Bill Text: IA HF512 | 2015-2016 | 86th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to city emergency warning systems by requiring that each city establish, operate, and maintain an emergency warning system, creating a city emergency warning systems grant fund, and making appropriations.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2015-03-05 - Introduced, referred to Local Government. H.J. 474. [HF512 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2015-HF512-Introduced.html
House File 512 - Introduced

                                 HOUSE FILE       
                                 BY  KELLEY

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to city emergency warning systems by requiring
  2    that each city establish, operate, and maintain an emergency
  3    warning system, creating a city emergency warning systems
  4    grant fund, and making appropriations.
    TLSB 2468YH (3) 86


  1  1    Section 1.  NEW SECTION.  29C.20C  City emergency warning
  1  2 systems grant fund.
  1  3    1.  A city emergency warning systems grant fund is created
  1  4 in the state treasury under the control of the director of the
  1  5 department of homeland security and emergency management.  The
  1  6 fund shall consist of appropriations made to the fund by the
  1  7 general assembly and any other moneys available to and obtained
  1  8 or accepted by the administrator from the federal government or
  1  9 private sources for deposit in the fund.
  1 10    2.  Notwithstanding section 8.33, moneys remaining in the
  1 11 city emergency warning systems grant fund at the end of a
  1 12 fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of the state
  1 13 but shall remain available for expenditure through the end
  1 14 of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020.  Notwithstanding
  1 15 section 12C.7, subsection 2, interest or earnings on moneys in
  1 16 the city emergency warning systems grant fund shall be credited
  1 17 to the fund.
  1 18    3.  A city may apply to the director for a city emergency
  1 19 warning systems grant to pay all or a portion of the cost to
  1 20 establish, expand, upgrade, or modernize an emergency warning
  1 21 system.  The director may award a city emergency warning
  1 22 systems grant to a city if the director determines that the
  1 23 city is eligible under subsection 4.  A city applying for a
  1 24 grant under this section shall apply on forms and according to
  1 25 instructions provided by the director.
  1 26    4.  The director shall adopt, by rule, standards and a
  1 27 process for evaluating applications for city emergency warning
  1 28 systems grants.  The director shall give priority to cities
  1 29 that have not established an emergency warning system prior to
  1 30 the submission of an application.
  1 31    5.  There is appropriated each fiscal year to the department
  1 32 of homeland security and emergency management for the period
  1 33 beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2021, moneys in the
  1 34 fund necessary to award grants under this section.
  1 35    6.  This section is repealed effective June 30, 2021.  Moneys
  2  1 in the city emergency warning systems grant fund on June 30,
  2  2 2021, shall be transferred to the rebuild Iowa infrastructure
  2  3 fund, created in section 8.57, subsection 5.
  2  4    Sec. 2.  NEW SECTION.  364.16A  Emergency warning systems.
  2  5    Each city shall, by July 1, 2020, establish an emergency
  2  6 warning system that incorporates, at a minimum, a tornado
  2  7 siren, and that may include other emergency warning devices,
  2  8 as deemed appropriate by the city.  Upon establishment of an
  2  9 emergency warning system, a city shall operate and maintain the
  2 10 system.
  2 12 2015=2016 THROUGH FY 2017=2018.  There is appropriated from the
  2 13 rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund to the city emergency warning
  2 14 systems grant fund for the following fiscal years the following
  2 15 amounts, or so much thereof as is necessary, to be used for the
  2 16 purposes designated, notwithstanding section 8.57, subsection
  2 17 5, paragraph "c":
  2 18    For deposit in the city emergency warning systems grant fund
  2 19 created in section 29C.20C:
  2 20 FY 2015=2016...................................... $  5,000,000
  2 21 FY 2016=2017...................................... $  5,000,000
  2 22 FY 2017=2018...................................... $  5,000,000
  2 24 REPORT.
  2 25    1.  The director of the department of homeland security and
  2 26 emergency management shall, beginning on July 1, 2018, initiate
  2 27 and coordinate the establishment of a city emergency warning
  2 28 system needs study.  The study shall focus on the progress
  2 29 made by Iowa cities in establishing, expanding, upgrading, or
  2 30 modernizing emergency warning systems and on the remaining
  2 31 financial needs of cities relating to the establishment of
  2 32 emergency warning systems.
  2 33    2.  The director of the department of homeland security and
  2 34 emergency management shall prepare a report for delivery to the
