Bill Text: FL S1668 | 2019 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: School Choice
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Failed) 2019-05-03 - Died in Education [S1668 Detail]
Download: Florida-2019-S1668-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2019 SB 1668 By Senator Hutson 7-00618A-19 20191668__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to school choice; amending s. 1002.33, 3 F.S.; revising the purposes that charter schools are 4 authorized to fulfill; authorizing state universities 5 to sponsor charter schools to meet regional education 6 and workforce demands by serving students from 7 multiple counties; authorizing Florida College System 8 institutions to sponsor charter schools within their 9 respective service areas for a certain purpose and to 10 offer postsecondary programs leading to industry 11 certifications to eligible students; revising sponsor 12 duties relating to an annual report submitted to the 13 Department of Education; requiring the department, in 14 collaboration with charter school sponsors and 15 operators, to develop a framework for the evaluation 16 of sponsors; providing requirements for such 17 framework; revising requirements related to the 18 receipt and consideration of charter school 19 applications; deleting obsolete language; revising the 20 areas required to be addressed by charters, which also 21 serve as the basis for approval criteria; conforming 22 provisions to changes made by the act; revising 23 requirements for an annual survey required to be 24 submitted to the department by charter schools; 25 providing that the standard charter renewal contract 26 be developed by consulting and negotiating with 27 sponsors and charter schools; revising charter school 28 reporting requirements; revising requirements for a 29 charter school system’s governing board to be 30 designated a local educational agency; requiring the 31 department to consult with sponsors, instead of school 32 districts, when recommending certain rules; making 33 technical changes; providing an effective date. 34 35 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 36 37 Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2), subsection (5), 38 paragraph (b) of subsection (6), paragraphs (a) and (d) of 39 subsection (7), paragraphs (d) and (e) of subsection (8), 40 subsection (14), paragraph (c) of subsection (15), paragraphs 41 (a) and (e) of subsection (17), paragraph (e) of subsection 42 (18), and subsections (20), (21), (25), and (28) of section 43 1002.33, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 44 1002.33 Charter schools.— 45 (2) GUIDING PRINCIPLES; PURPOSE.— 46 (c) Charter schools may fulfill the following purposes: 47 1. Create innovative measurement tools. 48 2. Provide rigorous competition within the public school 49 systemdistrictto stimulate continual improvement in all public 50 schools. 51 3. Expand the capacity of the public school system. 52 4. Mitigate the educational impact created by the 53 development of new residential dwelling units. 54 5. Create new professional opportunities for teachers, 55 including ownership of the learning program at the school site. 56 (5) SPONSOR; DUTIES.— 57 (a) Sponsoring entities.— 58 1. A district school board may sponsor a charter school in 59 the county over which the district school board has 60 jurisdiction. 61 2. A state university may grant a charter to a lab school 62 created under s. 1002.32 and shall be considered to be the 63 school’s sponsor. Such school shall be considered a charter lab 64 school. 65 3. Because needs relating to educational capacity, 66 workforce qualifications, and career education opportunities are 67 constantly changing and extend beyond school district 68 boundaries: 69 a. A state university may sponsor a charter school to meet 70 regional education or workforce demands by serving students from 71 multiple counties. 72 b. A Florida College System institution may sponsor a 73 charter school in any county within its service area to meet 74 workforce demands and may offer postsecondary programs leading 75 to industry certifications to eligible students of the charter 76 school. 77 (b) Sponsor duties.— 78 1.a. The sponsor shall monitor and review the charter 79 school in its progress toward the goals established in the 80 charter. 81 b. The sponsor shall monitor the revenues and expenditures 82 of the charter school and perform the duties provided in 83 s. 1002.345. 84 c. The sponsor may approve a charter for a charter school 85 before the applicant has identified space, equipment, or 86 personnel, if the applicant indicates approval is necessary for 87 it to raise working funds. 88 d. The sponsor shall not apply its policies to a charter 89 school unless mutually agreed to by both the sponsor and the 90 charter school. If the sponsor subsequently amends any agreed 91 upon sponsor policy, the version of the policy in effect at the 92 time of the execution of the charter, or any subsequent 93 modification thereof, shall remain in effect and the sponsor may 94 not hold the charter school responsible for any provision of a 95 newly revised policy until the revised policy is mutually agreed 96 upon. 97 e. The sponsor shall ensure that the charter is innovative 98 and consistent with the state education goals established by s. 99 1000.03(5). 100 f. The sponsor shall ensure that the charter school 101 participates in the state’s education accountability system. If 102 a charter school falls short of performance measures included in 103 the approved charter, the sponsor shall report such shortcomings 104 to the Department of Education. 105 g. The sponsor shall not be liable for civil damages under 106 state law for personal injury, property damage, or death 107 resulting from an act or omission of an officer, employee, 108 agent, or governing body of the charter school. 109 h. The sponsor shall not be liable for civil damages under 110 state law for any employment actions taken by an officer, 111 employee, agent, or governing body of the charter school. 