Bill Amendment: IL HB1004 | 2015-2016 | 99th General Assembly

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List

Status: 2015-07-16 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 99-0054 [HB1004 Detail]

Download: Illinois-2015-HB1004-House_Amendment_003.html

Rep. La Shawn K. Ford

Filed: 4/20/2015

09900HB1004ham003LRB099 04835 JLK 34415 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1004, AS AMENDED, by
3replacing everything after the enacting clause with the
5 "Section 5. The State Finance Act is amended by changing
6Section 5.666 as follows:
7 (30 ILCS 105/5.666)
8 (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2016)
9 Sec. 5.666. The African-American HIV/AIDS Response Fund.
10This Section is repealed on July 1, 2026 2016.
11(Source: P.A. 94-797, eff. 1-1-07; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
12 Section 10. The African-American HIV/AIDS Response Act is
13amended by changing Section 27 as follows:
14 (410 ILCS 303/27)

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1 (Section scheduled to be repealed on July 1, 2016)
2 Sec. 27. African-American HIV/AIDS Response Fund.
3 (a) The African-American HIV/AIDS Response Fund is created
4as a special fund in the State treasury. Moneys deposited into
5the Fund shall, subject to appropriation, be used for grants
6for programs to prevent the transmission of HIV and other
7programs and activities consistent with the purposes of this
8Act, including, but not limited to, preventing and treating
9HIV/AIDS, the creation of an HIV/AIDS service delivery system,
10and the administration of the Act. Moneys for the Fund shall
11come from appropriations by the General Assembly, federal
12funds, and other public resources.
13 (b) The Fund shall provide resources for communities in
14Illinois to create an HIV/AIDS service delivery system that
15reduces the disparity of HIV infection and AIDS cases between
16African-Americans and other population groups in Illinois that
17may be impacted by the disease by, including but, not limited
19 (1) developing, implementing, and maintaining a
20 comprehensive, culturally sensitive HIV Prevention Plan
21 targeting communities that are identified as high-risk in
22 terms of the impact of the disease on African-Americans;
23 (2) developing, implementing, and maintaining a stable
24 HIV/AIDS service delivery infrastructure in Illinois
25 communities that will meet the needs of African-Americans;
26 (3) developing, implementing, and maintaining a

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1 statewide HIV/AIDS testing program;
2 (4) providing funding for HIV/AIDS social and
3 scientific research to improve prevention and treatment;
4 (5) providing comprehensive technical and other
5 assistance to African-American community service
6 organizations that are involved in HIV/AIDS prevention and
7 treatment;
8 (6) developing, implementing, and maintaining an
9 infrastructure for African-American community service
10 organizations to make them less dependent on government
11 resources; and
12 (7) creating and maintaining at least 17 one-stop
13 shopping HIV/AIDS facilities across the State.
14 (c) When providing grants pursuant to this Fund, the
15Department of Public Health shall give priority to the
16development of comprehensive medical and social services to
17African-Americans at risk of infection from or infected with
18HIV/AIDS in areas of the State determined to have the greatest
19geographic prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the African-American
21 (d) The Section is repealed on July 1, 2026 2016.
22(Source: P.A. 94-797, eff. 1-1-07.)
23 Section 15. The AIDS Confidentiality Act is amended by
24changing Sections 3, 4, and 9 as follows:

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1 (410 ILCS 305/3) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 7303)
2 Sec. 3. Definitions. When used in this Act:
3 (a) "AIDS" means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
4 (b) "Authority" means the Illinois Health Information
5Exchange Authority established pursuant to the Illinois Health
6Information Exchange and Technology Act.
7 (c) "Business associate" has the meaning ascribed to it
8under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
9 (d) "Covered entity" has the meaning ascribed to it under
10HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
11 (e) "De-identified information" means health information
12that is not individually identifiable as described under HIPAA,
13as specified in 45 CFR 164.514(b).
14 (f) "Department" means the Illinois Department of Public
15Health or its designated agents.
16 (g) "Disclosure" has the meaning ascribed to it under
17HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
18 (h) "Health care operations" has the meaning ascribed to it
19under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 164.501.
20 (i) "Health care professional" means (i) a licensed
21physician, (ii) a physician assistant to whom the physician
22assistant's supervising physician has delegated the provision
23of AIDS and HIV-related health services, (iii) an advanced
24practice registered nurse who has a written collaborative
25agreement with a collaborating physician which authorizes the
26provision of AIDS and HIV-related health services, (iv) an

