Bill Text: FL S1368 | 2013 | Regular Session | Comm Sub

Bill Title: Clinical, Counseling, and Psychotherapy Services

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (? 2-1)

Status: (Failed) 2013-05-03 - Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs [S1368 Detail]

Download: Florida-2013-S1368-Comm_Sub.html
       Florida Senate - 2013                      CS for CS for SB 1368
       By the Committees on Criminal Justice; and Health Policy; and
       Senator Ring
       591-04352-13                                          20131368c2
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to clinical, counseling, and
    3         psychotherapy services; amending s. 491.004, F.S.;
    4         deleting an obsolete provision; conforming provisions;
    5         amending s. 491.0045, F.S.; requiring registered
    6         interns to remain under supervision while maintaining
    7         registered intern status; providing for noncompliance;
    8         providing for the expiration of intern registrations
    9         and registered intern licenses; prohibiting specified
   10         persons from applying for an intern registration;
   11         amending s. 491.0046, F.S.; correcting cross
   12         references; prohibiting specified persons from
   13         applying for a provisional license; amending s.
   14         491.005, F.S.; revising the requirements for a
   15         clinical social worker license, a marriage and family
   16         therapist license, and a mental health counselor
   17         license; deleting a provision requiring certain
   18         registered interns to be certified as having met
   19         specified licensure requirements; amending s.
   20         491.0057, F.S.; providing for future repeal of
   21         provisions providing for dual licensure as a marriage
   22         and family therapist; amending s. 491.006, F.S.;
   23         revising requirements of licensure or certification by
   24         endorsement; amending s. 491.007, F.S.; deleting a
   25         provision providing certified master social workers a
   26         limited exemption from continuing education
   27         requirements; deleting a provision requiring the Board
   28         of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy,
   29         and Mental Health Counseling to establish a procedure
   30         for the biennial renewal of intern registrations;
   31         providing an effective date.
   33  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   35         Section 1. Subsections (3) through (7) of section 491.004,
   36  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
   37         491.004 Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family
   38  Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling.—
   39         (3) No later than January 1, 1988, the Governor shall
   40  appoint nine members of the board as follows:
   41         (a) Three members for terms of 2 years each.
   42         (b) Three members for terms of 3 years each.
   43         (c) Three members for terms of 4 years each.
   44         (3)(4) As the terms of the initial members expire, the
   45  Governor shall appoint successors for terms of 4 years; and
   46  those members shall serve until their successors are appointed.
   47         (4)(5) The board shall adopt rules pursuant to ss.
   48  120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement and enforce the provisions of
   49  this chapter.
   50         (5)(6) All applicable provisions of chapter 456 relating to
   51  activities of regulatory boards shall apply to the board.
   52         (6)(7) The board shall maintain its official headquarters
   53  in the City of Tallahassee.
   54         Section 2. Section 491.0045, Florida Statutes, is amended
   55  to read:
   56         491.0045 Intern registration; requirements.—
   57         (1) Effective January 1, 1998, An individual who has not
   58  satisfied intends to practice in Florida to satisfy the
   59  postgraduate or post-master’s level experience requirements, as
   60  specified in s. 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), or (4)(c), must register
   61  as an intern in the profession for which he or she is seeking
   62  licensure before prior to commencing the post-master’s
   63  experience requirement. or An individual who intends to satisfy
   64  part of the required graduate-level practicum, internship, or
   65  field experience, outside the academic arena for any profession,
   66  must register as an intern in the profession for which he or she
   67  is seeking licensure before prior to commencing the practicum,
   68  internship, or field experience.
   69         (2) The department shall register as a clinical social
   70  worker intern, marriage and family therapist intern, or mental
   71  health counselor intern each applicant who the board certifies
   72  has:
   73         (a) Completed the application form and remitted a
   74  nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $200, as set by
   75  board rule;
   76         (b)1. Completed the education requirements as specified in
   77  s. 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), or (4)(c) for the profession for which
   78  he or she is applying for licensure, if needed; and
   79         2. Submitted an acceptable supervision plan, as determined
   80  by the board, for meeting the practicum, internship, or field
   81  work required for licensure that was not satisfied in his or her
   82  graduate program.
   83         (c) Identified a qualified supervisor.
