Bill Amendment: IL HB5049 | 2021-2022 | 102nd General Assembly
NOTE: For additional amemendments please see the Bill Drafting List
Status: 2022-12-06 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 102-1103 [HB5049 Detail]
Download: Illinois-2021-HB5049-House_Amendment_001.html
Status: 2022-12-06 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 102-1103 [HB5049 Detail]
Download: Illinois-2021-HB5049-House_Amendment_001.html
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2 | AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 5049 by replacing | ||||||
3 | everything after the enacting clause with the following:
| ||||||
4 | "Section 5. The Attorney General Act is amended by adding | ||||||
5 | Section 6.7 as follows:
| ||||||
6 | (15 ILCS 205/6.7 new) | ||||||
7 | Sec. 6.7. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. | ||||||
8 | (a) Transfer of functions and powers. On October 1, 2023, | ||||||
9 | all functions performed
by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit | ||||||
10 | within the Illinois State Police, together with all of the | ||||||
11 | powers,
duties, rights, and responsibilities of the Medicaid | ||||||
12 | Fraud Control Unit
relating to those functions, are | ||||||
13 | transferred from the
Illinois State Police to the Office of | ||||||
14 | the Attorney General. | ||||||
15 | The Illinois State Police and the Office of the Attorney
| ||||||
16 | General shall cooperate to ensure that the transfer of
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | functions is completed. | ||||||
2 | (b) Effect of transfer. Neither the functions of the
| ||||||
3 | Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, nor the powers,
duties, rights, | ||||||
4 | and responsibilities relating to those
functions, that are | ||||||
5 | transferred from the Illinois State Police to the Office of | ||||||
6 | the Attorney General under this
Section are affected by this | ||||||
7 | amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, except that all | ||||||
8 | such functions, powers,
duties, rights, and responsibilities | ||||||
9 | shall be performed or
exercised within the Office of the | ||||||
10 | Attorney General on and
after October 1, 2023. | ||||||
11 | (c) Personnel transferred. The status and rights of the
| ||||||
12 | employees in the Illinois State Police engaged in the
| ||||||
13 | performance of functions relating to the Medicaid Fraud | ||||||
14 | Control Unit shall not be affected by the
transfer of those | ||||||
15 | functions from the Illinois State Police to
the Office of the | ||||||
16 | Attorney General under this Section.
The rights of those | ||||||
17 | employees as derived from the State of
Illinois and its | ||||||
18 | agencies under the Personnel Code, the
applicable collective | ||||||
19 | bargaining agreements, or any
pension, retirement, or annuity | ||||||
20 | plan shall not be affected
by this Section. | ||||||
21 | (d) Books and records transferred. All books, records,
| ||||||
22 | papers, documents, contracts, and pending business
pertaining | ||||||
23 | to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit within the Illinois State | ||||||
24 | Police,
including, but not limited to, material in electronic | ||||||
25 | or
magnetic format, shall be transferred to the Office of the
| ||||||
26 | Attorney General. The transfer of that information shall
not, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | however, violate any applicable confidentiality
constraints. | ||||||
2 | (e) Unexpended moneys transferred. All unexpended
| ||||||
3 | appropriation balances and other funds otherwise available
to | ||||||
4 | the Illinois State Police for use in connection with the
| ||||||
5 | Medicaid Fraud Control Unit shall be
transferred and made | ||||||
6 | available to the Office of the Attorney General for use in | ||||||
7 | connection with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. | ||||||
8 | (f) Exercise of transferred powers; savings
provisions. | ||||||
9 | The powers, duties, rights, and
responsibilities relating to | ||||||
10 | the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit transferred from the Illinois | ||||||
11 | State Police to
the Office of the Attorney General under this | ||||||
12 | Section
are vested in and shall be exercised by the Office of | ||||||
13 | the
Attorney General. Each act done in exercise of those
| ||||||
14 | powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities shall have
the | ||||||
15 | same legal effect as if done by the Illinois State Police
or | ||||||
16 | its divisions, officers, or employees. | ||||||
17 | (g) Officers and others; duties; penalties. Every
| ||||||
18 | employee, agent, or officer of the Office of the Attorney
| ||||||
19 | General is subject to the same obligations and duties, and
has | ||||||
20 | the same rights, as are prescribed by law in connection
with | ||||||
21 | the exercise of any power, duty, right, or
responsibility | ||||||
22 | transferred under this Section. | ||||||
23 | Every employee, agent, or officer of the Office of the
| ||||||
24 | Attorney General is subject to the same penalty or
penalties, | ||||||
25 | civil or criminal, as are prescribed by law for
the same | ||||||
26 | offense by any employee, agent, or officer whose
powers, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | duties, rights, or responsibilities are
transferred under this | ||||||
2 | Section. | ||||||
3 | (h) Reports, notices, or papers. Whenever reports or
| ||||||
4 | notices are required to be made or given or papers or documents | ||||||
5 | furnished or served by any person to or upon the
Illinois State | ||||||
6 | Police in connection with any of the functions
relating to the | ||||||
7 | Medicaid Fraud Control Unit,
the same shall be made, given, | ||||||
8 | furnished, or served in the
same manner to or upon the Office | ||||||
9 | of the Attorney General. | ||||||
10 | (i) Acts and actions unaffected by transfer. This
Section | ||||||
11 | does not affect any act completed, ratified, or
canceled, or | ||||||
12 | any right occurring or established, before October 1, 2023 in | ||||||
13 | connection with any function transferred under
this Section. | ||||||
14 | This Section does not affect any action
or proceeding had or | ||||||
15 | commenced before October 1, 2023 in an
administrative, civil, | ||||||
16 | or criminal cause regarding any
function transferred under | ||||||
17 | this Section, but any such
action or proceeding may be | ||||||
18 | continued by the Office of the
Attorney General. | ||||||
19 | (j) For the purposes of the Successor Agency Act, the
| ||||||
20 | Office of the Attorney General is declared to be the
successor | ||||||
21 | agency of the Illinois State Police, but only with
respect to | ||||||
22 | the functions that are transferred to the Office
of the | ||||||
23 | Attorney General under this Section.
| ||||||
24 | Section 10. The Illinois Act on the Aging is amended by | ||||||
25 | changing Section 4.04a as follows:
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (20 ILCS 105/4.04a)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 4.04a. Illinois Long-Term Care Council.
| ||||||
3 | (a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that | ||||||
4 | consumers over
the age of 60
residing in facilities licensed | ||||||
5 | or regulated under the Nursing Home Care Act,
Skilled Nursing | ||||||
6 | and Intermediate Care Facilities Code, Sheltered Care
| ||||||
7 | Facilities Code, and the Illinois Veterans' Homes Code receive | ||||||
8 | high
quality long-term care through an effective
Illinois | ||||||
9 | Long-Term Care Council.
| ||||||
10 | (b) Maintenance and operation of the Illinois Long-Term | ||||||
11 | Care Council.
| ||||||
12 | (1) The Department shall develop a fair and impartial | ||||||
13 | process for
recruiting and
receiving nominations for | ||||||
14 | members for
the Illinois
Long-Term Care Council from the | ||||||
15 | State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, the area
agencies on | ||||||
16 | aging, regional ombudsman
programs, provider agencies, and | ||||||
17 | other public agencies, using a nomination form
provided by | ||||||
18 | the Department.
| ||||||
19 | (2) The Department shall appoint members to the
| ||||||
20 | Illinois Long-Term Care Council in a timely manner.
| ||||||
21 | (3) The Department shall consider and act in good | ||||||
22 | faith regarding
the Illinois Long-Term Care Council's | ||||||
23 | annual report and its recommendations.
| ||||||
24 | (4) The Director shall appoint to
the Illinois | ||||||
25 | Long-Term Care Council at least 18 but not more than 25 |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | members.
| ||||||
2 | (c) Responsibilities of the State Long-Term Care | ||||||
3 | Ombudsman, area agencies on
aging, regional long-term care
| ||||||
4 | ombudsman
programs, and provider agencies. The State Long-Term | ||||||
5 | Care Ombudsman and each
area agency on aging, regional | ||||||
6 | long-term
ombudsman program, and provider agency shall | ||||||
7 | solicit names and
recommend members to the Department for | ||||||
8 | appointment to the Illinois Long-Term
Care Council.
| ||||||
9 | (d) Powers and duties. The Illinois Long-Term Care Council | ||||||
10 | shall do the
| ||||||
11 | (1) Make recommendations and comment on issues | ||||||
12 | pertaining to long-term
care and the State Long-Term Care | ||||||
13 | Ombudsman Program to the
| ||||||
14 | (2) Advise the Department on matters pertaining to the | ||||||
15 | quality of life and
quality of care in the continuum of | ||||||
16 | long-term care.
