Bill Text: FL S1766 | 2025 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: Public Employees Relations Commission
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-28 - Filed [S1766 Detail]
Download: Florida-2025-S1766-Introduced.html
Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1766 By Senator Ingoglia 11-01291B-25 20251766__ 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to the Public Employees Relations 3 Commission; amending s. 110.227, F.S.; conforming 4 final order requirements to ch. 120, F.S.; removing a 5 provision requiring exceptions to a recommended order 6 to be filed within a specified timeframe; amending s. 7 112.0455, F.S.; conforming final order requirements to 8 ch. 120, F.S.; revising the timeframe in which an 9 appeal hearing must be conducted; amending s. 120.80, 10 F.S.; providing applicability; amending s. 295.14, 11 F.S.; conforming final order requirements to ch. 120, 12 F.S.; removing provisions that an action by the 13 commission must be in writing and served in a 14 specified manner; amending s. 447.203, F.S.; revising 15 and providing definitions; amending s. 447.205, F.S.; 16 specifying the annual salaries of the chair and other 17 commissioners of the Public Employees Relations 18 Commission; amending s. 447.207, F.S.; authorizing 19 subpoenas, notices, and other documents to be served 20 by any method of service that establishes proof of 21 delivery, rather than by certified mail; authorizing 22 the commission, under certain circumstances, to waive 23 the application of any provision of part II of ch. 24 447, F.S., rather than only specified provisions; 25 amending s. 447.301, F.S.; revising a specified 26 statement in a membership authorization form; 27 requiring an employee organization, within a specified 28 timeframe, to revoke the membership of and cease the 29 collection of membership dues from a public employee; 30 amending s. 447.303, F.S.; conforming provisions to 31 changes made by the act; amending s. 447.305, F.S.; 32 revising the application for employee organization 33 registration; revising certain information required 34 for an application for renewal of registration; 35 requiring an employee organization to provide an 36 application for renewal of registration to certain 37 persons within a specified timeframe; requiring a 38 bargaining agent to provide missing information to the 39 commission within a specified timeframe; requiring the 40 commission to dismiss an application for renewal of 41 registration under certain circumstances; requiring a 42 bargaining agent to petition for recertification 43 within a specified timeframe after submission of 44 certain information; authorizing a public employer or 45 public employee of a bargaining unit to challenge an 46 application for renewal of registration as materially 47 inaccurate during specified timeframes; requiring the 48 commission or one of its designated agents to conduct 49 an investigation if a challenge is filed; exempting 50 certain employee organizations from a specified 51 requirement; requiring a registration fee for 52 applications for registration and renewal of 53 registration; requiring certain employee organization 54 accounts to be open for inspection at a reasonable 55 time and place; providing for the revocation of an 56 employee organization’s certification under certain 57 circumstances; providing that certain decisions issued 58 by the commission are final agency actions; amending 59 s. 447.307, F.S.; revising requirements for the 60 certification, recertification, and decertification of 61 an employee organization; repealing s. 447.308, F.S., 62 relating to revocation of certification of an employee 63 organization; amending s. 447.309, F.S.; removing 64 provisions relating to conflicts between any 65 collective bargaining agreement provision and any law, 66 ordinance, rule, or regulation; requiring collective 67 bargaining agreements to contain specified terms and 68 conditions; amending s. 447.401, F.S.; conforming 69 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 70 447.403, F.S.; authorizing the recommended decision of 71 a special magistrate from an impasse hearing to be 72 transmitted by any method of service that establishes 73 proof of delivery, rather than a specified method; 74 amending ss. 447.405 and 447.501, F.S.; conforming 75 provisions to changes made by the act; amending s. 76 447.503, F.S.; authorizing certain public employers, 77 public employees, and employee organizations, or 78 combinations thereof, to file certain charges with the 79 commission; amending s. 447.507, F.S.; increasing 80 fines for certain violations; amending s. 447.509, 81 F.S.; prohibiting public employers, their agents or 82 representatives, and any persons acting on their 83 behalf from taking certain actions; authorizing 84 certain actions by public employees under certain 85 circumstances; providing exceptions; amending s. 86 447.609, F.S.; conforming provisions to changes made 87 by the act; amending ss. 110.114, 110.205, 112.3187, 88 121.031, 447.02, and 1011.60, F.S.; conforming cross 89 references; providing an effective date. 90 91 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 92 93 Section 1. Paragraph (d) of subsection (6) of section 94 110.227, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 95 110.227 Suspensions, dismissals, reductions in pay, 96 demotions, layoffs, transfers, and grievances.— 97 (6) The following procedures shall apply to appeals filed 98 pursuant to subsection (5) with the Public Employees Relations 99 Commission, hereinafter referred to as the commission: 100 (d) A recommended order mustshallbe issued by the hearing 101 officer within 30 days afterfollowingthe hearing.Exceptions102to the recommended order shall be filed within 15 days after the103recommended order is issued.The final order must be issued 104shall be filedby the commission in accordance with ss. 120.569 105 and 120.57no later than 45 calendar days after the hearing or106after the filing of exceptions or oral arguments if granted. 107 Section 2. Paragraph (a) of subsection (14) of section 108 112.0455, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 109 112.0455 Drug-Free Workplace Act.— 110 (14) DISCIPLINE REMEDIES.— 111 (a) An executive branch employee who is disciplined or who 112 is a job applicant for another position and is not hired 113 pursuant to this section, may file an appeal with the Public 114 Employees Relations Commission. Any appeal must be filed within 115 30 calendar days afterofreceipt by the employee or job 116 applicant of notice of discipline or refusal to hire. The notice 117 shall inform the employee or job applicant of the right to file 118 an appeal, or if available, the right to file a collective 119 bargaining grievance pursuant to s. 447.401. Such appeals shall 120 be resolved pursuant to the procedures established in ss. 121 447.207(1)-(4), 447.208(2), and 447.503(4) and (5). A hearing on 122 the appeal shall be conducted within 6030days afterofthe 123 filing of the appeal, unless an extension is requested by the 124 employee or job applicant and granted by the commission or an 125 arbitrator. The final order must be issued by the commission in 126 accordance with ss. 120.569 and 120.57. 127 Section 3. Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (12) of 128 section 120.80, Florida Statutes, to read: 129 120.80 Exceptions and special requirements; agencies.— 130 (12) PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RELATIONS COMMISSION.— 131 (c) Section 120.60 does not apply to registration of 132 employee organizations under s. 447.305. 133 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 295.14, Florida 134 Statutes, is amended to read: 135 295.14 Penalties.— 136 (1) When the Public Employees Relations Commission, after a 137 hearing on notice conducted according to rules adopted by the 138 commission, determines that a violation of s. 295.07, s. 295.08, 139 s. 295.085, or s. 295.09(1)(a) or (b) has occurred and sustains 140 the veteran seeking redress, the commission shall order the 141 offending agency, employee, or officer of the state to comply 142 withthe provisions ofs. 295.07, s. 295.08, s. 295.085, or s. 143 295.09(1)(a) or (b); and, in the event of a violation of s. 144 295.07, s. 295.08, s. 295.085, or s. 295.09(1)(a) or (b), the 145 commission may issue an order to compensate the veteran for the 146 loss of any wages and reasonable attorney’s fees for actual 147 hours worked, and costs of all work, including litigation, 148 incurred as a result of such violation, which order shall be 149 conclusive on the agency, employee, or officer concerned. The 150 attorney’s fees and costs may not exceed $10,000. The final 151 order must be issued by the commission in accordance with ss. 152 120.569 and 120.57The action of the commission shall be in153writing and shall be served on the parties concerned by154certified mail with return receipt requested. 155 Section 5. Section 447.203, Florida Statutes, is amended to 156 read: 157 447.203 Definitions.—As used in this part: 158 (1)(12)“Bargaining agent” means the employee organization 159 thatwhichhas been certified by the commission as representing 160 the employees in the bargaining unit, as provided in s. 447.307, 161 or its representative. 162 (2)(8)“Bargaining unit” means either that unit determined 163 by the commission, that unit determined through local 164 regulations adoptedpromulgatedpursuant to s. 447.603, or that 165 unit determined by the public employer and the public employee 166 organization and approved by the commission to be appropriate 167 for the purposes of collective bargaining. However, no 168 bargaining unit shall be defined as appropriate which includes 169 employees of two employers that are not departments or divisions 170 of the state, a county, a municipality, or other political 171 entity. 172 (3)(9)“Chief executive officer” for the state shall mean 173 the Governor and for other public employers shall mean the 174 person, whether elected or appointed, who is responsible to the 175 legislative body of the public employer for the administration 176 of the governmental affairs of the public employer. 177 (4)(16)“Civil service” means any career, civil, or merit 178 system used by any public employer. 179 (5)(14)“Collective bargaining” means the performance of 180 the mutual obligations of the public employer and the bargaining 181 agent of the employee organization to meet at reasonable times, 182 to negotiate in good faith, and to execute a written contract 183 with respect to agreements reached concerning the terms and 184 conditions of employment, except that neither party shall be 185 compelled to agree to a proposal or be required to make a 186 concession unless otherwise provided in this part. 187 (6)(1)“Commission” means the Public Employees Relations 188 Commission created by s. 447.205. 189 (7)(5)“Confidential employees” are persons who act in a 190 confidential capacity to assist or aid managerial employees as 191 defined in subsection (12)(4). 192 (8)(11)“Employee organization” or “organization” means any 193 labor organization, union, association, fraternal order, 194 occupational or professional society, or group, however 195 organized or constituted, which represents, or seeks to 196 represent, any public employee or group of public employees 197 concerning any matters relating to their employment relationship 198 with a public employer. 199 (9) “Employee organization activities” means activities 200 undertaken at the direction of, on behalf of, or to advance the 201 purposes of an employee organization or any parent organization 202 or affiliate of the employee organization by: 203 (a) Supporting or opposing a candidate for federal, state, 204 or local public office. 205 (b) Influencing the passage or defeat of any federal or 206 state legislation or regulation, local ordinance or resolution, 207 or ballot measure. 