Bill Text: IA SF396 | 2025-2026 | 91st General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve inconsistencies and conflicts, remove ambiguities, and provide for Code editor directives.(Formerly SSB 1126.)

Spectrum: Committee Bill

Status: (Introduced) 2025-02-20 - Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 332. [SF396 Detail]

Download: Iowa-2025-SF396-Introduced.html
Senate File 396 - Introduced SENATE FILE 396 BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 1126) (COMPANION TO HF 381 BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY) A BILL FOR An Act relating to statutory corrections which may adjust 1 language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 2 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve 3 inconsistencies and conflicts, remove ambiguities, and 4 provide for Code editor directives. 5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 6 TLSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns
S.F. 396 Section 1. Section 8.76, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, 1 is amended to read as follows: 2 As used in this chapter subchapter , unless the context 3 otherwise requires: 4 Sec. 2. Section 8.85, subsection 6, paragraph c, Code 2025, 5 is amended to read as follows: 6 c. For purposes of this subsection , “cloud computing 7 solutions” means the same as described in section 8.2, 8 subsection 20 section 8.76, subsection 12 , paragraph “l” . 9 Sec. 3. Section 8E.208, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 1. Each agency shall identify, collect, and maintain data 12 for metrics and measures critical to monitoring and assessing 13 the performance of their the agency’s operations. 14 Sec. 4. Section 8E.209, Code 2025, is amended to read as 15 follows: 16 8E.209 Records and data. 17 Each agency is responsible for classifying records and data 18 to facilitate safeguarding its own information and making 19 that information available to appropriate audiences. The 20 department may review any records and data an agency collects, 21 creates, and maintains for purposes of monitoring their the 22 agency’s operations and assessing performance. Upon the 23 department’s request, an agency shall provide the department 24 with and routinely update such records and data that support 25 enterprise-wide initiatives, planning or policy development, 26 cross-agency collaboration, or performance or risk assessments. 27 Data must be as granular as possible and include key dates 28 and characteristics critical to monitoring and assessing 29 performance and facilitating insights. Each agency shall 30 provide data in a format required by the department and update 31 the data on a schedule appropriate for the data. 32 Sec. 5. Section 10A.506, subsection 10, Code 2025, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 10. Notwithstanding section 17A.6, subsection 3 , the 35 -1- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 1/ 42
S.F. 396 licensing boards included within the department pursuant to 1 subsection 1 may adopt standards by reference to another 2 publication without posting the publication to on the boards’ 3 internet sites if the publication containing the standards is 4 readily accessible on the internet at no cost and the internet 5 site at which the publication may be found is included in the 6 administrative rules that adopt the standard. 7 Sec. 6. Section 10A.511, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, 8 is amended to read as follows: 9 The duties of the director as it relates relating to fire 10 control shall be as follows: 11 Sec. 7. Section 15.412, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 12 2025, is amended to read as follows: 13 a. An innovation and commercialization development fund 14 is created in the state treasury under the control of the 15 authority. The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated to 16 the authority and any other moneys available to , or obtained , 17 or accepted by the authority for placement in the fund. 18 Sec. 8. Section 25.8, Code 2025, is amended to read as 19 follows: 20 25.8 Limitation on claims to be considered. 21 No A claim against the state shall not be considered or 22 allowed by the general assembly except it be unless the claim 23 has been presented before the state appeal board as provided in 24 this chapter . 25 Sec. 9. Section 28E.7, Code 2025, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 28E.7 Obligations not excused. 28 No An agreement made pursuant to this chapter shall not 29 relieve any public agency of any obligation or responsibility 30 imposed upon it by law except that to the extent of actual and 31 timely performance thereof of the obligation or responsibility 32 by a joint board or other legal or administrative entity 33 created by an agreement made hereunder under this chapter , said 34 the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the public 35 -2- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 2/ 42
S.F. 396 agency’s obligation or responsibility. 1 Sec. 10. Section 28E.9, Code 2025, is amended to read as 2 follows: 3 28E.9 Status of interstate agreement. 4 1. If an agreement entered into pursuant to this chapter 5 is between or among one or more public agencies of this state 6 and one or more public agencies of another state or of the 7 United States said , the agreement shall have the status of an 8 interstate compact. Such agreements shall, before entry into 9 force, be approved by the attorney general who shall determine 10 whether the agreement is in proper form and compatible with the 11 laws of this state. 12 2. In any case or controversy involving performance or 13 interpretation thereof of, or liability thereunder under, the 14 agreement , the public agencies party thereto to the agreement 15 shall be real parties in interest, and the state may maintain 16 an action to recoup or otherwise make itself whole for any 17 damages or liability which it may incur by reason of being 18 joined as a party therein. Such action shall be maintainable 19 against any public agency or agencies whose default, failure 20 of performance, or other conduct caused or contributed to the 21 incurring of damage or liability by the state. 22 Sec. 11. Section 68B.2, subsections 17 and 25, Code 2025, 23 are amended to read as follows: 24 17. “Official” means all statewide elected officials, 25 the executive or administrative head or heads of an agency 26 of state government, the deputy executive or administrative 27 head or heads of an agency of state government, members of 28 boards or commissions as defined under section 7E.4 , and heads 29 of the major subunits of departments or independent state 30 agencies whose positions involve a substantial exercise of 31 administrative discretion or the expenditure of public funds 32 as defined under rules of the board adopted in consultation 33 with the department or agency and pursuant to chapter 17A . 34 “Official” does not include officers or employees of political 35 -3- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 3/ 42
S.F. 396 subdivisions of the state, members of the general assembly, 1 legislative employees, officers or employees of the judicial 2 branch of government who are not members or employees of 3 the office of attorney general, members of state government 4 entities which are or exercise the same type of authority that 5 is exercised by councils or committees as defined under section 6 7E.4 , or members of any agricultural commodity promotional 7 board, if the such board is subject to a producer referendum. 8 25. “State employee” means a person who is not an official 9 and is a paid employee of the state of Iowa and does not include 10 an independent contractor, an employee of the judicial branch 11 who is not an employee of the office of attorney general, an 12 employee of the general assembly, an employee of a political 13 subdivision of the state, or an employee of any agricultural 14 commodity promotional board, if the such board is subject to 15 a producer referendum. 16 Sec. 12. Section 68B.22A, Code 2025, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 68B.22A Reporting of gifts and bequests received. 19 All gifts and bequests with a value of fifty dollars or 20 more received by a department or accepted by the governor on 21 behalf of the state shall be reported within twenty days of 22 receiving the gift or bequest to the Iowa ethics and campaign 23 disclosure board, using the board’s internet reporting system. 24 The Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board shall, by January 25 31 of each year, submit to the fiscal services division of 26 the legislative services agency a written report listing all 27 gifts and bequests received during the previous calendar year 28 with a value over one thousand dollars and the purpose for 29 each such gift or bequest. The submission shall also include 30 a listing of all gifts and bequests received by a department 31 from a person if the cumulative value of all gifts and bequests 32 received by the department from the person during the previous 33 calendar year exceeds one thousand dollars, and the Iowa ethics 34 and campaign disclosure board shall include, if available, the 35 -4- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 4/ 42
S.F. 396 purpose for each such gift or bequest. However, the reports on 1 gifts or bequests filed by the state board of regents and the 2 Iowa state fair board pursuant to section 8.44 shall be deemed 3 sufficient to comply with the requirements of this section . 4 Sec. 13. Section 68B.35, subsection 5, Code 2025, is amended 5 to read as follows: 6 5. a. A candidate for statewide office shall file 7 a financial statement with the Iowa ethics and campaign 8 disclosure board, a candidate for the office of state 9 representative shall file a financial statement with the chief 10 clerk of the house of representatives, and a candidate for 11 the office of state senator shall file a financial statement 12 with the secretary of the senate. Statements shall contain 13 information concerning the year preceding the year in which the 14 election is to be held. 15 b. The Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board shall 16 adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A providing for the filing of 17 the financial statements with the board and for the deposit, 18 retention, and availability of the financial statements. The 19 ethics committees of the house of representatives and the 20 senate shall recommend rules for adoption by the respective 21 houses providing for the filing of the financial statements 22 with the chief clerk of the house or the secretary of the 23 senate and for the deposit, retention, and availability of 24 the financial statements. Rules adopted shall also include a 25 procedure for notification of candidates of the duty to file 26 disclosure statements under this section . 27 Sec. 14. Section 84A.21, subsection 3, paragraph a, Code 28 2025, is amended to read as follows: 29 a. An Iowa student internship fund is created in the state 30 treasury under the control of the department of workforce 31 development. The fund shall consist of moneys appropriated to 32 the department of workforce development and any other moneys 33 available to , or obtained , or accepted by the department of 34 workforce development for placement in the fund. 35 -5- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 5/ 42
