Bill Text: FL S1238 | 2020 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Regulatory Reform
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2020-03-14 - Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability [S1238 Detail]
Download: Florida-2020-S1238-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2020 SB 1238 By Senator Diaz 36-01237-20 20201238__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to regulatory reform; creating s. 3 14.35, F.S.; establishing the Red Tape Reduction 4 Advisory Council within the Executive Office of the 5 Governor; providing for membership and terms; 6 providing for meetings and organization of the 7 council; specifying that members serve without 8 compensation; authorizing reimbursement for per diem 9 and travel expenses; specifying required activities of 10 the council; requiring an annual report; amending s. 11 120.52, F.S.; providing definitions; amending s. 12 120.54, F.S.; requiring an agency adopting a rule to 13 submit a rule replacement request to the 14 Administrative Procedures Committee; requiring a rule 15 development or adoption notice to include a rule 16 proposed for repeal, if necessary to maintain the 17 regulatory baseline; providing that a rule repeal 18 necessary to maintain the regulatory baseline is 19 effective at the same time as the proposed rule; 20 amending s. 120.545, F.S.; requiring the committee to 21 examine rule replacement requests and existing rules; 22 requiring the committee to determine whether a rule 23 replacement request complies with certain requirements 24 and whether adoption of a rule, other than an 25 emergency rule, will exceed the regulatory baseline; 26 creating s. 120.546, F.S.; requiring the 27 Administrative Procedures Committee to establish a 28 regulatory baseline of agency rules; providing that a 29 proposed rule may not cause the total number of rules 30 to exceed the regulatory baseline; requiring an agency 31 proposing a rule to submit a rule replacement request 32 to the committee; authorizing an agency to request an 33 exemption; prohibiting the committee from approving 34 exemption requests or certain rule replacement 35 requests until certain conditions are met; requiring 36 an annual report; amending s. 120.55, F.S.; requiring 37 the inclusion of certain information and a specified 38 report in the Florida Administrative Code; amending s. 39 120.74, F.S.; requiring an agency regulatory plan to 40 include identification of certain rules; conforming a 41 cross-reference; amending ss. 120.80, 120.81, 42 420.9072, 420.9075, and 443.091, F.S.; conforming 43 cross-references; providing an effective date. 44 45 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 46 47 Section 1. Section 14.35, Florida Statutes, is created to 48 read: 49 14.35 Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council.— 50 (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COUNCIL.— 51 (a) The Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council, an advisory 52 council as defined in s. 20.03, is established and 53 administratively housed within the Executive Office of the 54 Governor. 55 (b) The council shall consist of the following nine 56 members, who must be residents of the state: 57 1. Five members appointed by the Governor. 58 2. Two members appointed by the President of the Senate. 59 3. Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House of 60 Representatives. 61 (c) Each member shall be appointed to a 4-year term. 62 However, for the purpose of achieving staggered terms, the 63 members initially appointed by the Governor shall each serve a 64 2-year term. All subsequent appointments shall be for 4-year 65 terms. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the 66 original appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. A 67 member may be reappointed, except that a member may not serve 68 more than 8 consecutive years. 69 (2) MEETINGS; ORGANIZATION.— 70 (a) The members shall elect a chair and a vice chair at the 71 first meeting of the council. 72 (b) The first meeting of the council shall be held by 73 August 1, 2020. Thereafter, the council shall meet at the call 74 of the chair at least once per quarter, per calendar year. 75 (c) A majority of the members of the council constitutes a 76 quorum. 77 (d) A member may not receive a commission, fee, or 78 financial benefit in connection with serving on the council but 79 may be reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses pursuant to 80 s. 112.061. 81 (3) SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES.—The council shall: 82 (a) Annually review the Florida Administrative Code to 83 determine whether any rules: 84 1. Are duplicative or obsolete. 85 2. Are especially burdensome to business within the state. 86 3. Disproportionately affect businesses with fewer than 100 87 employees. 88 4. Disproportionately affect businesses with less than $5 89 million in annual revenue. 