Bill Text: FL S1498 | 2018 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Dental Therapy
Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-1)
Status: (Failed) 2018-03-10 - Died in Health Policy [S1498 Detail]
Download: Florida-2018-S1498-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2018 SB 1498 By Senator Brandes 24-01111-18 20181498__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to dental therapy; amending s. 3 409.906, F.S.; authorizing Medicaid to reimburse for 4 dental services provided in a mobile dental unit that 5 is owned by, operated by, or contracted with a health 6 access setting or another similar program; amending s. 7 466.001, F.S.; revising legislative purpose and 8 intent; amending s. 466.002, F.S.; providing 9 construction; amending s. 466.003, F.S.; defining the 10 terms “dental therapy” and “dental therapist”; 11 revising the definition of the term “health access 12 setting” to include certain dental therapy programs; 13 amending s. 466.004, F.S.; requiring the chair of the 14 Board of Dentistry to appoint a Council on Dental 15 Therapy; providing for membership, meetings, and the 16 purpose of the council; amending s. 466.006, F.S.; 17 revising the definition of the terms “full-time 18 practice” and “full-time practice of dentistry within 19 the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year” 20 to include full-time faculty members of certain dental 21 therapy schools; amending s. 466.0075, F.S.; 22 authorizing the board to require any person applying 23 to take the examination to practice dental therapy to 24 maintain medical malpractice insurance of certain 25 amounts; amending s. 466.009, F.S.; requiring the 26 Department of Health to allow any person who fails the 27 dental therapy examination to retake it; providing 28 that a person who fails a practical or clinical 29 examination to practice dental therapy and who has 30 only failed one portion or procedure of the 31 examination may only be required to retake that 32 portion or procedure to pass the examination; amending 33 s. 466.011, F.S.; requiring the board to certify 34 applicants who satisfy specified requirements for 35 licensure by the department; providing an exception; 36 creating s. 466.0136, F.S.; requiring the board to 37 require each licensed dental therapist to complete a 38 specified continuing professional education 39 requirement; requiring the board to adopt rules and 40 guidelines; authorizing the board to excuse licensees 41 from continuing education requirements in certain 42 circumstances; amending s. 466.016, F.S.; requiring a 43 practitioner of dental therapy to post and display her 44 or his license in each office where she or he 45 practices; amending s. 466.017, F.S.; requiring the 46 board to adopt certain rules relating to dental 47 therapists; authorizing a dental therapist under the 48 general supervision of a dentist to administer local 49 anesthesia if specified requirements are met; 50 authorizing a dental therapist under general 51 supervision of a dentist to utilize an X-ray machine, 52 expose dental X-ray films, and interpret such films, 53 if specified requirements are met; amending s. 54 466.018, F.S.; providing that a dentist remains 55 primarily responsible for the dental treatment of a 56 patient regardless of whether the treatment is 57 provided by a dental therapist; requiring the initials 58 of a dental therapist who renders treatment to a 59 patient to be placed in the record of a patient; 60 creating s. 466.0225, F.S.; providing application 61 requirements, including the payment of a fee, for a 62 person seeking to become licensed as a dental 63 therapist; providing qualifications for a person to 64 take dental therapy examinations; creating s. 65 466.0226, F.S.; authorizing certain dental school 66 graduates who meet certain requirements to be licensed 67 to practice dental therapy; creating s. 466.0227, 68 F.S.; authorizing a dental therapist to perform 69 specified services under the general supervision of a 70 dentist with authorization and within the terms of a 71 written collaborative management agreement if certain 72 criteria are met; listing dental therapy services; 73 requiring that a collaborative management agreement be 74 signed by a supervising dentist and a dental therapist 75 and include certain information; authorizing a 76 supervising dentist to restrict or limit the dental 77 therapist’s practice in a collaborative management 78 agreement; providing that a supervising dentist may 79 authorize a dental therapist to provide dental therapy 80 services to a patient before the dentist examines or 81 diagnoses the patient; requiring that a supervising 82 dentist be licensed and practicing in this state; 83 specifying that the supervising dentist is responsible 84 for certain services; amending s. 466.026, F.S.; 85 providing criminal penalties for a person practicing 86 dental therapy without an active license, for a person 87 who sells or offers to sell a diploma conferring a 88 degree from a dental therapy school or college, and 89 for a person who falsely holds himself or herself out 90 as an actively licensed dental therapist; amending s. 91 466.028, F.S.; revising grounds for denial of a 92 license or disciplinary action to include provisions 93 relating to dental therapy; amending s. 466.0285, 94 F.S.; prohibiting persons other than dentists from 95 employing a dental therapist in the operation of a 96 dental office and from controlling the use of any 97 dental equipment in the provision of dental services 98 in certain circumstances; amending s. 466.051, F.S.; 99 revising a public records exemption to include 100 personal identifying information that is contained in 101 a record provided by a dental therapist in response to 102 a dental workforce survey and that is held by the 103 department; requiring the department, in consultation 104 with the board and the Agency for Health Care 105 Administration, to provide two progress reports to the 106 Legislature by specified dates; requiring that certain 107 information and recommendations be included in the 108 reports; providing an effective date. 109 110 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 111 112 Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 113 409.906, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 114 409.906 Optional Medicaid services.—Subject to specific 115 appropriations, the agency may make payments for services which 116 are optional to the state under Title XIX of the Social Security 117 Act and are furnished by Medicaid providers to recipients who 118 are determined to be eligible on the dates on which the services 119 were provided. Any optional service that is provided shall be 120 provided only when medically necessary and in accordance with 121 state and federal law. Optional services rendered by providers 122 in mobile units to Medicaid recipients may be restricted or 123 prohibited by the agency. Nothing in this section shall be 124 construed to prevent or limit the agency from adjusting fees, 125 reimbursement rates, lengths of stay, number of visits, or 126 number of services, or making any other adjustments necessary to 127 comply with the availability of moneys and any limitations or 128 directions provided for in the General Appropriations Act or 129 chapter 216. If necessary to safeguard the state’s systems of 130 providing services to elderly and disabled persons and subject 131 to the notice and review provisions of s. 216.177, the Governor 132 may direct the Agency for Health Care Administration to amend 133 the Medicaid state plan to delete the optional Medicaid service 134 known as “Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally 135 Disabled.” Optional services may include: 136 (1) ADULT DENTAL SERVICES.