208 (c) Promoting or soliciting membership or participation in, 209 or financial support of, an employee organization or any parent 210 organization or affiliate of the employee organization. 211 (d) Seeking certification as a bargaining agent. 212 (e) Participating in the administration, business, or 213 internal governance of an employee organization or any parent 214 organization or affiliate of the employee organization. 215 (f) Preparing, conducting, or attending employee 216 organization events, conferences, conventions, meetings, or 217 training, unless such training is directly related to the 218 performance of a public employee’s job duties. 219 (g) Distributing communications of an employee organization 220 or any parent organization or affiliate of the employee 221 organization. 222 (h) Representing or speaking on behalf of an employee 223 organization or any parent organization or affiliate of the 224 employee organization in any setting, venue, or procedure in 225 which the public employer is not a participant. 226 (i) Preparing, filing, or pursuing unfair labor practice 227 charges or grievances. 228 (j) Representing public employees in investigatory 229 interviews; disciplinary proceedings or appeals, including 230 termination; or other administrative or legal proceedings. 231 (k) Engaging in collective bargaining and any related 232 mediation, factfinding, or arbitration. 233 (l) Administering a collective bargaining agreement. 234 (m) Participating in labor-management committees. 235 (10)(17)“Good faith bargaining” means, but is notshall236mean, but not belimited to, the willingness of both parties to 237 meet at reasonable times and places, as mutually agreed upon, in 238 order to discuss issues which are proper subjects of bargaining, 239 with the intent of reaching a common accord. The term includes 240It shall includean obligation for both parties to participate 241 actively in the negotiations with an open mind and a sincere 242 desire, as well as making a sincere effort, to resolve 243 differences and come to an agreement. In determining whether a 244 party failed to bargain in good faith, the commission shall 245 consider the total conduct of the parties during negotiations as 246 well as the specific incidents of alleged bad faith. Incidents 247 indicative of bad faith shall include, but not be limited to, 248 the following occurrences: 249 (a) Failure to meet at reasonable times and places with 250 representatives of the other party for the purpose of 251 negotiations. 252 (b) Placing unreasonable restrictions on the other party as 253 a prerequisite to meeting. 254 (c) Failure to discuss proper subjects of bargaining 255bargainable issues. 256 (d) Refusing, upon reasonable written request, to provide 257 public information, excluding work products as defined in s. 258 447.605. 259 (e) Refusing to negotiate because of an unwanted person on 260 the opposing negotiating team. 261 (f) Negotiating directly with employees rather than with 262 theircertifiedbargaining agent. 263 (g) Refusing to reduce a total agreement to writing. 264 (11)(10)“Legislative body” means the State Legislature, 265 the board of county commissioners, the district school board, 266 the governing body of a municipality, or the governing body of 267 an instrumentality or unit of government having authority to 268 appropriate funds and establish policy governing the terms and 269 conditions of employment and which, as the case may be, is the 270 appropriate legislative body for the bargaining unit. For 271 purposes of s. 447.403, the Board of Governors of the State 272 University System, or the board’s designee, shall be deemed to 273 be the legislative body with respect to all employees of each 274 constituent state university. For purposes of s. 447.403 the 275 board of trustees of a community college shall be deemed to be 276 the legislative body with respect to all employees of the 277 community college. 278 (12)(4)“Managerial employees” meansarethose employees 279 who: 280 (a) Perform jobs that are not of a routine, clerical, or 281 ministerial nature and require the exercise of independent 282 judgment in the performance of such jobs and to whom one or more 283 of the following applies: 284 1. They formulate or assist in formulating policies which 285 are applicable to bargaining unit employees. 286 2. They may reasonably be required on behalf of the 287 employer to assist in the preparation for the conduct of 288 collective bargaining negotiations. 289 3. They have a role in the administration of agreements 290 resulting from collective bargaining negotiations. 291 4. They have a significant role in personnel 292 administration. 293 5. They have a significant role in employee relations. 294 6. They are included in the definition of administrative 295 personnel contained in s. 1012.01(3). 296 7. They have a significant role in the preparation or 297 administration of budgets for any public agency or institution 298 or subdivision thereof. 299 (b) Serve as police chiefs, fire chiefs, or directors of 300 public safety of any police, fire, or public safety department. 301 Other police officers, as defined in s. 943.10(1), and 302 firefighters, as defined in s. 633.102, may be determined by the 303 commission to be managerial employees of such departments. In 304 making such determinations, the commission shall consider, in 305 addition to the criteria established in paragraph (a), the 306 paramilitary organizational structure of the department 307 involved. 308 309 However, in determining whether an individual is a managerial 310 employee pursuant to paragraph (a) or paragraph (b),above,the 311 commission may consider historic relationships of the employee 312 to the public employer and to coemployees. 313 (13) “Membership dues” means employee organization dues; 314 uniform assessments; fees, including initiation fees; or 315 voluntary contributions made by a public employee to an employee 316 organization. 317 (14)(15)“Membership dues deduction” means the practice of 318 a public employerofdeducting membership duesand uniform319assessmentsfrom the salary or wages of a public employee and.320Such term also means the practice of a public employer of321 transmitting the sums so deducted to ansuchemployee 322 organization on behalf of the public employee. 323 (15)(13)“Professional employee” means: 324 (a) Any employee engaged in work in any two or more of the 325 following categories: 326 1. Work predominantly intellectual and varied in character 327 as opposed to routine mental, manual, mechanical, or physical 328 work.;329 2. Work involving the consistent exercise of discretion and 330 judgment in its performance.;331 3. Work of such a character that the output produced or the 332 result accomplished cannot be standardized in relation to a 333 given period of time.; and334 4. Work requiring advanced knowledge in a field of science 335 or learning customarily acquired by a prolonged course of 336 specialized intellectual instruction and study in an institution 337 of higher learning or a hospital, as distinguished from a 338 general academic education, an apprenticeship, or training in 339 the performance of routine mental or physical processes. 340 (b) Any employee who: 341 1. Has completed the course of specialized intellectual 342 instruction and study described in subparagraph (a)4.4. of343paragraph (a); and344 2. Is performing related work under supervision of a 345 professional person to qualify to become a professional employee 346 as defined in paragraph (a). 347 (16)(3)“Public employee” means any person employed by a 348 public employer except: 349 (a) Those persons appointed by the Governor or elected by 350 the people, agency heads, and members of boards and commissions. 351 (b) Those persons holding positions by appointment or 352 employment in the organized militia. 353 (c) Those individuals acting as negotiating representatives 354 for employer authorities. 355 (d) Those persons who are designated by the commission as 356 managerial or confidential employees pursuant to criteria 357 contained herein. 358 (e) Those persons holding positions of employment with the 359 Florida Legislature. 360 (f) Those persons who have been convicted of a crime and 361 are inmates confined to institutions within the state. 362 (g) Those persons appointed to inspection positions in 363 federal/state fruit and vegetable inspection service whose 364 conditions of appointment are affected by the following: 365 1. Federal license requirement. 366 2. Federal autonomy regarding investigation and 367 disciplining of appointees. 368 3. Frequent transfers due to harvesting conditions. 369 (h) Those persons employed by the Public Employees 370 Relations Commission. 371 (i) Those persons enrolled as undergraduate students in a 372 state university who perform part-time work for the state 373 university. 374 (17)(2)“Public employer” or “employer” means the state or 375 any county, municipality, or special district or any subdivision 376 or agency thereof which the commission determines has sufficient 377 legal distinctiveness properly to carry out the functions of a 378 public employer. With respect to all public employees determined 379 by the commission as properly belonging to a statewide 380 bargaining unit composed of State Career Service System 381 employees or Selected Professional Service employees, the 382 Governor is deemed to be the public employer; and the Board of 383 Governors of the State University System, or the board’s 384 designee, is deemed to be the public employer with respect to 385 all public employees of each constituent state university. The 386 board of trustees of a community college is deemed to be the 387 public employer with respect to all employees of the community 388 college. The district school board is deemed to be the public 389 employer with respect to all employees of the school district. 390 The Board of Trustees of the Florida School for the Deaf and the 391 Blind is deemed to be the public employer with respect to the 392 academic and academic administrative personnel of the Florida 393 School for the Deaf and the Blind. The Board of Trustees of the 394 Florida School for Competitive Academics is deemed to be the 395 public employer with respect to the academic and academic 396 administrative personnel of the Florida School for Competitive 397 Academics. The Governor is deemed to be the public employer with 398 respect to all employees in the Correctional Education Program 399 of the Department of Corrections established pursuant to s. 400 944.801. 401 (18) “Public safety employee” means a public employee 402 employed as a law enforcement officer, correctional officer, or 403 correctional probation officer, as those terms are defined in s. 404 943.10(1), (2), or (3), respectively; a firefighter as defined 405 in s. 633.102(9); a 911 public safety telecommunicator as 406 defined in s. 401.465(1)(a); or an emergency medical technician 407 or paramedic, as those terms are defined in s. 401.23. 408 (19) “Representational employee organization activities” 409 means those activities specified in paragraphs (9)(i)-(m). 410 (20) “Signature card” means a written statement by a public 411 employee in a bargaining unit or proposed bargaining unit which 412 does all of the following: 413 (a) Is submitted to the commission in support of a petition 414 filed under s. 447.307. 415 (b) Was signed and dated by the public employee not more 416 than 12 months before the filing of the petition under s. 417 447.307. 418 (c) Indicates the public employee’s desire to be 419 represented by the employee organization for purposes of 420 collective bargaining or the public employee’s desire to no 421 longer be represented by the bargaining agent for purposes of 422 collective bargaining. 