Bill Amendment: IL HB1121 | 2015-2016 | 99th General Assembly

NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List

Status: 2015-08-20 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 99-0413 [HB1121 Detail]

Download: Illinois-2015-HB1121-House_Amendment_001.html

Rep. Lou Lang

Filed: 4/16/2015

09900HB1121ham001LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
2 AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1121 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4 "Section 1. This Act may be referred to as Marsy's Law.
5 Section 5. The Rights of Crime Victims and Witnesses Act is
6amended by changing Sections 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 6, 7, 8.5, and 9 as
8 (725 ILCS 120/2) (from Ch. 38, par. 1402)
9 Sec. 2. The purpose of this Act is to implement, preserve,
10and protect, and enforce the rights guaranteed to crime victims
11by Article I, Section 8.1 of the Illinois Constitution to
12ensure that crime victims are treated with fairness and respect
13for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice
14system, to ensure that crime victims are informed of their
15rights and have standing to assert their rights in the trial

09900HB1121ham001- 2 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1and appellate courts, to establish procedures for enforcement
2of those rights, and to increase the effectiveness of the
3criminal justice system by affording certain basic rights and
4considerations to the witnesses of violent crime who are
5essential to prosecution.
6(Source: P.A. 88-489.)
7 (725 ILCS 120/3) (from Ch. 38, par. 1403)
8 Sec. 3. The terms used in this Act, unless the context
9clearly requires otherwise, shall have the following meanings:
10 (a) "Crime victim" or "victim" means: (1) any natural
11person determined by the prosecutor or the court to have
12suffered direct physical or psychological harm as a result of a
13violent crime perpetrated or attempted against that person or
14direct physical or psychological harm as a result of (i) a
15violation of Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code or
16similar provision of a local ordinance or (ii) a violation of
17Section 9-3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code
18of 2012; (2) in the case of a crime victim who is under 18 years
19of age or an adult victim who is incompetent or incapacitated,
20both parents, legal guardians, foster parents, or a single
21adult representative; (3) in the case of an adult deceased
22victim, 2 representatives who may be the spouse, parent, child
23or sibling of the victim, or the representative of the victim's
24estate; and (4) an immediate family member of a victim under
25clause (1) of this paragraph (a) chosen by the victim. If the

09900HB1121ham001- 3 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1victim is 18 years of age or over, the victim may choose any
2person to be the victim's representative. In no event shall the
3defendant or any person who aided and abetted in the commission
4of the crime be considered a victim, a crime victim, or a
5representative of the victim.
6 A board, agency, or other governmental entity making
7decisions regarding an offender's release, sentence reduction,
8or clemency can determine additional persons are victims for
9the purpose of its proceedings. "Crime victim" and "victim"
10mean (1) a person physically injured in this State as a result
11of a violent crime perpetrated or attempted against that person
12or (2) a person who suffers injury to or loss of property as a
13result of a violent crime perpetrated or attempted against that
14person or (3) a single representative who may be the spouse,
15parent, child or sibling of a person killed as a result of a
16violent crime perpetrated against the person killed or the
17spouse, parent, child or sibling of any person granted rights
18under this Act who is physically or mentally incapable of
19exercising such rights, except where the spouse, parent, child
20or sibling is also the defendant or prisoner or (4) any person
21against whom a violent crime has been committed or (5) any
22person who has suffered personal injury as a result of a
23violation of Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, or of
24a similar provision of a local ordinance, or of Section 9-3 of
25the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012 or (6)
26in proceedings under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987, both

09900HB1121ham001- 4 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1parents, legal guardians, foster parents, or a single adult
2representative of a minor or disabled person who is a crime
4 (a-3) "Advocate" means a person whose communications with
5the victim are privileged under Section 8-802.1 or 8-802.2 of
6the Code of Civil Procedure, or Section 227 of the Illinois
7Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
8 (a-5) "Confer" means to consult together, share
9information, compare opinions and carry on a discussion or
11 (a-7) "Sentence" includes, but is not limited to, the
12imposition of sentence, a request for a reduction in sentence,
13parole, mandatory supervised release, aftercare release, early
14release, clemency, or a proposal that would reduce the
15defendant's sentence or result in the defendant's release.
16"Early release" refers to a discretionary release.
17 (a-9) "Sentencing" includes, but is not limited to, the
18imposition of sentence and a request for a reduction in
19sentence, parole, mandatory supervised release, aftercare
20release, or early release.
21 (b) "Witness" means any person who personally observed the
22commission of a violent crime and who will testify on behalf of
23the State of Illinois in the criminal prosecution of the
24violent crime.
25 (c) "Violent Crime" means: (1) any felony in which force or
26threat of force was used against the victim; (2) , or any

09900HB1121ham001- 5 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1offense involving sexual exploitation, sexual conduct or
2sexual penetration; (3) , or a violation of Section 11-20.1,
311-20.1B, or 11-20.3, or 11-23.5 of the Criminal Code of 1961
4or the Criminal Code of 2012; (4) , domestic battery; (5) ,
5violation of an order of protection, stalking, a civil no
6contact order, or a stalking no contact order; (6) or any
7misdemeanor which results in death or great bodily harm to the
8victim; or (7) any violation of Section 9-3 of the Criminal
9Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or Section 11-501 of
10the Illinois Vehicle Code, or a similar provision of a local
11ordinance, if the violation resulted in personal injury or
12death. "Violent crime" , and includes any action committed by a
13juvenile that would be a violent crime if committed by an
14adult. For the purposes of this paragraph, "personal injury"
15shall include any Type A injury as indicated on the traffic
16accident report completed by a law enforcement officer that
17requires immediate professional attention in either a doctor's
18office or medical facility. A type A injury shall include
19severely bleeding wounds, distorted extremities, and injuries
20that require the injured party to be carried from the scene.
21 (d) (Blank). "Sentencing Hearing" means any hearing where a
22sentence is imposed by the court on a convicted defendant and
23includes hearings conducted pursuant to Sections 5-6-4,
245-6-4.1, 5-7-2 and 5-7-7 of the Unified Code of Corrections.
25 (e) "Court proceedings" includes, but is not limited to,
26the preliminary hearing, any post-arraignment hearing the

