Bill Text: FL S1378 | 2010 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Assessment of Lands Used for Conservation Purposes [EPSC]
Spectrum: Unknown
Status: (Failed) 2010-04-30 - Died in Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation [S1378 Detail]
Download: Florida-2010-S1378-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2010 SB 1378 By the Committee on Finance and Tax 593-01647A-10 20101378__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the assessment of lands used for 3 conservation purposes; amending s. 193.501, F.S.; 4 providing for certain lands that are covenanted for 5 use for conservation purposes to be assessed for ad 6 valorem taxation in the same manner as lands used for 7 outdoor recreational or park purposes; redefining the 8 term “covenant”; defining the term “conservation 9 purposes”; specifying the information that must be 10 included in a covenant; requiring covenants to be 11 notarized; requiring the executive director of the 12 Department of Revenue to work with the Board of 13 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, local 14 governments, and conservation organizations to develop 15 a form for a covenant; providing that the requirements 16 for covenants do not apply to covenants in existence 17 before the effective date of the act; providing for 18 retroactive application; providing an effective date. 19 20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 21 22 Section 1. Section 193.501, Florida Statutes, is amended to 23 read: 24 193.501 Assessment of lands subject to a conservation 25 easement, environmentally endangered lands, or lands used for 26 outdoor recreational, conservation, or park purposes afterwhen27 land development rights have been conveyed or conservation 28 restrictions have been covenanted.— 29 (1) The owner or owners in fee of any land subject to a 30 conservation easement as described in s. 704.06; land qualified 31 as environmentally endangered pursuant to paragraph (6)(i) and 32 so designated by formal resolution of the governing board of the 33 municipality or county within which such land is located; land 34 designated as conservation land in a comprehensive plan adopted 35 by the appropriate municipal or county governing body; orany36 land thatwhichis usedutilizedfor conservation, outdoor 37 recreational, or park purposes may, by appropriate instrument, 38 for a term of at leastnot less than10 years: 39 (a) Convey the development right of such land to the 40 governing board of any public agency in this state within which 41 the land is located, or to the Board of Trustees of the Internal 42 Improvement Trust Fund, or to a charitable corporation or trust 43 as described in s. 704.06(3); or 44 (b) Enter into a covenant as provided in subsection (8) 45Covenantwith the governing board of any public agency in this 46 state within which the land is located,orwith the Board of 47 Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or with a 48 charitable corporation or trust as described in s. 704.06(3), 49 that such land be subject to one or more of the conservation 50 restrictions provided in s. 704.06(1) or not be used by the 51 owner for any purpose other than conservation, outdoor 52 recreational, or park purposes. If land is covenanted and used 53 for an outdoor recreational purpose, the normal use and 54 maintenance of the land for that purpose, consistent with the 55 covenant, isshallnotberestricted. 56 (2) The governing board of any public agency in this state 57 within which the land is located,orthe Board of Trustees of 58 the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or a charitable corporation 59 or trust as described in s. 704.06(3),is authorized to and may 60empoweredin its discretiontoaccept any and all instruments 61 conveying the development right of any such land or enter into a 62 covenant restricting the use of such land as provided under 63 subsection (8).establishing a covenant pursuant to subsection64(1), and if accepted by the board or charitable corporation or65trust,The covenant or other instrument shall be promptly filed 66 with the appropriate officer for recording in the same manner as 67 any other instrument affecting the title to real property and 68 shall be indexed and maintained in such a manner that allows 69 members of the public to locate the covenant or other instrument 70 affecting any particular property assessed pursuant to this 71 section. 72 (3) AfterWhen, pursuant to subsections (1) and (2),the 73 development right in real property has been conveyed, pursuant 74 to subsections (1) and (2), to the governing board of any public 75 agency of this state within which the land is located, to the 76 Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or to 77 a charitable corporation or trust as described in s. 704.06(2), 78 or a covenant has been executed and accepted by the board or 79 charitable corporation or trust, the lands thatwhichare the 80 subject of such conveyance or covenant shall bethereafter81 assessed as provided in this section.herein:82 (a) If the covenant or conveyance extends for a period of 83 at leastnot less than10 years from January 1 in the year such 84 assessment is made, the property appraiser, in valuing such land 85 for tax purposes, shall consider no factors other than those 86 relative to its value for the present use, as restricted by any 87 conveyance or covenant under this section. 88 (b) If the covenant or conveyance extends for a period less 89 than 10 years, the land shall be assessed underthe provisions90ofs. 193.011, recognizing the nature and lengththereofof any 91 restriction placed on the use of the land under the provisions 92 of subsection (1). 