   84         (3) An individual registered under this section must remain
   85  under supervision while practicing under registered intern
   86  status until he or she is in receipt of a license or a letter
   87  from the department stating that he or she is licensed to
   88  practice the profession for which he or she applied.
   89         (4) An individual who has applied for intern registration
   90  on or before December 31, 2001, and has satisfied the education
   91  requirements of s. 491.005 that are in effect through December
   92  31, 2000, will have met the educational requirements for
   93  licensure for the profession for which he or she has applied.
   94         (4)(5)Individuals who have commenced the experience
   95  requirement as specified in s. 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), or (4)(c)
   96  but failed to register as required by subsection (1) shall
   97  register with the department before January 1, 2000. Individuals
   98  who fail to comply with this section subsection shall not be
   99  granted a license under this chapter, and any time spent by the
  100  individual completing the experience requirement as specified in
  101  s. 491.005(1)(c), (3)(c), or (4)(c) before prior to registering
  102  as an intern shall not count toward completion of the such
  103  requirement.
  104         (5) Intern registration shall be valid for 5 years. Any
  105  subsequent intern registration shall be as a result of applying
  106  for and meeting all requirements imposed on an applicant for
  107  initial registration.
  108         (6) A registration issued on or before June 30, 2011,
  109  expires on July 1, 2016, and may not be renewed or reissued. A
  110  registration issued after June 30, 2011, expires 60 months after
  111  the date it was issued. Any subsequent intern registration shall
  112  be issued at the discretion of the board.
  113         (7) A person who has held a provisional license issued by
  114  the board may not apply for an intern registration in the same
  115  profession.
  116         Section 3. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section
  117  491.0046, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsection (5) is
  118  added to that section, to read:
  119         491.0046 Provisional license; requirements.—
  120         (2) The department shall issue a provisional clinical
  121  social worker license, provisional marriage and family therapist
  122  license, or provisional mental health counselor license to each
  123  applicant who the board certifies has:
  124         (c) Has met the following minimum coursework requirements:
  125         1. For clinical social work, a minimum of 15 semester hours
  126  or 22 quarter hours of the coursework required by s.
  127  491.005(1)(b)2.b.
  128         2. For marriage and family therapy, 10 of the courses
  129  required by s. 491.005(3)(b)1.a. 491.005(3)(b)1.a.-c., as
  130  determined by the board, and at least 6 semester hours or 9
  131  quarter hours of the course credits must have been completed in
  132  the area of marriage and family systems, theories, or
  133  techniques.
  134         3. For mental health counseling, a minimum of seven of the
  135  courses required under s. 491.005(4)(b)1.a. 491.005(b)1.a.-c.
  136         (5) A person who has held an intern registration issued by
  137  the board may not apply for a provisional license in the same
  138  profession.
  139         Section 4. Section 491.005, Florida Statutes, is amended to
  140  read:
  141         491.005 Licensure by examination.—
  142         (1) CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK.—Upon verification of
  143  documentation and payment of a fee not to exceed $200, as set by
  144  board rule, plus the actual per applicant cost to the department
  145  for purchase of the examination from the American Association of
  146  State Social Worker’s Boards or a similar national organization,
  147  the department shall issue a license as a clinical social worker
  148  to an applicant who the board certifies:
  149         (a) Has submitted an made application therefor and paid the
  150  appropriate fee.
  151         (b)1. Has received a doctoral degree in social work from a
  152  graduate school of social work which at the time the applicant
  153  graduated was accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by
  154  the United States Department of Education or has received a
  155  master’s degree in social work from a graduate school of social
  156  work which at the time the applicant graduated:
  157         a. Was accredited by the Council on Social Work Education;
  158         b. Was accredited by the Canadian Association of Schools of
  159  Social Work; or
  160         c. Has been determined to have been a program equivalent to
  161  programs approved by the Council on Social Work Education by the
  162  Foreign Equivalency Determination Service of the Council on
  163  Social Work Education. An applicant who graduated from a program
  164  at a university or college outside of the United States or
  165  Canada must present documentation of the equivalency
  166  determination from the council in order to qualify.
