Bill Text: FL S1552 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Division of Labor Standards
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-27 - Filed [S1552 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S1552-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1552 By Senator Smith 17-01222-25 20251552__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Division of Labor Standards; 3 amending s. 20.60, F.S.; creating the Division of 4 Labor Standards within the Department of Commerce for 5 specified purposes; specifying that the department is 6 the state’s chief agency for employee protection; 7 requiring the department to support and protect the 8 state’s workforce in a specified manner; amending s. 9 448.109, F.S.; revising requirements for notifying 10 employees of certain rights; amending s. 448.110, 11 F.S.; designating the Division of Labor Standards as 12 the state Agency for Workforce Innovation for purposes 13 of implementing s. 24, Art. X of the State 14 Constitution; defining terms; revising the protected 15 rights of an employee; creating a rebuttable 16 presumption and burden of proof for an employer; 17 providing applicability; revising the process for 18 filing a complaint for a violation of protected 19 rights; specifying that certain actions are violations 20 of the state minimum wage law; prohibiting a person or 21 an entity from entering into certain contracts; 22 authorizing and providing the division certain powers 23 to conduct investigations, issue citations, enforce 24 and collect judgments by certain means, and partner 25 with other entities for enforcement and education 26 outreach; prohibiting an employer from introducing at 27 an administrative or civil proceeding any 28 documentation as evidence that was not provided to the 29 division; providing for injunctive relief under 30 certain circumstances; providing a process for review 31 of a citation, levy, or stop-order issued by the 32 division; authorizing an aggrieved person to file a 33 civil action; providing penalties; tolling the statute 34 of limitations during an investigation; providing 35 liability; requiring all employers, client employers, 36 and labor contractors to create records; requiring 37 that such records be maintained for a specified length 38 of time and be reasonably accessible to the division; 39 authorizing the division to enter into agreements with 40 local, state, or federal agencies to assist in 41 administration and enforcement; requiring the division 42 to establish and maintain an outreach and education 43 partnership program for a specified purpose; providing 44 the duties of the program; creating s. 448.112, F.S.; 45 creating the Division of Labor Standards Community 46 Advisory Board within the Division of Labor Standards; 47 providing for membership, meetings, and duties of the 48 advisory board; requiring the director to submit an 49 annual report to the Governor and the Legislature by a 50 specified date; providing for future legislative 51 review and repeal of the advisory board; providing an 52 effective date. 53 54 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 55 56 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) and subsection 57 (4) of section 20.60, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 58 20.60 Department of Commerce; creation; powers and duties.— 59 (3)(a) The following divisions and offices of the 60 Department of Commerce are established: 61 1. The Division of Economic Development. 62 2. The Division of Community Development. 63 3. The Division of Workforce Services. 64 4. The Division of Finance and Administration. 65 5. The Division of Information Technology. 66 6. The Office of the Secretary. 67 7. The Office of Economic Accountability and Transparency, 68 which shall: 69 a. Oversee the department’s critical objectives as 70 determined by the secretary and make sure that the department’s 71 key objectives are clearly communicated to the public. 72 b. Organize department resources, expertise, data, and 73 research to focus on and solve the complex economic challenges 74 facing the state. 75 c. Provide leadership for the department’s priority issues 76 that require integration of policy, management, and critical 77 objectives from multiple programs and organizations internal and 78 external to the department; and organize and manage external 79 communication on such priority issues. 80 d. Promote and facilitate key department initiatives to 81 address priority economic issues and explore data and identify 82 opportunities for innovative approaches to address such economic 83 issues. 84 e. Promote strategic planning for the department. 85 8. The Division of Labor Standards, which shall: 86 a. Administer and enforce s. 24, Art. X of the State 87 Constitution, s. 448.110, and any other statutes and laws, or 88 parts thereof, over which the division has been granted 89 administrative or enforcement authority by the Legislature. 90 b. Promote compliance with s. 24, Art. X of the State 91 Constitution, s. 448.110, and any other statutes and laws, or 92 parts thereof, over which the division has been granted 93 administrative or enforcement authority by the Legislature 94 through investigative and enforcement actions, local outreach, 95 technical assistance, and training. 96 c. Investigate and ascertain the wages of persons employed 97 in any occupation or place of employment in the state as the 98 division finds necessary and proper. 99 d. Partner with communities, businesses, and employees in 100 the state for stakeholder input and collaboration. 101 e. Adopt rules as necessary to carry out the functions and 102 purposes of the division. 103 (4) The purpose of the department is to assist the Governor 104 in working with the Legislature, state agencies, business 105 leaders, and economic development professionals to formulate and 106 implement coherent and consistent policies and strategies 107 designed to promote economic opportunities for all Floridians. 108 The department is the state’s chief agency for business 109 recruitment and expansion, employee protection, and economic 110 development. To accomplish such purposes, the department shall: 111 (a) Facilitate the direct involvement of the Governor and 112 the Lieutenant Governor in economic development and workforce 113 development projects designed to create, expand, and retain 114 businesses in this state; to recruit business from around the 115 world; to promote the state as a pro-business location for new 116 investment; and to facilitate other job-creating efforts. 