Bill Text: FL S1734 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced

Bill Title: Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-28 - Filed [S1734 Detail]

Download: Florida-2025-S1734-Introduced.html
       Florida Senate - 2025                                    SB 1734
       By Senator Collins
       14-00600B-25                                          20251734__
    1                        A bill to be entitled                      
    2         An act relating to the Florida Kratom Consumer
    3         Protection Act; amending s. 500.92, F.S.; defining
    4         terms; revising the definition of the term “kratom
    5         product”; prohibiting processors from manufacturing,
    6         delivering, offering for sale, distributing, or
    7         selling finished kratom products that do not meet
    8         specified requirements; requiring that kratom products
    9         be manufactured by, delivered to, offered for sale by,
   10         distributed by, or sold by a processor who holds a
   11         certain permit; prohibiting specified operations;
   12         prohibiting exemption from certain requirements;
   13         requiring such processors to be registered with the
   14         United States Food and Drug Administration; providing
   15         an exception; requiring processors to make a certain
   16         certification regarding their finished kratom
   17         products; requiring a processor to assume
   18         responsibility and liability for its kratom, kratom
   19         product, and finished kratom product; requiring a
   20         processor of a finished kratom product to submit a
   21         certificate of analysis from a certain laboratory to
   22         the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
   23         for each batch of finished kratom product; specifying
   24         requirements for such laboratory; prohibiting the
   25         processor from having any financial or economic
   26         interest in such laboratory or the body accrediting
   27         such laboratory; requiring the processor to maintain
   28         its certificates of analysis for a specified amount of
   29         time after the finished kratom product’s expiration
   30         date; requiring that the certificate of analysis
   31         demonstrate that the finished kratom product is in
   32         compliance with statutory and rule concentration
   33         limits for specified substances; requiring that
   34         certain finished kratom products comply with product
   35         registration and testing requirements; providing an
   36         exception; prohibiting the serving of kratom beverages
   37         combined with alcohol, drugs, or other kratom
   38         products; requiring a processor or the department to
   39         submit a certain report to the United States Food and
   40         Drug Administration if a processor or the department
   41         receives a certain notice; authorizing the department
   42         to conduct an independent third-party test of a kratom
   43         product if probable cause exists that the product is
   44         adulterated; requiring the processor to pay the
   45         testing cost; authorizing the department to revoke the
   46         processor’s product registration if the processor
   47         fails to pay for such test within a specified
   48         timeframe; providing criminal penalties; providing
   49         that certain kratom products are subject to a stop
   50         sale order; authorizing the department to revoke a
   51         processor’s finished kratom product registration under
   52         certain circumstances; providing that a processor
   53         whose kratom product contains a controlled substance
   54         or other prohibited substances is in violation of this
   55         act; providing an administrative fine; providing an
   56         appropriation; providing an effective date.
   58  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
   60         Section 1. Section 500.92, Florida Statutes, is amended to
   61  read:
   62         500.92 Florida Kratom Consumer Protection Act.—
   63         (1) SHORT TITLE.—This section may be cited as the “Florida
   64  Kratom Consumer Protection Act.”
   65         (2) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section, the term:
   66         (a)“Attractive to children” means a product manufactured:
   67         1.In a shape that resembles a human, a cartoon character,
   68  or an animal;
   69         2.In a form that resembles an existing candy product that
   70  is a widely distributed, branded food item; or
   71         3.Using any color additives.
   72         (b)“Finished kratom product” means a kratom product that
   73  is ready for sale to the end user. For purposes of registration,
   74  a finished kratom product is differentiated by its ingredients,
   75  not by its weight, volume, or size.
   76         (c) “Kratom” means the plant or any part of the plant
   77  Mitragyna speciosa.
   78         (d)“Kratom beverage” means a prepackaged liquid kratom
   79  product in the form of a tea, seltzer or tonic water, or
   80  tincture.
   81         (e)“Kratom food service establishment” means any public
   82  food service establishment licensed as provided in chapter 509
   83  which sells finished kratom products.
   84         (f) “Kratom product” means a food product, food ingredient,
   85  dietary ingredient, dietary supplement, or beverage intended for
   86  human consumption which contains any part of the leaf of the
   87  plant Mitragyna speciosa or an extract, synthetic alkaloid, or
   88  synthetically derived compound of such plant and is manufactured
   89  as a powder, capsule, pill, beverage, or other edible form.