09900HB1121ham001- 6 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1effect of which may be the release of the defendant from
2custody or to alter the conditions of bond, change of plea
3hearing, the trial, any pretrial or post-trial hearing,
4sentencing hearing, notice of appeal, any oral argument or
5hearing before an Illinois appellate court, any hearing under
6the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code after a
7finding that the defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity,
8any hearing related to a modification of sentence, probation
9revocation hearing hearings, aftercare release or parole
10hearings, post-conviction relief proceedings, habeas corpus
11proceedings and clemency proceedings related to the
12defendant's conviction or sentence. For purposes of the
13victim's right to be present, "court proceedings" does not
14include (1) hearings under Section 109-1 of the Code of
15Criminal Procedure of 1963, (2) grand jury proceedings, (3)
16status hearings, or (4) the issuance of an order or decision of
17an Illinois court that dismisses a charge, reverses a
18conviction, reduces a sentence, or releases an offender under a
19court rule.
20 (f) "Concerned citizen" includes relatives of the victim,
21friends of the victim, witnesses to the crime, or any other
22person associated with the victim or prisoner.
23 (g) "Victim's attorney" means an attorney retained by the
24victim for the purposes of asserting the victim's
25constitutional and statutory rights. An attorney retained by
26the victim means an attorney who is hired to represent the

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1victim at the victim's expense or an attorney who has agreed to
2provide pro bono representation. Nothing in this statute
3creates a right to counsel at public expense for a victim.
4(Source: P.A. 97-572, eff. 1-1-12; 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13;
598-558, eff. 1-1-14.)
6 (725 ILCS 120/4) (from Ch. 38, par. 1404)
7 Sec. 4. Rights of crime victims.
8 (a) Crime victims shall have the following rights:
9 (1) The right to be treated with fairness and respect
10 for their dignity and privacy and to be free from
11 harassment, intimidation, and abuse throughout the
12 criminal justice process.
13 (1.5) The right to notice and to a hearing before a
14 court ruling on a request for access to any of the victim's
15 records, information, or communications which are
16 privileged or confidential by law.
17 (2) The right to timely notification of all court
18 proceedings.
19 (3) The right to communicate with the prosecution.
20 (4) The right to be heard at any post-arraignment court
21 proceeding in which a right of the victim is at issue and
22 any court proceeding involving a post-arraignment release
23 decision, plea, or make a statement to the court at
24 sentencing.
25 (5) The right to be notified of information about the

09900HB1121ham001- 8 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 conviction, the sentence, the imprisonment and the release
2 of the accused.
3 (6) The right to the timely disposition of the case
4 following the arrest of the accused.
5 (7) The right to be reasonably protected from the
6 accused through the criminal justice process.
7 (7.5) The right to have the safety of the victim and
8 the victim's family considered in denying or fixing the
9 amount of bail, determining whether to release the
10 defendant, and setting conditions of release after arrest
11 and conviction.
12 (8) The right to be present at the trial and all other
13 court proceedings on the same basis as the accused, unless
14 the victim is to testify and the court determines that the
15 victim's testimony would be materially affected if the
16 victim hears other testimony at the trial.
17 (9) The the right to have present at all court
18 proceedings, including proceedings under the Juvenile
19 Court Act of 1987, subject to the admonition of the rules
20 of confidentiality and subject to the rules of evidence, a
21 victim-witness specialist, an advocate and or other
22 support person of the victim's choice.
23 (10) The right to restitution.
24 (b) Any law enforcement agency that investigates an offense
25committed in this State shall provide a crime victim with a
26written statement and explanation of the rights of crime

09900HB1121ham001- 9 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1victims within 48 hours of law enforcement's initial contact
2with a victim. The statement shall include information about
3crime victim compensation, including how to contact the Office
4of the Illinois Attorney General to file a claim, and
5appropriate referrals to local and State programs that provide
6victim services. The content of the statement shall be provided
7to law enforcement by the Attorney General. Law enforcement
8shall also provide a crime victim with a sign-off sheet that
9the victim shall sign and date as an acknowledgement that he or
10she has been furnished with information and an explanation of
11the rights of crime victims and compensation set forth in this
13 (c) The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall post the rights of
14crime victims set forth in Article I, Section 8.1(a) of the
15Illinois Constitution and subsection (a) of this Section within
163 feet of the door to any courtroom where criminal proceedings
17are conducted. The clerk may also post the rights in other
18locations in the courthouse.
19 (d) A statement and explanation of the rights of crime
20victims set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section shall be
21given to a crime victim at the initial contact with the
22criminal justice system by the appropriate authorities and
23shall be conspicuously posted in all court facilities.
24(Source: P.A. 97-815, eff. 1-1-13.)
25 (725 ILCS 120/4.5)

09900HB1121ham001- 10 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 Sec. 4.5. Procedures to implement the rights of crime
2victims. To afford crime victims their rights, law enforcement,
3prosecutors, judges and corrections will provide information,
4as appropriate of the following procedures:
5 (a) At the request of the crime victim, law enforcement
6authorities investigating the case shall provide notice of the
7status of the investigation, except where the State's Attorney
8determines that disclosure of such information would
9unreasonably interfere with the investigation, until such time
10as the alleged assailant is apprehended or the investigation is
12 (a-5) When law enforcement authorities re-open a closed
13case to resume investigating, they shall provide notice of the
14re-opening of the case, except where the State's Attorney
15determines that disclosure of such information would
16unreasonably interfere with the investigation.
17 (b) The office of the State's Attorney:
18 (1) shall provide notice of the filing of an
19 information, the return of an indictment by which a
20 prosecution for any violent crime is commenced, or the
21 filing of a petition to adjudicate a minor as a delinquent
22 for a violent crime;
23 (2) shall provide timely notice of the date, time, and
24 place of court proceedings; of any change in the date,
25 time, and place of court proceedings; and of any
26 cancellation of court proceedings. Notice shall be