— 137 (c) However, Medicaid will not provide reimbursement for 138 dental services provided in a mobile dental unit, except for a 139 mobile dental unit: 140 1. Owned by, operated by, or having a contractual agreement 141 with the Department of Health and complying with Medicaid’s 142 county health department clinic services program specifications 143 as a county health department clinic services provider. 144 2. Owned by, operated by, or having a contractual 145 arrangement with a federally qualified health center and 146 complying with Medicaid’s federally qualified health center 147 specifications as a federally qualified health center provider. 148 3. Rendering dental services to Medicaid recipients, 21 149 years of age and older, at nursing facilities. 150 4. Owned by, operated by, or having a contractual agreement 151 with a state-approved dental educational institution. 152 5. Owned by, operated by, or having a contract with a 153 health access setting, as defined in s. 466.003, or another 154 similar setting or program serving underserved or vulnerable 155 populations facing serious barriers to access dental services, 156 including, but not limited to: Early Head Start programs, 157 homeless shelters, schools, and the Special Supplemental 158 Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. 159 Section 2. Section 466.001, Florida Statutes, is amended to 160 read: 161 466.001 Legislative purpose and intent.—The legislative 162 purpose for enacting this chapter is to ensure that every 163 dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist practicing in 164 this state meets minimum requirements for safe practice without 165 undue clinical interference by persons not licensed under this 166 chapter. It is the legislative intent that dental services be 167 provided only in accordance with the provisions of this chapter 168 and not be delegated to unauthorized individuals. It is the 169 further legislative intent that dentists, dental therapists, and 170 dental hygienists who fall below minimum competency or who 171 otherwise present a danger to the public shall be prohibited 172 from practicing in this state. All provisions of this chapter 173 relating to the practice of dentistry, dental therapy, and 174 dental hygiene shall be liberally construed to carry out such 175 purpose and intent. 176 Section 3. Subsections (5) and (6) of section 466.002, 177 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 178 466.002 Persons exempt from operation of chapter.—Nothing 179 in this chapter shall apply to the following practices, acts, 180 and operations: 181 (5) Students in Florida schools of dentistry, dental 182 therapy, and dental hygiene or dental assistant educational 183 programs, while performing regularly assigned work under the 184 curriculum of such schools. 185 (6) Instructors in Florida schools of dentistry, 186 instructors in dental programs that prepare persons holding 187 D.D.S. or D.M.D. degrees for certification by a specialty board 188 and that are accredited in the United States by January 1, 2005, 189 in the same manner as the board recognizes accreditation for 190 Florida schools of dentistry that are not otherwise affiliated 191 with a Florida school of dentistry, or instructors in Florida 192 schools of dental hygiene, dental therapy, or dental assistant 193 educational programs, while performing regularly assigned 194 instructional duties under the curriculum of such schools. A 195 full-time dental instructor at a dental school or dental program 196 approved by the board may be allowed to practice dentistry at 197 the teaching facilities of such school or program, upon 198 receiving a teaching permit issued by the board, in strict 199 compliance with such rules as are adopted by the board 200 pertaining to the teaching permit and with the established rules 201 and procedures of the dental school or program as recognized in 202 this section. 203 Section 4. Subsections (4) through (15) of section 204 466.003, Florida Statutes are redesignated as subsections (6) 205 through (17), respectively, present subsection (14) of that 206 section is amended, and new subsections (4) and (5) are added to 207 that section, to read: 208 466.003 Definitions.—As used in this chapter: 209 (4) “Dental therapist” means a person licensed to practice 210 dental therapy pursuant to s. 466.0225. 211 (5) “Dental therapy” means the rendering of services 212 pursuant to s. 466.0227 and any related extraoral service or 213 procedure required in the performance of such services. 214 (16)(14)“Health access setting” means a program or an 215 institution of the Department of Children and Families, the 216 Department of Health, the Department of Juvenile Justice, a 217 nonprofit community health center, a Head Start center, a 218 federally qualified health center or look-alike as defined by 219 federal law, a school-based prevention program, a clinic 220 operated by an accredited college of dentistry, or an accredited 221 dental hygiene or dental therapy program in this state if such 222 community service program or institution immediately reports to 223 the Board of Dentistry all violations of s. 466.027, s. 466.028, 224 or other practice act or standard of care violations related to 225 the actions or inactions of a dentist, dental hygienist, dental 226 therapist, or dental assistant engaged in the delivery of dental 227 care in such setting. 228 Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 466.004, Florida 229 Statutes, is amended to read: 230 466.004 Board of Dentistry.— 231 (2) To advise the board, it is the intent of the 232 Legislature that councils be appointed as specified in 233 paragraphs (a)-(d)(a), (b), and (c). The department shall 234 provide administrative support to the councils and shall provide 235 public notice of meetings and agenda of the councils. Councils 236 shall include at least one board member who shall chair the 237 council and shall include nonboard members. All council members 238 shall be appointed by the board chair. Council members shall be 239 appointed for 4-year terms, and all members shall be eligible 240 for reimbursement of expenses in the manner of board members. 241 (a) A Council on Dental Hygiene shall be appointed by the 242 board chair and shall include one dental hygienist member of the 243 board, who shall chair the council, one dental member of the 244 board, and three dental hygienists who are actively engaged in 245 the practice of dental hygiene in this state. In making the 246 appointments, the chair shall consider recommendations from the 247 Florida Dental Hygiene Association. The council shall meet at 248 the request of the board chair, a majority of the members of the 249 board, or the council chair; however, the council must meet at 250 least three times a year. The council is charged with the 251 responsibility of and shall meet for the purpose of developing 252 rules and policies for recommendation to the board, which the 253 board shall consider, on matters pertaining to that part of 254 dentistry consisting of educational, preventive, or therapeutic 255 dental hygiene services; dental hygiene licensure, discipline, 256 or regulation; and dental hygiene education. Rule and policy 257 recommendations of the council shall be considered by the board 258 at its next regularly scheduled meeting in the same manner in 259 which it considers rule and policy recommendations from 260 designated subcommittees of the board. Any rule or policy 261 proposed by the board pertaining to the specified part of 262 dentistry defined by this subsection shall be referred to the 263 council for a recommendation before final action by the board. 