112 i. The sponsor’s duties to monitor the charter school shall 113 not constitute the basis for a private cause of action. 114 j. The sponsor shall not impose additional reporting 115 requirements on a charter school without providing reasonable 116 and specific justification in writing to the charter school. 117 k. The sponsor shall submit an annual report to the 118 Department of Education in a web-based format to be determined 119 by the department. 120 (I) The report shall include the following information: 121(A) The number of draft applications received on or before122May 1 and each applicant’s contact information.123 (A)(B)The number offinalapplications received on or 124 before February 1August1and each applicant’s contact 125 information. 126 (B)(C)The date each application was approved, denied, or 127 withdrawn. 128 (C)(D)The date each final contract was executed. 129 (II) Annually, by November 1Beginning August 31, 2013, and130each year thereafter, the sponsor shall submit to the department 131 the information for the applications submitted the previous 132 year. 133 (III) The department shall compile an annual report, by 134 sponsordistrict, and post the report on its website by January 135 15November 1of each year. 136 2. Immunity for the sponsor of a charter school under 137 subparagraph 1. applies only with respect to acts or omissions 138 not under the sponsor’s direct authority as described in this 139 section. 140 3. This paragraph does not waive a sponsor’sdistrict141school board’ssovereign immunity. 142 4. A Florida College System institution may work with the 143 school district or school districts in its designated service 144 area to develop charter schools that offer secondary education. 145 These charter schools must include an option for students to 146 receive an associate degree upon high school graduation. If a 147 Florida College System institution operates an approved teacher 148 preparation program under s. 1004.04 or s. 1004.85, the 149 institution may operate no more than one charter school that 150 serves students in kindergarten through grade 12. In 151 kindergarten through grade 8, the charter school shall implement 152 innovative blended learning instructional models in which, for a 153 given course, a student learns in part through online delivery 154 of content and instruction with some element of student control 155 over time, place, path, or pace and in part at a supervised 156 brick-and-mortar location away from home. A student in a blended 157 learning course must be a full-time student of the charter 158 school and receive the online instruction in a classroom setting 159 at the charter school. District school boards shall cooperate 160 with and assist the Florida College System institution on the 161 charter application. Florida College System institution 162 applications for charter schools are not subject to the time 163 deadlines outlined in subsection (6) and may be approved by the 164 district school board at any time during the year. Florida 165 College System institutions may not report FTE for any students 166 who receive FTE funding through the Florida Education Finance 167 Program. 168 5. A school district may enter into nonexclusive interlocal 169 agreements with federal and state agencies, counties, 170 municipalities, and other governmental entities that operate 171 within the geographical borders of the school district to act on 172 behalf of such governmental entities in the inspection, 173 issuance, and other necessary activities for all necessary 174 permits, licenses, and other permissions that a charter school 175 needs in order for development, construction, or operation. A 176 charter school may use, but may not be required to use, a school 177 district for these services. The interlocal agreement must 178 include, but need not be limited to, the identification of fees 179 that charter schools will be charged for such services. The fees 180 must consist of the governmental entity’s fees plus a fee for 181 the school district to recover no more than actual costs for 182 providing such services. These services and fees are not 183 included within the services to be provided pursuant to 184 subsection (20). 185 (c) Sponsor accountability.— 186 1. The department, in collaboration with charter school 187 sponsors and charter school operators, shall develop a sponsor 188 evaluation framework that addresses, at a minimum: 189 a. The sponsor’s strategic vision for charter school 190 authorization and its progress toward realizing that vision. 191 b. The alignment of the sponsor’s policies and practices to 192 authorization best practices. 193 c. The academic and financial performance of all operating 194 charter schools overseen by the sponsor. 195 d. The status of charter schools authorized by the sponsor, 196 including approved, operating, and closed schools. 197 2. The department shall compile the evaluation results by 198 district and shall include the results in the report required 199 under sub-sub-subparagraph (b)1.k.(III). 200 (6) APPLICATION PROCESS AND REVIEW.