| ||||||
17 | (3) Evaluate, comment on reports regarding, and make | ||||||
18 | recommendations on,
quality of life and quality of | ||||||
19 | care in long-term care facilities and on the
duties and
| ||||||
20 | responsibilities of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman | ||||||
21 | Program.
| ||||||
22 | (4) Prepare and circulate an annual report to the | ||||||
23 | Governor, the General
and other interested | ||||||
24 | parties concerning the duties and accomplishments of the
| ||||||
25 | Illinois Long-Term Care Council and all other related | ||||||
26 | matters pertaining to
long-term care
and the
protection of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | residents' rights.
| ||||||
2 | (5) Provide an opportunity for public input at each | ||||||
3 | scheduled meeting.
| ||||||
4 | (6) Make recommendations to the Director, upon his or | ||||||
5 | her request, as to
individuals who are capable of serving | ||||||
6 | as the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman
and who should make | ||||||
7 | appropriate application for that position should it become
| ||||||
8 | vacant.
| ||||||
9 | (e) Composition and operation. The Illinois Long-Term Care | ||||||
10 | Council shall
be composed of at least 18 but not more than 25 | ||||||
11 | members concerned about the
quality of life in long-term care | ||||||
12 | facilities and protecting the rights of
including | ||||||
13 | members from long-term care facilities.
The State Long-Term | ||||||
14 | Care Ombudsman shall be a permanent member of the
Long-Term | ||||||
15 | Care Council.
shall be appointed for a 4-year term | ||||||
16 | with initial appointments staggered with
2-year, 3-year, and | ||||||
17 | 4-year terms. A lottery will determine the terms of office
for | ||||||
18 | the
members of the first term. Members may be reappointed to a | ||||||
19 | term but no
member may be reappointed to more than 2 | ||||||
20 | consecutive terms. The Illinois
Long-Term Care Council shall | ||||||
21 | meet a minimum of 3 times per calendar year.
| ||||||
22 | (f) Member requirements. All members shall be individuals | ||||||
23 | who have
demonstrated concern about the quality of life in | ||||||
24 | long-term care facilities. A
minimum of 3 members must be | ||||||
25 | current or former residents of long-term care
facilities or | ||||||
26 | the family member of a current or former resident of a |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | long-term
facility. A minimum of 2 members shall | ||||||
2 | represent current or former long-term
facility resident | ||||||
3 | councils or family councils. A minimum of 4 members shall be
| ||||||
4 | selected from recommendations by organizations whose members | ||||||
5 | consist of
long-term care facilities.
A representative of | ||||||
6 | long-term care
facility employees must also be included as a | ||||||
7 | member.
A minimum of 2 members shall be selected from | ||||||
8 | recommendations of
membership-based senior advocacy groups or | ||||||
9 | consumer organizations that engage
solely in
legal | ||||||
10 | representation on behalf of residents and immediate families.
| ||||||
11 | There shall be
non-voting State agency members on the | ||||||
12 | Long-Term Care Council from the
following agencies: (i) the
| ||||||
13 | Department of Veterans' Affairs; (ii) the Department of Human | ||||||
14 | Services; (iii)
Department of Public Health; (iv) the | ||||||
15 | Department on Aging; (v) the Department
Healthcare and | ||||||
16 | Family Services; (vi) the Office of the Attorney General | ||||||
17 | Illinois State Police Medicaid Fraud Control Unit; and
| ||||||
18 | others as appropriate.
| ||||||
19 | (Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
| ||||||
20 | Section 15. The Illinois Public Aid Code is amended by | ||||||
21 | changing Section 8A-7 as follows:
| ||||||
22 | (305 ILCS 5/8A-7) (from Ch. 23, par. 8A-7)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 8A-7. Civil Remedies. (a) A person who receives | ||||||
24 | financial aid by
means of a false statement, willful |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | misrepresentation or by his failure
to notify the county | ||||||
2 | department or local governmental unit, as the case
may be, of a | ||||||
3 | change in his status as required by Sections 11-18 and 11-19,
| ||||||
4 | for the purpose of preventing the denial, cancellation or | ||||||
5 | suspension of
his grant, or a variation in the amount thereof, | ||||||
6 | or by other fraudulent
device, or a person who knowingly aids | ||||||
7 | or abets any person in obtaining
financial aid for which he is | ||||||
8 | not eligible, shall be answerable to the county
department or | ||||||
9 | the local governmental unit, as the case may be, for refunding
| ||||||
10 | the entire amount of aid received. If the refund is not made, | ||||||
11 | it shall be
recoverable in a civil action from the person who | ||||||
12 | received the aid, or from
anyone who willfully aided such | ||||||
13 | person to obtain the aid. If an act which
would be unlawful | ||||||
14 | under Section 8A-2 is proven, the court may as a penalty
assess | ||||||
15 | an additional sum of money, not to exceed the entire amount of | ||||||
16 | aid
provided, against the recipient or against any person who | ||||||
17 | willfully aided
the recipient. If assessed, the penalty shall | ||||||
18 | be included in any judgment
entered for the aid received, and | ||||||
19 | paid to the county department or the
local governmental unit, | ||||||
20 | as the case may be. Upon entry of the judgment a
lien shall | ||||||
21 | attach to all property and assets of such person until the
| ||||||
22 | judgment is satisfied.
| ||||||
23 | (b) Any person, firm, corporation, association, agency, | ||||||
24 | institution or
other legal entity, other than an individual | ||||||
25 | recipient, that willfully,
by means of a false statement or | ||||||
26 | representation, or by concealment of any
material fact or by |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | other fraudulent scheme or device on behalf of himself
or | ||||||
2 | others, obtains or attempts to obtain benefits or payments | ||||||
3 | under this
Code to which he or it is not entitled, or in a | ||||||
4 | greater amount than that
to which he or it is entitled, shall | ||||||
5 | be liable for repayment of any excess
benefits or payments | ||||||
6 | received and, in addition to any other penalties provided
by | ||||||
7 | law, civil penalties consisting of (1) the interest on the | ||||||
8 | amount of
excess benefits or payments at the maximum legal | ||||||
9 | rate in effect on the date
the payment was made to such person, | ||||||
10 | firm, corporation, association, agency,
institution or other | ||||||
11 | legal entity for the period from the date upon which
payment | ||||||
12 | was made to the date upon which repayment is made to the State,
| ||||||
13 | (2) an amount not to exceed 3 times the amount of such excess | ||||||
14 | benefits or
payments, and (3) the sum of $2,000 for each | ||||||
15 | excessive claim for benefits
or payments. Upon entry of a | ||||||
16 | judgment for repayment of any excess benefits
or payments, or | ||||||
17 | for any civil penalties assessed by the court, a lien shall
| ||||||
18 | attach to all property and assets of such person, firm, | ||||||
19 | corporation,
association, agency, institution or other legal | ||||||
20 | entity until the judgment is satisfied.
| ||||||
21 | (c) Civil recoveries provided for in this Section may be | ||||||
22 | recoverable in
court proceedings initiated by the Attorney | ||||||
23 | General or, in actions
involving a local governmental unit, by | ||||||
24 | the State's Attorney.
| ||||||
25 | (d) Any person who commits the offense of vendor fraud or | ||||||
26 | recipient
fraud as defined in Section 8A-2 and Section 8A-3 of |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | this Article shall
forfeit, according to the provisions
of | ||||||
2 | this subsection, any monies, profits or proceeds, and any | ||||||
3 | interest or
property which the sentencing court determines he | ||||||
4 | has acquired or maintained,
directly or indirectly, in whole | ||||||
5 | or in part as a result of such offense.
