Bill Text: IA SF450 | 2015-2016 | 86th General Assembly | Amended
Bill Title: A bill for an act relating to human trafficking and including a penalty provision. (Formerly SF 312.)
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2015-03-25 - Subcommittee, Rizer, Anderson, and Heartsill. H.J. 706. [SF450 Detail]
Download: Iowa-2015-SF450-Amended.html
Senate File 450 - Reprinted SENATE FILE BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (SUCCESSOR TO SF 312) (As Amended and Passed by the Senate March 17, 2015) A BILL FOR 1 An Act relating to human trafficking and including a penalty 2 provision. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: SF 450 (4) 86 jh/rj/bs PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 80B.11, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code 1 2 2015, is amended by adding the following new subparagraph: 1 3 NEW SUBPARAGRAPH. (4) In=service training under this 1 4 paragraph "c" shall include the requirement that all law 1 5 enforcement officers complete four hours of in=service training 1 6 every five years related to domestic assault, sexual assault, 1 7 human trafficking, stalking, and harassment. Such in=service 1 8 training shall be approved by the academy in consultation 1 9 with the Iowa coalition against sexual assault and the Iowa 1 10 coalition against domestic violence. 1 11 Sec. 2. NEW SECTION. 692.23 Human trafficking information. 1 12 The division of criminal and juvenile justice planning 1 13 of the department of human rights shall collect and maintain 1 14 criminal history data on incidents related to human trafficking 1 15 in this state, and shall submit an annual report to the general 1 16 assembly concerning the collected data. For purposes of this 1 17 section, "incidents related to human trafficking" means criminal 1 18 violations of section 710.5, 710.11, or 710A.2, section 725.1, 1 19 subsection 2, or section 725.2 or 725.3, or violations of 1 20 section 710.2, 710.3, or 710.4 if the victim was forced to 1 21 provide labor or services or participate in commercial sexual 1 22 activity. 1 23 Sec. 3. Section 702.11, subsection 1, Code 2015, is amended 1 24 to read as follows: 1 25 1. A "forcible felony" is any felonious child endangerment, 1 26 assault, murder, sexual abuse, kidnapping, robbery, arson in 1 27 the first degree,orburglary in the first degree, or human 1 28 trafficking. 1 29 Sec. 4. NEW SECTION. 710A.6 Outreach, public awareness, and 1 30 training programs. 1 31 The crime victim assistance division of the department of 1 32 justice, in cooperation with other governmental agencies and 1 33 nongovernmental or community organizations, shall develop and 1 34 conduct outreach, public awareness, and training programs for 1 35 the general public, law enforcement agencies, first responders, 2 1 potential victims, and persons conducting or regularly dealing 2 2 with businesses or other ventures that have a high statistical 2 3 incidence of debt bondage or forced labor or services. The 2 4 programs shall train participants to recognize and report 2 5 incidents of human trafficking and to suppress the demand that 2 6 fosters exploitation of persons and leads to human trafficking. 2 7 Sec. 5. Section 915.94, Code 2015, is amended to read as 2 8 follows: 2 9 915.94 Victim compensation fund. 2 10 A victim compensation fund is established as a separate 2 11 fund in the state treasury. Moneys deposited in the fund 2 12 shall be administered by the department and dedicated to and 2 13 used for the purposes of section 915.41 and this subchapter. 2 14 In addition, the department may use moneys from the fund 2 15 for the purpose of the department's prosecutor=based victim 2 16 service coordination, including the duties defined in sections 2 17 910.3 and 910.6 and this chapter, and for the award of funds 2 18 to programs that provide services and support to victims of 2 19 domestic abuse or sexual assault as provided in chapter 236, 2 20 to victims under section 710A.2, and for the support of an 2 21 automated victim notification system established in section 2 22 915.10A.TheFor each fiscal year, the department may also 2 23 use up toonethree hundred thousand dollars from the fund 2 24 to provide training for victim service providers, to provide 2 25 training for related professionals concerning victim service 2 26 programming, and to provide training concerning homicide, 2 27 domestic assault, sexual assault, stalking, harassment, 2 28 and human trafficking as required by section 710A.6. 2 29 Notwithstanding section 8.33, any balance in the fund on June 2 30 30 of any fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of 2 31 the state. SF 450 (4) 86 /bs