117 (b) Recruit new businesses to this state and promote the 118 expansion of existing businesses by expediting permitting and 119 location decisions, worker placement and training, and incentive 120 awards. 121 (c) Promote viable, sustainable communities by providing 122 technical assistance and guidance on growth and development 123 issues, grants, and other assistance to local communities. 124 (d) Ensure that the state’s goals and policies relating to 125 economic development, workforce development, community planning 126 and development, and affordable housing are fully integrated 127 with appropriate implementation strategies. 128 (e) Manage the activities of public-private partnerships 129 and state agencies in order to avoid duplication and promote 130 coordinated and consistent implementation of programs in areas 131 including, but not limited to, tourism; international trade and 132 investment; business recruitment, creation, retention, and 133 expansion; minority and small business development; defense, 134 space, and aerospace development; rural community development; 135 and the development and promotion of professional and amateur 136 sporting events. 137 (f) Coordinate with state agencies on the processing of 138 state development approvals or permits to minimize the 139 duplication of information provided by the applicant and the 140 time before approval or disapproval. 141 (g) Contract with the Florida Sports Foundation to guide, 142 stimulate, and promote the sports industry in this state; to 143 promote the participation of residents of this state in amateur 144 athletic competition; and to promote this state as a host for 145 national and international amateur athletic competitions. 146 (h) Encourage and oversee the coordination of international 147 trade development efforts of public institutions, business 148 associations, economic development councils, and private 149 industry. 150 (i) Contract with the direct-support organization created 151 in s. 288.012, to assist with coordination described in 152 paragraph (h); provide services through State of Florida 153 international offices; and assist in developing and carrying out 154 the 5-year statewide strategic plan as it relates to foreign 155 investment, international partnerships, and other international 156 business and trade development. 157 (j) Support Florida’s defense, space, and aerospace 158 industries, including research and development, and strengthen 159 this state’s existing leadership in defense, space, and 160 aerospace activity and economic growth. 161 (k) Assist, promote, and enhance economic opportunities for 162 this state’s minority-owned businesses and rural and urban 163 communities. 164 (l) Contract with the Florida Tourism Industry Marketing 165 Corporation to execute tourism promotion and marketing services, 166 functions, and programs for the state and advise the department 167 on the development of domestic and international tourism 168 marketing campaigns featuring this state. 169 (m) Support and protect the state’s workforce and bolster 170 state revenue by ensuring a fair day’s pay for employees and 171 strengthening business through fair competition. 172 Section 2. Subsections (2) and (3) of section 448.109, 173 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 174 448.109 Notification of the state minimum wage.— 175 (2) Each employer who must pay an employee the Florida 176 minimum wage shall prominently display a poster as prescribed in 177substantially similar to the one made available pursuant to178 subsection (3) in a conspicuous and accessible place in each 179 establishment where such employees are employed. 180 (3)(a)Each year the Division of Labor StandardsDepartment181of Commerceshall, on or before December 1, create and make 182 available to employers a poster in English,and inSpanish, and 183 any other language, as necessary. The poster must: 184 (a) Give notice of all of the following: 185 1. The right to the minimum wage as provided by s. 24, Art. 186 X of the State Constitution and s. 448.110. 187 2. The right to be protected from discrimination, 188 retaliation, and adverse action for exercising in good faith any 189 right protected under s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution 190 and s. 448.110. 191 3. The right to file a complaint with the Division of Labor 192 Standards or bring a civil action in a court of competent 193 jurisdiction for a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State 194 Constitution or s. 448.110.which reads substantially as195follows:196NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES197The Florida minimum wage is $ ...(amount)... per hour, with a198minimum wage of at least $ ...(amount)... per hour for tipped199employees, in addition to tips, for January 1, ...(year)...,200through December 31, ...(year)....201The rate of the minimum wage is recalculated yearly on September20230, based on the Consumer Price Index. Every year on January 1203the new Florida minimum wage takes effect.204An employer may not retaliate against an employee for exercising205his or her right to receive the minimum wage. Rights protected206by the State Constitution include the right to:2071.File a complaint about an employer’s alleged noncompliance208with lawful minimum wage requirements.2092.Inform any person about an employer’s alleged noncompliance210with lawful minimum wage requirements.2113.Inform any person of his or her potential rights under212Section 24, Article X of the State Constitution and to213assist him or her in asserting such rights.214An employee who has not received the lawful minimum wage after215notifying his or her employer and giving the employer 15 days to216resolve any claims for unpaid wages may bring a civil action in217a court of law against an employer to recover back wages plus218damages and attorney’s fees.219An employer found liable for intentionally violating minimum220wage requirements is subject to a fine of $1,000 per violation,221payable to the state.222The Attorney General or other official designated by the223Legislature may bring a civil action to enforce the minimum224wage.225For details see Section 24, Article X of the State Constitution.226 (b)The poster mustBe at least 8.5 inches by 11 inches and 227 in a format easily seen by employees. The text in the poster 228 must be of a conspicuous size. The text in the first line must 229 be larger than the text of any other line, and the text of the 230 first sentence must be in bold type and larger than the text in 231 the remaining lines. 