90 91 If the council determines that a rule meets at least one of the 92 criteria in this paragraph and can be repealed or amended with 93 minimal impact on public health, safety, and welfare, the 94 council shall recommend repealing or amending the rule. 95 (b) Provide an annual report of the council’s 96 recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 97 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the 98 Administrative Procedures Committee for publication in the 99 Florida Administrative Code. 100 Section 2. Present subsection (16) of section 120.52, 101 Florida Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (17), present 102 subsections (17) through (22) are renumbered as subsections (19) 103 through (24), respectively, and new subsections (16) and (18) 104 are added to that section, to read: 105 120.52 Definitions.—As used in this act: 106 (16) “Regulatory baseline” means the total number of agency 107 rules that are in effect on January 1, 2021, as determined by 108 the committee pursuant to s. 120.546(1). 109 (18) “Rule replacement request” means a request by an 110 agency to create a rule after the establishment of the 111 regulatory baseline by proposing to repeal one or more existing 112 rules to maintain the regulatory baseline. 113 Section 3. Paragraphs (b) through (k) of subsection (1) of 114 section 120.54, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as paragraphs 115 (c) through (l), respectively, a new paragraph (b) is added to 116 that subsection, and paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and 117 paragraphs (a) and (e) of subsection (3) are amended, to read: 118 120.54 Rulemaking.— 119 (1) GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL RULES OTHER THAN 120 EMERGENCY RULES.— 121 (b) An agency adopting a rule that would otherwise exceed 122 the regulatory baseline must submit a rule replacement request 123 to the committee pursuant to s. 120.546(2). 124 (2) RULE DEVELOPMENT; WORKSHOPS; NEGOTIATED RULEMAKING.— 125 (a) Except when the intended action is the repeal of a 126 rule, agencies shall provide notice of the development of 127 proposed rules by publication of a notice of rule development in 128 the Florida Administrative Register before providing notice of a 129 proposed rule as required by paragraph (3)(a). The notice of 130 rule development shall indicate the subject area to be addressed 131 by rule development, provide a short, plain explanation of the 132 purpose and effect of the proposed rule, cite the specific legal 133 authority for the proposed rule, identify the rule or rules 134 proposed to be repealed, if such repeal is necessary to maintain 135 the regulatory baseline pursuant to s. 120.546(2), and include 136 the preliminary text of the proposed rules, if available, or a 137 statement of how a person may promptly obtain, without cost, a 138 copy of any preliminary draft, if available. 139 (3) ADOPTION PROCEDURES.— 140 (a) Notices.— 141 1. BeforePrior tothe adoption, amendment, or repeal of 142 any rule other than an emergency rule, an agency, upon approval 143 of the agency head, shall give notice of its intended action, 144 setting forth a short, plain explanation of the purpose and 145 effect of the proposed action; the full text of the proposed 146 rule or amendment and a summary thereof; a reference to the 147 grant of rulemaking authority pursuant to which the rule is 148 adopted;anda reference to the section or subsection of the 149 Florida Statutes or the Laws of Florida being implemented or 150 interpreted; and a reference to the rule proposed for repeal, if 151 such repeal is necessary to maintain the regulatory baseline 152 pursuant to s. 120.546(2). The notice must include a summary of 153 the agency’s statement of the estimated regulatory costs, if one 154 has been prepared, based on the factors set forth in s. 155 120.541(2); a statement that any person who wishes to provide 156 the agency with information regarding the statement of estimated 157 regulatory costs, or to provide a proposal for a lower cost 158 regulatory alternative as provided by s. 120.541(1), must do so 159 in writing within 21 days after publication of the notice; and a 160 statement as to whether, based on the statement of the estimated 161 regulatory costs or other information expressly relied upon and 162 described by the agency if no statement of regulatory costs is 163 required, the proposed rule is expected to require legislative 164 ratification pursuant to s. 120.541(3). The notice must state 165 the procedure for requesting a public hearing on the proposed 166 rule. Except when the intended action is the repeal of a rule, 167 the notice must include a reference both to the date on which 168 and to the place where the notice of rule development that is 169 required by subsection (2) appeared. 170 2. The notice shall be published in the Florida 171 Administrative Register not less than 28 days beforeprior to172 the intended action. The proposed rule shall be available for 173 inspection and copying by the public at the time of the 174 publication of notice. 