S.F. 396 Sec. 15. Section 96.7, subsection 2, paragraph a, 1 subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (b), Code 2025, is 2 amended to read as follows: 3 (b) An employer’s account shall not be charged with The 4 benefits paid to an individual who left the work of the 5 employer voluntarily without good cause attributable to the 6 employer or to an individual who was discharged for misconduct 7 in connection with the individual’s employment, or to an 8 individual who failed without good cause, either to apply for 9 available, suitable work or to accept suitable work with that 10 employer, shall not be charged to the employer’s account, but 11 shall be charged to the unemployment compensation fund. This 12 paragraph subparagraph division applies to both contributory 13 and reimbursable employers, notwithstanding section 96.8, 14 subsection 5 . 15 Sec. 16. Section 99G.11, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2025, are 16 amended to read as follows: 17 1. A member of the commission or employee of the division 18 shall not directly or indirectly, individually, as a member 19 of a partnership or other association, or as a shareholder, 20 director, or officer of a corporation , have an interest in a 21 business that contracts for the operation or marketing of the 22 lottery as authorized by this chapter , unless the business is 23 controlled or operated by a consortium of lotteries in which 24 the division has an interest. 25 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 68B , a person 26 contracting or seeking to contract with the state to supply 27 gaming equipment or materials for use in the operation of the 28 lottery, an applicant for a license to sell tickets or shares 29 in the lottery, or a retailer shall not offer a member of the 30 commission or employee of the division, or a member of their 31 immediate family , a gift, gratuity, or other thing having a 32 value of more than the limits established in chapter 68B , other 33 than food and beverage consumed at a meal. For purposes of 34 this subsection , “member of their immediate family” means a 35 -6- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 6/ 42
S.F. 396 spouse, child, stepchild, brother, brother-in-law, stepbrother, 1 sister, sister-in-law, stepsister, parent, parent-in-law, or 2 step-parent of the commission member or employee who resides 3 in the same household in the same principal residence of the 4 commission member or employee. 5 Sec. 17. Section 123.30, subsection 3, paragraph a, 6 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (c), Code 2025, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 (c) The holder of a class “B” retail alcohol license may 9 sell beer to class “C”, special class “C”, special class 10 “C” retail native license, class “D”, and class “F” retail 11 alcohol licensees , and to special class “C” retail native wine 12 licensees, for resale for consumption on the premises. Such 13 beer sales shall be in quantities of not more than five cases 14 of beer, high alcoholic content beer, and canned cocktails, 15 but not more than one such sale shall be made to the same 16 retail alcohol licensee in a twenty-four-hour period. A class 17 “A” beer permittee shall be held harmless concerning any beer 18 resold as authorized by this subparagraph division. 19 Sec. 18. Section 123.30, subsection 3, paragraph d, 20 subparagraph (4), Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 21 (4) The holder of a class “E” retail alcohol license may 22 sell beer to class “C”, special class “C”, special class 23 “C” retail native license, class “D”, and class “F” retail 24 alcohol licensees , and to special class “C” retail native wine 25 licensees, for resale for consumption on the premises. Such 26 beer sales shall be in quantities of not more than five cases 27 of beer, high alcoholic content beer, and canned cocktails, 28 but not more than one such sale shall be made to the same 29 retail alcohol licensee in a twenty-four-hour period. A class 30 “A” beer permittee shall be held harmless concerning any beer 31 resold as authorized by this subparagraph. 32 Sec. 19. Section 123.44, Code 2025, is amended to read as 33 follows: 34 123.44 Gifts prohibited. 35 -7- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 7/ 42
S.F. 396 A manufacturer or broker shall not give away alcoholic 1 liquor at any time in connection with the manufacturer’s or 2 broker’s business except for testing or sampling purposes only. 3 A manufacturer, distiller, vintner, brewer, broker, wholesaler, 4 or importer, organized as a corporation pursuant to the laws of 5 this state or any other state, who deals in alcoholic beverages 6 subject to regulation under this chapter shall not offer or 7 give anything of value to a commission member , or official or 8 employee of the department under this chapter , or directly 9 or indirectly contribute in any manner any money or thing of 10 value to a person seeking a public or appointive office or a 11 recognized political party or a group of persons seeking to 12 become a recognized political party. 13 Sec. 20. Section 135.22B, subsection 2, paragraph c, Code 14 2025, is amended to read as follows: 15 c. The department shall consult with the council on health 16 and human services regarding the program and shall report to 17 the council on health and human services concerning the program 18 at least quarterly. The council on health and human services 19 shall make recommendations to the department concerning the 20 program’s operation. 21 Sec. 21. Section 135B.1, subsection 3, Code 2025, is amended 22 to read as follows: 23 3. “Hospital” means a place which is devoted primarily to 24 the maintenance and operation of facilities for the diagnosis, 25 treatment , or care over a period exceeding twenty-four hours 26 of two or more nonrelated individuals suffering from illness, 27 injury, or deformity, or a place which is devoted primarily 28 to the rendering over a period exceeding twenty-four hours of 29 obstetrical or other medical or nursing care for two or more 30 nonrelated individuals, or any institution, place, building , 31 or agency in which any accommodation is primarily maintained, 32 furnished , or offered for the care over a period exceeding 33 twenty-four hours of two or more nonrelated aged or infirm 34 persons requiring or receiving chronic or convalescent care; 35 -8- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 8/ 42
S.F. 396 and shall include sanatoriums or other related institutions 1 within the meaning of this chapter . Provided, however, nothing 2 in this chapter shall apply to hotels or other similar places 3 that furnish only food and lodging, or either, to their guests 4 or to a freestanding hospice facility which operates a hospice 5 program in accordance with 42 C.F.R. §418 . “Hospital” shall 6 include, in any event, any facilities wholly or partially 7 constructed or to be constructed with federal financial 8 assistance, pursuant to Pub. L. No. 79-725, 60 Stat. 1040, 9 approved August 13, 1946. 10 Sec. 22. Section 135B.14, Code 2025, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 135B.14 Judicial review. 13 Judicial review of the action of the department may be sought 14 in accordance with chapter 17A . Notwithstanding the terms of 15 chapter 17A , the Iowa administrative procedure Act, petitions 16 for judicial review may be filed in the district court of the 17 county in which the hospital or rural emergency hospital is 18 located or to be located, and the status quo of the petitioner 19 or licensee shall be preserved pending final disposition of the 20 matter in the courts. 21 Sec. 23. Section 135B.16, Code 2025, is amended to read as 22 follows: 23 135B.16 Injunction. 24 Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other 25 remedy, the department may, in the manner provided by law, 26 maintain an action in the name of the state for an injunction 27 or other process against any person or governmental unit to 28 restrain or prevent the establishment, conduct, management, or 29 operation of a hospital or rural emergency hospital without a 30 license. 31 Sec. 24. Section 144.5, subsection 3, Code 2025, is amended 32 to read as follows: 33 3. Direct, supervise, and control the activities of clerks 34 of the district court and county recorders related to the 35 -9- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 9/ 42
S.F. 396 operation of the vital statistics system and provide county 1 registrars with necessary postage. 2 Sec. 25. Section 144.20, Code 2025, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 144.20 Information. 5 Information in the possession of the petitioner necessary 6 to prepare the adoption report shall be furnished with the 7 petition for adoption by each petitioner for adoption or the 8 petitioner’s attorney. The adoption services service provider 9 or other person concerned shall supply the court with such 10 additional information in their possession as necessary to 11 complete the certificate. The provision of such information 12 shall be submitted to the court prior to the issuance of a 13 final decree in the matter by the court, unless found by the 14 court to be unavailable after diligent inquiry. 15 Sec. 26. Section 147.80, subsection 1, unnumbered paragraph 16 1, Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 17 Each board, following approval by the department, may, or at 18 the direction of the department, shall , by rule establish or 19 revise fees for the following: 20 Sec. 27. Section 147.87, Code 2025, is amended to read as 21 follows: 22 147.87 Enforcement. 23 1. A board shall enforce the provisions of this chapter and 24 the board’s enabling statute and for that purpose may request 25 the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing to make 26 necessary investigations. Every licensee and member of a board 27 shall furnish the board or the department of inspections, 28 appeals, and licensing such evidence as the member or licensee 29 may have relative to any alleged violation which is being 30 investigated. 31 2. The department of inspections, appeals, and licensing 32 may administratively close a complaint that does not allege a 33 violation of this chapter , the board’s enabling statute, or a 34 rule of the board. 35 -10- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 10/ 42