232 Section 3. Section 448.110, Florida Statutes, is amended to 233 read: 234 448.110 State minimum wage; annual wage adjustment; 235 enforcement.— 236 (1) This section may be cited as the “Florida Minimum Wage 237 Act.” 238 (2) The purpose of this section is to provide measures 239 appropriate for the implementation of s. 24, Art. X of the State 240 Constitution, in accordance with authority granted to the 241 Legislature underpursuant tos. 24(f), Art. X of the State 242 Constitution. To implement s. 24, Art. X of the State 243 Constitution, the Division of Labor Standards, a division within 244 the Department of Commerce is designated as the state Agency for 245 Workforce Innovation. 246 (3) As used in this section, the term: 247 (a) “Adverse action” means the discharge, suspension, 248 transfer, or demotion of an employee; the withholding of wages, 249 bonuses, benefits, or workable hours; filing, or threatening to 250 file, a false report with a government agency or engaging in 251 unfair immigration-related practices; or any other adverse 252 action taken against an employee within the terms and conditions 253 of employment by an employer. 254 (b) “Client employer” means a business entity, regardless 255 of its form, which obtains or is provided employees to perform 256 labor within its usual course of business from a labor 257 contractor. The term does not include: 258 1. A business entity with a workforce of 25 or fewer 259 employees, including those hired directly by the client employer 260 and those obtained from or provided by a labor contractor. 261 2. A business entity with a workforce of five or fewer 262 employees supplied by a labor contractor to the client employer 263 at any given time. 264 3. This state or a political subdivision of this state. 265 (c) “Director” means the director of the Division of Labor 266 Standards. 267 (d) “Division” means the Division of Labor Standards of the 268 Department of Commerce. 269 (e) “Employee” means a person employed by an employer, 270 including, but not limited to, full-time employees, part-time 271 employees, and temporary employees. 272 (f) “Employer” has the same meaning as established under 273 the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and its implementing 274 regulations in effect on July 1, 2025. 275 (g) “Judgment debtor” means each person who is liable on a 276 judgment or order to pay a sum of money that remains 277 unsatisfied. 278 (h) “Labor contractor” means a person or an entity that, 279 with or without a contract, supplies a client employer with 280 employees to perform labor within the client employer’s usual 281 course of business. The term does not include a bona fide 282 nonprofit, community-based organization that provides services 283 to employees or a labor organization or apprenticeship program 284 operating under a collective bargaining agreement. 285 (i) “Usual course of business” means the regular and 286 customary work of a business entity performed within or upon the 287 premises or worksite of the client employer. 288 (4)(3)Employers shall pay employees a minimum wage at an 289 hourly rate of $6.15 for all hours worked in Florida. Only those 290 individuals entitled to receive the federal minimum wage under 291 the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and its 292 implementing regulations shall be eligible to receive the state 293 minimum wage underpursuant tos. 24, Art. X of the State 294 Constitution and this section. Sections 213 and 214The295provisions of ss. 213 and 214of the federal Fair Labor 296 Standards Act, as interpreted by applicable federal regulations 297 and implemented by the Secretary of Labor, are incorporated 298 herein. 299 (5)(a)(4)(a)Beginning September 30, 2005, and annually on 300 September 30 thereafter, the divisiondepartment of Commerce301 shall calculate an adjusted state minimum wage rate by 302 increasing the state minimum wage by the rate of inflation for 303 the 12 months prior to September 1. In calculating the adjusted 304 state minimum wage, the divisiondepartment of Commerceshall 305 use the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical 306 Workers, not seasonally adjusted, for the South Region or a 307 successor index as calculated by the United States Department of 308 Labor. Each adjusted state minimum wage rate shall take effect 309 on the following January 1, with the initial adjusted minimum 310 wage rate to take effect on January 1, 2006. 311 (b) The Department of Revenue and the divisiondepartment312of Commerceshall annually publish the amount of the adjusted 313 state minimum wage and the effective date. Publication shall 314 occur by posting the adjusted state minimum wage rate and the 315 effective date on the Internet home pages of the division 316department of Commerceand the Department of Revenue by October 317 15 of each year. In addition, to the extent funded in the 318 General Appropriations Act, the divisiondepartment of Commerce319 shall provide written notice of the adjusted rate and the 320 effective date of the adjusted state minimum wage to all 321 employers registered in the most current reemployment assistance 322 database. Such notice shall be mailed by November 15 of each 323 year using the addresses included in the database. Employers are 324 responsible for maintaining current address information in the 325 reemployment assistance database. The divisiondepartment of326Commerceis not responsible for failure to provide notice due to 327 incorrect or incomplete address information in the database. The 328 divisiondepartment of Commerceshall provide the Department of 329 Revenue with the adjusted state minimum wage rate information 330 and effective date in a timely manner. 331 (6)(a)(5)It isshall beunlawful for an employer or any 332 other party to discriminate in any manner or take adverse action 333 against any person in retaliation for exercising rights 334 protected underpursuant tos. 24, Art. X of the State 335 Constitution or this section. 