331 the applicant, which includes, at a minimum, the following 1332 statement: 1333 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF POTENTIAL SURCHARGE 1334 AND ASSESSMENT LIABILITY: 1335 1. AS A POLICYHOLDER OF CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE 1336 CORPORATION, I UNDERSTAND THAT IF THE CORPORATION SUSTAINS 1337 A DEFICIT AS A RESULT OF HURRICANE LOSSES OR FOR ANY OTHER 1338 REASON, MY POLICY COULD BE SUBJECT TO SURCHARGES AND 1339 ASSESSMENTS, WHICH WILL BE DUE AND PAYABLE UPON RENEWAL, 1340 CANCELLATION, OR TERMINATION OF THE POLICY, AND THAT THE 1341 SURCHARGES AND ASSESSMENTS COULD BE AS HIGH AS 25 PERCENT 1342 OF MY PREMIUM, OR A DIFFERENT AMOUNT AS IMPOSED BY THE 1343 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. 1344 2. I UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN AVOID THE CITIZENS POLICYHOLDER 1345 SURCHARGE, WHICH COULD BE AS HIGH AS 15 PERCENT OF MY 1346 PREMIUM, BY OBTAINING COVERAGE FROM A PRIVATE MARKET 1347 INSURER AND THAT TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR COVERAGE BY CITIZENS, I 1348 MUST FIRST TRY TO OBTAIN PRIVATE MARKET COVERAGE BEFORE 1349 APPLYING FOR OR RENEWING COVERAGE WITH CITIZENS. I 1350 UNDERSTAND THAT PRIVATE MARKET INSURANCE RATES ARE 1351 REGULATED AND APPROVED BY THE STATE. 1352 3. I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY BE SUBJECT TO EMERGENCY 1353 ASSESSMENTS TO THE SAME EXTENT AS POLICYHOLDERS OF OTHER 1354 INSURANCE COMPANIES, OR A DIFFERENT AMOUNT AS IMPOSED BY 1355 THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. 1356 4. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE 1357 CORPORATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT 1358 OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. 1359 b. The corporation shall maintain, in electronic format or 1360 otherwise, a copy of the applicant’s signed acknowledgment and 1361 provide a copy of the statement to the policyholder as part of 1362 the first renewal after the effective date of sub-subparagraph 1363 a. 1364 c. The signed acknowledgment form creates a conclusive 1365 presumption that the policyholder understood and accepted his or 1366 her potential surcharge and assessment liability as a 1367 policyholder of the corporation. 1368 21. Must provide that the income of the corporation may not 1369 inure to the benefit of any private person. 1370 Section 19. Subsection (5) of section 626.918, Florida 1371 Statutes, is amended to read: 1372 626.918 Eligible surplus lines insurers.— 1373 (5) When it appears that any particular insurance risk 1374 which is eligible for export, but on which insurance coverage, 1375 in whole or in part, is not procurable from the eligible surplus 1376 lines insurers, after a search of eligible surplus lines 1377 insurers, then the surplus lines agent may file a supplemental 1378 signed statement setting forth such facts and advising the 1379 office that such part of the risk as shall be unprocurable, as 1380 aforesaid, is being placed with named unauthorized insurers, in 1381 the amounts and percentages set forth in the statement. Such 1382 named unauthorized insurer shall, however, before accepting any 1383 risk in this state, deposit with the department cash or 1384 securities acceptable to the office and department of the market 1385 value of $50,000 for each individual risk, contract, or 1386 certificate, which deposit shall be held by the department for 1387 the benefit of Florida policyholders only; and the surplus lines 1388 agent shall procure from such unauthorized insurer and file with 1389 the office a certified copy of its statement of condition as of 1390 the close of the last calendar year. If such statement reveals, 1391 including both capital and surplus, net assets of at least that 1392 amount required for licensure of a domestic insurer, then the 1393 surplus lines agent may proceed to consummate such contract of 1394 insurance. Whenever any insurance risk, or any part thereof, is 1395 placed with an unauthorized insurer, as provided herein, the 1396 policy, binder, or cover note shall contain a statement signed 1397 by the insured and the agent with the following notation: “The 1398 insured is aware that certain insurers participating in this 1399 risk have not been approved to transact business in Florida nor 1400 have they been declared eligible as surplus lines insurers by 1401 the Office of Insurance Regulation of Florida. The placing of 1402 such insurance by a duly licensed surplus lines agent in Florida 1403 shall not be construed as approval of such insurer by the Office 1404 of Insurance Regulation of Florida. Consequently, the insured is 1405 aware that the insured has severely limited the assistance 1406 available under the insurance laws of Florida. The insured is 1407 further aware that he or she may be charged a reasonable per 1408 policy fee, as provided in s. 626.916(2)s. 626.916(4), Florida 1409 Statutes, for each policy certified for export.” All other 1410 provisions of this code shall apply to such placement the same 1411 as if such risks were placed with an eligible surplus lines 1412 insurer. 