264 The board may take final action on rules pertaining to the 265 specified part of dentistry defined by this subsection without a 266 council recommendation if the council fails to submit a 267 recommendation in a timely fashion as prescribed by the board. 268 (b) A Council on Dental Assisting shall be appointed by the 269 board chair and shall include one board member who shall chair 270 the council and three dental assistants who are actively engaged 271 in dental assisting. The council shall meet at the request of 272 the board chair or a majority of the members of the board. The 273 council shall meet for the purpose of developing recommendations 274 to the board on matters pertaining to that part of dentistry 275 related to dental assisting. 276 (c) A Council on Dental Therapy shall be appointed by the 277 board chair and shall include one board member who shall chair 278 the council and three dental therapists who are actively engaged 279 in dental therapy. The council shall meet at the request of the 280 board chair or a majority of the members of the board. The 281 council shall meet for the purpose of developing recommendations 282 to the board on matters pertaining to that part of dentistry 283 related to dental therapy. 284 (d)(c)With the concurrence of the State Surgeon General, 285 the board chair may create and abolish other advisory councils 286 relating to dental subjects, including, but not limited to: 287 examinations, access to dental care, indigent care, nursing home 288 and institutional care, public health, disciplinary guidelines, 289 and other subjects as appropriate. Such councils shall be 290 appointed by the board chair and shall include at least one 291 board member who shall serve as chair. 292 Section 6. Subsection (4) and paragraph (b) of subsection 293 (6) of section 466.006, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 294 466.006 Examination of dentists.— 295 (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law in chapter 296 456 pertaining to the clinical dental licensure examination or 297 national examinations, to be licensed as a dentist in this 298 state, an applicant must successfully complete the following: 299 (a) A written examination on the laws and rules of the 300 state regulating the practice of dentistry; 301 (b)1. A practical or clinical examination, which shall be 302 the American Dental Licensing Examination produced by the 303 American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., or its successor 304 entity, if any, that is administered in this state and graded by 305 dentists licensed in this state and employed by the department 306 for just such purpose, provided that the board has attained, and 307 continues to maintain thereafter, representation on the board of 308 directors of the American Board of Dental Examiners, the 309 examination development committee of the American Board of 310 Dental Examiners, and such other committees of the American 311 Board of Dental Examiners as the board deems appropriate by rule 312 to assure that the standards established herein are maintained 313 organizationally. A passing score on the American Dental 314 Licensing Examination administered in this state and graded by 315 dentists who are licensed in this state is valid for 365 days 316 after the date the official examination results are published. 317 2.a. As an alternative to the requirements of subparagraph 318 1., an applicant may submit scores from an American Dental 319 Licensing Examination previously administered in a jurisdiction 320 other than this state after October 1, 2011, and such 321 examination results shall be recognized as valid for the purpose 322 of licensure in this state. A passing score on the American 323 Dental Licensing Examination administered out-of-state shall be 324 the same as the passing score for the American Dental Licensing 325 Examination administered in this state and graded by dentists 326 who are licensed in this state. The examination results are 327 valid for 365 days after the date the official examination 328 results are published. The applicant must have completed the 329 examination after October 1, 2011. 330 b. This subparagraph may not be given retroactive 331 application. 332 3. If the date of an applicant’s passing American Dental 333 Licensing Examination scores from an examination previously 334 administered in a jurisdiction other than this state under 335 subparagraph 2. is older than 365 days, then such scores shall 336 nevertheless be recognized as valid for the purpose of licensure 337 in this state, but only if the applicant demonstrates that all 338 of the following additional standards have been met: 339 a.(I) The applicant completed the American Dental Licensing 340 Examination after October 1, 2011. 341 (II) This sub-subparagraph may not be given retroactive 342 application; 343 b. The applicant graduated from a dental school accredited 344 by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental 345 Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or any other 346 dental accrediting organization recognized by the United States 347 Department of Education. Provided, however, if the applicant did 348 not graduate from such a dental school, the applicant may submit 349 proof of having successfully completed a full-time supplemental 350 general dentistry program accredited by the American Dental 351 Association Commission on Dental Accreditation of at least 2 352 consecutive academic years at such accredited sponsoring 353 institution. Such program must provide didactic and clinical 354 education at the level of a D.D.S. or D.M.D. program accredited 355 by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental 356 Accreditation; 357 c. The applicant currently possesses a valid and active 358 dental license in good standing, with no restriction, which has 359 never been revoked, suspended, restricted, or otherwise 360 disciplined, from another state or territory of the United 361 States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto 362 Rico; 363 d. The applicant submits proof that he or she has never 364 been reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, the 365 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank, or the American 366 Association of Dental Boards Clearinghouse. This sub 367 subparagraph does not apply if the applicant successfully 368 appealed to have his or her name removed from the data banks of 369 these agencies; 370 e.