336 (b) Rights protected under s. 24, Art. X of the State 337 Constitution and this section include, but are not limited to:,338 1. The right tofile a complaint orinform any person of 339 his or her potential rights underpursuant tos. 24, Art. X of 340 the State Constitution or this section and to assist him or her 341 in asserting such rights. 342 2. The right to inform a person’s employer, union or other 343 similar organization, legal counsel, or any other person about 344 an alleged violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution 345 or this section. 346 3. The right to file a complaint with the division or file 347 a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction for an 348 alleged violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or 349 this section. 350 4. The right to cooperate with any investigation conducted 351 under this section and to testify in any proceeding or action 352 brought under this section. 353 5. The right to refuse to participate in an activity that 354 violates city, state, or federal law. 355 6. The right to oppose any policy, practice, or act that 356 violates s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this 357 section. 358 (c) There is a rebuttable presumption that an employer has 359 violated s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section 360 if the employer takes adverse action against an employee within 361 90 days after the employee exercises a right under paragraph 362 (b). If an employee is a seasonal worker and his or her work 363 ended before the end of the 90-day period, the rebuttable 364 presumption applies if the employer fails to rehire the seasonal 365 worker in the same position at the next opportunity. The 366 rebuttable presumption may be overcome by clear and convincing 367 evidence. 368 (d) The protections provided under this section apply to 369 any employee who alleges a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the 370 State Constitution or this section in good faith. Any complaint 371 or other communication by an employee alleging a violation of s. 372 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section triggers 373 the protections under this section even if the complaint or 374 communication does not specifically reference this section. 375 (e) An employee who believes he or she has been 376 discriminated or retaliated against for exercising a right under 377 s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section may file 378 a complaint with the division or a civil action in a court of 379 competent jurisdiction within 4 years after the alleged 380 violation or, in the case of a willful violation, within 5 years 381 after the alleged violation. 382 (7) An employer has the burden of proving that a person is 383 an independent contractor and not an employee. A person who 384 receives remuneration for services provided is considered an 385 employee unless the employer proves: 386 (a) The person is free from control or direction by the 387 employer over the performance of such service. 388 (b) The service provided by the person is outside the usual 389 course of business of the employer. 390 (c) The person is customarily engaged in an independently 391 established trade, occupation, profession, or business. 392 (8) It is a violation of this section: 393 (a) To misclassify an employee as an independent 394 contractor; or 395 (b) For a person or an entity to enter into a contract or 396 an agreement with an independent contractor for labor or 397 services if the person or entity knows or should know that the 398 contract or agreement does not include funds sufficient to allow 399 the independent contractor to comply with all applicable local, 400 state, and federal laws or regulations governing the labor or 401 services to be provided. 402 (9)(a) The division may commence investigations, actions, 403 and proceedings necessary to enforce this section. The division 404 may, in its sole discretion, investigate an employer to 405 determine whether a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State 406 Constitution or this section has occurred. 407 (b) In order to encourage a person or an entity to report a 408 suspected violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution 409 or this section, the division: 410 1. Shall keep the name and other personal identifying 411 information about the reporter confidential to the extent 412 permitted by law. The division may disclose the reporter’s name 413 or identification with the written consent of the reporter. 414 2. Shall provide a notice form to an employer being 415 investigated, which must be posted in a conspicuous and 416 accessible location at the workplace, notifying the employees 417 that the division is conducting an investigation under this 418 section. The notice form must be in English and any other 419 language that is the primary language of a majority of the 420 employees in the workplace. If displaying the notice form is not 421 feasible, the employer must provide a copy to each employee 422 through electronic means and also in printed form. 423 3. May certify the eligibility of a person for a visa under 424 8 U.S.C. s. 1184(p) and 8 U.S.C. s. 1101(a)(15)(U), subject to 425 applicable federal law and regulations, and other rules issued 426 by the division. 427 (10)(a) During an investigation under this section, the 428 division has the power to: 429 1. Enter and inspect the workplace. 430 2. Inspect and make copies of papers, books, accounts, 431 records, payroll, and other documents necessary to further its 432 investigation. 433 3. Question witnesses under oath and in a private location. 434 4. Issue subpoenas to compel the attendance and testimony 435 of witnesses and the production of papers, books, accounts, 436 records, payroll, and other documents necessary to further its 437 investigation. 438 5. Take depositions and affidavits. 439 6. Investigate any facts, conditions, practices, or matters 440 as the division deems appropriate to determine whether a 441 violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this 442 section has occurred. 443 (b) If an employer fails to comply with a lawfully issued 444 subpoena or if a witness refuses to testify or be questioned, 445 the division may request that the court compel compliance by 446 initiating a proceeding for contempt. The court shall take 447 judicial notice under s. 90.202(13) of the Department of 448 Commerce’s seal, “Department of Commerce-State of Florida,” and 449 shall enforce any subpoena issued by the director or his or her 450 representative under such seal. 451 (c) During an administrative or civil proceeding under this 452 section, an employer may not introduce any documentation as 453 evidence that was not provided to the division. 