09900HB1121ham001- 11 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 provided in sufficient time, wherever possible, for the
2 victim to make arrangements to attend or to prevent an
3 unnecessary appearance at court proceedings trial;
4 (3) or victim advocate personnel shall provide
5 information of social services and financial assistance
6 available for victims of crime, including information of
7 how to apply for these services and assistance;
8 (3.5) or victim advocate personnel shall provide
9 information about available victim services, including
10 referrals to programs, counselors, and agencies that
11 assist a victim to deal with trauma, loss, and grief;
12 (4) shall assist in having any stolen or other personal
13 property held by law enforcement authorities for
14 evidentiary or other purposes returned as expeditiously as
15 possible, pursuant to the procedures set out in Section
16 115-9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963;
17 (5) or victim advocate personnel shall provide
18 appropriate employer intercession services to ensure that
19 employers of victims will cooperate with the criminal
20 justice system in order to minimize an employee's loss of
21 pay and other benefits resulting from court appearances;
22 (6) shall provide, information whenever possible, of a
23 secure waiting area during court proceedings that does not
24 require victims to be in close proximity to defendants
25 defendant or juveniles accused of a violent crime, and
26 their families and friends;

09900HB1121ham001- 12 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (7) shall provide notice to the crime victim of the
2 right to have a translator present at all court proceedings
3 and, in compliance with the federal Americans with
4 Disabilities Act of 1990, the right to communications
5 access through a sign language interpreter or by other
6 means;
7 (8) (blank); in the case of the death of a person,
8 which death occurred in the same transaction or occurrence
9 in which acts occurred for which a defendant is charged
10 with an offense, shall notify the spouse, parent, child or
11 sibling of the decedent of the date of the trial of the
12 person or persons allegedly responsible for the death;
13 (8.5) shall inform the victim of the right to be
14 present at all court proceedings, unless the victim is to
15 testify and the court determines that the victim's
16 testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears
17 other testimony at trial;
18 (9) shall inform the victim of the right to have
19 present at all court proceedings, subject to the rules of
20 evidence and confidentiality, an advocate and or other
21 support person of the victim's choice; , and
22 (9.3) shall inform the victim of the right to retain an
23 attorney, at the victim's own expense, who, upon written
24 notice filed with the clerk of the court and State's
25 Attorney, is to receive copies of all notices, motions and
26 court orders filed thereafter in the case, in the same

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1 manner as if the victim were a named party in the case;
2 (9.5) shall inform the victim of (A) the victim's right
3 under Section 6 of this Act to make a victim impact
4 statement at the sentencing hearing; (B) the right of the
5 victim's spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent and other
6 immediate family and household members under Section 6 of
7 this Act to present an impact statement at sentencing; and
8 (C) if a presentence report is to be prepared, the right of
9 the victim's spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent and
10 other immediate family and household members to submit
11 information to the preparer of the presentence report about
12 the effect the offense has had on the victim and the
13 person;
14 (10) at the sentencing hearing shall make a good faith
15 attempt to explain the minimum amount of time during which
16 the defendant may actually be physically imprisoned. The
17 Office of the State's Attorney shall further notify the
18 crime victim of the right to request from the Prisoner
19 Review Board information concerning the release of the
20 defendant under subparagraph (d)(1) of this Section;
21 (11) shall request restitution at sentencing and as
22 part of a plea agreement unless the victim expressly waives
23 the right to restitution in writing or orally on the record
24 shall consider restitution in any plea negotiation, as
25 provided by law; and
26 (12) shall, upon the court entering a verdict of not

09900HB1121ham001- 14 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 guilty by reason of insanity, inform the victim of the
2 notification services available from the Department of
3 Human Services, including the statewide telephone number,
4 under subparagraph (d)(2) of this Section; .
5 (c) At the written request of the crime victim, the office
6of the State's Attorney shall:
7 (1) provide notice a reasonable time in advance of the
8 following court proceedings: preliminary hearing, any
9 hearing the effect of which may be the release of defendant
10 from custody, or to alter the conditions of bond and the
11 sentencing hearing. The crime victim shall also be notified
12 of the cancellation of the court proceeding in sufficient
13 time, wherever possible, to prevent an unnecessary
14 appearance in court;
15 (13) shall (2) provide notice within a reasonable time
16 after receipt of notice from the custodian, of the release
17 of the defendant on bail or personal recognizance or the
18 release from detention of a minor who has been detained for
19 a violent crime;
20 (14) shall (3) explain in nontechnical language the
21 details of any plea or verdict of a defendant, or any
22 adjudication of a juvenile as a delinquent for a violent
23 crime;
24 (15) shall make all reasonable efforts to (4) where
25 practical, consult with the crime victim before the Office
26 of the State's Attorney makes an offer of a plea bargain to

09900HB1121ham001- 15 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 the defendant or enters into negotiations with the
2 defendant concerning a possible plea agreement, and shall
3 consider the written victim impact statement, if prepared
4 prior to entering into a plea agreement. The right to
5 consult with the prosecutor does not include the right to
6 veto a plea agreement or to insist the case go to trial. If
7 the State's Attorney has not consulted with the victim
8 prior to making an offer or entering into plea negotiations
9 with the defendant, the Office of the State's Attorney
10 shall notify the victim of the offer or the negotiations
11 within 2 business days and confer with the victim. If a
12 plea agreement has been executed prior to a victim's
13 opportunity to confer, the State's Attorney shall inform
14 the victim of the right to file a motion to reopen the plea
15 under this Section and explain how to file the motion and
16 what the motion must contain. The State's Attorney may
17 provide the victim with a template motion;
18 (16) shall (5) provide notice of the ultimate
19 disposition of the cases arising from an indictment or an
20 information, or a petition to have a juvenile adjudicated
21 as a delinquent for a violent crime;
22 (17) shall (6) provide notice of any appeal taken by
23 the defendant and information on how to contact the
24 appropriate agency handling the appeal, and how to request
25 notice of any hearing, oral argument, or decision of an
26 appellate court;

09900HB1121ham001- 16 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (18) shall (7) provide timely notice of any request for
2 post-conviction review filed by the defendant under
3 Article 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963, and
4 of the date, time and place of any hearing concerning the
5 petition. Whenever possible, notice of the hearing shall be
6 given within 48 hours of the of the court's scheduling of
7 the hearing; and in advance;
8 (19) shall (8) forward a copy of any statement
9 presented under Section 6 to the Prisoner Review Board to
10 be considered by the Board in making its determination
11 under subsection (b) of Section 3-3-8 of the Unified Code
12 of Corrections.
13 (c) The court shall ensure that the rights of the victim
14are afforded.
15 (c-5) The following procedures shall be followed to afford
16victims the rights guaranteed by Article I, Section 8.1 of the
17Illinois Constitution:
18 (1) Written notice. A victim may complete a written
19 notice of intent to assert rights on a form prepared by the
20 Office of the Attorney General and provided to the victim
21 by the State's Attorney. The victim may at any time provide
22 a revised written notice to the State's Attorney. The
23 State's Attorney shall file the written notice with the
24 court. At the beginning of any court proceeding in which
25 the right of a victim may be at issue, the court and
26 prosecutor shall review the written notice to determine