  2 35 general assembly, the chairpersons of the joint appropriations
  3  1 subcommittee on transportation, infrastructure, and capitals,
  3  2 and the governor no later than January 1, 2019, regarding
  3  3 the progress made by Iowa cities in establishing, expanding,
  3  4 upgrading, or modernizing emergency warning systems and
  3  5 on the remaining financial needs of cities relating to the
  3  6 establishment of emergency warning systems. The report shall
  3  7 make recommendations to the general assembly and the governor
  3  8 relative to any remaining financial needs of cities.
  3  9    Sec. 5.  STATE MANDATE FUNDING SPECIFIED.  In accordance
  3 10 with section 25B.2, subsection 3, fifteen million dollars and
  3 11 certain interest and earnings are specified as the state cost
  3 12 of requiring compliance with any state mandate included in this
  3 13 Act.  This specification of the amount of the state cost shall
  3 14 be deemed to meet all the state funding=related requirements
  3 15 of section 25B.2, subsection 3, and no other specific state
  3 16 funding shall be necessary for the full implementation of
  3 17 this Act by and enforcement of this Act against all affected
  3 18 political subdivisions.
  3 19                           EXPLANATION
  3 20 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
  3 21 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly.
  3 22    This bill requires that each city establish, operate, and
  3 23 maintain an emergency warning system, creates a city emergency
  3 24 warning systems grant fund, and makes appropriations.
  3 25    The bill requires that each city establish an emergency
  3 26 warning system that incorporates, at a minimum, a tornado
  3 27 siren, by July 1, 2020.  The bill also requires that a city
  3 28 operate and maintain the emergency warning system.
  3 29    A city emergency warning systems grant fund is created in
  3 30 new Code section 29C.20C under the control of the director of
  3 31 the department of homeland security and emergency management.
  3 32 A city may apply to the director for a city emergency warning
  3 33 systems grant to establish, expand, upgrade, or modernize an
  3 34 emergency warning system.  The director is required to adopt
  3 35 standards and a process for evaluating applications for grants
  4  1 and shall give priority to cities that have not previously
  4  2 established an emergency warning system.  Interest or earnings
  4  3 on moneys in the city emergency warning systems grant fund
  4  4 shall be credited to the fund. Moneys remaining in the city
  4  5 emergency warning systems grant fund at the end of a fiscal
  4  6 year shall not revert to the general fund until the end of the
  4  7 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020.
  4  8    The bill further provides for the appropriation of $5
  4  9 million from the rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund for deposit
  4 10 in the city emergency warning systems grant fund each fiscal
  4 11 year of the period beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30,
  4 12 2018.
  4 13    New Code section 29C.20C, establishing the grant fund, is
  4 14 repealed by its own terms effective June 30, 2021.  Moneys
  4 15 remaining in the city emergency warning systems grant fund
  4 16 on June 30, 2021, shall be transferred to the rebuild Iowa
  4 17 infrastructure fund, created in Code section 8.57, subsection
  4 18 5.  Pursuant to Code section 8.57, subsection 5, paragraph "i",
  4 19 the department of homeland security and emergency management
  4 20 shall be required to report to the department of management and
  4 21 the legislative services agency on the status of all projects
  4 22 completed or in progress by January 15 of each fiscal year.
  4 23    The bill requires that the director of the department
  4 24 of homeland security and emergency management initiate and
  4 25 coordinate the establishment of a city emergency warning
  4 26 systems needs study to focus on the progress made by Iowa
  4 27 cities in establishing, expanding, upgrading, or modernizing
  4 28 emergency warning systems and on the remaining financial needs
  4 29 of cities relating to the establishment of emergency warning
  4 30 systems.  The bill further requires the director to prepare a
  4 31 report on such issues to the general assembly, the chairpersons
  4 32 of the joint appropriations subcommittee on transportation,
  4 33 infrastructure, and capitals, and the governor by January 1,
  4 34 2019.
  4 35    The bill may include a state mandate as defined in Code
  5  1 section 25B.3.  The bill specifies that the $15 million in
  5  2 appropriations is deemed to meet the state funding=related
  5  3 requirements of any state mandate included in the bill.  The
  5  4 specification is deemed to constitute state compliance with
  5  5 any state mandate funding=related requirements of Code section
  5  6 25B.2.  The inclusion of this specification is intended to
  5  7 reinstate the requirement of political subdivisions to comply
  5  8 with any state mandates included in the bill.
       LSB 2468YH (3) 86