454 (11)(a) During the course of an investigation under this 455 section or if the division reasonably believes that an employer 456 has engaged in, is engaging in, or is about to engage in, a 457 violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this 458 section, the division or the Attorney General may seek 459 injunctive relief to: 460 1. Prohibit the employer from continuing to engage or 461 engaging in the violation or doing any act in furtherance of the 462 violation. 463 2. Prevent violations or attempted violations of s. 24, 464 Art. X of the State Constitution or this section. 465 3. Prevent any attempt to interfere with or impede the 466 enforcement of this section. 467 4. Exercise or perform any power or duty under this 468 section. 469 (b) When determining whether injunctive relief is 470 appropriate, the court shall consider any potential or direct 471 harm to an employee from a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the 472 State Constitution or this section and the potential chilling 473 effect on other employees attempting to assert their rights 474 under s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section. 475 (c) A temporary injunction remains in effect until the 476 division issues a citation to the employer or until the 477 completion of an administrative hearing, whichever is longer, or 478 until a time certain set by the court. A temporary injunction 479 does not prohibit an employer from taking adverse action against 480 an employee for conduct unrelated to an alleged violation of s. 481 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section. 482 (d) The court may issue a preliminary or permanent 483 injunction if it determines such injunction is just and proper. 484 (12)(a) If a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the State 485 Constitution or this section is found during an investigation 486 and the violation is not remedied through settlement or 487 otherwise, the division must issue a citation to the employer. 488 The citation must be in writing and describe the nature of the 489 violation and may include appropriate relief. Appropriate relief 490 includes, but is not limited to, requiring an employer to cease 491 and desist; to take any action necessary to remedy the 492 violation, such as rehiring or reinstating an employee, 493 reimbursing lost wages plus interest, or paying liquidated 494 damages in an amount equal to two times the unpaid wages, or 495 other fines and penalties, including a fine of up to $50 for 496 each day a violation continues to exist and for each employee to 497 whom the violation occurred, payable to the state or aggrieved 498 employee; to take training classes relating to compliance with 499 this section; or to submit to compliance monitoring by the 500 division. The division shall serve the citation in a manner 501 provided by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. The citation 502 must advise the employer of his or her right to an 503 administrative hearing to have the citation reviewed. 504 (b) Within 30 days after service of a citation, an employer 505 must comply with all appropriate relief specified in the 506 citation or may obtain review of the citation by providing a 507 written request for review to the director. Upon receipt of a 508 written request for review, the director shall assign the 509 citation to an administrative law judge to conduct a hearing and 510 issue a written decision. Hearings conducted under this 511 subsection are governed by the division and the rules of 512 practice and procedure adopted by the division. 513 (c) An administrative hearing must commence within 90 days 514 after receipt of a timely submitted request for review. The 515 administrative law judge shall render a written decision within 516 90 days after the conclusion of the hearing. The written 517 decision must include a statement of findings, conclusions of 518 law, and a recommended order that specifies all appropriate 519 relief as authorized under paragraph (a), including the amount 520 required for an appeal bond should the employer choose to obtain 521 review of the recommended order issued under this paragraph. The 522 decision must be served on all parties in a manner provided by 523 the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. If the recommended order 524 includes a monetary remedy, the amount is due 45 days after the 525 written decision is properly served on the employer. 526 (d)1. An employer may obtain review of the written decision 527 and recommended order issued under paragraph (c) by filing a 528 petition for a writ of mandamus to a court having jurisdiction 529 within 45 days after the written decision is properly served on 530 the employer. If a petition for a writ of mandamus is not filed 531 within the appropriate time, the recommended order in the 532 written decision becomes final. 533 2. Before an employer may obtain review of the written 534 decision or recommended order, the employer must post an appeal 535 bond, in the amount specified in the recommended order, issued 536 by a licensed surety or as a cash deposit with the court. The 537 employer must provide written notice to the division and any 538 other parties of the posting of the appeal bond. 539 3. A court may overturn a written decision based on abuse 540 of discretion. An employer establishes an abuse of discretion if 541 the employer alleges that the findings are not supported by the 542 evidence and the court determines that the findings are not 543 supported by substantial evidence when looking at the entire 544 record. 545 4. If the court issues an order in favor of the aggrieved 546 party or if the appeal is withdrawn or dismissed without entry 547 of judgment, the employer is liable for the relief specified in 548 the written decision from the administrative hearing, unless the 549 parties execute a settlement agreement, in which case the 550 employer is liable for the relief specified in the settlement 551 agreement. If the written decision from the administrative 552 hearing or the settlement agreement provides for monetary 553 relief, and the employer fails to pay the amount owed within 10 554 days after entry of an order, dismissal or withdrawal of the 555 appeal, or the execution of a settlement agreement, a portion of 556 the appeal bond equal to the amount owed, or the entire appeal 557 bond if the amount owed exceeds the amount of the bond, must be 558 paid to the aggrieved party. 