(I) In the 5 years immediately preceding the date of 371 application for licensure in this state, the applicant must 372 submit proof of having been consecutively engaged in the full 373 time practice of dentistry in another state or territory of the 374 United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of 375 Puerto Rico, or, if the applicant has been licensed in another 376 state or territory of the United States, the District of 377 Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for less than 5 378 years, the applicant must submit proof of having been engaged in 379 the full-time practice of dentistry since the date of his or her 380 initial licensure. 381 (II) As used in this section, “full-time practice” is 382 defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours per year for each and every 383 year in the consecutive 5-year period or, where applicable, the 384 period since initial licensure, and must include any combination 385 of the following: 386 (A) Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct 387 patient care. 388 (B) Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a 389 dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene school approved by the 390 board or accredited by the American Dental Association 391 Commission on Dental Accreditation. 392 (C) Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate 393 dental education program approved by the board or accredited by 394 the American Dental Association Commission on Dental 395 Accreditation. 396 (III) The board shall develop rules to determine what type 397 of proof of full-time practice is required and to recoup the 398 cost to the board of verifying full-time practice under this 399 section. Such proof must, at a minimum, be: 400 (A) Admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding; 401 (B) Submitted in writing; 402 (C) Submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of 403 perjury attached; 404 (D) Further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated 405 to the applicant who is familiar with the applicant’s practice 406 and testifies with particularity that the applicant has been 407 engaged in full-time practice; and 408 (E) Specifically found by the board to be both credible and 409 admissible. 410 (IV) An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable 411 proof of full-time practice unless it is further attested to by 412 someone unrelated to the applicant who has personal knowledge of 413 the applicant’s practice. If the board deems it necessary to 414 assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the 415 applicant or the applicant’s witnesses to appear before the 416 board and give oral testimony under oath; 417 f. The applicant must submit documentation that he or she 418 has completed, or will complete, prior to licensure in this 419 state, continuing education equivalent to this state’s 420 requirements for the last full reporting biennium; 421 g. The applicant must prove that he or she has never been 422 convicted of, or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of 423 adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to the practice 424 of a health care profession in any jurisdiction; 425 h. The applicant must successfully pass a written 426 examination on the laws and rules of this state regulating the 427 practice of dentistry and must successfully pass the computer 428 based diagnostic skills examination; and 429 i. The applicant must submit documentation that he or she 430 has successfully completed the National Board of Dental 431 Examiners dental examination. 432 (6) 433 (b)1. As used in this section, “full-time practice of 434 dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within 435 1 year” is defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours in the initial 436 year of licensure, which must include any combination of the 437 following: 438 a. Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct 439 patient care within the geographic boundaries of this state. 440 b. Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a 441 dental, dental therapy, or dental hygiene school approved by the 442 board or accredited by the American Dental Association 443 Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the 444 geographic boundaries of this state. 445 c. Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental 446 education program approved by the board or accredited by the 447 American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation 448 and located within the geographic boundaries of this state. 449 2. The board shall develop rules to determine what type of 450 proof of full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic 451 boundaries of this state for 1 year is required in order to 452 maintain active licensure and shall develop rules to recoup the 453 cost to the board of verifying maintenance of such full-time 454 practice under this section. Such proof must, at a minimum: 455 a. Be admissible as evidence in an administrative 456 proceeding; 457 b. Be submitted in writing; 458 c. Be submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties 459 of perjury attached; 460 d. Be further documented by an affidavit of someone 461 unrelated to the applicant who is familiar with the applicant’s 462 practice and testifies with particularity that the applicant has 463 been engaged in full-time practice of dentistry within the 464 geographic boundaries of this state within the last 365 days; 465 and 466 e. Include such additional proof as specifically found by 467 the board to be both credible and admissible. 468 3. An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable 469 proof of full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic 470 boundaries of this state within 1 year, unless it is further 471 attested to by someone unrelated to the applicant who has 472 personal knowledge of the applicant’s practice within the last 473 365 days. If the board deems it necessary to assess credibility 474 or accuracy, the board may require the applicant or the 475 applicant’s witnesses to appear before the board and give oral 476 testimony under oath. 477 Section 7. Section 466.0075, Florida Statutes, is amended 478 to read: 479 466.0075 Applicants for examination; medical malpractice 480 insurance.—The board may require any person applying to take the 481 examination to practice dentistry in this state, the examination 482 to practice dental therapy in this state, or the examination to 483 practice dental hygiene in this state to maintain medical 484 malpractice insurance in amounts sufficient to cover any 485 incident of harm to a patient during the clinical examination. 486 Section 8. Subsection (1) of section 466.009, Florida 487 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (4) is added to that 488 section, to read: 489 466.009 Reexamination.— 490 (1) The department shall allowpermitany person who fails 491 an examination thatwhichis required under s. 466.006,ors. 492 466.007, or s. 466.0225 to retake the examination. If the 493 examination to be retaken is a practical or clinical 494 examination, the applicant shall pay a reexamination fee set by 495 rule of the board in an amount not to exceed the original 496 examination fee. 497 (4) If an applicant for a license to practice dental 498 therapy fails the practical or clinical examination and has 499 failed only one part or procedure of the examination, she or he 500 may only be required to retake that part or procedure to pass 501 the examination. However, if any such applicant fails more than 502 one part or procedure of any such examination, she or he shall 503 be required to retake the entire examination. 