  167         2. The applicant’s graduate program must have emphasized
  168  direct clinical patient or client health care services,
  169  including, but not limited to, coursework in clinical social
  170  work, psychiatric social work, medical social work, social
  171  casework, psychotherapy, or group therapy. The applicant’s
  172  graduate program must have included all of the following
  173  coursework:
  174         a. A supervised field placement which was part of the
  175  applicant’s advanced concentration in direct practice, during
  176  which the applicant provided clinical services directly to
  177  clients.
  178         b. Completion of 24 semester hours or 32 quarter hours in
  179  theory of human behavior and practice methods as courses in
  180  clinically oriented services, including a minimum of one course
  181  in psychopathology, and no more than one course in research,
  182  taken in a school of social work accredited or approved pursuant
  183  to subparagraph 1.
  184         3. If the course title which appears on the applicant’s
  185  transcript does not clearly identify the content of the
  186  coursework, the applicant shall be required to provide
  187  additional documentation, including, but not limited to, a
  188  syllabus or catalog description published for the course.
  189         (c) Has had at least not less than 2 years of clinical
  190  social work experience, which took place subsequent to
  191  completion of a graduate degree in social work at an institution
  192  meeting the accreditation requirements of this section, under
  193  the supervision of a licensed clinical social worker or the
  194  equivalent who is a qualified supervisor as determined by the
  195  board. An individual who intends to practice in Florida to
  196  satisfy clinical experience requirements must register pursuant
  197  to s. 491.0045 before prior to commencing practice. If the
  198  applicant’s graduate program was not a program which emphasized
  199  direct clinical patient or client health care services as
  200  described in subparagraph (b)2., the supervised experience
  201  requirement must take place after the applicant has completed a
  202  minimum of 15 semester hours or 22 quarter hours of the
  203  coursework required. A doctoral internship may be applied toward
  204  the clinical social work experience requirement. A licensed
  205  mental health professional must be on the premises when clinical
  206  services are provided by a registered intern in a private
  207  practice setting. A registered intern may not engage in his or
  208  her own independent private practice. The experience requirement
  209  may be met by work performed on or off the premises of the
  210  supervising clinical social worker or the equivalent, provided
  211  the off-premises work is not the independent private practice
  212  rendering of clinical social work that does not have a licensed
  213  mental health professional, as determined by the board, on the
  214  premises at the same time the intern is providing services.
  215         (d) Has passed a theory and practice examination provided
  216  by the department for this purpose.
  217         (e) Has demonstrated, in a manner designated by rule of the
  218  board, knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of
  219  clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental
  220  health counseling.
  221         (2) CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK.—
  222         (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1)(b),
  223  coursework which was taken at a baccalaureate level shall not be
  224  considered toward completion of education requirements for
  225  licensure unless an official of the graduate program certifies
  226  in writing on the graduate school’s stationery that a specific
  227  course, which students enrolled in the same graduate program
  228  were ordinarily required to complete at the graduate level, was
  229  waived or exempted based on completion of a similar course at
  230  the baccalaureate level. If this condition is met, the board
  231  shall apply the baccalaureate course named toward the education
  232  requirements.
  233         (b) An applicant from a master’s or doctoral program in
  234  social work which did not emphasize direct patient or client
  235  services may complete the clinical curriculum content
  236  requirement by returning to a graduate program accredited by the
  237  Council on Social Work Education or the Canadian Association of
  238  Schools of Social Work, or to a clinical social work graduate
  239  program with comparable standards, in order to complete the
  240  education requirements for examination. However, a maximum of 6
  241  semester or 9 quarter hours of the clinical curriculum content
  242  requirement may be completed by credit awarded for independent
  243  study coursework as defined by board rule.
  244         (3) MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY.—Upon verification of
  245  documentation and payment of a fee not to exceed $200, as set by
  246  board rule, plus the actual cost to the department for the
  247  purchase of the examination from the Association of Marital and
  248  Family Therapy Regulatory Board, or its successor similar
  249  national organization, the department shall issue a license as a
  250  marriage and family therapist to an applicant who the board
  251  certifies:
  252         (a) Has submitted an made application therefor and paid the
  253  appropriate fee.