1413 Section 20. Subsection (6) of section 626.9325, Florida 1414 Statutes, is amended to read: 1415 626.9325 Service fee.— 1416 (6) For the purposes of this section, the term “premium” 1417 means the consideration for insurance by whatever name called 1418 and includes any assessment, or any membership, policy, survey, 1419 inspection, service, or similar fee or charge in consideration 1420 for an insurance contract, which items are deemed to be a part 1421 of the premium. The per-policy fee authorized by s. 626.916(2) 1422s. 626.916(4)is specifically included within the meaning of the 1423 term “premium.” 1424 Section 21. Paragraph (o) of subsection (1) of section 1425 626.9541, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1426 626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or 1427 deceptive acts or practices defined.— 1428 (1) UNFAIR METHODS OF COMPETITION AND UNFAIR OR DECEPTIVE 1429 ACTS.—The following are defined as unfair methods of competition 1430 and unfair or deceptive acts or practices: 1431 (o) Illegal dealings in premiums; excess or reduced charges 1432 for insurance.— 1433 1. Knowingly collecting any sum as a premium or charge for 1434 insurance, which is not then provided, or is not in due course 1435 to be provided, subject to acceptance of the risk by the 1436 insurer, by an insurance policy issued by an insurer as 1437 permitted by this code. 1438 2. Knowingly collecting as a premium or charge for 1439 insurance any sum in excess of or less than the premium or 1440 charge applicable to such insurance, in accordance with the 1441 applicable classifications and rates as filed with and approved 1442 by the office, and as specified in the policy; or, in cases when 1443 classifications, premiums, or rates are not required by this 1444 code to be so filed and approved, premiums and charges collected 1445 from a Florida resident in excess of or less than those 1446 specified in the policy and as fixed by the insurer. 1447 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this provision shall 1448 not be deemed to prohibit the charging and collection, by 1449 surplus lines agents licensed under part VIII of this chapter, 1450 of the amount of applicable state and federal taxes, or fees as 1451 authorized by s. 626.916(2)s. 626.916(4), in addition to the 1452 premium required by the insurer or the charging and collection, 1453 by licensed agents, of the exact amount of any discount or other 1454 such fee charged by a credit card facility in connection with 1455 the use of a credit card, as authorized by subparagraph (q)3., 1456 in addition to the premium required by the insurer. This 1457 subparagraph shall not be construed to prohibit collection of a 1458 premium for a universal life or a variable or indeterminate 1459 value insurance policy made in accordance with the terms of the 1460 contract. 1461 3.a. Imposing or requesting an additional premium for a 1462 policy of motor vehicle liability, personal injury protection, 1463 medical payment, or collision insurance or any combination 1464 thereof or refusing to renew the policy solely because the 1465 insured was involved in a motor vehicle accident unless the 1466 insurer’s file contains information from which the insurer in 1467 good faith determines that the insured was substantially at 1468 fault in the accident. 1469 b. An insurer which imposes and collects such a surcharge 1470 or which refuses to renew such policy shall, in conjunction with 1471 the notice of premium due or notice of nonrenewal, notify the 1472 named insured that he or she is entitled to reimbursement of 1473 such amount or renewal of the policy under the conditions listed 1474 below and will subsequently reimburse him or her or renew the 1475 policy, if the named insured demonstrates that the operator 1476 involved in the accident was: 1477 (I) Lawfully parked; 1478 (II) Reimbursed by, or on behalf of, a person responsible 1479 for the accident or has a judgment against such person; 1480 (III) Struck in the rear by another vehicle headed in the 1481 same direction and was not convicted of a moving traffic 1482 violation in connection with the accident; 1483 (IV) Hit by a “hit-and-run” driver, if the accident was 1484 reported to the proper authorities within 24 hours after 1485 discovering the accident; 1486 (V) Not convicted of a moving traffic violation in 1487 connection with the accident, but the operator of the other 1488 automobile involved in such accident was convicted of a moving 1489 traffic violation; 1490 (VI) Finally adjudicated not to be liable by a court of 1491 competent jurisdiction; 1492 (VII) In receipt of a traffic citation which was dismissed 1493 or nolle prossed; or 1494 (VIII) Not at fault as evidenced by a written statement 1495 from the insured establishing facts demonstrating lack of fault 1496 which are not rebutted by information in the insurer’s file from 1497 which the insurer in good faith determines that the insured was 1498 substantially at fault. 