504 Section 9. Section 466.011, Florida Statutes, is amended to 505 read: 506 466.011 Licensure.—The board shall certify for licensure by 507 the department any applicant who satisfies the requirements of 508 s. 466.006, s. 466.0067,ors. 466.007, or s. 466.0225. The 509 board may refuse to certify an applicant who has violated any of 510 the provisions of s. 466.026 or s. 466.028. 511 Section 10. Section 466.0136, Florida Statutes, is created 512 to read: 513 466.0136 Continuing education; dental therapists.—In 514 addition to the other requirements for relicensure for dental 515 therapists set out in this chapter, the board shall require each 516 licensed dental therapist to complete at least 24 hours but not 517 more than 36 hours of continuing professional education in 518 dental subjects, biennially, in programs prescribed or approved 519 by the board or in equivalent programs of continuing education. 520 Programs of continuing education approved by the board shall be 521 programs of learning which, in the opinion of the board, 522 contribute directly to the dental education of the dental 523 therapist. The board shall adopt rules and guidelines to 524 administer and enforce this section. The dental therapist shall 525 retain in her or his records any receipts, vouchers, or 526 certificates necessary to document completion of such continuing 527 education. Compliance with the continuing education requirements 528 is mandatory for issuance of the renewal certificate. The board 529 may excuse licensees, as a group or as individuals, from all or 530 part of the continuing education requirements if an unusual 531 circumstance, emergency, or hardship has prevented compliance 532 with this section. 533 Section 11. Section 466.016, Florida Statutes, is amended 534 to read: 535 466.016 License to be displayed.—Every practitioner of 536 dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene within the meaning 537 of this chapter shall post and keep conspicuously displayed her 538 or his license in the office wherein she or he practices, in 539 plain sight of the practitioner’s patients. Any dentist, dental 540 therapist, or dental hygienist who practices at more than one 541 location shall be required to display a copy of her or his 542 license in each office where she or he practices. 543 Section 12. Present subsections (7) and (8) of section 544 466.017, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (8) 545 and (9), respectively, a new subsection (7) is added to that 546 section, and paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (3), 547 subsection (4), and present subsections (7) and (8) of that 548 section, are amended, to read: 549 466.017 Prescription of drugs; anesthesia.— 550 (3) The board shall adopt rules which: 551 (d) Establish further requirements relating to the use of 552 general anesthesia or sedation, including, but not limited to, 553 office equipment and the training of dental assistants, dental 554 therapists, or dental hygienists who work with dentists using 555 general anesthesia or sedation. 556 (e) Establish an administrative mechanism enabling the 557 board to verify compliance with training, education, experience, 558 equipment, or certification requirements of dentists, dental 559 therapists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants adopted 560 pursuant to this subsection. The board may charge a fee to 561 defray the cost of verifying compliance with requirements 562 adopted pursuant to this paragraph. 563 (4) A dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist who 564 administers or employs the use of any form of anesthesia must 565 possess a certification in either basic cardiopulmonary 566 resuscitation for health professionals or advanced cardiac life 567 support approved by the American Heart Association or the 568 American Red Cross or an equivalent agency-sponsored course with 569 recertification every 2 years. Each dental office which uses any 570 form of anesthesia must have immediately available and in good 571 working order such resuscitative equipment, oxygen, and other 572 resuscitative drugs as are specified by rule of the board in 573 order to manage possible adverse reactions. 574 (7) A dental therapist under general supervision of a 575 dentist may administer local anesthesia, including intraoral 576 block anesthesia or soft tissue infiltration anesthesia, or 577 both, if she or he has completed the course described in 578 paragraph (5)(a) and presents evidence of current certification 579 in basic or advanced cardiac life support. 580 (8)(7)A licensed dentist, or a dental therapist who is 581 authorized by her or his supervising dentist, may utilize an X 582 ray machine, expose dental X-ray films, and interpret or read 583 such films. The provisions of part IV of chapter 468 to the 584 contrary notwithstanding, a licensed dentist, or a dental 585 therapist who is authorized by his or her supervising dentist, 586 may authorize or direct a dental assistant to operate such 587 equipment and expose such films under her or his direction and 588 supervision, pursuant to rules adopted by the board in 589 accordance with s. 466.024 which ensure that said assistant is 590 competent by reason of training and experience to operate said 591 equipment in a safe and efficient manner. The board may charge a 592 fee not to exceed $35 to defray the cost of verifying compliance 593 with requirements adopted pursuant to this section. 594 (9)(8)The provisions of s. 465.0276 notwithstanding, a 595 dentist need not register with the board or comply with the 596 continuing education requirements of that section if the dentist 597 confines her or his dispensing activity to the dispensing of 598 fluorides and chlorhexidinechlorohexidinerinse solutions; 599 provided that the dentist complies with and is subject to all 600 laws and rules applicable to pharmacists and pharmacies, 601 including, but not limited to, chapters 465, 499, and 893, and 602 all applicable federal laws and regulations, when dispensing 603 such products. 604 Section 13. Subsection (1) of section 466.018, Florida 605 Statutes, is amended to read: 606 466.018 Dentist of record; patient records.— 607 (1) Each patient shall have a dentist of record. The 608 dentist of record shall remain primarily responsible for all 609 dental treatment on such patient regardless of whether the 610 treatment is rendered by the dentist or by another dentist, 611 dental therapist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant 612 rendering such treatment in conjunction with, at the direction 613 or request of, or under the supervision of such dentist of 614 record. The dentist of record shall be identified in the record 615 of the patient. If treatment is rendered by a dentist other than 616 the dentist of record or by a dental hygienist, dental 617 therapist, or dental assistant, the name or initials of such 618 person shall be placed in the record of the patient. In any 619 disciplinary proceeding brought pursuant to this chapter or 620 chapter 456, it shall be presumed as a matter of law that 621 treatment was rendered by the dentist of record unless otherwise 622 noted on the patient record pursuant to this section. The 623 dentist of record and any other treating dentist are subject to 624 discipline pursuant to this chapter or chapter 456 for treatment 625 rendered the patient and performed in violation of such chapter. 