  254         (b)1. Has a minimum of a master’s degree from a program
  255  accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and
  256  Family Therapy Education, from a mental health counseling
  257  program with a marriage and family track from a university in
  258  this state accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of
  259  Counseling and Related Educational Programs, from a program
  260  accepted by the board as meeting these coursework requirements
  261  with major emphasis in marriage and family therapy, or a program
  262  in a closely related field as determined by the board, and has
  263  completed all of the following requirements:
  264         a. Sixty Thirty-six semester hours or 80 48 quarter hours
  265  of graduate coursework, which must include a minimum of 3
  266  semester hours or 4 quarter hours of graduate-level coursework
  267  course credits in each of the following nine areas: dynamics of
  268  marriage and family systems; marriage therapy and counseling
  269  theory and techniques; family therapy and counseling theory and
  270  techniques; individual human development theories throughout the
  271  life cycle; personality theory or general counseling theory and
  272  techniques; psychopathology; human sexuality theory and
  273  counseling techniques; psychosocial theory; and substance abuse
  274  theory and counseling techniques; legal, ethical, and
  275  professional standards issues in the practice of marriage and
  276  family therapy; individual evaluation, assessment, and testing;
  277  and behavioral research which focuses on the interpretation and
  278  application of research data as it applies to clinical practice.
  279  Courses in research, evaluation, appraisal, assessment, or
  280  testing theories and procedures; thesis or dissertation work; or
  281  practicums, internships, or fieldwork may not be applied toward
  282  this requirement.
  283         b. A minimum of one graduate-level course of 3 semester
  284  hours or 4 quarter hours in legal, ethical, and professional
  285  standards issues in the practice of marriage and family therapy
  286  or a course determined by the board to be equivalent.
  287         c. A minimum of one graduate-level course of 3 semester
  288  hours or 4 quarter hours in diagnosis, appraisal, assessment,
  289  and testing for individual or interpersonal disorder or
  290  dysfunction; and a minimum of one 3-semester-hour or 4-quarter
  291  hour graduate-level course in behavioral research which focuses
  292  on the interpretation and application of research data as it
  293  applies to clinical practice. Credit for thesis or dissertation
  294  work, practicums, internships, or fieldwork may not be applied
  295  toward this requirement.
  296         d. A minimum of one supervised clinical practicum,
  297  internship, or field experience in a marriage and family
  298  counseling setting, during which the student provided 400 180
  299  direct client contact hours of marriage and family therapy
  300  services under the supervision of an individual who met the
  301  requirements for supervision under paragraph (c). This
  302  requirement may be met by a supervised practice experience which
  303  took place outside the academic arena, but which is certified as
  304  equivalent to a graduate-level practicum or internship program
  305  which required a minimum of 400 180 direct client contact hours
  306  of marriage and family therapy services currently offered within
  307  an academic program of a college or university accredited by an
  308  accrediting agency approved by the United States Department of
  309  Education, or an institution which is publicly recognized as a
  310  member in good standing with the Association of Universities and
  311  Colleges of Canada or a training institution accredited by the
  312  Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy
  313  Education recognized by the United States Department of
  314  Education. Certification shall be required from an official of
  315  such college, university, or training institution.
  316         2. If the course title which appears on the applicant’s
  317  transcript does not clearly identify the content of the
  318  coursework, the applicant shall be required to provide
  319  additional documentation, including, but not limited to, a
  320  syllabus or catalog description published for the course.
  322  The required master’s degree must have been received in an
  323  institution of higher education which at the time the applicant
  324  graduated was: fully accredited by a regional accrediting body
  325  recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary
  326  Accreditation; publicly recognized as a member in good standing
  327  with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada; or
  328  an institution of higher education located outside the United
  329  States and Canada, which at the time the applicant was enrolled
  330  and at the time the applicant graduated maintained a standard of
  331  training substantially equivalent to the standards of training
  332  of those institutions in the United States which are accredited
  333  by a regional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on
  334  Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation. Such foreign
  335  education and training must have been received in an institution
  336  or program of higher education officially recognized by the
  337  government of the country in which it is located as an
  338  institution or program to train students to practice as
  339  professional marriage and family therapists or psychotherapists.