S.F. 396 Sec. 28. Section 147.88, Code 2025, is amended to read as 1 follows: 2 147.88 Inspections and investigations. 3 The department of inspections, appeals, and licensing may 4 perform inspections and investigations as required by this 5 subtitle . 6 Sec. 29. Section 154E.3, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, 7 is amended to read as follows: 8 On or after July 1, 2005, every Every person providing 9 interpreting or transliterating services in this state shall be 10 licensed pursuant to this chapter . The board shall adopt rules 11 pursuant to chapters 17A , 147 , and 272C establishing procedures 12 for the licensing of new and existing interpreters. Prior to 13 obtaining licensure, an applicant shall successfully pass an 14 examination prescribed and approved by the board, demonstrating 15 the following: 16 Sec. 30. Section 154E.3A, Code 2025, is amended to read as 17 follows: 18 154E.3A Temporary license. 19 Beginning July 1, 2007, an An individual who does not meet 20 the requirements for licensure by examination pursuant to 21 section 154E.3 may apply for or renew a temporary license. The 22 temporary license shall authorize the licensee to practice as a 23 sign language interpreter or transliterator under the direct 24 supervision of a sign language interpreter or transliterator 25 licensed pursuant to section 154E.3 . The temporary license 26 shall be valid for two years and may only be renewed one time in 27 accordance with standards established by rule. An individual 28 shall not practice for more than a total of four years 29 under a temporary license. The board may revoke a temporary 30 license if it determines that the temporary licensee has 31 violated standards established by rule. The board may adopt 32 requirements for temporary licensure to implement this section . 33 Sec. 31. Section 155A.18, subsection 2, paragraph e, Code 34 2025, is amended by striking the paragraph. 35 -11- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 11/ 42
S.F. 396 Sec. 32. Section 155A.18, Code 2025, is amended by adding 1 the following new subsection: 2 NEW SUBSECTION . 3. The assessment and payment of a penalty 3 imposed pursuant to subsection 2 shall not be considered a 4 disciplinary action or reported as discipline and shall be 5 confidential. 6 Sec. 33. Section 186.4, Code 2025, is amended to read as 7 follows: 8 186.4 Annual report. 9 The secretary of the society shall make an annual report 10 to the department of agriculture and land stewardship at such 11 time as the department may require. Such report shall contain 12 the proceedings of the society, an account of the exposition, 13 a summarized statement of the expenditures for the year, the 14 general condition of horticultural, honey bee, and forestry 15 interests throughout the state, together with such additional 16 information as the department may require. 17 Sec. 34. Section 204.14E, subsection 5, Code 2025, is 18 amended to read as follows: 19 5. A person does not violate subsection 1 by possessing 20 a consumable hemp product if the person is employed by a 21 registrant and the person is possessing the consumable hemp 22 product as part of their the person’s employment. 23 Sec. 35. Section 216.3, subsection 3, Code 2025, is amended 24 to read as follows: 25 3. The governor subject to confirmation by the senate 26 shall appoint a director who shall serve as the head of the 27 agency. The governor shall set the salary of the director 28 within the applicable salary range established by the general 29 assembly section 8A.461 . The director shall adopt rules 30 pursuant to chapter 17A consistent with and necessary for the 31 enforcement of this chapter . The director shall advise and 32 support the commission in fulfilling the commission’s duties 33 and responsibilities under section 216.5A . 34 Sec. 36. Section 216.8B, subsection 6, paragraph a, Code 35 -12- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 12/ 42
S.F. 396 2025, is amended to read as follows: 1 a. Shall not request information under this section that 2 discloses a diagnosis or severity of a person’s disability or 3 any medical records relating to the disability, but a person 4 with a disability or legal guardian may voluntarily disclose 5 such information or medical records to the landlord at the 6 discretion of the person with the disability or such person’s 7 legal guardian’s discretion guardian . 8 Sec. 37. Section 216.8C, subsection 1, paragraph d, Code 9 2025, is amended to read as follows: 10 d. Certification whether the provider-patient relationship 11 has existed, in person or via telehealth, for at least thirty 12 days between the licensee and the patient or client. 13 Sec. 38. Section 216.8C, subsections 4 and 5, Code 2025, are 14 amended to read as follows: 15 4. The commission agency shall create a form in compliance 16 with this section and provide the form to the public on the 17 commission’s agency’s website. 18 5. The commission agency shall offer training and 19 consultation to the governing boards under chapter 148 , 148C , 20 152 , 154B , 154C , or 154D . 21 Sec. 39. Section 216.15, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 22 to read as follows: 23 1. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by a discriminatory 24 or unfair practice may, in person or by an attorney, make, 25 sign, and file with the agency a verified, written complaint , 26 which shall state the name and address of the person, employer, 27 employment agency, or labor organization alleged to have 28 committed the discriminatory or unfair practice of which 29 complained, shall set forth the particulars thereof, and shall 30 contain such other information as may be required by the 31 agency. Agency staff, a commissioner, or the attorney general 32 may in like manner make, sign, and file such complaint. 33 Sec. 40. Section 216.15, subsection 9, unnumbered paragraph 34 1, Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 35 -13- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 13/ 42
S.F. 396 If upon taking into consideration all of the evidence at a 1 hearing , the agency determines that the respondent has engaged 2 in a discriminatory or unfair practice, the agency shall state 3 its findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall issue an 4 order requiring the respondent to cease and desist from the 5 discriminatory or unfair practice and to take the necessary 6 remedial action as in the judgment of the agency will carry out 7 the purposes of this chapter . A copy of the order shall be 8 delivered to the respondent, the complainant, and to any other 9 public officers and persons as the agency deems proper. 10 Sec. 41. Section 216.15, subsection 9, paragraph a, 11 subparagraph (8), Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 12 (8) Payment to the complainant of damages for an injury 13 caused by the discriminatory or unfair practice , which damages 14 shall include but are not limited to actual damages, court 15 costs , and reasonable attorney fees. 16 Sec. 42. Section 216.15, subsection 9, paragraph a, 17 subparagraph (9), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 For an unfair or discriminatory practice relating to 20 wage discrimination pursuant to section 216.6A , payment 21 to the complainant of damages for an injury caused by the 22 discriminatory or unfair practice , which damages shall include 23 but are not limited to court costs, reasonable attorney fees, 24 and either of the following: 25 Sec. 43. Section 217.30, subsection 5, paragraph b, 26 subparagraph (1), Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 27 (1) Upon written application to and with the approval of the 28 director or the director’s designee, confidential information 29 described in subsection 2 , paragraphs “a” , “b” , and “c” , is 30 required to be disclosed within the department and to a public 31 official for use in connection with the department department’s 32 or public official’s duties relating to law enforcement, 33 audits, the support and protection of children and families, 34 and other purposes directly connected with the administration 35 -14- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 14/ 42
S.F. 396 of the programs of services and assistance referred to in this 1 section . 2 Sec. 44. Section 231.14, subsection 5, Code 2025, is amended 3 to read as follows: 4 5. Recommend policies and measures to ensure that 5 preference will be given to providing services to older 6 individuals and individuals with disabilities with the greatest 7 economic need or greatest social needs need , with particular 8 attention to low-income minority individuals, individuals with 9 limited English proficiency, and individuals residing in rural 10 areas. 11 Sec. 45. Section 231.23, subsection 9, Code 2025, is amended 12 to read as follows: 13 9. Adopt policies and measures to ensure that preference 14 will be given to providing services to older individuals and 15 individuals with disabilities with the greatest economic need 16 or greatest social needs need , with particular attention to 17 low-income minority individuals, individuals with limited 18 English proficiency, and individuals residing in rural areas. 19 Sec. 46. Section 231.33, subsections 7 and 11, Code 2025, 20 are amended to read as follows: 21 7. Give preference in the delivery of services under the 22 area plan to older individuals with the greatest economic need 23 or greatest social need need , with particular attention to 24 low-income minority older individuals, older individuals with 25 limited English proficiency, and older individuals residing in 26 rural areas. 27 11. Conduct outreach efforts to identify older individuals 28 with the greatest economic need or greatest social needs 29 need , with particular attention to low-income minority 30 older individuals, older individuals with limited English 31 proficiency, and older individuals residing in rural areas, 32 and inform them of the availability of services under the area 33 plan. 34 Sec. 47. Section 232.3A, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 35 -15- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 15/ 42