626 One of the purposes of this section is to ensure that the 627 responsibility for each patient is assigned to one dentist in a 628 multidentist practice of any nature and to assign primary 629 responsibility to the dentist for treatment rendered by a dental 630 hygienist or assistant under her or his supervision. This 631 section shall not be construed to assign any responsibility to a 632 dentist of record for treatment rendered pursuant to a proper 633 referral to another dentist not in practice with the dentist of 634 record or to prohibit a patient from voluntarily selecting a new 635 dentist without permission of the dentist of record. 636 Section 14. Section 466.0225, Florida Statutes, is created 637 to read: 638 466.0225 Examination of dental therapists; licensing.— 639 (1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a dental 640 therapist must apply to the department to take the licensure 641 examinations and shall verify the information required on the 642 application by oath. The application shall include two recent 643 photographs of the applicant. There shall be a nonrefundable 644 application fee set by the board not to exceed $100 and an 645 examination fee set by the board which shall not be more than 646 $225. The examination fee may be refunded if the applicant is 647 found ineligible to take the examinations. 648 (2) An applicant is entitled to take the examinations 649 required in this section and practice dental therapy in this 650 state if the applicant: 651 (a) Is 18 years of age or older; 652 (b) Is a graduate of a dental therapy college or school 653 accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on 654 Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or any 655 other dental therapy accrediting entity recognized by the United 656 States Department of Education. For applicants applying for a 657 dental therapy license before January 1, 2023, the board shall 658 approve the applicant’s dental therapy education program if the 659 program was administered by a college or school that operates an 660 accredited dental or dental hygiene program and the college or 661 school certifies to the board that the applicant’s education 662 substantially conformed to the education standards established 663 by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental 664 Accreditation; 665 (c) Has successfully completed a dental therapy practical 666 or clinical examination produced by the American Board of Dental 667 Examiners, Inc., (ADEX) or its successor entity, if any, if the 668 board finds that the successor entity’s examination meets or 669 exceeds the provisions of this section. If an applicant fails to 670 pass the ADEX Dental Therapy Examination in three attempts, the 671 applicant is not eligible to retake the examination unless the 672 applicant completes additional education requirements as 673 specified by the board. If a dental therapy examination has not 674 been established by the ADEX, the board shall administer or 675 approve an alternative examination; 676 (d) Has not been disciplined by a board, except for 677 citation offenses or minor violations; 678 (e) Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, 679 regardless of adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to 680 the practice of a health care profession; and 681 (f) Has successfully completed a written examination on the 682 laws and rules of this state regulating the practice of dental 683 therapy. 684 (3) An applicant who meets the requirements of this 685 section, who has successfully completed the examinations 686 identified in paragraph (2)(c) in a jurisdiction other than this 687 state, or who has successfully completed comparable examinations 688 administered or approved by the licensing authority in that 689 jurisdiction shall be licensed to practice dental therapy in 690 this state if the board determines that the other jurisdiction’s 691 examinations and scope of practice are substantially similar to 692 those identified in paragraph (2)(c). 693 Section 15. Section 466.0226, Florida Statutes, is created 694 to read: 695 466.0226 Dental therapy; licensing for dental school 696 graduates.—An applicant who satisfied the examination 697 requirements in s. 466.0225 may take the examinations required 698 in this section and shall be licensed to practice dental therapy 699 in this state if the applicant is a graduate of a dental college 700 or school accredited in accordance with s. 466.006(2)(b), or if 701 the applicant is a graduate of an unaccredited dental college or 702 school and has: 703 (1) Successfully completed the National Board Dental 704 Examination for dentistry or dental therapy or an alternative 705 examination approved by the board under this section; 706 (2) Submitted for review by the board transcripts totaling 707 4 academic years of postsecondary dental education and a dental 708 school diploma that is comparable to a D.D.S. or D.M.D. 709 (a) Such credentials shall be submitted in a manner 710 provided by rule of the board. The board shall approve those 711 credentials that comply with this subsection and with rules of 712 the board adopted pursuant to this subsection. 713 (b) An applicant who graduated from a foreign dental 714 college or a school not accredited in accordance with s. 715 466.006(2)(b) and who cannot produce the credentials required by 716 this subsection, as a result of political or other conditions in 717 the country in which the applicant received his or her 718 education, may seek the board’s approval of his or her 719 educational background by submitting, in lieu of the credentials 720 required in this subsection, such other reasonable and reliable 721 evidence as may be set forth by board rule. The board shall not 722 accept such other evidence until it has made a reasonable 723 attempt to obtain the credentials required by this subsection 724 from the educational institutions the applicant is alleged to 725 have attended, unless the board is otherwise satisfied that such 726 credentials cannot be obtained. 727 (3) Successfully completed one or more courses, of a scope 728 and duration approved and defined by board rule, which meet the 729 requirements of law for instructing health care providers on the 730 human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency 731 syndrome. In addition, the board may require an applicant who 732 graduated from a nonaccredited dental college or school to 733 successfully complete additional coursework, only after failing 734 the initial examination, as defined by board rule, at an 735 educational institution approved by the board or accredited as 736 provided in s. 466.006(2)(b). A graduate of a foreign dental 737 college or school that is not accredited in accordance with s. 738 466.006(2)(b) may not take the examinations required in this 739 section until the board has approved the credentials required by 740 subsection (2). 741 Section 16. Section 466.0227, Florida Statutes, is created 742 to read: 743 466.0227 Dental therapists; scope and area of practice.