423 (21)(6)“Strike” means the concerted failure of employees 424 to report for duty; the concerted absence of employees from 425 their positions; the concerted stoppage of work by employees; 426 the concerted submission of resignations by employees; the 427 concerted abstinence in whole or in part by any group of 428 employees from the full and faithful performance of the duties 429 of employment with a public employer for the purpose of 430 inducing, influencing, condoning, or coercing a change in the 431 terms and conditions of employment or the rights, privileges, or 432 obligations of public employment, or participating in a 433 deliberate and concerted course of conduct which adversely 434 affects the services of the public employer; the concerted 435 failure of employees to report for work after the expiration of 436 a collective bargaining agreement; and picketing in furtherance 437 of a work stoppage. The term includes“strike” shall also mean438 any overt preparation, including, but not limited to, the 439 establishment of strike funds with regard to theabove-listed440 activities listed in this subsection. 441 (22)(7)“Strike funds” are any appropriations by an 442 employee organization which are established to directly or 443 indirectly aid any employee or employee organization to 444 participate in a strike in the state. 445 (23)(18)“Student representative” means the representative 446 selected by each community college or university student 447 government association. Each representative may be present at 448 all negotiating sessions that take place between the appropriate 449 public employer and aan exclusivebargaining agent. The 450 representative must be enrolled as a student with at least 8 451 credit hours in the respective community college or university 452 during his or her term as student representative. 453 Section 6. Subsections (2) and (8) of section 447.205, 454 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 455 447.205 Public Employees Relations Commission.— 456 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the chair 457 must be paid an annual salary equal to the annual salary paid 458 under state law to a circuit court judge.andThe other 459 commissioners mustshallbe paid annual salaries equal to 50 460 percent of the annual salary paid to the chairto be fixed by461law. Such salaries mustshallbe paid in equal monthly 462 installments. All commissioners mustshallbe reimbursed for 463 expenses, as provided in s. 112.061. 464 (8) The commission shall have a seal for authentication of 465 its orders and proceedings, upon which shall be inscribed the 466 words “State of Florida-Public Employees Relations Commission 467 Seal,”“State of Florida—Employees Relations Commission—and468 which shall be judicially noticed. 469 Section 7. Subsections (4), (6), and (12) of section 470 447.207, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 471 447.207 Commission; powers and duties.— 472 (4) Any subpoena, notice of hearing, or other process or 473 notice of the commission issued underthe provisions ofthis 474 part mustshallbe served personally or by any method of service 475 that establishes proof of deliveryby certified mail. A return476made and verified by the individual making such service and477setting forth the manner of such service is proof of service,478and a returned post office receipt, when certified mail is used,479is proof of service. All process of any court to which480application may be made under the provisions of this part shall481be served in the county wherein the persons required to be482served reside or may be found. 483 (6) Pursuant to its established procedures, the commission 484 shall resolve questions and controversies concerning claims for 485 recognition as the bargaining agent for a bargaining unit, 486 determine or approve units appropriate for purposes of 487 collective bargaining, expeditiously process charges of unfair 488 labor practices and violations of s. 447.505 by public 489 employees, and resolve such other questions and controversies as 490 it may be authorized herein to undertake. The petitioner, 491 charging party, respondent, and any intervenors shall be the 492 adversary parties before the commission in any adjudicatory 493 proceeding conducted pursuant to this part. Any commission 494 statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, 495 or prescribes law or policy, made in the course of adjudicating 496 a casepursuant to s. 447.307 or s. 447.503shall not constitute 497 a rule within the meaning of s. 120.52. 498 (12) Upon a petition by a public employer after it has been 499 notified by the Department of Labor that the public employer’s 500 protective arrangement covering mass transit employees does not 501 meet the requirements of 49 U.S.C. s. 5333(b) and would 502 jeopardize the public employer’s continued eligibility to 503 receive Federal Transit Administration funding, the commission 504 may waive the application of this part, but only to the extent 505 necessary for the public employer to comply withthe506requirements of49 U.S.C. s. 5333(b), any of the following for507an employee organization that has been certified as a bargaining508agent to represent mass transit employees:509(a)The prohibition on dues and assessment deductions510provided in s. 447.303(1) as it applies to a mass transit511employee who has provided a copy of his or her membership512authorization form to the employer as part of the authorization513of dues deduction under a waiver.514(b)The requirement to petition the commission for515recertification.516(c)The revocation of certification provided in s.517447.305(6) and (7). 518 Section 8. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsection 519 (2) of section 447.301, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 520 447.301 Public employees’ rights; organization and 521 representation.— 522 (1) 523 (b)1. A public employee who desires to be a member of an 524 employee organization must sign and date a membership 525 authorization form, as prescribed by the commission, and submit 526 the executed form to the bargaining agent. 527 2. The membership authorization form must identify the name 528 of the bargaining agent; the name of the employee; the class 529 code and class title of the employee; the name of the public 530 employer and employing agency, if applicable; the amount of the 531 membershipinitiation fee and of the monthlydues which the 532 public employeemembermust pay; and the names and amounts 533 disclosed under s. 447.305(2)(d) for thename and total amount534of salary, allowances, and other direct or indirect535disbursements, including reimbursements, paid to each of the536five highest compensatedofficers and employees receiving the 537 five highest total dollar amountsof the employee organization538disclosed under s. 447.305(2)(d). 539 3. The membership authorization form must contain the 540 following statement in 14-point type: 541 542 As a public employee in the State of Florida,is a right-to-work543state.membership or nonmembershipnon-membershipin a labor 544 union is not required as a condition of employment., andUnion 545 membership and payment of membershipunionduesand assessments546 are voluntary. A public employee’sEach person has theright to 547 join and pay membership dues to a labor union or to refrain from 548 joining and paying membership dues to a labor union is protected 549 by both Florida’s right-to-work law and the First Amendment of 550 the United States Constitution. A public employer may not 551 discriminate against a public. Noemployeemay be discriminated552against in any mannerfor joining and financially supporting, or 553 refusing to join and financially support, a labor unionor for554refusing to join or financially support a labor union. 555 4. A public employee may revoke membership in the employee 556 organization at any timeof the year. Within 30 days afterUpon557 receipt of the public employee’s written revocation of 558 membership, the employee organization must revoke theapublic 559 employee’s membership and cease collection of membership dues 560 from such public employee. The employee organization may not 561 limit a publicanemployee’s right to revoke membership to 562 certain dates. If a public employee must complete a form to 563 revoke membership in the employee organization, the form may not 564 require a reason for the public employee’s decision to revoke 565 his or her membership. 566 5. An employee organization must retain for inspection by 567 the commission such membership authorization forms and any 568 revocations. 569 6. This paragraph does not apply to public employees in 570members ofa bargaining unit in which the majority of the public 571whoseemployees are public safety employeeseligible for572representation are employed as law enforcement officers,573correctional officers, or correctional probation officers as574those terms are defined in s. 943.10(1), (2), or (3),575respectively; firefighters as defined in s. 633.102; 911 public576safety telecommunicators as defined in s. 401.465(1)(a); or577emergency medical technicians or paramedics as defined in s.578401.23. 579 7. The commission may adopt rules to implement this 580 paragraph. 581 (2) Public employeesshallhave the right to be represented 582 by any employee organization of their own choosing and to 583 negotiate collectively, through acertifiedbargaining agent, 584 with their public employer in the determination of the terms and 585 conditions of their employment. Public employeesshallhave the 586 right to be represented in the determination of grievances on 587 all terms and conditions of their employment. Public employees 588shallhave the right to refrain from exercising the right to be 589 represented. 590 Section 9. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 447.303, 591 Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 592 447.303 Membership dues; deduction and collection.— 593 (1) Except as authorized in subsection (2) or subject to a 594 waiver of the prohibition on membership dues deduction granted 595 pursuant to s. 447.207(12), a public employer may not engage in 596 membership dues deduction on behalf ofs. 447.207(12)(a),an 597 employee organizationthat has been certified as a bargaining598agent may not have its dues and uniform assessments deducted and599collected by the employer from the salaries of those employees600in the unit. A public employee may pay membership duesand601uniform assessmentsdirectly to antheemployee organization 602that has been certified as the bargaining agent. 603 (2)(a) Upon the written authorization of a public employee 604 in a bargaining unit in which the majority of the public 605 employees are public safety employees, the public employer must 606 engage in membership dues deduction for such public employee. A 607 public employee may revoke his or her authorization for 608 membership dues deduction upon providing 30 days’ written notice 609 to the public employer and bargaining agentAn employee610organization that has been certified as a bargaining agent to611represent a bargaining unit the majority of whose employees612eligible for representation are employed as law enforcement613officers, correctional officers, or correctional probation614officers as those terms are defined in s. 943.10(1), (2), or615(3), respectively; firefighters as defined in s. 633.102; 911616public safety telecommunicators as defined in s. 401.465(1)(a);617or emergency medical technicians or paramedics as defined in s.618401.23 has the right to have its dues and uniform assessments619for that bargaining unit deducted and collected by the employer620from the salaries of those employees who authorize the deduction621and collection of said dues and uniform assessments. However,622such authorization is revocable at the employee’s request upon62330 days’ written notice to the employer and employee624organization. Said deductions shall commence upon the bargaining625agent’s written request to the employer. 626 (b) Reasonable costs to the public employer of engaging in 627 membership duessaiddeductions is a proper subject of 628 collective bargaining. 