Such person shall also | ||||||
6 | forfeit any interest in, securities of, claim against,
or | ||||||
7 | contractual right of any kind which affords him a source of | ||||||
8 | influence
over, any enterprise which he has established, | ||||||
9 | operated, controlled, conducted,
or participated in | ||||||
10 | conducting, where his relationship to or connection with
any | ||||||
11 | such thing or activity directly or indirectly, in whole or in | ||||||
12 | part,
is traceable to any thing or benefit which he has | ||||||
13 | obtained or acquired through
vendor fraud or recipient fraud.
| ||||||
14 | Proceedings instituted pursuant to this subsection shall | ||||||
15 | be subject to
and conducted in accordance with the following | ||||||
16 | procedures:
| ||||||
17 | (1) The sentencing court shall, upon petition by the | ||||||
18 | Attorney General
or State's Attorney at any time following | ||||||
19 | sentencing, conduct a hearing
to determine whether any | ||||||
20 | property or property interest is subject to forfeiture
under | ||||||
21 | this subsection. At the forfeiture hearing the People shall | ||||||
22 | have
the burden of establishing, by a preponderance of the | ||||||
23 | evidence, that the
property or property interests are subject | ||||||
24 | to such forfeiture.
| ||||||
25 | (2) In any action brought by the People of the State of | ||||||
26 | Illinois under
this Section, in which any restraining order, |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | injunction or prohibition or
any other action in connection | ||||||
2 | with any property or interest subject to
forfeiture under this | ||||||
3 | subsection is sought, the circuit court presiding
over the | ||||||
4 | trial of the person charged with recipient fraud or
vendor | ||||||
5 | fraud as defined in Sections 8A-2 or 8A-3 of this Article shall
| ||||||
6 | first determine whether there is probable cause to believe | ||||||
7 | that the person
so charged has committed the offense of | ||||||
8 | recipient fraud or
vendor fraud and whether the property or | ||||||
9 | interest is subject to forfeiture
under this subsection. To | ||||||
10 | make such a determination, prior to
entering any such order, | ||||||
11 | the court shall conduct a hearing without a jury,
at which the | ||||||
12 | People shall establish that there is (i) probable cause that
| ||||||
13 | the person so charged has committed the offense of recipient
| ||||||
14 | fraud or vendor fraud and (ii) probable cause that any | ||||||
15 | property or interest
may be subject to forfeiture pursuant to | ||||||
16 | this subsection. Such hearing may
be conducted simultaneously | ||||||
17 | with a preliminary hearing, if the prosecution
is commenced by | ||||||
18 | information or complaint, or by motion of the People at any
| ||||||
19 | stage in the proceedings. The court may accept a finding of | ||||||
20 | probable cause
at a preliminary hearing following the filing | ||||||
21 | of an information charging
the offense of recipient fraud or | ||||||
22 | vendor fraud as defined in Sections 8A-2
or 8A-3 or the return | ||||||
23 | of an indictment by a grand jury charging the offense
of | ||||||
24 | recipient fraud or vendor fraud as defined in Sections 8A-2 or | ||||||
25 | 8A-3 of
this Article as sufficient evidence of probable cause | ||||||
26 | as provided in item
(i) above. Upon such a finding, the circuit |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | court shall enter such
restraining order, injunction or | ||||||
2 | prohibition, or shall take such other
action in connection | ||||||
3 | with any such property or other interest subject to
forfeiture | ||||||
4 | under this Act as is necessary to insure that such property is
| ||||||
5 | not removed from the jurisdiction of the court, concealed, | ||||||
6 | destroyed or
otherwise disposed of by the owner of that | ||||||
7 | property or interest prior to a
forfeiture hearing under this | ||||||
8 | subsection. The Attorney General or State's
Attorney shall | ||||||
9 | file a certified copy of such restraining order, injunction
or | ||||||
10 | other prohibition with the recorder of deeds or registrar of | ||||||
11 | titles of
each county where any such property of the defendant | ||||||
12 | may be located. No
such injunction, restraining order or other | ||||||
13 | prohibition shall affect the
rights of any bonafide purchaser, | ||||||
14 | mortgagee, judgement creditor or other
lien holder arising | ||||||
15 | prior to the date of such filing. The court may, at
any time, | ||||||
16 | upon verified petition by the defendant, conduct a hearing to
| ||||||
17 | determine whether all or portions of any such property or | ||||||
18 | interest which
the court previously determined to be subject | ||||||
19 | to forfeiture
or subject to any restraining order, injunction, | ||||||
20 | or prohibition or other
action, should be released. The court | ||||||
21 | may in its discretion release such
property to the defendant | ||||||
22 | for good cause shown.
| ||||||
23 | (3) Upon conviction of a person under this Article, the | ||||||
24 | court shall
authorize the Director of the Illinois State | ||||||
25 | Police to seize
all property or other interest declared | ||||||
26 | forfeited under this subsection upon
such terms and conditions |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | as the court shall deem proper.
| ||||||
2 | (4) The Director of the Illinois State Police is
| ||||||
3 | authorized to sell all property forfeited and seized pursuant | ||||||
4 | to this
subsection, unless such property is
required by law to | ||||||
5 | be destroyed or is harmful to the public.
After the deduction | ||||||
6 | of all requisite expenses of administration and
sale, the | ||||||
7 | court shall order the Director to distribute to the Illinois
| ||||||
8 | Department an amount from the proceeds of the forfeited | ||||||
9 | property, or monies
forfeited or seized, which will satisfy | ||||||
10 | any unsatisfied court order of
restitution entered pursuant to | ||||||
11 | a conviction under this Article. If the
proceeds are less than | ||||||
12 | the amount necessary to satisfy the order of
restitution, the | ||||||
13 | Director shall distribute to the Illinois Department the
| ||||||
14 | entire amount of the remaining proceeds. The Director shall | ||||||
15 | distribute any
remaining proceeds of such sale, along with any | ||||||
16 | monies forfeited or seized,
in accordance with the following | ||||||
17 | schedules:
| ||||||
18 | (a) 25% shall be distributed to the unit of local | ||||||
19 | government whose
officers or employees conducted the | ||||||
20 | investigation into recipient fraud or
vendor fraud and caused | ||||||
21 | the arrest or arrests and prosecution leading to
the | ||||||
22 | forfeiture. Amounts distributed to units of local government | ||||||
23 | shall be
used solely for enforcement matters relating to | ||||||
24 | detection, investigation or
prosecution of recipient fraud or | ||||||
25 | vendor fraud as defined in Section 8A-2
or 8A-3 of this | ||||||
26 | Article. Where the investigation, arrest or arrests leading to
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | the prosecution and forfeiture is undertaken solely by the | ||||||
2 | Office of the Attorney General Illinois State Police , the | ||||||
3 | portion provided hereunder shall be paid
into the Medicaid | ||||||
4 | Fraud and Abuse Prevention Fund, which is hereby created
in | ||||||
5 | the State treasury. Monies from this fund shall be used by the
| ||||||
6 | Office of the Attorney General Illinois State Police for the | ||||||
7 | furtherance of enforcement matters
relating to detection, | ||||||
8 | investigation or prosecution of recipient fraud or
vendor | ||||||
9 | fraud. Monies directed to this fund shall be used in addition | ||||||
10 | to,
and not as a substitute for, funds annually appropriated | ||||||
11 | to the Office of the Attorney General Illinois State Police | ||||||
12 | for medicaid fraud enforcement.
| ||||||
13 | (b) 25% shall be distributed to the county in which the | ||||||
14 | prosecution and
petition for forfeiture resulting in the | ||||||
15 | forfeiture was instituted,
and deposited in a special fund in | ||||||
16 | the county treasury
and appropriated to the State's Attorney | ||||||
17 | for use solely in enforcement
matters relating to detection, | ||||||
18 | investigation or prosecution of recipient
fraud or vendor | ||||||
19 | fraud; however, if the Attorney General brought the
| ||||||
20 | prosecution resulting in the forfeiture, the portion provided | ||||||
21 | hereunder
shall be paid into the Medicaid Fraud and Abuse | ||||||
22 | Prevention Fund, to be used
by the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit | ||||||
23 | of the Office of the Attorney General Illinois State Police
| ||||||
24 | for enforcement matters relating to detection, investigation | ||||||
25 | or prosecution
of recipient fraud or vendor fraud. Where the | ||||||
26 | Attorney General and a
State's Attorney have jointly |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | participated in any portion of the
proceedings, 12.5% shall be | ||||||
2 | distributed to the county in which the
prosecution resulting | ||||||
3 | in the forfeiture was instituted, and used as
specified | ||||||
4 | herein, and 12.5% shall be paid into the Medicaid Fraud and | ||||||
5 | Abuse
Prevention Fund, and used as specified herein.
| ||||||
6 | (c) 50% shall be transmitted to the State Treasurer for | ||||||
7 | deposit in the
General Revenue Fund.
| ||||||
8 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| ||||||
9 | Section 20. The Illinois False Claims Act is amended by | ||||||
10 | changing Sections 2, 4, 6, and 8 as follows:
| ||||||
11 | (740 ILCS 175/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 4102)
| ||||||
12 | Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Act:
| ||||||
13 | (a) "State" means the State of Illinois; any agency of | ||||||
14 | State
government; the system of State colleges and | ||||||
15 | universities, any school district, community college district, | ||||||
16 | county, municipality, municipal corporation, unit of local | ||||||
17 | government, and any combination of the above under an | ||||||
18 | intergovernmental agreement that includes provisions for a | ||||||
19 | governing body of the agency created by the agreement.