— 744 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a dental 745 therapist may perform the dental therapy services specified in 746 subsection (2) under the general supervision of a dentist to the 747 extent authorized by the supervising dentist and provided within 748 the terms of a written collaborative management agreement signed 749 by the dental therapist and the supervising dentist which meets 750 the requirements of subsection (3). 751 (2) Dental therapy services include all of the following: 752 (a) All services, treatments, and competencies identified 753 by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental 754 Accreditation in its dental therapy education accreditation 755 standards; and 756 (b) The following state-specific services, if the dental 757 therapist’s education included curriculum content satisfying the 758 American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation 759 criteria for state-specific dental therapy services: 760 1. Evaluating radiographs. 761 2. Placement of space maintainers. 762 3. Pulpotomies on primary teeth. 763 4. Nonsurgical extractions of periodontally diseased 764 permanent teeth with tooth mobility of +3 to +4 under general 765 supervision if authorized in advance by the collaborating 766 dentist. A dental therapist may not extract a tooth that is 767 unerupted, impacted, or fractured or needs to be sectioned for 768 removal. 769 5. Dispensing and administering analgesics including 770 nitrous oxide, antiinflammatories, and antibiotics as authorized 771 by the supervising dentist and within the parameters of the 772 collaborative management agreement. 773 6. Oral evaluation and assessment of dental disease and 774 formulation of an individualized treatment plan if authorized by 775 a supervising dentist and subject to any conditions, 776 limitations, and protocols specified by the supervising dentist 777 in the collaborative management agreement. 778 (3) Before performing any of the services authorized under 779 this chapter, a dental therapist must enter into a written 780 collaborative management agreement with a supervising dentist. 781 The agreement must be signed by the dental therapist and the 782 supervising dentist and include: 783 (a) Practice settings where services may be provided and 784 the populations to be served; 785 (b) Any limitations on the services that may be provided by 786 the dental therapist, including the level of supervision 787 required by the collaborating dentist; 788 (c) Age and procedure-specific practice protocols, 789 including case selection criteria, assessment guidelines, and 790 imaging frequency; 791 (d) A procedure for creating and maintaining dental records 792 for the patients that are treated by the dental therapist; 793 (e) A plan to manage medical emergencies in each practice 794 setting where the dental therapist provides care; 795 (f) A quality assurance plan for monitoring care provided 796 by the dental therapist, including patient care review, referral 797 followup, and a quality assurance chart review; 798 (g) Protocols for administering and dispensing medications, 799 including the specific conditions and circumstance under which 800 these medications are to be dispensed and administered; 801 (h) Criteria relating to the provision of care to patients 802 with specific medical conditions or complex medication 803 histories, including requirements for consultation before the 804 initiation of care; 805 (i) Supervision criteria of dental assistants; and 806 (j) A plan for the provision of clinical resources and 807 referrals in situations that are beyond the capabilities of the 808 dental therapist. 809 (4) The supervising dentist may restrict or limit the 810 dental therapist’s practice in a collaborative management 811 agreement to be less than the full scope of practice for dental 812 therapists which is authorized in subsection (2). 813 (5) A supervising dentist may authorize a dental therapist 814 to provide dental therapy services to a patient before the 815 dentist examines or diagnoses the patient, if the authority, 816 conditions, and protocols are established in a written 817 collaborative management agreement and if the patient is 818 subsequently referred to a dentist for any needed additional 819 services that exceed the dental therapist’s scope of practice or 820 authorization under the collaborative management agreement. 821 (6) A supervising dentist must be licensed and practicing 822 in this state. The supervising dentist is responsible for all 823 services authorized and performed by the dental therapist 824 pursuant to the collaborative management agreement and for 825 providing or arranging followup services to be provided by a 826 dentist for those services that are beyond the dental 827 therapist’s scope of practice and authorization under the 828 collaborative management agreement. 829 Section 17. Section 466.026, Florida Statutes, is amended 830 to read: 831 466.026 Prohibitions; penalties.— 832 (1) Each of the following acts constitutes a felony of the 833 third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, 834 or s. 775.084: 835 (a) Practicing dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene 836 unless the person has an appropriate, active license issued by 837 the department pursuant to this chapter. 838 (b) Using or attempting to use a license issued pursuant to 839 this chapter which license has been suspended or revoked. 840 (c) Knowingly employing any person to perform duties 841 outside the scope allowed such person under this chapter or the 842 rules of the board. 843 (d) Giving false or forged evidence to the department or 844 board for the purpose of obtaining a license. 845 (e) Selling or offering to sell a diploma conferring a 846 degree from a dental college or dental hygiene or dental therapy 847 school or college, or a license issued pursuant to this chapter, 848 or procuring such diploma or license with intent that it shall 849 be used as evidence of that which the document stands for, by a 850 person other than the one upon whom it was conferred or to whom 851 it was granted. 852 (2) Each of the following acts constitutes a misdemeanor of 853 the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 854 775.083: 855 (a) Using the name or title “dentist,” the letters “D.D.S.” 856 or “D.M.D.”, or any other words, letters, title, or descriptive 857 matter which in any way represents a person as being able to 858 diagnose, treat, prescribe, or operate for any disease, pain, 859 deformity, deficiency, injury, or physical condition of the 860 teeth or jaws or oral-maxillofacial region unless the person has 861 an active dentist’s license issued by the department pursuant to 862 this chapter. 863 (b) Using the name “dental hygienist” or the initials 864 “R.D.H.” or otherwise holding herself or himself out as an 865 actively licensed dental hygienist or implying to any patient or 866 consumer that she or he is an actively licensed dental hygienist 867 unless that person has an active dental hygienist’s license 868 issued by the department pursuant to this chapter. 869 (c) Using the name “dental therapist” or the initials 870 “D.T.” or otherwise holding herself or himself out as an 871 actively licensed dental therapist or implying to any patient or 872 consumer that she or he is an actively licensed dental therapist 873 unless that person has an active dental therapist’s license 874 issued by the department pursuant to this chapter. 