Bill Text: IA SF418 | 2017-2018 | 87th General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to consumer credit transactions establishing and increasing specified charges and penalties. (Formerly SSB 1118; See SF 502.)
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2017-04-04 - Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage. [SF418 Detail]
Download: Iowa-2017-SF418-Introduced.html
Senate File 418 - Introduced SENATE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE (SUCCESSOR TO SSB 1118) (COMPANION TO LSB 2322HV) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to consumer credit transactions establishing 2 and increasing specified charges and penalties. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: TLSB 2322SV (3) 87 gh/rn/rj PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 537.2301, Code 2017, is amended by adding 1 2 the following new subsection: 1 3 NEW SUBSECTION. 2A. A supervised loan made by a person in 1 4 violation of subsection 2 shall be void and the consumer is 1 5 not obligated to pay either the amount financed or the finance 1 6 charge. If the consumer has paid any part of the amount 1 7 financed or the finance charge, the consumer has a right to 1 8 recover the payment from the person in violation of subsection 1 9 2 or from an assignee of that person's rights who undertakes 1 10 direct collection of payments or enforcement of rights arising 1 11 from the debt. With respect to violations arising from 1 12 loans made pursuant to open=end credit, no action pursuant 1 13 to this subsection may be brought more than two years after 1 14 the violation occurred. With respect to violations arising 1 15 from other loans, no action pursuant to this subsection may 1 16 be brought more than one year after the due date of the last 1 17 scheduled payment of the agreement pursuant to which the charge 1 18 was paid. 1 19 Sec. 2. Section 537.2501, subsection 1, paragraph f, 1 20 subparagraph (1), Code 2017, is amended to read as follows: 1 21 (1) With respect to open=end credit pursuant to a credit 1 22 card issued by the creditor which entitles the cardholder 1 23 to purchase or lease goods or services from at least one 1 24 hundred persons not related to the card issuer, the parties 1 25 may contract for an over=limit charge up tofifteenthirty 1 26 dollars if the balance of the account exceeds the credit 1 27 limit established pursuant to the agreement. The over=limit 1 28 charge under this paragraph shall not be assessed again in a 1 29 subsequent billing cycle unless in a subsequent billing cycle 1 30 the account balance has been reduced below the credit limit. 1 31 Sec. 3. Section 537.2501, subsection 1, paragraph g, Code 1 32 2017, is amended to read as follows: 1 33 g. A surchargeof not more than five percent of the amount 1 34 of the face value of the payment instrument or twenty dollars, 1 35 whichever is greater, for each dishonored payment instrument 2 1 provided that the fee is clearly and conspicuously disclosed 2 2 in the cardholder agreement. However, the amount of the 2 3 surcharge shall not exceed twenty dollars unless the check, 2 4 draft, or order was presented twice or the maker does not have 2 5 an account with the drawee. If the check, draft, or order was 2 6 presented twice or the maker does not have an account with the 2 7 drawee, the amount of the surcharge shall not exceed fifty 2 8 dollarsas provided for in section 554.3512 for a dishonored 2 9 check, draft, or order that was accepted as payment for a 2 10 consumer credit transaction payment. The surcharge shall not 2 11 be assessed against the maker if the reason for the dishonor of 2 12 the instrument is that the maker has stopped payment pursuant 2 13 to section 554.4403. 2 14 Sec. 4. Section 537.2501, subsection 1, Code 2017, is 2 15 amended by adding the following new paragraph: 2 16 NEW PARAGRAPH. k. Credit reporting charges. 2 17 Sec. 5. Section 537.2502, subsection 1, paragraph a, 2 18 subparagraph (1), Code 2017, is amended to read as follows: 2 19 (1) Five percent of the unpaid amount of the installment, or 2 20 a maximum oftwentythirty dollars. 2 21 Sec. 6. Section 537.2502, subsection 1, paragraph b, Code 2 22 2017, is amended to read as follows: 2 23 b. For an interest=bearing transaction, an amount not 2 24 exceeding five percent of the unpaid amount of the installment, 2 25 or a maximum offifteenthirty dollars. 2 26 Sec. 7. Section 537.2502, subsection 4, Code 2017, is 2 27 amended to read as follows: 2 28 4. With respect to open=end credit, the parties may contract 2 29 for a delinquency charge on any payment not paid in full when 2 30 due, as originally scheduled or as deferred, in an amount up to 2 31fifteenthirty dollars. 2 32 Sec. 8. Section 537.2510, Code 2017, is amended by adding 2 33 the following new subsection: 2 34 NEW SUBSECTION. 8. This section does not apply to a 2 35 financial institution as defined in section 537.1301. 3 1 Sec. 9. Section 537.5201, subsection 3, Code 2017, is 3 2 amended to read as follows: 3 3 3. If a creditor has contracted for or received a charge 3 4 in excess of that allowed by this chapter, or if a consumer 3 5 is entitled to a refund and a person liable to the consumer 3 6 refuses to make a refund within a reasonable time after demand, 3 7 the consumer may recover from the creditor or the person 3 8 liable, in an action other than a class action, the excess 3 9 charge or refund and a penalty in an amount determined by the 3 10 court not less thanonetwo hundred dollars or more thanone 3 11two thousand dollars. With respect to excess charges arising 3 12 from sales or loans made pursuant to open=end credit, no action 3 13 pursuant to this subsection may be brought more than two years 3 14 after the time the excess charge was made. With respect to 3 15 excess charges arising from other consumer credit transactions 3 16 no action pursuant to this subsection may be brought more than 3 17 one year after the due date of the last scheduled payment of 3 18 the agreement pursuant to which the charge was made. For 3 19 purposes of this subsection, a reasonable time is presumed to 3 20 be thirty days. 3 21 Sec. 10. Section 537.5203, subsection 1, paragraph a, Code 3 22 2017, is amended to read as follows: 3 23 a. Twice the amount of the finance charge in connection with 3 24 the transaction, but the liability pursuant to this paragraph 3 25 shall be not less thanonetwo hundred dollars or more thanone 3 26two thousand dollars. 