—Charter school 201 applications are subject to the following requirements: 202 (b) A sponsor shall receive and review all applications for 203 a charter school using the evaluation instrument developed by 204 the Department of Education.A sponsor shall receive and205consider charter school applications received on or before206August 1 of each calendar year for charter schools to be opened207at the beginning of the school district’s next school year, or208to be opened at a time agreed to by the applicant and the209sponsor. A sponsor may not refuse to receive a charter school210application submitted before August 1 and may receive an211application submitted later than August 1 if it chooses.212Beginning in 2018 and thereafter,A sponsor shall receive and 213 consider charter school applications received on or before 214 February 1 of each calendar year for charter schools to be 215 opened 18 months later at the beginning of theschool district’s216 school year, or to be opened at a time determined by the 217 applicant. A sponsor may not refuse to receive a charter school 218 application submitted before February 1 and may receive an 219 application submitted later than February 1 if it chooses. A 220 sponsor may not charge an applicant for a charter any fee for 221 the processing or consideration of an application, and a sponsor 222 may not base its consideration or approval of a final 223 application upon the promise of future payment of any kind. 224 Before approving or denying any application, the sponsor shall 225 allow the applicant, upon receipt of written notification, at 226 least 7 calendar days to make technical or nonsubstantive 227 corrections and clarifications, including, but not limited to, 228 corrections of grammatical, typographical, and like errors or 229 missing signatures, if such errors are identified by the sponsor 230 as cause to deny the final application. 231 1. In order to facilitate an accurate budget projection 232 process, a sponsor shall be held harmless for FTE students who 233 are not included in the FTE projection due to approval of 234 charter school applications after the FTE projection deadline. 235 In a further effort to facilitate an accurate budget projection, 236 within 15 calendar days after receipt of a charter school 237 application, a sponsor shall report to the Department of 238 Education the name of the applicant entity, the proposed charter 239 school location, and its projected FTE. 240 2. In order to ensure fiscal responsibility, an application 241 for a charter school shall include a full accounting of expected 242 assets, a projection of expected sources and amounts of income, 243 including income derived from projected student enrollments and 244 from community support, and an expense projection that includes 245 full accounting of the costs of operation, including start-up 246 costs. 247 3.a. A sponsor shall by a majority vote approve or deny an 248 application no later than 90 calendar days after the application 249 is received, unless the sponsor and the applicant mutually agree 250 in writing to temporarily postpone the vote to a specific date, 251 at which time the sponsor shall by a majority vote approve or 252 deny the application. If the sponsor fails to act on the 253 application, an applicant may appeal to the State Board of 254 Education as provided in paragraph (c). If an application is 255 denied, the sponsor shall, within 10 calendar days after such 256 denial, articulate in writing the specific reasons, based upon 257 good cause, supporting its denial of the application and shall 258 provide the letter of denial and supporting documentation to the 259 applicant and to the Department of Education. 260 b. An application submitted by a high-performing charter 261 school identified pursuant to s. 1002.331 or a high-performing 262 charter school system identified pursuant to s. 1002.332 may be 263 denied by the sponsor only if the sponsor demonstrates by clear 264 and convincing evidence that: 265 (I) The application of a high-performing charter school 266 does not materially comply with the requirements in paragraph 267 (a) or, for a high-performing charter school system, the 268 application does not materially comply with s. 1002.332(2)(b); 269 (II) The charter school proposed in the application does 270 not materially comply with the requirements in paragraphs 271 (9)(a)-(f); 272 (III) The proposed charter school’s educational program 273 does not substantially replicate that of the applicant or one of 274 the applicant’s high-performing charter schools; 275 (IV) The applicant has made a material misrepresentation or 276 false statement or concealed an essential or material fact 277 during the application process; or 278 (V) The proposed charter school’s educational program and 279 financial management practices do not materially comply with the 280 requirements of this section. 281 282 Material noncompliance is a failure to follow requirements or a 283 violation of prohibitions applicable to charter school 284 applications, which failure is quantitatively or qualitatively 285 significant either individually or when aggregated with other 286 noncompliance. An applicant is considered to be replicating a 287 high-performing charter school if the proposed school is 288 substantially similar to at least one of the applicant’s high 289 performing charter schools and the organization or individuals 290 involved in the establishment and operation of the proposed 291 school are significantly involved in the operation of replicated 292 schools. 293 c. If the sponsor denies an application submitted by a 294 high-performing charter school or a high-performing charter 295 school system, the sponsor must, within 10 calendar days after 296 such denial, state in writing the specific reasons, based upon 297 the criteria in sub-subparagraph b., supporting its denial of 298 the application and must provide the letter of denial and 299 supporting documentation to the applicant and to the Department 300 of Education. The applicant may appeal the sponsor’s denial of 301 the application in accordance with paragraph (c). 302 4. For budget projection purposes, the sponsor shall report 303 to the Department of Education the approval or denial of an 304 application within 10 calendar days after such approval or 305 denial. In the event of approval, the report to the Department 306 of Education shall include the final projected FTE for the 307 approved charter school. 308 5.Upon approval of an application, the initial startup309shall commence with the beginning of the public school calendar310for the district in which the charter is granted.A charter 311 school may defer the opening of the school’s operations for up 312 to 3 years to provide time for adequate facility planning. The 313 charter school must provide written notice of such intent to the 314 sponsor and the parents of enrolled students at least 30 315 calendar days before the first day of school. 