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1advanced practice nurse or physician assistant who practices in
2a hospital or ambulatory surgical treatment center and
3possesses appropriate clinical privileges, (v) a licensed
4dentist, (vi) (v) a licensed podiatric physician, or (vii) (vi)
5an individual certified to provide HIV testing and counseling
6by a state or local public health department.
7 (j) "Health care provider" has the meaning ascribed to it
8under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
9 (k) "Health facility" means a hospital, nursing home, blood
10bank, blood center, sperm bank, or other health care
11institution, including any "health facility" as that term is
12defined in the Illinois Finance Authority Act.
13 (l) "Health information exchange" or "HIE" means a health
14information exchange or health information organization that
15oversees and governs the electronic exchange of health
16information that (i) is established pursuant to the Illinois
17Health Information Exchange and Technology Act, or any
18subsequent amendments thereto, and any administrative rules
19adopted thereunder; (ii) has established a data sharing
20arrangement with the Authority; or (iii) as of August 16, 2013,
21was designated by the Authority Board as a member of, or was
22represented on, the Authority Board's Regional Health
23Information Exchange Workgroup; provided that such designation
24shall not require the establishment of a data sharing
25arrangement or other participation with the Illinois Health
26Information Exchange or the payment of any fee. In certain

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1circumstances, in accordance with HIPAA, an HIE will be a
2business associate.
3 (m) "Health oversight agency" has the meaning ascribed to
4it under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 164.501.
5 (n) "HIPAA" means the Health Insurance Portability and
6Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, as amended by
7the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
8Health Act of 2009, Public Law 111-05, and any subsequent
9amendments thereto and any regulations promulgated thereunder.
10 (o) "HIV" means the human immunodeficiency virus.
11 (p) "HIV-related information" means the identity of a
12person upon whom an HIV test is performed, the results of an
13HIV test, as well as diagnosis, treatment, and prescription
14information that reveals a patient is HIV-positive, including
15such information contained in a limited data set. "HIV-related
16information" does not include information that has been
17de-identified in accordance with HIPAA.
18 (q) "Informed consent" means:
19 (1) where a health care provider, health care
20 professional, or health facility has implemented opt-in
21 testing, a process by which an individual or their legal
22 representative receives pre-test information, has an
23 opportunity to ask questions, and consents verbally or in
24 writing to the test without undue inducement or any element
25 of force, fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of
26 constraint or coercion; or

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1 (2) where a health care provider, health care
2 professional, or health facility has implemented opt-out
3 testing, the individual or their legal representative has
4 been notified verbally or in writing that the test is
5 planned, has received pre-test information, has been given
6 the opportunity to ask questions and the opportunity to
7 decline testing, and has not declined testing; where such
8 notice is provided, consent for opt-out HIV testing may be
9 incorporated into the patient's general consent for
10 medical care on the same basis as are other screening or
11 diagnostic tests; a separate consent for opt-out HIV
12 testing is not required. a written or verbal agreement by
13 the subject of a test or the subject's legally authorized
14 representative without undue inducement or any element of
15 force, fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of constraint
16 or coercion, which entails at least the following pre-test
17 information:
18 (1) a fair explanation of the test, including its
19 purpose, potential uses, limitations, and the meaning of
20 its results;
21 (2) a fair explanation of the procedures to be
22 followed, including the voluntary nature of the test, the
23 right to withdraw consent to the testing process at any
24 time, the right to anonymity to the extent provided by law
25 with respect to participation in the test and disclosure of
26 test results, and the right to confidential treatment of