175 3. The notice shall be mailed to all persons named in the 176 proposed rule and to all persons who, at least 14 days before 177prior tosuch mailing, have made requests of the agency for 178 advance notice of its proceedings. The agency shall also give 179 such notice as is prescribed by rule to those particular classes 180 of persons to whom the intended action is directed. 181 4. The adopting agency shall file with the committee, at 182 least 21 days beforeprior tothe proposed adoption date, a copy 183 of each rule it proposes to adopt; a copy of any material 184 incorporated by reference in the rule; a detailed written 185 statement of the facts and circumstances justifying the proposed 186 rule; a copy of any statement of estimated regulatory costs that 187 has been prepared pursuant to s. 120.541; a statement of the 188 extent to which the proposed rule relates to federal standards 189 or rules on the same subject; and the notice required by 190 subparagraph 1. 191 (e) Filing for final adoption; effective date.— 192 1. If the adopting agency is required to publish its rules 193 in the Florida Administrative Code, the agency, upon approval of 194 the agency head, shall file with the Department of State three 195 certified copies of the rule it proposes to adopt; one copy of 196 any material incorporated by reference in the rule, certified by 197 the agency; a summary of the rule; a summary of any hearings 198 held on the rule; and a detailed written statement of the facts 199 and circumstances justifying the rule. Agencies not required to 200 publish their rules in the Florida Administrative Code shall 201 file one certified copy of the proposed rule, and the other 202 material required by this subparagraph, in the office of the 203 agency head, and such rules shall be open to the public. 204 2. A rule may not be filed for adoption less than 28 days 205 or more than 90 days after the notice required by paragraph (a), 206 until 21 days after the notice of change required by paragraph 207 (d), until 14 days after the final public hearing, until 21 days 208 after a statement of estimated regulatory costs required under 209 s. 120.541 has been provided to all persons who submitted a 210 lower cost regulatory alternative and made available to the 211 public, or until the administrative law judge has rendered a 212 decision under s. 120.56(2), whichever applies. When a required 213 notice of change is published beforeprior tothe expiration of 214 the time to file the rule for adoption, the period during which 215 a rule must be filed for adoption is extended to 45 days after 216 the date of publication. If notice of a public hearing is 217 published beforeprior tothe expiration of the time to file the 218 rule for adoption, the period during which a rule must be filed 219 for adoption is extended to 45 days after adjournment of the 220 final hearing on the rule, 21 days after receipt of all material 221 authorized to be submitted at the hearing, or 21 days after 222 receipt of the transcript, if one is made, whichever is latest. 223 The term “public hearing” includes any public meeting held by 224 any agency at which the rule is considered. If a petition for an 225 administrative determination under s. 120.56(2) is filed, the 226 period during which a rule must be filed for adoption is 227 extended to 60 days after the administrative law judge files the 228 final order with the clerk or until 60 days after subsequent 229 judicial review is complete. 230 3. At the time a rule is filed, the agency shall certify 231 that the time limitations prescribed by this paragraph have been 232 complied with, that all statutory rulemaking requirements have 233 been met, and that there is no administrative determination 234 pending on the rule. 235 4. At the time a rule is filed, the committee shall certify 236 whether the agency has responded in writing to all material and 237 timely written comments or written inquiries made on behalf of 238 the committee. The department shall reject any rule that is not 239 filed within the prescribed time limits; that does not comply 240 with all statutory rulemaking requirements and rules of the 241 department; upon which an agency has not responded in writing to 242 all material and timely written inquiries or written comments; 243 upon which an administrative determination is pending; or which 244 does not include a statement of estimated regulatory costs, if 245 required. 246 5. If a rule has not been adopted within the time limits 247 imposed by this paragraph or has not been adopted in compliance 248 with all statutory rulemaking requirements, the agency proposing 249 the rule shall withdraw the rule and give notice of its action 250 in the next available issue of the Florida Administrative 251 Register. 