629 (c) The requirement to engage in membership dues deductions 630Such right to deduction, unless revoked under s. 447.507, is in 631 force asfor solong as theemployee organization remains the632certifiedbargaining agent remains certified to representfor633 the public employees in the bargaining unit. 634 Section 10. Section 447.305, Florida Statutes, is amended 635 to read: 636 447.305 Registration of employee organizations 637organization.— 638 (1) Every employee organization seeking to become a 639certifiedbargaining agent for public employees shall register 640 with the commission beforepursuant to the procedures set forth641in s. 120.60 prior to requesting recognition by a public642employer for purposes of collective bargaining and prior to643 submitting a representation petitionto the commission644requesting certification as an exclusive bargaining agent. 645Further,If ansuchemployee organization is not registered, it 646 may not participate in a representation hearing, participate in 647 a certification or recertificationrepresentationelection, or 648 be certified as aan exclusivebargaining agent. The application 649 for registration required by this section mustshallbe under 650 oath,andin such form as the commission may prescribe, and 651shallinclude all of the following: 652 (a) The name and address of the organization andofany 653 parent organization or affiliate of the employee organization 654with which it is affiliated. 655 (b) The names and addresses of the principal officers and 656 all representatives of the organization. 657 (c) The amountof the initiation fee and the amountand 658 collection frequency of the membership duesand uniform659assessmentsthat a member of the organization must pay. 660 (d) The current annual financial statement of the 661 organization, prepared by an independent certified public 662 accountant licensed under chapter 473. 663 (e) The name of its business agent, if any; if different 664 from the business agent, the name of its local agent for service 665 of process; and the addresses where such person or persons can 666 be reached. 667 (f) A pledge, in a form prescribed by the commission, that 668 the employee organization will conform to the laws of thisthe669 state and that it will accept members without regard to age, 670 race, sex, religion, or national origin. 671 (g) A copy of the current constitution and bylaws of the 672 employee organization. 673 (h) A copy of the current constitution and bylaws of the 674 state and national groups with which the employee organization 675 is affiliated or associated. In lieu of this provision, and upon 676 adoption of a rule by the commission, a state or national 677 affiliate or parent organization of any registering employee 678labororganization may annually submit a copy of its current 679 constitution and bylaws. 680 (2) A registration granted to an employee organization 681 pursuant to this section runs for 1 year afterfromthe date of 682 issuance. A registration must be renewed annually by filing an 683 application for renewal under oath with the commission, which 684 application must reflect any changes in the information provided 685 to the commission in conjunction with the employee 686 organization’s preceding application for registration or 687 previous renewal, whichever is applicable. Each application for 688 renewal of registration must include a current annual financial 689 statement, prepared by an independent certified public 690 accountant licensed under chapter 473 and signed by the employee 691 organization’s president and treasurer or corresponding 692 principal officers, containing the following information in such 693 detail as may be necessary to accuratelytodisclose its 694 financial condition and operations for its preceding fiscal year 695 and in all of the followingsuchcategories as prescribed by the 696 commissionmay prescribe: 697 (a) Assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the 698 fiscal year.;699 (b) Receipts of any kind and the sources thereof.;700 (c) Disbursements by category.;701 (d) Salary, wages, fringe benefits, allowances, and other 702 direct or indirect disbursements, including reimbursed expenses, 703 paid or accruing to each officer and also to each employee who, 704 during such fiscal year, received more than $10,000 in the 705 aggregate from such employee organization and any parent 706 organization of theotheremployee organization or any affiliate 707 of either the employee organization or the parent organization. 708 This paragraph requires reporting of any reimbursements paid by 709 the employee organization to a public employer for monies paid 710 by the public employer to an officer or an employee.affiliated711with it or with which it is affiliated or which is affiliated712with the same national or international employee organization;713 (e) Direct and indirect loans made to any officer, 714 employee, or member which aggregated more than $250 during the 715 fiscal year, together with a statement of the purpose, security, 716 if any, and arrangements for repayment.; and717 (f) Direct and indirect loans to any business enterprise, 718 together with a statement of the purpose, security, if any, and 719 arrangements for repayment. 720 (3) As part of its application for renewal of registration, 721 aIn addition to subsection (2), an employee organization that722has been certified as thebargaining agentfor public employees723 must include all offor each such certified bargaining unitthe 724 following additional information and documentationas of the72530th day immediately preceding the date upon which its current726registration is scheduled to end for any renewal of registration727on or after October 1, 2023: 728 (a) For each bargaining unit for which the bargaining agent 729 is certified, the certification number assigned to the 730 bargaining unit by the commission. 731 (b) For each certification, the number of public employees 732 in the bargaining unit as of the last business day of the second 733 full calendar month preceding the date upon which the bargaining 734 agent’s current registration is scheduled to end. 735 (c) For each certification, the number of public employees 736 in the bargaining unit who paid full membership dues sufficient 737 to maintain membership in good standing in the bargaining unit 738 as of the last business day of the second full calendar month 739 preceding the date upon which the bargaining agent’s current 740 registration is scheduled to end. 741 (d) For each certification,who are eligible for742representation by the employee organization.743(b)the number of public employees in the bargaining unit 744 who have submitted signed membership authorization forms without 745 a subsequent revocation of such membership. 746(c)The number of employees in the bargaining unit who paid747dues to the employee organization.748(d)The number of employees in the bargaining unit who did749not pay dues to the employee organization.750 (e) Documentation fromprovided byan independent certified 751 public accountantretained by the employee organizationwhich 752 verifies the information provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and 753 (d)paragraphs (a)-(d). 754 (4) Within 30 days after filing an application for renewal 755 of registration with the commission, the employee organization 756 must provide a copy of its applicationfor renewal of757registration relating to a public employer’s employeesto the 758 public employer and public employees of each bargaining unit for 759 which the employee organization is the bargaining agenton the760same day the application is submitted to the commission. 761 (5)An application for renewal of registration is762incomplete and is not eligible for consideration byThe 763 commission must notify the bargaining agent ifit does not764include all ofthe information and documentation required in 765 subsection (3) is incomplete. Upon notification that the 766 required information or documentation is incomplete, the 767 bargaining agent must provide the missing information or 768 documentation to the commission within 30 days after such 769 notification. If the bargaining agent fails to provide the 770 missing information or documentation within 30 days after 771 notification, the commission must dismiss the application.The772commission shall notify the employee organization if the773application is incomplete. An incomplete application must be774dismissed if the required information and documentation are not775provided within 10 days after the employee organization receives776such notice.777 (6) The commission must notify the bargaining agent if the 778 information and documentation required in subsection (3) is 779 complete. Within 30 days after such notification, the bargaining 780 agent must petition for recertification pursuant to s. 447.307 781 for each of its bargaining unitsNotwithstanding the provisions782of this chapter relating to collective bargaining, an employee783organization certified as a bargaining agent to represent a784bargaining unitfor which less than 60 percent of the public 785unitemployees in the bargaining unit have submitted membership 786 authorization forms without subsequent revocation and paid 787 membership dues to the organization, as reported in subsection 788 (3)during its last registration period must petition the789commission pursuant to s. 447.307(2) and (3) for recertification790as the exclusive representative of all employees in the791bargaining unit within 30 days after the date on which the792employee organization applies for renewal of registration793pursuant to subsection (2). The certification of an employee794organization that does not comply with this section is revoked. 795 (7) If aThepublic employer or a public employee of a 796 bargaining unit represented by a bargaining agent believes that 797 the bargaining agent’semployee may challenge an employee798organization’sapplication for renewal of registration is 799 materially inaccurate,ifthe public employer or public 800bargaining unitemployee may challengebelieves thatthe 801 application as materiallyisinaccurate during the pendency of 802 the application or, if the registration renewal has been 803 granted, before the date upon which the bargaining agent’s 804 current registration is scheduled to end. If a challenge is 805 filed,.the commission or one of its designated agents shall 806 conduct an investigation pursuant to subsection (8)review the807application to determine its accuracy and compliance with this808section. If the commission finds that the application is809inaccurate or does not comply with this section, the commission810shall revoke the registration and certification of the employee811organization. 812 (8) The commission or one of its designated agents may 813 conduct an investigation to confirm the validity of any 814 information submitted pursuant to this section. The commission 815 may revoke or deny an employee organization’s registration or 816 certification if it finds that the employee organization: 817 (a) Failed to cooperate with the investigation conducted 818 pursuant to this subsection, including refusal to permit the 819 commission or one of its designated agents to inspect membership 820 authorization forms or revocations pursuant to s. 821 447.301(1)(b)5.; or 822 (b) Intentionally misrepresented the information it 823 submitted pursuant to this section. 824 825A decision issued by the commission pursuant to this subsection826is a final agency action that is reviewable pursuant to s.827447.504.828 (9) An employee organization is exempt from the 829 requirements of subsections (3)-(8) and subsection (12) for each 830 bargaining unit in which the majority of the public employees 831 are public safety employeesonly with respect to the832circumstances of each bargaining unit the majority of whose833employees eligible for representation are employed as law834enforcement officers, correctional officers, or correctional835probation officers as those terms are defined in s. 943.10(1),836(2), or (3), respectively; firefighters as defined in s.837633.102; 911 public safety telecommunicators as defined in s.838401.465(1)(a); or emergency medical technicians or paramedics as839defined in s. 401.23. 