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1 information identifying the subject of the test and the
2 results of the test, to the extent provided by law; and
3 In addition, (3) where the person providing informed
4consent is a participant in an HIE, informed consent requires a
5fair explanation that the results of the patient's HIV test
6will be accessible through an HIE and meaningful disclosure of
7the patient's opt-out right under Section 9.6 of this Act.
8 A health care provider, health care professional, or health
9facility undertaking an informed consent process for HIV
10testing under this subsection may combine a form used to obtain
11informed consent for HIV testing with forms used to obtain
12written consent for general medical care or any other medical
13test or procedure, provided that the forms make it clear that
14the subject may consent to general medical care, tests, or
15procedures without being required to consent to HIV testing,
16and clearly explain how the subject may decline HIV testing.
17Health facility clerical staff or other staff responsible for
18the consent form for general medical care may obtain consent
19for HIV testing through a general consent form.
20 Pre-test information may be provided in writing, verbally,
21or by video, electronic, or other means. The subject must be
22offered an opportunity to ask questions about the HIV test and
23decline testing. Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a health
24care provider or health care professional from combining a form
25used to obtain informed consent for HIV testing with forms used
26to obtain written consent for general medical care or any other

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1medical test or procedure provided that the forms make it clear
2that the subject may consent to general medical care, tests, or
3medical procedures without being required to consent to HIV
4testing and clearly explain how the subject may opt out of HIV
6 (r) "Limited data set" has the meaning ascribed to it under
7HIPAA, as described in 45 CFR 164.514(e)(2).
8 (s) "Minimum necessary" means the HIPAA standard for using,
9disclosing, and requesting protected health information found
10in 45 CFR 164.502(b) and 164.514(d).
11 (s-1) "Opt-in testing" means an approach where an HIV test
12is presented by offering the test and the patient accepts or
13declines testing.
14 (s-3) "Opt-out testing" means an approach where an HIV test
15is presented such that a patient is notified that HIV testing
16may occur unless the patient declines.
17 (t) "Organized health care arrangement" has the meaning
18ascribed to it under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
19 (u) "Patient safety activities" has the meaning ascribed to
20it under 42 CFR 3.20.
21 (v) "Payment" has the meaning ascribed to it under HIPAA,
22as specified in 45 CFR 164.501.
23 (w) "Person" includes any natural person, partnership,
24association, joint venture, trust, governmental entity, public
25or private corporation, health facility, or other legal entity.
26 (w-5) "Pre-test information" means:

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1 (1) a reasonable explanation of the test, including its
2 purpose, potential uses, limitations, and the meaning of
3 its results; and
4 (2) a reasonable explanation of the procedures to be
5 followed, including the voluntary nature of the test, the
6 availability of a qualified person to answer questions, the
7 right to withdraw consent to the testing process at any
8 time, the right to anonymity to the extent provided by law
9 with respect to participation in the test and disclosure of
10 test results, and the right to confidential treatment of
11 information identifying the subject of the test and the
12 results of the test, to the extent provided by law.
13 Pre-test information may be provided in writing, verbally,
14or by video, electronic, or other means and may be provided as
15designated by the supervising health care professional or the
16health facility.
17 For the purposes of this definition, a qualified person to
18answer questions is a health care professional or, when acting
19under the supervision of a health care professional, a
20registered nurse, medical assistant, or other person
21determined to be sufficiently knowledgeable about HIV testing,
22its purpose, potential uses, limitations, the meaning of the
23test results, and the testing procedures in the professional
24judgment of a supervising health care professional or as
25designated by a health care facility.
26 (x) "Protected health information" has the meaning