09900HB1121ham001- 17 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 whether the victim has asserted the right that may be at
2 issue.
3 (2) Victim's retained attorney. A victim's attorney
4 shall file an entry of appearance limited to assertion of
5 the victim's rights. Upon the filing of the entry of
6 appearance and service on the State's Attorney and the
7 defendant, the attorney is to receive copies of all
8 notices, motions and court orders filed thereafter in the
9 case.
10 (3) Standing. The victim has standing to assert the
11 rights enumerated in subsection (a) of Article I, Section
12 8.1 of the Illinois Constitution and the statutory rights
13 under Section 4 of this Act in any court exercising
14 jurisdiction over the criminal case. The prosecuting
15 attorney, a victim, or the victim's retained attorney may
16 assert the victim's rights. The defendant in the criminal
17 case has no standing to assert a right of the victim in any
18 court proceeding, including on appeal.
19 (4) Assertion of and enforcement of rights.
20 (A) The prosecuting attorney shall assert a
21 victim's right or request enforcement of a right by
22 filing a motion or by orally asserting the right or
23 requesting enforcement in open court in the criminal
24 case outside the presence of the jury. The prosecuting
25 attorney shall consult with the victim and the victim's
26 attorney regarding the assertion or enforcement of a

09900HB1121ham001- 18 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 right. If the prosecuting attorney decides not to
2 assert or enforce a victim's right, the prosecuting
3 attorney shall notify the victim or the victim's
4 attorney in sufficient time to allow the victim or the
5 victim's attorney to assert the right or to seek
6 enforcement of a right.
7 (B) If the prosecuting attorney elects not to
8 assert a victim's right or to seek enforcement of a
9 right, the victim or the victim's attorney may assert
10 the victim's right or request enforcement of a right by
11 filing a motion or by orally asserting the right or
12 requesting enforcement in open court in the criminal
13 case outside the presence of the jury.
14 (C) If the prosecuting attorney asserts a victim's
15 right or seeks enforcement of a right, and the court
16 denies the assertion of the right or denies the request
17 for enforcement of a right, the victim or victim's
18 attorney may file a motion to assert the victim's right
19 or to request enforcement of the right within 10 days
20 of the court's ruling. The motion need not demonstrate
21 the grounds for a motion for reconsideration. The court
22 shall rule on the merits of the motion.
23 (D) The court shall take up and decide any motion
24 or request asserting or seeking enforcement of a
25 victim's right without delay, unless a specific time
26 period is specified by law or court rule. The reasons

09900HB1121ham001- 19 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 for any decision denying the motion or request shall be
2 clearly stated on the record.
3 (5) Violation of rights and remedies.
4 (A) If the court determines that a victim's right
5 has been violated, the court shall determine the
6 appropriate remedy for the violation of the victim's
7 right by hearing from the victim and the parties,
8 considering all factors relevant to the issue, and then
9 awarding appropriate relief to the victim.
10 (B) The appropriate remedy shall include only
11 actions necessary to provide the victim the right to
12 which the victim was entitled and may include reopening
13 previously held proceedings; however, in no event
14 shall the court vacate a conviction. Any remedy shall
15 be tailored to provide the victim an appropriate remedy
16 without violating any constitutional right of the
17 defendant. In no event shall the appropriate remedy be
18 a new trial, damages, or costs.
19 (6) Right to be heard. Whenever a victim has the right
20 to be heard, the court shall allow the victim to exercise
21 the right in any reasonable manner the victim chooses.
22 (7) Right to attend trial. A party must file a written
23 motion to exclude a victim from trial at least 60 days
24 prior to the date set for trial. The motion must state with
25 specificity the reason exclusion is necessary to protect a
26 constitutional right of the party, and must contain an

09900HB1121ham001- 20 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 offer of proof. The court shall rule on the motion within
2 30 days. If the motion is granted, the court shall set
3 forth on the record the facts that support its finding that
4 the victim's testimony will be materially affected if the
5 victim hears other testimony at trial.
6 (8) Right to have advocate present. A party who intends
7 to call an advocate as a witness must seek permission of
8 the court before the subpoena is issued. The party must
9 file a written motion and offer of proof regarding the
10 anticipated testimony of the advocate in sufficient time to
11 allow the court to rule and the victim to seek appellate
12 review. The court shall rule on the motion without delay.
13 (9) Right to notice and hearing before disclosure of
14 confidential or privileged information or records. A
15 defendant who seeks to subpoena records of or concerning
16 the victim that are confidential or privileged by law must
17 seek permission of the court before the subpoena is issued.
18 The defendant must file a written motion and an offer of
19 proof regarding the relevance, admissibility and
20 materiality of the records. If the court finds by clear and
21 convincing evidence that: (A) the records are not protected
22 by an absolute privilege and (B) the records contain
23 relevant, admissible, and material evidence that is not
24 available through other witnesses or evidence, the court
25 shall issue a subpoena requiring a sealed copy of the
26 records be delivered to the court to be reviewed in camera.

09900HB1121ham001- 21 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 If, after conducting an in camera review of the records,
2 the court determines that due process requires disclosure
3 of any portion of the records, the court shall provide
4 copies of what it intends to disclose to the prosecuting
5 attorney and the victim. The prosecuting attorney and the
6 victim shall have 30 days to seek appellate review before
7 the records are disclosed to the defendant. The disclosure
8 of copies of any portion of the records to the prosecuting
9 attorney does not make the records subject to discovery.
10 (10) Right to notice of court proceedings. If the
11 victim is not present at a court proceeding in which a
12 right of the victim is at issue, the court shall ask the
13 prosecuting attorney whether the victim was notified of the
14 time, place, and purpose of the court proceeding and that
15 the victim had a right to be heard at the court proceeding.
16 If the court determines that timely notice was not given or
17 that the victim was not adequately informed of the nature
18 of the court proceeding, the court shall not rule on any
19 substantive issues, accept a plea, or impose a sentence and
20 shall continue the hearing for the time necessary to notify
21 the victim of the time, place and nature of the court
22 proceeding. The time between court proceedings shall not be
23 attributable to the State under Section 103-5 of the Code
24 of Criminal Procedure of 1963.
25 (11) Right to timely disposition of the case. A victim
26 has the right to timely disposition of the case so as to