| ||||||
20 | (b) "Guard" means the Illinois National Guard.
| ||||||
21 | (c) "Investigation" means any inquiry conducted by any | ||||||
22 | investigator for
the purpose of ascertaining whether any | ||||||
23 | person is or has been engaged in
any violation of this Act.
| ||||||
24 | (d) "Investigator" means a person who is charged by the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | Attorney General or the Illinois State Police with the duty of | ||||||
2 | conducting any investigation under this Act, or
any officer or | ||||||
3 | employee of the State acting under the direction and
| ||||||
4 | supervision of the Attorney General or the Illinois State | ||||||
5 | Police , in the course of
an investigation.
| ||||||
6 | (e) "Documentary material" includes the original or any | ||||||
7 | copy of any
book, record, report, memorandum, paper, | ||||||
8 | communication, tabulation,
chart, or other document, or data | ||||||
9 | compilations stored in or accessible
through computer or other | ||||||
10 | information retrieval systems, together with
instructions and | ||||||
11 | all other materials necessary to use or interpret such
data | ||||||
12 | compilations, and any product of discovery.
| ||||||
13 | (f) "Custodian" means the custodian, or any deputy | ||||||
14 | custodian, designated
by the Attorney General under subsection | ||||||
15 | (i)(1) of Section 6.
| ||||||
16 | (g) "Product of discovery" includes:
| ||||||
17 | (1) the original or duplicate of any deposition, | ||||||
18 | interrogatory,
document, thing, result of the inspection | ||||||
19 | of land or other property,
examination, or admission, | ||||||
20 | which is obtained by any method of discovery in
any | ||||||
21 | judicial or administrative proceeding of an adversarial | ||||||
22 | nature;
| ||||||
23 | (2) any digest, analysis, selection, compilation, or | ||||||
24 | derivation of any
item listed in paragraph (1); and
| ||||||
25 | (3) any index or other manner of access to any item | ||||||
26 | listed in
paragraph (1).
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| ||||||
2 | (740 ILCS 175/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 4104)
| ||||||
3 | Sec. 4. Civil actions for false claims.
| ||||||
4 | (a) Responsibilities of the Attorney General and the | ||||||
5 | Illinois State Police . The Attorney General or the Illinois | ||||||
6 | State Police shall diligently investigate
a civil violation | ||||||
7 | under Section 3. If the Attorney General finds that a person | ||||||
8 | violated or is violating Section 3, the Attorney General may | ||||||
9 | bring a civil action under this Section
against the person.
| ||||||
10 | The State shall receive an amount for reasonable expenses | ||||||
11 | that the court finds to have been necessarily incurred by the | ||||||
12 | Attorney General, including reasonable attorneys' fees and | ||||||
13 | costs. All such expenses, fees, and costs shall be awarded | ||||||
14 | against the defendant. The court may award amounts from the | ||||||
15 | proceeds of an action or settlement that it considers | ||||||
16 | appropriate to any governmental entity or program that has | ||||||
17 | been adversely affected by a defendant. The Attorney General, | ||||||
18 | if necessary, shall direct the State Treasurer to make a | ||||||
19 | disbursement of funds as provided in court orders or | ||||||
20 | settlement agreements. | ||||||
21 | (b) Actions by private persons.
| ||||||
22 | (1) A person may bring a civil action
for a violation | ||||||
23 | of Section 3 for the person and for the State. The action
| ||||||
24 | shall be brought in the name of the State. The action may | ||||||
25 | be dismissed
only if the court and the Attorney General |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | give written consent to the
dismissal and their reasons | ||||||
2 | for consenting.
| ||||||
3 | (2) A copy of the complaint and written disclosure of | ||||||
4 | substantially all
material evidence and information the | ||||||
5 | person possesses shall be served on
the State. The | ||||||
6 | complaint shall be filed in camera, shall remain under | ||||||
7 | seal
for at least 60 days, and shall not be served on the | ||||||
8 | defendant until the
court so orders. The State may elect | ||||||
9 | to intervene and proceed with the
action within 60 days | ||||||
10 | after it receives both the complaint and the material
| ||||||
11 | evidence and information.
| ||||||
12 | (3) The State may, for good cause shown, move the | ||||||
13 | court for extensions
of the time during which the | ||||||
14 | complaint remains under seal under paragraph
(2). Any such | ||||||
15 | motions may be supported by affidavits or other | ||||||
16 | submissions
in camera. The defendant shall not be required | ||||||
17 | to respond to any complaint
filed under this Section until | ||||||
18 | 20 days after the complaint is unsealed and
served upon | ||||||
19 | the defendant.
| ||||||
20 | (4) Before the expiration of the 60-day period or any | ||||||
21 | extensions
obtained under paragraph (3), the State shall:
| ||||||
22 | (A) proceed with the action, in which case the | ||||||
23 | action shall be
conducted by the State; or
| ||||||
24 | (B) notify the court that it declines to take over | ||||||
25 | the action, in which
case the person bringing the | ||||||
26 | action shall have the right to conduct the action.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (5) When a person brings an action under this | ||||||
2 | subsection (b), no person
other than the State may | ||||||
3 | intervene or bring a related action based on the
facts | ||||||
4 | underlying the pending action.
| ||||||
5 | (c) Rights of the parties to Qui Tam actions.
| ||||||
6 | (1) If the State proceeds
with the action, it shall | ||||||
7 | have the primary responsibility for prosecuting
the | ||||||
8 | action, and shall not be bound by an act of the person | ||||||
9 | bringing the
action. Such person shall have the right to | ||||||
10 | continue as a party to the
action, subject to the | ||||||
11 | limitations set forth in paragraph (2).
| ||||||
12 | (2)(A) The State may dismiss the action | ||||||
13 | notwithstanding the objections
of the person initiating | ||||||
14 | the action if the person has been notified by the
State of | ||||||
15 | the filing of the motion and the court has provided the | ||||||
16 | person
with an opportunity for a hearing on the motion.
| ||||||
17 | (B) The State may settle the action with the defendant | ||||||
18 | notwithstanding
the objections of the person initiating | ||||||
19 | the action if the court determines,
after a hearing, that | ||||||
20 | the proposed settlement is fair, adequate, and reasonable
| ||||||
21 | under all the circumstances. Upon a showing of good cause, | ||||||
22 | such hearing
may be held in camera.
| ||||||
23 | (C) Upon a showing by the State that unrestricted | ||||||
24 | participation during
the course of the litigation by the | ||||||
25 | person initiating the action would
interfere with or | ||||||
26 | unduly delay the State's prosecution of the case, or
would |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | be repetitious, irrelevant, or for purposes of harassment, | ||||||
2 | the court
may, in its discretion, impose limitations on | ||||||
3 | the person's participation,
such as:
| ||||||
4 | (i) limiting the number of witnesses the person | ||||||
5 | may call:
| ||||||
6 | (ii) limiting the length of the testimony of such | ||||||
7 | witnesses;
| ||||||
8 | (iii) limiting the person's cross-examination of | ||||||
9 | witnesses; or
| ||||||
10 | (iv) otherwise limiting the participation by the | ||||||
11 | person in the
| ||||||
12 | (D) Upon a showing by the defendant that unrestricted | ||||||
13 | participation
the course of the litigation by the | ||||||
14 | person initiating the action would be
for purposes of | ||||||
15 | harassment or would cause the defendant undue burden or
| ||||||
16 | unnecessary expense, the court may limit the participation | ||||||
17 | by the person in
the litigation.
| ||||||
18 | (3) If the State elects not to proceed with the | ||||||
19 | action, the person who
initiated the action shall have the | ||||||
20 | right to conduct the action. If the
State so requests, it | ||||||
21 | shall be served with copies of all pleadings filed in
the | ||||||
22 | action and shall be supplied with copies of all deposition | ||||||
23 | transcripts
(at the State's expense). When a person | ||||||
24 | proceeds with the action, the
court, without limiting the | ||||||
25 | status and rights of the person initiating the
action, may | ||||||
26 | nevertheless permit the State to intervene at a later date |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | upon
a showing of good cause.
| ||||||
2 | (4) Whether or not the State proceeds with the action, | ||||||
3 | upon a showing by
the State that certain actions of | ||||||
4 | discovery by the person initiating the
action would | ||||||
5 | interfere with the State's investigation or prosecution of | ||||||
6 | a
criminal or civil matter arising out of the same facts, | ||||||
7 | the court may stay
such discovery for a period of not more | ||||||
8 | than 60 days. Such a showing shall
be conducted in camera. | ||||||
9 | The court may extend the 60-day period upon a
further | ||||||
10 | showing in camera that the State has pursued the criminal | ||||||
11 | or civil
investigation or proceedings with reasonable | ||||||
12 | diligence and any proposed
discovery in the civil action | ||||||
13 | will interfere with the ongoing criminal or
civil | ||||||
14 | investigation or proceedings.
| ||||||
15 | (5) Notwithstanding subsection (b), the State may | ||||||
16 | elect to pursue its
claim through any alternate remedy | ||||||
17 | available to the State, including any
administrative | ||||||
18 | proceeding to determine a civil money penalty. If any such
| ||||||
19 | alternate remedy is pursued in another proceeding, the | ||||||
20 | person initiating
the action shall have the same rights in | ||||||
21 | such proceeding as such person
would have had if the | ||||||
22 | action had continued under this Section. Any finding
of | ||||||
23 | fact or conclusion of law made in such other proceeding | ||||||
24 | that has become
final shall be conclusive on all parties | ||||||
25 | to an action under this Section.
