Bill Text: IA HF674 | 2021-2022 | 89th General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act reducing the solar energy system tax credit wait list by reducing authorized aggregate tax credits for certain economic development programs.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2021-02-23 - Introduced, referred to Ways and Means. H.J. 507. [HF674 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2021-HF674-Introduced.html
House File 674 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 674 BY ISENHART A BILL FOR An Act reducing the solar energy system tax credit wait list 1 by reducing authorized aggregate tax credits for certain 2 economic development programs. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1477YH (4) 89 jm/jh
H.F. 674 Section 1. Section 15.119, Code 2021, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 6. a. In allocating the amount of tax 3 credits authorized pursuant to subsection 1 among the programs 4 specified in subsection 2, the authority shall reduce the 5 amount of tax credits authorized pursuant to subsection 1 equal 6 to the cumulative value of the solar energy system tax credits 7 on the wait list, upon the notification sent pursuant to 8 section 422.11L, subsection 4, paragraph “c” , subparagraph (2). 9 b. A reduction pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed 10 seven million dollars in any one fiscal year. 11 Sec. 2. Section 422.11L, subsection 4, Code 2021, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 4. a. The cumulative value of tax credits claimed annually 14 by applicants pursuant to this section shall not exceed 15 five million dollars , unless additional moneys are available 16 pursuant to paragraph “c” . Of this amount, at least one 17 million dollars shall be reserved for claims associated with or 18 resulting from residential solar energy system installations. 19 In the event that the total amount of claims submitted for 20 residential solar energy system installations in a tax year 21 is an amount less than one million dollars, the remaining 22 unclaimed reserved amount shall be made available for claims 23 associated with or resulting from nonresidential solar energy 24 system installations received for the tax year. 25 b. If an amount of tax credits available for a tax year 26 pursuant to paragraph “a” goes unclaimed, the amount of the 27 unclaimed tax credits shall be made available for the following 28 tax year in addition to, and cumulated with, the amount 29 available pursuant to paragraph “a” for the following tax year. 30 c. (1) The cumulative value of tax credits claimed annually 31 may exceed five million dollars pursuant to this paragraph. 32 The additional amount of tax credits that may be claimed 33 pursuant to this paragraph shall equal the amount of tax 34 credits placed on the wait list pursuant to subsection 3, up to 35 -1- LSB 1477YH (4) 89 jm/jh 1/ 3
H.F. 674 the amount allowable under section 15.119, subsection 6, until 1 such time the wait list is eliminated. 2 (2) (a) At the beginning of each fiscal year, the 3 director of revenue shall notify the director of the economic 4 development authority of the cumulative value of the tax 5 credits on the wait list in subsection 3, paragraph “d” , 6 subparagraph (2). 7 (b) The director of revenue shall notify the director of 8 economic development authority when the cumulative value of 9 the tax credits on the wait list is zero, at which point no 10 additional amount of tax credit may be claimed pursuant to this 11 paragraph. 12 EXPLANATION 13 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 14 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 15 This bill reduces the solar energy system tax credit wait 16 list by reducing authorized aggregate tax credits for certain 17 economic development programs. 18 Currently, the cumulative value of solar energy system tax 19 credits claimed is annually capped at $5 million. The bill 20 allows the cumulative value of tax credits claimed annually to 21 exceed the $5 million cap amount until such time the wait list 22 for the tax credit is eliminated. The amount of tax credits 23 that may be claimed in excess of the $5 million cap shall equal 24 the amount of tax credits placed on the wait list, but shall 25 not exceed $7 million over the cap. 26 The bill requires the director of revenue, at the beginning 27 of each fiscal year, to notify the director of the department 28 of economic authority of the cumulative value of tax credits 29 on the solar energy system tax credit wait list. The bill 30 also requires the director of the department of revenue to 31 notify the director of the economic development authority when 32 the cumulative value of the tax credits on the solar energy 33 system tax credit wait list is zero, at which point authorized 34 aggregate tax credits for certain economic development programs 35 -2- LSB 1477YH (4) 89 jm/jh 2/ 3
H.F. 674 shall cease being reduced. 1 Currently, certain economic development tax credit amounts 2 are capped at $170 million in the aggregate under Code section 3 15.119. In allocating the tax credits pursuant to Code section 4 15.119, the bill requires the economic development authority to 5 reduce the $170 million authorized tax credit aggregate amount 6 by the cumulative value of the solar energy system tax credits 7 on the wait list until such time the wait list for the solar 8 energy system tax credit is eliminated. 9 The solar energy system tax credit is available against 10 the individual and corporate income taxes, franchise tax, and 11 moneys and credits tax. 12 -3- LSB 1477YH (4) 89 jm/jh 3/ 3