316 (7) CHARTER.—The terms and conditions for the operation of 317 a charter school shall be set forth by the sponsor and the 318 applicant in a written contractual agreement, called a charter. 319 The sponsor and the governing board of the charter school shall 320 use the standard charter contract pursuant to subsection (21), 321 which shall incorporate the approved application and any addenda 322 approved with the application. Any term or condition of a 323 proposed charter contract that differs from the standard charter 324 contract adopted by rule of the State Board of Education shall 325 be presumed a limitation on charter school flexibility. The 326 sponsor may not impose unreasonable rules or regulations that 327 violate the intent of giving charter schools greater flexibility 328 to meet educational goals. The charter shall be signed by the 329 governing board of the charter school and the sponsor, following 330 a public hearing to ensure community input. 331 (a) The charter shall address, and criteria for approval of 332 the charter shall be based on: 333 1. The school’s mission, the students to be served, and the 334 ages and grades to be included. 335 2. The focus of the curriculum, the instructional methods 336 to be used, any distinctive instructional techniques to be 337 employed, and identification and acquisition of appropriate 338 technologies needed to improve educational and administrative 339 performance which include a means for promoting safe, ethical, 340 and appropriate uses of technology which comply with legal and 341 professional standards. 342 a. The charter shall ensure that reading is a primary focus 343 of the curriculum and that resources are provided to identify 344 and provide specialized instruction for students who are reading 345 below grade level. The curriculum and instructional strategies 346 for reading must be consistent with the Next Generation Sunshine 347 State Standards and grounded in scientifically based reading 348 research. 349 b. In order to provide students with access to diverse 350 instructional delivery models, to facilitate the integration of 351 technology within traditional classroom instruction, and to 352 provide students with the skills they need to compete in the 353 21st century economy, the Legislature encourages instructional 354 methods for blended learning courses consisting of both 355 traditional classroom and online instructional techniques. 356 Charter schools may implement blended learning courses which 357 combine traditional classroom instruction and virtual 358 instruction. Students in a blended learning course must be full 359 time students of the charter school pursuant to s. 360 1011.61(1)(a)1. Instructional personnel certified pursuant to s. 361 1012.55 who provide virtual instruction for blended learning 362 courses may be employees of the charter school or may be under 363 contract to provide instructional services to charter school 364 students. At a minimum, such instructional personnel must hold 365 an active state or school district adjunct certification under 366 s. 1012.57 for the subject area of the blended learning course. 367 The funding and performance accountability requirements for 368 blended learning courses are the same as those for traditional 369 courses. 370 3. The current incoming baseline standard of student 371 academic achievement, the outcomes to be achieved, and the 372 method of measurement that will be used. The criteria listed in 373 this subparagraph shall include a detailed description of: 374 a. How the baseline student academic achievement levels and 375 prior rates of academic progress will be established. 376 b. How these baseline rates will be compared to rates of 377 academic progress achieved by these same students while 378 attending the charter school. 379 c. To the extent possible, how these rates of progress will 380 be evaluated and compared with rates of progress of other 381 closely comparable student populations. 382 383 The district school board is required to provide academic 384 student performance data to charter schools for each of their 385 students coming from the district school system, as well as 386 rates of academic progress of comparable student populations in 387 the district school system. 388 4. The methods used to identify the educational strengths 389 and needs of students and how well educational goals and 390 performance standards are met by students attending the charter 391 school. The methods shall provide a means for the charter school 392 to ensure accountability to its constituents by analyzing 393 student performance data and by evaluating the effectiveness and 394 efficiency of its major educational programs. Students in 395 charter schools shall, at a minimum, participate in the 396 statewide assessment program created under s. 1008.22. 397 5. In secondary charter schools, a method for determining 398 that a student has satisfied the requirements for graduation in 399 s. 1002.3105(5), s. 1003.4281, or s. 1003.4282. 400 6. A method for resolving conflicts between the governing 401 board of the charter school and the sponsor. 402 7. The admissions procedures and dismissal procedures, 403 including the school’s code of student conduct. Admission or 404 dismissal must not be based on a student’s academic performance. 405 8. The ways by which the school will achieve a 406 racial/ethnic balance reflective of the community it serves or 407 within the racial/ethnic range of other nearby public schoolsin408the same school district. 409 9. The financial and administrative management of the 410 school, including a reasonable demonstration of the professional 411 experience or competence of those individuals or organizations 412 applying to operate the charter school or those hired or 413 retained to perform such professional services and the 414 description of clearly delineated responsibilities and the 415 policies and practices needed to effectively manage the charter 416 school. A description of internal audit procedures and 417 establishment of controls to ensure that financial resources are 418 properly managed must be included. Both public sector and 419 private sector professional experience shall be equally valid in 420 such a consideration. 