840 (10) A registration fee mustshallaccompany each 841 application for registration or renewal of registration filed 842 with the commission. The registration fee mayamount charged for843an application for registration or renewal of registration shall844 not exceed $15. All such money collected by the commission shall 845 be deposited in the General Revenue Fund. 846 (11) Every employee organization shall keep accurate 847 accounts of its income and expenses, which accounts mustshall848 be open for inspection at a reasonable time and placeall849reasonable timesby any member of the organization or by the 850 commission. 851 (12) The certification of an employee organization that 852 does not comply with this section is revoked. An employee 853 organization that has its certification revoked under this 854 subsection may not file a petition for certification under s. 855 447.307 that covers any of the public employees in the 856 bargaining unit described in the revoked certification for at 857 least 12 months after the date the certification was revoked. 858 (13) A decision issued by the commission under this section 859 that revokes a certification, revokes a registration, or grants, 860 denies, or dismisses an application for registration or renewal 861 of registration is a final agency action that is reviewable 862 pursuant to s. 447.504In addition, each employee organization863that has been certified as a bargaining agent must provide to864its members an annual financial report prepared by an865independent certified public accountant licensed under chapter866473 that includes a detailed breakdown of revenues and867expenditures in such categories as the commission may prescribe,868and an accounting of membership dues and assessments. The869employee organization must notify its members annually of all870costs of membership. 871 Section 11. Section 447.307, Florida Statutes, is amended 872 to read: 873 447.307 Certification, recertification, and decertification 874 of employee organizationsorganization.— 875 (1) An employee organization seeking certification as a 876 bargaining agent, an employee organization seeking 877 recertification as a bargaining agent, or a public employee or 878 group of public employees seeking to decertify a bargaining 879 agent must file a petition with the commission accompanied by 880 signature cards from at least 30 percent of the public employees 881 in the proposed or existing bargaining unit. A 882(1)(a)Any employee organization which is designated or883selected by a majority of public employees in an appropriate884unit as their representative for purposes of collective885bargaining shall request recognition by the public employer. The886public employer shall, if satisfied as to the majority status of887the employee organization and the appropriateness of the888proposed unit, recognize the employee organization as the889collective bargaining representative of employees in the890designated unit. Upon recognition by a public employer, the891employee organization shall immediately petition the commission892for certification. The commission shall review only the893appropriateness of the unit proposed by the employee894organization. If the unit is appropriate according to the895criteria used in this part, the commission shall immediately896certify the employee organization as the exclusive897representative of all employees in the unit. If the unit is898inappropriate according to the criteria used in this part, the899commission may dismiss the petition.900(b)Whenever a public employer recognizes an employee901organization on the basis of majority status and on the basis of902appropriateness in accordance with subparagraph (4)(f)5. of this903section, the commission shall, in the absence of inclusion of a904prohibited category of employees or violation of s. 447.501,905certify the proposed unit.906(2)If the public employer refuses to recognize the907employee organization, the employee organization may file a908petition with the commission for certification as the bargaining909agent for a proposed bargaining unit. The petition shall be910accompanied by dated statements signed by at least 30 percent of911the employees in the proposed unit, indicating that such912employees desire to be represented for purposes of collective913bargaining by the petitioning employee organization. Once a914petition for certification has been filed by an employee915organization, anyregistered employee organization desiring 916 placement on the ballot in any certification or recertification 917 election to be conducted pursuant to this section may be 918 permitted by the commission to intervene in the proceeding upon 919 a motion accompanied by signature cards fromdated statements920signed byat least 10 percent of the employees in the proposed 921 or existing bargaining unit. Signature cards, indicating that922such employees desire to be represented for the purposes of923collective bargaining by the moving employee organization. The924petitions and dated statements signed by the employeesare 925 confidential and exempt fromthe provisions ofs. 119.07(1), 926 except that any employee, employer, or employee organization 927 having sufficient reason to believe any of the signature cards 928employee signatureswere obtained by collusion, coercion, 929 intimidation, or misrepresentation or are otherwise invalid 930 shall be given a reasonable opportunity to verify and challenge 931 the signature cardsignatures appearing on the petition. 932 (2)(a) A petition for certification seeking to represent 933 any proposed or existing bargaining unit may not be filed within 934 12 months after the date the commission issues an order that 935 verifies the results of a certification election covering any of 936 the public employees of the proposed or existing bargaining 937 unit. 938 (b) A petition for decertification seeking to decertify the 939 bargaining agent for an existing bargaining unit may not be 940 filed within 12 months after the date the commission issues an 941 order that verifies the results of a decertification election 942 for that bargaining unit. 943 (c) If a valid collective bargaining agreement covering any 944 of the public employees in a proposed or existing bargaining 945 unit is in effect, a petition for certification or 946 decertification may only be filed with the commission at least 947 90 but not more than 150 days immediately preceding the 948 expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or at 949 any time subsequent to such agreement’s expiration date but 950 before the effective date of a new collective bargaining 951 agreement. The effective date of a collective bargaining 952 agreement means the date of ratification of such agreement by 953 both parties, if such agreement becomes effective immediately or 954 retroactively, or the collective bargaining agreement’s actual 955 effective date, if such agreement becomes effective after its 956 ratification date. 957 (3)(a)The commission or one of its designated agents shall 958 investigate a certification, recertification, or decertification 959thepetition to determine its sufficiency.; if it has reasonable960cause to believe that the petition is sufficient, the commission961shall provide for an appropriate hearing upon due notice. Such a962hearing may be conducted by an agent of the commission.If the 963 commission finds that the petition isto beinsufficient, the 964 commission mustit maydismiss the petition. If the commission 965 findsupon the record of the hearingthat the petition is 966 sufficient, the commission mustit shall immediately: 967 (a)1.Define the proposed or existing bargaining unit and 968 determine which public employees areshall bequalified and 969 entitled to vote at any election held by the commission. Upon 970 providing due notice, the commission may provide for a hearing. 971 (b)2.Identify the public employer or employers for 972 purposes of collective bargainingwith the bargaining agent. 973 (c)3.Order an election by secret ballot, the cost of said 974 election and any required runoff election to be borne equally by 975 the parties, except as the commission may provide by rule. The 976 commission’s order assessing costs of an election may be 977 enforced pursuant tothe provisions ofthis part. 978 (4)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), elections are 979 determined as follows for all petitions for certification, 980 recertification, or decertification filed on or after July 1, 981 2025: 982 1. In certification elections, if 983(b)Whenan employee organization is selected by a majority 984 vote of the public employees in the bargaining unitvoting in an985election, the commission shall certify the employee organization 986 as theexclusive collectivebargaining agent for the public 987representative of allemployees in the bargaining unit. If there 988 is more than one employee organization on the ballot and 989Certification is effective upon the issuance of the final order990by the commission or, if the final order is appealed, at the991time the appeal is exhausted or any stay is vacated by the992commission or the court.993(c)In any election in whichnone of the choices on the 994 ballot receivesthe vote ofa majority vote of the public 995 employees in the bargaining unitvoting, a runoff election shall 996 be held according to rules adoptedpromulgatedby the 997 commission. 998 2. In decertification elections, if a majority of the 999 public employees in the bargaining unit votes in favor of 1000 decertification, the commission shall revoke the bargaining 1001 agent’s certification for that bargaining unit. If a majority of 1002 the public employees in the bargaining unit does not vote in 1003 favor of decertification, the bargaining agent shall retain its 1004 certification for that bargaining unit. 1005 3. In recertification elections, if a majority of the 1006 public employees in the bargaining unit votes in favor of 1007 recertification, the bargaining agent shall retain its 1008 certification for that bargaining unit. If a majority of the 1009 public employees in the bargaining unit does not vote in favor 1010 of recertification, the commission shall revoke the bargaining 1011 agent’s certification for that bargaining unit. If a majority of 1012 the public employees in the bargaining unit votes in favor of an 1013 employee organization that has intervened in the proceeding 1014 pursuant to this section, the commission shall certify such 1015 employee organization as the bargaining agent for the public 1016 employees in the bargaining unit. If there is more than one 1017 employee organization on the ballot and none of the choices on 1018 the ballot receives a majority vote of the public employees in 1019 the bargaining unit, a runoff election shall be held according 1020 to rules adopted by the commission. An employee organization 1021 that has its certification revoked under this subparagraph may 1022 not file a petition for certification that covers any of the 1023 public employees in the bargaining unit described in the revoked 1024 certification for at least 12 months after the date the 1025 certification was revoked. 1026 (b) With respect to bargaining units in which the majority 1027 of the public employees are public safety employees, elections 1028 are determined as follows for all petitions for certification or 1029 decertification: 1030 1. In certification elections, if an employee organization 1031 is selected by a majority vote of the public employees voting in 1032 the election, the commission shall certify the employee 1033 organization as the bargaining agent for the public employees in 1034 the bargaining unit. If there is more than one employee 1035 organization on the ballot and none of the choices on the ballot 1036 receives a majority vote of the public employees voting in the 1037 election, a runoff election shall be held according to rules 1038 adopted by the commission. 