For purposes of the | ||||||
26 | preceding sentence, a finding or conclusion is final if
it |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | has been finally determined on appeal to the appropriate | ||||||
2 | court, if all
time for filing such an appeal with respect | ||||||
3 | to the finding or conclusion
has expired, or if the | ||||||
4 | finding or conclusion is not subject to judicial review.
| ||||||
5 | (d) Award to Qui Tam plaintiff.
| ||||||
6 | (1) If the State proceeds with an
action brought by a | ||||||
7 | person under subsection (b), such person shall, subject
to | ||||||
8 | the second sentence of this paragraph, receive at least | ||||||
9 | 15% but not more
than 25% of the proceeds of the action or | ||||||
10 | settlement of the claim,
depending upon the extent to | ||||||
11 | which the person substantially contributed to
the | ||||||
12 | prosecution of the action. Where the action is one which | ||||||
13 | the court
finds to be based primarily on disclosures of | ||||||
14 | specific information (other
than information provided by | ||||||
15 | the person bringing the action) relating to
allegations or | ||||||
16 | transactions in a criminal, civil, or administrative
| ||||||
17 | hearing, in a legislative, administrative, or Auditor | ||||||
18 | General's report,
hearing, audit, or investigation, or | ||||||
19 | from the news media, the court may award
such sums as it | ||||||
20 | considers appropriate, but in no case more than 10% of the
| ||||||
21 | proceeds, taking into account the significance of the | ||||||
22 | information and the
role of the person bringing the action | ||||||
23 | in advancing the case to litigation.
Any payment to a | ||||||
24 | person under the first or second sentence of this
| ||||||
25 | paragraph (1) shall be made from the proceeds. Any such | ||||||
26 | person shall also
receive an amount for reasonable |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | expenses which the court finds to have
been necessarily | ||||||
2 | incurred, plus reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
The | ||||||
3 | State shall also receive an amount for reasonable expenses | ||||||
4 | which the
court finds to have been necessarily incurred by | ||||||
5 | the Attorney General,
including reasonable attorneys' fees | ||||||
6 | and costs. All such expenses, fees, and costs shall be | ||||||
7 | awarded
against the defendant. The court may award amounts | ||||||
8 | from the proceeds of an action or settlement that it | ||||||
9 | considers appropriate to any governmental entity or | ||||||
10 | program that has been adversely affected by a defendant. | ||||||
11 | The Attorney General, if necessary, shall direct the State | ||||||
12 | Treasurer to make a disbursement of funds as provided in | ||||||
13 | court orders or settlement agreements.
| ||||||
14 | (2) If the State does not proceed with an action under | ||||||
15 | this Section, the
person bringing the action or settling | ||||||
16 | the claim shall receive an amount
which the court decides | ||||||
17 | is reasonable for collecting the civil penalty and
| ||||||
18 | damages. The amount shall be not less than 25% and not more | ||||||
19 | than 30% of
the proceeds of the action or settlement and | ||||||
20 | shall be paid out of such
proceeds. Such person shall also | ||||||
21 | receive an amount for reasonable expenses
which the court | ||||||
22 | finds to have been necessarily incurred, plus reasonable
| ||||||
23 | attorneys' fees and costs. All such expenses, fees, and | ||||||
24 | costs shall be
awarded against the defendant. The court | ||||||
25 | may award amounts from the proceeds of an action or | ||||||
26 | settlement that it considers appropriate to any |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | governmental entity or program that has been adversely | ||||||
2 | affected by a defendant. The Attorney General, if | ||||||
3 | necessary, shall direct the State Treasurer to make a | ||||||
4 | disbursement of funds as provided in court orders or | ||||||
5 | settlement agreements.
| ||||||
6 | (3) Whether or not the State proceeds with the action, | ||||||
7 | if the court finds
that the action was brought by a person | ||||||
8 | who planned and initiated the violation
of Section 3 upon | ||||||
9 | which the action was brought, then the court may, to the
| ||||||
10 | extent the court considers appropriate, reduce the share | ||||||
11 | of the proceeds of
the action which the person would | ||||||
12 | otherwise receive under paragraph (1) or
(2) of this | ||||||
13 | subsection (d), taking into account the role of that | ||||||
14 | person in
advancing the case to litigation and any | ||||||
15 | relevant circumstances pertaining
to the violation. If the | ||||||
16 | person bringing the action is convicted of
criminal | ||||||
17 | conduct arising from his or her role in the violation of | ||||||
18 | Section
3, that person shall be dismissed from the civil | ||||||
19 | action and shall not
receive any share of the proceeds of | ||||||
20 | the action. Such dismissal shall not
prejudice the right | ||||||
21 | of the State to continue the action, represented by the | ||||||
22 | Attorney General.
| ||||||
23 | (4) If the State does not proceed with the action and | ||||||
24 | the person
bringing the action conducts the action, the | ||||||
25 | court may award to the
defendant its reasonable attorneys' | ||||||
26 | fees and expenses if the defendant
prevails in the action |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | and the court finds that the claim of the person
bringing | ||||||
2 | the action was clearly frivolous, clearly vexatious, or | ||||||
3 | brought
primarily for purposes of harassment.
| ||||||
4 | (e) Certain actions barred.
| ||||||
5 | (1) No court shall have jurisdiction over an
action | ||||||
6 | brought by a former or present member of the Guard under | ||||||
7 | subsection
(b) of this Section against a member of the | ||||||
8 | Guard arising out of such
person's service in the Guard.
| ||||||
9 | (2)(A) No court shall have jurisdiction over an action | ||||||
10 | brought under
subsection (b) against a member of the | ||||||
11 | General Assembly, a member of the
judiciary, or an exempt | ||||||
12 | official if the action is based on evidence or
information | ||||||
13 | known to the State when the action was brought.
| ||||||
14 | (B) For purposes of this paragraph (2), "exempt | ||||||
15 | official" means any of
the following officials in State | ||||||
16 | service: directors of departments
established under the | ||||||
17 | Civil Administrative Code of Illinois, the Adjutant
| ||||||
18 | General, the Assistant Adjutant General, the Director of | ||||||
19 | the State
Emergency Services and Disaster Agency, members | ||||||
20 | of the boards and
commissions, and all other positions | ||||||
21 | appointed by the Governor by and with
the consent of the | ||||||
22 | Senate.
| ||||||
23 | (3) In no event may a person bring an action under | ||||||
24 | subsection (b) which
is based upon allegations or | ||||||
25 | transactions which are the subject of a civil
suit or an | ||||||
26 | administrative civil money penalty proceeding in which the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | State
is already a party.
| ||||||
2 | (4)(A) The court shall dismiss an action or claim | ||||||
3 | under this Section, unless opposed by the State, if | ||||||
4 | substantially the same allegations or transactions as | ||||||
5 | alleged in the action or claim were publicly disclosed: | ||||||
6 | (i) in a
criminal, civil, or administrative | ||||||
7 | hearing in which the State or its agent is a party; | ||||||
8 | (ii) in a State legislative, State
Auditor | ||||||
9 | General, or other State report, hearing, audit, or
| ||||||
10 | investigation; or | ||||||
11 | (iii) from the news media, | ||||||
12 | unless the action is brought by the
Attorney General or | ||||||
13 | the person bringing the action is an original source of
| ||||||
14 | the information.