09900HB1121ham001- 22 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 minimize the stress, cost, and inconvenience resulting
2 from the victim's involvement in the case. Before ruling on
3 a motion to continue trial or other court proceeding, the
4 court shall inquire into the circumstances for the request
5 for the delay and, if the victim has provided written
6 notice of the assertion of the right to a timely
7 disposition, and whether the victim objects to the delay.
8 If the victim objects, the prosecutor shall inform the
9 court of the victim's objections. If the prosecutor has not
10 conferred with the victim about the continuance, the
11 prosecutor shall inform the court of the attempts to
12 confer. If the court finds the attempts of the prosecutor
13 to confer with the victim were inadequate to protect the
14 victim's right to be heard, the court shall give the
15 prosecutor at least 3 but not more than 5 business days to
16 confer with the victim. In ruling on a motion to continue,
17 the court shall consider the reasons for the requested
18 continuance, the number and length of continuances that
19 have been granted, the victim's objections and procedures
20 to avoid further delays. If a continuance is granted over
21 the victim's objection, the court shall specify on the
22 record the reasons for the continuance and the procedures
23 that have been or will be taken to avoid further delays.
24 (12) Right to Restitution.
25 (A) If the victim has asserted the right to
26 restitution and the amount of restitution is known at

09900HB1121ham001- 23 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 the time of sentencing, the court shall enter the
2 judgment of restitution at the time of sentencing.
3 (B) If the victim has asserted the right to
4 restitution and the amount of restitution is not known
5 at the time of sentencing, the prosecutor shall, within
6 5 days after sentencing, notify the victim what
7 information and documentation related to restitution
8 is needed and that the information and documentation
9 must be provided to the prosecutor within 60 days after
10 sentencing. Failure to timely provide information and
11 documentation related to restitution shall be deemed a
12 waiver of the right to restitution. The prosecutor
13 shall file and serve within 90 days after sentencing a
14 proposed judgment for restitution and a notice that
15 includes information concerning the identity of any
16 victims or other persons seeking restitution, whether
17 any victim or other person expressly declines
18 restitution, the nature and amount of any damages
19 together with any supporting documentation, a
20 restitution amount recommendation, and the names of
21 any co-defendants and their case numbers. Within 30
22 days after receipt of the proposed judgment for
23 restitution, the defendant shall file any objection to
24 the proposed judgment, a statement of grounds for the
25 objection, and a financial statement. If the defendant
26 does not file an objection, the court may enter the

09900HB1121ham001- 24 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 judgment for restitution without further proceedings.
2 If the defendant files an objection and either party
3 requests a hearing, the court shall schedule a hearing.
4 (13) Access to presentence reports.
5 (A) The victim may request a copy of the
6 presentence report prepared under the Unified Code of
7 Corrections from the State's Attorney. The State's
8 Attorney shall redact the following information before
9 providing a copy of the report:
10 (i) the defendant's mental history and
11 condition;
12 (ii) any evaluation prepared under subsection
13 (b) or (b-5) of Section 5-3-2; and
14 (iii) the name, address, phone number, and
15 other personal information about any other victim.
16 (B) The State's Attorney or the defendant may
17 request the court redact other information in the
18 report that may endanger the safety of any person.
19 (C) The State's Attorney may orally disclose to the
20 victim any of the information that has been redacted if
21 there is a reasonable likelihood that the information
22 will be stated in court at the sentencing.
23 (D) The State's Attorney must advise the victim
24 that the victim must maintain the confidentiality of
25 the report and other information. Any dissemination of
26 the report or information that was not stated at a

09900HB1121ham001- 25 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 court proceeding constitutes indirect criminal
2 contempt of court.
3 (14) Appellate relief. If the trial court denies the
4 relief requested, the victim, the victim's attorney or the
5 prosecuting attorney may file an appeal within 30 days of
6 the trial court's ruling. The trial or appellate court may
7 stay the court proceedings if the court finds that a stay
8 would not violate a constitutional right of the defendant.
9 If the appellate court denies the relief sought, the
10 reasons for the denial shall be clearly stated in a written
11 opinion. In any appeal in a criminal case, the State may
12 assert as error the court's denial of any crime victim's
13 right in the proceeding to which the appeal relates.
14 (15) Limitation on appellate relief. In no case shall
15 an appellate court provide a new trial to remedy the
16 violation of a victim's right.
17 (d)(1) The Prisoner Review Board shall inform a victim or
18any other concerned citizen, upon written request, of the
19prisoner's release on parole, aftercare release, mandatory
20supervised release, electronic detention, work release,
21international transfer or exchange, or by the custodian of the
22discharge of any individual who was adjudicated a delinquent
23for a violent crime from State custody and by the sheriff of
24the appropriate county of any such person's final discharge
25from county custody. The Prisoner Review Board, upon written
26request, shall provide to a victim or any other concerned

09900HB1121ham001- 26 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1citizen a recent photograph of any person convicted of a
2felony, upon his or her release from custody. The Prisoner
3Review Board, upon written request, shall inform a victim or
4any other concerned citizen when feasible at least 7 days prior
5to the prisoner's release on furlough of the times and dates of
6such furlough. Upon written request by the victim or any other
7concerned citizen, the State's Attorney shall notify the person
8once of the times and dates of release of a prisoner sentenced
9to periodic imprisonment. Notification shall be based on the
10most recent information as to victim's or other concerned
11citizen's residence or other location available to the
12notifying authority.
13 (2) When the defendant has been committed to the Department
14of Human Services pursuant to Section 5-2-4 or any other
15provision of the Unified Code of Corrections, the victim may
16request to be notified by the releasing authority of the
17approval by the court of an on-grounds pass, a supervised
18off-grounds pass, an unsupervised off-grounds pass, or
19conditional release; the release on an off-grounds pass; the
20return from an off-grounds pass; transfer to another facility;
21conditional release; escape; death; or final discharge from
22State custody. The Department of Human Services shall establish
23and maintain a statewide telephone number to be used by victims
24to make notification requests under these provisions and shall
25publicize this telephone number on its website and to the
26State's Attorney of each county.