252 6. The proposed rule shall be adopted on being filed with 253 the Department of State and become effective 20 days after being 254 filed, on a later date specified in the notice required by 255 subparagraph (a)1., on a date required by statute, or upon 256 ratification by the Legislature pursuant to s. 120.541(3). Rules 257 not required to be filed with the Department of State shall 258 become effective when adopted by the agency head, on a later 259 date specified by rule or statute, or upon ratification by the 260 Legislature pursuant to s. 120.541(3). If the committee notifies 261 an agency that an objection to a rule is being considered, the 262 agency may postpone the adoption of the rule to accommodate 263 review of the rule by the committee. When an agency postpones 264 adoption of a rule to accommodate review by the committee, the 265 90-day period for filing the rule is tolled until the committee 266 notifies the agency that it has completed its review of the 267 rule. 268 7. If a rule must be repealed to maintain the regulatory 269 baseline pursuant to s. 120.546(2), the repeal shall take effect 270 at the same time as the proposed rule takes effect. 271 272 For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “administrative 273 determination” does not include subsequent judicial review. 274 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 120.545, Florida 275 Statutes, is amended to read: 276 120.545 Committee review of agency rules.— 277 (1) As a legislative check on legislatively created 278 authority, the committee shall examine each proposed rule, 279 except for those proposed rules exempted by s. 120.81(1)(e) and 280 (2), and its accompanying material, including, but not limited 281 to, the rule replacement request,andeach emergency rule, and, 282 every 4 years, eachmay examine anyexisting rule, for the 283 purpose of determining whether: 284 (a) The rule is an invalid exercise of delegated 285 legislative authority. 286 (b) The statutory authority for the rule has been repealed. 287 (c) The rule reiterates or paraphrases statutory material. 288 (d) The rule is in proper form. 289 (e) The notice given beforeprior toits adoption was 290 sufficient to give adequate notice of the purpose and effect of 291 the rule. 292 (f) The rule is consistent with expressed legislative 293 intent pertaining to the specific provisions of law which the 294 rule implements. 295 (g) The rule is necessary to accomplish the apparent or 296 expressed objectives of the specific provision of law which the 297 rule implements. 298 (h) The rule is a reasonable implementation of the law as 299 it affects the convenience of the general public or persons 300 particularly affected by the rule. 301 (i) The rule could be made less complex or more easily 302 comprehensible to the general public. 303 (j) The rule’s statement of estimated regulatory costs 304 complies with the requirements of s. 120.541 and whether the 305 rule does not impose regulatory costs on the regulated person, 306 county, or city which could be reduced by the adoption of less 307 costly alternatives that substantially accomplish the statutory 308 objectives. 309 (k) The rule will require additional appropriations. 310 (l) If the rule is an emergency rule, there exists an 311 emergency justifying the adoption of such rule, the agency is 312 within its statutory authority, and the rule was adopted in 313 compliance with the requirements and limitations of s. 314 120.54(4). 315 (m) The rule replacement request complies with the 316 requirements of s. 120.546(2)(b). 317 (n) Adoption of the rule will cause the total number of 318 rules to exceed the regulatory baseline. This paragraph does not 319 apply to an emergency rule. 320 Section 5. Section 120.546, Florida Statutes, is created to 321 read: 322 120.546 Regulatory baseline.— 323 (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF BASELINE.—The committee shall review 324 the Florida Administrative Code to determine the total number of 325 rules that are in effect and shall use this number to establish 326 the regulatory baseline by January 1, 2021. 327 (2) LIMITATION ON PROPOSED RULES; RULE REPLACEMENT 328 REQUEST.— 329 (a) A proposed rule may not cause the total number of rules 330 to exceed the regulatory baseline. 331 (b) An agency proposing a rule is required to submit a rule 332 replacement request to the committee. Each rule replacement 333 request must include the following: 334 1. The proposed rule and the law authorizing such rule. 335 2. The purpose of the proposed rule. 336 3. The rule to be repealed to maintain the regulatory 337 baseline. 338 (c) The committee shall examine each proposed rule and the 339 accompanying rule replacement request as provided in s. 120.545. 340 (d) The committee may approve a rule replacement request 341 only after the proposed rule and the rule replacement request 342 have been reviewed pursuant to s. 120.545 and the committee 343 determines that the proposed rule does not cause the total 344 number of rules to exceed the regulatory baseline. 