Bill Text: IA HF296 | 2025-2026 | 91st General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act providing for public availability of certain financial information of regents institutions and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HSB 59.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-25 - Amendment H-1025 filed. H.J. 436. [HF296 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2025-HF296-Introduced.html
House File 296 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 296 BY COMMITTEE ON HIGHER EDUCATION (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 59) A BILL FOR An Act providing for public availability of certain financial 1 information of regents institutions and including effective 2 date provisions. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1786HV (2) 91 je/jh
H.F. 296 Section 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act shall be known and may be 1 cited as the “College Finance Transparency Act”. 2 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION . 262.29 Financial information of 3 institutions —— public availability. 4 1. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise 5 requires: 6 a. “Administrative unit” includes all schools, departments, 7 offices, programs, and other administrative subdivisions of an 8 institution. 9 b. “Full-time faculty instruction” means instruction 10 expenses for instructional faculty who teach at least nine 11 semester credit hours each academic year. 12 c. “Institution” means an institution of higher education 13 under the control of the state board of regents. 14 d. “Instruction” means the same expenses categorized 15 as instruction and reported to the federal integrated 16 postsecondary education data system pursuant to the 17 institution’s program participation agreement with the federal 18 department of education’s office of postsecondary education. 19 2. Each institution shall make available to the public on 20 the institution’s internet site detailed information on all of 21 the following: 22 a. All budgets of the institution totaling fifty thousand 23 dollars or more in value. 24 b. All expenditures of the institution of fifty thousand 25 dollars or more. 26 c. All vendors used by the institution that provide fifty 27 thousand dollars or more of goods or services. 28 d. All written contracts entered into by the institution. 29 3. The information required by subsection 2 shall be subject 30 to the following requirements: 31 a. The information shall be accessible from the 32 institution’s internet site home page by use of no more than 33 three links. 34 b. The information shall be searchable by keywords and 35 -1- LSB 1786HV (2) 91 je/jh 1/ 4
H.F. 296 phrases. 1 c. The information shall be accessible to the public without 2 requiring registration or use of a user name, password, or 3 other user identification. 4 d. The information shall be made available no later than the 5 first day of classes for the semester or other academic term 6 during which the section of the course is offered. 7 e. The information shall be updated on a regular basis to 8 include information for the current fiscal year. 9 f. The information shall remain available on the 10 institution’s internet site for at least ten years after the 11 date on which the institution initially made the information 12 available. 13 4. The information required to be made available pursuant to 14 subsection 2 shall include all of the following: 15 a. An annual budget that includes anticipated revenues and 16 expenditures for each administrative unit of the institution. 17 b. A report comparing each budget with actual expenditures 18 that shows the budget, actual revenue and expense transactions, 19 revenue and expense commitments, and budget balance information 20 for each administrative unit. 21 c. A budgeted salary report that shows the name, title, 22 classifications, full-time equivalent percentage, annual 23 salary, funding sources, and percentage of salary for each 24 budget for full-time and part-time positions. 25 d. A statement indicating whether an individual expenditure 26 has contributed to diversity, equity, and inclusion; social 27 justice; sustainability; or any similar commitment. 28 e. Discrete sections that collate all individual 29 expenditures for each of the categories of diversity, equity, 30 and inclusion; social justice; sustainability; or any similar 31 commitment, and that include the aggregate expenditures of the 32 institution as a whole, and the aggregate expenditures of each 33 administrative unit for the institution, for each of these 34 categories. 35 -2- LSB 1786HV (2) 91 je/jh 2/ 4
H.F. 296 f. Month-end financial statements that show the current 1 status of project budgets, expenditures, commitments, and 2 balances. 3 g. A calculation of the proportion of the institution’s 4 total expenditures devoted to full-time faculty instruction, 5 excluding expenditures and instruction at the university of 6 Iowa hospitals and clinics. 7 h. (1) A transaction register that contains a complete 8 record of all funds expended, from any source and for any 9 purpose. The register shall include all of the following for 10 each expenditure: 11 (a) The transaction amount. 12 (b) The name of the individual or entity receiving payment. 13 (c) The identification number of the transaction, if 14 applicable. 15 (d) A description of the expenditure, including the source 16 of funds, a category title, and an object title for the 17 expenditure. 18 (2) The register shall include all reimbursements for 19 expenses. 20 (3) The register shall include an entry for salary, wages, 21 or other compensation paid to individual employees involved in 22 the expenditure. 23 (4) The register shall be accompanied by a complete 24 explanation of any codes or acronyms used to identify an 25 expenditure or an individual or entity receiving payment. 26 (5) The register shall not include an individual’s social 27 security number. 28 5. Any information that is expressly prohibited from public 29 disclosure by federal or state law, regulation, or rule shall 30 be redacted from any information made available to the public 31 pursuant to subsection 2. 32 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect December 1, 33 2025. 34 EXPLANATION 35 -3- LSB 1786HV (2) 91 je/jh 3/ 4
H.F. 296 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 1 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 2 This bill requires each institution of higher education 3 under the control of the state board of regents to make 4 available to the public on the institution’s internet site 5 detailed information on budgets of the institution totaling 6 $50,000 or more in value, expenditures of the institution 7 of $50,000 or more, vendors used by the institution that 8 provide $50,000 or more of goods or services, and written 9 contracts entered into by the institution. The bill provides 10 accessibility requirements and timelines for making such 11 information available. 12 The bill specifies matters that must be included in the 13 information. Among such matters are an annual budget for each 14 administrative unit of the institution; a budgeted salary 15 report; information on expenditures for diversity, equity, and 16 inclusion, and similar commitments; and a transaction register 17 that contains a complete record of all funds expended. 18 Any information that is expressly prohibited from public 19 disclosure by federal or state law, regulation, or rule shall 20 be redacted from any information made available to the public 21 pursuant to the bill. 22 The bill takes effect December 1, 2025. 23 -4- LSB 1786HV (2) 91 je/jh 4/ 4