559 5. If the employer does not request review of the citation 560 under paragraph (b), file a writ of mandamus under subparagraph 561 1., or post the appeal bond as required in subparagraph 2., and 562 the time to do so has expired, or if the petition for a writ of 563 mandamus is dismissed or withdrawn without entry of judgment, 564 the clerk of the court must certify a copy of the citation or 565 written decision and recommended order issued by the division or 566 by the administrative law judge, respectively, and enter 567 judgment for the state or aggrieved party. The judgment has the 568 same force and effect as a judgment entered in a civil action 569 and may be enforced in the same manner as any other judgment of 570 the court. The court shall give priority to petitions to enforce 571 a judgment entered under this section. 572 6. If an employer fails to comply with a citation or final 573 order, whether issued by the division, administrative law judge, 574 or court, and has exhausted all reviews or appeals or the time 575 to file a review or appeal has expired, the division or the 576 Attorney General may commence and prosecute a civil action to 577 recover unpaid wages, including interest, fines, or penalties; 578 equitable relief; and liquidated damages owed to an aggrieved 579 person. The prevailing party is entitled to recover applicable 580 fines or civil penalties and reasonable attorney fees and costs. 581 (13)(a) A person aggrieved by a violation of s. 24, Art. X 582 of the State Constitution or this section may bring a civil 583 action in a court of competent jurisdiction. 584(6)(a)Any person aggrieved by a violation of this section585may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction586against an employer violating this section or a party violating587subsection (5). However, prior to bringing any claim for unpaid588minimum wages pursuant to this section, the person aggrieved589shall notify the employer alleged to have violated this section,590in writing, of an intent to initiate such an action. The notice591must identify the minimum wage to which the person aggrieved592claims entitlement, the actual or estimated work dates and hours593for which payment is sought, and the total amount of alleged594unpaid wages through the date of the notice.595(b)The employer shall have 15 calendar days after receipt596of the notice to pay the total amount of unpaid wages or597otherwise resolve the claim to the satisfaction of the person598aggrieved. The statute of limitations for bringing an action599pursuant to this section shall be tolled during this 15-day600period. If the employer fails to pay the total amount of unpaid601wages or otherwise resolve the claim to the satisfaction of the602person aggrieved, then the person aggrieved may bring a claim603for unpaid minimum wages, the terms of which must be consistent604with the contents of the notice.605(c)1.Upon prevailing in a civilanaction brought under 606 paragraph (6)(e)pursuant to this section, aggrieved persons 607 shall recover the full amount of any unpaid back wages, plus 608 interest, unlawfully withheld plus up to two times the unpaid 609 wagesthe same amountas liquidated damages and shall be awarded 610 reasonable attorneyattorney’sfees and costs. Additionally,As611provided under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, pursuant to612s. 11 of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947, 29 U.S.C. s. 260, if613the employer proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the614act or omission giving rise to such action was in good faith and615that the employer had reasonable grounds for believing that his616or her act or omission was not a violation of s. 24, Art. X of617the State Constitution, the court may, in its sound discretion,618award no liquidated damages or award any amount thereof not to619exceed an amount equal to the amount of unpaid minimum wages.620The court shall not award any economic damages on a claim for621unpaid minimum wages not expressly authorized in this section.6222.Upon prevailing in an action brought pursuant to this623section,aggrieved persons areshall also beentitled to such 624 legal or equitable relief as may be appropriate to remedy the 625 violation, including, without limitation, reinstatement in 626 employment and injunctive relief. However, any entitlement to 627 legal or equitable relief in an action brought under s. 24, Art. 628 X of the State Constitution or this section mayshallnot 629 include punitive damages. 630 (b) In addition to any other remedies or penalties 631 authorized by law, if an employer is found to have willfully 632 violated s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this 633 section, the division, administrative law judge, or court may 634 impose a fine of $1,000 per violation payable to the state. 635 (c) In addition to any other remedies or penalties 636 authorized by law, any employer or other person found to have 637 hindered, prevented, impeded, or interfered with the division or 638 administrative hearing body in the performance of their duties 639 is subject to a civil penalty of no less than $1,000 and no more 640 than $5,000, which may be assessed by the division, 641 administrative law judge, or court. 642 (d) In addition to any other remedies or penalties 643 authorized by law, if the division, administrative law judge, or 644 court finds that an employer took adverse action or retaliated 645 against an employee in violation of subsection (6): 646 1. The division, administrative law judge, or court may 647 order reinstatement of the aggrieved party, front pay in lieu of 648 reinstatement, backpay, liquidated damages up to two times the 649 amount of the unpaid wages, and other compensatory damages as 650 appropriate. 651 2. The division, administrative law judge, or court may 652 impose on the employer an administrative penalty, not to exceed 653 $5,000, payable to the aggrieved party. 