345 (e) An agency may request an exemption from the prohibition 346 in paragraph (a) by submitting an exemption request with the 347 rule replacement request. An exemption request must include a 348 detailed explanation of the reasons why the proposed rule should 349 be exempt from the prohibition in paragraph (a), including the 350 reasons why the rule is necessary to protect public health, 351 safety, and welfare. 352 (f) The committee may not approve an exemption request or a 353 rule replacement request that provides fewer than two rules for 354 repeal or replacement until the total number of rules is 35 355 percent below the regulatory baseline. 356 (3) ANNUAL REPORT.—Beginning November 1, 2021, the 357 committee shall submit an annual report providing the percentage 358 reduction in the total number of rules compared to the 359 regulatory baseline to the Governor, the President of the 360 Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 361 Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 362 120.55, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 363 120.55 Publication.— 364 (1) The Department of State shall: 365 (a)1. Through a continuous revision and publication system, 366 compile and publish electronically, on a website managed by the 367 department, the “Florida Administrative Code.” The Florida 368 Administrative Code shall contain the regulatory baseline, all 369 changes made to the total number of rules since the 370 establishment of the regulatory baseline, all rules adopted by 371 each agency, citing the grant of rulemaking authority and the 372 specific law implemented pursuant to which each rule was 373 adopted, a plain language description of the purpose of each 374 rule, all history notes as authorized in s. 120.545(7), complete 375 indexes to all rules contained in the code, the annual report 376 provided by the Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council, and any 377 other material required or authorized by law or deemed useful by 378 the department. The electronic code shall display each rule 379 chapter currently in effect in browse mode and allow full text 380 search of the code and each rule chapter. The department may 381 contract with a publishing firm for a printed publication; 382 however, the department shall retain responsibility for the code 383 as provided in this section. The electronic publication shall be 384 the official compilation of the administrative rules of this 385 state. The Department of State shall retain the copyright over 386 the Florida Administrative Code. 387 2. Rules general in form but applicable to only one school 388 district, community college district, or county, or a part 389 thereof, or state university rules relating to internal 390 personnel or business and finance shall not be published in the 391 Florida Administrative Code. Exclusion from publication in the 392 Florida Administrative Code shall not affect the validity or 393 effectiveness of such rules. 394 3. At the beginning of the section of the code dealing with 395 an agency that files copies of its rules with the department, 396 the department shall publish the address and telephone number of 397 the executive offices of each agency, the manner by which the 398 agency indexes its rules, a listing of all rules of that agency 399 excluded from publication in the code, and a statement as to 400 where those rules may be inspected. 401 4. Forms shall not be published in the Florida 402 Administrative Code; but any form which an agency uses in its 403 dealings with the public, along with any accompanying 404 instructions, shall be filed with the committee before it is 405 used. Any form or instruction which meets the definition of 406 “rule” provided in s. 120.52 shall be incorporated by reference 407 into the appropriate rule. The reference shall specifically 408 state that the form is being incorporated by reference and shall 409 include the number, title, and effective date of the form and an 410 explanation of how the form may be obtained. Each form created 411 by an agency which is incorporated by reference in a rule notice 412 of which is given under s. 120.54(3)(a) after December 31, 2007, 413 must clearly display the number, title, and effective date of 414 the form and the number of the rule in which the form is 415 incorporated. 416 5. The department shall allow adopted rules and material 417 incorporated by reference to be filed in electronic form as 418 prescribed by department rule. When a rule is filed for adoption 419 with incorporated material in electronic form, the department’s 420 publication of the Florida Administrative Code on its website 421 must contain a hyperlink from the incorporating reference in the 422 rule directly to that material. The department may not allow 423 hyperlinks from rules in the Florida Administrative Code to any 424 material other than that filed with and maintained by the 425 department, but may allow hyperlinks to incorporated material 426 maintained by the department from the adopting agency’s website 427 or other sites. 