| ||||||
15 | (B) For purposes of this paragraph (4), "original | ||||||
16 | source" means an
individual who either (i) prior to a | ||||||
17 | public disclosure under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph | ||||||
18 | (4), has voluntarily disclosed to the State the | ||||||
19 | information on which allegations or transactions in a | ||||||
20 | claim are based, or (ii) has knowledge that is independent | ||||||
21 | of and materially adds to the publicly disclosed | ||||||
22 | allegations or transactions, and who has voluntarily | ||||||
23 | provided the
information to the State before filing an | ||||||
24 | action under this Section.
| ||||||
25 | (f) State not liable for certain expenses. The State is | ||||||
26 | not liable for
expenses which a person incurs in bringing an |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | action under this Section.
| ||||||
2 | (g) Relief from retaliatory actions. | ||||||
3 | (1) In general, any employee, contractor, or agent | ||||||
4 | shall be entitled to all relief necessary to make that | ||||||
5 | employee, contractor, or agent whole, if that employee, | ||||||
6 | contractor, or agent is discharged, demoted, suspended, | ||||||
7 | threatened,
harassed, or in any other manner discriminated | ||||||
8 | against in the terms and
conditions of employment because | ||||||
9 | of lawful acts done
by the employee, contractor, agent, or | ||||||
10 | associated others in furtherance of an action under this | ||||||
11 | Section or other efforts to stop one or more violations of | ||||||
12 | this Act. | ||||||
13 | (2) Relief under paragraph (1) shall include | ||||||
14 | reinstatement with the same seniority status that the | ||||||
15 | employee, contractor, or agent
would have had but for the | ||||||
16 | discrimination, 2 times the amount of back pay,
interest | ||||||
17 | on the back pay, and compensation for any special damages | ||||||
18 | sustained
as a result of the discrimination, including | ||||||
19 | litigation costs and
reasonable attorneys' fees. An action | ||||||
20 | under this subsection (g) may be brought in the
| ||||||
21 | appropriate circuit court for the relief provided in this | ||||||
22 | subsection (g). | ||||||
23 | (3) A civil action under this subsection may not be | ||||||
24 | brought more than 3 years after the date when the | ||||||
25 | retaliation occurred.
| ||||||
26 | (Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (740 ILCS 175/6) (from Ch. 127, par. 4106)
| ||||||
2 | Sec. 6. Subpoenas.
| ||||||
3 | (a) In general.
| ||||||
4 | (1) Issuance and service. Whenever the Attorney
| ||||||
5 | General , or a designee (for purposes of this Section), has | ||||||
6 | reason to believe that any person may be in possession,
| ||||||
7 | custody, or control of any documentary material or | ||||||
8 | information relevant to
an investigation, the Attorney | ||||||
9 | General , or a designee, may, before commencing a civil
| ||||||
10 | proceeding under this Act or making an election under | ||||||
11 | paragraph (4) of subsection (b) of Section 4, issue in | ||||||
12 | writing and cause to be served upon
such person, a | ||||||
13 | subpoena requiring such
| ||||||
14 | (A) to produce such documentary material for | ||||||
15 | inspection and copying,
| ||||||
16 | (B) to answer, in writing, written interrogatories | ||||||
17 | with respect to such
documentary material or | ||||||
18 | information,
| ||||||
19 | (C) to give oral testimony concerning such | ||||||
20 | documentary material
or information, or
| ||||||
21 | (D) to furnish any combination of such material, | ||||||
22 | answers, or testimony.
| ||||||
23 | The Attorney General may delegate the authority to issue
| ||||||
24 | subpoenas under this subsection (a) to the Department of | ||||||
25 | State
Police subject to conditions as the Attorney General |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | deems appropriate .
Whenever a subpoena is an express | ||||||
2 | demand for
product of discovery, the Attorney General | ||||||
3 | or his or her delegate shall cause to be served,
in any | ||||||
4 | manner authorized by this Section, a copy of such demand | ||||||
5 | upon the
person from whom the discovery was obtained and | ||||||
6 | shall notify the person to
whom such demand is issued of | ||||||
7 | the date on which such copy was served. Any information | ||||||
8 | obtained by the Attorney General or a designee under this | ||||||
9 | Section may be shared with any qui tam relator if the | ||||||
10 | Attorney General or designee determines it necessary as | ||||||
11 | part of any False Claims Act investigation.
| ||||||
12 | (1.5) Where a subpoena requires the production of | ||||||
13 | documentary material, the respondent shall produce the | ||||||
14 | original of the documentary material, provided, however, | ||||||
15 | that the Attorney General , or a designee, may agree that | ||||||
16 | copies may be substituted for the originals. All | ||||||
17 | documentary material kept or stored in electronic form, | ||||||
18 | including electronic mail, shall be produced in native | ||||||
19 | format, as kept in the normal course of business, or as | ||||||
20 | otherwise directed by the Attorney General or designee . | ||||||
21 | The production of documentary material shall be made at | ||||||
22 | the respondent's expense.
| ||||||
23 | (2) Contents and deadlines. Each subpoena
issued under | ||||||
24 | paragraph (1):
| ||||||
25 | (A) Shall state the nature of the conduct | ||||||
26 | constituting an alleged
violation that is under |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | investigation and the applicable provision of
law | ||||||
2 | alleged to be violated.
| ||||||
3 | (B) Shall identify the individual causing the | ||||||
4 | subpoena to be
served and to whom communications | ||||||
5 | regarding the subpoena should be
| ||||||
6 | (C) Shall state the date, place, and time at which | ||||||
7 | the person is
required to appear, produce written | ||||||
8 | answers to interrogatories, produce
documentary | ||||||
9 | material or give oral testimony. The date shall not be
| ||||||
10 | less than 10 days from the date of service of the | ||||||
11 | subpoena. Compliance
with the subpoena shall be at the | ||||||
12 | Office of the Attorney General in
either the | ||||||
13 | Springfield or Chicago location or at other location | ||||||
14 | by
| ||||||
15 | (D) If the subpoena is for documentary material or | ||||||
16 | interrogatories,
describe the documents or | ||||||
17 | information requested with specificity.
| ||||||
18 | (E) Shall notify the person of the right to be | ||||||
19 | assisted by
| ||||||
20 | (F) Shall advise that the person has 20 days from | ||||||
21 | the date of
service or up until the return date | ||||||
22 | specified in the demand, whichever
date is earlier, to | ||||||
23 | move, modify, or set aside the subpoena pursuant to
| ||||||
24 | subparagraph (j)(2)(A) of this Section.
| ||||||
25 | (b) Protected material or information.
| ||||||
26 | (1) In general. A subpoena issued
under subsection
(a) |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | may not require the production of any documentary | ||||||
2 | material, the
submission of any answers to written | ||||||
3 | interrogatories, or the giving of any
oral testimony if | ||||||
4 | such material, answers, or testimony would be protected
| ||||||
5 | from disclosure under:
| ||||||
6 | (A) the standards applicable to subpoenas or | ||||||
7 | subpoenas duces tecum
issued by a court of this State | ||||||
8 | to aid in a grand jury
investigation; or
| ||||||
9 | (B) the standards applicable to discovery requests | ||||||
10 | under the Code of
Civil Procedure, to the extent that | ||||||
11 | the application of such standards to
any such subpoena | ||||||
12 | is appropriate and consistent with the
provisions and
| ||||||
13 | purposes of this Section.
| ||||||
14 | (2) Effect on other orders, rules, and laws. Any such | ||||||
15 | subpoena which is
an express demand for any product of | ||||||
16 | discovery supersedes any inconsistent
order, rule, or | ||||||
17 | provision of law (other than this Section) preventing or
| ||||||
18 | restraining disclosure of such product of discovery to any | ||||||
19 | person.