  340  The burden of establishing that the requirements of this
  341  provision have been met shall be upon the applicant, and the
  342  board shall require documentation, such as, but not limited to,
  343  an evaluation by a foreign equivalency determination service, as
  344  evidence that the applicant’s graduate degree program and
  345  education were equivalent to an accredited program in this
  346  country. An applicant with a master’s degree from a program
  347  which did not emphasize marriage and family therapy may complete
  348  the coursework requirement in a training institution fully
  349  accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and
  350  Family Therapy Education or the Council for Accreditation of
  351  Counseling and Related Educational Programs recognized by the
  352  United States Department of Education.
  353         (c) Has had at least not less than 2 years of clinical
  354  experience during which 50 percent of the applicant’s clients
  355  were receiving marriage and family therapy services, which must
  356  be at the post-master’s level under the supervision of a
  357  licensed marriage and family therapist with at least 5 years of
  358  experience, or the equivalent, who is a qualified supervisor as
  359  determined by the board. An individual who intends to practice
  360  in Florida to satisfy the clinical experience requirements must
  361  register pursuant to s. 491.0045 before prior to commencing
  362  practice. If a graduate has a master’s degree with a major
  363  emphasis in marriage and family therapy or a closely related
  364  field that did not include all the coursework required under
  365  sub-subparagraph (b)1.a. sub-subparagraphs (b)1.a.-c., credit
  366  for the post-master’s level clinical experience shall not
  367  commence until the applicant has completed coursework in at
  368  least a minimum of 10 of the areas courses required under sub
  369  subparagraph (b)1.a. sub-subparagraphs (b)1.a.-c., as determined
  370  by the board, and at least 6 semester hours or 9 quarter hours
  371  of the course credits must have been completed in the area of
  372  marriage and family systems, theories, or techniques. Within the
  373  2 3 years of required experience, the applicant shall provide
  374  direct individual, group, or family therapy and counseling, to
  375  include the following categories of cases: unmarried dyads,
  376  married couples, separating and divorcing couples, and family
  377  groups including children. A doctoral internship may be applied
  378  toward the clinical experience requirement. A licensed mental
  379  health professional must be on the premises when clinical
  380  services are provided by a registered intern in a private
  381  practice setting. A registered intern may not engage in his or
  382  her own independent private practice The clinical experience
  383  requirement may be met by work performed on or off the premises
  384  of the supervising marriage and family therapist or the
  385  equivalent, provided the off-premises work is not the
  386  independent private practice rendering of marriage and family
  387  therapy services that does not have a licensed mental health
  388  professional, as determined by the board, on the premises at the
  389  same time the intern is providing services.
  390         (d) Has passed a theory and practice examination designated
  391  provided by the board department for this purpose.
  392         (e) Has demonstrated, in a manner designated by rule of the
  393  board, knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of
  394  clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental
  395  health counseling as determined by the board.
  396         (f) For the purposes of dual licensure, the department
  397  shall license as a marriage and family therapist any person who
  398  meets the requirements of s. 491.0057. Fees for dual licensure
  399  shall not exceed those stated in this subsection. This paragraph
  400  expires July 1, 2020.
  401         (4) MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING.—Upon verification of
  402  documentation and payment of a fee not to exceed $200, as set by
  403  board rule, plus the actual per applicant cost to the department
  404  for purchase of the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor
  405  Examination from the Professional Examination Service for the
  406  National Academy of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselors
  407  or a similar national organization, an examination managed by
  408  the National Board of Certified Counselors or its successor, the
  409  department shall issue a license as a mental health counselor to
  410  an applicant who the board certifies:
  411         (a) Has submitted an made application therefor and paid the
  412  appropriate fee.
  413         (b)1. Has a minimum of an earned master’s degree from a
  414  mental health counseling program accredited by the Council for
  415  the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs
  416  that consists of at least 60 semester hours or 80 quarter hours
  417  of clinical and didactic instruction, including a course in
  418  human sexuality and a course in substance abuse. If the master’s
  419  degree is earned from a program related to the practice of
  420  mental health counseling that is not accredited by the Council
  421  for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational
  422  Programs, then the coursework and practicum, internship, or
  423  fieldwork must consist of at least 60 semester hours or 80
  424  quarter hours and meet the following requirements:
  425         a. Thirty-three semester hours or 44 quarter hours of
  426  graduate coursework, which must include a minimum of 3 semester
  427  hours or 4 quarter hours of graduate-level coursework in each of
  428  the following 11 content areas: counseling theories and
  429  practice; human growth and development; diagnosis and treatment
  430  of psychopathology; human sexuality; group theories and
  431  practice; individual evaluation and assessment; career and
  432  lifestyle assessment; research and program evaluation; social
  433  and cultural foundations; counseling in community settings; and
  434  substance abuse; and legal, ethical, and professional standards
  435  issues in the practice of mental health counseling. Courses in
  436  research, thesis or dissertation work, practicums, internships,
  437  or fieldwork may not be applied toward this requirement.