421 10. The asset and liability projections required in the 422 application which are incorporated into the charter and shall be 423 compared with information provided in the annual report of the 424 charter school. 425 11. A description of procedures that identify various risks 426 and provide for a comprehensive approach to reduce the impact of 427 losses; plans to ensure the safety and security of students and 428 staff; plans to identify, minimize, and protect others from 429 violent or disruptive student behavior; and the manner in which 430 the school will be insured, including whether or not the school 431 will be required to have liability insurance, and, if so, the 432 terms and conditions thereof and the amounts of coverage. 433 12. The term of the charter, which mustshallprovide for 434 cancellation of the charter if insufficient progress has been 435 made in attaining the student achievement objectives of the 436 charter and if it is not likely that such objectives can be 437 achieved before expiration of the charter. The initial term of a 438 charter shall be for 5 years, excluding 2 planning years. In 439 order to facilitate access to long-term financial resources for 440 charter school construction, charter schools that are operated 441 by a municipality or other public entity as provided by law are 442 eligible for up to a 15-year charter, subject to approval by the 443 sponsordistrict school board. A charter lab school is eligible 444 for a charter for a term of up to 15 years. In addition, to 445 facilitate access to long-term financial resources for charter 446 school construction, charter schools that are operated by a 447 private, not-for-profit, s. 501(c)(3) status corporation are 448 eligible for up to a 15-year charter, subject to approval by the 449 sponsordistrict school board. Such long-term charters remain 450 subject to annual review and may be terminated during the term 451 of the charter, but only as providedaccording to the provisions452set forthin subsection (8). 453 13. The facilities to be used and their location. The 454 sponsor may not require a charter school to have a certificate 455 of occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy for such a 456 facility earlier than 15 calendar days before the first day of 457 school. 458 14. The qualifications to be required of the teachers and 459 the potential strategies used to recruit, hire, train, and 460 retain qualified staff to achieve best value. 461 15. The governance structure of the school, including the 462 status of the charter school as a public or private employer as 463 required in paragraph (12)(i). 464 16. A timetable for implementing the charter which 465 addresses the implementation of each element thereof and the 466 date by which the charter shall be awarded in order to meet this 467 timetable. 468 17. In the case of an existing public school that is being 469 converted to charter status, alternative arrangements for 470 current students who choose not to attend the charter school and 471 for current teachers who choose not to teach in the charter 472 school after conversion in accordance with the existing 473 collective bargaining agreement or district school board rule in 474 the absence of a collective bargaining agreement. However, 475 alternative arrangements shall not be required for current 476 teachers who choose not to teach in a charter lab school, except 477 as authorized by the employment policies of the state university 478 which grants the charter to the lab school. 479 18. Full disclosure of the identity of all relatives 480 employed by the charter school who are related to the charter 481 school owner, president, chairperson of the governing board of 482 directors, superintendent, governing board member, principal, 483 assistant principal, or any other person employed by the charter 484 school who has equivalent decisionmaking authority. For the 485 purpose of this subparagraph, the term “relative” means father, 486 mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first 487 cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in 488 law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, 489 stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, 490 stepsister, half brother, or half sister. 491 19. Implementation of the activities authorized under s. 492 1002.331 by the charter school when it satisfies the eligibility 493 requirements for a high-performing charter school. A high 494 performing charter school shall notify its sponsor in writing by 495 March 1 if it intends to increase enrollment or expand grade 496 levels the following school year. The written notice shall 497 specify the amount of the enrollment increase and the grade 498 levels that will be added, as applicable. 499 (d) A charter may be modified during its initial term or 500 any renewal term upon the recommendation of the sponsor or the 501 charter school’s governing board and the approval of both 502 parties to the agreement. Modification during any term may 503 include, but is not limited to, consolidation of multiple 504 charters into a single charter if the charters are operated 505 under the same governing board, regardless of the renewal cycle. 506 A charter school that is not subject to a school improvement 507 plan and that closes as part of a consolidation shall be 508 reported by the sponsorschool districtas a consolidation. 509 (8) CAUSES FOR NONRENEWAL OR TERMINATION OF CHARTER.