1499 c. In addition to the other provisions of this 1500 subparagraph, an insurer may not fail to renew a policy if the 1501 insured has had only one accident in which he or she was at 1502 fault within the current 3-year period. However, an insurer may 1503 nonrenew a policy for reasons other than accidents in accordance 1504 with s. 627.728. This subparagraph does not prohibit nonrenewal 1505 of a policy under which the insured has had three or more 1506 accidents, regardless of fault, during the most recent 3-year 1507 period. 1508 4. Imposing or requesting an additional premium for, or 1509 refusing to renew, a policy for motor vehicle insurance solely 1510 because the insured committed a noncriminal traffic infraction 1511 as described in s. 318.14 unless the infraction is: 1512 a. A second infraction committed within an 18-month period, 1513 or a third or subsequent infraction committed within a 36-month 1514 period. 1515 b. A violation of s. 316.183, when such violation is a 1516 result of exceeding the lawful speed limit by more than 15 miles 1517 per hour. 1518 5. Upon the request of the insured, the insurer and 1519 licensed agent shall supply to the insured the complete proof of 1520 fault or other criteria which justifies the additional charge or 1521 cancellation. 1522 6. No insurer shall impose or request an additional premium 1523 for motor vehicle insurance, cancel or refuse to issue a policy, 1524 or refuse to renew a policy because the insured or the applicant 1525 is a handicapped or physically disabled person, so long as such 1526 handicap or physical disability does not substantially impair 1527 such person’s mechanically assisted driving ability. 1528 7. No insurer may cancel or otherwise terminate any 1529 insurance contract or coverage, or require execution of a 1530 consent to rate endorsement, during the stated policy term for 1531 the purpose of offering to issue, or issuing, a similar or 1532 identical contract or coverage to the same insured with the same 1533 exposure at a higher premium rate or continuing an existing 1534 contract or coverage with the same exposure at an increased 1535 premium. 1536 8. No insurer may issue a nonrenewal notice on any 1537 insurance contract or coverage, or require execution of a 1538 consent to rate endorsement, for the purpose of offering to 1539 issue, or issuing, a similar or identical contract or coverage 1540 to the same insured at a higher premium rate or continuing an 1541 existing contract or coverage at an increased premium without 1542 meeting any applicable notice requirements. 1543 9. No insurer shall, with respect to premiums charged for 1544 motor vehicle insurance, unfairly discriminate solely on the 1545 basis of age, sex, marital status, or scholastic achievement. 1546 10. Imposing or requesting an additional premium for motor 1547 vehicle comprehensive or uninsured motorist coverage solely 1548 because the insured was involved in a motor vehicle accident or 1549 was convicted of a moving traffic violation. 1550 11. No insurer shall cancel or issue a nonrenewal notice on 1551 any insurance policy or contract without complying with any 1552 applicable cancellation or nonrenewal provision required under 1553 the Florida Insurance Code. 1554 12. No insurer shall impose or request an additional 1555 premium, cancel a policy, or issue a nonrenewal notice on any 1556 insurance policy or contract because of any traffic infraction 1557 when adjudication has been withheld and no points have been 1558 assessed pursuant to s. 318.14(9) and (10). However, this 1559 subparagraph does not apply to traffic infractions involving 1560 accidents in which the insurer has incurred a loss due to the 1561 fault of the insured. 1562 Section 22. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 1563 626.935, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1564 626.935 Suspension, revocation, or refusal of surplus lines 1565 agent’s license.— 1566 (1) The department shall deny an application for, suspend, 1567 revoke, or refuse to renew the appointment of a surplus lines 1568 agent and all other licenses and appointments held by the 1569 licensee under this code, on any of the following grounds: 1570 (d) Failure to make and file his or heraffidavit or1571 reports when due as required by s. 626.931. 1572 Section 23. Subsection (4) of section 627.715, Florida 1573 Statutes, is amended to read: 1574 627.715 Flood insurance.—An authorized insurer may issue an 1575 insurance policy, contract, or endorsement providing personal 1576 lines residential coverage for the peril of flood or excess 1577 coverage for the peril of flood on any structure or the contents 1578 of personal property contained therein, subject to this section. 1579 This section does not apply to commercial lines residential or 1580 commercial lines nonresidential coverage for the peril of flood. 1581 An insurer may issue flood insurance policies, contracts, 1582 endorsements, or excess coverage on a standard, preferred, 1583 customized, flexible, or supplemental basis. 1584 (4) An agent may export a contract or an endorsement 1585 providing flood coverage to an eligible surplus lines insurer 1586without making a diligent effort to seek such coverage from1587three or more authorized insurersunder s. 626.916s.1588626.916(1)(a). 1589 Section 24. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.