654 (e) In addition to any other remedies or penalties 655 authorized by law, if the division, administrative law judge, or 656 court finds that an employer or entity violated subsection (8), 657 the division, administrative law judge, or court may impose on 658 the employer or entity the following: 659 1. A civil penalty in an amount up to 5 percent of the 660 employee’s gross earnings over the past 12 months, payable to 661 the misclassified employee. 662 2. A civil penalty up to $5,000 per violation, payable to 663 this state. 664 (f)(d)Any civil action brought under s. 24, Art. X of the 665 State Constitution and this section isshall besubject to s. 666 768.79. 667(7)The Attorney General may bring a civil action to668enforce this section. The Attorney General may seek injunctive669relief. In addition to injunctive relief, or in lieu thereof,670for any employer or other person found to have willfully671violated this section, the Attorney General may seek to impose a672fine of $1,000 per violation, payable to the state.673 (14)(8)The statute of limitations for an action brought 674 underpursuant tothis section isshall be forthe period of 675 time specified in s. 95.11 beginning on the date the alleged 676 violation occurred. The statute of limitations applicable to an 677 action under this section is tolled during the division’s 678 investigation and any administrative enforcement under this 679 section. 680 (15)(9)Actions brought underpursuant tothis section may 681 be brought as a class action pursuant to Rule 1.220, Florida 682 Rules of Civil Procedure. In any class action brought under 683pursuant tothis section, the plaintiffs mustshallprove, by a 684 preponderance of the evidence, the individual identity of each 685 class member and the individual damages of each class member. 686 (16)(10)This section isshall constitutethe exclusive 687 remedy under state law for violations of s. 24, Art. X of the 688 State Constitution. 689 (17) The division shall make reasonable efforts to ensure 690 that judgments against an employer are satisfied and may use any 691 remedy that is available to a judgment creditor to collect an 692 unsatisfied judgment. The division may collect wages, damages, 693 and other monetary remedies on behalf of an employee. The 694 division acts as the trustee of any unsatisfied judgment it 695 collects and shall deposit such wages, damages, or other 696 monetary remedy in the appropriate fund as provided by rule. The 697 division shall conduct a diligent search for any employee for 698 whom it collects an unsatisfied judgment. 699 (18)(a) Beginning on the 20th day after a judgment is 700 entered by the clerk of the court under paragraph (12)(d) or 701 otherwise by a court of competent jurisdiction in favor of this 702 state or the aggrieved party, the division may issue a notice of 703 levy on all persons having in their possession or under their 704 control any credits, money, or property belonging to the 705 judgment debtor. If the levy is made on credits, money, or 706 property in the possession or under the control of a bank, 707 savings and loan association, or other financial institution as 708 defined in 42 U.S.C. s. 669a(d)(1), the notice of levy may be 709 mailed or hand-delivered to a centralized location designated by 710 the bank, savings and loan association, or other financial 711 institution. 712 (b) Any person who receives a notice of levy shall 713 surrender the credits, money, or property to the division or pay 714 to the division the amount of any debt owed within 10 days after 715 service of the levy. Any person who surrenders to the division 716 any credits, money, or property of the judgment debtor is 717 discharged from any obligation or liability to the judgment 718 debtor relating to the amount paid to the division. 719 (c) Any person who receives a notice of levy from the 720 division and fails or refuses to surrender any credits, money, 721 or property of the judgment debtor is liable to the division for 722 the amount specified in the notice of levy. 723 (d) Any fees, commissions, expenses, or costs associated 724 with the sale of property levied under this subsection are the 725 obligation of the judgment debtor and may be collected by virtue 726 of the levy or in any other manner as though the fees, 727 commissions, expenses, or costs were part of the judgment. 728 (e) The division may create a lien on any real or personal 729 property of an employer found in violation of s. 24, Art. X of 730 the State Constitution or this section. The division shall 731 release the lien upon final satisfaction of any judgment entered 732 in favor of an aggrieved party or the division, or upon 733 adjudication of the claim in favor of the employer. A lien 734 created under this paragraph lasts 10 years after the date it is 735 created unless the lien is satisfied or released. A lien created 736 under this paragraph is in addition to any other rights 737 available to an aggrieved party or the division. 738 (19)(a) If a citation issued by the division, written 739 decision and order issued by an administrative law judge, or 740 final judgment awarded under this section remains unsatisfied 30 741 days after all reviews and appeals have been exhausted or the 742 time to request a review or file an appeal has expired, the 743 division may issue a stop-order prohibiting the employer from 744 conducting business in this state using employee labor, 745 including conducting business using the labor of another 746 business, contractor, or subcontractor instead of the labor of 747 an employee, until the judgment is satisfied. The stop-order is 748 effective upon receipt of the order and the employer must pay 749 employees up to 10 days of lost wages due to the stop-order. 750 (b) An employer may appeal the stop-order by filing, within 751 20 days after receipt of the stop-order, a written request with 752 the division for an administrative hearing. The hearing must be 753 held within 5 days after receipt of the written request, at 754 which time the stop-order must be affirmed or dismissed, and the 755 division shall mail a written notice of findings by United 756 States mail to all parties within 24 hours after the conclusion 757 of the hearing. A party may appeal the written notice of 758 findings to a court of competent jurisdiction within 45 days 759 after the notice is mailed. The division may seek injunctive or 760 other appropriate relief to enforce the stop-order and is 761 entitled to attorney fees and costs if the division prevails. 