KS Legislation | 2021-2022 | Regular Session | Bills

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SB480FailProhibiting public utilities from recovering any dues, donations or contributions to any charitable or social organization or entity through customer rates.
Senate Died in Committee
SB499FailRequiring a second student count for virtual school enrollment, increasing certain virtual school state aid amounts and providing for additional state aid for certain students who transfer to virtual schools.
Senate Died in Committee
SB518FailEnacting the Kansas reliable energy investment protection act, requiring the KPERS board to divest from investments with entities boycotting energy companies and prohibiting state contracts with companies boycotting energy companies.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2424FailAmending the definition of "race" in the Kansas act against discrimination to include traits historically associated with race, including hair texture and protective hairstyles.
House Died in Committee
SB420FailAllowing victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring a civil action for recovery of damages caused by such abuse at any time and reviving claims against any party for such damages that occurred on or after July 1, 1984.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2573FailUpdating income eligibility requirements for the state children's health insurance program and eliminating the waiting period for certain persons to participate in the program.
House Died in Committee
HB2485FailProviding for a sales tax exemption for sales made by student organizations that contract with schools.
House Died in Committee
SB391FailRequiring the secretary of state and county election officers to develop a ballot system showing the number of years an incumbent has served in the office.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2339FailExpanding the crime of election tampering to include changing or altering votes cast, manipulating computer hardware or software or vote tabulation methods or producing false vote totals.
Senate Died in Senate Committee
HB2041FailProviding that workers compensation benefits for workers who are receiving social security or retirement benefits at the time of an accident are not reduced due to the receipt of the social security or retirement benefits.
House Died in Committee
SB111FailAllowing a Kansas itemized deduction for wagering losses for income tax purposes.
Senate Died in Committee
SB353FailEstablishing certain setback and construction requirements for wind energy facilities and certain operating conditions for existing wind energy facilities.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2216FailEstablishing maximum towing rates and standard procedures for wrecker and towing services.
House Died in Committee
HB2217FailExcluding the additional 90-day wait period and providing for the elimination and delay of payment for certain fees for restricted driving privileges.
House Died in Committee
SB387FailReinstating social worker applicant option for board-approved postgraduate supervised experience and allowing master's and clinical level licensees to take baccalaureate addiction counselor test.
Senate Died on General Orders
SB456FailRegarding the teacher service scholarship program; making and concerning appropriations for the program for fiscal years ending June 30, 2023, June 30, 2024, June 30, 2025, June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, for the state board of regents to fund such...
Senate Died in Committee
HB2034FailRequiring that purchases of property and construction of buildings by townships are subject to protest petition and election procedure.
House Died in Committee
SB280FailModifying the distribution of the levy on fire insurance business premiums to the state fire marshal fee fund, the emergency medical services operating fund and the fire service training program fund.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2743FailEnacting the covert firearms act and establishing criminal penalties for the possession, manufacture, distribution, transportation, shipping or receiving of certain firearms or components.
House Died in Committee
HB2434FailRequiring business entities and public employers to register and use the e-verify program for employment purposes and disallowing certain income tax deductions.
House Died in Committee
HB2445FailProviding for a property tax exemption for health clubs.
House Died in Committee
SB324FailEstablishing procedures that may be used to void or terminate leases or easements for electricity generation using wind or solar energy resources.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2252PassProhibiting the modification of election laws by agreement except as approved by the legislative coordinating council.
Senate Motion to override veto prevailed; Yea: 27 Nay: 10
HB2583FailProviding an annual KPERS cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) on the occurrence of certain investment returns and increases to the consumer price index as certified by the KPERS board or executive director as designated by the board.
House Died in Committee
SB525FailRequiring at least 65% of moneys provided by the state to be expended in the classroom or for instruction.
Senate Died in Committee
SB559FailLimiting the liability of optometrists and ophthalmologists who report information to the division of vehicles relating to a person's vision.
Senate Died in Committee
SB153FailEstablishing election procedures for the imposition of term limits on members of the board of county commissioners.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2557FailProhibiting the denial of a petition for expungement of a juvenile offense due to the petitioner's inability to pay outstanding costs, fees, fines or restitution and authorizing expungement if the juvenile has not committed an offense in the previous...
House Died in Committee
SB439FailRequiring a county election officer to send a confirmation of address when there is no election-related activity for any four calendar year period.
House Died in House Committee
SB320FailMaking and concerning appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for the department of corrections; appropriating moneys that had been lapsed in fiscal year 2021 in the evidence-based programs account.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2337FailCreating a misdemeanor for causing an injury to a vulnerable road user.
House Died in Committee
SB428FailExtending the time frame for governmental ethics commission hearings once probable cause is found and allowing federal officials to assist commission investigations.
Senate Died on General Orders
SB498FailEstablishing the animal facilities inspection program under the supervision of the secretary of agriculture.
Senate Died in Committee
SB516FailProviding for sales tax exemption for hygiene products.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2154FailAuthorizing the department of education to contract with a private vendor to install and operate school bus cameras.
House Died on Calendar
HB2169FailProviding for the proud educator license distinctive license plate and decreasing the plate commitment prior to production.
House Died in Committee
SB114FailAllowing governmental entities and self-insurers to reject uninsured motorist and personal injury coverage.
Senate Died in Committee
SB140FailUpdating membership and requirements of the Kansas state employees health care commission to better reflect the current population of individuals eligible to participate in the state healthcare benefits program.
Senate Died in Committee
SB371FailRevoking authority to suspend driving privileges for the nonpayment of fines from traffic citations.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2242FailIncreasing the percentage amount the state fire marshal may levy on fire insurance company premiums caused by fire business being transacted in Kansas.
House Died in Committee
HB2250FailExpanding newborn screening services and increasing transfers of moneys to the Kansas newborn screening fund.
House Died on Calendar
HB2340FailIncreasing the minimum age to 21 to purchase or possess cigarettes and tobacco products.
Senate Died in Senate Committee
HB2668FailProhibiting certain restrictions on freedom of worship by governmental entities and public officials, limiting related state of disaster emergency powers of the governor and state of local disaster emergency powers of counties and cities and limiting...
House Died in Committee
SB477FailRequiring the state corporation commission to provide certain information upon request to customers of a board of public utilities.
Senate Died in Committee
HB2406FailSunday start time for the sale of alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage in retail stores changed from 12 noon to 9 a.m.
Senate Died in Senate Committee
HB2729FailEstablishing a property tax exemption for 50% of the first $200,000 in assessed value of homesteads of individuals 65 years of age and older and establishing the property tax refund fund.
House Died in Committee
SB360FailEnacting the Kansas assistance animals in housing act.
Senate Died in Committee
SB137FailExpanding the military spouse and service member’s expedited licensure law to all applicants who have established or intend to establish residency in Kansas, providing for licenses in an emergency declared by the legislature, allowing telemedicine ...
Senate Died in Committee
HB2272FailDelaying distribution of certain property taxes paid under protest and requiring certain information on protested or exempt property taxes to be provided to local taxing jurisdictions.
House Died on Calendar
SB393FailRequiring school districts to annually publish on the internet a list of learning materials and activities used for student instruction at each school of the school district and providing a penalty for violations thereof.
Senate Died in Committee
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