S.F. 396 to read as follows: 1 1. During an action under subchapter III , child in need 2 of assistance proceedings, or subchapter IV , termination 3 of parent-child relationship proceedings, the court may , 4 on its own motion or that of any party, require the child 5 and established father of the child to submit to blood or 6 genetic testing in accordance with the procedures and method 7 prescribed under section 600B.41 to overcome the paternity of 8 the established father. 9 Sec. 48. Section 232.10, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 10 to read as follows: 11 1. Venue for delinquency proceedings shall be in the 12 judicial district where the child is found, where the child 13 resides , or where the alleged delinquent act occurred. 14 Sec. 49. Section 232.44, subsection 10, Code 2025, is 15 amended to read as follows: 16 10. Based upon the facts stated in the request for release , 17 the court may grant or deny the request without a hearing , or 18 may order that a hearing be held at a date, time and place 19 determined by the court. Notice of the hearing shall be given 20 to the child and the child’s custodian or counsel. Upon 21 receiving evidence at the hearing, the court may release the 22 child to the child’s custodian or other suitable person, or 23 may deny the request and remand the child to the detention or 24 shelter care facility. 25 Sec. 50. Section 232.49, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2025, are 26 amended to read as follows: 27 1. Following the entry of an order of adjudication under 28 section 232.47 the court may, after a hearing which may be 29 simultaneous with the adjudicatory hearing, order a physical 30 or mental examination of the child if it finds that an 31 examination is necessary to determine the child’s physical or 32 mental condition. The court may consider chemical dependency 33 as either a physical or mental condition and may consider a 34 chemical dependency evaluation as either a physical or mental 35 -16- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 16/ 42
S.F. 396 examination. If the examination indicates the child has 1 behaved in a manner that threatened the safety of another 2 person, has committed a violent act causing bodily injury to 3 another person, or has been a victim or perpetrator of sexual 4 abuse, unless otherwise ordered by the court, the child’s 5 parent, guardian, or foster parent , or other person with 6 custody of the child shall be provided with that information. 7 2. When possible an examination shall be conducted on an 8 outpatient basis, but the court may, if it deems necessary, 9 commit the child to a suitable hospital, facility , or 10 institution for the purpose of examination. Commitment 11 for examination shall not exceed thirty days and the civil 12 commitment provisions of chapter 229 shall not apply. 13 Sec. 51. Section 252D.16, subsection 4, Code 2025, is 14 amended to read as follows: 15 4. “Payor of income” or “payor” means and includes but is 16 not limited to an obligor’s employer, trustee, the state of 17 Iowa and all governmental subdivisions and agencies , and any 18 other person from whom an obligor receives income. 19 Sec. 52. Section 256.11, subsection 5, paragraph k, 20 subparagraph (1), unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, is amended 21 to read as follows: 22 One-half unit of personal finance literacy, which may be 23 offered and taught through dedicated units of coursework or 24 through units of coursework that also meet the requirements of 25 the coursework required under paragraph “a” , “b” , “c” , “d” , “e” , 26 or “h” . The personal financial finance literacy curriculum 27 shall, at a minimum, address all of the following: 28 Sec. 53. Section 262.9, subsection 34, Code 2025, is amended 29 to read as follows: 30 34. Implement continuous improvement in undergraduate 31 programs offered by an institution of higher education 32 governed by the board. A continuous improvement plan shall be 33 developed and implemented and shall be built upon the results 34 of the institution’s student outcomes assessment program for 35 -17- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 17/ 42
S.F. 396 courses with typical annual enrollments of one hundred or more 1 students, whether in one or multiple sections. In developing 2 and implementing the continuous improvement plan for each 3 course, the instructor or instructors for such a course shall 4 each year evaluate the results of the instructors’ students’ 5 performances in comparison with established course goals and 6 shall formulate recommendations for future goals and methods to 7 achieve improved student performance. The board shall annually 8 evaluate the effectiveness of the plans and shall submit an 9 executive summary of its findings and recommendations in its 10 annual strategic plan progress report, a copy of which shall be 11 submitted to the general assembly. 12 Sec. 54. Section 262.9, subsection 36, paragraph a, Code 13 2025, is amended to read as follows: 14 a. Beginning December 15, 2015, annually Annually file a 15 report with the governor and the general assembly providing 16 information and statistics for the previous five academic 17 years on the number of students per year who are veterans per 18 year who received education credit for military education, 19 training, and service, that number as a percentage of veterans 20 known to be enrolled at the institution, the average number 21 of credits received by students, and the average number of 22 credits applied towards the award or completion of a course of 23 instruction, postsecondary diploma, degree, or other evidences 24 of distinction. 25 Sec. 55. Section 277.31, Code 2025, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 277.31 Surrendering office. 28 Each school officer or member of the board upon the 29 termination of the officer officer’s or member’s term of office 30 shall immediately surrender to the successor all books, papers, 31 and moneys pertaining or belonging to the office, taking a 32 receipt therefor. 33 Sec. 56. Section 321.37, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2025, are 34 amended to read as follows: 35 -18- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 18/ 42
S.F. 396 1. Registration plates issued for a motor vehicle other 1 than an autocycle, motorcycle, motorized bicycle, or truck 2 tractor shall be attached to the motor vehicle, one in the 3 front and the other in the rear. The registration plate issued 4 for an autocycle, motorcycle, or other vehicle required to 5 be registered hereunder under this chapter shall be attached 6 to the rear of the vehicle. The registration plate issued 7 for a truck tractor shall be attached to the front of the 8 truck tractor. The special plate issued to a dealer shall 9 be attached on the rear of the vehicle when operated on the 10 highways of this state. 11 2. Registration plates issued for a A motor vehicle , 12 other than a truck registered for more than five tons, 13 autocycle, motorcycle, or truck tractor, which is model year 14 1948 or older, and a reconstructed or specially constructed 15 vehicles vehicle built to resemble a model year 1948 vehicle 16 or older, other than a truck registered for more than five 17 tons, autocycle, motorcycle, or truck tractor, may display one 18 registration plate on the rear of the vehicle if the other 19 registration plate issued to the vehicle is carried in the 20 vehicle at all times when the vehicle is operated on a public 21 highway. 22 Sec. 57. Section 327D.16, Code 2025, is amended to read as 23 follows: 24 327D.16 Violations —— treble damages. 25 In case any common carrier subject to the provisions of this 26 chapter shall do, cause, or permit to be done anything herein 27 prohibited or declared to be unlawful under this chapter , or 28 shall willfully fail to do anything in this chapter required 29 to be done, it shall be liable to the person injured thereby 30 for three times the amount of damages sustained in consequence, 31 together with costs of suit, and a reasonable attorney fee to 32 be fixed by the court, on appeal or otherwise, which shall be 33 taxed and collected as part of the costs in the case; but in all 34 cases demand in writing shall be made of the carrier for the 35 -19- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 19/ 42
S.F. 396 money damages sustained before action is brought for a recovery 1 under this section , and no action shall be brought until the 2 expiration of fifteen days after such demand. 3 Sec. 58. Section 327D.17, Code 2025, is amended to read as 4 follows: 5 327D.17 Criminal liability. 6 Except as otherwise specially provided for in this chapter , 7 and unless relieved from the consequences of a violation of 8 the law as provided herein in this chapter , any common carrier 9 subject to the provisions hereof of this chapter , or, when 10 such common carrier is a corporation, any director or officer 11 thereof, or any receiver, trustee, lessee, agent, or person 12 acting for or employed by such corporation, who, alone or 13 with any other corporation, company, person, or party shall 14 willfully do or cause to be done, or shall willfully suffer or 15 permit to be done any act, matter, or thing in this chapter 16 prohibited or declared to be unlawful, or who shall aid or 17 abet therein, or shall willfully omit or fail to do any act, 18 matter, or thing in this chapter required to be done, or shall 19 cause or willingly suffer or permit any act, matter, or thing, 20 so directed or required by the provisions of this chapter 21 to be done, not to be so done; or shall aid or abet any such 22 omission or failure, or shall be guilty of any infraction of 23 the provisions of this chapter , or shall aid or abet therein, 24 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction 25 thereof , be subject to a schedule “four” penalty. 26 Sec. 59. Section 357A.6, subsection 2, Code 2025, is amended 27 to read as follows: 28 2. If the supervisors find that required notice of the 29 hearing has been given and that the proposed district is 30 reasonably necessary for the public health, convenience, and 31 comfort of the residents, or may be of benefit in providing 32 fire protection, they shall make an order establishing the 33 district as a political subdivision, designating its the 34 district’s boundary, and identifying it the district by name 35 -20- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 20/ 42