09900HB1121ham001- 27 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (3) In the event of an escape from State custody, the
2Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice
3immediately shall notify the Prisoner Review Board of the
4escape and the Prisoner Review Board shall notify the victim.
5The notification shall be based upon the most recent
6information as to the victim's residence or other location
7available to the Board. When no such information is available,
8the Board shall make all reasonable efforts to obtain the
9information and make the notification. When the escapee is
10apprehended, the Department of Corrections or the Department of
11Juvenile Justice immediately shall notify the Prisoner Review
12Board and the Board shall notify the victim.
13 (4) The victim of the crime for which the prisoner has been
14sentenced shall receive reasonable written notice not less than
1530 days prior to the parole or aftercare release hearing and
16may submit, in writing, on film, videotape or other electronic
17means or in the form of a recording or in person at the parole
18or aftercare release hearing or if a victim of a violent crime,
19by calling the toll-free number established in subsection (f)
20of this Section, information for consideration by the Prisoner
21Review Board. The victim shall be notified within 7 days after
22the prisoner has been granted parole or aftercare release and
23shall be informed of the right to inspect the registry of
24parole or aftercare release decisions, established under
25subsection (g) of Section 3-3-5 of the Unified Code of
26Corrections. The provisions of this paragraph (4) are subject

09900HB1121ham001- 28 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1to the Open Parole Hearings Act.
2 (5) If a statement is presented under Section 6, the
3Prisoner Review Board shall inform the victim of any order of
4discharge entered by the Board pursuant to Section 3-3-8 of the
5Unified Code of Corrections.
6 (6) At the written or oral request of the victim of the
7crime for which the prisoner was sentenced or the State's
8Attorney of the county where the person seeking parole or
9aftercare release was prosecuted, the Prisoner Review Board
10shall notify the victim and the State's Attorney of the county
11where the person seeking parole or aftercare release was
12prosecuted of the death of the prisoner if the prisoner died
13while on parole or aftercare release or mandatory supervised
15 (7) When a defendant who has been committed to the
16Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice,
17or the Department of Human Services is released or discharged
18and subsequently committed to the Department of Human Services
19as a sexually violent person and the victim had requested to be
20notified by the releasing authority of the defendant's
21discharge, conditional release, death, or escape from State
22custody, the releasing authority shall provide to the
23Department of Human Services such information that would allow
24the Department of Human Services to contact the victim.
25 (8) When a defendant has been convicted of a sex offense as
26defined in Section 2 of the Sex Offender Registration Act and

09900HB1121ham001- 29 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1has been sentenced to the Department of Corrections or the
2Department of Juvenile Justice, the Prisoner Review Board shall
3notify the victim of the sex offense of the prisoner's
4eligibility for release on parole, aftercare release,
5mandatory supervised release, electronic detention, work
6release, international transfer or exchange, or by the
7custodian of the discharge of any individual who was
8adjudicated a delinquent for a sex offense from State custody
9and by the sheriff of the appropriate county of any such
10person's final discharge from county custody. The notification
11shall be made to the victim at least 30 days, whenever
12possible, before release of the sex offender.
13 (e) The officials named in this Section may satisfy some or
14all of their obligations to provide notices and other
15information through participation in a statewide victim and
16witness notification system established by the Attorney
17General under Section 8.5 of this Act.
18 (f) To permit a crime victim of a violent crime to provide
19information to the Prisoner Review Board for consideration by
20the Board at a parole or aftercare release hearing of a person
21who committed the crime against the victim in accordance with
22clause (d)(4) of this Section or at a proceeding to determine
23the conditions of mandatory supervised release of a person
24sentenced to a determinate sentence or at a hearing on
25revocation of mandatory supervised release of a person
26sentenced to a determinate sentence, the Board shall establish

09900HB1121ham001- 30 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1a toll-free number that may be accessed by the victim of a
2violent crime to present that information to the Board.
3(Source: P.A. 97-457, eff. 1-1-12; 97-572, eff. 1-1-12; 97-813,
4eff. 7-13-12; 97-815, eff. 1-1-13; 98-372, eff. 1-1-14; 98-558,
5eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
6 (725 ILCS 120/6) (from Ch. 38, par. 1406)
7 Sec. 6. Right to be heard at sentencing Rights to present
8victim impact statement.
9 (a) A crime victim shall be allowed to present an oral or
10written victim impact statement in any case in which a
11defendant has been convicted of a violent crime or a juvenile
12has been adjudicated delinquent for a violent crime. The court
13shall allow a victim to make an oral impact statement if the
14victim is present in the courtroom and requests to make an oral
15statement. An oral statement includes the victim or a
16representative of the victim reading the written impact
17statement. The court may allow persons impacted by the crime
18who are not victims under subsection (a) of Section 3 of this
19Act to present an oral or written statement. A victim and any
20person making an oral statement shall not be put under oath or
21questioned by the defendant. In any case where a defendant has
22been convicted of a violent crime or a juvenile has been
23adjudicated a delinquent for a violent crime and a victim of
24the violent crime or the victim's spouse, guardian, parent,
25grandparent, or other immediate family or household member is

09900HB1121ham001- 31 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1present in the courtroom at the time of the sentencing or the
2disposition hearing, the victim or his or her representative
3shall have the right and the victim's spouse, guardian, parent,
4grandparent, and other immediate family or household member
5upon his, her, or their request may be permitted by the court
6to address the court regarding the impact that the defendant's
7criminal conduct or the juvenile's delinquent conduct has had
8upon them and the victim. The court has discretion to determine
9the number of oral presentations of victim impact statements.
10Any impact statement must have been prepared in writing in
11conjunction with the Office of the State's Attorney prior to
12the initial hearing or sentencing, before it can be presented
13orally or in writing at the sentencing hearing. In conjunction
14with the Office of the State's Attorney, a victim impact
15statement that is presented orally may be done so by the victim
16or the victim's spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent, or other
17immediate family or household member or his, her, or their
18representative. At the sentencing hearing, the prosecution may
19introduce that evidence either in its case in chief or in
20rebuttal. The court shall consider any impact statement
21presented admitted along with all other appropriate factors in
22determining the sentence of the defendant or disposition of
23such juvenile.
24 (a-1) In any case where a defendant has been convicted of a
25violation of any statute, ordinance, or regulation relating to
26the operation or use of motor vehicles, the use of streets and