Disclosure of any product of discovery pursuant to | ||||||
20 | any such
does not constitute a waiver of any | ||||||
21 | right or privilege which the person
making such disclosure | ||||||
22 | may be entitled to invoke to resist
discovery of trial | ||||||
23 | preparation materials.
| ||||||
24 | (c) Service in general. Any
subpoena issued under
| ||||||
25 | subsection (a) may be served by any person so authorized by the | ||||||
26 | Attorney
General or by any person authorized
to serve process |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | on individuals within Illinois, through any method
prescribed | ||||||
2 | in the Code of Civil Procedure or as otherwise set forth in | ||||||
3 | this
| ||||||
4 | (d) Service upon legal entities and natural persons.
| ||||||
5 | (1) Legal entities. Service of any subpoena issued
| ||||||
6 | under subsection (a) or of any petition filed under | ||||||
7 | subsection (j) may be
made upon a partnership, | ||||||
8 | corporation, association, or other legal entity by:
| ||||||
9 | (A) delivering an executed copy of such subpoena | ||||||
10 | or
petition to any
partner, executive officer, | ||||||
11 | managing agent, general agent, or registered
agent of | ||||||
12 | the partnership, corporation, association or entity;
| ||||||
13 | (B) delivering an executed copy of such subpoena | ||||||
14 | or
petition to the
principal office or place of | ||||||
15 | business of the partnership, corporation,
association, | ||||||
16 | or entity; or
| ||||||
17 | (C) depositing an executed copy of such subpoena | ||||||
18 | or
petition in the
United States mails by registered | ||||||
19 | or certified mail, with a return receipt
requested, | ||||||
20 | addressed to such partnership, corporation, | ||||||
21 | association, or
entity as its principal office or | ||||||
22 | place of business.
| ||||||
23 | (2) Natural person. Service of any such subpoena or
| ||||||
24 | petition may be made
upon any natural person by:
| ||||||
25 | (A) delivering an executed copy of such subpoena | ||||||
26 | or
petition to the
person; or
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (B) depositing an executed copy of such subpoena | ||||||
2 | or
petition in the
United States mails by registered | ||||||
3 | or certified mail, with a return receipt
requested, | ||||||
4 | addressed to the person at the person's residence or | ||||||
5 | principal
office or place of business.
| ||||||
6 | (e) Proof of service. A verified return by the individual | ||||||
7 | serving any
subpoena issued under subsection (a) or any
| ||||||
8 | petition
filed under subsection (j) setting forth the manner | ||||||
9 | of such service shall
be proof of such service. In the case of | ||||||
10 | service by registered or certified
mail, such return shall be | ||||||
11 | accompanied by the return post office receipt of
delivery of | ||||||
12 | such subpoena.
| ||||||
13 | (f) Documentary material.
| ||||||
14 | (1) Sworn certificates. The production of documentary | ||||||
15 | material in
response to a subpoena served under this
| ||||||
16 | Section shall be
made under a sworn certificate, in such | ||||||
17 | form as the subpoena
designates, by:
| ||||||
18 | (A) in the case of a natural person, the person to | ||||||
19 | whom the subpoena is
directed, or
| ||||||
20 | (B) in the case of a person other than a natural | ||||||
21 | person, a person
having knowledge of the facts and | ||||||
22 | circumstances relating to such
production and | ||||||
23 | authorized to act on behalf of such person.
| ||||||
24 | The certificate shall state that all of the documentary | ||||||
25 | material required
by the demand and in the possession, | ||||||
26 | custody, or control of the person to
whom the subpoena is |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | directed has been produced and made
available to the
| ||||||
2 | Attorney General.
| ||||||
3 | (2) Production of materials. Any person upon whom any | ||||||
4 | subpoena for the production of documentary material has | ||||||
5 | been
served under this Section shall make such material | ||||||
6 | available for inspection
and copying to the Attorney | ||||||
7 | General at
the place designated in the subpoena, or at | ||||||
8 | such other place as the
Attorney General and the person | ||||||
9 | thereafter may agree and
prescribe in writing,
or as the | ||||||
10 | court may direct under subsection (j)(1). Such material | ||||||
11 | shall be
made so available on the return date specified in | ||||||
12 | such subpoena,
or on such
later date as the Attorney | ||||||
13 | General may prescribe in
writing. Such person may,
upon | ||||||
14 | written agreement between the person and the Attorney | ||||||
15 | General, substitute
copies for originals of all or any | ||||||
16 | part of such material.
| ||||||
17 | (g) Interrogatories. Each interrogatory in a subpoena
| ||||||
18 | served under this Section shall be answered separately and | ||||||
19 | fully in writing
under oath and shall be submitted under a | ||||||
20 | sworn certificate, in such form
as the subpoena designates by:
| ||||||
21 | (1) in the case of a natural person, the person to whom | ||||||
22 | the subpoena is
directed, or
| ||||||
23 | (2) in the case of a person other than a natural | ||||||
24 | person, the person or
persons responsible for answering | ||||||
25 | each interrogatory.
| ||||||
26 | If any interrogatory is objected to, the reasons for the |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | objection shall
be stated in the certificate instead of an | ||||||
2 | answer. The certificate shall state
that all information | ||||||
3 | required by the subpoena and in the
possession, custody,
| ||||||
4 | control, or knowledge of the person to whom the demand is | ||||||
5 | directed has been
submitted. To the extent that any | ||||||
6 | information is not furnished, the
information shall be | ||||||
7 | identified and reasons set forth with particularity
regarding | ||||||
8 | the reasons why the information was not furnished.
| ||||||
9 | (h) Oral examinations.
| ||||||
10 | (1) Procedures. The examination of any person pursuant | ||||||
11 | to a subpoena for oral testimony served under this Section | ||||||
12 | shall be
taken before an officer authorized to administer | ||||||
13 | oaths and affirmations by
the laws of this State or of the | ||||||
14 | place where the examination is held. The
officer before | ||||||
15 | whom the testimony is to be taken shall put the witness on
| ||||||
16 | oath or affirmation and shall, personally or by someone | ||||||
17 | acting under the
direction of the officer and in the | ||||||
18 | officer's presence, record the testimony
of the witness. | ||||||
19 | The testimony shall be taken stenographically and shall be
| ||||||
20 | transcribed. When the testimony is fully transcribed, the | ||||||
21 | officer before
whom the testimony is taken shall promptly | ||||||
22 | transmit a certified copy of the
transcript of the | ||||||
23 | testimony in accordance with the instructions of the
| ||||||
24 | Attorney General. This subsection shall not
preclude the | ||||||
25 | taking of testimony by any means authorized by, and in a
| ||||||
26 | manner consistent with, the Code of Civil Procedure.
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Persons present. The investigator conducting the | ||||||
2 | examination shall
exclude from the place where the | ||||||
3 | examination is held all persons except the
person giving | ||||||
4 | the testimony, the attorney for and any other | ||||||
5 | representative of
the person giving the testimony, the | ||||||
6 | attorney for the State, any person who may
be agreed upon | ||||||
7 | by the attorney for the State and the person giving the
| ||||||
8 | testimony, the officer before whom the testimony is to be | ||||||
9 | taken, and any
stenographer taking such testimony.
| ||||||
10 | (3) Where testimony taken. The oral testimony of any | ||||||
11 | person taken
pursuant to a subpoena served under this
| ||||||
12 | Section shall be
taken in the county within which such | ||||||
13 | person resides, is found, or transacts
business, or in | ||||||
14 | such other place as may be
agreed upon by the
Attorney | ||||||
15 | General and such
| ||||||
16 | (4) Transcript of testimony. When the testimony is | ||||||
17 | fully transcribed,
the Attorney General or the officer | ||||||
18 | before whom the
testimony is taken shall
afford the | ||||||
19 | witness, who may be accompanied by counsel, a reasonable
| ||||||
20 | opportunity to review and correct the transcript, in
| ||||||
21 | accordance with the rules applicable to deposition | ||||||
22 | witnesses in
civil cases. Upon payment of reasonable | ||||||
23 | charges, the Attorney General
shall furnish a copy of the | ||||||
24 | transcript to the witness, except that the
Attorney | ||||||
25 | General may, for good cause, limit the witness to | ||||||
26 | inspection
of the official transcript of the witness' |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | testimony.
| ||||||
2 | (5) Conduct of oral testimony.
| ||||||
3 | (A) Any person compelled to appear for oral | ||||||
4 | testimony under a
subpoena issued under subsection (a) | ||||||
5 | may be accompanied,
represented, and advised by | ||||||
6 | counsel, who may raise objections based on
matters of | ||||||
7 | privilege in accordance with the rules applicable to | ||||||
8 | depositions in
civil cases. If such person refuses
to | ||||||
9 | answer any question, a petition may be filed in | ||||||
10 | circuit court under
subsection (j)(1) for an order | ||||||
11 | compelling such person to answer such question.
| ||||||
12 | (B) If such person refuses any question on the | ||||||
13 | grounds of the
privilege against self-incrimination, | ||||||
14 | the testimony of such person may be
compelled in | ||||||
15 | accordance with Article 106 of the Code of Criminal | ||||||
16 | Procedure of
| ||||||
17 | (6) Witness fees and allowances. Any person appearing | ||||||
18 | for oral
testimony under a subpoena issued under
| ||||||
19 | subsection (a)
shall be entitled to the same fees and | ||||||
20 | allowances which are paid to
witnesses in the circuit | ||||||
21 | court.