— 510 (d) When a charter is not renewed or is terminated, the 511 school shall be dissolved under the provisions of law under 512 which the school was organized, and any unencumbered public 513 funds, except for capital outlay funds and federal charter 514 school program grant funds, from the charter school shall revert 515 to the sponsor. Capital outlay funds provided pursuant to s. 516 1013.62 and federal charter school program grant funds that are 517 unencumbered shall revert to the department to be redistributed 518 among eligible charter schools. In the event a charter school is 519 dissolved or is otherwise terminated, alldistrict school board520 property and improvements, furnishings, and equipment purchased 521 with public funds shall automatically revert to full ownership 522 by the sponsordistrict school board, subject to complete 523 satisfaction of any lawful liens or encumbrances. Any 524 unencumbered public funds from the charter school,district525school boardproperty and improvements, furnishings, and 526 equipment purchased with public funds, or financial or other 527 records pertaining to the charter school, in the possession of 528 any person, entity, or holding company, other than the charter 529 school, shall be held in trust upon the sponsor’sdistrict530school board’srequest, until any appeal status is resolved. 531 (e) If a charter is not renewed or is terminated, the 532 charter school is responsible for all debts of the charter 533 school. The sponsordistrictmay not assume the debt from any 534 contract made between the governing body of the school and a 535 third party, except for a debt that is previously detailed and 536 agreed upon in writing by both the sponsordistrictand the 537 governing body of the school and that may not reasonably be 538 assumed to have been satisfied by the sponsordistrict. 539 (14) CHARTER SCHOOL FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS; INDEMNIFICATION 540 OF THE STATE AND SPONSORSCHOOL DISTRICT; CREDIT OR TAXING POWER 541 NOT TO BE PLEDGED.—Any arrangement entered into to borrow or 542 otherwise secure funds for a charter school authorized in this 543 section from a source other than the state or a sponsor must 544school districtshallindemnify the state and the sponsorschool545districtfrom any and all liability, including, but not limited 546 to, financial responsibility for the payment of the principal or 547 interest. Any loans, bonds, or other financial agreements are 548 not obligations of the state or the sponsorschool districtbut 549 are obligations of the charter school authority and are payable 550 solely from the sources of funds pledged by such agreement. The 551 credit or taxing power of the state or the sponsorschool552districtshall not be pledged and no debts shall be payable out 553 of any moneys except those of the legal entity in possession of 554 a valid charter approved by a sponsordistrict school board555 pursuant to this section. 556 (15) CHARTER SCHOOLS-IN-THE-WORKPLACE; CHARTER SCHOOLS-IN 557 A-MUNICIPALITY.— 558 (c) A charter school-in-a-municipality designation may be 559 granted to a municipality that possesses a charter; enrolls 560 students based upon a random lottery that involves all of the 561 children of the residents of that municipality who are seeking 562 enrollment, as provided for in subsection (10); and enrolls 563 students according to the racial/ethnic balance provisions 564 described in subparagraph (7)(a)8. When a municipality has 565 submitted charter applications for the establishment of a 566 charter school feeder pattern, consisting of elementary, middle, 567 and senior high schools, and each individual charter application 568 is approved by the sponsordistrict school board, such schools 569 shall then be designated as one charter school for all purposes 570 listed pursuant to this section. Any portion of the land and 571 facility used for a public charter school shall be exempt from 572 ad valorem taxes, as provided for in s. 1013.54, for the 573 duration of its use as a public school. 574 (17) FUNDING.—Students enrolled in a charter school, 575 regardless of the sponsorship, shall be funded as if they are in 576 a basic program or a special program, the same as students 577 enrolled in other public schools in the school district. Funding 578 for a charter lab school shall be as provided in s. 1002.32. 579 (a) Each charter school shall report its student enrollment 580 to the sponsor as required in s. 1011.62, and in accordance with 581 the definitions in s. 1011.61. The sponsor shall include each 582 charter school’s enrollment in the sponsor’sdistrict’sreport 583 of student enrollment. All charter schools submitting student 584 record information required by the Department of Education shall 585 comply with the Department of Education’s guidelines for 586 electronic data formats for such data, and all sponsors 587districtsshall accept electronic data that complies with the 588 Department of Education’s electronic format. 589 (e) SponsorsDistrict school boardsshall make timely and 590 efficient payment and reimbursement to charter schools, 591 including processing paperwork required to access special state 592 and federal funding for which they may be eligible. Payments of 593 funds under paragraph (b) shall be made monthly or twice a 594 month, beginning with the start of the sponsor’sdistrict school595board’sfiscal year. Each payment shall be one-twelfth, or one 596 twenty-fourth, as applicable, of the total state and local funds 597 described in paragraph (b) and adjusted as set forth therein. 598 For the first 2 years of a charter school’s operation, if a 599 minimum of 75 percent of the projected enrollment is entered 600 into the sponsor’s student information system by the first day 601 of the current month, the sponsor mustdistrict school board602shalldistribute funds to the school for the months of July 603 through October based on the projected full-time equivalent 604 student membership of the charter school as submitted in the 605 approved application. If less than 75 percent of the projected 606 enrollment is entered into the sponsor’s student information 607 system by the first day of the current month, the sponsor must 608shallbase payments on the actual number of student enrollment 609 entered into the sponsor’s student information system. 