S.F. 396 or number. The order shall be published in the same newspaper 1 which published the notice of hearing. The supervisors shall 2 prepare and preserve a complete record of the hearing on the 3 petition and their findings and action. 4 Sec. 60. Section 358C.12, subsection 4, Code 2025, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 4. A district may acquire , by purchase, condemnation, or 7 gift, real or personal property, right-of-way, and easement 8 within or without its corporate limits necessary for its 9 corporate purposes specified in section 358C.4 . 10 Sec. 61. Section 358C.20, Code 2025, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 358C.20 Effective date of merger. 13 The A merger shall be effective thirty days after the 14 effective date of the ordinance annexing the territory within 15 the district. However, if the validity of the ordinance 16 annexing the territory is challenged by a court proceeding, 17 the effective date of the merger shall be thirty days after 18 the final determination of the validity of the ordinance. 19 The trustees of a district shall continue in possession and 20 conduct the affairs of the district until the effective date of 21 the merger, but shall not during the period levy any special 22 assessments after the effective date of annexation. 23 Sec. 62. Section 362.1, Code 2025, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 362.1 Citation. 26 This chapter and chapters 364 , 368 , 372 , 376 , 380 , 384 , 388 , 27 and 392 may be cited as the “City Code of Iowa” . 28 Sec. 63. Section 362.9, Code 2025, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 362.9 Application of city code. 31 The provisions of this chapter and chapters 364 , 368 , 372 , 32 376 , 380 , 384 , 388 , and 392 are applicable to all cities. 33 Sec. 64. Section 364.2, subsection 4, paragraph h, 34 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (d), Code 2025, is 35 -21- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 21/ 42
S.F. 396 amended to read as follows: 1 (d) This subsection paragraph applies to eligible merchant 2 lines for which a franchise has been granted pursuant to 3 chapter 478 prior to the effective date of this subsection July 4 1, 2024 . 5 Sec. 65. Section 403.6, subsection 6, paragraphs a, b, c, d, 6 and e, Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 7 a. A general plan for the locality as a whole ; . 8 b. Urban renewal plans ; . 9 c. Preliminary plans outlining urban renewal activities for 10 neighborhoods to embrace two or more urban renewal areas ; . 11 d. Planning for carrying out a program of voluntary 12 or compulsory repair and rehabilitation of buildings and 13 improvements ; . 14 e. Planning for the enforcement of state and local laws, 15 codes and regulations relating to the use of land and the 16 use and occupancy of buildings and improvements and to the 17 compulsory repair, rehabilitation, demolition, or removal of 18 buildings and improvements ; . 19 Sec. 66. Section 403.12, subsection 1, paragraphs a, b, c, 20 d, e, f, g, and h, Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 21 a. Dedicate, sell, convey , or lease any of its interest in 22 any property, or grant easements, licenses , or other rights or 23 privileges therein to a municipality ; . 24 b. Incur the entire expense of any public improvements made 25 by such public body in exercising the powers granted in this 26 section ; . 27 c. Do any and all things necessary to aid or cooperate in 28 the planning or carrying out of an urban renewal project ; . 29 d. Lend, grant , or contribute funds to a municipality ; . 30 e. Enter into agreements, which may extend over any period, 31 notwithstanding any provision or rule of law to the contrary, 32 with a municipality or other public body respecting action 33 to be taken pursuant to any of the powers granted by this 34 chapter , including the furnishing of funds or other assistance 35 -22- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 22/ 42
S.F. 396 in connection with an urban renewal project ; . 1 f. Cause public buildings and public facilities, including 2 parks, playgrounds, and recreational, community, educational, 3 water, sewer , or drainage facilities, or any other works which 4 it is otherwise empowered to undertake to be furnished ; . 5 g. Furnish, dedicate, close, vacate, pave, install, grade, 6 regrade, plan , or replan streets, roads, sidewalks, ways , or 7 other places ; . 8 h. Plan or replan, or zone or rezone any part of the public 9 body or make exceptions from building regulations ; . 10 Sec. 67. Section 403.13, Code 2025, is amended to read as 11 follows: 12 403.13 Presumption of title. 13 Any instrument executed by a municipality and purporting to 14 convey any right, title , or interest in any property under this 15 chapter shall be conclusively presumed to have been executed 16 in compliance with the provisions of this chapter insofar as 17 title or other interest of any bona fide purchasers, lessees , 18 or transferees of such property is concerned. 19 Sec. 68. Section 403.14, subsection 2, paragraphs a, b, c, 20 d, e, and f, Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 21 a. The power to determine an area to be a slum or blighted 22 area or combination thereof and to designate such area as 23 appropriate for an urban renewal project and to hold any public 24 hearings required with respect thereto ; . 25 b. The power to approve urban renewal plans and 26 modifications thereof ; . 27 c. The power to establish a general plan for the locality 28 as a whole ; . 29 d. The power to formulate a workable program under section 30 403.3 ; . 31 e. The power to make the determinations and findings 32 provided for in section 403.4 , and section 403.5, subsection 33 4 ; . 34 f. The power to issue general obligation bonds ; . 35 -23- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 23/ 42
S.F. 396 Sec. 69. Section 411.6, subsection 5, paragraph d, Code 1 2025, is amended to read as follows: 2 d. To establish that a mental incapacity occurred as the 3 natural and proximate result of an injury or disease incurred 4 in or aggravated by the actual performance of duty or arising 5 out of and in the course of the employment, or while acting, 6 pursuant to order, outside of the city by which the member is 7 regularly employed, the member must demonstrate that the mental 8 incapacity is traceable to a readily identifiable work event 9 constituting a manifest happening of a sudden traumatic nature 10 from an unexpected cause or unusual strain in the workplace. 11 Whether an incident is traumatic, unexpected, or unusual is 12 determined by comparing the incident, and not the effect on the 13 member, to the experiences of other police officers or fire 14 fighters in Iowa. A member must be able to trace their the 15 member’s mental injury to a specific event or events in the 16 workplace to be eligible for accidental disability benefits. 17 Sec. 70. Section 414.22, subsection 2, Code 2025, is amended 18 to read as follows: 19 2. For purposes of this section: 20 a. “Brain injury” means brain injury as defined in section 21 135.22 . 22 b. “Developmental disability” means a disability of a person 23 which has continued or can be expected to continue indefinitely 24 and which is one of the following: 25 (1) Attributable to an intellectual disability, cerebral 26 palsy, epilepsy, or autism. 27 (2) Attributable to any other condition found to be closely 28 related to an intellectual disability because the condition 29 results in impairment of general intellectual functioning 30 or adaptive behavior similar to that of persons with an 31 intellectual disability or requires treatment and services 32 similar to those required for the persons. 33 (3) Attributable to dyslexia resulting from a disability 34 described in either subparagraph (1) or (2). 35 -24- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 24/ 42
S.F. 396 (4) Attributable to a mental or nervous disorder. 1 c. “Family home” means a community-based residential home 2 which is licensed as a residential care facility under chapter 3 135C or as a child foster care facility under chapter 237 to 4 provide room and board, personal care, habilitation services, 5 and supervision in a family environment exclusively for not 6 more than eight persons with a developmental disability or 7 brain injury and any necessary support personnel. However, 8 family home does not mean an individual foster care family home 9 licensed under chapter 237 . 10 d. “Permitted use” means a use by right which is authorized 11 in all residential zoning districts. 12 e. “Residential” means regularly used by its occupants as a 13 permanent place of abode, which is made one’s home as opposed 14 to one’s place of business and which has housekeeping and 15 cooking facilities for its occupants only. 16 Sec. 71. Section 414.27, subsection 2, Code 2025, is amended 17 to read as follows: 18 2. For purposes of this section: 19 a. “Maternity group home” means a community-based 20 residential home that provides room and board, personal care, 21 supervision, training, support, and education in a family 22 environment for women who are either pregnant or who have given 23 birth within the preceding twenty-four months and live with 24 their children, and includes overnight room accommodations and 25 administrative and office space for those persons who provide 26 such services. 27 b. “Permitted use” means the same as defined in section 28 414.22 . 29 c. “Residential” means the same as defined in section 30 414.22 . 31 Sec. 72. Section 455B.133, subsection 1, Code 2025, is 32 amended to read as follows: 33 1. Develop comprehensive plans and programs for the 34 abatement, control, and prevention of air pollution in this 35 -25- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 25/ 42