428 Section 7. Present paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of 429 section 120.74, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as paragraph 430 (e), a new paragraph (d) is added to that subsection, and 431 paragraph (a) of subsection (2) is amended, to read: 432 120.74 Agency annual rulemaking and regulatory plans; 433 reports.— 434 (1) REGULATORY PLAN.—By October 1 of each year, each agency 435 shall prepare a regulatory plan. 436 (d) The plan must include an identification of existing 437 rules that may be appropriate for future repeal to maintain or 438 reduce the regulatory baseline pursuant to s. 120.546(2). 439 (2) PUBLICATION AND DELIVERY TO THE COMMITTEE.— 440 (a) By October 1 of each year, each agency shall: 441 1. Publish its regulatory plan on its website or on another 442 state website established for publication of administrative law 443 records. A clearly labeled hyperlink to the current plan must be 444 included on the agency’s primary website homepage. 445 2. Electronically deliver to the committee a copy of the 446 certification required in paragraph (1)(e)(1)(d). 447 3. Publish in the Florida Administrative Register a notice 448 identifying the date of publication of the agency’s regulatory 449 plan. The notice must include a hyperlink or website address 450 providing direct access to the published plan. 451 Section 8. Subsection (11) of section 120.80, Florida 452 Statutes, is amended to read: 453 120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.— 454 (11) NATIONAL GUARD.—Notwithstanding s. 120.52(17)s.455120.52(16), the enlistment, organization, administration, 456 equipment, maintenance, training, and discipline of the militia, 457 National Guard, organized militia, and unorganized militia, as 458 provided by s. 2, Art. X of the State Constitution, are not 459 rules as defined by this chapter. 460 Section 9. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 461 120.81, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 462 120.81 Exceptions and special requirements; general areas.— 463 (1) EDUCATIONAL UNITS.— 464 (c) Notwithstanding s. 120.52(17)s. 120.52(16), any tests, 465 test scoring criteria, or testing procedures relating to student 466 assessment which are developed or administered by the Department 467 of Education pursuant to s. 1003.4282, s. 1008.22, or s. 468 1008.25, or any other statewide educational tests required by 469 law, are not rules. 470 Section 10. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 471 420.9072, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 472 420.9072 State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program.—The 473 State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program is created for the 474 purpose of providing funds to counties and eligible 475 municipalities as an incentive for the creation of local housing 476 partnerships, to expand production of and preserve affordable 477 housing, to further the housing element of the local government 478 comprehensive plan specific to affordable housing, and to 479 increase housing-related employment. 480 (1)(a) In addition to the legislative findings set forth in 481 s. 420.6015, the Legislature finds that affordable housing is 482 most effectively provided by combining available public and 483 private resources to conserve and improve existing housing and 484 provide new housing for very-low-income households, low-income 485 households, and moderate-income households. The Legislature 486 intends to encourage partnerships in order to secure the 487 benefits of cooperation by the public and private sectors and to 488 reduce the cost of housing for the target group by effectively 489 combining all available resources and cost-saving measures. The 490 Legislature further intends that local governments achieve this 491 combination of resources by encouraging active partnerships 492 between government, lenders, builders and developers, real 493 estate professionals, advocates for low-income persons, and 494 community groups to produce affordable housing and provide 495 related services. Extending the partnership concept to encompass 496 cooperative efforts among small counties as defined in s. 120.52 497s. 120.52(19), and among counties and municipalities is 498 specifically encouraged. Local governments are also intended to 499 establish an affordable housing advisory committee to recommend 500 monetary and nonmonetary incentives for affordable housing as 501 provided in s. 420.9076. 502 Section 11. Subsection (7) of section 420.9075, Florida 503 Statutes, is amended to read: 504 420.9075 Local housing assistance plans; partnerships.