610 Thereafter, the results of full-time equivalent student 611 membership surveys shall be used in adjusting the amount of 612 funds distributed monthly to the charter school for the 613 remainder of the fiscal year. The payments shall be issued no 614 later than 10 working days after the sponsordistrict school615boardreceives a distribution of state or federal funds or the 616 date the payment is due pursuant to this subsection. If a 617 warrant for payment is not issued within 10 working days after 618 receipt of funding by the sponsordistrict school board, the 619 sponsorschool districtshall pay to the charter school, in 620 addition to the amount of the scheduled disbursement, interest 621 at a rate of 1 percent per month calculated on a daily basis on 622 the unpaid balance from the expiration of the 10 working days 623 until such time as the warrant is issued. The district school 624 board may not delay payment to a charter school of any portion 625 of the funds provided in paragraph (b) based on the timing of 626 receipt of local funds by the district school board. 627 (18) FACILITIES.— 628 (e) If a district school board facility or property is 629 available because it is surplus, marked for disposal, or 630 otherwise unused, it shall be provided for a charter school’s 631 use on the same basis as it is made available to other public 632 schools in the district. A charter school receiving property 633 from the sponsorschool districtmay not sell or dispose of such 634 property without written permission of the school sponsor 635district. Similarly, for an existing public school converting to 636 charter status, no rental or leasing fee for the existing 637 facility or for the property normally inventoried to the 638 conversion school may be charged by the district school board to 639 the parents and teachers organizing the charter school. The 640 charter school shall agree to reasonable maintenance provisions 641 in order to maintain the facility in a manner similar to 642 district school board standards. The Public Education Capital 643 Outlay maintenance funds or any other maintenance funds 644 generated by the facility operated as a conversion school shall 645 remain with the conversion school. 646 (20) SERVICES.— 647 (a)1. A sponsor shall provide certain administrative and 648 educational services to charter schools. These services shall 649 include contract management services; full-time equivalent and 650 data reporting services; exceptional student education 651 administration services; services related to eligibility and 652 reporting duties required to ensure that school lunch services 653 under the National School Lunch Program, consistent with the 654 needs of the charter school, are provided by the sponsorschool655districtat the request of the charter school, that any funds 656 due to the charter school under the National School Lunch 657 Program be paid to the charter school as soon as the charter 658 school begins serving food under the National School Lunch 659 Program, and that the charter school is paid at the same time 660 and in the same manner under the National School Lunch Program 661 as other public schools serviced by the sponsor or the school 662 district; test administration services, including payment of the 663 costs of state-required or district-required student 664 assessments; processing of teacher certificate data services; 665 and information services, including equal access to the 666 sponsor’s student information systems that are used by public 667 schools in the district in which the charter school is located 668 or by schools in the sponsor’s portfolio of charter schools if 669 the sponsor is not a school district. Student performance data 670 for each student in a charter school, including, but not limited 671 to, FCAT scores, standardized test scores, previous public 672 school student report cards, and student performance measures, 673 shall be provided by the sponsor to a charter school in the same 674 manner provided to other public schools in the district. 675 2. A sponsor may withhold an administrative fee for the 676 provision of such services, which shall be a percentage of the 677 available funds defined in paragraph (17)(b), calculated based 678 on weighted full-time equivalent students. If the charter school 679 serves 75 percent or more exceptional education students as 680 defined in s. 1003.01(3), the percentage shall be calculated 681 based on unweighted full-time equivalent students. The 682 administrative fee shall be calculated as follows: 683 a. Up to 5 percent for: 684 (I) Enrollment of up to and including 250 students in a 685 charter school as defined in this section. 686 (II) Enrollment of up to and including 500 students within 687 a charter school system which meets all of the following: 688 (A) Includes conversion charter schools and nonconversion 689 charter schools. 690 (B) Has all of its schools located in the same county. 691 (C) Has a total enrollment exceeding the total enrollment 692 of at least one school district in the state. 693 (D) Has the same governing board for all of its schools. 694 (E) Does not contract with a for-profit service provider 695 for management of school operations. 696 (III) Enrollment of up to and including 250 students in a 697 virtual charter school. 698 b. Up to 2 percent for enrollment of up to and including 699 250 students in a high-performing charter school as defined in 700 s. 1002.331. 701 3. A sponsor may not charge charter schools any additional 702 fees or surcharges for administrative and educational services 703 in addition to the maximum percentage of administrative fees 704 withheld pursuant to this paragraph. 705 4. A sponsor shall provide to the department by September 706 15 of each year the total amount of funding withheld from 707 charter schools pursuant to this subsection for the prior fiscal 708 year. The department must include the information in the report 709 required under sub-sub-subparagraph (5)(b)1.k.