S.F. 396 state, recognizing varying requirements for different areas 1 in the state. The plans may include emission limitations, 2 schedules and timetables for compliance with the limitations, 3 measures to prevent the significant deterioration of air 4 quality , and other measures as necessary to assure attainment 5 and maintenance of ambient air quality standards. The 6 commission is not required to use air dispersion modeling as 7 a basis for making its findings under this subsection for a 8 minor source or minor modification of a major stationary source 9 unless modeling is specifically provided for under the federal 10 Clean Air Act as amended through January 1, 1991, rules adopted 11 under this chapter , or a federal or state agreement. 12 Sec. 73. Section 455B.266, subsection 2, paragraphs c and d, 13 Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 14 c. Uses of water for the irrigation of hay, corn, soybeans, 15 oats, grain sorghum , or wheat. 16 d. Uses of water for the irrigation of crops other than hay, 17 corn, soybeans, oats, grain sorghum , or wheat. 18 Sec. 74. Section 476.9, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2025, are 19 amended to read as follows: 20 2. Every public utility engaged directly or indirectly in 21 any other business than that of the production, transmission, 22 or furnishing of heat, light, water, power, or the collection 23 and treatment of sanitary sewage or storm water for the 24 public shall, if required by the commission, keep and render 25 separately to the commission in like manner and form the 26 accounts of all such other business, in which case all the 27 provisions of this chapter shall apply to the books, accounts, 28 papers , and records of such other business and all profits and 29 losses may be taken into consideration by the commission if 30 deemed relevant to the general fiscal condition of the public 31 utility. 32 3. Every public utility, except telecommunications service 33 providers registered pursuant to section 476.95A , is required 34 to keep and render its books, accounts, papers , and records 35 -26- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 26/ 42
S.F. 396 accurately and faithfully in the manner and form prescribed 1 by the commission, and to comply with all directions of the 2 commission relating to such books, accounts, papers , and 3 records. 4 Sec. 75. Section 477C.2, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 5 by striking the subsection. 6 Sec. 76. Section 477C.3, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 2025, 7 is amended to read as follows: 8 With the advice of the commission on deaf services created 9 in section 216A.113 , the utilities commission shall plan, 10 establish, administer, and promote a statewide program to 11 provide dual party relay service as follows: 12 Sec. 77. Section 477C.4, Code 2025, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 477C.4 Telecommunications devices for the deaf and hard of 15 hearing. 16 With the advice of the commission on deaf services created in 17 section 216A.113 , the utilities commission may plan, establish, 18 administer, and promote a program to secure, finance, and 19 distribute telecommunications devices for the deaf and hard of 20 hearing. The utilities commission may establish eligibility 21 criteria for persons to receive telecommunications devices 22 for the deaf and hard of hearing, including but not limited 23 to requiring certification that the recipient cannot use the 24 telephone for communication without a telecommunications device 25 for the deaf and hard of hearing. 26 Sec. 78. Section 478.4, Code 2025, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 478.4 Franchise —— hearing. 29 The utilities commission shall consider the petition and any 30 objections filed to it the petition in the manner provided. It 31 The commission shall examine the proposed route or cause any 32 engineer selected by it the commission to do so. If a hearing 33 is held on the petition, it the commission may hear testimony 34 as may aid it the commission in determining the propriety 35 -27- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 27/ 42
S.F. 396 of granting the franchise. It The commission may grant the 1 franchise in whole or in part upon the terms, conditions, and 2 restrictions, and with the modifications as to location and 3 route as may seem to it the commission just and proper. Before 4 granting the franchise, the utilities commission shall make 5 a finding that the proposed line or lines are necessary to 6 serve a public use and represents a reasonable relationship 7 to an overall plan of transmitting electricity in the public 8 interest. A franchise shall not become effective until 9 the petitioners shall pay, or file an agreement to pay, all 10 costs and expenses of the franchise proceeding, whether or 11 not objections are filed, including costs of inspections or 12 examinations of the route, hearing, salaries, publishing of 13 notice, and any other expenses reasonably attributable to it 14 the franchise proceeding . The funds received for the costs and 15 the expenses of the franchise proceeding shall be remitted to 16 the treasurer of state for deposit in the commerce revolving 17 fund created in section 546.12 as provided in section 476.10 . 18 Sec. 79. Section 479.46, subsection 7, Code 2025, is amended 19 to read as follows: 20 7. As used in this section , “damages” : 21 a. “Commissioner” means a member of the compensation 22 commission appointed under subsection 2. 23 b. “Damages” means compensation for damages to the land, 24 crops, and other personal property caused by the construction 25 activity of installing a pipeline and its attendant structures 26 but does not include compensation for a property interest , and 27 “landowner” . 28 c. “Landowner” includes a farm tenant. 29 Sec. 80. Section 479B.30, subsection 7, Code 2025, is 30 amended to read as follows: 31 7. As used in this section , “damages” : 32 a. “Commissioner” means a member of the compensation 33 commission appointed under subsection 2. 34 b. “Damages” means compensation for damages to the land, 35 -28- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 28/ 42
S.F. 396 crops, and other personal property caused by the construction 1 of a pipeline and its attendant structures or underground 2 storage facility but does not include compensation for a 3 property interest , and “landowner” . 4 c. “Landowner” includes a farm tenant. 5 Sec. 81. Section 481A.6, Code 2025, is amended to read as 6 follows: 7 481A.6 Game management area. 8 The commission may establish a game management area upon 9 any public lands or waters, or with the consent of the owner 10 upon any private lands or waters, when necessary to maintain a 11 biological balance as provided in section 481A.39 or to provide 12 for public hunting, fishing, or trapping in conformity with 13 sound wildlife management ; and when . When a game management 14 area is established, the commission shall with the consent of 15 the owner, if any, have the right to post and prohibit, and 16 to regulate or limit the lands or waters against trespassing, 17 hunting, fishing, or trapping , and any . Any violation of the 18 regulations is unlawful. 19 Sec. 82. Section 481A.31, Code 2025, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 481A.31 Game brought into the state. 22 It shall be lawful for any person, firm, or corporation to 23 have in possession possess any fish or game lawfully taken 24 outside the state and lawfully brought into the state, but the 25 burden of proof shall be upon the person in such possession of 26 the fish or game to show that such the fish or game was lawfully 27 killed and lawfully brought into the state. 28 Sec. 83. Section 481A.34, Code 2025, is amended to read as 29 follows: 30 481A.34 Violations by common carrier. 31 A common carrier , and any agent, employee, or servant of a 32 common carrier, which violates any of the provisions of this 33 chapter relating to receiving, having in possession, shipping, 34 or delivering any fish, fowl, birds, birds’ nests, eggs, or 35 -29- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 29/ 42
S.F. 396 plumage, fur, raw pelts, game, or animals, in violation of 1 the provisions of the Code or contrary to the regulations and 2 restrictions provided in this chapter , and any agent, employee, 3 or servant of a common carrier violating such provisions, is 4 guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 5 Sec. 84. Section 489.102, subsection 13, Code 2025, is 6 amended to read as follows: 7 13. “Limited liability company” , except in the phrase 8 “foreign limited liability company” , and in subchapter X , means 9 an entity formed under this chapter or which becomes subject to 10 this chapter under subchapter X or section 489.1207 . 11 Sec. 85. Section 489.102, subsection 16, paragraph a, Code 12 2025, is amended to read as follows: 13 a. The person has become a member of a limited liability 14 company under section 489.401 or was a member in a limited 15 liability company when the company became subject to this 16 chapter under section 489.110 489.1207 . 17 Sec. 86. Section 489.103, subsection 4, paragraph b, 18 subparagraph (3), Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 19 (3) The limited liability company’s participation in a 20 merger, interest exchange, conversion, or domestication, 21 ninety days after the statement of merger, interest exchange, 22 conversion, or domestication under subchapter X become becomes 23 effective. 24 Sec. 87. Section 509A.1, Code 2025, is amended to read as 25 follows: 26 509A.1 Authority of governing body —— definitions . 27 1. The governing body of the state, school district, or 28 any institution supported in whole or in part by public funds 29 may establish plans for and procure group insurance, health 30 or medical service, or health flexible spending accounts as 31 described in section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 32 1986 for the employees of the state, school district, or 33 tax-supported institution. 34 2. For purposes of this chapter: 35 -30- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 30/ 42
S.F. 396 a. “Governing body” means the director of the department 1 of administrative services, the school boards of school 2 districts, and the superintendent or other person in charge of 3 an institution supported in whole or in part by public funds. 4 b. “Public body” means the state, a school district, or an 5 institution supported in whole or in part by public funds. 6 Sec. 88. Section 514C.12A, subsection 1, Code 2025, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 1. Notwithstanding section 514C.6 , a person who provides 9 an individual or group policy of accident or health insurance 10 or individual or group hospital or health care service 11 contract issued pursuant to chapter 509 , 509A , 514 , or 514A 12 or an individual or group health maintenance organization 13 contract issued and regulated under chapter 514B , which is 14 delivered, amended, or renewed on or after July 1, 1996 2023 , 15 and which provides maternity benefits, which are not limited 16 to complications of pregnancy, or newborn care benefits, shall 17 provide coverage for maternity services rendered by a midwife 18 licensed pursuant to chapter 148I , regardless of the site of 19 services, in accordance with guidelines adopted by rule by the 20 commissioner. 21 Sec. 89. Section 514I.10, subsection 2, Code 2025, is 22 amended to read as follows: 23 2. Cost sharing for eligible children whose family income 24 equals or exceeds one hundred fifty percent but does not exceed 25 two hundred percent of the federal poverty level may include a 26 premium or copayment amount which does not exceed five percent 27 of the annual family income. The amount of any premium or the 28 copayment amount shall be based on family income and size. 29 Sec. 90. Section 515.12, subsection 5, paragraph b, Code 30 2025, is amended to read as follows: 31 b. However, the surplus requirements do not apply to a 32 company which establishes and maintains a guaranty fund capital 33 as provided by section 515.20 . 34 Sec. 91. Section 527.3, subsection 4, Code 2025, is amended 35 -31- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 31/ 42