| ||||||
22 | (i) Custodians of documents, answers, and transcripts.
| ||||||
23 | (1) Designation. The Attorney General or his or her | ||||||
24 | delegate shall serve as custodian of documentary material, | ||||||
25 | answers to
interrogatories, and transcripts of oral | ||||||
26 | testimony received under this
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | (2) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, no
| ||||||
2 | documentary
material, answers to interrogatories, or | ||||||
3 | transcripts of oral testimony, or
copies thereof, while in | ||||||
4 | the possession of the custodian, shall be
available for | ||||||
5 | examination by any individual, except as determined | ||||||
6 | necessary
the Attorney General and subject to the | ||||||
7 | conditions imposed by him or her for
effective enforcement | ||||||
8 | of the laws of this State, or as otherwise provided by
| ||||||
9 | court order.
| ||||||
10 | (3) Conditions for return of material. If any | ||||||
11 | documentary
material has
been produced by any person in | ||||||
12 | the course of any investigation pursuant to
a subpoena | ||||||
13 | under this Section and:
| ||||||
14 | (A) any case or proceeding before the court or | ||||||
15 | grand jury arising out of
such investigation, or any | ||||||
16 | proceeding before any State agency involving
such | ||||||
17 | material, has been completed, or
| ||||||
18 | (B) no case or proceeding in which such material | ||||||
19 | may be used has been
commenced within a reasonable | ||||||
20 | time after completion of the examination and
analysis | ||||||
21 | of all documentary material and other information | ||||||
22 | assembled in the
course of such investigation,
| ||||||
23 | the custodian shall, upon written request of the person | ||||||
24 | who produced such
material, return to such person any such | ||||||
25 | material which has not passed into the
control of any | ||||||
26 | court, grand jury, or agency through introduction into the
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | record of such case or proceeding.
| ||||||
2 | (j) Judicial proceedings.
| ||||||
3 | (1) Petition for enforcement. Whenever any
person | ||||||
4 | fails to comply with any subpoena
issued under
subsection | ||||||
5 | (a), or whenever satisfactory copying or reproduction of | ||||||
6 | any
material requested in such demand cannot be done and | ||||||
7 | such person refuses to
surrender such material, the | ||||||
8 | Attorney General may file, in the circuit
court of any | ||||||
9 | county in which such person resides, is found, or | ||||||
10 | transacts
business, or the circuit court of the county in | ||||||
11 | which an action filed
pursuant to Section 4 of this Act is | ||||||
12 | pending if the action relates to the
subject matter of the | ||||||
13 | subpoena and serve upon such person a petition for an
| ||||||
14 | order of such court
for the enforcement of the subpoena.
| ||||||
15 | (2) Petition to modify or set aside subpoena.
| ||||||
16 | (A) Any person who has
received a subpoena issued | ||||||
17 | under subsection
(a) may
file, in the circuit court of | ||||||
18 | any county within which such person resides,
is found, | ||||||
19 | or transacts business, and serve upon the Attorney | ||||||
20 | General a petition for an order of the court to modify | ||||||
21 | or set aside
such subpoena. In the case of a petition | ||||||
22 | addressed to an express
demand for
any product of | ||||||
23 | discovery, a petition to modify or set aside such | ||||||
24 | demand
may be brought only in the circuit court of the | ||||||
25 | county in which the
proceeding in which such discovery | ||||||
26 | was obtained is or was last pending. Any
petition |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | under this subparagraph (A) must be filed:
| ||||||
2 | (i) within 20 days after the date of service | ||||||
3 | of the subpoena, or at any time before the return | ||||||
4 | date specified in
the subpoena, whichever date is | ||||||
5 | earlier, or
| ||||||
6 | (ii) within such longer period as may be | ||||||
7 | prescribed in writing by
the Attorney General.
| ||||||
8 | (B) The petition shall specify each ground upon | ||||||
9 | which the petitioner
relies in seeking relief under | ||||||
10 | subparagraph (A), and may be based upon any
failure of | ||||||
11 | the subpoena to comply with the provisions of this
| ||||||
12 | Section or upon
any constitutional or other legal | ||||||
13 | right or privilege of such person. During
the pendency | ||||||
14 | of the petition in the court, the court may stay, as it | ||||||
15 | deems
proper, the running of the time allowed for | ||||||
16 | compliance with the subpoena, in
whole or in part, | ||||||
17 | except that the person filing the petition shall | ||||||
18 | comply
with any portion of the subpoena not sought to | ||||||
19 | be modified or
set aside.
| ||||||
20 | (3) Petition to modify or set aside demand for product | ||||||
21 | of
discovery. In the case of any subpoena issued under
| ||||||
22 | subsection (a)
which is an express demand for any product | ||||||
23 | of discovery, the person from
whom such discovery was | ||||||
24 | obtained may file, in the circuit court of the
county in | ||||||
25 | which the proceeding in which such discovery was obtained | ||||||
26 | is or
was last pending, a petition for an order of such |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | court
to modify or set aside those portions of the | ||||||
2 | subpoena requiring
production of
any such product of | ||||||
3 | discovery, subject to the same terms, conditions, and
| ||||||
4 | limitations set forth in subparagraph (j)(2) of this | ||||||
5 | Section.
| ||||||
6 | (4) Jurisdiction. Whenever any petition is filed in | ||||||
7 | any
circuit court
under this subsection (j), such court | ||||||
8 | shall have jurisdiction to hear and
determine the matter | ||||||
9 | so presented, and to enter such orders as may
be required | ||||||
10 | to carry out the provisions of this Section. Any final | ||||||
11 | order so
entered shall be subject to appeal in the same | ||||||
12 | manner as appeals of other
final orders in civil matters. | ||||||
13 | Any disobedience of any final order entered
under this | ||||||
14 | Section by any court shall be punished as a contempt of the | ||||||
15 | court.
| ||||||
16 | (k) Disclosure exemption. Any documentary material, | ||||||
17 | answers to written
interrogatories, or oral testimony provided | ||||||
18 | under any subpoena issued under subsection (a) shall be exempt | ||||||
19 | from disclosure under
the Illinois Administrative Procedure | ||||||
20 | Act.
| ||||||
21 | (Source: P.A. 96-1304, eff. 7-27-10.)
| ||||||
22 | (740 ILCS 175/8) (from Ch. 127, par. 4108)
| ||||||
23 | Sec. 8. Funds; Grants.
| ||||||
24 | (a) There is hereby created the State Whistleblower Reward | ||||||
25 | and Protection
Fund to be held outside of the State Treasury |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | with the State Treasurer as custodian. All proceeds of an | ||||||
2 | action or
settlement of a claim brought under this Act shall be | ||||||
3 | deposited in the Fund. Any attorneys' fees, expenses, and | ||||||
4 | costs paid by or awarded against any defendant pursuant to | ||||||
5 | Section 4 of this Act shall not be considered part of the | ||||||
6 | proceeds to be deposited in the Fund.
| ||||||
7 | (b) For all cases settled before October 1, 2023, monies | ||||||
8 | Monies in the Fund shall be allocated as
follows: One-sixth of | ||||||
9 | the monies shall be paid to the Attorney General Whistleblower | ||||||
10 | Reward and Protection Fund, which is hereby created as a | ||||||
11 | special fund in the State Treasury, and
one-sixth of the | ||||||
12 | monies shall be paid to the State Police Whistleblower Reward | ||||||
13 | and Protection Fund, which is hereby created as a special fund | ||||||
14 | in the State Treasury, for
State law enforcement purposes. The | ||||||
15 | remaining two-thirds of the monies in
the Fund shall be used | ||||||
16 | for payment of awards to Qui Tam
plaintiffs and as otherwise | ||||||
17 | specified in
this Act, with any remainder to the General | ||||||
18 | Revenue Fund. The Attorney General shall direct the State | ||||||
19 | Treasurer to make
disbursement of funds.
| ||||||
20 | (c) For all cases settled on or after October 1, 2023, | ||||||
21 | monies in the Fund shall be allocated as
follows: One-third of | ||||||
22 | the monies shall be paid to the Attorney General Whistleblower | ||||||
23 | Reward and Protection Fund. The remaining two-thirds of the | ||||||
24 | monies in
the Fund shall be used for payment of awards to Qui | ||||||
25 | Tam
plaintiffs and as otherwise specified in
this Act, with | ||||||
26 | any remainder to the General Revenue Fund. The Attorney |
| |||||||
| |||||||
1 | General shall direct the State Treasurer to make
disbursement | ||||||
2 | of funds. | ||||||
3 | (Source: P.A. 101-148, eff. 7-26-19.)".