   90         (g) “Processor” means a person who manufactures, delivers,
   91  or offers for sale, distributes, or sells kratom products.
   92         (3) PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS.—A processor may not manufacture,
   93  deliver, offer for sale, distribute, or sell a finished kratom
   94  product that:
   95         (a)Is not one of the following approved delivery forms:
   96         1.Dried leaf;
   97         2.Kratom beverage;
   98         3.Powder;
   99         4.Pill; or
  100         5.Capsule.
  101         (b)Contains a level of synthetic 7-hydroxymitragynine in
  102  the alkaloid fraction which is greater than 2 percent of the
  103  alkaloid composition of the kratom product.
  104         (c)Is not registered with the department pursuant to this
  105  section.
  106         (d)Does not have a certificate of analysis submitted to
  107  the department as required by this section.
  108         (e) Does not include directions for consumption of the
  109  kratom product on the product’s label, including, but not
  110  limited to:
  111         1.Maximum dosage of 40 milligrams of mitragynine per
  112  serving;
  113         2.Number of servings per package;
  114         3.Milligrams of 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine per
  115  serving;
  116         4.A warning advising consumers of the number of servings
  117  that may be safely consumed in a 24-hour period;
  118         5.A warning prohibiting use by individuals who are under
  119  21 years of age;
  120         6.A warning advising against use by individuals who are
  121  pregnant or breastfeeding;
  122         7.A warning advising the consumer to consult a health care
  123  professional before use, that the product may be habit-forming,
  124  and that it may cause adverse health effects;
  125         8.A warning stating the following: “These statements have
  126  not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug
  127  Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
  128  cure, or prevent any disease.”;
  129         9.The expiration date; and
  130         10.The name and place of business of the registrant.
  131         (f)Does not comply with the packaging and labeling
  132  requirements set forth in this chapter and the rules adopted
  133  pursuant thereto. Such kratom products are considered
  134  misbranded.
  135         (g)Is extracted using solvents other than water or Class 3
  136  solvents set forth in USP-NF chapter 467.
  137         (h)Contains levels of Class 3 solvents greater than the
  138  limits set forth in USP-NF chapter 467.
  139         (i)Is attractive to children.
  140         (j)Is in a container that:
  141         1.Is not suitable to contain products for human
  142  consumption; or
  143         2.Is not compliant with the United States Poison
  144  Prevention Packaging Act of 1970, 15 U.S.C. ss. 1471 et seq.
  145         3.Does not contain a graduated measuring device, if
  146  applicable.
  147         (k)Is adulterated, including containing metals,
  148  pesticides, or pathogens in excess of the limits set by this
  149  section or department rule.
  150         (4)(3)AGE RESTRICTION.—It is unlawful to sell, deliver,
  151  barter, furnish, or give, directly or indirectly, any kratom
  152  product to a person who is under 21 years of age.
  155         (a)Kratom products may only be manufactured by, delivered
  156  to, offered for sale by, distributed by, or sold by a processor
  157  who holds a permit to operate as a food establishment as defined
  158  in s. 500.03. A processor may not operate as a cottage food
  159  operation pursuant to s. 500.80 and is not exempt from food
  160  permit requirements pursuant to s. 500.12(1)(a)1.
  161         (b)A processor that manufactures, processes, packs, or
  162  offers for sale kratom, kratom products, or finished kratom
  163  products must be properly registered with the United States Food
  164  and Drug Administration. Processors exclusively selling finished
  165  kratom products at retail are not required to register with the
  166  United States Food and Drug Administration.
  167         (6)REGISTRATION.—
  168         (a)A processor shall certify by sworn statement that any
  169  finished kratom product it manufactures, delivers, offers for
  170  sale, distributes, or sells in this state is registered with the
  171  department and does not contain dangerous or harmful substances,
  172  including, but not limited to, red-OH, synthetic 7-OH, synthetic
  173  7-hydroxymitragynine, synthetic mitragynine, pseudoindoxyl,
  174  super alkaloid, or any other synthetically derived compounds,
  175  synthetic alkaloids, or controlled substances. Such registration
  176  must be renewed annually.
  177         (b)A processor shall assume all responsibility and
  178  liability for its kratom, kratom product, or finished kratom
  179  product.