93 (4) After making a conveyance of the development right or 94 executing a covenant pursuant to this section, or conveying a 95 conservation easement pursuant to this section and s. 704.06, 96 the owner of the land mayshallnot use the land in any manner 97 not consistent with the development right voluntarily conveyed, 98orwith the restrictions voluntarily imposed, or with the terms 99 of the conservation easement, and mayorshallnot change the 100 use of the land from conservation, outdoor recreational, or park 101 purposes during the term of such conveyance or covenant without 102 first obtaining a written instrument from the board or 103 charitable corporation or trust, which instrument reconveys all 104 or part of the development right to the owner or releases the 105 owner from the terms of the covenant. Theand whichinstrument 106 must be promptly recorded in the same manner as any other 107 instrument affecting the title to real property. Upon obtaining 108 approval for reconveyance or release, the reconveyance or 109 release shall be made to the owner upon payment of the deferred 110 tax liability. Any payment of the deferred tax liability shall 111 be payable to the county tax collector within 90 days afterof112 the date of approval by the board or charitable corporation or 113 trust of the reconveyance or release. The collector shall 114 distribute the payment to each governmental unit in the 115 proportion that its millage bears to the total millage levied on 116 the parcel for the years in which such conveyance or covenant 117 was in effect. 118 (5) The governing board of any public agency,orthe Board 119 of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or a 120 charitable corporation or trust thatwhichholds title to a 121 development right pursuant to this section may not convey that 122 development right to anyone other than the governing board of 123 another public agency or a charitable corporation or trust, as 124 described in s. 704.06(3), or the record owner of the fee 125 interest in the land to which the development right attaches. 126 The conveyance from the governing board of a public agency or 127 the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund to 128 the owner of the fee shall be made only after a determination by 129 the board that such conveyance willwouldnot adversely affect 130 the interest of the public. Section 125.35 does not apply to 131 such sales, but any public agency accepting any instrument 132 conveying a development right pursuant to this section shall 133 immediatelyforthwithadopt appropriate regulations and 134 procedures governing the disposition of the development rights 135same. These regulations and procedures must provide in part that 136 the board may not convey a development right to the owner of the 137 fee without first holding a public hearing and unless notice of 138 the proposed conveyance and the time and place at which the 139 public hearing is to be held is published once a week for at 140 least 2 weeks in asomenewspaper of general circulation in the 141 county involved beforeprior tothe hearing. 142 (6) Unless the context clearly indicates a different 143 meaning, as usedThe following terms whenever used as referred144toin this section, the termhave the following meanings unless145a different meaning is clearly indicated by the context: 146 (a) “Board” meansisthe governing board of any 147 municipalitycity, county, or other public agency of the state 148 or the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. 149 (b) “Conservation restriction” means a limitation on a 150 right to the use of land for purposes of conserving or 151 preserving land or water areas predominantly in their natural, 152 scenic, open, agricultural, or wooded condition. The limitation 153 on rights to the use of land may involve or pertain to any of 154 the activities enumerated in s. 704.06(1). 155 (c) “Conservation easement” means that property right 156 described in s. 704.06. 157 (d) “Covenant” means an agreement running with the land 158 which restricts the use of the land exclusively to conservation, 159 outdoor recreational, or park purposesisa covenant running160with the land. 161 (e) “Deferred tax liability” means an amount equal to the 162 difference between the total amount of taxes that would have 163 been due in March in each of the previous years in which the 164 conveyance or covenant was in effect if the property had been 165 assessed under the provisions of s. 193.011 and the total amount 166 of taxes actually paid in those years when the property was 167 assessed under the provisions of this section, plus interest on 168 that difference computed as provided in s. 212.12(3). 169 (f) “Development right” meansisthe right of the owner of 170 the fee interest in the land to change the use of the land. 171 (g) “Outdoor recreational or park purposes” includes, but 172 is not necessarily limited to, boating, golfing, camping, 173 swimming, horseback riding, and archaeological, scenic, or 174 scientific sites and applies only to land which is open to the 175 general public. 176 (h) “Present use” is the manner in which the land is used 177utilizedon January 1 of the year in which the assessment is 178 made. 179 (i) “Qualified as environmentally endangered” means land 180 that has unique ecological characteristics, rare or limited 181 combinations of geological formations, or features of a rare or 182 limited nature constituting habitat suitable for fish, plants, 183 or wildlife, and thatwhich, if subject to a development 184 moratorium or one or more conservation easements or development 185 restrictions appropriate to retaining such land or water areas 186 predominantly in their natural state, would be consistent with 187 the conservation, recreation and open space, and, if applicable, 188 coastal protection elements of the comprehensive plan adopted by 189 formal action of the local governing body pursuant to s. 190 163.3161, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land 191 Development Regulation Act,;or surface waters and wetlands, as 192 determined by the methodology ratified in s. 373.4211. 