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1ascribed to it under HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 160.103.
2 (y) "Research" has the meaning ascribed to it under HIPAA,
3as specified in 45 CFR 164.501.
4 (z) "State agency" means an instrumentality of the State of
5Illinois and any instrumentality of another state that,
6pursuant to applicable law or a written undertaking with an
7instrumentality of the State of Illinois, is bound to protect
8the privacy of HIV-related information of Illinois persons.
9 (aa) "Test" or "HIV test" means a test to determine the
10presence of the antibody or antigen to HIV, or of HIV
12 (bb) "Treatment" has the meaning ascribed to it under
13HIPAA, as specified in 45 CFR 164.501.
14 (cc) "Use" has the meaning ascribed to it under HIPAA, as
15specified in 45 CFR 160.103, where context dictates.
16(Source: P.A. 98-214, eff. 8-9-13; 98-1046, eff. 1-1-15.)
17 (410 ILCS 305/4) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 7304)
18 Sec. 4. Informed consent. No person may order an HIV test
19without first providing pre-test information, as defined under
20subsection (w-5) of Section 3 of this Act, and receiving the
21documented informed consent of the subject of the test or the
22subject's legally authorized representative in accordance with
23paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (q) of Section 3 of this
25 A health care provider, health care professional, or health

09900HB1004ham003- 12 -LRB099 04835 JLK 34415 a
1care facility conducting opt-in testing and obtaining informed
2consent pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection (q) of Section
33 shall document verbal or written consent in the general
4consent for medical care, a separate consent form, or elsewhere
5in the medical record.
6 A health care provider, health care professional, or health
7care facility conducting opt-out testing pursuant to paragraph
8(2) of subsection (q) of Section 3 shall document the subject's
9or the subject's legally authorized representative's
10declination of the test in the medical record. Individual
11documentation of the provision of pre-test information to each
12test subject is not required. A health care provider, health
13care professional, or health facility conducting opt-out
14testing and shall establish and implement a written procedure
15for conducting opt-out testing pursuant to paragraph (2) of
16subsection (q) of Section 3 and for providing pre-test
17information, as that term is defined under subsection (w-5) of
18Section 3 of this Act. A health care facility or provider may
19offer opt-out HIV testing where the subject or the subject's
20legally authorized representative is informed that the subject
21will be tested for HIV unless he or she refuses. The health
22care facility or provider must document the provision of
23informed consent, including pre-test information, and whether
24the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative
25declined the offer of HIV testing.
26(Source: P.A. 95-7, eff. 6-1-08.)

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1 (410 ILCS 305/9) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 7309)
2 Sec. 9. (1) No person may disclose or be compelled to
3disclose HIV-related information, except to the following
5 (a) The subject of an HIV test or the subject's legally
6 authorized representative. A physician may notify the
7 spouse or civil union partner of the test subject, if the
8 test result is positive and has been confirmed pursuant to
9 rules adopted by the Department, provided that the
10 physician has first sought unsuccessfully to persuade the
11 patient to notify the spouse or civil union partner or
12 that, a reasonable time after the patient has agreed to
13 make the notification, the physician has reason to believe
14 that the patient has not provided the notification. This
15 paragraph shall not create a duty or obligation under which
16 a physician must notify the spouse or civil union partner
17 of the test results, nor shall such duty or obligation be
18 implied. No civil liability or criminal sanction under this
19 Act shall be imposed for any disclosure or non-disclosure
20 of a test result to a spouse or civil union partner by a
21 physician acting in good faith under this paragraph. For
22 the purpose of any proceedings, civil or criminal, the good
23 faith of any physician acting under this paragraph shall be
24 presumed.
25 (b) Any person designated in a legally effective

09900HB1004ham003- 14 -LRB099 04835 JLK 34415 a
1 authorization for release of the HIV-related information
2 executed by the subject of the HIV-related information or
3 the subject's legally authorized representative.
4 (c) An authorized agent or employee of a health
5 facility or health care provider if the health facility or
6 health care provider itself is authorized to obtain the
7 test results, the agent or employee provides patient care
8 or handles or processes specimens of body fluids or
9 tissues, and the agent or employee has a need to know such
10 information.
11 (d) The Department and local health authorities
12 serving a population of over 1,000,000 residents or other
13 local health authorities as designated by the Department,
14 in accordance with rules for reporting, preventing, and
15 controlling the spread of disease and the conduct of public
16 health surveillance, public health investigations, and
17 public health interventions, as otherwise provided by
18 State law. The Department, local health authorities, and
19 authorized representatives shall not disclose HIV test
20 results and HIV-related information, publicly or in any
21 action of any kind in any court or before any tribunal,
22 board, or agency. HIV test results and HIV-related
23 information shall be protected from disclosure in
24 accordance with the provisions of Sections 8-2101 through
25 8-2105 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
26 (e) A health facility, health care provider, or health