  180         (c)For each batch of a registered finished kratom product,
  181  the processor shall submit a certificate of analysis to the
  182  department from an independent, third-party, accredited
  183  laboratory. The laboratory must be accredited under the
  184  International Organization for Standardization
  185  (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 17025:2017
  186  General Requirements for Competence of Testing and Calibration
  187  Laboratories standard by an accreditation body that is a
  188  signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation
  189  Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement. The processor may
  190  not have any direct or indirect financial or economic interest
  191  in the laboratory or accrediting body. The processor shall
  192  maintain the certificates of analysis for a minimum of 1 year
  193  after the finished kratom product’s expiration date. The
  194  certificate of analysis must demonstrate that the finished
  195  kratom product is in compliance with the statutory and rule
  196  concentration limits for:
  197         1.Alkaloid and alkaloid metabolites;
  198         2.Residual solvents;
  199         3.Heavy metals, including cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and
  200  lead; and
  201         4.Pesticides and any substance limited by department rule.
  202         (d)A finished kratom product served by a kratom food
  203  service establishment must comply with the requirements of this
  204  section; however, a separate registration under this subsection
  205  is not required when a kratom beverage is combined with another
  206  food or beverage by the kratom food service establishment for
  207  consumption on premises. Serving kratom beverages combined with
  208  alcohol, drugs, or other kratom products is prohibited.
  209         (7)REPORTING AND TESTING.—
  210         (a)If a processor or the department receives notice of any
  211  adverse health event suspected to be related to the processor’s
  212  kratom product, the processor or the department must submit an
  213  adverse event report as set out in chapter IX of the Federal
  214  Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. s. 379aa-1(b)(1) to the
  215  United States Food and Drug Administration.
  216         (b)If probable cause exists that a kratom product may be
  217  adulterated, the department may require an independent third
  218  party test of the kratom product by a laboratory of the
  219  department’s choice, and the processor must pay the cost of the
  220  test. If the processor does not make such payment to the
  221  department within 30 days after receiving the invoice for the
  222  testing fee, the department must revoke the registration for
  223  that product.
  224         (8)(4)VIOLATIONS.—
  225         (a) A violation of subsection (4) (3) is a misdemeanor of
  226  the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
  227  775.083.
  228         (b)A processor that manufactures, delivers, or offers for
  229  sale, distributes, or sells a finished kratom product that
  230  violates paragraph (3)(b) or paragraph (3)(c) commits a felony
  231  of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
  232  775.083.
  233         (c)Kratom products possessed, manufactured, delivered,
  234  offered for sale, distributed, or sold in violation of this
  235  section by an entity regulated under this chapter are subject to
  236  s. 500.172 and an immediate stop-sale order, and the entity is
  237  subject to penalties as provided in s. 500.121. The department
  238  may not grant permission to remove or use, except for disposal,
  239  finished kratom products subject to a stop-sale order which are
  240  attractive to children until the finished kratom products comply
  241  with this section.
  242         (d)If a processor fails to provide the department with a
  243  certificate of analysis within 2 days after receiving a request
  244  from the department or fails to immediately report an adverse
  245  health event to the department as required by this section, the
  246  department may revoke the processor’s finished kratom product
  247  registration.
  248         (e)A processor that manufactures, delivers, offers for
  249  sale, distributes, or sells a kratom product that contains any
  250  controlled substance listed in s. 893.03 or an alkaloid not
  251  naturally present in kratom, contains a synthetic alkaloid or a
  252  synthetic alkaloid metabolite, including, but not limited to,
  253  red-OH, synthetic 7-OH, synthetic 7-hydroxymitragynine,
  254  synthetic mitragynine, pseudoindoxyl, super alkaloid, or any
  255  other synthetically derived compounds of the plant Mitragyna
  256  speciosa, or contains a level of 7-hydroxymitragynine in the
  257  alkaloid fraction which is greater than 2 percent, is in
  258  violation of this section.
  259         (f)A laboratory that fails to ensure the accuracy of its
  260  certificates of analysis issued pursuant to this section is
  261  subject to an administrative fine as provided by department
  262  rule.
  263         (9)(5)RULES.—The department shall adopt rules to
  264  administer this section.
  265         Section 2. For the 2025-2026 fiscal year, the sums of
  266  $1,920,141.22 in recurring funds and $1,791,608 in nonrecurring
  267  funds from the General Inspection Trust Fund are appropriated to
  268  the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and 24
  269  full-time equivalent positions with associated salary rate of
  270  1,508,152.18 are authorized, for the purpose of implementing
  271  this act.
  272         Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.