  438         b. A minimum of 3 semester hours or 4 quarter hours of
  439  graduate-level coursework in legal, ethical, and professional
  440  standards issues in the practice of mental health counseling,
  441  which includes goals, objectives, and practices of professional
  442  counseling organizations, codes of ethics, legal considerations,
  443  standards of preparation, certifications and licensing, and the
  444  role identity and professional obligations of mental health
  445  counselors. Courses in research, thesis or dissertation work,
  446  practicums, internships, or fieldwork may not be applied toward
  447  this requirement.
  448         c. The equivalent, as determined by the board, of at least
  449  700 1,000 hours of university-sponsored supervised clinical
  450  practicum, internship, or field experience that includes at
  451  least 280 hours of direct client services, as required in the
  452  accrediting standards of the Council for Accreditation of
  453  Counseling and Related Educational Programs for mental health
  454  counseling programs. This experience may not be used to satisfy
  455  the post-master’s clinical experience requirement.
  456         2. If the course title which appears on the applicant’s
  457  transcript does not clearly identify the content of the
  458  coursework, the applicant shall be required to provide
  459  additional documentation, including, but not limited to, a
  460  syllabus or catalog description published for the course.
  462  Education and training in mental health counseling must have
  463  been received in an institution of higher education which at the
  464  time the applicant graduated was: fully accredited by a regional
  465  accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education
  466  or its successor Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary
  467  Accreditation; publicly recognized as a member in good standing
  468  with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada; or
  469  an institution of higher education located outside the United
  470  States and Canada, which at the time the applicant was enrolled
  471  and at the time the applicant graduated maintained a standard of
  472  training substantially equivalent to the standards of training
  473  of those institutions in the United States which are accredited
  474  by a regional accrediting body recognized by the Council for
  475  Higher Education or its successor Commission on Recognition of
  476  Postsecondary Accreditation. Such foreign education and training
  477  must have been received in an institution or program of higher
  478  education officially recognized by the government of the country
  479  in which it is located as an institution or program to train
  480  students to practice as mental health counselors. The burden of
  481  establishing that the requirements of this provision have been
  482  met shall be upon the applicant, and the board shall require
  483  documentation, such as, but not limited to, an evaluation by a
  484  foreign equivalency determination service, as evidence that the
  485  applicant’s graduate degree program and education were
  486  equivalent to an accredited program in this country. Effective
  487  July 1, 2020, an applicant must have a master’s degree
  488  accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and
  489  Related Educational Programs consisting of at least 60 semester
  490  hours or 80 quarter hours to apply for licensure under this
  491  subsection. The applicant’s graduate program must have
  492  emphasized the common core curricular experience to include at
  493  least 3 semester hours or 4 quarter hours of coursework
  494  specifically addressing the diagnostic process, including
  495  differential diagnosis and the use of the current diagnostic
  496  tools, such as the current edition of the Diagnostic and
  497  Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
  498         (c) Has had at least not less than 2 years of clinical
  499  experience in mental health counseling, which must be at the
  500  post-master’s level under the supervision of a licensed mental
  501  health counselor or the equivalent who is a qualified supervisor
  502  as determined by the board. An individual who intends to
  503  practice in Florida to satisfy the clinical experience
  504  requirements must register pursuant to s. 491.0045 before prior
  505  to commencing practice. If a graduate has a master’s degree in
  506  with a major related to the practice of mental health counseling
  507  or a closely related field that did not include all the
  508  coursework required under sub-subparagraph (b)1.a. sub
  509  subparagraphs (b)1.a.-b., credit for the post-master’s level
  510  clinical experience shall not commence until the applicant has
  511  completed a minimum of seven of the courses required under sub
  512  subparagraph (b)1.a. sub-subparagraphs (b)1.a.-b., as determined
  513  by the board, one of which must be a course in psychopathology
  514  or abnormal psychology. A doctoral internship may be applied
  515  toward the clinical experience requirement. A licensed mental
  516  health professional must be on the premises when clinical
  517  services are provided by a registered intern in a private
  518  practice setting. No registered intern may engage in his or her
  519  own independent private practice The clinical experience
  520  requirement may be met by work performed on or off the premises
  521  of the supervising mental health counselor or the equivalent,
  522  provided the off-premises work is not the independent private
  523  practice rendering of services that does not have a licensed
  524  mental health professional, as determined by the board, on the
  525  premises at the same time the intern is providing services.