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1 care professional which procures, processes, distributes
2 or uses: (i) a human body part from a deceased person with
3 respect to medical information regarding that person; or
4 (ii) semen provided prior to the effective date of this Act
5 for the purpose of artificial insemination.
6 (f) Health facility staff committees for the purposes
7 of conducting program monitoring, program evaluation or
8 service reviews.
9 (f-5) A court in accordance with the provisions of
10 Section 12-5.01 of the Criminal Code of 2012.
11 (g) (Blank).
12 (h) Any health care provider, health care
13 professional, or employee of a health facility, and any
14 firefighter or EMR, EMT, A-EMT, paramedic, PHRN, or EMT-I,
15 involved in an accidental direct skin or mucous membrane
16 contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an individual
17 which is of a nature that may transmit HIV, as determined
18 by a physician in his medical judgment.
19 (i) Any law enforcement officer, as defined in
20 subsection (c) of Section 7, involved in the line of duty
21 in a direct skin or mucous membrane contact with the blood
22 or bodily fluids of an individual which is of a nature that
23 may transmit HIV, as determined by a physician in his
24 medical judgment.
25 (j) A temporary caretaker of a child taken into
26 temporary protective custody by the Department of Children

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1 and Family Services pursuant to Section 5 of the Abused and
2 Neglected Child Reporting Act, as now or hereafter amended.
3 (k) In the case of a minor under 18 years of age whose
4 test result is positive and has been confirmed pursuant to
5 rules adopted by the Department, the health care
6 professional who ordered the test shall make a reasonable
7 effort to notify the minor's parent or legal guardian if,
8 in the professional judgment of the health care
9 professional, notification would be in the best interest of
10 the child and the health care professional has first sought
11 unsuccessfully to persuade the minor to notify the parent
12 or legal guardian or a reasonable time after the minor has
13 agreed to notify the parent or legal guardian, the health
14 care professional has reason to believe that the minor has
15 not made the notification. This subsection shall not create
16 a duty or obligation under which a health care professional
17 must notify the minor's parent or legal guardian of the
18 test results, nor shall a duty or obligation be implied. No
19 civil liability or criminal sanction under this Act shall
20 be imposed for any notification or non-notification of a
21 minor's test result by a health care professional acting in
22 good faith under this subsection. For the purpose of any
23 proceeding, civil or criminal, the good faith of any health
24 care professional acting under this subsection shall be
25 presumed.
26 (2) All information and records held by a State agency,

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1local health authority, or health oversight agency pertaining
2to HIV-related information shall be strictly confidential and
3exempt from copying and inspection under the Freedom of
4Information Act. The information and records shall not be
5released or made public by the State agency, local health
6authority, or health oversight agency, shall not be admissible
7as evidence nor discoverable in any action of any kind in any
8court or before any tribunal, board, agency, or person, and
9shall be treated in the same manner as the information and
10those records subject to the provisions of Part 21 of Article
11VIII of the Code of Civil Procedure, except under the following
13 (A) when made with the written consent of all persons
14 to whom the information pertains; or
15 (B) when authorized by Section 5-4-3 of the Unified
16 Code of Corrections.
17 Disclosure shall be limited to those who have a need to
18know the information, and no additional disclosures may be
20(Source: P.A. 97-1046, eff. 8-21-12; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13;
2198-973, eff. 8-15-14; 98-1046, eff. 1-1-15; revised 10-1-14.)
22 (410 ILCS 305/5 rep.)
23 Section 20. The AIDS Confidentiality Act is amended by
24repealing Section 5.".