S.F. 396 to read as follows: 1 4. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed 2 to prohibit or to authorize the administrator to prohibit an 3 operator of a multiple use terminal, other than a financial 4 institution, or an operator of any other device or facility 5 with which such terminal is interconnected, other than a 6 central routing unit or data processing center (as defined in 7 section 527.2 ) from using those facilities to perform internal 8 proprietary functions, including the extension of credit 9 pursuant to an open-end credit arrangement. 10 Sec. 92. Section 537.2510, subsection 10, Code 2025, is 11 amended to read as follows: 12 10. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to 13 the contrary or an agreement between a motor vehicle dealer 14 licensed pursuant to section 322.4 under chapter 322 and the 15 consumer, if the creditor is a financial institution as defined 16 in the Iowa consumer credit code, chapter 537 , or the federal 17 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, 15 U.S.C. §6801 et seq., who 18 has purchased a retail installment contract as defined in 19 section 322.2, subsection 23 , with voluntary debt cancellation 20 coverage, the only obligation of the creditor upon prepayment 21 in full shall be to notify the motor vehicle dealer within 22 thirty days of the prepayment. The motor vehicle dealer shall 23 promptly determine whether the consumer is eligible for a 24 refund of any voluntary debt cancellation coverage and shall 25 issue any refund required directly to the consumer within sixty 26 days of the dealer’s receipt of notice of the prepayment from 27 the creditor. 28 Sec. 93. Section 543B.62, subsection 4, paragraphs a and b, 29 Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 30 a. A licensee providing brokerage services to a client shall 31 not be in possession of the client’s real estate. A licensee 32 may enter upon the premises of a client’s real estate to 33 fulfill the licensee’s obligations pursuant to section 543B.3 , 34 section or 543B.6, or pursuant to a written agreement between 35 -32- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 32/ 42
S.F. 396 the licensee and the client. 1 b. A licensee has no duty of care with regard to a client’s 2 real estate or with regard to a person entering, viewing, or 3 traversing upon the premises of a client’s real estate other 4 than to fulfill the licensee’s obligations pursuant to section 5 543B.3 , section or 543B.6, or pursuant to a written agreement 6 between the licensee and the client. 7 Sec. 94. Section 549.3, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 8 to read as follows: 9 1. A performing rights society shall not enter onto 10 the business premises of a proprietor for the purpose of 11 discussing a contract for the payment of royalties for the 12 public performance of copyrighted musical works by the 13 proprietor unless the performing rights society first uses 14 its best efforts to make an appointment to meet with the 15 proprietor at the business premises during normal business 16 hours, or if the proprietor or the proprietor’s agent agree 17 agrees , at a location other than the business premises or 18 at the business premises when the business premises are not 19 open to the public. Upon entering onto the business premises 20 for the purpose of discussing a contract for the payment of 21 royalties for the public performance of copyrighted musical 22 works by the proprietor, the performing rights society shall 23 clearly identify itself to the proprietor and describe to the 24 proprietor the purpose for entering onto the business premises. 25 Sec. 95. Section 592.9, Code 2025, is amended to read as 26 follows: 27 592.9 City utilities and utility boards. 28 All proceedings taken prior to July 1, 2023, purporting 29 to provide for the establishment, organization, formation, 30 operation, or maintenance of a city utility or utility 31 board and not previously declared invalid by any court, are 32 legalized, validated , and confirmed. All such proceedings are 33 declared to be legally sufficient to create, establish , and 34 authorize the maintenance and operation of a city utility, as 35 -33- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 33/ 42
S.F. 396 defined in section 362.2, subsection 6 . 1 Sec. 96. Section 613.20, subsection 1, Code 2025, is amended 2 to read as follows: 3 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 , in an action to 4 recover damages arising out of the operation or use of a 5 motor vehicle, a person shall not recover noneconomic losses 6 including , but not limited to , pain and suffering if the 7 injured person was the operator of a motor vehicle, a passenger 8 in a motor vehicle, or a pedestrian and the person’s injuries 9 were proximately caused by the person’s commission of any 10 felony, or immediate flight therefrom, and the injured person 11 was duly convicted of that felony. 12 Sec. 97. Section 625A.3, Code 2025, is amended to read as 13 follows: 14 625A.3 Time for appealing in re constitutional test. 15 If the action challenges the legality, validity , or 16 constitutionality of a proposed constitutional amendment, 17 notice of appeal may be taken within three days from and after 18 the entry of the decree in district court, and not afterwards. 19 Sec. 98. Section 625A.6, Code 2025, is amended to read as 20 follows: 21 625A.6 Filing in re action to test constitutionality. 22 If the action challenges the legality, validity , or 23 constitutionality of a proposed constitutional amendment, an 24 abstract of record shall be filed within five days after the 25 service of notice of appeal, unless additional time, not to 26 exceed three days, be granted by the chief justice. 27 Sec. 99. Section 708.1, subsection 2, paragraph d, 28 subparagraph (1), subparagraph division (b), unnumbered 29 paragraph 1, Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 30 For purposes of this subparagraph (1) paragraph “d” : 31 Sec. 100. Section 714.19, unnumbered paragraph 1, Code 32 2025, is amended to read as follows: 33 The provisions of sections 714.17 , and 714.18 , this 34 section, and sections 714.20 , and 714.21 shall not apply to the 35 -34- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 34/ 42
S.F. 396 following: 1 Sec. 101. Section 717C.1, subsection 1, paragraph b, 2 subparagraph (6), Code 2025, is amended to read as follows: 3 (6) Knowingly permits permitting conduct described in 4 subparagraph (1), (2), or (3) to occur in any premises under 5 the person’s ownership or control. 6 Sec. 102. Section 904.301B, subsection 5, Code 2025, is 7 amended to read as follows: 8 5. Act as secretary to the district advisory board, prepare 9 its agenda , and record its proceedings. The district shall 10 provide a copy of minutes from each meeting of the district 11 advisory board to the legislative services agency. 12 Sec. 103. Section 915.37, subsection 1, paragraphs b and c, 13 Code 2025, are amended to read as follows: 14 b. For purposes of this subsection , “child” : 15 (1) “Child” means a person under eighteen years of age. 16 (2) “Mental disability” means one or more intellectual, 17 developmental, or psychiatric disabilities that result in 18 significant impairment to a person’s ability to comprehend, 19 communicate, or learn. 20 c. For purposes of this subsection , “mental disability” 21 means one or more intellectual, developmental, or psychiatric 22 disabilities that result in significant impairment to a 23 person’s ability to comprehend, communicate, or learn. 24 Sec. 104. REPEAL. Section 509A.11, Code 2025, is repealed. 25 Sec. 105. CODE EDITOR DIRECTIVE. The Code editor is 26 directed to change all references to the “federal Food, Drug, 27 and Cosmetic Act” or the “Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act” to the 28 “Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act”, in but not limited to 29 sections 124.204, 124.208, 126.2, 155A.13A, 155A.13C, 189A.2, 30 189A.12, 198.7, 198.10, 204.14A, 453A.1, and 514C.26. 31 EXPLANATION 32 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 33 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 34 This bill relates to statutory corrections which may 35 -35- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 35/ 42
S.F. 396 adjust language to reflect current practices, insert earlier 1 omissions, delete redundancies and inaccuracies, resolve 2 inconsistencies and conflicts, or remove ambiguities. The Code 3 sections amended include the following: 4 Section 8.76: Changes a reference from “chapter” to 5 “subchapter” to reflect the 2024 transfer of Code sections in 6 Code chapter 8B to Code chapter 8, subchapter XI. 7 Section 8.85: Corrects a Code citation to the meaning of 8 “cloud computing solutions”. 9 Sections 8E.208 and 8E.209: Changes uses of the word “their” 10 to “the agency’s” to clarify the identified party. 11 Section 10A.506: Modifies language regarding posting 12 certain publications to a board’s internet site to align with 13 similar language that is referenced in the provision. 14 Section 10A.511: Corrects grammar relating to duties of the 15 director of inspections, appeals, and licensing. 16 Section 15.412: Revises language relating to the innovation 17 and commercialization development fund to correct grammar and 18 enhance readability. 19 Section 25.8: Revises language relating to claims against 20 the state to enhance readability. 21 Sections 28E.7 and 28E.9: Revises language relating 22 to public agency obligations and agreements to enhance 23 readability. 24 Section 68B.2: Changes references from “the board” to “such 25 board” in provisions relating to employees of an agricultural 26 commodity promotional board to eliminate confusion with the 27 defined term “board” in Code chapter 68B. 28 Sections 68B.22A and 68B.35: Eliminates full references to 29 the “Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board” because “board” 30 is defined in Code chapter 68B to mean the Iowa ethics and 31 campaign disclosure board. 32 Section 84A.21: Revises language relating to the Iowa 33 student internship fund to correct grammar and enhance 34 readability. 35 -36- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 36/ 42