09900HB1121ham001- 32 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1highways by pedestrians or the operation of any other wheeled
2or tracked vehicle, except parking violations, if the violation
3resulted in great bodily harm or death, the person who suffered
4great bodily harm, the injured person's representative, or the
5representative of a deceased person shall be entitled to notice
6of the sentencing hearing. "Representative" includes the
7spouse, guardian, grandparent, or other immediate family or
8household member of an injured or deceased person. The If the
9injured person, the injured person's representative, or a
10representative of a deceased person is present in the courtroom
11at the time of sentencing, the injured person or his or her
12representative and a representative of the deceased person
13shall have the right to address the court regarding the impact
14that the defendant's criminal conduct has had upon them. If
15more than one representative of an injured or deceased person
16is present in the courtroom at the time of sentencing, the
17court has discretion to permit one or more of the
18representatives to present an oral impact statement. A victim
19and any person making an oral statement shall not be put under
20oath or questioned by the defendant. Any impact statement must
21have been prepared in writing in conjunction with the Office of
22the State's Attorney prior to the initial hearing or
23sentencing, before it can be presented orally or in writing at
24the sentencing hearing. In conjunction with the Office of the
25State's Attorney, an impact statement that is presented orally
26may be done so by the injured person or the representative of

09900HB1121ham001- 33 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1an injured or deceased person. At the sentencing hearing, the
2prosecution may introduce that evidence either in its case in
3chief or in rebuttal. The court shall consider any impact
4statement presented admitted along with all other appropriate
5factors in determining the sentence of the defendant.
6 (a-5) A crime victim shall be allowed to present an oral
7and written victim impact statement at In any case where a
8defendant has been found not guilty by reason of insanity of a
9violent crime and a hearing has been ordered by the court under
10the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code to
11determine if the defendant is: (1) in need of mental health
12services on an inpatient basis; (2) in need of mental health
13services on an outpatient basis; or (3) not in need of mental
14health services. The court shall allow a victim to make an oral
15impact statement if the victim is present in the courtroom and
16requests to make an oral statement. An oral statement includes
17the victim or a representative of the victim reading the
18written impact statement. The court may allow persons impacted
19by the crime who are not victims under subsection (a) of
20Section 3 of this Act, to present an oral or written statement.
21A victim and any person making an oral statement shall not be
22put under oath or questioned by the defendant. and a victim of
23the violent crime or the victim's spouse, guardian, parent,
24grandparent, or other immediate family or household member is
25present in the courtroom at the time of the initial commitment
26hearing, the victim or his or her representative shall have the

09900HB1121ham001- 34 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1right and the victim's spouse, guardian, parent, grandparent,
2and other immediate family or household members upon their
3request may be permitted by the court to address the court
4regarding the impact that the defendant's criminal conduct has
5had upon them and the victim. The court has discretion to
6determine the number of oral presentations of victim impact
7statements. Any impact statement must have been prepared in
8writing in conjunction with the Office of the State's Attorney
9prior to the initial commitment hearing, before it may be
10presented orally or in writing at the commitment hearing. In
11conjunction with the Office of the State's Attorney, a victim
12impact statement that is presented orally may be presented so
13by the victim or the victim's spouse, guardian, parent,
14grandparent, or other immediate family or household member or
15his or her representative. At the initial commitment hearing,
16the State's Attorney may introduce the statement either in its
17case in chief or in rebuttal. The court may only consider the
18impact statement along with all other appropriate factors in
19determining the: (1) threat of serious physical harm poised by
20the respondent to himself or herself, or to another person; (2)
21location of inpatient or outpatient mental health services
22ordered by the court, but only after complying with all other
23applicable administrative, rule, and statutory requirements;
24(3) maximum period of commitment for inpatient mental health
25services; and (4) conditions of release for outpatient mental
26health services ordered by the court.

09900HB1121ham001- 35 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (b) The crime victim has the right to prepare a victim
2impact statement and present it to the Office of the State's
3Attorney at any time during the proceedings. Any written victim
4impact statement submitted to the Office of the State's
5Attorney shall be considered by the court during its
6consideration of aggravation and mitigation in plea
7proceedings under Supreme Court Rule 402.
8 (c) This Section shall apply to any victims of a violent
9crime during any dispositional hearing under Section 5-705 of
10the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 which takes place pursuant to an
11adjudication or trial or plea of delinquency for any such
13(Source: P.A. 96-117, eff. 1-1-10; 97-572, eff. 1-1-12.)
14 (725 ILCS 120/7) (from Ch. 38, par. 1407)
15 Sec. 7. Responsibilities of victims and witnesses. Victims
16and witnesses shall have the following responsibilities to aid
17in the prosecution of violent crime and to ensure that their
18constitutional rights are enforced:
19 (a) To make a timely report of the violent crime;
20 (b) To cooperate with law enforcement authorities
21throughout the investigation, prosecution, and trial;
22 (c) To testify at trial;
23 (c-5) to timely provide information and documentation to
24the prosecuting attorney that is related to the assertion of
25their rights.

09900HB1121ham001- 36 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (d) To notify law enforcement authorities and the
2prosecuting attorney of any change of contact information,
3including but not limited to, changes of address and contact
4information, including but not limited to changes of address,
5telephone number, and email address. Law enforcement
6authorities and the prosecuting attorney shall maintain the
7confidentiality of this information. A court may find that the
8failure to notify the prosecuting attorney of any change in
9contact information constitutes waiver of a right of any change
10of address.
11(Source: P.A. 83-1499.)
12 (725 ILCS 120/8.5)
13 Sec. 8.5. Statewide victim and witness notification
15 (a) The Attorney General may establish a crime victim and
16witness notification system to assist public officials in
17carrying out their duties to notify and inform crime victims
18and witnesses under Section 4.5 of this Act or under
19subsections (a), (a-2), and (a-3) of Section 120 of the Sex
20Offender Community Notification Law as the Attorney General
21specifies by rule. The system shall download necessary
22information from participating officials into its computers,
23where it shall be maintained, updated, and automatically
24transmitted to victims and witnesses by telephone, computer, or
25written notice, SMS text message, or other electronic means.