1039 2. In decertification elections, if a majority of the 1040 public employees voting in the election votes in favor of 1041 decertification, the commission shall revoke the bargaining 1042 agent’s certification for that bargaining unit. If a majority of 1043 the public employees does not vote in favor of decertification, 1044 the bargaining agent shall retain its certification for that 1045 bargaining unit. 1046 (c) Certification, recertification, or revocation under 1047 this section is effective upon the commission issuing a final 1048 order or, if the final order is appealed, at the time the appeal 1049 is exhausted or any stay is vacated by the commission or a 1050 court. 1051(d)No petition may be filed seeking an election in any1052proposed or existing appropriate bargaining unit to determine1053the exclusive bargaining agent within 12 months after the date1054of a commission order verifying a representation election or, if1055an employee organization prevails, within 12 months after the1056date of an effective certification covering any of the employees1057in the proposed or existing bargaining unit. Furthermore, if a1058valid collective bargaining agreement covering any of the1059employees in a proposed unit is in effect, a petition for1060certification may be filed with the commission only during the1061period extending from 150 days to 90 days immediately preceding1062the expiration date of that agreement, or at any time subsequent1063to its expiration date but prior to the effective date of any1064new agreement. The effective date of a collective bargaining1065agreement means the date of ratification by both parties, if the1066agreement becomes effective immediately or retroactively; or its1067actual effective date, if the agreement becomes effective after1068its ratification date.1069 (5)(4)In defining a proposed bargaining unit, the 1070 commission shall take into consideration: 1071 (a) The principles of efficient administration of 1072 government. 1073 (b) The number of employee organizations with which the 1074 employer might have to negotiate. 1075 (c) The compatibility of the unit with the joint 1076 responsibilities of the public employer and public employees to 1077 represent the public. 1078 (d) The power of the officials of government at the level 1079 of the unit to agree, or make effective recommendations to 1080 another administrative authority or to a legislative body, with 1081 respect to matters of employment upon which the employee desires 1082 to negotiate. 1083 (e) The organizational structure of the public employer. 1084 (f) Community of interest among the employees to be 1085 included in the unit, considering: 1086 1. The manner in which wages and other terms of employment 1087 are determined. 1088 2. The method by which jobs and salary classifications are 1089 determined. 1090 3. The interdependence of jobs and interchange of 1091 employees. 1092 4. The desires of the employees. 1093 5. The history of employee relations within the 1094 organization of the public employer concerning organization and 1095 negotiation and the interest of the employees and the employer 1096 in the continuation of a traditional, workable, and accepted 1097 negotiation relationship. 1098 (g) The statutory authority of the public employer to 1099 administer a classification and pay plan. 1100 (h) Such other factors and policies as the commission may 1101 deem appropriate. 1102 1103 However, a bargainingnounit may notshallbe established or 1104 approved for purposes of collective bargaining which includes 1105 both professional and nonprofessional employees unless a 1106 majority of each group votes for inclusion in such bargaining 1107 unit. 1108 Section 12. Section 447.308, Florida Statutes, is repealed. 1109 Section 13. Subsections (4) and (5) of section 447.309, 1110 Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (3) and (4), 1111 respectively, and present subsections (1), (3), and (5) of that 1112 section are amended to read: 1113 447.309 Collective bargaining; approval or rejection.— 1114 (1) After an employee organization has been certified as 1115 the bargaining agent of a bargaining unit pursuant tothe1116provisions ofthis part, the bargaining agentfor the1117organizationand the chief executive officer of the appropriate 1118 public employer or employers, jointly, shall bargain 1119 collectively in the determination of the wages, hours, and terms 1120 and conditions of employment of the public employees within the 1121 bargaining unit. The chief executive officer or his or her 1122 representative and the bargaining agent or its representative 1123 shall meet at reasonable times and bargain in good faith. In 1124 conducting negotiations with the bargaining agent, the chief 1125 executive officer or his or her representative shall consult 1126 with, and attempt to represent the views of, the legislative 1127 body of the public employer. Any collective bargaining agreement 1128 reached by the negotiators shall be reduced to writing, and such 1129 agreement shall be signed by the chief executive officer and the 1130 bargaining agent. Any agreement signed by the chief executive 1131 officer and the bargaining agent isshallnotbebinding on the 1132 public employer until such agreement has been ratified by the 1133 public employer and thebypublic employees inwho are members1134ofthe bargaining unit, subject to subsection (2)the provisions1135of subsections (2) and (3). However, with respect to statewide 1136 bargaining units, any agreement signed by the Governor and the 1137 bargaining agent for such a bargaining unit isshallnotbe1138 binding until approved by the public employees inwho are1139members ofthe bargaining unit, subject to subsection (2)the1140provisions ofsubsections (2) and (3). 1141(3)If any provision of a collective bargaining agreement1142is in conflict with any law, ordinance, rule, or regulation over1143which the chief executive officer has no amendatory power, the1144chief executive officer shall submit to the appropriate1145governmental body having amendatory power a proposed amendment1146to such law, ordinance, rule, or regulation. Unless and until1147such amendment is enacted or adopted and becomes effective, the1148conflicting provision of the collective bargaining agreement1149shall not become effective.1150 (4)(5)AAnycollective bargaining agreement mayshallnot 1151 provide for a term of existence of more than 3 years and must 1152shallcontain all of the terms and conditions of employment 1153 negotiated by the bargaining agent and the public employer and 1154 all of the disputed impasse issues resolved by the legislative 1155 body’s action taken pursuant to s. 447.403of the employees in1156the bargaining unit during such term except those terms and1157conditions provided for in applicable merit and civil service1158rules and regulations. 1159 Section 14. Section 447.401, Florida Statutes, is amended 1160 to read: 1161 447.401 Grievance procedures.—Each public employer and 1162 bargaining agent shall negotiate a grievance procedure to be 1163 used for the settlement of disputes between a public employer 1164 and a public employee, or a group of public employees, involving 1165 the interpretation or application of a collective bargaining 1166 agreement. TheSuchgrievance procedure mustshallhave as its 1167 terminal step a final and binding disposition by an impartial 1168 neutral, mutually selected by the parties; however, when the 1169 issue under appeal is an allegation of abuse, abandonment, or 1170 neglect of a child by a publicanemployee under s. 39.201 or an 1171 allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable 1172 adult by a public employee under s. 415.1034, the grievance may 1173 not be decided until such allegationthe abuse, abandonment, or1174neglect of a childhas been judicially determined. However, an 1175 arbitratorarbiteror other neutral mayshallnothave the power1176toadd to, subtract from, modify, or alter the terms of a 1177 collective bargaining agreement. If an employee organization is 1178 certified as the bargaining agent of a bargaining unit, the 1179 grievance procedure then in existence may be the subject of 1180 collective bargaining, and any agreement which is reached shall 1181 supersede the previously existing procedure. All public 1182 employeesshallhave the right to a fair and equitable grievance 1183 procedure administered without regard to membership or 1184 nonmembership in any employee organization, except that 1185 bargaining agents maycertified employee organizations shallnot 1186 be required to process grievances for public employees who are 1187 not members of the employee organization. A publiccareer1188serviceemployee may utilizeshall have the option of utilizing1189 the civil service appeal procedure, an unfair labor practice 1190 procedure, or a grievance procedure established under this 1191 section, but may not availsuch employee is precluded from1192availinghimself or herself oftomore than one of these 1193 procedures. 1194 Section 15. Subsections (1), (3), and (4) of section 1195 447.403, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 1196 447.403 Resolution of impasses.— 1197 (1) If, after a reasonable period of negotiation concerning 1198 the terms and conditions of employment to be incorporated in a 1199 collective bargaining agreement, a dispute exists between a 1200 public employer and a bargaining agent, either party may declare 1201 an impasse by providing written notificationshall be deemed to1202have occurred when one of the parties so declares in writingto 1203 the other party and to the commission. When an impasse occurs, 1204 the public employer or the bargaining agent, or both parties 1205 acting jointly, may appoint, or secure the appointment of, a 1206 mediator to assist in the resolution of the impasse. If the 1207 Governor is the public employer, anomediator may notshallbe 1208 appointed. 1209 (3) The special magistrate shall hold hearings in order to 1210 define the area or areas of dispute, to determine facts relating 1211 to the dispute, and to render a decision on any and all 1212 unresolved contract issues. The hearings mustshallbe held at 1213 times, dates, and places to be established by the special 1214 magistrate in accordance with rules adoptedpromulgatedby the 1215 commission. The special magistrate mayshall be empowered to1216 administer oaths and issue subpoenas on behalf of the parties to 1217 the dispute or on his or her own behalf. Within 15 calendar days 1218 after the close of the final hearing, the special magistrate 1219 shall transmit his or her recommended decision to the commission 1220 and to the representatives of both parties by any method of 1221 service that establishes proof of deliveryregistered mail,1222return receipt requested. Such recommended decision mustshall1223 be discussed by the parties, and each recommendation of the 1224 special magistrate isshall bedeemed approved by both parties 1225 unless specifically rejected by either party by written notice 1226 filed with the commission within 20 calendar days after the date 1227 the party received the special magistrate’s recommended 1228 decision. The written notice mustshallinclude a statement of 1229 the cause for each rejection andshallbe served upon the other 1230 party. 