3 27 Sec. 11. Section 537.6113, subsection 2, Code 2017, is 3 28 amended to read as follows: 3 29 2. The administrator may bring a civil action against a 3 30 person to recover a civil penalty of no more thanfiveten 3 31 thousand dollars for repeatedly and intentionally violating 3 32 this chapter. No civil penalty pursuant to this subsection 3 33 may be imposed for violations of this chapter occurring more 3 34 than two years before the action is brought or for making 3 35 unconscionable agreements or engaging in a course of fraudulent 4 1 or unconscionable conduct. 4 2 Sec. 12. Section 537.6203, subsections 1 and 4, Code 2017, 4 3 are amended to read as follows: 4 4 1. A person required to file notification shall pay to the 4 5 administrator an annual fee oftenfifty dollars. The fee 4 6 shall be paid with the filing of the first notification and on 4 7 or before January 31 of each succeeding year. 4 8 4. In addition to the penalties provided by section 4 9 537.6113, subsection 3, the administrator may collect a charge, 4 10 established by rule, not exceedingtwenty=fiveseventy=five 4 11 dollars from each person required to pay fees under this 4 12 section who fails to pay the fees in full within thirty days 4 13 after they are due. 4 14 EXPLANATION 4 15 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 4 16 the explanation's substance by the members of the general assembly. 4 17 This bill establishes and increases specified charges and 4 18 penalties relating to consumer credit transactions. 4 19 Current Code section 537.2301 authorizes certain persons to 4 20 make supervised loans. The bill provides that a supervised 4 21 loan made by a person in violation of Code section 537.2301(2) 4 22 is void and the consumer is not obligated to pay the amount 4 23 financed or the finance charge. A consumer who has already 4 24 paid any part of such amount or charge may recover the payment. 4 25 With respect to violations arising from loans made pursuant 4 26 to open=end credit, no action may be brought pursuant to the 4 27 bill more than two years after the violation occurred. With 4 28 respect to violations arising from other loans, no action may 4 29 be brought pursuant to the bill more than one year after the 4 30 due date of the last scheduled payment of the agreement for 4 31 which the charge was paid. 4 32 Current Code section 537.2501 sets forth the charges that 4 33 a creditor may receive in addition to a finance charge. The 4 34 bill increases the over=limit charge the parties to an open=end 4 35 credit pursuant to a credit card transaction may contract 5 1 for from up to $15 to a maximum of $30. The bill modifies 5 2 the surcharge in Code section 537.2501(1)(g) to authorize a 5 3 surcharge for a dishonored check, draft, or order not to exceed 5 4 $30 as provided for in Code section 554.3512. The bill also 5 5 provides that a creditor may receive credit reporting charges. 5 6 Current Code section 537.2502 allows the parties in certain 5 7 consumer credit transactions to contract for delinquency 5 8 charges. For a precomputed consumer credit transaction, the 5 9 maximum delinquency charge is increased from the greater of 5 5 10 percent of the unpaid installment or $20, to the greater of 5 11 5 percent of the unpaid installment or $30, or the deferral 5 12 charge amount. For an interest=bearing consumer credit 5 13 transaction, the maximum delinquency charge is increased from 5 5 14 percent of the unpaid installment or $15, to 5 percent of the 5 15 unpaid installment or $30. For an open=credit arrangement, the 5 16 maximum delinquency charge is increased from $15 to $30. 5 17 Current Code section 537.2510 requires creditors to rebate 5 18 certain amounts to consumers upon the prepayment of precomputed 5 19 consumer credit transactions. The bill provides that Code 5 20 section 537.2510 does not apply to financial institutions as 5 21 defined in Code section 537.1301. This would include banks, 5 22 savings and loan associations, or state banks incorporated 5 23 under state or federal law, and credit unions organized under 5 24 state or federal law. 5 25 Current Code section 537.5201 sets forth the remedies 5 26 available to consumers for violations of Code chapter 537. The 5 27 bill increases the penalty a creditor must pay for contracting 5 28 for or receiving a charge in excess of that allowed by Code 5 29 chapter 537 from not less than $100 or more than $1,000, to not 5 30 less than $200 or more than $2,000. 5 31 Current Code section 537.5203 sets forth the civil liability 5 32 of a creditor who fails to disclose information to a person 5 33 entitled to the information under Code chapter 537. The bill 5 34 increases the amount a creditor is liable to such person from 5 35 not less than $100 or more than $1,000 to not less than $200 or 6 1 more than $2,000. 6 2 Current Code section 537.6113 allows the attorney general to 6 3 bring civil actions to recover moneys under Code chapter 537. 6 4 The bill increases the civil penalty the attorney general may 6 5 recover from a person for repeated and intentional violations 6 6 of Code chapter 537 from no more than $5,000 to no more than 6 7 $10,000. 6 8 Current Code section 537.6203 sets forth various fees and 6 9 charges for persons required to file notification pursuant to 6 10 Code chapter 537. The bill increases the annual fee for a 6 11 person required to file notification from $10 to $50. The bill 6 12 also increases the late charge for failure to pay a fee within 6 13 30 days that it is due from no more than $25 per person to no 6 14 more than $75 per person. LSB 2322SV (3) 87 gh/rn/rj