S.F. 396 Section 96.7: Revises a provision relating to unemployment 1 compensation to enhance readability and amends an internal 2 reference to the Code subunit. 3 Section 99G.11: Adds commas to enhance readability of 4 sentence clauses within lists. 5 Section 123.30: Corrects two references to a special class 6 “C” retail native wine license that omitted the word “wine”. 7 Section 123.44: Revises language to enhance readability of 8 a list of individuals within the department of revenue. 9 Section 135.22B: Clarifies references to “council” to mean 10 the council on health and human services, following elimination 11 of the advisory council on brain injuries in 2024 Iowa Acts, 12 chapter 1170. 13 Section 135B.1: Adds serial commas to several portions of 14 the definition of “hospital”. 15 Section 135B.14: Eliminates an unnecessary portion of a 16 reference to the Iowa administrative procedure Act. 17 Section 135B.16: Revises a provision relating to licensure 18 and regulation of hospitals to correct grammar. 19 Section 144.5: Modifies a reference to “registrars” to 20 clarify that the reference is to “county registrars”. 21 Section 144.20: Changes a reference from “adoption services 22 provider” to “adoption service provider” to align with the 23 proper term used in the Code. 24 Section 147.80: Adjusts commas in a provision relating to 25 licensure of health-related professions to enhance readability. 26 Sections 147.87 and 147.88: Eliminates unnecessary portions 27 of references to the department of inspections, appeals, and 28 licensing. 29 Sections 154E.3 and 154E.3A: Eliminates outdated clauses 30 specifying applicability relating to licensure for interpreting 31 or transliterating services. 32 Section 155A.18: Relocates language in subsection 2, 33 paragraph “e”, that relates to the assessment and payment of 34 penalties because the language did not accurately fit within 35 -37- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 37/ 42
S.F. 396 the scope of the list actions under subsection 2. 1 Section 186.4: Amends a reference to “secretary” to specify 2 that the reference is to the secretary of the Iowa state 3 horticulture society and not the secretary of agriculture. 4 Section 204.14E: Amends language by eliminating the use of 5 “their” and inserting “the person’s” when describing a person’s 6 employment with a registrant under that Code chapter. 7 Section 216.3: Modifies the phrase “salary range 8 established by the general assembly” to include a specific Code 9 section reference based on changes to salaries of appointed 10 state officers in 2024 Iowa Acts, chapter 1182, including the 11 director of the Iowa office of civil rights. 12 Section 216.8B: Amends language in a provision relating to 13 assistance animals and service animals to enhance readability. 14 Section 216.8C: Adds “via” in subsection 1, paragraph “d”, 15 preceding “telehealth” to conform with similar instances of 16 that terminology. Changes references in subsections 4 and 17 5 from “commission” to “agency” to reflect changes to the 18 Iowa office of civil rights in 2024 Iowa Acts, chapter 1170, 19 that were not codified in Code 2025 due to harmonization of 20 conflicting enactments. 21 Section 216.15: Modifies comma placement in several 22 provisions to enhance readability. 23 Section 217.30: Modifies a possessive reference to the 24 department of health and human services’ duties to correct 25 grammar. 26 Sections 231.14, 231.23, and 231.33: Modifies references in 27 several provisions to align with the defined terms “greatest 28 economic need” and “greatest social need”. 29 Sections 232.3A, 232.10, 232.44, 232.49, and 252D.16: 30 Primarily modifies the use and placement of commas to enhance 31 readability. 32 Section 256.11: Changes the term “financial literacy” to 33 “finance literacy” to align with similar uses of the term. 34 Section 262.9: Amends provisions specifying duties of the 35 -38- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 38/ 42
S.F. 396 board of regents to improve grammar, update obsolete language, 1 and enhance readability. 2 Section 277.31: Modifies possessive reference to a school 3 officer’s duties to correct grammar. 4 Section 321.37: Replaces a reference to “hereunder” 5 in subsection 1 with “under this chapter” to provide 6 specificity to the reference and amends subsection 2 to enhance 7 readability. 8 Sections 327D.16 and 327D.17: Replaces references to 9 “herein” and “hereof” with language specifying “this chapter” 10 and eliminates an unnecessary use of “thereof”. 11 Section 357A.6: Replaces instances of “its” with “the 12 district’s” in a provision governing rural water districts. 13 Section 358C.12: Adds a comma to enhance readability of a 14 provision governing real estate improvement districts. 15 Section 358C.20: Strikes “the” and inserts the indefinite 16 article “a” in a provision relating to the effective date of 17 a merger relating to annexing property within a real estate 18 improvement district. 19 Sections 362.1 and 362.9: Adds a comma to lists of Code 20 chapters specified as comprising the “City Code of Iowa” and 21 identifying the City Code of Iowa’s applicability. 22 Section 364.2: Replaces an incorrect reference to 23 “subsection” with “paragraph” and inserts the correct date for 24 a reference to an “effective date”. 25 Sections 403.6, 403.12, 403.13, and 403.14: Replaces 26 semicolons with periods at the end of certain paragraphs to 27 conform with preferred Code style and makes other changes to 28 enhance readability. 29 Section 411.6: Replaces “their” with “member’s” in a 30 provision governing the retirement system for police officers 31 and fire fighters. 32 Sections 414.22 and 414.27: Specifies that the definitions 33 provided in each Code section are for the purposes of that Code 34 section. 35 -39- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 39/ 42
S.F. 396 Section 455B.133: Adds a comma to correct punctuation in a 1 provision relating to duties of the environmental protection 2 commission. 3 Section 455B.266: Adds serial commas to two lists of crops 4 to clarify the crops identified. 5 Section 476.9: Adds serial commas in two provisions 6 identifying items to be kept by a public utility. 7 Section 477C.2: Strikes a definition of “commission”, 8 meaning the commission of deaf services, due to the 9 applicability of a different similar definition. 10 Sections 477C.3 and 477C.4: Provides full references to 11 the “commission on deaf services” to avoid confusion with 12 references to the “utilities commission” in the same Code 13 sections. 14 Section 478.4: Replaces several instances of “it” with 15 proper identification of “the petition”, “the commission”, or 16 “the franchise proceeding”, as applicable. 17 Sections 479.46 and 479B.30: Establishes a definition of 18 “commissioner” to mean a member of a compensation commission 19 established under the Code section to avoid ambiguity with 20 members of the Iowa utilities commission. 21 Section 481A.6: Eliminates a semicolon in a provision 22 relating to the natural resource commission and separates the 23 provision into several sentences to enhance readability. 24 Sections 481A.31 and 481A.34: Amends provisions to conform 25 to preferred Code style and enhance readability. 26 Sections 489.102 and 489.103: Adjusts punctuation to 27 enhance readability, corrects an incorrect cross reference, and 28 corrects grammar. 29 Sections 509A.1 and 509A.11: Moves definitions contained in 30 Code section 509A.11 to the beginning of the Code chapter. 31 Section 514C.12A: Corrects a date reference of “July 1, 32 1996” to “July 1, 2023” to align with the effective date of the 33 Code section in 2023 Iowa Acts, chapter 127. 34 Section 514I.10: Adjusts language from “equals” to “equals 35 -40- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 40/ 42
S.F. 396 or exceeds” to clarify income ranges for certain eligibility. 1 Section 515.12: Revises an applicability provision to 2 correctly describe a mutual insurance company’s authority to 3 maintain guaranty capital under Code section 515.20. 4 Section 527.3: Strikes an unnecessary reference to the 5 location where the terms “central routing unit” and “data 6 processing center” are defined. 7 Section 537.2510: Revises a cross reference to the Code 8 chapter under which motor vehicle dealers are licensed to align 9 with similar references throughout the Code. 10 Section 543B.62: Revises two cross references that include 11 multiple Code sections to conform to the preferred style of 12 such references. 13 Section 549.3: Replaces “agree” with “agrees” to correct 14 grammar. 15 Sections 592.9, 613.20, 625A.3, and 625A.6: Adjusts use of 16 commas in lists and other provisions to enhance readability. 17 Section 708.1: Changes an internal reference from 18 subparagraph (1) to paragraph “d” to align the applicable 19 definitions with their scope of use in the Code section. 20 Section 714.19: Strikes an internal reference to the same 21 Code section that was inadvertently included following a change 22 in the 2018 substantive Code editor’s bill. 23 Section 717C.1: Strikes “permits” and inserts “permitting” 24 to correct grammar and conform language within a list of 25 criminal acts. 26 Section 904.301B: Adds serial comma to a list in a Code 27 section governing the duties of a director of a judicial 28 district department of correctional services. 29 Section 915.37: Combines applicable definitions into a list 30 within a single paragraph. 31 The bill directs the Code editor to change all references to 32 the “federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act” or the “Food, Drug, 33 and Cosmetic Act” to the “Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic 34 Act”, in but not limited to Code sections 124.204, 124.208, 35 -41- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 41/ 42
S.F. 396 126.2, 155A.13A, 155A.13C, 189A.2, 189A.12, 198.7, 198.10, 1 204.14A, 453A.1, and 514C.26. 2 -42- LSB 1631SV (1) 91 md/ns 42/ 42