(III). 710 (b) If goods and services are made available to the charter 711 school through the contract with the sponsorschool district, 712 they shall be provided to the charter school at a rate no 713 greater than the sponsor’sdistrict’sactual cost unless 714 mutually agreed upon by the charter school and the sponsor in a 715 contract negotiated separately from the charter. When mediation 716 has failed to resolve disputes over contracted services or 717 contractual matters not included in the charter, an appeal may 718 be made to an administrative law judge appointed by the Division 719 of Administrative Hearings. The administrative law judge has 720 final order authority to rule on the dispute. The administrative 721 law judge shall award the prevailing party reasonable attorney 722 fees and costs incurred during the mediation process, 723 administrative proceeding, and any appeals, to be paid by the 724 party whom the administrative law judge rules against. To 725 maximize the use of state funds, sponsorsschool districtsshall 726 allow charter schools to participate in the sponsor’s bulk 727 purchasing program if applicable. 728 (c) Transportation of charter school students shall be 729 provided by the charter school consistent with the requirements 730 of subpart I.E. of chapter 1006 and s. 1012.45. The governing 731 body of the charter school may provide transportation through an 732 agreement or contract with the sponsordistrict school board, a 733 private provider, or parents. The charter school and the sponsor 734 shall cooperate in making arrangements that ensure that 735 transportation is not a barrier to equal access for all students 736 residing within a reasonable distance of the charter school as 737 determined in its charter. 738 (d) Each charter school shall annually complete and submit 739 a survey, provided in a format specified by the Department of 740 Education, to rate the timeliness and quality of services 741 provided by the sponsordistrictin accordance with this 742 section. The department shall compile the results, by sponsor 743district, and include the results in the report required under 744 sub-sub-subparagraph (5)(b)1.k.(III). 745 (21) PUBLIC INFORMATION ON CHARTER SCHOOLS.— 746 (a) The Department of Education shall provide information 747 to the public, directly and through sponsors, on how to form and 748 operate a charter school and how to enroll in a charter school 749 once it is created. This information shall include the standard 750 application form, standard charter contract, standard evaluation 751 instrument, and standard charter renewal contract, which shall 752 include the information specified in subsection (7) and shall be 753 developed by consulting and negotiating with both sponsors 754school districtsand charter schools before implementation. The 755 charter and charter renewal contracts shall be used by charter 756 school sponsors. 757 (b)1. The Department of Education shall report to each 758 charter school receiving a school grade pursuant to s. 1008.34 759 or a school improvement rating pursuant to s. 1008.341 the 760 school’s student assessment data. 761 2. The charter school shall report the information in 762 subparagraph 1. to each parent of a student at the charter 763 school, the parent of a child on a waiting list for the charter 764 school, the sponsordistrict in which the charter school is765located, and the governing board of the charter school. This 766 paragraph does not abrogate the provisions of s. 1002.22, 767 relating to student records, or the requirements of 20 U.S.C. s. 768 1232g, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. 769 (25) LOCAL EDUCATIONAL AGENCY STATUS FOR CERTAIN CHARTER 770 SCHOOL SYSTEMS.— 771 (a) A charter school system’s governing board shall be 772 designated a local educational agency for the purpose of 773 receiving federal funds, the same as though the charter school 774 system were a school district, if the governing board of the 775 charter school system has adopted and filed a resolution with 776 its sponsorsponsoringdistrict school boardand the Department 777 of Education in which the governing board of the charter school 778 system accepts the full responsibility for all local education 779 agency requirements and the charter school system meets all of 780 the following: 781 1. Has all schools located in the same county; 782 2. Has a total enrollment exceeding the total enrollment of 783 at least one school district in the state; and 784 3. Has the same governing board. 785 (b) A charter school system’s governing board may be 786 designated a local educational agency for the purpose of 787 receiving federal funds for all schools within a school district 788 that are established pursuant to s. 1008.33 and are under the 789 jurisdiction of the governing board. The governing board must 790 adopt and file a resolution with its sponsoring district school 791 board and the Department of Education and accept full 792 responsibility for all local educational agency requirements. 793 794 Such designation does not apply to other provisions unless 795 specifically provided in law. 796 (28) RULEMAKING.—The Department of Education, after 797 consultation with sponsorsschool districtsand charter school 798 directors, shall recommend that the State Board of Education 799 adopt rules to implement specific subsections of this section. 800 Such rules shall require minimum paperwork and mayshallnot 801 limit charter school flexibility authorized by statute. The 802 State Board of Education shall adopt rules, pursuant to ss. 803 120.536(1) and 120.54, to implement a standard charter 804 application form, standard application form for the replication 805 of charter schools in a high-performing charter school system, 806 standard evaluation instrument, and standard charter and charter 807 renewal contracts in accordance with this section. 808 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2019.