  526         (d) Has passed a theory and practice examination designated
  527  provided by the department for this purpose.
  528         (e) Has demonstrated, in a manner designated by rule of the
  529  board, knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of
  530  clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental
  531  health counseling as determined by the board.
  532         (5) INTERNSHIP.—An individual who is registered as an
  533  intern and has satisfied all of the educational requirements for
  534  the profession for which the applicant seeks licensure shall be
  535  certified as having met the educational requirements for
  536  licensure under this section.
  537         (5)(6) RULES.—The board may adopt rules necessary to
  538  implement any education or experience requirement of this
  539  section for licensure as a clinical social worker, marriage and
  540  family therapist, or mental health counselor.
  541         Section 5. Section 491.0057, Florida Statutes, is amended
  542  to read:
  543         491.0057 Dual licensure as a marriage and family
  544  therapist.—
  545         (1) The department shall license as a marriage and family
  546  therapist a any person who demonstrates to the board that he or
  547  she:
  548         (a)(1) Holds a valid, active license as a psychologist
  549  under chapter 490 or as a clinical social worker or mental
  550  health counselor under this chapter, or is certified under s.
  551  464.012 as an advanced registered nurse practitioner who has
  552  been determined by the Board of Nursing as a specialist in
  553  psychiatric mental health.
  554         (b)(2) Has held a valid, active license for at least 3
  555  years.
  556         (c)(3) Has passed the examination provided by the
  557  department for marriage and family therapy.
  558         (2) This section is repealed July 1, 2020.
  559         Section 6. Subsection (1) of section 491.006, Florida
  560  Statutes, is amended to read:
  561         491.006 Licensure or certification by endorsement.—
  562         (1) The department shall license or grant a certificate to
  563  a person in a profession regulated by this chapter who, upon
  564  applying to the department and remitting the appropriate fee,
  565  demonstrates to the board that he or she:
  566         (a) Has demonstrated, in a manner designated by rule of the
  567  board, knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of
  568  clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, and mental
  569  health counseling as defined by rule of the board.
  570         (b)1. Holds an active valid license to practice in the
  571  profession for which the applicant seeks licensure and has
  572  actively practiced the profession for which licensure is applied
  573  in another state for 3 of the last 5 years immediately preceding
  574  licensure.
  575         2. Meets the education requirements of this chapter for the
  576  profession for which licensure is applied or has demonstrated
  577  proof of substantially equivalent education as defined by rule
  578  of the board.
  579         3. Has passed the licensure examination designated by the
  580  board or has passed a substantially equivalent licensing
  581  examination in another state for the profession which the
  582  applicant seeks licensure a substantially equivalent licensing
  583  examination in another state or has passed the licensure
  584  examination in this state in the profession for which the
  585  applicant seeks licensure.
  586         4. Holds a license in good standing, is not under
  587  investigation for an act that would constitute a violation of
  588  this chapter, and has not been found to have committed any act
  589  that would constitute a violation of this chapter. The fees paid
  590  by any applicant for certification as a master social worker
  591  under this section are nonrefundable.
  592         Section 7. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 491.007,
  593  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
  594         491.007 Renewal of license, registration, or certificate.—
  595         (2) Each applicant for renewal shall present satisfactory
  596  evidence that, in the period since the license or certificate
  597  was issued, the applicant has completed continuing education
  598  requirements set by rule of the board or department. The board
  599  may not require Not more than 25 classroom hours of continuing
  600  education per year shall be required. A certified master social
  601  worker is exempt from the continuing education requirements for
  602  the first renewal of the certificate.
  603         (3) The board or department shall prescribe by rule a
  604  method for the biennial renewal of an intern registration at a
  605  fee set by rule, not to exceed $100.
  606         Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013.