193 (j) “Conservation purposes” means the retention of: 194 1. The substantial natural value of land, including 195 woodlands, wetlands, water courses, ponds, streams, and natural 196 open spaces; 197 2. The land as suitable habitat for fish, plants, or 198 wildlife; or 199 3. The natural value of land for water quality enhancement 200 or water recharge. 201 (7)(a) The property appraiser shall report to the 202 department showing the just value and the classified use value 203 of property that is subject to a conservation easement under s. 204 704.06, property assessed as environmentally endangered land 205 pursuant to this section, and property assessed as outdoor 206 recreational or park land. 207 (b) The tax collector shall annually report to the 208 department the amount of deferred tax liability collected 209 pursuant to this section. 210 (8)(a) A covenant must include: 211 1. Identification of the land to which the covenant 212 applies; 213 2. The land’s allowable use or uses; 214 3. The period of time for which the covenant applies; 215 4. The names of all parties to the covenant and the 216 responsibilities of each party in ensuring that the terms of the 217 covenant are enforced; 218 5. Penalties that apply if the covenant is breached; 219 6. A statement that the covenant runs with the land and 220 applies to future landowners; and 221 7. Signatures of all parties to the covenant attesting that 222 all information in the covenant is true, correct, and complete. 223 (b) A covenant must be notarized. 224 (c) The executive director of the Department of Revenue 225 shall work with the Board of Trustees of the Internal 226 Improvement Trust Fund, local governments, and conservation 227 organizations to develop a form for a covenant. However, the use 228 of the form is not mandatory. 229 (9)(8)A person or organization that, on January 1, has the 230 legal title to land that is entitled by law to assessment under 231 this section shall, on or before March 1 of each year, file an 232 application for assessment under this section with the county 233 property appraiser. The application must identify the property 234 for which assessment under this section is claimed. The initial 235 application for assessment for any property must include a copy 236 of the instrument by which the development right is conveyed or 237 which establishes a covenant that establishes the conservation 238 purposes for which the land is used. The Department of Revenue 239 shall prescribe the forms upon which the application is made. 240 The failure to file an application on or before March 1 of any 241 year constitutes a waiver of assessment under this section for 242 that year. However, an applicant who is qualified to receive an 243 assessment under this section but fails to file an application 244 by March 1 may file an application for the assessment and may 245 file, pursuant to s. 194.011(3), a petition with the value 246 adjustment board requesting that the assessment be granted. The 247 petition must be filed at any time during the taxable year on or 248 before the 25th day following the mailing of the notice by the 249 property appraiser pursuant to s. 194.011(1). Notwithstanding s. 250 194.013, the applicant must pay a nonrefundable fee of $15 upon 251 filing the petition. Upon reviewing the petition, if the person 252 is qualified to receive the assessment and demonstrates 253 particular extenuating circumstances judged by the property 254 appraiser or the value adjustment board to warrant granting the 255 assessment, the property appraiser or the value adjustment board 256 may grant the assessment. The owner of land that was assessed 257 under this section in the previous year and whose ownership or 258 use has not changed may reapply on a short form as provided by 259 the department. A county may, at the request of the property 260 appraiser and by a majority vote of its governing body, waive 261 the requirement that an annual application or statement be made 262 for assessment of property within the county. Such waiver may be 263 revoked by a majority vote of the governing body of the county. 264 (10)(9)A person or entity that owns land assessed pursuant 265 to this section must notify the property appraiser promptly if 266 the land becomes ineligible for assessment under this section. 267 If any property owner fails to notify the property appraiser and 268 the property appraiser determines that for any year within the 269 preceding 10 years the land was not eligible for assessment 270 under this section, the owner of the land is subject to taxes 271 avoided as a result of such failure plus 15 percent interest per 272 annum and a penalty of 50 percent of the taxes avoided. The 273 property appraiser making such determination shall record in the 274 public records of the county a notice of tax lien against any 275 property owned by that person or entity in the county, and such 276 property must be identified in the notice of tax lien. The 277 property is subject to a lien in the amount of the unpaid taxes 278 and penalties. The lien when filed shall attach to any property 279 identified in the notice of tax lien which is owned by the 280 person or entity and which was improperly assessed. If such 281 person or entity no longer owns property in that county but owns 282 property in some other county or counties of this state, the 283 property appraiser shall record a notice of tax lien in such 284 other county or counties, identifying the property owned by such 285 person or entity. 286 Section 2. The requirements for covenants to convey 287 development rights or impose conservation restrictions in 288 section 193.501(8), Florida Statutes, do not apply to such 289 covenants in existence before the effective date of this act. 290 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law, 291 and applies retroactively to January 1, 2010.