1231 (4) If either the public employer or the bargaining agent 1232employee organizationdoes not accept, in whole or in part, the 1233 recommended decision of the special magistrate, all of the 1234 following procedures apply: 1235 (a) The chief executive officer of the governmental entity 1236 involved shall, within 10 days after rejection of a 1237 recommendation of the special magistrate, submit to the 1238 legislative body of the governmental entity involved a copy of 1239 the findings of fact and recommended decision of the special 1240 magistrate, together with the chief executive officer’s 1241 recommendations for settling the disputed impasse issues. The 1242 chief executive officer shall also transmit his or her 1243 recommendations to the bargaining agent.employee organization;1244 (b) The bargaining agentemployee organizationshall submit 1245 its recommendations for settling the disputed impasse issues to 1246 such legislative body and to the chief executive officer.;1247 (c) The legislative body or itsaduly authorized committee 1248thereofshallforthwithconduct a public hearing at which the 1249 parties mustshall be required toexplain their positions with 1250 respect to the rejected recommendations of the special 1251 magistrate.;1252 (d) Thereafter, the legislative body shall take such action 1253 as it deems to be in the public interest, including the interest 1254 of the public employees involved, to resolve all disputed 1255 impasse issues.; and1256 (e) Following the resolution of the disputed impasse issues 1257 by the legislative body, the parties shall reduce to writing an 1258 agreement which includes those issues agreed to by the parties 1259 and those disputed impasse issues resolved by the legislative 1260 body’s action taken pursuant to paragraph (d). The agreement 1261 mustshallbe signed by the chief executive officer and the 1262 bargaining agent andshall besubmitted to the public employer 1263 andtothe public employees inwho are members ofthe bargaining 1264 unit for ratification. If such agreement is not ratified by all 1265 parties, pursuant tothe provisions ofs. 447.309, the 1266 legislative body’s action taken pursuant tothe provisions of1267 paragraph (d) shall take effect as of the date of such 1268 legislative body’s action for the remainder of the first fiscal 1269 year which was the subject of negotiations; however, the 1270 legislative body’s action mayshallnot take effect with respect 1271 to those disputed impasse issues which establish the language of 1272 contractual provisions which could have no effect in the absence 1273 of a ratified agreement, including, but not limited to, 1274 preambles, recognition clauses, and duration clauses. 1275 Section 16. Section 447.405, Florida Statutes, is amended 1276 to read: 1277 447.405 Factors to be considered by the special 1278 magistrate.—The special magistrate shall conduct the hearings 1279 and render recommended decisions with the objective of achieving 1280 a prompt, peaceful, and just settlement of disputes between the 1281 bargaining agentspublic employee organizationsand the public 1282 employers. The factors, among others, to be given weight by the 1283 special magistrate in arriving at a recommended decision must 1284shallinclude: 1285 (1) Comparison of the annual income of employment of the 1286 public employees in question with the annual income of 1287 employment maintained for the same or similar work of employees 1288 exhibiting like or similar skills under the same or similar 1289 working conditions in the local operating area involved. 1290 (2) Comparison of the annual income of employment of the 1291 public employees in question with the annual income of 1292 employment of public employees in similar public employee 1293 governmental bodies of comparable size within thisthestate. 1294 (3) The interest and welfare of the public. 1295 (4) Comparison of peculiarities of employment in regard to 1296 other trades or professions, specifically with respect to: 1297 (a) Hazards of employment. 1298 (b) Physical qualifications. 1299 (c) Educational qualifications. 1300 (d) Intellectual qualifications. 1301 (e) Job training and skills. 1302 (f) Retirement plans. 1303 (g) Sick leave. 1304 (h) Job security. 1305 (5) Availability of funds. 1306 Section 17. Paragraphs (c) and (f) of subsection (1) and 1307 subsection (2) of section 447.501, Florida Statutes, are amended 1308 to read: 1309 447.501 Unfair labor practices.— 1310 (1) Public employers or their agents or representatives are 1311 prohibited from: 1312 (c) Refusing to bargain collectively, failing to bargain 1313 collectively in good faith, or refusing to sign a final 1314 agreement agreed upon with thecertifiedbargaining agent for 1315 the public employees in the bargaining unit. 1316 (f) Refusing to discuss grievances in good faith pursuant 1317 to the terms of the collective bargaining agreement with either 1318 thecertifiedbargaining agent for the public employee or the 1319 employee involved. 1320 (2) AnA publicemployee organization or anyone acting on 1321inits behalf or its officers, representatives, agents, or 1322 members are prohibited from: 1323 (a) Interfering with, restraining, or coercing public 1324 employees in the exercise of any rights guaranteed them under 1325 this part or interfering with, restraining, or coercing 1326 managerial employees by reason of their performance of job 1327 duties or other activities undertaken in the interests of the 1328 public employer. 1329 (b) Causing or attempting to cause a public employer to 1330 discriminate against a publicanemployee because of suchthe1331 employee’s membership or nonmembership in an employee 1332 organization or attempting to cause the public employer to 1333 violateany of the provisions ofthis part. 1334 (c) Refusing to bargain collectively or failing to bargain 1335 collectively in good faith with a public employer. 1336 (d) Discriminating against a publicanemployee because he 1337 or she has signed or filed an affidavit, a petition, or a 1338 complaint or given any information or testimony in any 1339 proceedings provided for in this part. 1340 (e) Participating in a strike against the public employer 1341 by instigating or supporting, in any positive manner, a strike. 1342 A person who violatesAny violation ofthis paragraph isshall1343 subjectthe violatorto the penalties provided in this part. 1344 (f) Instigating or advocating support, in any positive 1345 manner, for an employee organization’s activities from high 1346 school or grade school students or students in institutions of 1347 higher learning. 1348 Section 18. Subsection (1) of section 447.503, Florida 1349 Statutes, is amended to read: 1350 447.503 Charges of unfair labor practices.—It is the intent 1351 of the Legislature that the commission act as expeditiously as 1352 possible to settle disputes regarding alleged unfair labor 1353 practices. To this end, violations of the provisions of s. 1354 447.501 shall be remedied by the commission in accordance with 1355 the following procedures and in accordance with chapter 120; 1356 however, to the extent that chapter 120 is inconsistent with the 1357 provisions of this section, the procedures contained in this 1358 section shall govern: 1359 (1) A proceeding to remedy a violation ofthe provisions of1360 s. 447.501 mustshallbe initiated by the filing of a charge 1361 with the commission by a public employer, a publican employer,1362 employee, or an employee organization, or any combination 1363 thereof, whose substantial interests will be affected as 1364 provided in chapter 120. Such a charge mustshallcontain a 1365 clear and concise statement of facts constituting the alleged 1366 unfair labor practice, including the names of all individuals 1367 involved in the alleged unfair labor practice, specific 1368 reference tothe provisions ofs. 447.501 alleged to have been 1369 violated, and such other relevant information as the commission 1370 may by rule require or allow. Service of the charge mustshall1371 be made upon each named respondent at the time of filing with 1372 the commission. The charge must be accompanied by sworn 1373 statements and documentary evidence sufficient to establish a 1374 prima facie violation of the applicable unfair labor practice 1375 provision. Such supporting evidence is not to be attached to the 1376 charge and is to be furnished only to the commission. 1377 Section 19. Subsections (2) through (5) and paragraph (a) 1378 of subsection (6) of section 447.507, Florida Statutes, are 1379 amended to read: 1380 447.507 Violation of strike prohibition; penalties.— 1381 (2) If a public employee, a group of public employees, an 1382 employee organization, or any officer, agent, or representative 1383 of any employee organization engages in a strike in violation of 1384 s. 447.505, either the commission or any public employer whose 1385 public employees are involved or whose public employees may be 1386 affected by the strike may file suit to enjoin the strike in the 1387 circuit court having proper jurisdiction and proper venue of 1388 such actions under the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and 1389 Florida Statutes. The circuit court shall conduct a hearing, 1390 with notice to the commission and to all interested parties, at 1391 the earliest practicable time. If the plaintiff makes a prima 1392 facie showing that a violation of s. 447.505 is in progress or 1393 that there is a clear, real, and present danger that such a 1394 strike is about to commence, the circuit court mustshallissue 1395 a temporary injunction enjoining the strike. Upon final hearing, 1396 the circuit court shall either make the injunction permanent or 1397 dissolve it. 1398 (3) If an injunction to enjoin a strike issued pursuant to 1399 this section is not promptly complied with, on the application 1400 of the plaintiff, the circuit court shall immediately initiate 1401 contempt proceedings against those who appear to be in 1402 violation. An employee organization found to be in contempt of 1403 court for violating an injunction against a strike shall be 1404 fined an amount deemed appropriate by the court. In determining 1405 the appropriate fine, the court shall objectively consider the 1406 extent of lost services and the particular nature and position 1407 of the public employee group in violation. AIn no event shall1408thefine may not exceed $30,000$5,000. Each officer, agent, or 1409 representative of an employee organization found to be in 1410 contempt of court for violating an injunction against a strike 1411 shall be fined at least $300, but not more than $600,not less1412than $50 nor more than $100for each calendar day that the 1413 violation is in progress. 1414 (4) An employee organization isshall beliable for any 1415 damages which might be suffered by a public employer as a result 1416 of a violation ofthe provisions ofs. 447.505 by the employee 1417 organization or its representatives, officers, or agents. The 1418 circuit court having jurisdiction over such actions mayis1419empowered toenforce judgments against employee organizations in 1420 the amount deemed appropriate by the court in accordance with 1421 this section. An action may not, as defined in this part, by1422attachment or garnishment of union initiation fees or dues which1423are to be deducted or checked off by public employers. No action1424shallbe maintained pursuant to this subsection until all 1425 proceedings which were pending before the commission at the time 1426 of the strike or which were initiated within 30 days afterof1427 the strike have been finally adjudicated or otherwise disposed 1428 of. In determining the amount of damages, if any, to be awarded 1429 to the public employer, the trier of fact shall take into 1430 consideration any action or inaction by the public employer or 1431 its agents that provoked or tended to provoke the strike by the 1432 public employees. The trier of fact shall also take into 1433 consideration any damages that might have been recovered by the 1434 public employer under subparagraph (6)(a)4. 1435 (5) If the commission, after a hearing on notice conducted 1436 according to rules adoptedpromulgatedby the commission, 1437 determines that a publicanemployee has violated s. 447.505, it 1438 may order the termination of such employee’shis or her1439 employment by the public employer. Notwithstanding any other 1440 provision of law, a person knowingly violating s. 447.505the1441provision of said sectionmay, subsequent to such violation, be 1442 appointed, reappointed, employed, or reemployed as a public 1443 employee, but only upon the following conditions: 1444 (a) Such person shall be on probation for a period of 18 1445 months afterfollowinghis or her appointment, reappointment, 1446 employment, or reemployment, during which period he or she shall 1447 serve without permanent status and at the pleasure of the agency 1448 head. 1449 (b) His or her compensation may notin no eventexceed the 1450 compensationthatreceived immediately beforeprior tothe time 1451 of the violation. 