09900HB1121ham001- 37 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (b) The Illinois Department of Corrections, the Department
2of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Human Services, and the
3Prisoner Review Board shall cooperate with the Attorney General
4in the implementation of this Section and shall provide
5information as necessary to the effective operation of the
7 (c) State's attorneys, circuit court clerks, and local law
8enforcement and correctional authorities may enter into
9agreements with the Attorney General for participation in the
10system. The Attorney General may provide those who elect to
11participate with the equipment, software, or training
12necessary to bring their offices into the system.
13 (d) The provision of information to crime victims and
14witnesses through the Attorney General's notification system
15satisfies a given State or local official's corresponding
16obligation to provide the information.
17 (e) The Attorney General may provide for telephonic,
18electronic, or other public access to the database established
19under this Section.
20 (f) (Blank). The Attorney General shall adopt rules as
21necessary to implement this Section. The rules shall include,
22but not be limited to, provisions for the scope and operation
23of any system the Attorney General may establish and
24procedures, requirements, and standards for entering into
25agreements to participate in the system and to receive
26equipment, software, or training.

09900HB1121ham001- 38 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (g) There is established in the Office of the Attorney
2General a Crime Victim and Witness Notification Advisory
3Committee consisting of those victims advocates, sheriffs,
4State's Attorneys, circuit court clerks, Illinois Department
5of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and
6Prisoner Review Board employees that the Attorney General
7chooses to appoint. The Attorney General shall designate one
8member to chair the Committee.
9 (1) The Committee shall consult with and advise the
10 Attorney General as to the exercise of the Attorney
11 General's authority under this Section, including, but not
12 limited to:
13 (i) the design, scope, and operation of the
14 notification system;
15 (ii) the content of any rules adopted to implement
16 this Section;
17 (iii) the procurement of hardware, software, and
18 support for the system, including choice of supplier or
19 operator; and
20 (iv) the acceptance of agreements with and the
21 award of equipment, software, or training to officials
22 that seek to participate in the system.
23 (2) The Committee shall review the status and operation
24 of the system and report any findings and recommendations
25 for changes to the Attorney General and the General
26 Assembly by November 1 of each year.

09900HB1121ham001- 39 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 (3) The members of the Committee shall receive no
2 compensation for their services as members of the
3 Committee, but may be reimbursed for their actual expenses
4 incurred in serving on the Committee.
5 (h) The Attorney General shall not release the names,
6addresses, phone numbers, personal identification numbers, or
7email addresses of any person registered to receive
8notifications to any other person except State or local
9officials using the notification system to satisfy the
10official's obligation to provide the information. The Attorney
11General may grant limited access to the Automated Victim
12Notification system (AVN) to law enforcement, prosecution, and
13other agencies that provide service to victims of violent crime
14to assist victims in enrolling and utilizing the AVN system.
15(Source: P.A. 98-717, eff. 1-1-15.)
16 (725 ILCS 120/9) (from Ch. 38, par. 1408)
17 Sec. 9. This Act does not limit any rights or
18responsibilities otherwise enjoyed by or imposed upon victims
19or witnesses of violent crime, nor does it grant any person a
20cause of action in equity or at law for compensation for
21damages or attorneys fees. Any act of omission or commission by
22any law enforcement officer, circuit court clerk, or State's
23Attorney, by the Attorney General, Prisoner Review Board,
24Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice,
25Department of Human Services, or other State agency, or private

09900HB1121ham001- 40 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1entity under contract pursuant to Section 8, or by any employee
2of any State agency or private entity under contract pursuant
3to Section 8 acting in good faith in rendering crime victim's
4assistance or otherwise enforcing this Act shall not impose
5civil liability upon the individual or entity or his or her
6supervisor or employer. Nothing in this Act shall create a
7basis for vacating a conviction or a ground for appellate
8relief requested by the defendant in any criminal case. Failure
9of the crime victim to receive notice as required, however,
10shall not deprive the court of the power to act regarding the
11proceeding before it; nor shall any such failure grant the
12defendant the right to seek a continuance.
13(Source: P.A. 93-258, eff. 1-1-04; 94-696, eff. 6-1-06.)
14 Section 10. The Unified Code of Corrections is amended by
15changing Section 5-3-4 as follows:
16 (730 ILCS 5/5-3-4) (from Ch. 38, par. 1005-3-4)
17 Sec. 5-3-4. Disclosure of Reports.
18 (a) Any report made pursuant to this Article or Section
195-705 of the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 shall be filed of
20record with the court in a sealed envelope.
21 (b) Presentence reports shall be open for inspection only
22as follows:
23 (1) to the sentencing court;
24 (2) to the state's attorney and the defendant's

09900HB1121ham001- 41 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 attorney at least 3 days prior to the imposition of
2 sentence, unless such 3 day requirement is waived;
3 (3) to an appellate court in which the conviction or
4 sentence is subject to review;
5 (4) to any department, agency or institution to which
6 the defendant is committed;
7 (5) to any probation department of whom courtesy
8 probation is requested;
9 (6) to any probation department assigned by a court of
10 lawful jurisdiction to conduct a presentence report;
11 (6.5) to the victim of a crime under paragraph (13) of
12 subsection (c-5) of Section 4.5 of the Rights of Crime
13 Victims and Witnesses Act;
14 (7) to any other person only as ordered by the court;
15 and
16 (8) to any mental health professional on behalf of the
17 Illinois Department of Corrections or the Department of
18 Human Services or to a prosecutor who is evaluating or
19 investigating a potential or actual petition brought under
20 the Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act relating to a
21 person who is the subject of a presentence report or the
22 respondent to a petition brought under the Sexually Violent
23 Persons Commitment Act who is the subject of the
24 presentence report sought. Any records and any information
25 obtained from those records under this paragraph (8) may be
26 used only in sexually violent persons commitment

09900HB1121ham001- 42 -LRB099 04980 MRW 34196 a
1 proceedings.
2 (c) Presentence reports shall be filed of record with the
3court within 60 days of a verdict or finding of guilty for any
4offense involving an illegal sexual act perpetrated upon a
5victim, including but not limited to offenses for violations of
6Article 12 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of
72012, or any offense determined by the court or the probation
8department to be sexually motivated, as defined in the Sex
9Offender Management Board Act.
10 (d) A complaint, information or indictment shall not be
11quashed or dismissed nor shall any person in custody for an
12offense be discharged from custody because of noncompliance
13with subsection (c) of this Section.
14(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)
15 Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
16becoming law.".