875 (d)(c)Presenting as her or his own the license of another. 876 (e)(d)Knowingly concealing information relative to 877 violations of this chapter. 878 (f)(e)Performing any services as a dental assistant as 879 defined herein, except in the office of a licensed dentist, 880 unless authorized by this chapter or by rule of the board. 881 Section 18. Paragraphs (b), (c), (g), (s), and (t) of 882 subsection (1) of section 466.028, Florida Statutes, are amended 883 to read: 884 466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the 885 board.— 886 (1) The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a 887 license or disciplinary action, as specified in s. 456.072(2): 888 (b) Having a license to practice dentistry, dental therapy, 889 or dental hygiene revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted 890 against, including the denial of licensure, by the licensing 891 authority of another state, territory, or country. 892 (c) Being convicted or found guilty of or entering a plea 893 of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in 894 any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of dentistry, 895 dental therapy, or dental hygiene. A plea of nolo contendere 896 shall create a rebuttable presumption of guilt to the underlying 897 criminal charges. 898 (g) Aiding, assisting, procuring, or advising any 899 unlicensed person to practice dentistry, dental therapy, or 900 dental hygiene contrary to this chapter or to a rule of the 901 department or the board. 902 (s) Being unable to practice her or his profession with 903 reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness or 904 use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type 905 of material or as a result of any mental or physical condition. 906 In enforcing this paragraph, the department shall have, upon a 907 finding of the State Surgeon General or her or his designee that 908 probable cause exists to believe that the licensee is unable to 909 practice dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene because of 910 the reasons stated in this paragraph, the authority to issue an 911 order to compel a licensee to submit to a mental or physical 912 examination by physicians designated by the department. If the 913 licensee refuses to comply with such order, the department’s 914 order directing such examination may be enforced by filing a 915 petition for enforcement in the circuit court where the licensee 916 resides or does business. The licensee against whom the petition 917 is filed shall not be named or identified by initials in any 918 public court records or documents, and the proceedings shall be 919 closed to the public. The department shall be entitled to the 920 summary procedure provided in s. 51.011. A licensee affected 921 under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals be afforded 922 an opportunity to demonstrate that she or he can resume the 923 competent practice of her or his profession with reasonable 924 skill and safety to patients. 925 (t) Fraud, deceit, or misconduct in the practice of 926 dentistry, dental therapy, or dental hygiene. 927 Section 19. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of 928 section 466.0285, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 929 466.0285 Proprietorship by nondentists.— 930 (1) No person other than a dentist licensed pursuant to 931 this chapter, nor any entity other than a professional 932 corporation or limited liability company composed of dentists, 933 may: 934 (a) Employ a dentist, dental therapist, or dental hygienist 935 in the operation of a dental office. 936 (b) Control the use of any dental equipment or material 937 while such equipment or material is being used for the provision 938 of dental services, whether those services are provided by a 939 dentist, a dental therapist, a dental hygienist, or a dental 940 assistant. 941 942 Any lease agreement, rental agreement, or other arrangement 943 between a nondentist and a dentist whereby the nondentist 944 provides the dentist with dental equipment or dental materials 945 shall contain a provision whereby the dentist expressly 946 maintains complete care, custody, and control of the equipment 947 or practice. 948 Section 20. Subsection (1) of section 466.051, Florida 949 Statutes, is amended to read: 950 466.051 Confidentiality of certain information contained in 951 dental workforce surveys.— 952 (1) Personal identifying information that is contained in a 953 record provided by a dentist, dental therapist, or dental 954 hygienist licensed under this chapter in response to a dental 955 workforce survey and held by the Department of Health is 956 confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I 957 of the State Constitution. Personal identifying information in 958 such a record: 959 (a) Shall be disclosed with the express written consent of 960 the individual to whom the information pertains or the 961 individual’s legally authorized representative. 962 (b) Shall be disclosed by court order upon a showing of 963 good cause. 964 (c) May be disclosed to a research entity, if the entity 965 seeks the records or data pursuant to a research protocol 966 approved by the Department of Health, maintains the records or 967 data in accordance with the approved protocol, and enters into a 968 purchase and data-use agreement with the department, the fee 969 provisions of which are consistent with s. 119.07(4). The 970 department may deny a request for records or data if the 971 protocol provides for intrusive follow-back contacts, does not 972 plan for the destruction of the confidential records after the 973 research is concluded, is administratively burdensome, or does 974 not have scientific merit. The agreement must prohibit the 975 release of information by the research entity which would 976 identify individuals, limit the use of records or data to the 977 approved research protocol, and prohibit any other use of the 978 records or data. Copies of records or data issued pursuant to 979 this paragraph remain the property of the department. 980 Section 21. The Department of Health, in consultation with 981 the Board of Dentistry and the Agency for Health Care 982 Administration, shall submit a progress report to the President 983 of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives by 984 July 1, 2021, and a final report 3 years after the first dental 985 therapy license is issued. The report must include all of the 986 following components: 987 (1) The progress that has been made in this state to 988 implement dental therapy training programs, licensing, and 989 Medicaid reimbursement; 990 (2) Data demonstrating the effects of dental therapy in 991 this state on: 992 (a) Access to dental services; 993 (b) The use of primary and preventive dental services in 994 underserved regions and populations, including the Medicaid 995 population; 996 (c) Costs to dental providers, patients, dental insurance 997 carriers, and the state; and 998 (d) The quality and safety of dental services; 999 (3) Specific recommendations for any necessary legislative, 1000 administrative, or regulatory reform relating to the practice of 1001 dental therapy; and 1002 (4) Any other information deemed appropriate by the 1003 department. 1004 Section 22. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018.