— 505 (7) The moneys deposited in the local housing assistance 506 trust fund shall be used to administer and implement the local 507 housing assistance plan. The cost of administering the plan may 508 not exceed 5 percent of the local housing distribution moneys 509 and program income deposited into the trust fund. A county or an 510 eligible municipality may not exceed the 5-percent limitation on 511 administrative costs, unless its governing body finds, by 512 resolution, that 5 percent of the local housing distribution 513 plus 5 percent of program income is insufficient to adequately 514 pay the necessary costs of administering the local housing 515 assistance plan. The cost of administering the program may not 516 exceed 10 percent of the local housing distribution plus 5 517 percent of program income deposited into the trust fund, except 518 that small counties, as defined in s. 120.52s. 120.52(19), and 519 eligible municipalities receiving a local housing distribution 520 of up to $350,000 may use up to 10 percent of program income for 521 administrative costs. 522 Section 12. Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 523 443.091, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 524 443.091 Benefit eligibility conditions.— 525 (1) An unemployed individual is eligible to receive 526 benefits for any week only if the Department of Economic 527 Opportunity finds that: 528 (d) She or he is able to work and is available for work. In 529 order to assess eligibility for a claimed week of unemployment, 530 the department shall develop criteria to determine a claimant’s 531 ability to work and availability for work. A claimant must be 532 actively seeking work in order to be considered available for 533 work. This means engaging in systematic and sustained efforts to 534 find work, including contacting at least five prospective 535 employers for each week of unemployment claimed. The department 536 may require the claimant to provide proof of such efforts to the 537 one-stop career center as part of reemployment services. A 538 claimant’s proof of work search efforts may not include the same 539 prospective employer at the same location in 3 consecutive 540 weeks, unless the employer has indicated since the time of the 541 initial contact that the employer is hiring. The department 542 shall conduct random reviews of work search information provided 543 by claimants. As an alternative to contacting at least five 544 prospective employers for any week of unemployment claimed, a 545 claimant may, for that same week, report in person to a one-stop 546 career center to meet with a representative of the center and 547 access reemployment services of the center. The center shall 548 keep a record of the services or information provided to the 549 claimant and shall provide the records to the department upon 550 request by the department. However: 551 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph or 552 paragraphs (b) and (e), an otherwise eligible individual may not 553 be denied benefits for any week because she or he is in training 554 with the approval of the department, or by reason of s. 555 443.101(2) relating to failure to apply for, or refusal to 556 accept, suitable work. Training may be approved by the 557 department in accordance with criteria prescribed by rule. A 558 claimant’s eligibility during approved training is contingent 559 upon satisfying eligibility conditions prescribed by rule. 560 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an 561 otherwise eligible individual who is in training approved under 562 s. 236(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, may not be 563 determined ineligible or disqualified for benefits due to 564 enrollment in such training or because of leaving work that is 565 not suitable employment to enter such training. As used in this 566 subparagraph, the term “suitable employment” means work of a 567 substantially equal or higher skill level than the worker’s past 568 adversely affected employment, as defined for purposes of the 569 Trade Act of 1974, as amended, the wages for which are at least 570 80 percent of the worker’s average weekly wage as determined for 571 purposes of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. 572 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an 573 otherwise eligible individual may not be denied benefits for any 574 week because she or he is before any state or federal court 575 pursuant to a lawfully issued summons to appear for jury duty. 576 4. Union members who customarily obtain employment through 577 a union hiring hall may satisfy the work search requirements of 578 this paragraph by reporting daily to their union hall. 579 5. The work search requirements of this paragraph do not 580 apply to persons who are unemployed as a result of a temporary 581 layoff or who are claiming benefits under an approved short-time 582 compensation plan as provided in s. 443.1116. 583 6. In small counties as defined in s. 120.52s. 120.52(19), 584 a claimant engaging in systematic and sustained efforts to find 585 work must contact at least three prospective employers for each 586 week of unemployment claimed. 587 7. The work search requirements of this paragraph do not 588 apply to persons required to participate in reemployment 589 services under paragraph (e). 590 Section 13. This act shall take effect July 1, 2020.