762 (c) An employer, an owner, a director, an officer, or a 763 managing agent of an employer who fails to comply with a stop 764 order issued under this subsection commits a misdemeanor of the 765 second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 766 775.083. 767 (d) This subsection does not apply if the stop-order would 768 compromise public safety or the life, health, and care of a 769 vulnerable person as defined in s. 435.02. 770 (20) If a citation issued by the division, written decision 771 and order issued by an administrative law judge, or final 772 judgment awarded under this section remains unsatisfied 30 days 773 after all reviews or appeals have been exhausted or the time to 774 request a review or file an appeal has expired, the division may 775 request that the appropriate state agency, and the state agency 776 is authorized to, deny, suspend, or revoke any license held by 777 the employer until such time as the judgment is satisfied. 778 (21) Any person acting on behalf of an employer may be held 779 liable as the employer for a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the 780 State Constitution or this section. A client employer is jointly 781 and severally liable with a labor contractor for the payment of 782 unpaid wages, interest, liquidated damages, fines, or penalties 783 awarded under this section. 784 (22) All employers, client employers, and labor contractors 785 shall create records documenting compliance with s. 24, Art. X 786 of the State Constitution and this section in accordance with 787 division rules. Records must be maintained for a minimum of 5 788 years after an employee leaves the employment of the employer or 789 client employer, or is no longer working with a labor 790 contractor. An employer, a client employer, or a labor 791 contractor shall allow the division reasonable access to the 792 records when requested. If an employee, or other authorized 793 person or entity, alleges a violation of s. 24, Art. X of the 794 State Constitution or this section and the employer, client 795 employer, or labor contractor has not created and maintained 796 records as required under this subsection, there is a rebuttable 797 presumption that the employer, client employer, or labor 798 contractor is in violation of the law. The employer, client 799 employer, or labor contractor can overcome this presumption with 800 clear and convincing evidence. 801 (23) The division may enter into agreements with local, 802 state, or federal agencies to assist in the administration and 803 enforcement of this section. 804 (24) Subject to appropriation of funds by the Legislature, 805 the division shall establish and maintain an outreach and 806 education partnership program to promote awareness of, and 807 compliance with, s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution and 808 this section. The division shall pursue partnerships with 809 community-based organizations and unions through a competitive 810 request for proposals. Duties of the outreach and education 811 partnership program may include: 812 (a) Disseminating information and conducting outreach and 813 training to educate employees about their rights. 814 (b) Conducting educational training for employers about 815 their obligations. 816 (c) Assisting employees with filing a claim for a violation 817 under s. 24, Art. X of the State Constitution or this section. 818 (d) Assisting the division in conducting investigations 819 under this section, including the collection of evidence and 820 enforcement of a judgment. 821 (e) Monitoring compliance with s. 24, Art. X of the State 822 Constitution and this section. 823 (f) Establishing networks for education, communication, and 824 participation in the workplace and community. 825 (g) Producing and disseminating training materials to 826 employers and employees. 827 (25)(11)Except for calculating the adjusted state minimum 828 wage and publishing the initial state minimum wage and any 829 annual adjustments thereto, the authority of the division 830department of Commercein implementing s. 24, Art. X of the 831 State Constitution, pursuant to this section, isshall be832 limited to that authority expressly granted by the Legislature. 833 Section 4. Section 448.112, Florida Statutes, is created to 834 read: 835 448.112 Division of Labor Standards Community Advisory 836 Board.—The Division of Labor Standards Community Advisory Board, 837 an advisory council as defined in s. 20.03(7), is established 838 within the Division of Labor Standards. 839 (1) The advisory board shall be composed of the following 840 members who must be approved by the director of the Division of 841 Labor Standards: 842 (a) A representative from the Division of Labor Standards. 843 (b) A representative from the Department of Commerce. 844 (c) A representative from the Department of Education. 845 (d) A representative from the Florida Chamber of Commerce. 846 (e) A representative from a small business as defined in s. 847 288.703. 848 (f) Four representatives from labor organizations as 849 defined in s. 447.02(1) throughout this state. 850 (2) Members of the advisory board shall be appointed for 2 851 year terms, which must be staggered. 852 (3) Members of the advisory board shall serve without 853 compensation and are not entitled to receive reimbursement for 854 per diem or travel expenses. 855 (4) The advisory board shall meet at least three times a 856 year in order to review reports and projects of the Division of 857 Labor Standards. Meetings of the advisory board must be open to 858 the public and provide the opportunity for public comment. 859 (5) The advisory board shall submit an annual report to the 860 director of the Division of Labor Standards recommending changes 861 to existing state policies and programs to ensure employee 862 safety and equity, with particular emphasis on racial equity and 863 low-wage and migrant workers. 864 (6) By January 1, 2026, and annually thereafter, the 865 director of the Division of Labor Standards shall submit the 866 annual report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and 867 the Speaker of the House of Representatives. 868 (7) In accordance with s. 20.052(8), this section is 869 repealed October 2, 2028, unless reviewed and saved from repeal 870 through reenactment by the Legislature. 871 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.