1452 (c) The compensation of the person may not be increased 1453 until at leastafter the expiration of1 year afterfromsuch 1454 appointment, reappointment, employment, or reemployment. 1455 (6)(a) If the commission determines that an employee 1456 organization has violated s. 447.505, it may: 1457 1. Issue cease and desist orders as necessary to ensure 1458 compliance with its order. 1459 2. Suspend or revoke the certification of theemployee1460organization as thebargaining agent of such bargainingemployee1461 unit. 1462 3. Revoke any requirement of the public employer to engage 1463 in membershipthe right ofdues deduction forand collection1464previously granted tosaid employee organization pursuant to s. 1465 447.303. 1466 4. Fine the organization up to $120,000$20,000for each 1467 calendar day of such violation or determine the approximate cost 1468 to the public due to each calendar day of the strike and fine 1469 the organization an amount equal to such cost, even if the fine 1470 exceeds $120,000notwithstanding the fact that the fine may1471exceed $20,000for each such calendar day. The fines so 1472 collectedshallimmediately accrue to the public employer and 1473 mustshallbe used by the public employerhim or herto replace 1474 those services denied the public as a result of the strike. In 1475 determining the amount of damages, if any, to be awarded to the 1476 public employer, the commission must considershall take into1477considerationany action or inaction by the public employer or 1478 its agents that provoked, or tended to provoke, the strike by 1479 the public employees. 1480 Section 20. Subsection (3) of section 447.509, Florida 1481 Statutes, is renumbered as subsection (6), and new subsections 1482 (3), (4), and (5) are added to that section to read: 1483 447.509 Other unlawful acts; exceptions.— 1484 (3) Public employers, their agents or representatives, or 1485 any persons acting on their behalf may not provide any form of 1486 compensation or paid leave to a public employee, directly or 1487 indirectly, for the purpose of engaging in employee organization 1488 activities. 1489 (4) Notwithstanding subsection (3), if the public employer 1490 and the bargaining agent agree, a public employee may do all of 1491 the following: 1492 (a) Be granted time off without pay or benefits to engage 1493 in employee organization activities. An employee organization 1494 may compensate a public employee for engaging in employee 1495 organization activities. 1496 (b) Use compensated personal leave, whether the leave is 1497 the public employee’s or is voluntarily donated by other public 1498 employees in the bargaining unit, to engage in employee 1499 organization activities if: 1500 1. The leave is accrued at the same rate by similarly 1501 situated public employees in the bargaining unit without regard 1502 to membership in or participation with an employee organization. 1503 2. The public employee may freely choose how to use such 1504 leave. 1505 (c) Engage in representational employee organization 1506 activities on behalf of a bargaining agent while in a duty 1507 status without loss of pay or benefits if: 1508 1. The bargaining agent reports to the public employer at 1509 least biannually the amount of time, in increments rounded to 1510 the nearest quarter of an hour, each public employee in the 1511 bargaining unit engaged in representational employee 1512 organization activities each day. 1513 2. The public employer calculates the pro rata value of 1514 compensation, including wages and fringe benefits, paid to or 1515 accrued by a public employee for time spent engaged in 1516 representational employee organization activities and provides 1517 an invoice for such amounts to the bargaining agent at least 1518 biannually. 1519 3. The bargaining agent remits full payment to the public 1520 employer within 30 days after receipt of an invoice. 1521 (5) Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply to public 1522 employees in a bargaining unit in which the majority of the 1523 public employees are public safety employees. 1524 Section 21. Section 447.609, Florida Statutes, is amended 1525 to read: 1526 447.609 Representation in proceedings.—Any full-time 1527 employee or officer of any public employer or employee 1528 organization may represent his or her employer or any public 1529 employee inmember ofa bargaining unit in any proceeding 1530 authorized in this part, excluding the representation of any 1531 person or public employer in a court of law by a person who is 1532 not a licensed attorney. 1533 Section 22. Subsection (3) of section 110.114, Florida 1534 Statutes, is amended to read: 1535 110.114 Employee wage deductions.— 1536 (3) Notwithstandingthe provisions ofsubsections (1) and 1537 (2), the deduction of an employee’s membership dues deductions 1538 as defined in s. 447.203s. 447.203(15)for an employee 1539 organization as defined in s. 447.203s. 447.203(11)shall be 1540 authorized or permitted only for an organization that has been 1541 certified as theexclusivebargaining agent pursuant to chapter 1542 447 for a unit of state employees in which the employee is 1543 included. Such deductions shall be subject tothe provisions of1544 s. 447.303. 1545 Section 23. Paragraph (w) of subsection (2) of section 1546 110.205, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 1547 110.205 Career service; exemptions.— 1548 (2) EXEMPT POSITIONS.—The exempt positions that are not 1549 covered by this part include the following: 1550 (w) Managerial employees and, as defined in s. 447.203(4),1551 confidential employees, as those terms are defined in s. 447.203 1552s. 447.203(5), and supervisory employees who spend the majority 1553 of their time communicating with, motivating, training, and 1554 evaluating employees, and planning and directing employees’ 1555 work, and who have the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, lay 1556 off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline 1557 subordinate employees or effectively recommend such action, 1558 including all employees serving as supervisors, administrators, 1559 and directors. Excluded are employees also designated as special 1560 risk or special risk administrative support and attorneys who 1561 serve as administrative law judges pursuant to s. 120.65 or for 1562 hearings conducted pursuant to s. 120.57(1)(a). Additionally, 1563 registered nurses licensed under chapter 464, dentists licensed 1564 under chapter 466, psychologists licensed under chapter 490 or 1565 chapter 491, nutritionists or dietitians licensed under part X 1566 of chapter 468, pharmacists licensed under chapter 465, 1567 psychological specialists licensed under chapter 491, physical 1568 therapists licensed under chapter 486, and speech therapists 1569 licensed under part I of chapter 468 are excluded, unless 1570 otherwise collectively bargained. 1571 Section 24. Subsection (6) of section 112.3187, Florida 1572 Statutes, is amended to read: 1573 112.3187 Adverse action against employee for disclosing 1574 information of specified nature prohibited; employee remedy and 1575 relief.— 1576 (6) TO WHOM INFORMATION DISCLOSED.—The information 1577 disclosed under this section must be disclosed to any agency or 1578 federal government entity having the authority to investigate, 1579 police, manage, or otherwise remedy the violation or act, 1580 including, but not limited to, the Office of the Chief Inspector 1581 General, an agency inspector general or the employee designated 1582 as agency inspector general under s. 112.3189(1) or inspectors 1583 general under s. 20.055, the Florida Commission on Human 1584 Relations, and the whistle-blower’s hotline created under s. 1585 112.3189. However, for disclosures concerning a local 1586 governmental entity, including any regional, county, or 1587 municipal entity, special district, community college district, 1588 or school district or any political subdivision of any of the 1589 foregoing, the information must be disclosed to a chief 1590 executive officer as defined in s. 447.203s. 447.203(9)or 1591 other appropriate local official. 1592 Section 25. Subsection (5) of section 121.031, Florida 1593 Statutes, is amended to read: 1594 121.031 Administration of system; appropriation; oaths; 1595 actuarial studies; public records.— 1596 (5) The names and addresses of retirees are confidential 1597 and exempt fromthe provisions ofs. 119.07(1) to the extent 1598 that no state or local governmental agency may provide the names 1599 or addresses of such persons in aggregate, compiled, or list 1600 form to any person except to a public agency engaged in official 1601 business. However, a state or local government agency may 1602 provide the names and addresses of retirees from that agency to 1603 a bargaining agent as defined in s. 447.203s. 447.203(12)or to 1604 a retiree organization for official business use. Lists of names 1605 or addresses of retirees may be exchanged by public agencies, 1606 but such lists shall not be provided to, or open for inspection 1607 by, the public. Any person may view or copy any individual’s 1608 retirement records at the Department of Management Services, one 1609 record at a time, or may obtain information by a separate 1610 written request for a named individual for which information is 1611 desired. 1612 Section 26. Subsection (1) of section 447.02, Florida 1613 Statutes, is amended to read: 1614 447.02 Definitions.—The following terms, when used in this 1615 chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this 1616 section: 1617 (1) The term “labor organization” means any organization of 1618 employees or local or subdivision thereof, having within its 1619 membership residents of the state, whether incorporated or not, 1620 organized for the purpose of dealing with employers concerning 1621 hours of employment, rate of pay, working conditions, or 1622 grievances of any kind relating to employment and recognized as 1623 a unit of bargaining by one or more employers doing business in 1624 this state, except that an “employee organization,” as defined 1625 in s. 447.203s. 447.203(11), shall be included in this 1626 definition at such time as it seeks to register pursuant to s. 1627 447.305. 1628 Section 27. Subsection (2) of section 1011.60, Florida 1629 Statutes, is amended to read: 1630 1011.60 Minimum requirements of the Florida Education 1631 Finance Program.—Each district which participates in the state 1632 appropriations for the Florida Education Finance Program shall 1633 provide evidence of its effort to maintain an adequate school 1634 program throughout the district and shall meet at least the 1635 following requirements: 1636 (2) MINIMUM TERM.—Operate all schools for a term of 180 1637 actual teaching days or the equivalent on an hourly basis as 1638 specified by rules of the State Board of Education each school 1639 year. The State Board of Education may prescribe procedures for 1640 altering, and, upon written application, may alter, this 1641 requirement during a national, state, or local emergency as it 1642 may apply to an individual school or schools in any district or 1643 districts if, in the opinion of the board, it is not feasible to 1644 make up lost days or hours, and the apportionment may, at the 1645 discretion of the Commissioner of Education and if the board 1646 determines that the reduction of school days or hours is caused 1647 by the existence of a bona fide emergency, be reduced for such 1648 district or districts in proportion to the decrease in the 1649 length of term in any such school or schools. A strike, as 1650 defined in s. 447.203s. 447.203(6), by employees of the school 1651 district may not be considered an emergency. 1652 Section 28. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.